PACK POUR Pete’s Belt At Stake On Friday Kansu Wrestler Agrees to Riturn from California with Championship at Stake THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS •DOOMED BATTALION” IS STAGE GT.X. iS IN CAST POWERFUL PRODUCTION OF "ALMOST MARRIED" R e a lig n of Pletura Mad« on High T yro l Mountain Grips Thoee Who W atch the Showing Tho. e who tore dram a and sue pens« w ill find plenty of it in tin first-run picture. "Doomed B attal PLAY IN "DOOMED BATTALION' THURSDAY. JULY 21. l»32 WHEAT CROP VARIES; SERVICES AT METHOOI8T FOUR-H JUDGING MORE DRIED PRUNES CHURCH ANNOUNCED WINNERS ANNOUNCED V iolet Heining, Bellam y and K lrk - land W ill Enact Principal Roles: McDonald July 2Z Four Broadway a ta r i. players who climbed to the very apex ol tl. o rb -al fame, w ill he seen In the leading roles of the Fox picture “Almost M arried " when that a in« -I. Ibng dram a opens Its local en g a r m e n t next Wedneaday and Thursday at the .McDonald T heatre *'• Kuran«*. They are Violet Heating. who plays the leading fem in ize role. Ra lt h Bellamy and A lexander K irk -awd »h o s h a t, Iead,„ g m al„ ho„ r s and Allan Dlnehart L ig h te r Foreign W heat Crop Pre­ Boys and girls whu won places Rev. P elndeater Arrangée f» r Sub dicted in Report: Hog i the Judging cuuteata held al the stltutsa During Abss'iss at Prices T ake Advanos l.tlrground- In Eugene Saturday, Annual Institu te Outing ihe closing day of the four-day A ligh ter wli si c iii'i In !i i leaders' recreation school, were an Key. J. T. Moore, form er pastor p articu larly In the north t h i n a uounced thia week by It. U. Kueh of the church, w ill preach (he moru- area, and a -lig h tly larger o' e In ner, county club leader. Judging In , lug sermon al the Melhodiat church Japan Is estim ated at present ac « luded both «home economics and in Springfield Sunduy al I I o'clock cording to latest governi..... .. cable crops, ' His subject w ill be "The L ife T hai dlapatches from the orient received W inners In the boys division were ' R ° w •• T ils church school will by the m arket division of the t re George Saunders, Norkenxle. (Ire i; “ I 9 46 T here w ill Ire no gou State t'ollcge Kxtena on sr- A lfred T aylo r, llcthel, second; O r evening service. Itev. Poindexter vlce^ I hla country normally exports \ III«* E lle r, F o lia g e Grove, th ird , * ••• *•' ou* *,f Fliy attending much more wheat and flour I,. M a|coin. « '.„th o rn , W llla g llle .p l» the church In s o lu te nt M ulti» lake. China than to Japan M eanw hile .o u rtb ; and Ted Calllson. F all Tile Rev. E. H Cierno w ill couducl estim ates of domestic production Creek, fifth the services a l Coburg Huuda) are for a much sm aller w inter Munday U lr l. who won were M arie Cong, morning at 9 46. T h e wheal crop than lusl year bin a don, Ulachly and M urtho Moon, W II school w ill meet at 10:30 |a rger spring wheat ci i o >. Jin ging |ag |||aapja( (lw | f|)r f |r „ . M yrna from present conditions. Laird, Edenvale, and Lau ra W ilde. The Pacific coast dried prune ^ “‘ * 7 “ J *’ ? Fln gsr le Amuptatsd crop .his re a r w ill be about 36.1100 * •M ‘ * a r,a n "' » p rlM tls W . C. E. P u lle r had one finger anipu . third. Ions more than a year ago bul tated this morning. The finger has about 67,000 tons below that of two been badly Infected for some lim e. Woodmen to Meet years age, according to la te -I gov­ A aotbsr well ntlended wrestling ion" which plays at the Colonial match at th.