THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-N IN TH YEAH HI’ltlN G H K LH , LANE ( P I N T Y , O iaX IO N .T H I h s i , \ Y I I I . ’, M W ENROLL IK SWIM GLASSES Monocoupe Mill Get Tests Soon OEfiEMB HEAD KANSAN LOOMS VISUS LODGE AS LIOOS OEAO Old Building Is Being R azed Now Lions Club Picnic WESTFIR PLATS STARTS AGAIN ls h “ ^ l M air DOST TO C0UUÎÏ Improvement Work Under Way at Airport; City Grader Entertained With Luncheon i Election of Former Director Lumber to Be Used in Con- Many Attend Dance and Out- struction of Summer Home Booth-Kelly Camp Opens on Grade* Long Runway* •ng at Willamette Park De­ at Noon and Large Gather. I to Presidency of Interna- for Dr. Pollard East of City Large Celebration Monday; Western Lumber spite Unfavorable Weather ing Monday Evening I tional is Expected T««t flight« for tha iuoiio«*oup< for Dedication of New Hell T h e old two-story fra m e b uilding* Plant Resumes Cutting «Indane which Jim MaoManlmen . .. _ u Seventy member« of the Spring- Gats Bridge or. Willamette RED CROSS MAN DIRECTS .............. m ated on the «hip and „ “ *"" / “ ra " aud" , Ixi« Angeles, - -------------- ----------- C alifo rn ia. —July t l located Just south of the F lr» t Na Special Evening Claee for Adult* to Start Monday, Registration* Still Open field School of Flying w ill probably 7 * ,a t * pr*'8ld*»11 of the Re Willamette Park Donates Use of Facilities for Ten Day Instruction Period • " hob, w ithin . day« h . « noumod thin week T he largo wing H p rl,,* ,, ‘ 'M « “ »day brought aeveral other Im portant lodge official« o ffic ia l to has en mounted on the ahlp and lb« 7 " r l,,,p o r,* n, *odge the city. tin« motor mounted, but not covered O fficer« of the local lodge held a i)n . hundred and sixty three par The propeller has not been received hoiin hud up for tit«» fro«* yet. one o'clock luncheon M unday noon m w I hi in lug limtructtoiiM which nr« »n.- Mi«.M al the lodge hall for Mrs. Huger«, hhin e WMN dmnuged lo mi »<. and follow ing ■ social hour the bolnat orrarad to Hpringflehl people' j < months ago und the Oil« week through the J * Croaa ' wrecked fuaeiuge was purchased by s la te president and some o f the C* under the direction ..e of 'T «ttoli Jim m ie Green and Hnap W ard who local officer« visited Mr«. Ada Bench, a shut-in mem ber Red Cross L ife Muver «1 2» «tie are having It rebuilt. park one m ile south of t. O ’ll T he regular m eeting was held at P u ttin g of all valuable hay on the the Pacific highway. Hie ball Monday evening w ith an airp ort property haa been com Classes w ill be conducted 4k leted now. the I . . . being l u l l e d 1 ' 7 7 ' 0C,Ud“ " ‘ larly for ten day» for all g, vk •S a tu r d a y L ate r In the er '7 ® ° ,b " ,ud“ '* excepting the adult evening c. Planned take ih - fire truck !.r“ "P Ur*” a' < * * « * • . e field and ........ ,.rr ............ Eu« e,M’' M ar‘ üla i t r ^ U C ity. from «even to eight which w ill ala e field und burn o ff the re B row nsville, H alsey, and E n ter- next Monday uinl to n lln u e for otic « patches of gru«« which are i "A o a ' " w“ " " ’ " ’ ¡prise, week Persona Interested In tuklng ull of wee (I n to nmke unable advantage of thia Instruction may buy Among the visitors were E sther Bond of Halsey, vlce-preeldent of « till «Ign up for It at the city hull. P ity employees were at the alr- T h ere w ill probably bo tw enty- Charles Poole, grand per, Wednesday regrading the long warden v f the grand lodge, and , five In the two life saving class««, ru n w a y , which diagonal the field Mrs. M innie W righ t of O akridge. | according to .Mr. Ila tto n . T h e sen j chaplain of the state body. lor group practices from 2 30 to 3 : SO each afternoon, unil the Junior class from 3:30 to 4:30 dally. A m orning claaa for