i vti i ' / i i , . u m n , i 1706 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS CREAM CANS TOPPLE ON IUKA PLANS BENEFIT CHILD, STITCHES TAKEN LAWN PARTY IN AUGUST (111(1, W A N T E D for guttural housu work W rit« box 218, Dugan« Knut» S. J u Sevan ui eight « III, lie« were re qulred to d oae the hud gimli which Annul,el Pyle, daughter of M r and Mrs Em ory Pyle. auatalUMil to her head Iasi Thursday when cream ■ iin« on the truck In which ah» wu riding toppled over on lop of het She la g ellin g uinnit nicely now. N O T IC K TO C R E D IT O R S N O T IC K OF F IN A L K K T T L K M K N T N olle« la hereby glvtm that the ondurslgnud Executor and K um u tri» of (tin Batata of M ary K. J«w e ll. deceased. have filed (h eir Final Iteporl and Account ua aurb with the County Clerk of l,unw County dragon, and (hut Huturilay. the 30th day of July, 1032, ut the hour of ten o'eloek In the forenoon, In the County Court Itooni In the Court I lour e ut Kugune, In lain« County Oregon haa been aet by the lio n • I* Barnard. Judge of sulil Court i * the Unto and place for heurlna «uine. und for the final aettleincnt of «aid estate, N M C (IT T J E W E T T . Kaecutor C l.A H A A. M d lt ltd W . Kaecu trla. W E L L » A W E I.I.H . Attorney«, (J 30 Ju 7 14 21 28) SUMMONS IN T I I K C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H K H T A T K ' and attend any showing of the fea­ Oo„ to R. n0_ E rn e«t Gay left for Bend to visit at the home of ture picture and "H eroes of the Kr»«l«y for Heno. Nevada, to «pend her daughter, Mra. Kenneth Barber I W est", brand new, rip roaring weat- lh „ uu,inner month«. Viafta Daughter— Mr» E. N • ■ « -ria l whh h b-gin» that day. •hel la visiting at the home of her Admission w ill be free to boy» W a lte rv llle Man H a r a - W . C -laughter and son-in-law, M r. and dreaeed In cowboy clothes and the , aba of W u lte rvllle was a business Mra I ’, J. Bartholom ew , thia week » ‘'» re r of the beat regalia w ill be visitor In Hprlngfleld Tuesday. awarded w ith a pa»» good for 12 F,»h at M cKenzie Bridge— John Saturday- at the Hex H a rt from Diamond Lake— Bert Yarnell and R aljdi Sweeny -pent ..., . .. lauacaon of Diamond Lake w a, a _ ■ . . Heroes of the W e a l” was ape- Ihree day« over H i-- weekend fish- . , visitor In Hprlngfleld on Tuesday d a ily «elected for the occasion by Ing at McKenxie Bridge. They re manager. Bay W. Jones, because Fiah on M cKenxIe— C. F. Kggl port excellent catches. it ha» a cast of famou» actors and maun und M B. Ilu n tly spent F ri Here from C alifornia— W. M ailre»»e , and Is full of the old- day fishing on the McKenxIe river Bryurs, new »pa per man. of Merced, (»"bloned bravery and daring Spend Sunday In Portland— M C California, and M r- Bryan, were M r. Jones al»o announce» effec Klrklund and P. J B a rth o lo m e w , visitor In Springfield Wednesday d iv e Saturday a change in the »pent Sunday In Portland. - n a return trip to Seattle. policy of the Rex theatre w ith four Finger In f e c te d - C. E. P o tter of ---------------- -- — — ---- ------- ,h 8 n ' f“ W“ h “ Hikes W ith Obsidian«— Howard show on Sunday, Tuesday. Thur« W a lterv llle wua in Springfield on Hughe» hiked with the Dh»idlan day and Saturday. Monday to receive medical care for 1 *u*’ Sunday from Foley Springs to a finger which la Infected. , Belknap Springs. H a rry W right , wa» leader for the trip. PAST MATRONS CLUB Guests at H otel— V . If. Coffey and I, O. Lane, both of Roseburg V isitor at Boy Scout Cam p— M i»- PLANS AUGUST PICNIC are among the guesta registered at Ann Bidwell of Springfield wa» -------------- the Springfield hotel. among the p arty of vialtora at the Plan-- a picnic for members Lane County Boy Scout camp on ',f the M a tro “ » tlu b an or- Leave for C alifo rn ia— Delbert M lt upper Blue R iver Sunday for the * “ n,zatlon of past matrons o f the cheli and L. Boaaerman left F riday open houae exercises. 