PAO» poor THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS W O HOTEL" OPENING TODAY Youngest Delegates Meet Eyes of Sport Turn to West Expecting Old Records Shattered Lionel Barrymore Hat Had Admirable Experience For Role in Great Picture THVR8DAY, JULY 14, Lions Picnic At Willamette today 1 Lieut. Massie on Duty J IMI Mexican Meets Pete on Friday Tsx Porter, Medford, and Pinky Kaupp, Spokane, to Be Special Eventere Entire Pnbik Invited, Coif«« is Furnished by Club Dance is Planned By JACK ADAMS Lee and Grant at Richmond. Va. (Written specially for the Spring George "Wildcat" Pale will meet s , rluafteld's looinnniiio picnic Held Newa. I oty mp.c track and field records s p o lis u iis l by th e LiOUX d u ll ol Pedro Huiiuhes. Mexican from New Lionel Barrymore, play in« the in­ lud I, os quit, differ- ii ' alter the I I I . a city w ill he held lilts v iv n itta Mexico, lu (lie mam event on the valid Krlngeleln in Metro-Goldwyn Ol;. luple Gaines to open July 30 in ui W iU n u iette park. M em b ers of Friday tilglil outdoor wrestling card Mayer's "Grand Hotel," which be­ the Olympic Stadium in Lo» An­ ut Ihe Lane county fairgrounds Ute « lu ll V olvil at III. ir lu ilciie o u gin a a special 2 day road showing geles. California and the breaking .n e u , g Iasi i'l.ilu y to . lu riila h cut lex I'orler of Medford and Pluky engagement Thursday, July 14th, at i f records seem naturally to go to­ tec, iie u iu , am i a u g a i. I*eopie at- Kaupp ut Spokane will provide the the Fox-McDonald theatre, was gether. There are seven worlds nlertuiuineul (or the special event, are reque ted to bring tlielr born and brought up in the aimoe track and field records in the re­ bunches le a uewcomer to the own picnic iuiithes and cups n ul ph ere of the theatre. A member of cord books w liicli were made in Lane couuly fans. They have Iwen (io i u. t . s .aiy dishes. the Barrymore "royal family," hej California. told that he la rough and tough aud made his stage debut as a small ,'v tiun.e will he held al Ute During the Olympic Games at will make things Interesting for the child, and has been connected with . paVllliuil during tile eveiilug Amsterdam in 1*28, 15 new track Wildcat ' who has won all but one dramatics ever since. w in Meric Goods Rhode island and field records were made or ot hie inatchee here elnce return lied or. iicalra (ui ulMhiiig (he music. Lionel Barrymore was educated equalled. How many of these will Ing from hie bani-torinln« trip I hen- he no charge (or (he In New York, and traveled all over Improved lighting effecle and ounce, hul lb. orchestra will lake lington, Tenn. remain after the Los Angeles the world in stock companies and other changes in the colietructluu i up a collection among thostn who 22, and William P Holloway, Tex games? road shows. In l*aris he took up art arkami, T ex, 22. youngest delegate; Let's look at .ome o( the records of the floor will be made for the | ait dancing. and made his mark as a painter. to the Democratic convention at Ch» made during the Amsterdam Gaines match ihle week says Herb Uweu. He also showed great natural tal­ cage, found tune to greet each other Ail of the usual leereuliuiial ut il In the 100 meters ’run, Percy promoter. The flret outdoor affair before the battle wa ged hottest. ent as a pianist and has to his vltlc;. ueb us swimming, Ixiatlug, Williams, of Canada: R. F. McAl last Friday proved auccasaful al- credit several concertos. On the baseball and other sporta will be Lieut Thoma, H Mutue, U S. thougli there were eume liupruve- lister, of the U. 8. A., and J. E. Navy, is dsiard the V S, S N ew New York stage he scored tremen­ kvulluhle (or those who cure fur Braves Live Volcano M i vico, now twins tec oodit lourd at London, of Great Britain, during nienta noted which would add to dous hits in "The Copperhead." them Au uiiusuui feature of the Philadelphia H r reported lor duty trial heats were clocked officially the comforl of the observers. which later was made as a silent Grandsons of the famous Civil War General«, Robert E. Lee and U. S. sports available at Willamette park June ¿5, hu Arsi a»ignmcnt since Ow at 10.6 seconds. Here it is interest- Pete defeated Don Hill of Kane Grant, were honor guests at the Confedrratr Reunion, held this year at la the aerial glide on which a per ‘‘hoisir slayuig'“ trial m Honolulu. picture. "The Jeat," "Peter Ibbet- ting to recall that Charles W. Pad- as two out of three (alia in tba Richmond. Va. On the left it Dr Boeling I -re. shaking the hand of Gen. son cun ride across