TllVItHDAY. JULY 21. 1»32 THB SPRINGFIELD NEWS P a tre lm s n C hangad N O T IC I OF H IA R IN O ON FIN A L I I T T L I M I N T REDUCED LUMBER RATES •> T re n t. | lows, who baa bees T im appointm ent »f T. J. <'riutuu 1 M r and Mrs. Teddy L evlt and her daughter. M m . 0 . 1 Jordan, POSTPONED FOR AWHILE NO TIC E IH HERKUT G IV E N ; n( D exter un rodant control «up»r children visited at T re n t last week. and fam ily returned borne last T h a t (he uiiilam isiiud, aa executors rla o r »a» < am ell.-,I Monday and J I ,,r t h „ W |„ and T a „ BJn. n, o, Caster., C a rrie rs Given U n til Octo­ T hey w ere on th e ir way to Lorane week. K Johnson appointed In charge of I Roea L Hu h i, deceased. h ara Iliad where Teddy w ill hold a revival ber 14 to C o m p ly W ith At a special meeting of the high districts 45 and 52 II waa a b ,b ,' lr “ <'<'>unt for lbs final s a ttla III e t Home— M rs John Rlchl -r meeting. He Just closed a meeting school board of d istrict so. 1, Mrs. V is ita e t C o tta g e Q ro ve— .Mr» M Federal O rder noun,,-,I Monday by ( I H Fletcher of «’ • ' " ‘••n«'» *< t» ta In at O akridge I Allan W heeler was e le c te d te a c h e r Is III at her home this week. B H untly waa a visitor in Cottage . Z , . , , »he County Court of Laos County O. H Hoislngtoa la very tic k al I to fill the vacancy county agent. M r Johnson has ai | o r„ Ä<„, and that h ( | r t i y . , h' Grove on Saturday. Beattie, Wash . July 21- Reduced aueed by the V isits at Albany— M rs W C. reudy begun work setting out pol­ I KO day of August. 1,31. al (lie I resignation of L. H Ayr«« of The | lum ber reiea Into the C entral his home at Pleasant H ill. Visite in Portland — Miss Annie I F t eigh t association territo ry from Mrs. Mary Noel of Ida Grove, | Dalles. Court Itoom of said Court In thw Reldian waa a visitor at Albany on uin on neglected land F D R H A L E Klim »lew lot, W II County Court Kousa. In Eugen»- at Monday. Mi-Gieikln apen! the week-end vlelt the West Coast due to go into ef­ lam ella Heights, ,15(100, Term s. leu o’» loch In tb» forenoon, hi_ Ing wlth friends In Portland. fect July 14. 1932, were postponed Visits at Junction C ity — Mrs. bean fixed by said Court as the Telephone 251 M W Eugene. .125 N O T I C I T O C R E D IT O R * lino- and place for hearing objec­ M B H u n lly visited friends at F ish on F riday__Mr. M. V W a lk e r b / ,h *’ In te rs ta te Commerce Com Notice Is hereby given that th> tions thereto, and for the settle- NOTICE Junction C ity Friday. spent Friday on a fishing trip on *"* according to advices re- umlerslgned Gladys J. W a lk e r has ment thereof OF F IN A L I I T T L I M I N T the M cK enzie riv e r eelved by (be W est Coast Lum ber been appointed by the County A d m itte d t e H e a p ita t— M rs . K. M. EHEI» FIHK, Notice la hereby given tb a t the 1 Court of luin« County. Oregon, by 1 men's Association, on petition of In undersigned Executor snd Kx«cu (Ils o rd er deled June 27th, 1,32 as G H .H E B T Z A C H E R , Executors K in ca id of W endllng waa adm itted O e s te r M an H a re — H enry Acbey (crested railroads. The case waa orl- Irlx r Metate Esta (he County Clerk of Idin« County, lain are herebv n i> tlfl...i tn . . . . . . . . . . . (J 14-21-3*— A 4 -lly 4-111 Leave for A e h le n d -M r . and M rs ,n* ,h ’ P *“ “ 0 " ° f " • ’• ‘ • rn lum ber F. Anderson waa dismissed from Rooms: |1.BO with btuh; >1.00 without bath Oregon, and ( h a i Saturday, tho 30th Ihe same, duly verified. Io th e s a id D. B M urphy accompanied by M r .. and ordering reduc the Eugene hospital on Saturday. duv of July 1032 at the hour of mlm lni tra trlx . a t the office of Fred N O T IC E O F S H E R I F F ' * * A L K H o llis te r M ille r. M r . Nana Nile- ! t,ons of fron) * * cent8 to 6 * » « n