* Lane County F air th eatre for the balance of the week ground la In prospect (or Friday The story depicts the heroism ol night a! this week w ith the an- a group of Austrians during the nouncement by H erb teaks of the T yro l. W a r intervenes - Rebecca of Sunnvbrook F a rm ,” en- The two boys met at the fa ir­ picture has won for them in te rn a ti onal favor. o pit them against each other in a deared heraelf to New York theatre- grounds arena three weeks ago to upen the outdoor matches and al struggle to possess a strategic Al- goers In “J F ace, East" and "T he though Fete won the falls, large Pine peak, and m ilita ry orders force Rubicon." and played w ith George num ber* of the fans thought, and them to plot for each other s des A rtlss In the original production of e s till do thin k, that H ill had out truction. Situallons result where "D israeli." K irklan d won his fame w ith the Portland— Dales for the Annual K lam ath Falla — Dr. Ralph classed him a ll the way and was suspen-e runs high and action brhiffR a serie« of exciting clim axes \ > w York T heatre Guild in such b u y e r’s and T rad e Promotion event Stearns perform ed an operation the real champion. M onthly meeting of the Modern to a crisis whch is said to hold the successes as "W in g D y e r Europe " have been set from August I lo I in here Monday which he removed ernm ent estlinatea as of July I Sm all G irl III Fete has decided that the only which show u prospective crop o f : " ,,o,*nn,b of Am erica w ill be held audiences spellbound. T h e re a r e ! - UU glon" and "R C R ". w hile BeL o . u u . , way to assure the public that he scenes of rushing A lpine avalanches |anly playw , in ~Town Bov . -n<| Ila Haley, sm all daughter uf M r. * • « ' • " « » - Headed by A L can handle .he W ic h ita boy without -w eeping to destruction, and the -Roadside." and Mrs, .Miles Haley of Goshen. "Alm ost M arried ,*?. President of the Portland fornla crop Is expected to be much 1,11,1 * ° f »an I «ten on . any trouble Is to post his belt for dynam iting of a mountain provides m arka , he Is reported lo be quite III .1 Ihe picture In wh(ch ; o fl John Day— A m onthly average of larger than last year, though iliMt this match. home ot her parents. Cam p Creak Man Here one of the most tremendous specta- Bellamy and K irklan d have pluved *’« " Tue,kU y to r * 31000 In gold dust and nuggets has | of Oregon and W ashington, consist P relim inary events for the card Ces yet film ed iogeiher. , h eir s fr~ n -><«'■ ‘ r

won his match w ith T ex P o rter of songs, and other sound features re- since going to Hollywood he has C alifo rn ia People V isit K lam ath Falla— Building perm its ed to the Champoeg M em orial as ¥eala , ha( „ r(a# am„ un| „ Medford when the la tte r knocked main in the Austrian tongue. appeared in the screen production let at the C ity H a ll for «he firs t am-latlon by Ihe visiting picnic aol , a r Tw u nieces of D r W . N. Dow are of , |ne r„ r him self out in a series of head On the Beeutlful, Shady 1 "T h e B rat" and Good Sport." h alf of July doubled the total per­ * ro“ P aa the four year average rlae for * ' h l* h,,ni«* T h «Z Mrs. butts. Each had taken one fall when Links at THEATRE SEEKS COUPLE "Almost M arried." hearlded as a m its issued for the entire month Newspaner publish ,h l* P*«-*“«» '« >»3^38 Inclusive was ‘i ’1" * 8 , h " ',," v r of M are Island. this occurred. Grants Pasi FOR PUBLIC WEDDING hum an- m ystery th rille r, revolving of June. The sum involved Is $11,- era enroute to th heir eir annual conven ’ 5 Th* '»>'• » « » »•« Ka p X “. S c L T h '‘ -------------- : around a "devil's trian g le." the fo- 769.60 so fa r this month lion at San Francisco on a .p e d a l ‘ r,,“ , r r ln P*»P«rt«on to price, how • husband la M id-Sum m er Entertains V isitor— Mrs. Maude Ray W Jones, manager o f the cal point of which Is a mad must train were held up near G rains '»««« « '<>* • • " « » « -n.Vjr. and Am ateur Golf Tournam ent Rogers, president of the state Re­ Fux-McDonald theatre In Eugene elan, played by K irk la n d , whose rul- Sisters— A total o f 34,000 sheep Now S tarting »« «»>• “ t t i . h “ » . of r a ! " ^ in . bekah assembly was a guest at the j » a n ts some couple from this vlcin- ing obesnfcin Is that love can be ful- have been counted into the govern- Pas* and taken from the coaches ' n,«rh . . . ------------- . _ for top quality light hutchera. an of the Pacific float. His A chance for Ihe ordinary golfer honie of Mrs. Sarah Johns during | jty to be m arried on the stage of filled only by