the river in a son," “The Claw,“ and other plays. U. S. Grant, Jd. They took an active part in the reunion. dock. running at Redlands, Cal., first outdoor match last Friday Hill It was in 1909 that he first came to chair attached to a lung cable. Thia Mors Lindbergh Tragedy in 1921. did the distance in 10.4 sec look the first fail and Pete came the screen, when D. W. Griffith is the only one of Ils type In thia onds. That is a world's reconi and hack to take the next two. Many Scene in Bonus Camp at Washington vicinity. induced him to play a role in better than the Olympic record. Ed of tbe faux think that lllll outclass “Friends," and from that time on, There wilt be plenty of tablé and die Tolan. of the U. S. A., ruuning ed Pete all through the match de in silent pictures, he gravitated be­ ten ets at Ihe park for everyone. in Stockholm in 1929. and again in spits the fact that he lost the falls, tween the screen snd the stage. Ihe rums ol Weuueaday have uot Copenhagen the same year, equal and are clamoring (or a rematch. spoiled Ihe grounds which are When talking pictures arrived, led the 10.4 seconds time. Tolan Walter ' Sueese Ai liiu look bis sandy and well cleared. his enormous experience on the and Paddock are Joint holders of spei lal event match with Bull Hta stage and on the screen gave him Everyone Is luvlled to attend (Ills i the world - record for the 100 siney of Bremertou, Washington, a decided advantage over the maj picnic It la sponsored by the Lions . meters run. when he floured hla sailor uppon ority of film stars. He had been ciuh as a community affair In uu t-iil in ihe first and only fall. An In­ With the Runners under contract to Metro-Goldwyn ollort to get lucal people belter Helmut Kornig of Germany, at jury to hla neck prevented Slaatney Mayer, appearing in "The Myster­ acquainted with one another. Amsterdam equalled the Olympic from returning. ious Island.” "West of Zansibar. record for the 200 meters run with Jerry and Jimmie l-ake, 4 and 6 "Women Love Diamonds." "The R ikan Kocishi. H onolulu Japanese, a time of 21.6 seconds. It should year old Springfield wrsstlara Barrier" and others. His first talk received $1,000 reward (o r gotng i be remembered that an American matched (heir wits for leu minutes Ing role was in "The Lion and the down into the hrepits of Kilauea v o f Roland A. Locke, holds the world’s to a draw. caao to recover the bodies of tw o Mouse." Then he played roles in who had fsHrti o r leaped to death. record for that distance. Running The 40 cent admission price holds Dale Phelteplace. who la attend "Alias Jimmy Valeutine" and other in Lincoln. Neb., in 1926, he covered good for the match Friday. ing aetiool In Portland, was home films. the di-tance in 20.6 seconds. NON-RESIDENT TOTALS a few days ago recuperating from V iolet Sharps, maid I Was Also Director A record tor the 800 meters run a very serious attack of measles GOLD SYNDICATE WAS home, who committee^ INCREASE TH IS YEAR Watching the new art of the talk . was made at Amsterdam in 1928 INTERESTED NEAR CITY Laurence Baxter has xoue to Mc­ (ic in g further questioning i> pour Into Washington at ing screen developing, Barrymore bergh kidnapping. La ter evk Passenger automobiles from But it was made by an Englishman the bonus measure was scheduled to come before Congress. Picture is small Kenzie Bridge where he has em­ saw where his combined knowledge i D. G. A. Lowe, who did the distance corner in the 10,000 manned Bonus Camp Lucky Boy Mine Among Thoeo In ployment in the forest service. of stage and screen could be useful every state in the Union as well as in 1 min., 53 4-5 s. from Germany, England, France, veetlgatod by Minings Engineer In directing, and proved it with a Mrs. A. B. Mathews and daugh­ A new record for the 1500 meters Mexico, Cuba, Philippines. Hawaii. Visite Sister—W. C. Luckey of for Eastern Capitalists short drama, “Confession." This ters gave a party at their home last run was also made at Amsterdam The eaalern capitalists headed by was followed by his direction of Haiti, Alaska, and the Canal Zone But it was made by a Finn. H. E Wednesday evening In honor of Burns Is vtallina his sister. Mrs. Margaret Kenyon In Springfield. Arnold II Goes of Detroit, former "Madame X” with Ruth Chatterton, have visited Oregon during the past Larva, who covered the distance in her son, Alex's birthday. Cards and life of the present contract, he said, member of the board of directors (Continued from First Pagel which critics hailed as one of the few weeks, according to