t. We Welcome You to Portland I» n o clock In Ihe forenoon. In the F Hmlth allo rn ey at law 446 6 V isitor from Eend— A lt Nyatrom son and Low ell Cray left Tuesday hu» Ilo- tim o anil place for hearing T o W o r k on H o o v e r D am — Toni Ig lru trlx »aine, und for the final selllem enl F B E I) E S M IT H , Attorney for a ml pursuant to a decree duly given Johnson has goue to Nevada where Rubley left Tuesday for C rater Indiana. Southern Michigan. Obto of said «ulule Luke where he w ill be employed and W estern N ew York, und made by aald Court June 27 A d m in is tra trix he expects to be employed In Ibe N. M CG TT J E W E T T . Executor. 1932, In a ault pending therein In by M cN utt brothers In road con j The railroads west of Chicago, (Jo 714-21-38— A 4) C i.A B A A M G R Itd W E le n i Which W. H Ehlen end H a rrie tt cun- (ruction of Hoover dam. structlon w ork. friendly to the reduction, called on t rt m M Ehlen were p la in tiffs and Me New port M an H e re — A lfred _ _ .. , „ the roads in the C entral F reig h t aa- W E I.I.H A W E L L S . Attorneys B elle Ba I ih leer and others w ere N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E On Camping T rip — M r. and M rs .... (J 30 Ju 7-14 21 25) , A " ,r „ , , soclatlon to reduce th e ir rates In defendants, which execution end Sm ith of New port spent the week­ „ REAL PRO PERTY M arlon Adams and son, Robert, are order of sale wee to me directed end here visiting w ith bis motber compliance w ith the o rder but the N O T IC E Is hereby given that hy und commanded me to sell the real eu Joy Ing a one week vacation per­ SUM M ONS Mrs. James 1-axtou astern roads countered w ith a sug- virtue of an exocullon and o rder of property iod. T hey are camping In the Mo- j ( described therein and geation tbat the W estern roads IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E »»le lasued out of ih e C irc u it Court h ere in a fte r described, to satisfy Ooea to P o rtland— O rv ille Katun haw k country above M abel. S T A T E O F O R EG O N FOR L A N K : of 'he S tale of Oregon for Lane Go- Jodgmenl and decree given In should raise lum ber rates Into the COUNTY County the 51 li day of July, 1,32 aid ault. I w ill, on Saturday, the left Monday fur Portland to spend Takes Vacation M I m Lulu M e ¡ “ rea we* 1 ut Blinota-indiana line Clarinda Esther W h 'te, P la in tiff, upon and pursuant to a d e c re e duly 30th day of July. 1932. at the hour a short while receiving m edical Kiiitiiners may come and summers may go but Ice | Pherson, cashier a l the M ountain “ '" I »u rem ove the prejudice to lum va, V«nls M W hits, Defendant. given and made by said Court the on one o'clock P M. at the south­ treatm ent. ! States Power company office Is * * r buyers and users which the cream continues to be the king of desserts. Ice cream In Ihe mime of the State of (ir e 5th day o f July, 1,32. in a suit pend west door of the County Court gon you ure hereby required to ap- Ing thurelu In which T h e Pacific House In Eugene. L an e County, justifh'8 Its popularity with Its rich, cool delicious Guests at Hotel— Dan Peuinan of t a k in g a one week vacation now 1 commission found to exist east of pear and answer the Com plaint Savlugs d Loan Association waa Oregon, o ffer fo r sale and sell at flavoring. She wEI return (0 her duties o n ! Chicago This the W eeteru railroad M arcola and S. M cCourny of W alt- riled ugalust you In the ubnve en- p la ln llff and Ida M Hoge. O L public auction for cash, subject to Monday. refused to do stating the action, 1 1 We arc always prepared to serve you here Imme­ t II led suit on or before four weeks Brown and Lucy K Brown were redemption as provided by law. all e rvllle were registered as guests , taken, would be protested by