THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPRINOFIELO, 1«ANE COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY. JULY 2H. 1932 TWENTY-NINTH YEAH SWIM R S IS IB BE Institute to End Work on Eriday 4-H CLUB PICMiC PLANS ARE GIVEN HEW ACCIDENT PLAN Champion— His F ple will return tomorrow from Hut ARE Featured by baseball games, water sports, u big picnic lunch at tomllng the annual Inntltule of the ri «»n and a program of recreational Methodist church for the past game based on th» program out­ •eve.- day a. lined ut the recent leadership train­ A letter received by tile New« I ing courae conducted here for 4-H thia week from Hev. Poindexter.' Club member« by John Bradford puator of the Metliodlat church of the National Playgrouud Itecrea In re, aaya that there are 100 young lion Aaaoclatlon, the annual 4-H people In the rump now and U nit' club picnic will lie held Tuesday, they are enjoying u flue program August 2, al Dtlly'a Rlveralde Park, World Champion Jack Sha aud have an lutereatlng faculty eaat of Qoahen on the W illamette Boston, is now the po»»et*or oi the Rev. Poindexter la u member of highway. world championship belt, pre»cntnl the faculty, touching a course In Every 4-H club member In I»une at a special «miner in N Y laxt week. World Peace. Hla fumlly aud «1» county Is eligible to attend (hla pic­ Hr took it home—(he first return ol ter In luw I with him at the moult nic. Il was announced by It. C. Kue­ the emblem to Boston- since tin -lay it wax handed over to Corbett by lulu reaort. hner, County Club Agent, who la John L. Sulin an. lie will conduct aervlcea Holiday arranging details nf the event. Reg- morning oil the subject, "The I titru'lon la not necessary. those Hearth for Realty." Regular Huu ] planning Io attend need only to day school Claaae« will he held al apt ear al Riverside the morning of 9 : 46 the picnic. The program will atari Sunday evening at 8 o'clock K ey.] at 10 o'clock. Ira K Olllet, a ll oiitalundlng Afrl , In connection with the picnic, the can mlaalonary will offer picture« regular monthly meeting of the and a lecture o» the Hark Contln Lane County Leader’« Aaaoclatlon ent H e also bua a trunk full ot : will be held, starting at 1:20 o'clock C. E. Swarts Continues to Re­ curloa whlrh he will exhibit. a l which meeting plana for the an­ main Active in Business; nual dub fair to be held September Birthday Dinner is Held 8, 9. and 10 will be perfected Baaaball Games Planned Passing of hla seventy-ninth The program of game« anil re­ birthday anniversary Monday wa creation will be under the direc­ the occaalon for a small birthday tion of 4-H club leaders who at­ dinner In honor of C. E. Swarts at tended the leaderahlp training hla home that evening. Otherwise school and they will lead organlxed David H. White, 56, Comes to game« and playground actlvltlea Mr. Swarts continued active In hl» .. j „„a bualne«« as If II were Just another, Springfield Saturday Morn­ during the day. Swimming and ing and Drops from Sight water sport« will be held In the day. He was born In New York state morning and prlxea for the various Information concerning t h e events will be given the w lnnersj July 25. 1263. whereabout« of David H. White of Mr Kuehner said Several baseball Guests Invited to the dinner were Marcóla la being nought by hla wife games will probably be scheduled, Mr and Mrs. H. M. Lichty and Miss who haa reported to police that hei starting In the morning. The lead Lulu Jell of Eugene. Mlsa Annie huahund haa not been aeen or heard era Aaaoclatlon has challened the Young of Portland, Mr. und Mrs. from alare Saturday morning when club girl« team to one game and C. E Wheaton, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. lie rode with a neighbor to Hprlng­ the Love Lake Rheeji and Calf club Swarts and daughters. Maxine and fleld where he aald he waa to «ee team has Issued n blanket chai Helen, and Miss Edna Swarts, be- a doctor. Icnge to any other club team for a aide., the honor guest and hla wife, Mr W hile waa laat seen on the game Any team wishing to ac the hostess. corner of Fifth and Main airéela cept this challenge and any other Thinning grev hair and facial about m o'clock Saturday morning. teams wishing to play are urged to nntli