ladles who are Just beginning 1« being held dally for one h alf hour beginning at 10 30 T hl» d a«« haa an en­ ro llm en t of 1* at thl« time. OBSIDIANS FEAN T alk s by visitor«, the present«. ' Hon of a g ift from the officer« to TW° tbe lam ber con — Election of Charles H . H atto n of Hon .1 bank, o w n e r, of the property Ik being razed this week by a crew ‘ er" * *" , 'an<’ <,,unty resumed oper W ichita, Kansas. to the presidency 7 aliona avain tht. w * s * o * u “ l, a ,te r «... b* " , '‘ of Lion« In te rn a tio n a l In the fin a l ot men under the direc tion of I K “ T h he lum ber Ix-lnz moved moved 7 7 ed d° Wn ,Or ’ ° me aeaslon of the convention loraor Page. T e lum ber 1» la being to »ne Chris Hansen farm .-«at o f t v local .1 ' ''timmunffv ° n im un i,’r *«•«<■' »h,ch ------------- I • p” n ,o r* <1 aI W iliam - County Chgmbor of C©m- ( ! “ * park T h o r«la y evening. morce and Legion District Approxim ately 15o were present I »»__ du/ ‘“ « " > • o w n in g lo r the dancing » ^ o n jc h .d u l« ,“7 u baaeba11 game ' A" <™»nty h a . been Is- ‘ be d“ n te wa* fu ™ ‘«h , **ted to be guests of W eatftr M d ° 0O,‘ ,‘' KhOde ,8,and O“ “ rldge on tbe upper W llla m e tti W e,,d ,ln« «“ '» 1« Hadio R“ “ Glera. T he weather w a s ! riv e r th l. week-end at a mammoth k linen . now operating five days a week on I un,<,’'°r»b le. w ith Indications of celebration to h . f e . . — x 7 l-n fll tec ently this _bulM . Bg | . „our day baala. (ra v e n l n I a dedication d X r i T n of * the 'X u < £ ¡ra in in during during most most of of the tbe e evening. hi-used the secoiid-liand fu rn itu re ' T b e W estern Lum ber ----- m ill — at I ,i x Many .u persons took tbe,r i *r* t brW«® across the river ana c«e store .peidied by M r. Lee. T he I W e s tfir also started o peration s1 e ou lh ,‘ aerlal glide and enjoy completion of the W illa m e tte hlch building fcrm e rly was located on . . . Wednesday --------------------------------- I ed the unusual experience of . way to these cities. again on of this week : thW They have been down Mince J u n e }. W ft .r » w m « the riv e r Heated T w o Im portant meetings have al­ 30. Im provem ents to a dam at t h e l 1" “ IlBht t'b a ,r- T h « facllltle« of so been planned for these commu­ m ill pond were made during the tbe Parb were donated for the nities Sunday as a part of the cele P T lT r l i r T r n i t i n «"“ » • • ■ H l w . . W e . T he reg ular; event. p . bratlon. M embers of the Lane Coun S I A ir U l n lL U U IU U A U U I l ILIIKII u MEET 10 EUGENE ______ Charles H. Hatton 1932 PifiiOENT 1933 LI0NS INTERNATIONAL Opening Business Sessions, Luncheon, Banquet, Dance on Program for Today crew |M 'h e Job there and no KaT,,rable comment heard a fte r 1 , v c h .m tw .. o uane voun- . . , „ help c . needed. It . . . ta said. ", (th e p e cnlc n t, and d sn ... e ,..x „ .....x J r o t < ommerce w ill hold dam indicated a . ty h J ‘ hamb* ~ i e extra Is < on the par, of many to hold ' S u n ^ T ^ r * “ “’ 7 a sim ilar a ffa ir later In , he - ..... i ® - b* fOr® ° l ‘ ,a r«# ’ ,c nlc for all people of L u te county. GIRLS RETURN FROM T he d latrlct meeting o f the « » - erlcan Legion w ith representatives from all posts in this d is tric t w ill N®mher« of Springfield Troop also hold th e ir m onthly meeting Hold Three-D ay Camp at there at that tim e. W illa m e tte Resort Music w ill be furnished during the day by the I. O. O. F. band from Ten K‘ ri». members o f the Spring-j Eugene and the Am erican Legion fW d ° lrl ScoUl ,roop’ r‘‘tu rn «*> ! drum corps from Cottage Grove. * 7 * * " 7 f r " m M,:C’redle Springs Speaker for tbe dedication exer­ where they enjoyed a three-day Methodist Delegation Starts outing under the leadership of M rs p x xs ■ , »»arts cises w ill