a report ' 3 m.. 53 1-5 s. games were played until a late and hence a desire for Its exten­ of General Motors corporation and Leaves for Nevada—Tom John finest directorial achievements of showing non-resident registrations hour when refreshments were A new time was set up also at son left Wednesday for Reno. Nev­ of the Keivlnator corporation, the talkies. He also directed The Just compiled by Hal E. Hass, sec- Amsterdam in tbe 10.000 meters about $100 and that he had invested sion. served. retary of state. More non-resident about $900 of his own In property A budget comparison with ex­ which this week announced the la ada. Rogue Song," "The Unholy Night," Miss Hazel Edmlston and Mrs. permits have been issued during ruI1, bui not an American, in- improvement. Uther improvement penses was submitted by the audl vestment of 63,500,00 in land for and "His GlorionA Night." Mary Turel motored to Portland the first six months of 1932 than lead by that great athlete. Paavo planned would extend beyond' the tor, C. A. Horton. follows; Winbarry Man Hara—T. J. Dono­ two gold mining fields In southern Barrymore had fnllv decided to last Thursday where they visited van of Wlnberry was a visitor In Oregon were actively Interested In during the same period a vear ago. ^ nrn,t ot 1 inlaud. His time was give up acting for direction at this B ud get C o m p a ris o n , June 30, 1932 friends and relatives returning Bprlngfield on Wednesday the report shows. The total régis 30 m„ 18 4-5 s possible gold mining In Ihe Blue time, when plans were made to Balunce home Saturday. Budget Disbursement It wasn't an American who estab- tration for the first half of this year river country last year. The same star Norma Shearer In "A Free Auditing $ 200.00 $ 129.00 $ 71.00 Walter Platt and sons, Kenneth being 35,103 as compared to 34.- lished in 1928 the new record for group of men Investigated the pur Admitted to Hospital— M E Jep- Bool.” The dramatic role of the 240.00 120.00 120.00 and Roy. George Thompson, and the 110 meter hurdles. It was a Attorney ............... chasing of the Lucky Boy mine and son of Oakridge was admitted to father, Stephen Ashe, intrigued 916 for last year, an increase of South African. Weightman-Smith Advertising ........... 98 00 John Edmlston left Tuesday for 100.00 2.00 187 for the current period. ruuiore of extensive mining de Barrymore so much that he con­ 33 00 17.00 Hidden lake to spend several days the Eugene hospital Wednesday 50.00 Nearly two-thirds of the total His time, made during a trial heat Airport .................. velopnieiits were frequently beard morning. sented to give up direction for a Annual Cleanup .... 90.00 90 00 camping. at that time. number of cars registered from out was 14 3-5 s. time and play IL His work in this Emergency ............ 469.71 51.60 418.21 In Field Events side the state thus far this year are Backers of the southern Oregon Mrs Melvin Uustaverson gave a Grova Resident Visits— W A. role won for him the annual award . 1.734.00 716.43 1.018.67 stork party at the home of her The Olympic record for the run Fire Department listed from California. 21,024 visit mining projects announced that W. Ileinenway of Collage Grove was a I of the Academy of Motion Picture 50.00 60.00 ing machines. Washington comes nlng broad Jump was made by an Fuel for City Hall mother, Mrs. Fred Russell, last Fri­ visitor In Springfield on Wednea F ilaydeii oi Halt l.ahe City, en­ Arts and Sciences for the best 200.00 116.20 83.80 second with 8.603 and Idaho third J American in Amsterdam in 1928. Ind. Acc'd. C om ._ gineer In charge of operations, bad day evening, in honor of Mrs. Lynn day. screen performance of the year with 928. ....$3115 00 767.11 2.347.89 Endicott from Portland, many beau­ I Tbe record holder for the event is Police Department spent two and one half years and 19X1. 540 57 1.000.00 459.43 Grants Pass led the 45 reglstra- Edward B. Hamm. He Jumped 25 Recorder's Office $126.000 In cash In Investigating tiful and useful gifts were received. Theo Bayard Veiller wrote 90.00 Treasurer's Office 90 00 180.00 Collects Bounty — William I*. tion bureaus in the total number feet- 4 3'* *nc'hes. fields before a purchase was final There was a bridge party held at “Guilty Hands" specially for him. Burch of Muoel Tuesday collected 1,700.66 1.663.34 _ 3.254.00 of non-resident permits for the first Thy Olympic record for the pole Light and Water the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B the county bounty of $2 each on ly completed. and W. 8. Van Dyke directed it. Library _________ 643.00 251.77 391.33 six months of this year, registering Tau*t *8 al8° held by an American, The company, which le divided Since then he has appeared in 77.50 Mathews last Thursday afternoon two bobcats at the office of the Into two branches. It not offering 150.00 72.60 Sabin W. Carr, who in Amsterdam Health Officer __ 7.544 automobiles. Ashland came In honor of Miss Norma Mathews “Mata Hari," "Arsene Lupin" with county clerk. 