which are becoming more He la 56 year« old. 6 feet und 6 get In touch with the club agent deeply embedded each year give In die« tall, weighs between UK and so Dial the game« tan be ache ,hp on|y | n(jicat|on oj the years 12(1 pounds and waa wearing a gray duled ; which have crept by during the coal sweater with blue wool trou- In view of attendance nt pnat of Mr. Swarts. He comes era and a tan hat with a brown bor annual club picnics It Is expected aown lo , ha meal market which hei iter. He haa gray hair und large that at least 400 boys and girls aad hla son operate bright aud brown eyes. He wears shell rimmed will In- present. They are being ,.ar|j each morning and spends the glaaaen and a blue ahlrt. He la a urged to attend by clubs bringing vntlre day preparing ineuls aud ennatant smoker of hla pipe their lunch and eating together waiting on customer with more, Coffee will be furnished for all and energy than many men much SECOND MORATORIUM each will bring hla own cream and , yOUI1ger. ENROLLED tie l.ake where they have been Adult Evening Claas Draws Many; Instruction Period to End Saturday Mure lhali 100 Hprlligflelil people, men. women, and children. are ex­ pected to be able to swim purl lolly. If mil expertly, by Haturduy u( this week when the ten day swlmuilng course being given by Hal 11 «lion through the efforts of thn Ited Croaa and Ini'«I people la completed ut Willamette Park anuth of Wprlng field Mure than 150 are taking advantage nf the opportunity to learn thia week. (ircutoat Interest now renter« on tile work of the life Having elaaaea Member« of Imth the Junior and Menlur group«, whlrh number al moat 26. have been working bard in mualer the aeeeeeary atroke« and resu i llation tn»ihoda required to push the teata Member» of both will meet al the City lla ll Saturday morning al It) o'clock and will go to the park In a group for their final teata. Theae exumlnatlnna will b< given open to the public, aa are ell ol the rlaaa leaaona. Itegular instruction ban been given the «even group« which were orgnnlxed a week ago Wedneaday Th«- city truck ha« been u»ed by Anderson In muklug four trip« dally to the park hauling lho«< without transportation. t'ne of Ibe moat Intereattng of .ill the elaaaea thia year la the even •eg group of adult», aome of whom • at* ««'Ini and otbera who could pot before they began their Week's leaaona Monday evening Thia claaa la held from 7 to 8 each evening A great deal of aaalatance baa t.een given the city In the matter of loiidurtlng the claaae« this year by lb** management of the Willamette Park which ha« donated the uae of the awlmmlng fadllttea Including the uae of the locker room« to l l i o i e tuklng part In the elaaaea Individual« who can afford to contribute aomethlng toward« the coat of the awlmmlng leaaona thia year are leaving these eontrlhu Ilona with Mra Ktals Pollard, chair­ man for BprtagMM:** PLAN ut IS HELD * The work of the Slate Board of ‘hou"“ d («opie made their way to UNFAIR Higher Education In attempt,ng to the upper W illamette country Sun Group Members Designate Doctors and Hospital for Industrial Workers reorganize the state educational «yatera In compliance with the law paused «• the laat session of the legislature and the parallel effort« of a few unknown persona to de­ stroy tin- entire system before It 1» given a fair trial by a proposed con­ solidation movement wu outlined here Friday noon by William Tug rnan. managing editor of the Regis- ter-Guard In speaking before the; member« of the Lion« club. Indignation over the designation of (he Eugene llo pita) and Clinic and a «elected group of doctor« In the county to handle all hospltall- zatlou and other m edudl case« coming under ths Jurisdiction of the State Industrial Accident Com- rnl«H"vih waa being voiced by mem­ Me rubers of the state hoard are) bers of the Lane County Medical society this week following receipt serving because they want to ren- her>- of official notices which have der a service to their state. They been mailed to all employers of cm receive traveling expenses, but do ployees In 1-ane county The ac- not draw any salary for the time tlon of the comm issioners becomes they spend attending meetings or effective August 1. 