be J. E. ahelton, Portland, manager of the Oregon M otor As O. H. J a rre tt, m em ber ot the county 1 Friday Morning for Annual social ion. Cutlng at Suttle Lake council, Mrs. E. E. M ay, and Mrs. O ther entertainm ent w ill be In W . C. W rig h t. T h e girls spent: . . . . ,* Wednesday. Thursday and F riday Q 18 P * ™ * ” w ltl leave the nature of stunts and contests “ ~ tOmOrrO' on both land and water. Itnmedl- "g ‘ h00*' h" “ nA Suttle Lake to attend the annual “ tely a fte r a large picnic dinner OUTING AT McCREDIE i Mr». Roger*, and a «octal hour w ith refreshm ents provided by ■ com Veteran« from a ll parts of O re : m It tee under the direction of Mrs. row seemed assured today. T be In ­ j D. O. Fisher, concluded the evening ternation al convention w ill close gon and leaders from more distant Saturday. > meeting. places are gathering at Eugene M r. H a tte n Is president of the now for the annual encam pm ent of t x t r bur Peoples Finance company of Wlch the Veterons of Foreign W ars be­ Tuesday evening and W a lte rv llle lodge on Wednesday. Me «in then Its and holds office In several other ing held at tbe Eugene Arm ory. return to her home at Enterprise. large corporations in W ichita. H e Convention headquarters are loca­ She ba« been away now for tw o attended school at Southwestern ted at the Eugene hotel. college and tbe U n iversity of Colo­ months on her Inspection trip . E a rly registration started yester rado. afterw ards going abroad to day and the .in v e n tio n proper Is Saturday evening 10 members of study at Sarbornne U n iversity In cheduled to get under way T e^ay Juanita lodge motored to Cresw ell Paris With business sessio n , both m o r n “““ T ” « * * * to attend the visit of the state G lrl" a n e n d ln * were Faye Hol- As the probable chief executive Ing and afternoon at the A rm ory president. Those from this city Prom lnent officials of the group : “ , M arBare‘ were Mrs. Glenn Stone, noble of tbe 265o Liona clubs throughout “ ’ ’ “ a PU,m“ n - Schan‘ grand; Mrs. Sarah Johns, vice- five countries, Hatton haa stated Who are on the program for t h e 1^ grand; Mrs. Kstella Findley, Mrs. that "Lloulsm w ill make no depart four-day meeting Include Darold tol, Doris Bonney. Teddy W righ t Genevieve Ixiuk. M r. and M r* ure at this tim e from Its establish­ Ü. DeCoe, of Sacram ento, C alifo r­ Jean Lloyd and Hasel Nesblt. Ernest Black. Mrs. M am ie R ich ­ ed policy of making haste slowly nia. national com m ander of the mond, Miss Helene Rlcbm and. In over-seas expansion. How ever,’ group and State Com m ander Jack there w ill be no Mrs Pearl Hchantol, and Miss M ary he continued, from Portland. m arking tim e ' u ntil economic con­ Lonk. En tertain m en t for visiting ladies ditions get better. W e look forw ard .» being provided by the Eugene confidently to the U n e when Lion Ism w ill be established in every Golden Chevron club and the Al­ bany ¡.m ilia ry . city and tow n on this continent that RANT TO LEAIE INSTITUTE By fa r the large«) group« are the Invited. Experienced lioya and g irl groups between the Public I eartars » □ c t u x ugea of 7 and 18 T h e boy« who are Leader* to Be Furnished non sw im m ers practice from 1:30 for Each Mountain Group to 3 oo, and the begiuuera from An In v lU tlo n to Springfield peo­ 3:00 to 3:30. Hours for the girls classes are ple lo Join In clim bing parties which ra le the South und M iddle non-swimmers from 11:00 to 11:30, w ill i. s tltu te of the M ethodist church races and stunts w ill be held at anil beginners from 11:30 to 13:00 Sister, and the Husband, three which opens there th a t evening f o r 'i k e camp ground Just beyond the Transp ortation to and from the snow-clad Cascade peaks Sunday one week, returning home on July new bridge. A feature of this por- park fo r thoae who have none of has been extended by members of 29 Rev. I oludexter. 