U Davidson (21 00; M L. Elliott »2100; E. Gordlnlsr »2100; M J. Allan 89 00 A J. Ranfn. 716»*; JULY, 1882 Pacific Telephone A Tel Co $8 20; NO TICK IH IIEH K B Y G IVKN AD VERTISING : Guard Publish T lial thè underaigned. uè aaecutora West $*ub Ci. $600; M. K M< of thè basi W III aud Tealanient ol Illg Co. 882 60; Mprlngfleld News Dermott $16 00; C. C. P o ll» k 186 70. $6 66; Shelton, T u rn liilllF iille- lloau I, Bu< he, deceaand. li uve flled ARHEHMOH Htwlla ('. Wilkinson 9110(10, H N Appling $121 00; Os thelr account for thè final setti« meni of aald decedent'a * tate In »110 00; Agnes O'Brien 8130 00; burn Hotel $7100. Thim S Wells lite County Court of lame County, tier I ha N«»l 880 00; Adelaide I. $48.00; We lern Union Co. 78r Oregon, and that Halurdag, tba Carter 846.00; James A lex-aerble CORONER Westem Union 64<- I2th day of Auguet, 1833, al ' thè ItiUOO; Carl Hopkins 964 00; l-ane V. Simon $4260; Brsnali-tter Court Koom of aald Court In thè t o Abstract Co 920000; Parlfh ,, Impel $65.00. FOR MALE— Fine view lot. W II County Court House, In Elisene at Telephone Co. 87 26; Cresaeya 80c; C LERK : S E Skene $150 00: L. P Markuaon 9I3OOO, ttllei lamette Heights, 115000. Tarma t»n o'rlock In Ih» forenoog, haa II M Bryson 9130 00; Eva L. Duck J2S I ,,B* n flsed by aald Court ae thè Petty 9160 00. Telephone 201* W Eugene $120 00; Sibyl Westfall 'ime and place for hearing objec BOUNTY C. E. Damewoori worth ito n e thereto, and for thè Metile 91000; II. E Cook 93.00, L D $111100; Grace M, L. Dawson N O T IC K T O C R E D IT O R * 1 unni thereof. Ream 93 00. Glen G Hcott 914 00; $120 00; Helen Horenaon $100.00; John Morefleld »100; Robert Hat Hara Allen $100 00, M E MrDer Nolle« la hereby given that the $10600: Ethel Thw npw n FRED FIHK. Held 84 00; James Feurgeaon tnoll undersigned Gladys J. W alker haa $86 00; Pattv Mylvera $100 00; G ILB ER T ZACHRK. Eiecutora 920 00; Jack Fountain 92 00 been appointed by the County of the Last W III and Testament CARE OF POOR Mrs. J C Ken Mabel Henry 9100.00; Business Court of Ijin e County, Oregon, by of Rose I,. Martin, deceased ne<|y 93 00; Mr*. M M Htas 96 00; Equipment Co. $11 54; Pacific Tel Ila order dated June 171b. 111,12. aa L. L. HAY. Attorney for E-date Mrs M J Beckett 96 00; Jesse C A Tel Co. 916.33; Rempe Mfg Co. udm lnlatratrll of tba aetata ol (J 14 21 2* - A 4 111 Collage Grove Sentinel Jones 9600; Mrs E A White 91 76; (Hann H Walker, deceased. All par 94 00. C II keep 96 00; W H. De $28 00; Cressey* 97.20; L. E Nath- aona having claims again*I aald 9*. van 96 00; W. W Lyons 96 00; anaon $6 06, Remington Rand Inc. N O T IC K O F S H E R IF F * * KALK late ara hereby notified to preaanl Merab Wlgle 68 00; Jess» Taylor 92.69 Ilia aania. duly verified, to the aald Notice la hereby given that by CO UN TY COURT: Pacific Tel A administratrix, at the office of Fred virtue of an execution and order 88 00; Frank Maaon 88 00; Mrs. Tel Co 912 46; C. P. Barnurd »3 46; H a llie Morford 98 00; Mrs Mary C EHiiltti attorney nt l«W, 4460 of sale Issued out of the Circuit 88 00; Forrest Fischer (). E Crowe $8.26; Mrs. Martha Miner building, Eugene, Oregon, Court of the »lat» of Oregon for W ilbur 68 00. Ruth Hawk 98 00; Mrs. E C. I ’lalh 6400; J. N Chapman »4 00; within ala inlnlba from the dale at Lane County, June 38, 1832, upon Western Union 42c; Mmllb A W at­ Roll 98.00; Mrs. Nettle Haling the flrat publication of thia notice and pursuant to a decree duly given kins 92 7»; (>. E. Crowe $10.10; 98 00. Nell M ilkm aid 9800; Isaac GLADYH J. W ALKER. Admin aud made by said Court June 27. Equipment Goff 98 00. Elizabeth P. Chandler Earl Luckey $2.00. latra trig. 1832, In a suit pending therein In 98 00; Lulu Gaddy 88 00; L. H Mul­ 914 83 EKKI) E. S M IT H , Attorney for COURT HOUSE: City of Eugene which W. If. Ehlen and H arriett key 81000; Mrs Peter A. King Adnilnielratrla M Ehlen were plaintiffs and Ma 91000; C. K. Adams 81000; Adda $7192; J N. Nelson $3 00; A. O. (Ju 7 14 21 28 - A 4) Belle. Balahlser and others were Rli-menachoelder 910.00; George Beymer $14.50; H. C. Oleasei defendants, which egecullon aud Mnvage 810 00; Mrs. R E. Cox $23 76; C. C. Pollock $49.74; J. B. N O T IC K order of sale waa Io me directed 910 00. Andrew Erickson 910 00; Robertson $109 74; Eugene Robert O F F IN A L K K T T L K M K N T and commanded me to sell the real Florence Armstrong 610.00; Grace son $74.74; A. E. Hanson A Co. Notice la hereby given that the property described therein and Bennett 910.00; Mrs. Husan Buttle $17 25; Bray Bros $4 50; Eugene undersigned Egecutor and Ksecu hereinafter deacrlbed, to aatlafy 61000 Henry Bolin 91000; Frank W ater Hoard 968.99; Hall A Shum trig of the Ealate of Mary K Jew the Judgment aud decree given In Bullls 81000; R. I*. Becker >10.00; wsy $8 00; Eugene Hardware Co. Stanley Zlolkoskl $100; ■ •It deceased, have filed their Final >ald suit. I will, on Haturday, the Flora Snyder 910 00; Benjamin $800; Report and Account aa auch with 30th day of July, 1833, at the hour Parrish 81000; Mrs. Richard Cook Clarke Electric Co. 91.60; H A. Babb Hdwe Co. 69c; J W Quacken the Cuunty Clerk of I,ane County, on one o'clock P M at the south­ 910 00; E. L, Pharea 910 00; Della Oregon, and that Haturday. the 30th west door of the County Court Kllnk 910 00; Mullnda Smith |10.00; bush A Son 76<-; Marvel Window day of July, 1931, at the hour of House In Eugene, Ijrne County, Mrs. James Gearhart 810.00; H. 8, Cleaner $2 26; A. O. Beymer $21.00; ten