1932 »1 iting the various schools, de- The letter mailed to each em- clari‘d Mr Tugman Thia group of plover and signed by R. E Jackaon.i »"«" “nd f,n" ha" «»ready claim agent, reads In part aa fol effected great savings' and elimin- . ated what duplications are not nec- Iowa: “This Is to Inform you that ef- '"'«ary ««m om teal work of feettve August 1. 1932, the em- ,he "rho°I»- ke said, ployees of all employers in I^ane On the other hand the proponent* county subject to the Compensa of the consolidation movement say tlon IJtw who are In need of medi- that they will be able to nave a mil csl treatment or hospitalization on lion dollars tax money out of a fund account of accidental Injury roust of only lightly less than two mil- report Analyzing the assertion of report for tor treatment .re a im e n . to .o a a physician pi.vs.ei«.. Hons. ------ - In th»* Eiii«*n<‘ Clinic or on** d<* ign- the known backer« of the bill Mr. in ine r,ugene »r « ™,. t h .. t h . a .,to »ted by them, and if hospitalization Tugman pointed out that the State 1 geoe h reoulred college Its unified research uctivi- h S t . L it mUHt be Ht the Eu- He« «uch wTlth as all agricultural EARLY CITIZEN I IS T9 MONDAY Family Seeking Marcóla Man EDITOR TALKS ON SCHOOL ISSUES FEW OUT AFTER TOWJLOFFICES ---------- I County Judge Honored Sun- Working of State Board of | day for Efforts Put Forth on Resignation of O. H. Jarrett Lane Medical Society Indign­ Higher Education and Con- I Behalf of New Highway ant Over Act of Industrial from Council Announced; solidation Effort Discussed I . . , . No Successor Named Accident Commission _______ A crowd estimated at seven African Missionary to Show Junior and Senior Lifesaving Pictures and Give Lecture Group Estimated at 400 to on Miseion Work Hold Annual Outing at Groups to Be Given Ex­ Rivurside Park August 2 amination! at Park Fourteen Hprlngfleld young peo­ MANY No. St FIVE PLACES TO FILL for the dedication of the new bridge across the W illamette river Mayor and Recorder Only Of- ln Black canyon which waa only I fice Holders Now Seeking part of the day’« actlvltlea which Retention of Places alao Included the monthly meeting« of the lauie County Chamber of Early indication« her« are that Commerce and of the American there will not he any great number legion group« of thia district. of local people «««king city poiltl- The surprise of the entire day <•> «Hice« at the (all election In wax the announcement of the de November _________ There will be a mayor. __ ci 10,1 to name the new bridge after three councllmen. and a recorder to the present county Judge, Honor he elected. Only two person«. W. P. able C. P. Barnard, who baa been Tr *>“- Present mayor, and I. M. very active In the work of develop Peterson, recorder, have announced their intentions of seeking office. Ing this highway. J. E. Shelton, former Eugene They will aak re-election. Appointment of a successor on >‘ewspup »erve out the unexptred term of state needed the money to carry on »»ie late W. C. McLagan. The mayor the road building program. wili appoint a successor to serve An ■ xtenslve program of sports i 0" ,h e balance ot the term w,“ c‘, on both land and water provided' *ndg -»«“ “«'V » 1,33 entertainment during the after-' Other members of the conncil noon. whose terms expire this winter and Springfi ld was well represented j whose places will have to be filled at the picnic program. Among those »*y election in November are C. F. attending from this city were Mr Barber, serving out the unexptred gte Mr an(, portion of the term to which H. J. , nr . « Edward Prlvat. Mr. and Mrs ‘ was elected, and W. A. Taylor, )g com plet)nr another lu ll * A nderson.! , «erm. ___ Neither » .a. Eat° “ ' Mr and of « theae men have Mr. and Mrs Riley Snodgrass and committed them selves concarnlag "The Industrial Accident Com now received a little more than |1,- daughter. Maxine, and Lloyd Carri- H>elf aspirations for office although mlasion's contract with the Eugene 000.000 while the other schools oper «on. of Marcola, Mr. and Mrs. John »hey »»«»e n<»‘ Indicated any desire Clinic covers all employers In Lane ated on approximately 2800.000 for I D. Pyle. Ira Peterson, H. E. Maxey for another term. countv whose operations are not the two-year period. Under the n ew , . Twn nrnmtn.n» haw« . . . , . . ... .. „i„„ _ _ „ is u . a“d *°n- Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. N. A., Two prominent businessmen have under hospital contract with the plan there would not be a million r 3, ______ _______ | _______ , h,_ Rowe. Mr. and Mrs F. B. Flanery. \ heCn approached this week by Commission at this time but will to be saved if the schools were Mr and Mrs. C. A. Swarts. Mr. and friends urging them to seek office not affect contract« entered in to ' united on one campus and all other j Mrs. C. E Swarts. Mr. and Mrs. but have declined the honors. prior to recent notice served on cldsed down, providing, of course.! — ' ---------- — ~~ doctors and others in the county that Corvallis people could house! Wayne Closer and daughter, Mr. "The Eugene Clinic has made a r-ith e increased student body and and Mrs. James Mitchell. Mrs Wanda Barnes, Bernice Barnes, j rangements for physicians in the that buildings on the campus were B e.t Sholtie, Mrs. Susan King. Jess; various sectiona of Lane county adequate for the increase enroll ! Smitson, T C. Johnson. Lucy Love-j and Its staff Includes: ment. lace and Barbara Barnell. Eugene Hospital: Dr. W. K uy-! jfe discredited the theory that! kendall. Dr J. P. Bartle. Dr. W. B. any Eugene friends of the Unlver-i Neal. Dr. George P. Winchel), Dr. gjty had enough money to go out! G. A. Ross. Dr. A. H. Norton. Dr. and offer to buy the petitions which ‘ Springfield Truck Rushed to Lester A. Edblom. and Dr. Thos. A. were reported to have been sto len ., Scene; Three Buildings Are McKenzie. He also said that the opponents to! Cottage Orove: Dr. B R. Job, f the measure were checking over! Totally Destroyed Dr A. W. Kime. Dr. C. E. Frost. the petitions which were filed at ________ Three valuable buildings were Jum thH City Dr. R B. Rogers Salem and that large numbers of Q r o th e r R e a d s Ceremony at completely destroyed and the en- Dr. W. W Hicks. 1 duplications had been found. Home of Parents Sunday , tire city of W alterville was threat- Springfield: Dr W. H Pollard. Noon; Live at Monmouth . ened before a fire which started in Dr. R. P. Mortensen. the Z. C. Potter home Friday after- i akridge: Dr. O. J. Gray.” Virginia Ruth Lee. daughter of I noon at 1:00 o’clock could he ex . Mr. and Mra. Swarts were mar PERIOD NEARS CLOSE KUKar' SI-uilar action on the part of along the | j Signs will be posted «long , Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lee of this city tinguished. The property destroy- the Accld- -d (’ tnmission in Klam bi ame the bride of John Harrison i ed included the Potter home, the Sunday la Laat Day on W hich road to Indicate turns. Mr. Kueh 18. 56 years ago this fall, 'they ath and Coos counties have been ner said. In order to reach the later lived at Uoodlaud, Kansas, of Marshfield at a quiet home wed­ ' I. O. O. F. lodge hall, and the Com­ M otorists Csn Operate Cars protested and the Lane Medical grounds, turn to the east at G oshen., until they moved to Oregon 22 years ding held Sunday noon at the home munity Presbyterian church. An W itho ut New License Plates society is now protesting the adop­ following the W illamette hlghwav ago. They have two children, their of the bride's parents. Rev. Ernest esitmatlon of the value of the pro­ tion of the plan in this county, F. Lee, brother of the bride, offi­ perties has not been made yet. This week-end will probably mark ’o the first bridge, turning off to ' son, C. A. (Tom) Swarts, and Mias ela'ming that first, the act is con­ Leaves Three Sons and One ciated. the north before crossing the Springfield Boatmen Com­ the (Inal picnic trips and other bridge. Spacious grounds for play Edna Swarts. Mr. Swarts was the trary to the intentions of the law In Lack of (Ire fighting equipment Daughter in Springfield; About 37 family members and plete Run of Southern Ore­ outing excursions for many «motor and for baseball will be available youngest of a family of five ch il-; that the statute does not stipulate nabled the fire to gain great head Funeral Held Saturday owners In Oregon this year, be­ friends enjoyed a dinner after t h e ! dren, four girls and one boy. und Is , nor make provisions for the desig­ . way before being placed under con gon Stream