8am Bartholo-i Hon of the entertainm ent w ill be th e ir own 1« being provided by Lum tbe club. mew. and W. O. Burch w ill furnish » series of tugs-of-war between sal- Anderson, police chief. M em ber* o f the Obsidian group transportation fo r those attending ected W e s tfir teams and other T h e W illa m e tte park pool In the w ill lead (he climbs of each moun­ the meetings. groups who care to challenge thetr W illa m e tte riv e r affords sn excel­ tain. They sponsor these public I 'lose who w ill attend the Instl- row er. Any civic group or other Pens ' clim bing parties for all Interested lent place for these classes tute from Springfield are Rev. and organisation which cares to enter a which have been constructed ma kt people once each summer. Bad M rs Poindexter and two sons; Miss ' ‘‘ a ® may do so by notifying Oil sw lnim lng safe for even the sm all­ now conditions on the N orth Hlster Ada Porter. Faye Parsons. Ila Bar- I>®rt Nelson. est children. L o rh e r fscll.tles for w ill make the ascent of that moun tl-olom ew. Dorothy M ae Potter. Follow ing the d ry land sports the all those taking t-wlmmlng lessons tain dangerous An o fficial party M arian Shipley, Coleen Cornell, scene of activities w ill shift to the are being furnished com plim entary w ill not be taken up that mountain Ralph Hughes. Rodney Vest. Ruth riv e r where races, diving, a greased by the park management. People desiring to make e ith e r of Pollard. M argaret J a rre tt. Helen Pole, and a b attle royal on a raft Those signing up fur (he varloui. the three climbs should make res­ The program for today includes desires to build a better cltlsenshlp f randall. and M argaret A dair from WIR be conducted. In the la tte r all classes w e re : and a b etter com m unity In which also a luncheon at noon for con­ Party of Local Men Off Mon- ervations w ith C liff Stalsberg at ( oburg contestants are put aboard a raft l*>ntor L ife Having — Kl<-hard M eM orran and W ashhurne In Eu­ vention heads, a large banquet this to liv e .” During the week at the ram p a ' and the object ls to shove every day for Week’s Boat Trip, Hlchardaon, Dlsque Hm lth, Hilly gene. or w ith the leader o f each " It la a queetlon w hether any as­ evening at the Eugene hotel for all rom plete program o f activities body else into the w ater excepting to Make Motion Pictures B urnett. Mrs W illis Bertach, Irvin g group Percy Brown w ill lead the visitors, and dances at both W il­ Troop Member* Cut Dead sociation o f any kind hae ever s ia rtln g at 6 o’clock in the morning, yourself. llavls. Eugene M u lx x h , M ark clim b of the South S ls le r Thoae lam ette Park south of Springfield Grass Around Library Build* equalled the records of the 17.050 This w ill be a public a ffa ir and S p rin gfield ’s four boatmen. Dr. and ending at 10 In the evening j Hm lth Everett IxiJote. Lloyd H a r­ taking this trip are to go by way of and at W in te r Garden pavilllon fn activities carried on last y e a r by W . C. Rebban. V e ltie P ru itt. M. R. w ill be followed. This w ill Include ! everyone la Invited to attend. ing Before Tuesday Meet ris. M elvin Foss. Clarence Caildell. Bend and Devil's Lake on Century Eugene. Those who enjoy music our 2650 clubs or has exercised an --------------- ■ — Influence which has been so fa r * J1 haVf an ” P °r ‘ “ i>R>' Io hear , fo r"s o u th e n iHO r r '8h ' ,M ° n devotional«, classes, young people's i Donald H aw ke. E v e re tt Mqulres, drive where they w ill camp over­ M em bers of the Boy Scout troop -- *ke M lllt.