the m urder of the one : ,nent ran * e “ • this place since ... by the Josephine county Cavemen that the $2 advance repreaented a ! P Wl11 '‘ pt' n,, “ w*'” l‘ • ' •o try his prowess agalnsl players her vl -it in Springfield. • the theatre next Thursday evening, he loves W illia m Cameron Menxies Jul> *• ,he 1,Pcuinlt day on which A large open a ir break fast aw ait aeon and they w ill go to Port An or hla own daaa. Price S500 entered. T he sheep are owned ed them at G rants Pass city park 50 * * *'e " ‘ I“ «'’* « * I July 28. T h e license, m inister, ring, directed the production. geles for two nmniha before return-1 e „ lry g , a Undergoes Operation — W illia m 1 and many other useful articles w ill ___________________ The visitors la te r left In automo- by Eastern Oregon men. lug (o th e ir base P rize s fo r W in n e rs biles for the Redwuixl highway | T W Q W ) L L R E P O R T q G regory, mem ber of the Junior class be furnished the couple by the LOGGING OPERATORS of the local high school during the theatre and busine-s houses. T h e e c c v p i-r u n i o n ra c e ° re ° on City— T w o young cougars spending the night at Eureka. la s t year, underwent a m ajor oper 1 wedding w ill be featured In conjunc- PATROL RELEASE took possession of the A. L. Ham SUMMER CONFERENCE ss»«A M w» 4 L - X T ___ a X ______ a . . niond garden and used it as a play- atlon at the Northw est hospital In Hon w ith the showing of the film . Mats. MON. to FRI. 25c T h e continued decline in the lum M ary Hadley and Lee V a il w ill ,, , ground early Saturday morning he­ Eugene Tuesday. July 19 "Alm ost M arried." NITES A SUN. Mat 35c l i r m arket is being noted in the , ore Ih t,y were frlRhtened awav by give reports on the annual summer -VW — W C hildren 10c I in. reasmg num ber of logging oper- Harl). r,8lnK neiallb<>rs Thv plalltll 7-. Hl ’ ‘ onf»r»nce of the C hristian Endea t e d l G enes Hiid M r C ircle have , ,, . .t o n , who are asking for release ln garden w ere damaor C. Ben Ross of Idaho. T h e Springfield people to attend the cently. ; dam w ill provide irrig a tio n w ater large gathering at H e ll Gate bridge ----------------------------- - fo r 123,000 acre« of land. Sunday. Daughter Born— M r. and M rs - ■ — - ----- L yle E. Beard of Ix iw ell are the i cAround the State ...... .'» « ........ .... ....... '!■: ............. GOLF h ““ "n OAKWAY ” N Thurston A LouidsT PRICEÍ Wanted - Canning Needs Ordered SOLD Loganberries, Crate w r.! White Front Grocery W. A. Taylor 2 for 1 Shoe Sale For M en and W om en parents of a baby daughter born to I them at the Pacifie Christian hog- ' pital In Eugene on Monday, J u ly , , 18. 1932 V is it St Rainbow— M r. and Mrs. | W . ('. M yers and J. J Browning of . Hayden bridge spent Bunday at ! Rainbow visiting at the II. H arris | I i hom**. Test You Forget’ Y o u r ey e s w o n d e r . . . y o u r h e a r t th rills . . . y o u r p u l­ ses p o u n d a t this m ig h ty h u m a n d r a m a ! .................... Staged mountain tops with soldi­ letter Heads ers battling in a hell of ice Office Forma and snow . . . and through Hand Billa it all a love story as flam­ Statement« Blotter« ing as the war Itself! Ticket« At The Buster drown Shoe Store 933 Willamette Eugene, Ore. Willamette Press Offices: 119 E. Broadway, Always Satisfy Choice Meats Price Is Right Quality the Best THE P IQ T U R E T E R R IF IC ! All Seats Regular Price»— 25c MEALS with MEAT From Our 7/DÔOMED BATTALIOn Kids 10c 968 Willamette Summer Meals M ust S atisfy Make Your Selection on the loftiest Bueineea Carda Menua. etc. C. J. Breier Co. ffiH'KIMi FIRST RUN IN EUGENE Thursday — Frid ay — Saturday Bargain Matinee Saturday 15c Envelope! N ow On a t Washable Silk Dresses Phone 9 Buster Brown $5000 Merchandise F o r What It Will Bring! Philco Radio New Models Have Just Arrived We Guarantee Everything We Sell Independent Meat Co. E. C. STUART, Prop. 1 4t!i and Main St«. Phone (¡3 ...DRO P IN AND SEE TH EM ... Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT