PAO B TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS >>ubtl*tiea D r Katbhone • bouae H e r name 1» Roaaii« Ftieu lH aaa meets Kosa’a e tu the w x * b . the acta strangely and leave» Diana pars fed Soon a lte r tk r m rrtiiw in tk r «.»»la wtrti Kna&hr. Or. KaiW amr u day. and tbe speaker of the house got fig . That, according to tile pubBc opinion ot the tnuc, was ,» ; r s u.« much as they were worth. Dirsi prl»t> In a public milking canleat held at the Mcllatiabl lima fie lu Ktlgene Monday evening In canimcllon with llm screening of • he talking picture. Rebecca of SnnnvbriMik Farm wits won by Mrs Ralph Cline of Rattle 2. Fugane Mr ami Mrs. Cline have operateti a dairy farm for several years. Fx perletn-e may have been an uilvunt FLAO age Io Ihe winner. Seeanil place Hlstarlaiis b a ie finally dai Idi il was rii-d led ween Louise Swutigo (hai lletsy Ita«« Ubi ma il «ipn thè mid Florence I'tdersou lairlntlu flag af llie l ’n lln l Siale« The Hill Slatieberg of Coburg won third li’i'ti liarisanlal slrlpe . aeeordlng i la. - la tbe lutasi researi In-s, »a« ili M ig lia ti liv W a .Itili,-tla n hlm elf. wben Ile look c a m a iu iti af lite Cai attlni Iraaps ul Cambi lilgn III J u lc . I77ii, allliangb || was hai ralsed aver hls heatlquarters unni January •ì, I77d It was calieri lite "Uruml l'nlon” ami was thè Lugli h ring wllb thè eroi se-, af St George ami SI. Andrew, and lltlrteen strip«-« re presentlng thè thlrteen colonie« Tlial flag was usati a guati «letti Itt tbe Itevaliirian. ami there wn-i au ather flag toni limi no strlpes ut all bui thlrteen rad stara In u elrele on n whlte tlebl l ’p In mi country veliere a gii ut niany af mi tarmar tndghbars hnv • i al awued a borse fai y.-ai«. lliere I alt aerivi- borse mari,-a II ir«,- uhleh calibi bave lie e li bonghi ta l Jltlil or lesa a t-anple af years ago naw «eli frani f lf iU la |3IM e,-teli • • • p XÍ ntino economy lllstarluns are castina daulit up th è auppused resolullnn af thè Catirinental Cotigress af Juue i f . 177" hdaptlng tbe Star» ami Strlpes, beeaiiae they catluot f mi any re cartls of lite Stara ami Sriìpes Iti use before May 1. I7»6. If hlatury I h s » vanfu eny number of pre-election itnoffi- clal “polls.” k « 2 .9 5 Colen NEW LOWX For the Leader's Committee. (Signed) Ada Jolley, President, Oregon W. C. T. U. John B. Coan, President, Port land Ministerial association. price sp; The biggest value you ever saw in a miniature gas stove for camping, fishing, picnick­ ing and general utility use. Here are some of the big fe a tu re s of th is N o . 10 Coleman Camp Stove: 1. OverMzc Cabinet, ample cooking JOHN VAUGHN FINDER OF Oregon's consistent dry majori­ STOLEN DILLARD PURSE ties thru recent years can hardly be overlooked by anyone who desires The weatherbeaten purse belong­ to know the prevailing sentiment ing to Mrs. W. B. Dillard of Eu- of Oregon's electorate. We are well gene which was found by A. J. Cow- aware, as are most thoughtful peo- art, night officer at the city hall pie, that the real purpose of such last w e e k when he returrx-d from polls of recent years has been main- one of hls patrols, was picked up ly to affect the vote rather than to by John Vaughn Wednesday on ascertain the sentim ent of the peo- Tenth street between Main and A pie. It Is because of these views streets according to Lum Anderson, that we have heretofore usually ad police chief. No clues to the thief vised non-participation In such at- who stole the purse have been tempts. For the same reason we found. The purse was taken from are adilres Ing this newspaper and the yard of the Dillard home In Its readers and are advlalng our Eugene and contained many valu constituents throughout the state able Items, most of which of our action. We desire to state, j missing when found. on put in th e c a n . . . y o u ta k e out big s a v in g s I billon Shinn, utudvnt filer at the Springfield School of Flying, owns u unique collection of travel ««julp T he secret til l i t i s trick, of course, meni III n lest of poaaguMlona lu lies in the Acme Q ualify House thiM line Include a canoe with a null Paini can. Y ou simply put 50c attachments a motur boat, a motor- to 7 5c more per gallon into N E W Comparing anybody's expendl hicvt'le, an aiitoiuohlle, and an air I l(A House Paint, as compared lurts today with those ot even to plane to ordinary house paini. Y ou g»-i year ago, they seem wildly extra Shinn took flying Iraaomi from 50 J greater covering— there­ vagunt, hut that Is because the Jim Mac.Muninian and bought the fore use f t u t r g .i/lo u t . Y o u g o value ot the dullar has changed Ktuall monoplane which he now g r e a te r w e a th e r re s is ta n c e materially in forty years, with the OWU0 after ht* had had neveral I hcrefore you get / l i e yewn ol enormous uililltlaiis to the world s hour« of nolo flying to hl credit. service iitsit. d o f t h r r » . la other gold supply that have been made The nhip wa« built here In Spring words, N1 \v H ( A House Paini Ii that time. I Held by Mr. .MacManlman Shinn costs less Ay l b t /«A Ay l b t y t a r . hua hud it ntored In Eugene during And you hase (he superior colors GOLD the winter while attending nt hool and linish o f an Acme Qualify J uki uh UVW h C(> 11 led l l i u l Ihe gold at Madison. Wlacoimln, and Junt re N l \ \ ¡K A Paint job m w , o Zrced herself to speak □er and a theatre with Dennis W at­ I 1 l o o h a v e a i .o i l holid. erman and would no* be home until America?” late. “It was hardly a holiday. 1 had so Diana drove straight to Mrs. much business to attend to. Dennis Ctadwyn's house when «he got to hated it—he w as longing to get back London. She was not expected, and all the tune." the maids »eemed rather flustered by Her eyes dwelt on Diana’s face her sudden arrival. with half-atnused interest. She intended to pack a small suit­ "Are you waiting for him now?” case for which Dennis would pees »he asked abruptly. ently send his ch— ffenr, and after Diana's lips moved, and she that—well, after ih -, was flushed crimson, but no words would a blank—after that nothing would come, and Linda said with an un­ m atter very much. Nothing mat­ concerned laugh: tered very much now, if it came to You need not mind telling me if that. Diana was amazed because you are. I have not erme here to sp- she felt so cold and unconcerned. on you— it's just bad luck that we HOI II 10 .10 1 0110 Even the thought ol Rathbone should both have chosen the same hardly distressed her. That epi­ rendezvous. I am waiting for a ■ ng district that has ever been dev sode, precious as it had been, was (riend myself." eloped in the world s history. definitely ended. Diana rose to her feet. If this proves true and It Is She did not know what plans "I thought you were in Pari»," Dennis had made, and she hardly she stammered, and then wondered feasible for foreigners to de­ cared. Since the afternoon she sent why, of all the things she might have velop this new gold field, the Inevi­ that wire she had often wondered said, she should have chosen words table result will be a great enlarge, why she had done it It was not that were surely an admission meut ot the world's money supply because she twssttd to go with Den­ Linda shrugged her shoulders. nis except that deep down in her “I suppose Dennis told you »o’ tv Ith consequent iuereaae of com­ heart was a foolish, feverish hope Well, I wanted him to believe I modity prices and u new spurt of that perhaps he could help her to was going to Paris,” she said quietly prosperity. That 1« exuetly what forget—could drug her senses and “It suited me for him to think so.” take away the endless pain of lone­ She laughed again. "It’s very odd, has followed every great gold strike liness and longing. but it never seems to occur to my in tbe past. Dennis was the one creature in noble husband that perhaps I too One of the important underlying the world of whose love she was have my secret orchard." causes of the present world wide confident, and so she had turned to She held out the hand that wore him as a half-frozen outcast would the big diamond and stare«] at it economic distress is the tailure of the gold supply to keep pace with turn to the first fire that gleams meditatively. through the night. Pm rather glad you and I have the increasing demand for money She had no regrets—nothing mat­ met again,” she said. "I intended to and credit i based upon gold. tered. write to you soon, anyway.” At seven o’clock she sent the maid "To writ« to me?” for a taxi and put on her cloak. She The burning colour rose again to HORSES would be a little early for Dennis, Diana's face— she felt utterly at a Horses are coming back Into uae perhaps, but the silence and mem­ disadvantage. Linda was so assured, more rapidly than at any time since ories of this room worried her— so cool—she was sure at last tha’ the war. Farmers are not returning it would be better to get out and Linda no longer cared for Dennis. mingle with the noise and bustle “You need not look so angry, to the old horse and buggy, or using again. fennit’s wife said calmly. "I know horses to haul commodities to ills She went down to the waiting you hale me. but you need not. I quite -ant markets, hut they are finding taxi, leaving orders about the suit­ I ke you, Diana; if it were not for this year, that the good old rell case. She did not care if her aunt's Dennis, I believe we could lie graxi able horse is a more economical maid- suspected anything: she knew friends." it would not be the first time she She moved suddenly, coining a source of power for plowing and had set them all talking It was little closer to the girl. general farm work than the motor- only really genuine people like Miss “ 1 Dennis never told you Starling and Jonas who made one that 1 offered to divorce him, did he?” fee, ashamed. she asked interestedly. ", assure you The cab stopped, and a com m it-. 1 did before ------ . we . . _____ went to America, thi sionaire hurried to open the door. | ™ght you dined at the flat." Dennis had chosen to meet her at this small, rather unpretentious Contirued Next Week restaurant because he said thev tion of the Eighteenth Amendment, at this particular time. We do not question a newspaper's right to sponsor a “poll” on any Issue at any time. We do wish to assert however, that under the method by which such polls of recent years have been conducted, a more unre- liable method could scarcely be found. No possible amount of care on the part of the sponsor can pre­ vent wholesale duplication of votes. Certainly a resume of results of such polls and the subsequent elec­ tion figures abundantly substantl ate such a conclusion. IPRINGFIELD PRODUCES CHAMPION MILK MAID 2. 3. 4*. 5. 6. •uriace. Large Fuel T ank, ruet reeteting electric welded. W in d proof, indeetructible Burn er Cape. Hot-blaat Starter, generate« in any wind. Safe, durable, ea»y to operate. A Quality Price. It is no longer necessary to to roost yourself in order to cook the food. Winter or sum­ mer the kitchen should be the same temperature as the living room and it enn be if you have an electric range. But why stay in the kitchen while the food is cooking? Electri­ city will cook and watch your food automatically, perfectly, while you spend most of your time as you please. See your hardware, furniture or electrical dealer today about an elec­ tric range. It will save your money, your health and yow Stove at a N e w Low T h e C olem an Lam p Cr S ie v e C e . Wlchlt», K»r». Chicag«, III. PMI»Z»lplii», P». MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY y L *» A m ««U», Calif. ASK YO U R DEALER V * "'»-»a ELECTRICITY IS C H E A P lì