1 a8cadc chapter of O. E. H were morning (or California on a hual- liscuaaed at the regular monthly neaa trip. V isit at D etro it— M ra. Gertrude meeting held Monday at the home The W a lta rv illa Man H ara— W illia m W ilson, her on. Donald. Mi»s Laura (d M rs- M arg a re t Kenyon. Huckln» of W a lterv llle waa a bust Purcells, and M arjo ri, Proi-hnow picnic w ill be held M onday, August nes« visitor In Hprlngfleld on Sat­ spent the week-end at Detroit at *• al R iv e rv ie w park back of Skln- the horn«- of Mr». Wilson's mother, ner's Butte in Eugene. Bridge was urday. Mrs. W. H. Riddell. enjoyed by members o t the group Home from C alifo rn ia— Mr». G. ------------------------------- follow ing the business meeting. The W G erber ba» returned from San e - ■ — -- - -■ e picnic w ill take the place of the Do-go. C alifornia, where »he has | been since last spring. Notice 1» hereby given (hat by virtue of un execution and order of »tile Issued out of the Circuit ( ourl of the S ta te of Dragon for Lum- County. June 28. 1932. upon and purauant to a decree duly given in,,I imide by »aid Court June 27. 1932, In a ault pending therein In which W H. Ehlen and H a rrie tt M Ehlen were p lain tiffs and Ma Belle Bulxhlaer and other« were f- iiilauta, which • « i i i i i i <,„ and order of sale wna to me directed „nil commanded me Io aell the real property de«,-rlbed therein and h ereinafter deaerlbed. to aatlafy the Judgment and decree given In aid ault. I w ill, on Saturday, the 30th day of July, 1932. at the hour oil one o'clock P M ut the south- west door of the County Court House In Eugene. lam e County, Oregon, offer fo r «ale and aell at public auction for caah, subject to redemption as provided by law, all f t the right, title und Interest of the defendants In aald ault and of all parties elalm lng by, through or un­ der them or any of them In or to the follow ing described real pro­ perty, to-wlt: Th,- east N inety (90 , feet of Lot Due 11, Block Tw o (2 , In John Christian'« Addition to Eu gene. Lane County, Oregon. Dated thia 28th day of June, 1932 H L B O W N . S h eriff Take T rip to Coast — M r. and W E L L S A W E L L S . Attorney« M r . C. K. Swart« and M ajo r and (J 3 0 - Ju 7 14 21 28, Mrs. M. H. Ilu n tly returned Tuea- day from a motor trip along the N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SA LE coast on the new highway. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N V isit Parent«— Mr. and M r« Rua that bv virtue of an execution and order of sale laaued out of the C ir­ sell Olaou of Portland spent the cuit Court of the State of Oregon. week-end here visiting w ith M r. Olson'a parent«. M r und Mrs. Carl Olson. L a . « . , for K a n d - M r . Ight and daughter left McKenzie Valley ! ,,KUlar AugUBt meetlng Home» on the McKenxie are at a premium. Several applications for perm it» to build sum mer homes within the Cascade National For „«t boundaries have been recently reported by forest officials. W alden H llem an has traded his farm near Leaburg to a M r. and Mr». Allen of Santa Clara and has given possession. The Hilem ans re- I ,-elved In exchange for th eir farm • wo hundred »even and 01 10th» \ Henderson and Jan,- Henderson service station near Santa Clara, Returns from Tacoma — M r ,207 11 feet south of the «outh were p lain tiff» and George H Ba George P. Hoffm an returned to j the ‘ Maples ” T h e Allen fam ily has line of 23rd Street, a» the »ame gate and Lenora“!""Esgâtê'w êre de Springfield Tuesday from Tacoma iwo children, one of high school oF ORBOON. ORBBTINO Adi Bo ,d to tdh V ’•ri>«» f. ndnnt». »aid execution and order where she has spent the past two aye and one to be In grade school. You are hereby required to appear Many local people have been on und anawer the com plaint filed iouth O , r ’»° run ,h e n r«' commanded me to »ell the herein weeks visiting. ugulnut you In the above entitled vacation trip» since July began. A „ a .n .L ” r* n ” r" 11 n f'" r described real property to ault on or before four week« from Home from Corvallis— Miss M ary W ^ t * f o r tv " f liI* M * r ', r ' ' . l i “ " “ ' HUn’ " f » 10000° ln large number have selected a scen­ the date of the flra t publication o f' v. nh i I . 6 a f * '• U,* " <‘r 'hereon at the rate of 7", Kllzubeih W hitney spent the w eek­ ic drive which covers the route till« summons; or for want thereof and *, lOtha u"fld9,,‘d r r n" " " n‘ fr,,rn Ml,y * ’ • 1931 end here at the home of her par­ th< p la in tiff w ill take Judgment via M cKenzie Pass, to C rate r Lake, Fa't for vrtv- fax, , ,hp fur,h,“ r of »,l600 ents, M r and Mrs. H a rry W hitney. ugalnat you and w ill apply to the through the Oregon Caves, on to «ilaee .1 l i L n 7* J ° ,he " ‘ ‘ torney'a fee» and for coatx and Mis W h itn ey Is attending summer the beach and up the coast 'to vari- Court for the re lie f prayed for In / . f ^ 'F 'h ’ilng. Il, Eugene. I dl»hur»ement» of ault taxed at the com plaint and fur a decree of .»a,-:",; h . ; 12*,h d'a’^ r k . y school ut Oregon State college „32 ' W!'-'-"n F > ,d ,y ,h ‘ 2#,h a ’ > ous seaside vacation resorts and abaolute divorce from you. of July. 1932 at the hour of 10 00 Thia aummona la publlahed once H I. B D W N S h e riff Visitors Leave — Miss M a u le return. Among those who h are en­ o’clock A M ut the front door of ■ .11 h Week fur four I ull-ei lltl . e (J 14 21 2 8 - A 4 1 1 , the County Court Houae In Eugene. Croukhlte of lxis Angeles, and Miss joyed a vacation lately are M r. and weeks In the Hprlngfleld Newa. a Lane County, Oregon, offer for -ale Sudie Dye of Portland left Friday- Mrs. Leo Tenuis of W a lte rv llle ; weekly new«paper publlahed al N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SALE ami »ell at public auction for caah Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, a fter having spent some tim e here M r. and Mrs. J. C. Ayers, and son. N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N *° highest bidder, subject to re- tiy order of the Hon. G. P. Skip visiting at the name o t Miss D ye’s Charles, w ith -Mr. and Mrs. Charles worth. Judge of thia Court, made that by virtu e of an execut'on and demptlon as provided by law all the La Corte of Eugene. .Mr. and Mrs. sister. Mrs. A. R. Sneed. June 22nd. 1832. and flra t publlahed order of »ale l»»ued out of the clr- r*Fht. title nnd Interest of thp afore- W a lte r C arter. rtilt court of the Stale of Oregon. ! defendant« and each of them June 23rd. 1832 Daughter Born— M r. and M rs. T. 11,1 person» claim ing by John lshnm who ha» been critic ­ F R A N K R R E ID . A ttorney (or for Lane County, Oregon. June ani’ 1'talntlff, A dd re«« T iffa n y 22nd 1932. pursuant to a dtM-ree en- through or under them, the follow- R. Brabham of route 1. Springfield ally III with measles complicated h-red bv «aid court M ay 17th. 1932 i lnK described real property, to-w lt; are the parents of a baby daughter with double pneumonia is conval lluildlug. Eugene, Oregon Beginning at n point on the In a »ult pending wherein Frank (J 23 30 Jl. 7-14-21) West line of I,ot No. IS of the born to them at the Pacific Christ esclng satisfactorily the past week P Nelson wn p la in tiff and C E Plat of Norat,in as platted and re­ ian hospital in Eugene on Monday. Bailey was defendant, «aid execu Mrs. H enry Holmes who has been tlon nnd order of »ale being to me ! corded In Book 4. page 79. Lane July 11. 1932. very ill for some tim e and was County records of Plats, 8 41 chs directed and commanding me to aell operated on for tumors July 3 is S. o deg 22 M in W . from the the h ereinafter described real pro­ Silverton Peoole Here— M r. and Northwest ro m e r of said lot No Mrs Lee Inm an and daughter. Mar- I reported recovering satisfactorily perty to »atlsfv the »urn of $1780 00; and to be out of danger. with Interest thereon nt 7% per a n -' IS. and running thence along the West line of Lot No. IB. 8 O deg. Jory. were here Sunday as guest» nnm from the Bth day of A pril. Ir l Deadwood and fam ily hast JbAVELEH 22 min. W 9 91 chains, thonce of M r. und Mrs. V. J. Daniels. Mi.»» 1931. u ntil paid and reasonable a t­ moved to W a lte rv llle . S. 89 deg 39 m in E parallel to M arjo ry rem ained here for a visit torney» fee« In the »urn of $200 00 ItepHlrliiK s Specialty E llio tt Potter has a severely In ­ the south line of said lx>t No. IB, of several days. nnd for coala nnd disbursements of Hpiingllekl, Oregon fected index finger. 9 10 chs . thence N. 0 deg. 22 min. «ult taxes nt $22 00. I w ill on Friday E parallel to the West line of the 29th dny of July, 1932. at the Sailor on Furlough— W illia m Gul­ said Lot No. 18, 10 88 chs. to the hour of ten o'clock A M a, the ley Is spending a furlough here this FOREST SERVICE WILL fr o n f door of the County Court North line of said I-ot No. IB; Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN House thence «long the North lin e of week visiting w ith his brother. He In Eugene. Lane County. Ore­ BRIDGE SOUTH FORK Naturopathic Physician said f-ot N. 88 deg 17 min. W w ill report back to the Navy yards gon. o ffer for »ale and sell at public 1.61 chs. thenre N. 64 deg 48 min at auction for cash to the highest bid Phone 91-J Brem erton. W ashington on A long single span log girdei W 4.17 chs. thence 9. 10 deg. 38 der subject to redemption a« pro­ July 14. O ffice Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. tra il bridge over 90 feet long w ill min. W 8 07 chs thence N. 64 vided by law all the rig ht title and deg. 48 min. W 3.89 chs. to the 408 Fourth Street Interest of the aforesaid defendant Returns from Middle W est— A. J be erected over the i^iuth Fork of place of beginning containing nnd each of them and a ll persons Schnetxky returned Sunday from a the McKenxie riv e r at Jeffries 10 00 acres of land, all In Ix>t No claim ing by. through or under them trip to the M iddle W est where he point about five m iles up the river IB. Plat of Nornton, Lane County. the follow ing described real pro­ G eneral l-aw Practice perly to w ll: Oregon. spent some tim e vlsltin friends and it was announced this week by C . ' Beginning at the corner of Sec­ relatives In Nebraska. M r. Schnet C. Olson, supervisor of roads in the T he S. E q uarter of the 8 E I. M. PETERSON tions 7. 8, 17 and 18. Tow nship 18. q uarter and lot» 4. 6. 8. 7. * 8 ot national forests In thl» region. The A tterney-at-I-aw section 18 T w p 16 S of R 8 West South Range 4 W est. W illa m e tte zky Is a form er resident of that construction of the bridge w ill pro­ of the W . M . Lane County, O re­ M eridian. Oregon, and running state C ity H a ll Building vide a crossing over the riv e r at gon. also lot 8 of Sec. 22; tw p thence West BOO chs thence H prlngfleld, Oregon Tonsils. Adenoids Taken O u t - all time«, and w ill provide a con­ North 8 80 chs. to the Northw est and range above mentioned; Also corner of Lot 12 of the Plat of L ittle beginning at the 8 E corner of Miss Leanett Ferguson necting link for Indian ridge tra il Section 10 T w p 16 S R 8 W of Noraton as platted and recorded »even year old daughter of M r. and and U pper F a ll creek trail. the W M run thence N. on the E In Rook 4. page 79 Lane County FRANK A. DE PUE Records of Pints, thence North Mrs. J. C. Ferguson submitted to Sec line of Said aectlon t»n a A T T O R N E Y A T LA W distance of 9S>(, rods more or less along thp W est boundary of Ix>l an operation at the office of a local MANY YOUNG PEOPLE AT No. 14 of said plat 17.00 chs. physician last Friday for tonsils to a point which Is distant 61'4 N O T A R Y P U B L IC rods S of the N E corner of the more or less Io a point 6.19 chs. and udenolds. RIVERSIDE PARK PICNIC Sutton Bprlngflald 8 E. q uarter of said section 10. south of the northwest corner of said lot 14. thence East 7.86 thence W parallel w ith the sec. Building Oregon Guests Expected— M r und Mrs T h irty five young people of the line running E A W through the chs. to the m iddle of the County F rank DePue are expecting to have Christian church under the leader­ Road on the N orthern boundary center of Sec. ten. a distance of 78 rod» and 13 feet; thence N. of Lot No. 14 of said Plat of as th eir guests this week, M r. and ship of Miss M abel M o ffitt enjoyed pnrnllel w ith the E. line o f said Noraton, thence along the m id­ Mrs. F. G. Summ er of Bishop. Call a picnic at Riverside park last POOLE - GRAY Sec. ten. 6114 rods to the center dle of the County Rond S. 44 deg fornla. M r. Summ er is highw ay en­ Thursday evening. Bunting, sw im ­ line running through said Sec. 10. 2(1 min E. 4.01 chs. thence N. 89 BARTHOLOMEW thence W . 20 feet, more o r less deg 38 min. W 5.56 chs. to the gineer for the eastern h alf of C ali­ ming, and baseball games were en­ joyed. Assisting Miss M o ffitt were to the East line of Lot 4 nnd said line between Section 7 and 8 of fornia. Sec. 10. thence south along the E said Township thence 8. 0 deg. Bernadine M cFarland, games; lone F orm erly W alker-Poole D istrict Governor H ere— W . F. line of snld L o t 4 and 8 of said 26 min. W. Blong the Section line Rhodes, refreshm ents; and Melba Sec 10 to where snld line In te r­ 19.42 chs. w ore or less to the W a lk e r, d istrict governor of the H arris, transportation. T he group sects the center of thp Long Tom place of beginning, containing Lions clubs of Springfield, was an E U G E N E — 11th S P R IN G F IE L D was taken to the picnic grounds ln R iver, thencp follow ing the center 12.72 acres of land all In P lat of overnight visito r In Springfield and Charnelton. 228 Main of Long Tom R iver In n southerly Noraton, Lane County, Oregon. a large truck loaned for that pur­ direction to the south line of Sec Telephone 723 Phone 62-J Beginning at a point In the Monday. He left Tuesday for Klam pose. 10. and thence cast to place of middle of the County Road at the ath Falls to attend the annual con beginning contnltilng 194 acres, Northeast corner of L ot No. IB of ventlon of Lions clubs. more or loss, In the county of the Plat of Noraton as platted THIS MAN HAD FAITH Lnne, Ore. except from the nhov» nnd recorded In Book 4. page 79 Visits Friends Hera— Miss Vern LOST 24 POUNDS described premise» n rig ht o f way Lane County Records of Plats Ila M orrison of Seattle has been heretofore deeded to the Portland. nnd running thence South along visiting friends In Springfield for Eugene nnd Eastern Rnlhvny the East line of said Lot No. IB. 'Last Novem ber I weighed 192 Company. Also excepting there­ 7.02 chs. thencp N. 89 deg. 39 min. a few days. She Is a form er rest II’ ». Today. (F e b ru a ry Bth. 1932) from the follow ing described pre­ W . parallel to the South line of dent nnd is spending her vacation 1 am down to 168 lbs. and full of mises; Lot IB. B.64 chs. thencp N. 0 deg w ith her pareuts in Eugene. She Is pep all day long— since using Kru- Beginning nt the northeast cor­ Don't read w ith the light shining 22 niln. E. 10.8B chs. to the m id­ senen I have not had to use the employed with, the Pacific Fruit laxative that was custom ary." — ner of the W illia m W ilson Dona­ Into your eyes. dle of the County Road, thence 8. tion Land Claim No 81 In Town 88 deg. 17 min. E. 6.87 chs to the nnd Produce company in Seattle. Theo. A. C. L a F le u r, Providence, Don't read when recovering from ship (16) south of range fiv e (8) place of beginning. Containing It. I. »erlous Illness — without your west of the W illa m e tte M eridian, 5.00 acres of land In the P lat of W hat do you th in k of this— you Starts Camp Duty— Lester H all Doctor's consent. In Lane Com ity, Oregon. Thence Noraton. Lane County. Oregon. men who doubt— you stay fa t— be- West 4 00 chain to the southwest of W endllng left Sunday for the Beginning at a point op . the ciui e you w ant to th in k that nature Don't use public towel» and be care­ com er of Lot No. 4 In Sec. fifteen W est line of Lot No. IB of the annual Reserve Officer's T rain in g made you that way. ful about rubbing eye» with fin ­ of snld township and range; Plat of Noraton 21.66 chs. N. 0 ■ amp nt Vancouver Barracks. V an ­ You're all w rong— most fat men gers. Dangerous Infection may thencp North 3.83 chains; thence deg. 22 min. E. nnd 19.88 chs. S. were made fat because of their a b il­ follow. North «9 dpg. 30 min East 2.00 89 deg. 39 min. E . from the quar­ couver, W ashington. Seven Lane ity to handle a k n ife and fork in a chains; thence south 88 deg. east ter section corner between sec­ county young men are attending businesslike m anner. Don’t fall to visit an eyesight spe­ Be frank w ith yourself. Are you I 2.80 chains; thence south 38 deg. tion 17 and 18, Township IB, the camp which lasts tw o weeks cialist at the slightest sign of 10 min. eaHt 4.00; chnlns; thence too tim id to take a safe, harmless ' South Range 4 W est, W illa m e tte from July 10 to July 24. eye trouble. south 1(1 deg. 30 min. east 6.30 M eridian, Oregon, and running ondllloner that not only takes off ehiilns; thencp south 46 deg. 40 Don't use eye-wash»», ointments, thence nlong the W est boundary surplus fat but is so helpful that it min. 8.00 chains; thence south 9 salve» or other remedies unless of said Lot No. IB. N. 0 deg. 22 Returns to M edford— Mrs. It. P. makes you feel years younger? deg. west 8.60 chnlns; thence advised by an eyesight specialist. min. E. 13.B3 chnlns. thence W est Mortensen left Tuesday evening for To reduce safely take one-half south 38 deg west 7.11 cha,ns 7.39 chnlns. thence S. 0 deg. 22 easpoonful of Kruschen In a glass her home at Medford a fte r huvlng Don't wear glasMes uot prescribed thence North 36 deg. west 4.90 niln. W . 13.BB chains, thence Bast of hot w ater before breakfast every by un eyesight specialist. chnlns; thence north 17.73 chains. 