o'clock In the forenoon. In the Oregon, offer for sale and sell at N ic h o ls 912 00; W T. Davis 912.00; The Bnmdway $4 60; Allens Drug County Court Boom In the Court public auction for cash, subject to Jennie Rarnard >12.00; Central Store 80<-; Slate Ind Accident Com. llouee at Eugene. In l^tne County, redemption as provided by law. all Hole) 81200; Bertha Blais 914 00; $3.99. D ISTR IC T A TTO R N EY: Pacific Oregon, tian lie« u h i I by the lion of the right, title and Internal of the Edith McCune 916.00; VYancea C. I*. Barnard. Judge of aald Court, defendants In aald suit and of all 91600; Helen Bushnell 91600; W Tel A Tel Co. $10.30; Valley Print­ iu> I he time and place for hearing parties claiming by, through or un­ I). Calkins 916.00; C. E. Denney ing Co. 968J5; Stevens Typew riter Maine, and for the final settlement der them or any of them In or to 91600; Mabel Goodman »20.00; R. Co. $3 50; Gladys F. Price $110.00; V Slattery $200.00; Valley the following described real pro­ C. Mhepard 916.00; M S Barker E of aald estate. N. »C O TT JE W E T T . Egecutor. perty. to-wit: 91600; E D. lei well 91600; Julius Printing Co. $11.00; Alta King The eaat Ninety (80) feet of A. Gruw 816 00; Mrs. Alice O. Allen $14 45; Cresseys $2800; Western CLARA A MORROW. Egecu Lot One (1) Block Two (2) In 616 00; W aller Baker 816 00; A W. Union $1.37; Kokek'hapman O d . trig John Christian's Addition 1« Eu Perkins 916 00; J. L. Kelly 916.00; »1.46. W E I.I,» A W E LL », Altorneya. EM ERGENCY: C. P Applwnan gene. Lane County, Oregon. (J 10 Ju 7 14 21 KM) Minnie O Mmllb 816.00; Chris V. Col. Internal Revenue Dated tbla 28th day of June, Tollman 91600; Edith Hurd 916.00; (24 00; 1832 N O T IC K Mrs H L. Anderson 820.00; Netta »60 00; Lane Co. Abstract Co. »219 10; M artin B Tengs »4.10; H O F F IN A L K K T T L K M K N T II. L BOWN. Mberlff. Hartman 920 00; Good Samaritan Nutlce la hereby given that Frank W ELLS A W ELLS, Attorneys Hospital 92600; Bertha A. Peery Clum »12 50; E. J. Frasier »5.00; (J. 30- Ju 7 14 21 28) B Itanilln, administrator of the ee 926 00, 8. W infrey 826 00; Red Arthur 8 Benson »1000; Carl E. ta le of Creaalda W Hamlin, de­ Cross 9100.00; Mra. O. Huffman Smith »26 00; R A Flick »11.60; ceased. haa filed hie final account 913.26; Eugene W ater Board 91-16; P. H Keeler »47.13; Clement L. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S BALE In Iho County Court of Ijin e County, N A Rowe 98 00; Mrs. K. W Shel­ Royds »1 90; A. L. Morgan »4.00; Oregon, and that aald court haa aet NO TIC E IM HER EBY G IVEN by 9300; K. W Mathew* 816 00; John W. Moss »6.30; Leo Decker aa the time and place for the final that by virtue of an egecutlon and i Mrs. C. M Brown 8#00; C. P. No. »50 00- W. E. Ftnser A Co. »1.05; settlement of said estate Saturday, order of sale Issued out of the Cla- ; 64 Am I-eglon 823.00; Mr*. M L. R. A. Babb Hdwe Co. »16.1»; »• J- August 20th, 1632. at 10 O'Clock In cull Court of the Btate of Oregon, Canady 94.60; Mra. John Nokes Godard »1.87: W B Dillard »1.00; I he forenoon of aald day at the fur lathe County, Oregon. June' 88.00; Florence Hendershott 83.76; Tom Flippin »10.00; The Brund County Court room In the Court­ 27th, 1832. pursuant to a decree en-j Ore Ml Hili for Deaf 8892; C. C. Saw Shop »2 70; J. W King »10.00; house Io Eugene. Oregon, where all '• r- -I by said t'ourl N June 21. Hinton 916.00; Ml States Power Co J W Rust »10 00; Geo. T. H all 60c; penona Interested may. appear at 1832. In a ault pending wherein J ¡ 8100; Frank Bullls 910.00; H. G. J W Duvllle »689; A. W. Lytle aald time and file objections, If A Henderson and Jane Henderson Wesby 81 00; O. H. Haugann 92.40; $21.48; J. B. Lathrope $11.20; A. L. any they have. were plaintiffs and George H Es ¡ George Clark 9149; Helen Bush­ McKlllop 815.66; Jack Reynolds FRANK II H A M LIN . Adminis­ gale and 1-enors L Esgate were de : nell 816.00; Bernard Flynn 810.00; 87 44; Homer Mills »14.84; E. Kin­ trator. fondants. said egecutlon and order M l. Stales Power Co. 83.20; Char­ caid »7 20; Chas Evans »7 60; L. C. I M I'KTERRON. Attorney for of «ale Itel ng to me directed and I lotte H Stein 816.00; K. M Lee Carthwrlght »3.60; L. W illiams Estate. commanded me In sell the herein­ 82 50; O. V Breese 94.60; Mrs. L. 917 44; Peck Courtwrlght »4 00; (Ju 21-38—- A «11-18) after described real property to - E Rogers 810.00; V. G A Lulu Bert Duke »12.49; R. E H ill »21.54; »7.53; satisfy Ihe sum of 81000 00 with In­ Houre 9149.60; Clair A Iva Murlock W alter Bushong Lbr Co. terest thereon at Ihe rate of 7% I 989.40; Preston Hoare 98 94; E. M. Hall A Shumway »7 40; Carl M N O T IC K OF F IN A L H K A R IN O Price »3.40; Gertrude L. Skew Notice la hereby given that Hans per annum from May 21. 1831 until Jackson 82.98; Uidney A Safely 966 43; H. O. Wesby $30.00; L. Toll 82117; W illis H Small Feed Co. paid and Ihe further sum of 8126 00 llerlelaen. administrator of the •»- $317.56; Zellerbach Paper Co. 86.66 late of Harry II Manville, has filed attorney's fees and for rosta and 920.26; Haskells Grocery 963.29; EL E C T IO N : E. Prtndel *3.84; Tiffany-Davis Co 8100.67; Pacific disbursements of suit taxed at In the county court, hla final ac Frank Casteel 82.60; L. C. Akerley Christian Hospital 8630.48; Eugene 123.26. I will on Friday the 28th day , count aa auch administrator, and 85.00: Atf W alker $6.00; Anna Dil­ Ihut the rourt has filed ten o'clock of July. 1832 nt the hour of 14:94 Hospital 8228 86; Puritan Drug Co. lard Huberd 866.00. 931.36; »tevensons 93.14; Keros o’-lock A. M at the front door of A. M of Friday. Aug 18. 1832. at F R U IT INSPECTO R. C. E Stew the chambers of the Court In the Ihe County Court House In Eugene, 88.70; Mrs. Lillian Van Darwlck art $84.21; E J. Loucks $45.04; 912.00; Ketels Drug Store 82.30; Lane County. Oregon, offer for -ale court-house In Ibe city of Eugene. State Ind Accident Com. $1.15. Oiegou, aa the time and place when and sell at public auction for rash I Crown Drug Store 84.15; Flanerys H E A L T H O FFIC E: Lane Co. said account shall come on for ex- to the highest bidder, subject to re-1 Drug Store 60c; R. A. Babb ltd we Health U nit 8737.50. ainltiatloh and allowance. All per­ demptlon aa provided by law all the | Co. 830 24; Mrs. A. E. Erickson IN D IG E N T SO LDIER: Mrs. sona destrlug to object to the same right, title nnd Interest of the afore­ 920.00; Mrs. L. B. Rogers 8* 00; Eu­ Thomas R Follett 825.00; Mrs. may appear at aald time and place said defendants and each of them, gene Fruit Gr. Assn. 11.00; Puritan Cells Messer $26 00, Henrik Peter Quacken and all persons claiming by Drug Co. 910.16; J. W and be heard. son $10.00; Henry O Guild 810.00 HANS I1ERTEL8EN , Admr. ) through or under them, the follow­ bush A Son *13.13; Mt. States Ore. St. Br. of Control »187 89: E ing described real property, to-wlt: Power Co. 813 71; Newman Fish M. I) A LLEN. Attorney for 83.16; McMorran A Wash- L. Zimmerman »5.00; A. O. " all r Beginning al a point on the Mkl Estate. West line of led No. 16 of Ihe hurtie 817.29; W illiam Burke 910.00; 91000; McMorraig A Washburne (Ju 21-28— A 4-11 ) Plat of Nnraton as platted and re­ Irish Cash Store 8150; Walters 866.26. JU STIC E COURT: Dan John corded In Book 4. page 79. I.ane Bushong Lbr. Co. 82c; Simmons Co. County records of Plats. 6.41 chs 92 68; Gravs Feed A Seed 8tore ston 8100 00: Franklin Ptg. Co. S. 0 deg 22 Min. W from Ihe 93 60; Karl Bolton 92.00; J. V Rich 815.64- Dan Johnstone 8«l-2O; W. Northwest corner of sold lot No 92 34; N. Scott Jewett 88.1C; W. A. T. Hibbard »1.10; M Ethel Taylor 16. and running thence along the Godlove 81 40; Pioneer Grocery Co. *1 10; Helen Sylvester »1.10; Pern West line of Lot No. 16. S O deg 816 10; West Disinfecting Co. $5.75; Henderson »1.10; W H. Schroder 22 min W 9 91 chains, thence City W ater Work« - Coburg $1.60; 91.10; H. H. Wood »1.10; Wm Havi­ JBWELEK 8. 88 deg 39 min. F parallel to Eugene Ambulance Co. $28.75; W il­ land 91.80; J. L. Gardner 81 60; R the south line of said led No 16, liams General Store $3 66; Elliott B Wilcox 81-60; H. T. Gallagher Repairing a Specialty 8 10 chs.. thence N. 0 deg. 22 min Imp A Seed Store $23.10; A. E. 81.60; E. B. Kingman *1.10; C. F Springfield, Oregon E parallel to the West line of Wheeler $30.00; Eugene Hdwe Co. Andrews »1.10; Ellen H ill »1.10; M. said I^ot No. 16. 10.R6 chs to the $1.26; Dr. W. B Lee $6.00; Mrg. C. Svarverud »1.10; Fern Henderson North line of said Lot No. 16; J. Lewis $2.00; Legion Cafe $4.00; »1.10; B. W. Perry »1.30; Florence thence along Ihe North line of Red Cross $29.76; Shell OR Co. Ludlow »160; Fred Ludlow »1.60; Or. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN said le d N. 66 deg 17 min. W $24 12; Mr M. C. Harris $6.00; A. John L. Marsh »6 10: J. E. Young Naturopathic Fhyalelan . , 1.61 chs. thence N 64 deg. 46 min B Downs $6 40; Hansons Dairy »7.00 J U V E N IL E COURT: John L. Phons 814 W 4.17 chs. thence » 10 deg 38 $5.40; Amo» Yoder »2.40; Spring min W 6.07 chs. thence N. 64 field Creamery Co. »16.36; Clarence Marsh »59.74; Slate Ind. Accident Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. deg. 46 min. W 3.69 chs. to the Alford »8 80; Cottage Or W ater Com $1.(1. SCHOOL S U P E R IN T E N D E N T : 4M Fourth Btreet place of beginning containing System »3.00; Mrs. Bristow »16 00; Grocery »6 6»; James E. J. Moore »5.40; Laurence C. Mof­ 10.00 acres of land, all In led No Kolkera 16. Plat of Noraton. Lane County. Christensen »12 90; Dunhams »1.6»; fitt »194.60: Margaret Cutler »86.00; E C. Hart Dairy »8.10; Guy N. Irm a H Stroud »90 00. W . E Fin Oregon. O n e ra i l-aw ITactlce Beginning at the corner of Sec­ Lyons »2.50; Farmers Union 8tore ter A Co. Inc »9.64; Business Equipment Co. »7 60» Extension tions 7. 8. 17 and 18. Township 16, »18.63; Irish Self Serv Store »32.41; I. M. PETERSON South Range 4 Weal. W illamette Halls Fruit A Produce Co. »67.06; Service O. S. C. »5.60; Pacific Tel A Tel Co. »10.06; Zellerbach Paper Attorney at-Ijaw Meridian. Oregon, and running Johnson A Norffslnger »16.76; Ol­ thence West 6.00 chs. thence sons Grocery »27 50, A. B. Cochran Co. 50c; Springfield News »120; City Hall Building North 6.60 chs to the Northwest »1 40; A E. Sharp »7.92; Williams Cresseys »4.70; D. K Yoran P. M. Mprlnyfleld, Oregon corner of Lot 12 of the Plat of Bakery 35c; Mrs C. B. Christensen »3596 S H E R IF F : Lloyd Howe »139.74; Noraton as platted nnd recorded »15 00 Wyatts Grocery »4.82; John In Book 4. page 79 letne County M Durham »6.00; Safeway Store Geo. F. Houghton »124.74; E. A. Records of Plats, thence North »14.80; Belvedere Hotel »1.50; Mer­ Holland »134 74; Weltha T rafiet FRANK A. DE PUE »104.00; Ethel Scott »90.00; A. E along Ihe West boundary of led win-. General Store »12.70; Wm A T TO R N E Y A T LAW No. 14 of aald plat 17.00 cha Maddaugh »6.91; Pedersons Qro- Hulegaard »124 74; W W. Edmls ton »124.74: R W Potter »109.7«; more or leaa to a point 6 19 chs. eery »20 59; Pay 'N T aklt »146.60; N O T A R Y P U B L IC south of the northwest corner Broadway Mkl »86.12; Irish Cash J. E. Carllle »149.50; Geo. Canady »124 70; Wm. Klslnger »99.70; Pa­ Button Springfield of said lot 14, thence Eaat 7.86 Store »271.12. Irish Murphy Co. chs. to the middle of the County »170 36; W alter Price Inc. »18.31; cific Tel A Tel Co »63.55; Slgman Building Oregon Road on the Northern boundary A R. Sneed »66 72; Safeway Store Fell Insurance Co. »10.00; Vic Cas- of Lot No. 14 of said Plat of No. 547 »77.80; W. A. Taylor »76 47; tleman »10.00; H. L. Bown »26.43; Noraton. thence along the mid E. W Scott* Grocery »14.79; E. B. John Reid »2 99. Eugene W ater die of the County Rond 8. 44 deg Baldwin »555; Red Cross »70.83; Board »25.97; Irish Cash Store 20 min. E. 4 01 chs thence N. 89 F A A Market »3.75; Fred L. Shep­ »67 5»; N W Cities Oas Co. »6.12; deg. 36 min. W. 6.66 cha. to the ard »3.17; Cushman A HUI »14.00; Reids Creamery »26.18; L. H. Jea line between Section 7 and 8 of Oeumpaugh Bros. »42.11; Ralnrock sen »12.90; Jarsolan Gorski »2.00. said Township thence 8. 0 deg. Service Station »3.00; W illiams A Crystal Ice Co. »6 00; Pioneer Gro­ 26 min. W. along Ihe Section line Oilman »33.68; D. R. Henderson cery Co. »73.4»; Howard Auto Co. »136.00: New Home Bakery »27.73; Formerly Walker-Pool* 19.42 cha. more or leaa to the »7.15 J. F Lamson »4.80; George Orousbeck Edward Ixtkesonen (22.02; Carl place of beginning, containing Shrull »3.66; V. E Baker Film Shop »10.40; J E. Car- 12.7s acres of land all In Plat of »11.10; E. W Wendt »10.00; 1. Bric- KUOENE— 11th S P R IN G F IE L D Noraton. Lane County, Oregon. ket »4 10; Guy M. Lyons »1.26; lll<9 *2.«Q. O- B Pitcher »L10; and Charuelton, 228 Main Beginning at a point In the Hazen Struckmeler »8.16; B. F. Mc­ Swift A Co. »61.13. R. A. Babb Hardware Co. »4.5»; Cresaeya »8.56; Telephone 723 I'bone 42-J middle of Ihe County Road at the Collum »11.01; Vmphrey A Macktn 11 L. Bown. Sheriff »41.57: L. E. Northeast corner of led No. 16 of $26.02; Eugene Farmers Creamery the Plat of Noraton as platted »50.66; HI way Grocery »20.00; The Nathanaon »11.03; Western Union and recorded In Book 4. page 79 Oroeeterla »15.61; Haskells »42.61; »11.03; J. S. Woodnrd »3.00; State Lane County Records of Plata H 8. Mendenhall »4.80; J. M. Mai- Ind Accident Com »26 88. S L A U G H TER ED AN IM A LS: ( ot and running thence South along Intt »4.00; J. 8. Powell Dairy »4.88; tage Grove Sentinel »5.00; C. H. the East line of aald Lot No. 16. Frank Deming »3.00; Smith A 8hort 7.02 cha. thence N. 89 deg. 39 min. »21.40; Wm. Kyle A Sons Co. Hartman »136.95; L. O. Helterllne W parallel to the South line of »43.41; W H. Meal »10.43; Harry $217.05. SURVEYO R; Frank A. Tripp Lot 16. 6.84 cha thence N. 0 deg. Lee »10.43; Carl Rutherford »6.96; Do Not Hida Your Kyat 22 min. E. 10.86 cha. to the mid­ Richard Rutherford >5.98; Earl *10.40; Pacific Tel A Tel Co. »10.40; »2.98. Richard Kllese Helen F. Burton »90.00; Olive R The New Ful-Vue gla .9»; Sam Vinson MARXI T (3184; A Workman (23 88; Lloyd »168; Frank Sander* »3 68. Geo. BTRUCT1ON: H. C. I Saute-rt (9 96; Ed Darla »7 98; Derrick S-..68; W. D. Olaspey (8.98; Frank Spencer »7.19; Chaa. M Darl­ Eldred Glaspey $4.18; W P Soren­ Triangle Lake •12.00; hurl Tiilenes $100; Chan ing »6 6». R P. Stolzlg »1194; son $61 39; John Hampton 922 6»; Carl Holm 4k Co. »«**.«1; Hank Herbert (21 89; Archie O. E Cog »46 01; C O. M Bee Fir Luasbar Co » l t . l t ; C K Buies 917 04 t ll.M ; TR A FFIC PATROL: M J Harnes »27 86; Bill Spencer »15 92; $99 90: W P Sorenson >29 95; John Richardson E. A Rowland (21.89; F P Mag Hampton $16.70; O. E Cog >20 20; $937.00; Dona Rlchardaon Thomason $169 74. well »1»9 »6 00; Pacific Coast Stamp Works (21 89; 8 Bennett »11 94; A. Jensen Hodges $3 59; M iller Sorenson <10; Grace Schlska 910 00, Pact »1194; J W Goode »17 91; Chaa $29 96; E M Sanborn »17 H; Ralph gene Concrete Pipe Co. »81.76, Jay Oldham 813 66; Kenneth Barrett lc Tel A T I Co. $710. W illamette M Darling »11.18; Equipment Peterson »17.96; F M Brown »18 96; 132.40; Roy Johnaon »17 4« Bqulp- °r» -a $14.00. John C. fonard $2 50; »61 13 Gudd Kompp $6143: Henry Ptr- ment »7.93, Harley Furman »!> .(*; Koke-Chanman Co. 916.00; Valley DIST No. 32: Equipment >1.20; onl 845.88; Percy Patterson $23.94; Carl Burkett «14.4«; L. X Tweedte ’Tinting Co. 41.06. F .M Brown $29.61; Jess Bailor »402 92 Inter-City Band A Gravel Karl Luckey (1.00 U. H LABOR BUREAU: F. L. DIST. No 33: R. A. Babb Hard­ $5.98; Karl Luckey $9.00; Equip­ Co. »191.00; Equlpmeat (8 .N ; H. Arrnltagc $60 06 ware Co. »1.14; Albert E Nelson ment $169 49; Oregon Machinery M Peterson »14.17; V . J, Dnvs»- W IDOW S PENSION Grace L. »2 50. F A. Moore »15 84; l-ester Co. $1.50; Deadwood I.umber Co. port »601.66; H. M Petaraoat *t« .* *; Huffman $10 00. Mrs K L. Zelwlrk Lake »26.20; John Peterson »26 64; $1891; Stale Industrial Accident) Twin Oaka Lbr. Co. *1 .M ; BRatl 910 00; Liszt« Adney »10.00: 1-1111« Southern Pacific Co. »223.48, E N. Commission $66.48; W E. Dutchei o il Co. »718; Southern Part«« Co. Owen 91006: Margie Bate* $10.06; Thompson (21.33; V. D. Fogle »2 43; »4 78 810.00; Chaa. Gentry (IS -M ; Harry Golds Viola Reed 91000; Ida Ka'h Harry Gerlach $4 24; W illiam Oar- E Q U IP M E N T : Edwin Taller Enalgn »181»; H. H. VNt«araM erlne Hartholomy $10 00; Clara lach $3.49; Robert Brabham 943.11; $167.24; A. A Martin $157.26; R. H »6.98- F A. W estfall » IB M ; H . R. Edith Vogt $10 00 Mollie Gordinler Matt Dibble $100 69; E J Mabe Smith $148.24 C. E. Van Oadol Baird »7.46; John 8 tm u o u *1X41; $10 00; Nora Moran $10 00; Fannie 89134; A C. Lake $105 38; L S. $134.74; Hay Worden $91.8«; 8. Ernest Larsen »7.4*; M. Balt Htonehocker $10.00: Viva M iller Porter 8105.38. Cliff Kuck $4 78; Renshaw $44.70; Earl Luckey »10 43; Glenn Dupuy »1».