10.00 10.00 second with 6.884 and Portland with cleared the bar at 13 feet, 9 3-8 'are of Poor ......... any slock for sale. They will oper who Is here for a few weeks from his brother John Barrymore (their 1,776.20 1,353.80 Street Department 3,130.00 inches. Now 13 feet, 9 3-8 Inches 2,882 nosed out Salem with 2.590 ate one mine near Grants Pass and Isis Angeles. first picture together* and “Grand Power Man Here—I,. E. Wallace, one in Curry county. Is high to be sure, but in Califor- for third place. Hotel," in which John is also star­ A large crowd of ladles gathered Totals $ 6,194.40 $ 8,421.31 $14,615.71 superintendent of the Mountain "Although occasionally a tourist ! nia they have been known to vault red. Barrymore is essentially a stn at the home of Mrs. Hubert Gray States Power company steam plant higher. The world's record for the complains when he must stop to CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO CUTS FOOT W ITH AXE; Tuesday afternoon where they gave at Tillamook was a visitor in Scouts Get Melon Feed Tuesday dent, ss well as a marvelous crafts­ register his car." explained Mr. pole vault is held by Lee Barnes, Members of Hpringfleld’a Boy man. In speech he is frank to the a surprise stork shower for Mrs.) Springfield on Tuesday. of the U. S. A., who in Fresno. Cal., HEAR PRUITT SUNDAY TOE IS AMPUTATED Hoss. in releasing the current tabu, Hcout troop accompanied by Glenn point of bluntness; his knowledge Herbert Weiss Many beautiful and 1 ) in 1928. clea&d the bar at 14 feet. Martin, scoutma ter, Paul Potter, of literature and music Is enormous. lation, "as soon as he realises that J1 Ms Inches. useful gifts were received after1 Charles Jessen of Route 2 seri­ Veltle Pruitt, pa-tor of the Goes to Convention— William and Howard Hughes, held a welner the law is one that affords him pro Barrymore is six feet tali, weighs When Dr. C. L. Houser threw the ously cut his left foot Wednesday Christian church will preach on which refreshments of cake and Moyer of Cottage Grove stopped In roast and watermelon feed al the tection as well as safeguarding the 155 pounds, has dark hair and bine discus at Amsterdam a distance of evening when a sharp axe which "Judging the Secrets of Man" at Ice cream were served. Springfield Tuesday morning to city park Tuesday evening. eyes. He is married to Irene Fen interests of the state in licensing 155 feet, 2 15-16 inches, he set up he was using to cut wood slipped. the morning service at the church Mr. and Mrs. Stoderatadt and visit friends while enroute to Klam­ residents, he recognizes its value wick, actress. The late John Drew and is willing and eager to com­ a new Olympic record. But contrast The injury was so bad that he had Sunday. There will be special mu­ family and Miss Geuevlve Edmlston ath Falls where he Is attending the Dearborn Man Here — ('barine was his uncle. plete the registration process. Ap­ that record made at Palo Alto, Cal­ to be taken to the Pacific Christian sic. The Christian Endeavor will have returned from a motor t.-ip of annual convention of the Lions Carter of Deerliorn waa a vlnltor In prehension of automobile thieves in 1929. In that year Eric C. W. hospital where the foot was sewed meet at 7 o'clock and an evangel several days In eastern and cen­ club. Hprlugfield on Wednesday. who have operated in other states Krenz threw the discus a distance together after one toe had been istlc service with special choir mu­ tral Oregon. FRUIT GROWERS SHIP amputated. sic and congregational singing will Mrs. Endicott and son returned i of 163 feet, 8 3-4 inches. Children's All Wool Sllp-on LARGE ORDERS IN JUNE cases through the registration law I Tbe Olympic record for the Jave- be held in the evening starting at (o their home in Portland last Fri­ Doctor to Visit Here 8 o'clock. day after spending a week with Mr. and many thousands of dollars in throw Is held by a Swede, E. H. June Shipments of canned goods Dr. A. L. Windom of Seattle, and Mrs. John Endicott here. license fees have been collected by ! Dundquist, who in 1928 set a record Sixes 26 to 30 — Very Nice ............... from tbe Eugene Fruit Growers’ brother-in-law of Dr. W. C. Rebhan Visitor from Camp Creek—J. T. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson from the state through the enforcement ^or feet, 6 1-8 inches, Association amounted to 19 car M-rceiixed Printed Pong. »—Very New Yard Wide—Guaranteed is expected in Springfield tonight Rossman of Camp Creek was a Washington have purchased a few of the regulations.” Track and field athletes have loads the monthly report made at Fast Colors—For Frocks and Pajamas. Yard for a short visit. Members of hie business visitor in Springfield on acres of land from O. C. Clement; The following tabulation show s1 their off d“?8 Ilk* everyone else, the board of directors meeting Sat­ Wednesday. ¡and expect to start building at once Colton Voiles—Very Attractive Patterns—39 Inches Wlda, the non-resident motor vehicle reg­ But with a break of luck the Los family are already here. urday showed. Angeles games should see many istrations by months for the first Rhubarb will be received at the new records established. Pearl Cotton for Quilt« y A|| plant on July 15 and 16 Beets will half of this year as compared with the same period in 1931. By Albert T. Heid 10c Hair nets, Light and Med. Brown, Cap Hhape, be received on July 18, 19 and 20. Month 1931 1932 WOODCRAFT NEIGHBORS January .................1,211 1,814 HAVE PARTY AT SESSION NEW ASSISTANT AT February 2,397 2,559: ----------- 4Diand Main S t :. Springfield, Ore. 3,834 DENTIST’S OFFICE HERE March 4,132 Members of the Neighbors of April ...................... 5,568 5,359 Woodcraft presented a short one- Miss Irene Jeter has assumed her May .......................7,670 7,371 i act play entitled. "The Lost Teeth” duties as assistant to Dr. W. N. June ............... 14,346 13,868 I following their regular business Dow in his dental office. She is meeting at the I. O. O. F hall Wed taking the place of Mrs. Alice Mae Total ........ 34,916 35.103! nesday evening. Characters were Hurd who has resigned. Net increase 187. Mrs. Daisy Pugh, also director, Alex ------- Stevens, an old man who couldn’t ' find his false teeth and thought he COMFORTABLE, CONVENIENT AND had swallowed them, Mrs. Stella ECONOMICAL Eaton the maid who found the teeth Rooms: $1.60 with biuh; $1.00 without bath in the garbage can, and Al Pohl, I the doctor. Nothing is so uncomfortable as Insect bites or sun We Welcome You to Portland Thurston City Expenses Within Budget Sweaters 88C 2OC y,r‘1 ........... 17c Tfab b Going To Be Good Hoffman’s Dry Goods Store en ox H ot Takes the joy out of life . . . burn when one wants to enjoy the summer days in the open. But we can stop that in a jiffy with the remedies we have on hand for such purposes Our advice is free. There’s no need to experiment if you come here first. Takes Long Trip—Mrs. W. H Btearmer left Saturday for Lawton, Oklahoma. She went via Sacra­ mento and will return through El Paso. KETELS DRUG STORE N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G ON F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T M-O-T-O-G-A-S The new General gaaoline which I h going over big. It’s the real economy motor fuel. BeatB anything in its class by giving more mileage and better perform­ ance. This station is equipped to look after your cars needs. Anything from a grease job to an engine over­ haul. We guarantee our service to give satisfaction. “A” Street Service Station Sth and A 8tr««ts Springfield NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN; That the undersigned, aa executors of the Laat Will and Testament ot Rosa L. Sachs, deceased, have filed their account for the final settle ment of said decedent's estate In the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, and that Baturdajf, the 13th day of August, 1932, at the Court Room of said Court In the County Court House, In Eugene at ten o’clock 1n the forenoon, has I been fixed by said Court as the time and place for hearing objec­ tions thereto, and for the settle­ ment thereof. FRED FISK, GILBERT ZACHER, Executors of the Last Will and Testament! of Rose L. Sachs, deceased. L. L. RAY, Attorney for Batate. (J 14-21-28— A 4-11) W. F. WALKER, Mgr. 3rd and Main St. Portland, Oregon O /w f- n n fO W W EST COAST IM I4 T M K Starting Saturday, July 16th IT Any boy coming to the Rex Saturday In | "cowboy" cb-eea ad­ mitted free. BPIfODI Thrill a Minute tarlai Ms A daring story of the turf "FAST COMPANY" T o d a y an d T o m o rr o w Ronald Colman In "ARROWSMITH” by Blnelalr Lewis.