7.39 chnins to the place of begin­ spent several days here visiting m orning— cut down on fatty meats, Io the place ,f iM-ginnliig contain­ ning. containing 10 acres of land with relatives. H e r son and daugh­ potatoes and sweets. Kruschen Is DR. ELLA MEADE ing 12.06 ncres. In Lane County. Oregon. ter, Joel and Louisa Cowden ac­ sold by druggists the world over. A Dated June 30. 1932. Dated June 30th, 1932. Jar th a t costs but a trifle w ill last Optometrist companied her. They have been H . L. B D W N . S h eriff. H . L. B O W N , Sheriff. four weeks— but be sure you get 41 West gth Humane visiting here since July 4. (J. 30— Ju 7-14-21-28) (J. 30— Jn 714-3128) K raat hen— your health comes f ir s t.1 Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Funeral Directors Guard Your Eyes! Some quite elaborate equlpm eat ha« been eons trac ted along the river. A (aw persona who pan gold ae a aldellna frsqueatly Rea T haatra to S tart Naw Sarlal Several aroiipn of pro» pe<* tora find amali (lakea of gold. A few T h rllle i Saturday, Cowboy are working the nhim I n of lower very amali nuggets have O arb to Ba T ic k e t Blue riv e r now in nfcarrh of gold. found, but are not common n n axnsTOB —a raoaig, Baaati/uJ EUctroiu^ sudet —«ztreaufg popular for faaíüur qf i Io 6 parruna. LETTIE DAUGHENBAUGH DIES AT HOME IN VIDA ,,rlv a te g ra ye8ide funeral aer- vlceil for L ett)e Daughenbaugll eight-year-old daughter of M r. and H a „ ey Daughenbaugh ot And for only a few dollars down you can sta rt enjoy­ ing all the advantages of an Electrolux. The balance is extended over many months, in small m onthly am ounts that are never missed. Vida, who died at the home of her parents last Thursday follow ing an attack of scarlet fever were held at Greenwood cem etery Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter o fficiated and the Poole- G ray - Bartholom ew chapel wa in charge of arrangem ents. ELECTROLUX T h e small g irl was born in H ooversville, Pennsylvania, Febru­ ary 12. 1924, and came to Oregon In 1928. She was a student at the V id a grade school. She is survived ! “ V p are n l*' a ils te r ' E laln e' three brothers. Edw in. W illia m , and Ivan Paul, and a great uncle, F re e man Lansberry of Springfield. H e r grandparents. Silas Klngery, and Mrs. M arjo rie Daughenbaugh sur­ vive In Pennsylvania. THE REFRIGERATOR Northwest Cities Gas Co. Eugene, Springfield SAVE BY NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING It is unanim ously agreed by experts that a great am ount of money could and would be saved each year if m erchants were to confine their advertising efforts solely to news­ papers. Any business, that has within it the germ of grow th, can and should spend a certain percentage of its sales ranging from 2% to about 4'i for advertising, but the success of that advertising depends to a great extent on how and where it is placed. Advertising, the story of m erchandise or service, is an in­ teresting part of our day's news. It concerns one's needs and one’s money. No subject is more vital. And the fast­ est and cheapest contact between you and your custom ers is your newspaper it meets your buyers face to face, a t a lower cost per reader than any other medium. For those m erchants or professional people who do not feel qualified to prepare their own advertising m essages, we have on hand at all times a splendid supply of expertly planned, w ritten and illustrated advertising material. We can meet the need of any business. The Springfield News furnishes this service to you free of charge. LET'S HELP PREPARE YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS A n y B usiness that Is W orth Running IS WORTH ADVERTISING