-J .a h o p pipe-organ and 2 Southern Oregon and an- m Z e tin g r Creati° n Lloyd M attison. L a rry M iilliy. and night. cam p flr’‘ , 1 •• 0- P- PLANS PICNIC of Hprlngfleld met at ihe public reaching. vocal re c ita l at the U n ive rs ity be- " 5 th r ,,“ ng 6031 « W r ie n c e to W illia m Gund T he M iddle Sister clim b w ill be lib ra ry Tuesday evening and cut Probably the greatest service fore the star, of the dance Rev. Poindexter is a mem ber o fj ^ O S T CREEK AUG. 7 I “T . ,h e lr preTious attainm ents. Junior L ife Having— Glenn Has led by Halley Costello T he S atu r­ ihe tall grass about this building Hatton has rendered the Lions As­ 4 ~ The four sports lovers planned the facu lty of the Institu te a n d - _ mussi-n. Dale Carson, Stephen Klee, A program of horse-racing Is { when they left her(? go tfae teaches a class in W orld Peace E n c ,n ’ p' ~ " t day night camp for this group w ill before going to the M ethodist sociation and tbe country a* well Gordon G illette , O liv er Adams. " • d "’orM Lodge, to Be be al D b iellati camp, leaving cars church for th e ir reg ular w eekly is the outstanding w ork be has also planned a. the fairgrounds for headwaters of the Rogue river and each day. He has Just completed a ’ Faye Holverson, Bobby Calkins. Hosts to A ll O ther Groupo at Frog camp and biking In five meeting. T he rem aining grass on done in prom oting the adoption of Thursday, F riday and S a tu rd a y , make the trip down through Pros- s im ila r assignment at the L ittle ] M argaret J a rre tt, Ruth Pollard. mil«««. . 7 " Ot n!<' pect 1° G rants Pa 8 in two small R iv e r institu te near Roseburg, be-' Ihe lot back of the building w ill be the "M o ra l Code for Youth” In most L iicllc Davis, lleulah Richardson, Approxim ately 600 people are ex- T he convention doses Saturday , rowboats T hey w ill make motion ing elected president at the closing] Dot Dotson w ill lead Ihe clim b of burned off la te r by the chief of of the school rooms throughout the Violet Steele. W ayne Crabtree, | pected to attend the Joint picnic pictures of th e ir trip which w ill be session last Saturday. the Husband. T his group w ill leave police country. M r. H atto n was also re­ a ernoon. Humtule G ott, and How ard Nesbitt. cars al Frog Camp. At th e ir business meet the boys sponsible for the com pilation of T h ree of these Institutes are sponsored by the Eugene and Red- _ exhibited la te r in the season. They Ladles Beginners— M rs. C. E m alntained by the Methodist church ' t I ~ ! Kncan,’>n“ "l ‘ " Clim bers are advised to take the decided to make th e ir next meeting three text books known as "Studies MOSQUITOS ROUT THREE expect to return to Springfield W heaton. Beulah Richardson. Eve­ in Oregon each sum mer Besides C” * k rM C b 8 M d a ’r' follow ing equipm ent: hobbed boots sn overnight hike to M illio n , park In Conduct" to be used for supple ON MOUNTAIN FISH TRIP Saturdar lyn H a rris , M arjo rie W addell. Mrs the two already mentioned there , 7 ‘ ? A “ ° tb e r lod<* ” '‘Wpa or heavy shoes, alpenstock, snow southeast of Springrteld on the m entary study In connection with This is not ih e first experience is one at Falls City. The church 7 7 , 7 L. M Shannon. Velda Carson. B eat­ aDd *“ the glasses, wool socks, sleeping bag. or W illa m e tte river the "Moral Codes for Youth." The Sleeping outdoors in the moun of this nature for these four men. rice Carson. Josephine H am lin . M a r­ nwno - o k , «_________ . .. d istrict are beelng invited to partl- blankets, flanhllglit. cam era, food firs t book in this series of studies tains proved to be an almost im- garet Fulop. Grace H enderer. Anna­ ■■VI is II expecieo to De the most , , i “ “ d in ' " * cinate a‘ 1 - c h X , . Member« 7 e ^ 7 n c nV , « d ih i . and a lunch to eat on the mountain, was designed for the prim ary possiblity Saturday night fo r W . dangerous. T he upper waters of bel Boyles, Adeline Perkins, V ld lne HERE’S MARK FOR OUR w ater canteen und compass. grades, the second for the interm e­ h »a m llv , -^ ^ 2 « . - - K. Barnell. H . O. Dibblee. and H. the riv e r have been navigated be p ace' The >oung people are housed ! G artln, Lenor Bows. Vernlce GLIDER FLYING FANS d iate grades, and the last for the E. M a x ty . local businessmen who lore, hut on,v one other ^ a , h a s ! Haw ke. Lau ra Rogers, Mrs. O. H . 7th and 8th grades. H atto n him self «amped out at S w ift creek, a trib u ­ ever succeeded In m aking the run a( the J t G e I w l r in 7 V ™ 0* 76 8p« rt» -n d games w ill be provided J a rre ll, Dorothy Frese, anil Agnes FORMER COMMISSIONER G lider fane at the m unicipal a ir feels that this Is one of the best tary of the Upper W illa m e tte river. from G rants Pass to Gold Beach ' 1 R er ,ns“ t«te. and a jb th , Prochnow DIES AT LATHAM HOME port who are trying to establish an pieces of w ork in which he has charge of the picnic. Mosquitos and sm all gnats were which they did successfully in two g' ea ,er number Is expected at 9ut- Boys Non-Sw im m ers — Donald Oregon and possibly a Pacific House. W illa rd House. Jean Dan Body Found Along Road A fte r Hs northw est record for distance and ever had the privilege to p a rtic i­ very successful In finding th e ir de­ boats last sum mer. Pictures which * * L “ ke pate. FALL CREEK RESIDENT sired prey according to the three. they took o f this trip tell the story . ------------------ lets, F ra n k Anderson. Delbert Borh Had 8ought Fresh A ir; H e a rt tim e uloft had a new record thrown M r. H atton Is a past m aster of T h e re is plenty o f w a te r in the of the d ifficu lty of this feat. 1 '°P A R V GROUP WILL D. H. Toombs. Bonney Findley, Mel A tta c k Cause of Death DIES IN EUGENE MONDAY at then, from the A tla n tic coaat the largest Masonic lodge In Kan­ creeks In that region and fishing vln Shannon, Jim m ie Stanim , B. K. -----------------------ATTEND EUGENE MEET Sunday when M artin Scbempp of sas and a m em ber of the Mldian was fa ir, the men reported. They E m m ett Monroe Sharp, a county Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, flew his B. I. Glaspey. resident of F all Boyles, M ilo Severson, Bobby Pugh. Shrine. fished the W illa m e tte riv e r to Big- EARLY SAWMILL BUILDER Members of the Springfield lib- Greek during moat of his llfetim s. W ayne W e tzell, F ra n k lin Vlles, cum mlaaloner about eight years motorless glider from E lm ira . New As m anager of the Good Govern­ don ranch. B illie Johns, John O g llv l*. Bobby ago. died suddenly of heart failu re York, to G ellatt, Pennsylvania, a PASSES ON WEDNESDAY rary board w,n go t0 EHa* e' M r8 c - E. W heat daughters. Mrs. L ester Spangen- Crabtree, Ronald M attison. Eugene death was due to heart failu re. week to protect apples says C. E. o f the association at the M iam i M r. Sharp was horn In Lane coun- Fulop, B illie Nesbitt. F rankie FOR MISSION CIRCLE S tew art, county fru it inspector. The London. Oregon. F rid a y afternoon OB' M rs ' W illia n> Rouse, and M r s .1 berg ot Cottage Grove, Iv a Glaspey. convention. Since that tim e he has a t 2 o'clock w ith In te rm e n t In ! S' 8 ' CnGer- D rain , and Mrs. Dora Bouguess of Stuart, B ill Clthens, Law rence ! Lv on A p ril 11, 1S70 and had lived form ula fo r this spray Is one Im portance of mem bership In served In all capacities o f the o ffi­ Bemis cemetery. Veatch chapel w ill --------------------- --------- Dexter. Thompson Sidney W ard . Bobby entire life In this county. He pound of lead arsenate and 50 g al­ Pollard. W ayne W etxell, F rank wa* Ihe son of a pioneer m inister. mission circles and the W. C. T . U. cial group of the association. have charge. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS H e wai' “ n,ember ot the Bible lons of w ater. House, und H a rry Bainbridge, Rev. Joseph Sharp, and operated a wus stresned at the m onthly m eet­ M r. Rouse was born in the Mo | HAS PARTY LAST NIGHT Standard church. T his Is also a good tim e to spray Funeral services w ill be held at G irls Noti-Hwlnim ers — M argie lore and service station at Ixithani ing of the Mission circle of the FORGOTTEN CAMPFIRE IS for anthracnose. he says. The pro­ haw k valley on Septem ber 11. 1852, Baptist church Friday evening at the Mt. Vernon cem etery this a fte r­ and has spent his life In this coun- ] Sever on. Eva Mae Severson, Ione "• *he tim e of his death. , Members of the Friend's Class of DOWNFALL OF HUNTERS per ¡ipray for this Is w hat Is known , tl M y rtle Severson. Betty Sherm an. TA* •» survived by his widow, Mrs the home of Mrs. M arv in Chase. as the 4-4-50 Bordeaux m ixture. ty. H e and his b ro th er are said to the C hristian church held a lawn noon at 2 o'clock. Rev. H a rry R. R. Helen Severson. M axine V a llle r. H a ttie Sharp, and a slater, Mrs. W. In te llig e n t voting also came In for Neat paator oi the L l«h‘ bo“ »e T em ­ A cam pfire which they had for­ Both sprays can be put on at the have built one of the f ir t saw m ills p a r'v Wednesday evenlna at th in the county at London In 1866. home of Miss Lu" ------------- considerable discussion a t the m eet­ Rose Ogden. Frnnces Cornell, Fern 8. Keyes, of Cottage Grove. pie w ill officiate. ---------- Veatch --- chapel I« got to extinguish and which burned same tim e. Manning, In charge of arrangem enta. Cornell. Ire n e Anderson. Elsie In- F uneral services were held Tuee- ing. T he m ill Is s till being used. Stunts over ten acres of tim ber near Oak­ games and refreshm ents Mrs. D. C. Ogllvte led the devo grnm. Elisabeth Boyles. Roberta '••‘ V afternoon at 2 o'clock from the H e Is survived by one sister. Mrs. w ere enjoyed. This class Is com- ridge cost C. H . Stone and Pete POULTRYMAN STARTS tlonals and Mrs. Mel Rice was In Pittman. Clulre Toomb, Thelm a M ills chapel In Cottuge Grove. ReV. annle Carheart. Modesto, C allfo r posed of the young unm arried peo MIDGET WRESTLERS ON C a rte r of that city a $100 fine each Johns, M argnret Hauck. Gladys Duncan P. Cameron officiated and charge of the program. M rs. Barn- ln Eugene Justice court when they WORK ON NEW HOME nla. and one h alf-brother. Grant ’ I*1 °1 *be church. CARD AT SALEM TUESDAY T anner, S h irley lla a ck , M uriel T y Interm ent was made In Ihe Masonic ard was appointed p rayer group plead guilty to leaving a cam pfire Allen, also of Modesto. H e leaves ---------------------------- Construction of a modern new leader at the meeting. son, M arlnn Vlles, Palsy Ewer, cem etery at Cottage Grove. unattended. T hey were also Jerry and Jim m y bake, four Anri CRESWELL COUPLE HAVE home has been s tarted by Robert 10 nephews and nine nieces. Mary M Vlles. L illia n R utler, Joan I charged w ith having been hunting ANNIVERSARY TUESDAY Max" U k e ° o , Z c R y ^ v .V a T Nelson a t his poultry farm east ne W ard, Anna Johns. D ruclle O gil­ REBEKAHS PLAN PICNIC ARMY OFFICER GUEST deer out of season. of the city. T he old house is being OAKRIDGE PEOPLE SEEK vie, Jean Lonk, Bobby Rehhan. Joy 1 AT HUNTLY'S HOME raxed to make way for the new SIGN FOR INTERSECTION Mr a"d F*ed Lonk and Tuesday Z v w t o ^ a . T X t o l ^ v.T PARTY MONDAY NIGHT Rebhun. E dith WBro, Terena W are, Cuts F ln g tr In L aw n m ' ver structure which w ill be a tw o story -------------- daughters, motored to Creswell on on th» « 7! and V irg in ia W are. Colonel R. W . Collins of W ash­ ,,, I , , , „ „ The pri>Kt'«tn com m ittee of the Bobby, two year old daughter of fram e building with ap p ro xim ately. Plans for the erection of a large T u e day to visit w ith M r and M rs boys won considZrabto aunooriTs" G irls Beginners— Km nia Grace M eaklns, Donna Jean Severson. ^ “7 ap0" a0r a p’ °- ington, D. C.. was a luncheon guest M r. and Mrs. W . C. Cabe route 2. 10 rooms Including bath. M r. Nelson signboard at the intersection o f the Eugene Howe, parents of M rs. cently when they appeared on a W ilm s Crabtree. Teddy W rig h t, ," ' h n n<. * ’ ' h" Wednesday afternoon at the home Springfield, was brought to Spring- plans to do most of the work him- W illa m e tte and Pacific highways Gouk on the occasion of th e ir fifty - card In Bugene Peggy W rig h t. Ethel Fulop. Elva ' “meet , it V * ’’ "' of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. H u n tly. He field Wednesday afternoon for me­ g* ,f ' 1 a * Goshen to tell m otorists of t h e ' fifth wedding anniversary. M r. and Boyles. Hazel Nesbitt, Mary Boyles. “ * a" X«” Is enroute to the Philippine Islands. dical care a fte r she had cut the upper W illa m e tte valley are being Mrs. Howe have lived on the same ROYAL NFICWnnDO u n i n , , ... . . . . . lerday. Horseshoe games, races, Wednesday afternoon Colonel Col tip of her fin g er in a lawn mower Rib Fractured Wednesday considered now by the Cham ber o f , P’a fe for Ih e entire SB v -a rs NtlGHBORB HOLD JoLana Putm an. Ila Putman. Flora ___....... __ , . . . ' litis, H a rry M etcalf and M ajo r contests, and refreshm ent booth at her home. Irvin g Davis, son of M r. and Mrs. j Commerce a t O akridge. T his or- MONTHLY MEETING HERE Bertach, Leota Berlsch. Ernta W et ! will he erected Each Item of re­ H u iP Iv motored to Cottage Grove A. J. Davis, Wednesday afternoon , ganization Is try in g to raise a fund IUKA CIRCLE PLANS soil, Edna Vest. K a th ryn Alice freshm ent w ill be priced at one III a t Homs sustained a broken rib on his le ft I o f 3100 for the erection and paint-! M ra J"™ «* N - l*x to n was boai- Thompson, Arlene C raw ford, M ild ­ To V is it on Coast cent. Mrs. J. W. Cooley Is reported to side when he was struck by an- ing of this sign, DRUM CORPS FOR C IT Y ,’’8* at hoy home Wednesday even­ red Irv in , Doris Robinson, Helen M. B. H u n tly and W illia m Polder be quite III at her home southeast ing for the m onthly meeting of tha other child rid in g the aerial glider ----------------------- — Lyons, and W in ifred Lyon M axine Snodgrass. E lsie Pollard w ill leave Sunday for New port M r . V .n v . i , k i Members of Iu k a circle, Ladles Royal Neighbors o f Am erica of Springfield. at the W illu m e tte Park. Adult Evening Class— Leroy In N lel Pollard, I.uni Anderson, Flor- where they w ill attend a convention Mr». Van Val?»h Improve« a u x ilia ry of the G. A R w ill dig _______ T he condition of Mrs. A. B Van | cues the organization of' " “ man, H ild a Bender, Eva Look, ence Anderson. W illia m M Lyons, of Spanish W a r veterans. From a ladles' Admitted to Hospital Te Visit a t Burns Fish Melba H a rris . Elva Moyer, Doris Sophia Lyons, Chas W ilson, Mrs. there they w ill go to Corbett where F rank F ish er on and R iver H F G erber ,Vk 'U " h 7 “ ° T " .b *” " qU*,e " rUm COrpH am on* membership Mrs. C. H. Snyder was adm itted Miss Anna Bidw ell w ill leave thia G erber, Shirley D rew , Barbara W. C. Rehhan. and T ay lo r R. W il­ they w ill spend a few days fish­ rr a n s ris n e r and it. K. G erber the past week is reported to be to n lrh t when »k» — v to »he Pacific C hristian hospital ............ - " " ¡ z ' ’ 1 " ,” ro " d b’ ¿ ' i x x : : . ’ :™ Adams, V io le t Inm an, F. B. H am lin , liams. ing. for medical care Wednesday. T,* “? C‘, C<’ < Scouts Plan fo r Over-night Hike GAOOF TO FILM OPFffl RDGUE !a,OB' ¡Clarence Luetag. Mr.