«!; Adolph $1 00: Lillie Tate $10.00; Jesse W alt Kuck $85.83; Virgil Worden $119.74, Railway Exprma Co. $8.31; Frankie «4023; A. L. Dou*Iae Wells Neuhlll $10.00; Flossie Sim $26.29 Henry Carllle $60.19; Ed Pacific Telephone Co. $7.80; Shell «13 41; Frank Wooley »1.9«; W. D. mon* $10 00; Barbera Stoddard Wlnbcgler $22 70; J. L. Wallace OH Co. (1010.42; George A. Halton Bennett 87.4»; W alter Anderson 810.00; Doris Ruth Green $10 00; $21.89; Ralpb Eves 825.09; Roy »4.00, Eugene W ater Board »26.62; »4 47; D. B Harrington »14.84; M. Nora ilend"r«on $16.00; ('ora Belle Hurcamp $50.19. Grant Kirk 826.29; Northwest Freight Transport Co. O M w »4.47; F. C. Meyer* »1X8*; Grov. $15 00; Mary Hay $16.00; J H Wilhelm 815 86; F W Deedon »8 84, Railway Express $1.64; Mor­ Cecil Olli »7.46; O. Harwood »88.64; Erma G Fuller $16 00; Daisy Lew 840.71; J F. Dibble 831 07; Ed ris Chevrolet Co. 90c; Southern Pa­ L. E. Gormley 87.46; D. R. Bcfc- ellyn 816.00; Mary I'apple $16.00; Cllnefeltar $29 37; Ed Jackson cific Co. $1.68; Union Gaa Co. moyer »7.46; Kenneth Randall Iowa Laura Crump $la.K0; Mary $1.19; Ralph Hooker 82.39; Hal­ $209 16; Standard OH Co. $26.63; »26.33; M. Barton »7.46; C. H. Job» I'hlllipH 816 00; Ethel Amanda ford Jackson *1.48; David Olsen A. E. Hamloth »7.30; D. McCormick eon (40.23; A. R. Cox »11.88; D. L, Thurman 81500; Metta Barrowcltff $2 59; W R Boring $6706; Miller $16.00; John Trunnell $4.48; Fred Williams »6.84; John Humphrey 815.00; Idu Grant »16.00; Alice E Sanford Tractor Co. 84 52; Equip­ Ixingston $4.48; Lowell Tedford »11.92; f^red Bolin »11.98; Louin Kau »16 00; Faye Elliott (16.00; ment 832.28- Southern Pacific Co. $34.90; Harrell A Trask $10.79; Anderson »6.84; Royal Caven Hasel Haynes »16.00; Bertha Lock- 8231 97. .Miller-Sanford Tractor Co. »4.23; >11.92; W. V. Snyder «1.49; Oeorge etl (16.00; Bertha Benson (17.60; DIST No 34: H E Cook 821-67; Peerce Service Station »4.42; How­ Crick »4.47; Glen Montgomery Margaret Safely »2000; Coia E. Harry Cook $2.39; Harold Cook ard Cooper Corporation 91c; Stur- »9.32; Albert Larson $>.84; Jack M iller »20.00; Lena Cooley (20.00; $2.39; Archie Brooks 85.97; O T geas Garage »1.50; Ed Jensen A Webb »8 94; Haskell Dowdy »8.94; Laura Caswell »20 00; Dora Alice Nol-an >8.36; Clarence Molaen Co. »6.25; J. H. Chambers (18.25; L. Cower »8.94; M. P. Hoover Boggu »20.00; Jeasle M. Palmer 82.39: Kenneth Molsen $2.39. Woodbury A Co. »25.60; Geo. A. »14.90; E. M. Lee »».94; C. P. Roe »20.00; Bertha E. Peery »20.00; DIST No 36: R. A. Babb Hard­ Halton »3.30; S B Flnegan »35.00; »14.90; Hobart Campbell »17.88; Karen Marte Hoeford »20 00; Cora ware Co. $5.46; T M Hendricks Earl Luckey »14.00; E. E. W yatt Paul Gross« 97.46; J. K. Cruaan Lola Mattison $20 00; Ofa »m ders $2.25, Equipment $12.60; 8. C. H ar­ Inc. $48.10; Millen, Machine Shop »8.94; E J. Snyder »8.94; C. P. 820 00; Lulu May Bergman »20.00; den 82 25 W P. Sorensen 820 96: $3.90; J. E. W iber $5.50; Veltum A Shirey »7.45; Ernest Getcbell »7.46; Ethel Margaret Doran »20.00; Flos­ O. E. Cox 815 71; C. O. McBee Clow Mfg. Co. *19.64; Carlson H at­ H. H. Dickey »8.94; Chaa. Mtohler sie Chrtatlanson »20.00; Bertha V. $11.96; Fred Brown $16.58; 8. C l ton A Hay $6.48, A. C. Haag A Co. »7.46; Chaa. Power* »17.68; A. G. Meyer »20 00; Alma Lucille Bussear Harnden 865 63; L. C. Ross $5.97; i »399.20- Simmons Company »5.63; I, an.- »17.88; E. M. Jackson 17.4»; »2500; L ittle Moore »26.00; Bertha Roy Chambers »2 0»; A. B Walcott J Twin Oaks Lbr Co. »190 67; Crea Jesse Stevens »17.88; L. L. W alker W alker »26 00; Kathryn C. Nolan 818.63; L. G. Anderson 822.70; W seya 85c; Price Tool Co. »6.00; »10.43; D. Clement* (8.94; Wm. Gal­ »26 00; Jennie Morgan »25 00; Lucy H. Holmes 816.53; Nat H art 87.17; Loggers A Contractors Machinery lagher 819*0; Scott Lyon* »8.94; C Robbins »26 00; Mary A. Hnbb* J. M Berkshire »8 35; T. B. Scroogs Co. »2865; Oregon Machinery Co. Lester Hennlnan (8.94; Floyd »25.00; Hasel Margaret Allen »3.58; Chas Key »7.17; Con Rel »49.52, J. E. Haseltlne A Co. Keene »8.94; Ralph W alker (8.84; »2600; Melvla V. Thomaaon »26.00; 88.36, Geo. L. Mast »13.45; Scott »158.65; Nordllng Parts Co. »27.7»; B. E. Phillips «14.94; Milo Caateei Minnie Wheeler »26.00; Ara E E Foster »4.78; E Roy Smith Air Reduction Sales Co. »28.38; »8.94; D. R. Schmoyer »16.38; Franklin »26 00; Mabel Gott »30.00; »17.97; Earl Luckey »I 00; Chester Harry Clum »6.00; V A. Hendrick­ Duane Haley 913.41; Thomas Kln.