West- diately. This is the most popular place in summer. from the date of Ihe first publics- defendants, which execution and of the right, title and Interest of the al Ibe Springfield hotel on Friday. Attend Aregonian Picnic — M r erB |uml»er shippers and suspended lion of this summons, or for want order of sale waa to me directed defendants In said suit and of all (hereof the P la in tiff w ill lake Juilg and commanded me to aell the real parties claim ing by. through o r un­ V isiting at C o rvallia— La Moyne and Mrs. Em ery Richardson. M ia s i^ y u ,e Comniission thus causing m »ul against you and w ill apply to property h ere in a fte r described to d er them or any of them In o r to Black and Jean l^ouk are vlsltlag Beulah Richardson, Robert and ' „ probable delay w ith great expense (In - Court tor the re lie f prayed for satisfy certain liens and chargee lu the follow ing deacrlbed real pro­ at Corvallis for a few days with Dick Richardson and Mlaa M ar- and without advantage. "W h e re th e S e r v ic e is D if f e r e n t lu the Complaint tflid of u decree aald decree specified. I w ill on S atur­ perty. to-w it: Jorle W addell attended the Oregon Because of the disagreement as friends. of uhsolute divorce from you. Thia day the 13th day of August. 1932, at T he east N in ety (90) feet of S u m m iih s Is published once each Ihe hours of une o'clock. P M at tan picnic held at Benton-Lake park to Ihe method of com plying with Ixit One (1) Block T w o (3 ) In Week-end on Coast— M r. and Mrs. on Saturday. week for fo u r consecutive weeks In lie- southwest door of the County John Christian's Addition to Eu the o rder the Commission waa p eti­ T h e Springfield News, a w eekly < ourt House In Eugene. Lane Coun­ W a lte r Gossler and M r. and Mrs. gene. I-ane County, Oregon. newspaper published at Springfield. ty. Oregon, o ffer for sale and sell Picnic a t Lake— M r and M rs. D. tioned to grant an extension of the Dated thia 28th day of June. C. F. Barber le ft Saturday and I.ane County. Gregnii by order of al public auction for cash, subject 1933 B. M urphy, M r. and M rs. V ic to r effective date. T his was secured spent the week-end on the coast. the lio n (I. F. Sklpw orth. Judge of ; '» redemption aa provided by law. H. L. B O W N , S h eriff. Husband. M r-. N in a Nlleaon, L ow ell the c* rrte » are under said Court, made June 20. 1932. and »11 " I the right, title and Inlereat W E L L S « W E L L S . Attorneys. M arcola People Here— M r. and Cray, Miss C lara Jones, and Mias lhe new o rder' to comi'i)r on or * * first published June 23. 1932 o t (he defendants In said null and Moto Gas is filling a long felt want for summer U 30— Ju 7-14-21-29) Mrs. W illia m G. Spicer of M arcola A ltle M anning held a picnic on fore (,c t°b e r 14, 1*32. J I. Norwood. Attorney for parlies claim ing by, through driving. Users report it performs for them Just as well were vlaitors In Bpringfleld M on­ S ou th side o f th e la k e a l tb e p o w e r 1 P la ln llff, Residence and Post " r “ «d»r them or any o f them In as more expensive motor fuels. It gives more miles at N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E or to the follow ing described real O ffice, Eugene. Oregon. day. less cost. dam Sunday afternoon. ----- --- ~' p ro p e rly , to -w lt: IJ 23 3 0 - Jl. 7 14 21 1 N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N Beginning at a point one hund Return from Cabin— M rs. Nancy This service station takes care of all your Briving riel eighty nine (IR 9 ) feet west of that by virtue of an execution and SUMMON* Gibbs and Mrs. Carlton W ym an re­ CENSUS REVEALS FACTS needs. ih e West line of Agate Avenue, order of sale Issued out of the Cis- T h e T re n t Sunday school elected ult Court of the State of Oregon, turned