Thursday cause on und after Monday they und there are Brassing rooms und; the only one living. ceremony. The couple will m ak e! nation of certain doctors only to do i trol. A call to the Eugene fire de­ Funeral services for Mrs. Caren other neceaaary equipment for will not be allowed to operate their their home at Monmouth. After coming to Oregon the fam- j the Commission's work, and second­ Home after a boat trip from Proa- partment for help was Immediately Abigail Cooley who died Friday uutoinoblles without having the swimming and water sports. Jly established them selves on a ly that if the move was made In pi ct to (Irani« I'aaa which com­ turned down there because of a re­ morning at the home of her so n ., From Thurston were Mr. and new 1932-33 license plates attached farm on the Mohawk for two years. the Interests of economy on the GAMES FEATURED AT pleted their navigation of the Ro­ cent ruling of the Industrial Acci- Even here In Hprlngfleld several Mrs. William Ruth and daughter. | Twenty years ago Mr Swarts pur part of the board all doctors or John H. Cooley, route 1. Springfield, gue river. I)r. W C. Rebhan. Rev. REBEKAH PICNIC PARTY ; dent Commission that they would after a ling<--?ng Illness were held Monica, Mr. and Mrs. L aurence; persona have Indicated that they , chased a meat market from Perkins groups of doctors and each and Veltle Pruitt, It M. Irlah and not be liable for accidents incur were planning to quit Using their Gossler and family, Mrs. Ellen land Meacham over near the rail-1 every hospital in the county should Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock Prince HelfriMh, are now awaiting Games and stunts followed by red fighting fires outside of the from the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew Needham and son, Rav Mitchell.! cars and -tore them becauae of the road tracks on Mill street, loiter to compete for the right Veltle Pruitt refreshments for which a nominal city. A later call to the Springfield the arrlvul of the motion picture« Mr. and Mra. A. B Mathews. Mrs he sold this and formed a partner be entitled J— this »LI. work sa-tl< r»>l f>X OV l-lolm ** * . . . . . . . . . high cost of license plates. to do which they claim pastor which they made while on the boat of the Springfield Christian < 'l arge of one cent per item was fire department was answered after Alberta Davenhlll and daughters. J Governor Meier has already i ship with C. B. Waqkburne. operat ; has not been done. trip Theae were sent to Portland rhnrch officiating. Interment wa made were features of the Picnlt a hurried consultation with som e granted two moratorium periods In Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gray, Mrs. Her­ Ing a market at Fourth and Main Treatment and hospitalization of made in the Laurel Grove cemetery, t art>' sponsored here Monday even- members of the council and the lor development and will be shown the payment of these fees, and it bert W else and daughter. Bonney ¡streets for a few years before mov­ the accident cases In the county I'lvately when returned. ing by members of the Rebekah mayor. Hugh Joliff. chief, and Roy Jean. Caren Abigail Hendricks was ing to the present location of the which come under the jurisdiction The four men who laat anmtner Is doubtful that any rurlher post lodge following the regular ses Pugh, made the run to W alterville shop. The partnership was dis­ of the State Commission does In­ born in Indiana. November 25. 1853. ’ slor.. Mrs. Edna Yarnell.- Graoe and pumped water from the canal made the run In two light boats ponement will be possible. The re­ living later in Illinois and Iowa FORMER CAMP CREEK venue to be derived front the pur­ solved five yours ago and his son volve a considerable sum of money, from (Irunta Pass to the ocean at Lansbery. and Mrs. Zella Cantrell onto the bulrning buildings. Pre- chase of plntes is needed right now RESIDENT PASSES became affiliated In the business. ' despite the fact that under the where she was married to William were in charge. Prizes were won vious to this time a bucket brigade (¡old lleach, already have some H. Cooley in Des Moines, February to carry on summer highway pro­ ----------- Mr. Swarts has been active In t plan now about to be discarded the vary unusual pictures nf this •i the potato race by Mrs Nellie had attempted to halt the fire. The family moved to Ore- gram In all parts of the state. The Announcement of the death at (he work of Liberty Masonic lodge j doctors hadve received a reduced 7, 1871. stretch of water which had not ! , , ... Pyne- walnut race b.v Mrs. Wanda The church property which was gon from Iowa lb years ago settling / • _ _ __ quarterly payment plan was not Ix»s Angeles on July 18 ot Mrs. Irma in Springfield He was the first fee for their work, and the injured Barnes, and cracker eating contest I built in 1919 was protected by In- been negotiated before their at- ; usable, and any other new plan Dsborne. eldest daughter of th e ; master of the lodge here. employee has had the right to use near Springfield trrnpt These have been ezhlhlted 1 hy Mrs. Lee Putman. ' surance. Movable fnrnlture within would have to originate In the legls- alte Mr. and Mr-. W. D. McLean of --------------------------- She Is survived by three sons, the services of whatever doctor before many clubs and other large the building was saved. Some ot ■ Camp Creek ha« been received here ! he desired. All fees for services John S. Cooley. Joe B Cooley and gutherlnga In various part« of this lalure. the furniture in the Potter home this week. Mrs. Osborne was born MANY MAKE CLIMB TO were established by the Commls J. W. Cooley all of Springfield, one POSTOFFICE CARRIER county (luring the past year. was saved although the building Is at Camp Creek on October 14, 1890 TOPS OF MOUNTAINS slon. making exhorbitunt charges i daughter Mrs. Josephine Huckins RESIDENT OF GOSHEN GETS FIRST FURLOUGH reported to have been unprotected ! and spent her childhood there, mov- ------------ Impossible. Springfield, 11 grandchildren and by Insurance. DIES AT HOME MONDAY WILL DO WORK ON LeRov Nice began carrying the ________________ — two great gr«ndchildren. She was ing to Eugene after the death of her a group of 55 persons from a ll' The lodge hall was not Insured CASCADE FOREST ROAD member of the Presbyterian city mall delivery this week in the and noth)ne fn , he Henry G. Smith, 62, died at his I i parents. She wns married to Joe pBrts o( j^jne county scaled one of LANE HOMEMAKERS HAVE was absence of Orson Vaughn, regular church. home In Goshen Monday after a Osborne, and Inter they moved to three of the Cascade peaks Sunday saved. All of the records of the King road fr o m Belknap OWN CAMP ON COAST carrier, who Is required to take lodge groups were either totally or Lps Angeles where he was engaged |n the annual Obsidian climb. The bridge will he graded eastward and ahort Illness. Mr. Smith was born In business. several furloughs during the year partially destroyed and half burned mountains chosen for the day w ere, at Oakland, Oregon, on July 3 1 .1 Nearly the limit attendance of 35 ||JK.A PLANS FOR LAWN later graveled by the forest service in compliance with the provisions sheets of paper were Scattered She leaves her widower, one the Middle and South Sister, and Lane county housewives ar- now a. AUGUST very soon It haa been announced 1870 and lived practically all of his daughter. Edna, one son. Wllllnm. The Husband. of the recent economy movement over an area of many acres. life in Lane county. by Cascade forest officers. The ----------- Vaughn Is the only member of the Howard Hughes. Harry Wright,] Camp Cleawox attending the an He Is survived by his widow, Mrs one brother. Jay J. McLean, Los nual Lane County Homemakers roreat crew will grade the road and Angela«, and two sisters. Mrs. Plans for a lawn party to be held local postoffice force whom Is af- and Claude Gray climbed the Mid­ Vina E. Smith. Goshen; two sons. camp which began Wednesday the county will gravel It. at the home of Mrs. Wanda Barnes fected by the ruling. Other em- MUSIC FEATURE OF Walter of Dexter, and Frank of George Lesshe, and Mrs. D. O. dle Sister from Springfield. Millions morning and will continue the re #t Fourth gnd „ 8tr® presented tor the occasion. i company. time. received here from him title week. August with Mra. Page aa hostess persons were present. FOUR NAVIGATE UPPER ROGUE WALTERVILLE HIT BY EIRE FRIDAY Virginia Lee h ¡ Bride Sunday GAREN A. COOLEY’ ' PASSESJRIOAY