-ey Lou Burch »35.00; R. K. C Kubli »27 00; Eugene Sand A son »1.59; Curtla Wilson »6.1»; Ray Woods »8.94-, L. L. Wheeler »1«.S*; Powell »36.00; Minnie Haugen Gravel Co. $11.70. George »39.49; T. J. Sweaney M. G. Bailey «1X94; H. L. Johnaon »20 00; Lillie Simmons Cole »^0 00 DIST. No. 37: Shell OH Co »40.28; E Roy Smith »4.54; Jack »7.45; Jack Hansen »11.44; Judd »41.33; Union OH Co »690; M iller Hodges »3 59; Claire Parka »7.47; Wilson »7.45; P. P. Maglnn «8.44; SPECIAL ROADS George Tollman »2.49 A. E. Davis Eldon Ellison (8.44; Frank Kar^ DIST. No. 1: Crank P. Briggs Sanford Tractor Co. »20 06; Oregon »7.47; Ralpb King »7.47; Alvin lick (8.94; C. M. Bradley »8.84; Roy Machinery Co. J’ 0.70; Equipment »18 85; J Hopkins »27.47; Ralpb »34.93; Frank Jarvis Burt »8.94; C. A. Blodgett »16.44; 87.50; Deadwood Service Station Witbam Crowe »3.72. »42.41; C. R M iller »14.34; Curtis John Briggs »6.44; Ralph Lyon* DIST. No. 2 Joe Wakefield »6.96; 82.50; Mapleton Garage 81-75. W. H. Robinson »8.44; DIST. No. 38: Kenneth Nielsen Wilson »11.95; A. F Willson »49.70; »8.44- Peter Schultse »11.94; Sandy Leach G. G. Thorpe »102.29; Ted George Leo Tucker »8.44; Edgar Dowdy »6 96; Frank Sparks »6.99; Chat. $8 68; Equipment $11.24. DIST. No. 39: E Guthrie $23 90; »71.82; E. O. Palmer »87.32; C. E. $8.94; Mike Elledge »8.94; H . Coriel Neal »98.72. Maurice Thorson »7.46; Davis »46.03; Roy Ewing »38.87; $8.94; DIST No 3: Shell OH Co. »22.27; Triangle Lbr. Co. »68.86; Herman Earl Ewing »4.78; D. D. Conley Ralph Cook »6.94; J. C. Camp »7.46; Merwlns Genera) Store »1.00; Mor­ Schmitt 959.23; John Horton $34.04; (120.97; Ben Wilson »97.24. Wm Edwards »8.41; W H. Moyer ris Chevrolet Co. »25.01; Art Bund W ill Wolfe »34.65; Ervin Wolfe G ENERA L ROAD M A IN T E N ­ »11.92; Geo. Larson »8.94; I. D. erson »3 88; R E. H ill »25.13; Earl 847 08: Earl Myers $34.65; Ralpb Schmitt »40.62; Isaac Yates $31.66; ANCE: Inter-City Sand A Gravel Collier »2.98; A. Bereaford |8.44; Luckey »1 00. W. L. Fitts *8.94; W illiam Tate D18T. No. 6: R. A. Babb Hard­ John Sumich »3.58; Ross Myers Co. 818.00; C. L. Kellogg »5.21; Otto »11.92; A. Carpenter »6.94; Ray ware Co. *3.60; Wolf Creek Game »228 85; E. Guthrie »22 10; Jack Smith »6 21; Art Smith »5.21; Sumstlne »1.49; Arthur Ruthver A Fur Farm »6 00; Shell Oil Co. Robertson »2.3»; Harry Robertson Elm er Jones »5211; Lee Jones »5.21; »8.94; W. Cofelt »8.94; Clar­ »36.46; F. J. Damewood »86.38; C. »4.79; Ray Congdon »9.58; Sam Earl N. 1-and $i6.38; Dwight Mer­ ence Brown »8.94; Ferris An­ cer »13.40; Ben W hitten »8.19; C. Horton »2.39; John Sumlc-h »7.17; M Damewood » 7 9.»; Claire Dame­ drews »8.94; Ed Plnktey »XM ; wood »26.09; Ray Vincent »22 36; Tony Sumich »7.17; Ralph Schmitt R. Atkinson »1.49; Clarence Long Dean Tennant »8.94; H . C. Coe »149 Guy Ross »1.49; Ben Hub­ $6.07; Earl Robertson »4.78; H er­ Vernon George »16.39; John Lewis »7.45; Louis W llford »8.44; B. »16.39; Robert Howell »16.39; AU man Schmitt »8.97; Ervin Wolfe bell $1 49; H Quimby »10.43; W. H. L. Erickson »8.44; Ernest Collier Logan »14.71; George Crick »7.45; »5.98; Herman Schmitt »43.50; bert Watkins »16 39; Wm. Holland »7.45; John bandies »6.44; John »16 39; Eldon Kratt »17.88; Wesley Ross Myers »33.74; Equipment O. Anderson »14.16; L. Truaedale Morefleld »6.44; Harry Lee »6.44; »15.08; C. R M iller »14.16; Chaa. Frye >16.39; Delbert Crist »7.46; »1.40. C A. Wellborn »5.44; W. E. Brad­ DIST. No. 41: 8hell OH Co. »6.75; Freebv »4.47; Frank P. Briggs E A. Cowden »22.35; Arthur M iller ford »5.98; D. F. Cronin $6.44; J. »15.64; Wm. I-ewts »17.88; G W. W. H. Maloy »11.98; J. L. Mnllette »4 48; J. Hopkins »12.48; Eugene R. Clark »5.48; R. W. O rr »6.44; Sand A Gravel Co. »148.17; Ray Conklin »17.88; Waldo Watkins »4.73. W. H. Prose »6.21; Ken Gossler DIST. No. 42: Ralph Koon »86.43; George »19.07; Jack Hodges »35 00; »17 88; Dick W atkins »17.88; John »23.0»; H. Walters »28.46; Joe Mar-h »17.88; Dolph Dowdy »17.88; Twin Oaks Lbr. Co. »5.14; G. W. E Roy Smith »10.39; John Peder- Cabe »5.21; BUI Edward* »81.44: Chas Conners »19.37; Grover Watts Brabham »72.77; Lars Sorensen on »10.39; T. J. Sweaney »14.97; H. Hicks 88.1»; W llb ar W ilts* »7.46; Raleigh Crooks 87.45; Elmer »57.4»; F. V. Greer »28.68; J Wain Ralph King »32.42; A. E. Davto »23.09; E. J. Korn »84.6»; Ira Pat­ Lundeen 87.47; Ben Marsh 88.94; $26.29: E. F. Brabham »11.95; J. F. »32.42; C. E. Davis »1.79; Curtis man (34 45; Harve Bacna »8.84; Ben Masengil Wilson »25.51; Frank Jarvis »21.53; Herbert Hooker $59«; Equipment Mathews »26 68; ¡V . A. Hendrickson »3.18; Frank Steve Palanluk 918.43; Tom For­ »7.00. »12 28. I Moore »2.59; Milton Fitch »8.49; cum 824.11; Dick Shick »14.8*; BI Kommer John 44: No. DIST DIST. No. 7: J. W. Baker »11.37; I Claire Parks »16 84; George Toll­ Jonea 3183»; Glen W ilts * »1X87; Carl Rutherford $2 97: Uris Matson $9.58. Wm. W lltoe »14-94: Roy Irw in man (16.84; Equipment »388.68. Totman A. R. 45: No. DIST 81.99- Alford Evenson 99c. i G ENERA L ROAD EM ERG ENC Y: »11.92; M iller Sorensen »18X7*; X loyd W ilder »2.39. D IS T . No. 8: C. 1. G orrle $49.13; I M. Sanborn » 4 .68; " Vernon Harper $18.63; Wayne T a li-, DIST. No. 51: H. W Caraon 1 State Ind. Accident Commission »31.43; Ralph Peterson »88.68; »2 39 Albro »128.57; Colter Bros. Ferry »6.75; . J. a fi rro »6 97. G. Pope »73.88; R. H . No. 53: Lea hurt Garage , Cure Iron Culvert Co. $16.82; Er- »43.78; F. M. Brown |1X94; 8. C. D IST i o. 9: R. A. Babb Hard ware Co. »4.95; W. D. Glaspey $3.74; G. W. Millican $2.67; Leon­ mald Agee $8.94; R. C. W hite »8.94; Sorenson 88X88; Chas. Kaywa »49 89; W illard Wallace »2.39; Dave ard Harris $9.56; Ray Coe »9.66; S. Alva Swearingen $7.45; D. J. W ilk­ »2.49: Jack Hodges 8X6*; Firad Glaspey »1 49; Jack Palmer »9.44; J Goddard »38.30; H arry Jone« inson »7.45; G. E. Beers »8.94; Sm id gley 38».»3; John Moaa 8X4»; Eldred Glaspey »1093; E. Callleon 89.56: Robert Isaac »9.56; Lee K ir Lawrence Beers »8.94; V. C. Mow­ John McDaniel 128.98; A lf West »3.98; John Smith »7.70; Sam V in ­ by »9 56; Wm Kennerlv »9.56; reader »39 49; E. C. Boardman rope »12.48; Gene Holland »19.4»; son »2.39 Jim Dilley »5.99; Fred Vance Blanchard »7.17; D. Dead- $26.29; F H W lllsle »11.95; Ben Fred Smlgley »24.22; J. H. Moffett Leppert *8.94; H. M. Richey »7.46; mond $4.78; Hugh Goddard »2.39: L. Bunch »23.90; Lloyd Grimshaw »2.34; N. L. Austin »14.74; Henry Hulbert Lawson »8.94; E. B. Law- C. Dunlap »9 56; V irgil Clover »14.34; Victor Rath »4.78; Lester Erickson »1.44- Merle Austin »1.48: son »8.94; G. W. Tilden »8.94; John »4 78: S. J Goddard »9.58; B. F. Circle »11.95: Adna H. Signor Peat Holesapple 91-$»; Lloyd Knea­ Herndon »17.45; J. C. Broley 74c; J. Mlnney »48.67; Matt Emerlch »2.39: $19 96; Earl Roberts »13.56; Harry per »1.4»; Leevarn Austin »8.49; Gerlach »31.48; Neil Buchanan M. McCausland »17.96; Earl Rob­ Equipment »1.68. Fra see «4.78: Equipment DIST No. 56: Ralph Lynch $5.19; Valley Printing Co. »13.65; Fred erts »7.14; L. N. Mathews »4.74; $90.00: M. L. W allace 988.94; Jamas »56.88; Ed Kelley »18.73; Tom Ar­ State Ind Accdt Commission W illiam Gerlach »3.49; Equipment thur »16 73; Clarence Roemhtld »489.44 J. T. Vining »22.35; J. C. Tedford 834.4»; Fred Langaton »4216. _ 834.90; John Trunnell »14.84; Dan DIST. No. 10: Hills Creek Lbr. »16.73; Roy Caster »23.94; Ben Huffman »22.35; C. Salakike »19.37; Quaglia 843.11; Glen Llnebangh Briggs »2.39; M. H. Brown »7.17; Lester Prlndel »1.49; H . L. Prinde. Co. »7.18 M. L. Wallace »3.64; 143.11; O. Jackson 831.51; M artin Dick Shick »1.19; Tom Forcum Jim Aldrich »19.12; Sam Snyder »25.33; Lafe Prlndel (6.96; C. 8- Black »4.78; Darrell Moaby »88.86; M cIntire »1.49; Elmore Summers »14.16 Jim King »21.61. »1.19; Equipment »23.70. DIST. No. 59: J. H. Mathews $9.66; Raymond Follett »1.49; Clar­ H arry Caatel 311.96; A rthur L. Ro­ DIST. No. 11: F. W. Shorter »3 81; Morris A Morris »6.74; N. L. ence Grant »2.98; Andy Cameron berts 8191.68; E. N. Thompson »1 66; H. N. Hendrlksen »4.06. 345.15; V. D. Fogle »81.64; Adna D18T No. 12: R. a . Babb Hard­ Austin »3.59; Earl Mile« »11.96; »2.98; Ben Cameron »4.47; E. H. Sigrior 357.88: X . Moras ware Co. »3 66; In te rc ity Sand A Homer Austin »10.46; Herman Ku Bakke (94.87. »2.4»; Elbe L. Signor 3144.19; Bari gel »1.49; Everett Miles »1.49; G ENERA L ROAD R IG H T OF Gravel Co. »13.50. Roberts 314.28: L. N. M athew* DIST. No. 13: Gerald B. Conner George A. Halton »13.20. W A Y: J. A. Wooldridge »734.60; »54.50- H arry Gerlach »49.94; W il­ DIST. No. 60: H. W. Carson »3 59 Com »4.75; Chas. C. Conner »9.68; C. E. Mortgage Securities Co. liam Gerlach »24.44: Mldgley Plan­ DIST No 64: Roy Caster »12.57; $218.85; Leona W ithers »25.00; W. Thornton »1.19; Equipment »12.60 ing M ill Co. »1.44; Equipment DIST No. 14: Union O il Co. Ralph Lvnch »21.71; Kenneth Ar­ E Purkerson »732.50; Jess Hansen >879.28; Mary J. Taylor »39.38; »2.30; Harley Furman »72.12; Carl thur »5 97; Harold Shortrldge »2.39 »100.00; C. C. Beck »50.00; Fred Earl Luckey »2.94; L. Boring 34.6»; DIST. No. 65: Lennte Haldorson Tryon »10.00; M arvin E. Smith Burkett »1.92: Equipment »372.75 Equipment 91498.68; Cart Holm A D I8 T . No. 16; Geo. Watson $8 98. $308.15; Clarence A. Pitney »743.25; DIST No. 66: R. A. Babb Hard­ Amanda J. Calyvert »233A5; N. P. r o »1228.81; Rav Georgs »84.48; »23.96 Sanford Elder »19.16. Jack Hodgee »41.88; John Pederson DIS^. No. 17: L. W. Hunt »21.63; ware Co. »4 10; Chas Gold »12.36; Ihirkerson »444.00; M ark Daughe-- »20.78: Roy Fitch 38.78; Ralph Shell OH Co. »83.52; G. W. Lambert ty »41.50; Marlon B. Harpole »14.50; W ilbur Pitcher »21.95. King »21.20; Guy Colby »134.74; DIST. No 19: C. T. Beach »15.32; »61.82; H. V. Jenkins »57 02; W ill C E. Ballev »14.10; Albert S. Ches­ E. L. Mathews 819.77; Kenneth Bar­ Clarks Service Garage »3.72; W. A. Chase »2.39; W. A. Pettit »4.78; hire »540.75; G. H. Waggoner »8.50; rett »38.44: V. A. Hendrickson Crispin »26.43; Henry Holt »37.42; Chas Gold »49.36; Steve Jenkins Earl H ill »3000.00; Equipment »6.98. »92.12; Jack Shrum »82.94; Milton C. T. Beach »26 91; A. W. Flock »9 56- Joe Owen »9.56; James R G ENERA L ROAD O IL IN G . South­ Fitch »92.20; Roy Johnson »14.39: »2.39; Claude Hebert »16.73; J. E. Klbbe »4 56; W. J. Rickert »9 56; ern Pacific Co. »522.13. Clnlre Park- 335.54: Geo. Telman Wm. W alker »9.56; Ira Burgess R ock »59.88; Equipment »53.08: »0.84; Equipment »781.37; A. E M A R K E T ROAD M A IN T E N ­ $9 56; Victor Krael $7.17; Ralph Miller-Sanford Tractor Co. »53.08. Davis $21.20; Southern Pacific Co. DIST. No 21: M D. Bolin Lbr. Lvnch »1 49: Roy Caster »1.19: M ANCE: Eugene Concrete Pipe Co. »523.10: Melvin Inman 867.34; O. Co. $6.00- Harry Bush »21.55; F. H. Brown »1.19; Equipment $9 95; $6.00: L. W. Hunt »21.54; Tom. God­ W. H ill »57 3«; Bud H ill »7.17; dard $1.79; Roy Dixon »50.34; Joe W. Jones »19.18; E. E. Allen »1916; Clyde Equipment Co. »7.17. DIST No. 87: Equipment »44 70 Cluard $14.34; G. F Smith »14.34; Combs Bolden »54.97; Joe Porter Earl Buell »19.16; O. G. Thornton Porter «63.68; DIST. No. 69: Overholster Bros. John Trunnell $19.96; Equipment »50.19: Charles »22.73; Fred Demerest »19.16; E- Charles Nichols »52.58; Jim Nich­ H. Smith »4.19; R W. Kernutt »3.36: James Tedford »63.84; John »48.00; A. B. Smith »5.79; Guy Jen­ ols .»52 58; Charles Fowler 360.18; »9.56; Qeo. K irk »9.56; C. L. Weet Trnnnell »36.64; Fred Langston kins »2.49: Chns W hite »11.58; Joe '• F Monroe »21.51; W alter Pick­ rope »10.75; W. C. Thornton »10.76; »36 63; Lowell Tedfors $6.98 . Equip­ Geer $11.58; M. L. W allace »11.69; ens »52.58;; George