Monday from the W ym an IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E ON U. S. POPULATION the follow ing officers last week, If extended south, a» aald Agate S T A T E O F O R EG O N FOR T H E Avenue Is platted and laid out In for l-ane County. Oregon. June rabin on the M c K e n tle where they superintendent. A rth u r L in d le y ; as­ CO UNTY OF LANE Gross' Addition to the C ity of Eu 27th, 1932, pursuant to a decree en­ have spenl the past week Population of the United States G R A C E I I M IL L E R . P la ln tirr va sistant superintendent. M r. P a lin ; gene. Lane County. Oregon, and tered by said Court on June 21. 5th and A Streets Springfield decreased almodt 200,000 for each F R A N K I. M IL L E R . Defendant. tw o hundred seven and 01 lOths 1932. In a suit pending wherein J. R e c o v e rin g a t H o s p ita l— A. B secretary-treasurer. D arw in Bax­ T o F R A N K L M IL L E R , the above year age during tbe early and la t­ 1207.1» feel south o f the south A. Henderson and Jane Henderson Downs who recently underw ent a named defendant ter years of life according to a re­ te r; chorister. W ilb u r G uiley; pian­ line of 23rd Street, as the same were p la in tiffs and Oeorge H Es IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E Is platted and laid out In Groas gale and Lenora L. Esgate were de­ m ajor operation at the Eugene hos­ port of the population of tbe U nited ist A lthea Baughman. Teachers are O F O R E G O N . 1.1(1 I I ING Addition to the City of Eugene, fendants. said execution and order pital I reported to be recovlng States by Single Years of age which ! “ r '' Henry Ingalls You are hereby required to appear Lane County, Oregon, run thence of sale being to me directed and nicely. has Just been released by tbe B u -! E rne8' W h eeler- Em m a t o u Baugb- and answer the com plaint filed South one hundred tw enty-six commanded me to aell the h erein ­ reau o f Census. In the to ta l popula 1 m an' M r* P a lln ' M ra- Ernegt agulnat you In Ihe above entitled and 9-IOIhs (126 91 feet, thence a fte r described real property to Return from Saginaw — M r. and suit on or before four weeks from Whatever stock we may carry to perform the ser­ and M rs W L. W heeler, Weal forty five <45| feet, thence satisfy the sum of 31000 00 w ith In Mrs. W . A. L am bert have returned Gon of the U nited States the num- ( the date of the first publication of vice 01 a modem store we’re a drug store In the true North one hundred tw enty-alx lerest thereon at the rate of 1% her of persons returned for each M r and M rs M attn* * haTe tills suiniuims. in for want lln-rci.f have anil 9 lOths (125 9 | feel, thence per annum from May 21. 1931 until from Saginaw where they sense of the word first. Prescriptions are compounded oast few I Y W * 6 “ f o m 1 to 99 was great- I returned fro "’ “ >elr honeymoon the p la in tiff w ill lake Judgment East forty-five (45) feet to the I»ald and the fu rth e r sum of 3125.00 been visiting fo r the with the greatest care for often life depends upon it. er. however. In 1930 than in 1920 tr1p ' hrou by virtu e of an "execution and dem pllon as provided by law a ll the Cowart. worth. Judge of thia Court, made order of salt Issued nut of the elr- right, tid e and Interest of the afore­ the num ber of centenarians report- Return to Alpine— M r. and Mrs. June 22nd. 1932. and firs t published cull court of the State of Oregon said defendants and each of them ed In 1930 was 3,964 as compared all persons claim ing by Elwood Lee returned to th e ir home June 23rd. 1332. for Ijin e County. Oregon, June and ¡ • ; f° r i * * 19,2 P“ ™ “ " ' «" » < l* r e e en through or under them , the follow ­ at A lpine F rid a y a fte r spending w ith 4.267 in 1920. t - f th o u - ¡e r s i 11a re p o rte d In 1930 I luln tlff. Address. T iffa n y tered hy said enurt May 17th 193’’ ing described real property, to -w lt; several days here vlsltln ; a t th' Building Eugene Oregon. „ BU„ Beginning at a point on the home of her parents, M r and Mra. j “ 100 > or older' 1' 180 were Went line of L ot No. 16 of the _______ a»-«»— J»- 7-14-llJ__________ P. Nelson was p la in tiff and C. E whites. 2.467 negros. and 317 were C. A. Sw arta I ’lst of Noraton as platted and re­ Bailey was defendant, said execu- ( of other races. Because persons of corded In Bonk 4. page 79, Lane R e tu rn from Redmond— M r and udvanced age frequently report County records of Plats, 6.41 chs. commanding me to sell 8. 0 deg. 22 M in. W . from the M ra. J. E. Croes ave returned from themselves to tbe enum erator as : tne nerelnarter described real pro* N o rthw est corner of said lot No. Redmond where they had spent the older than they actually are. or not perty Io datlsfy the sum of 31750 00 15, und running thence along the with Interest thereon nt 7% per an- W est line of I-ot No. 16, 8. O deg. past week. M rs. W . H. Hobbs and know ing th e ir true ages, make ex­ l num from the 5th day of A pril. 22 min. W 9 91 chains, thence daughter, C ynth ia, spent tbe week­ aggerated guesses, the returns un­ 1931. until pnld and maaonahle a t­ 8. 89 deg. 39 min. E p arallel to end there w ith M r. Hobbs wbo Is doubtedly overstate the num ber of torney» fee« Ih the num of 9200 00 the south line of said L ot No. 16, making an Ind efin ite visit there. | and for coata and dl-er reader than any other medium. school class by Bernice N eher Fin 19.42 chs. more or less to the Sec. 10 to where snld lin e In te r­ have been vis itin g at the home of ley at her home rlday. Games and place of beginning, containing sects the center of the Long Tom Kor thode merchants or professional people who do not feel Rlvpr, thence follow ing the center 12.72 acres of land all In Plat of th e ir grandparents for tbe past two stunts w ere enjoyed during the Noraton. I-ane County, Oregon. weeks. of Long Tom R iver In a southerly qualified to prepare their own advertising messages, we evening. Refreshm ents w ere ser­ direction to the south line of See Beginning at a point In the have on hand at all times a splendid supply of expertly ved at a late hour. 10, nnd thence east to place of middle of the County Road at the Visitors fro m P ertlsn d — M r. and planned, written and illustrated advertising material. We beginning containing 194 acrea. Northeast corner of Lot No. 15 of M rs. T h eran B. Sausser of Port­ can meet the need of any business. The Springfield News more or leas, In the county of the Plat of Noraton as platted MAN LOST 26 POUNDS Lnnc. (Ire . except from the ahovr and recorded In Book 4, page 70 land spent the week-end here v is it­ furnishes this service to yon free of charge. LOOKS 100', BETTER deacrlbed prei ilsex n right of way I-ane County Records of Plats ing at the home o f M r. and Mrs. Feels Stronger Then E ver heretofore deeded to the Portland nnd running thence 8outh along H a rry S tew art. M r. 8ausser return LET’S HELP PREPARE Eugene nnd Eastern Rnllw ny the East line of said I-ot No 16. ed to Portland Sunday. H is wife Just to prove to any doubtful man Company. Also excepting there­ 7.02 chs. thence N. 80 deg. 39 min. or woman that Kruschen Salts is w ill rem ain here fo r tw o weeks. L. YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS from the follow ing described pre- W. pnrallel to the South line of m laoa; I-ot 15. 6.64 chs. thence N. 0 deg. C. W ilkinso n, also of Portland, who the S A F E way to reduce— let us Do N o t H id a Y o u r Eyes Beginning nt the northeast cor 22 min. E. 10.86 chs. to the mid­ accompanied the Sausser« to take the le tte r of M r. F. J. F ritz The New Ful-Vlii- gill He» have ner of the W illia m W ilson Dona­ dle of the County Road, tbence 8 Springfield went on to Roseburg of C in cin nati. Ohio, recently re­ high-up Hide bowH, revealing eye ex- tion Land Clnlm No. 51 In T o w n ­ 56 deg. 17 min. E. 8.67 chs. to tbe ceived. ship (16) south of range fiv e (5) preHHlon. clearing Mldeway vision. place of beginning. Containing and returned on Sunday. H e w rites: "I'v e tried extrem e went of the W illa m e tte M eridian. 5.00 acres of land In tbe Plat of Ful-Vue gluMHi'M represent a Iona In Lane County, Oregon. Thence dieting, setting up exercises w ith Noraton, I-ane County, Oregon. NOTICK OF FINAL HEARING W eal 4.0(1 chnlns to the southwest Beginning at a point on tbe advance In bet te r looks and better very little results— but the results corner of Lot No. 4 In Sec fifteen West line of Lot No. 16 of tbe Notice la hereby given that Hans front Kruschen are almost Incred vision. of Hnlil township and range; Plat of Noraton 31.86 chs. N. 0 Bertulsen, administrator of the es­ thence N orth 3.83 chains; thence deg. 22 min. E. and 10.88 cha. 8. tate of H arry B. Manville, has filed Ible. In 3 months I reduced from You cannot afford Io trifle w ith ( N orth 69 deg. 30 min. East 2.00 89 deg. 39 min. E. from tbe quar­ In the county court, his final ac­ 205 to 179 pounds and feel stronger your eyeNlghl. I t ’s too linporlanl chains: thence south 55 deg east ter section corner between sec­ count as auch administrator, and than ever— no more wheezing or to your health. youthfulnesH anil 2.50 chains; (hence south SB deg, tion 17 nnd 18, Township 16. that the court has fixed ten o'clock gasping for breath— friends say 1 10 min. east 4.00; chains; thence South Range 4 West, W illam ette A. M. of Friday, Aug. 10. 1932, at earn ng power. You may not need south 16 deg. 30 m in. east 6.30 Meridian. Oregon, and running the chambers of the Court In the look 100% better." gla-HfH. hut seven out of ten people chains; thence south 46 deg. 40 Rear In mind, you fat man. that thence along the W e it boundary court-house In the city of Eugene, do. min. 6.00 chains; thence south 9 of said I-ot No. 16. N. 0 deg. 21 Oi egon, as the time aad place when there' Is danger In too fnuch f a t - deg went 5 60 chnlns; thence min. K. 13.63 chains, thence West said account shall come on for ex­ try the safe way to reduce— one- It doesn’t pay to Hklinp on the south 38 deg. west 7.11 cha.ns 7.39 chalnsf thence 8. 0 deg. 22 amination and allowance. A ll per­ only eyes you will ever have. thence N orth 88 deg. west 4.90 min. W. 18.66 chains, thence Bast sona desiring to object to the eame h alf teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts chains; thence north 17.73 chains, 7.39 chains to the place of begin­ may appear at aald time and place In a glass of hot w ater every morn Io the place i f beginning contain­ ning. containing 10 acres of land and be beard. Ing— cut down on fatty meats and DR. ELLA MEADE ing 12.06 acres. In Lane County, Oregon. H A N 8 B B B TB L8B N . Admr. sweeta— One bottle th a t lasts 4 Dated June 30. 1932. Dated June SOtb, 1982. 8. D. ALLEN, Attorney for Optometrist weeks costs but a trifle — get It at H. L. B O W N , S h eriff. H. L. BOW N. Sheriff. Estate. 41 W est Sth Sugans (J. 3S— Ju 7-14 3138) any drugstore in the world. (J. S S - Ju 7-14-81-31) (Ja 13-1*— A *-3». > TOWN AND VICINITY L en o x H o te l Cool Refreshing Tempting F G G IM A N N ’S Our New Gasoline Upper Willamette “ A ” S tr e e t S e r v ic e S ta tio n We’re A Drug Store First KETELS D R U G STO RE Business Directory 7Í SAVE BY NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING New Ful-Vue Glasses A n y B usiness that Is W orth Running IS WORTH AD V ERTiSING