Lindy (62.68; Grant Dilley »9.56- Albert Meuer ment $94 5<\ J. Oldham $99 60: Equipment »19.50; Jess Gates »8.98; Clnlre Fctton »21.51; R. Clarkson $9.56; T. H. Parks »25.13; Shell O11 Carl Burkett »76 00; Nell Buchanan Frank Gates »7.18; R A. Cox »6.38; »45.41: Warren Surcamp »88.28: «11.40; Harley Furman Equipment Ben Kokkeler *20.23; N. L. Austin Co. »14.85. »21.54; Leevarn Austin »8.72; Glen Scrofe »69.87; W arren Boring DIST. No. 22: V. C. Mowreader »89.55; Nell Buchanan »12.80. DIST. No. 71: C. A. Davis »37.69: Homer Austin »8.48; Cecil Austin «47 90: L. H. Porter »18.1»; Ray »20.87; E. C. Boadman »11.50; F. H. Warren Surcamp »19.90; Bert K irk ! »18.45; Harold Jones »18.45; Henry Thomas »28.68; J. D. Costello W lllsle »11.60: Ben L. »52.58; John Costello »62.58; Henrv »11.60; Larence Orlmshaw »9.11; »9 56; Clvde Carder »23.95; Carroll Erickson »7.45; John Tice »7.46; Rust *52.58; W. 8. Sutherland Frank Worthington »9.11; E. Bakke K irk »10.75; Bill Carllle (9.56; H ! Peat Holesapple »7.45: Fred Buss «52.58; Irving Higgins »52.68; Ellis B. Griffin »1195. C. J. Fowler $24.43; T H Parks $21.54; Ralph »31.45: Lee Calder >23.87. Richardson »38.24; Charlton Rich­ DIST. No. 23: H. Barney »3.75; $1195- H arry K irk »11.95; E. E. Dickinson $4.78; A. W. Flock »4.78; ardson »21.51; H. M. Barnum Chas Neet »12.56; Curt M iller »8.36; Vincent »11.95; W iley Cox »45 30; C. T Bench »7.18; Claude Hebert «28.71: Joe Fowler »104.94; Reg $4.76; Herman Damon »4.78; Ert Arlo Vaughn »2.39: Carl Cook »7.17; Equipment »19.13. DIST. No. 83: R. A. Babh Hard Davis *7.98; Frank Spencer »7.18: Dibble $86.20: W alter B. Dennis W. A. Carter »14 37; R. C. Adams »315.03; Giles Fowler »78.48; W alt­ »14.37; 8. M. Wicks »14.37; Ronald ware Co. »1.35; J. O. Porter »10.75; Chas M. Darling »11.18; W H. er L. Tavlor »43.34; Waldo W . Tav- Maloy »3.59 Fred Smlgley »12.56; K M Hooker »10.76; Vern Luff Neet »5.97; James Humphrey »4.78. lor »103.74; Joe Graham »68.66; D IST. No. 24: Guy Knox »3.58; »8.3«; H. L. Luge »2 39; L. H Por- B. L. Rankin »4.47; R Vaughn l.evl Berkshire >64.»7: Albert Berk­ H. O. W lttstruck »15.00; W . I. ter »37.75; L. E. Aldous »10.76; »4.47; Jov tnglehart $t.49; Norts shire »82.74: Elmah Brooks »54.17; Seales »28 95; M. Slmonsen »23 95 J. L. Carllle »10.75; Chas. Conners Smith »4 64; J. F H ill »2.98; Os »17.91; El Peterson »68.58; B. Ben- DIST. No. 25: Ernest Owen »3.06; ^ G ENERA L ROAD BR ID G E. Ed wald Peterson »1.19; T J Sweany non 8120 9«; Cy F ra ile r 867.35; $39.92; Roy Fttch »14.97; Ralph E. E. W illiams 50c; Fred Smlgley »5.97; A. C. Striker King »68 59; C. E. Davis »2.39; Albert Flnaeth »884.14; Luther »17.96; Bert W eyer »4.79 J. W Lam Mitchell Prlndel 883.36; Harvey Peck »28.88; bert »2.39; R. Vaughn »13.96. B. L 8157.34; Lester Keeney »6 30: E Rav Warden »33.88; A E. Davis Elden Leep »23.»«; Mcl-oughtln Rankin »6.96; J. F. H ill »2.98; A. M Guthrie »7.17; Hills Creek Lhr. Co. $68.59; Claire Parks $34.93; Ted «21.51; W. H. Summers »4.7»; H. $9.98; George Holman »301.76; Seobert Warehouse Co. George Sturtevant »1.49. M. Peterson »14B.14; M. Peterson DIST. No. 26: Shell OH Co. $4.00: J. C. Ponaler Motor Co. $53.64; Equipment »609.60. M A R K ET ROAD BRIDGE. Roy »402.74: Oliver Foebaek »6X14: »14 18- E. L. Mathews »35.89; Scott »25 85: J W. Quackenhush A Son Oren Hammond »51.74: V. Shtrlev Lyons »16.52; Ralph Lyons »14.33; »174.75; Lewis Lumber Co. »64.61; Foster *17.60; Btrobel A M iller Chas Gentry »23.12; Chet Borin* Pete Russell »10.75; Seth Hollis Alex Garrontte »63.12; George A »22.00; R A. Babb Hardware Co. »17.91: M Archibald »221 89: A. H. Halton »7.76; Peerce Service Sta­ $53.86; Stein Bros. $136:70; T ri­ »16.68; Equipment »1.83 Benson »11.95; Wm. Gregg »17.91; DIST. No. 27: R A. Babb Hard tion »2.22; Pederson A Brown angle Lbr Co. $62.10; Twin Oaks Carl Bowers »17.91. »19.60; Strobel A M iller »14.40; Lbr Co »47 97; Walters-Bushong ware Co. »1.67. D IST. No 28: M iller Sanford Smith A W atkins »47.08; R A. Lbr Co. $26.34; Hills Creek Lbr. Injures Ankle Tractor Co. »14.08; Equipment Babb Hardware Co. »132.70; W. P. Co »102.88; V. D. Fogle »32 42; »16.06; Bill Gregg »28.90; Alvin Earhart $6.60; Globe Lumber Co. W. P. Sorensen »37 43; John Hamp­ ton »9.59; O. E. Cox »16.70; C O. Tom Jackson la suffering with aa Carlson »8.38; C. E. Elchler »33 46; $14 90; Brown F. Davis »10 00; Ar­ Forest Francisco »33.46; O. H. How­ thur L. Roberts »2.99; V. D Fogle McBee »24.93; Fred Brown »20.13; Injured ankle. The Injury happanad ard »83.46; Sylvester James »28.68; »27.44; Adna H Signor »4.99; Earl Budd Kompp »56.12; Henry Ptroni last week when he fell from a shad Roberts »9.30; W illiam Gerlach »45.88; Percy Patterson »27.93; W. R. Sawyers »36.92. which he waa building. He did not D I9 T . No. 29: J E. Thompson $3.49; G. Hammond $3.98; W illiam Equipment »2.00; General Bridge Ross »5.97; Lou Boblnson »11.33; $3.75: Equipment »4.12; Roy Foster realize that hla foot bad *¿.19; W F. McCollum »2.39. D !8 T 31: Mapleton Garage Richard Hays »4.78; Ralph Schmitt »46.50; General Bridge »32.00. Jared, however, until this M A R K E T ROAD EMERGENCY: »38.60 8. F raileu r »31.84; A. Camp »4.78; Sam Horton »7.17; E. Guth­ D. E. Yoran P. M. »6.00; Bari Rob­ when It continued to rie «7.17: Rosa Myers »2-69; John IU .T 4 ; W alter Camp *11.K4; Chaa. tln .I (40 0; O. C. Ev«r«„n 922 80; Aleg Lewis >1200; W I Seales $18 06. G W McFarland 8211«; F F. R'.«s «29 10. Wuldemar ( h s le c n H 4 74; E C. Cole