THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-NINTH YEAH CITY EXPENSES HPRINHI IEIJJ, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY I) Grove Bank Will Pay Dividend ^Confederate Commander J ir ’ EARWIG PARASITES RELEASED IN GII) * Oapoaitora Will Reçoive 20 Operation Expanses for Firat Perçant on Both Savings und Commercial Accounts Half of Year Mora than $1100 Below Estimate 11*32 Licenses Must Be Paid August 1 Governor Issues Statement 2000 Earwigs Parasitized by Granting Second 15-Day Moratorium on Fees Larvae of Fly Planted for Combat on Pests Motorist* of Oregon were grant (h eck s for the first dividend c Succeeds McOraw Girl Scouts Off On 3-Day Trip M'KENZIE OILING WOBKJO START Troop Members Leave Wed­ nesday for Short Outing at Contractor Expected to Plaoo McCredie Springs Resort Second Application on Road This Month Springfield Girl Seoul* packed Two thousand earwigs purusill xd e second 15-ilay extension on the their luxgage Wednesday morning WORK SLOW zed by larvae of the tachlnld earwig time in which they must purchase and started off for a three-day out- LANE ROAD ________ j fly were released In Hprlngfleld their automobile license plates this Council Saaks Naw Protac­ -g at Met re,lie Springs on the Up- Moat of McKanzi* Highway ! Wednesday afternoon by County week by Governor Meier who Is­ tion for Fireman Answering f « «- L L ’ 11 1 been sp«nl »6194 Hi ' fur their purchase were handled by consideration, I have decided not to Wright. Faye Holverson. Florence There are three section» of the leaving »8421.31 balance (or the re i I M Peterson, secretary of the call a special -easlon of the legisla­ May, Margaret Jarrett, France» highway to be oiled this summer uiHiiiiler u( the year I Hprlngfleld chamber of commerce. ture for the purpose of considering , Jean Lloyd. Beth Schaotol. Pearl Two of them, the Hendricks Brldga- The »lute Industrial accident com llelterbrand. Dori» Bonney, Collenc Doyle Hill, and the Blue Rlver- The blocks and persons signed motor vehicle license legislation. mission notified the city that fire- Regardless of the fact that mem j Cornell, Ila Pulman. Haxel Nesblt. Belknap Springs have been given up for the earwig colony in each iiit’U anew«ring call« outside ut the Below—"Memphis Bill" Terry, Geneva Wycoff. Jean Stratton, and their first coat and will receive the l are; 111 Larson Wright. Fifth to hers of the legislature might be brilliant first baseman who now man­ ■ lly limits would not be protected Bernice Barnes. Hixth between B and C. (2) Dean willing to serve without compensa ■ finishing application of oil now. ages ti.< S Y Giants H e was named by accident Insurance. Thu coun­ (' Poindexter, Fifth to Sixth be- Don, the session would entail an un by Jolm I. McGraw ( above), who Barbara Barnell was III and nn The third secUon of the high­ cil will iiivoetiaale further and per­ lead the Gii-'-tx fo r 30 years. tween (’ and D. (3) Dr. W. C. Rib­ necessary expen e for Ihe laxpey ; able to attend. way from Doyle Hill to Nimrod haps tuItc out Inaurance in aotne ers. bon. Fourth to f-'lftb between <*. | in new being surfaced by Hlllstrom other company If found feasible, and I) (4j F B. Hamlin. Third to "Because of (he chaotic condition ; brothers, contractors of Marshfield. otbeiwlae call« In the country can Fourth between C and D. streets which prevails with regard to motoi ’ As much of this section will be otl- nut lie anawvrvd without the city 4ft) Mrs. W II. Hteariner, Sixth lu vehicle license fees, due to Secre­ 1 ed as Is completed after the other brink reliable for uccldent« Seventh between D and E (61 John tary of State Boss premature an i units have been oiled providing the Mrs. Estalla Findley. District Will Attempt to Raisa Most i tie council referred to the air- Benderer, Fifth to Sixth between nouncement of the proposed quar­ weather is favorable. Dry weather Deputy President, Is In­ of Their Quota of Expense E and F -treets. (7) D. B Murphy, terly license fee plan, and his sub- p in t cinninlllee a request of Jim ' Is very necessary in oiling. MacManlman for an vxtenalou of stalling Officer Fourth Io Fifth, between E and F„ si quenl refusal to cooperate 111 During Summer Months The Hlllstrom crew has already Ills operating right» on the airport and Ik) Block 66 between Sixth carrying out ihe plan which was . completed the surfacing of the road Mrs Glenn Hiotte wu - Installed lb-flniilc action to continue their ami Seventh from A to Main, W. K. agreed uyon by Attorney Van Win­ Board Orders 40 Cords of bey mid the expiration period 1936 Funeral Services for Mrs. | from Nimrod to wltHln a few rods The manager of the airport report­ as new noble grand of Ihi- Juanit» support of the Weekday Bible Barnell. kle, Slate Treasurer Holman and Split Second Growth to Ex­ Alice A. Thompson Held at of their rock crusher, a stretch of Rebekah hskge to succeed Mrs school work which Is conducted In ed that lb» city'» »hare of receipt* In addition to releasing one col- myself. I have determined o ex­ about five miles. They are now periment at Three Schools Chapel This Morning from passenger hire plane» was Hiellä Eaton Monday evnnlng al Springfield each school year by , uny o l earwigs In Springfield. Mr. tend the present fifteen day mora­ working on some of the graded but tile I. <). (>. F hall. Other elective Miss Goldie Smith under a co-oper- i Fletcher and Mr. Dlmlck released torium fur an additional fifteen unopened sections of the road. The Wood bids for Springfield city Mra. Alice A. Thompson, resident (Concluded on l*age 41 officers luslalh-d were Mrs Surah utlve plan with the Methodist and eight colonies in Eugene and one days so as to expire August 1. 1*32. | schools for the year 1932-33 were ; of Springfield since 1892, paa ed total distance between Nimrod and Johns, vice grand, Mra. Lillian Christian churches was taken last In Cottage Grove. The colonies for The serious condition of bigliway- let here Monday night at a special away Tuesday evening at the fam- Doyle HIU Is 15 miles. lllark. warden, Mrs Mamie Rich­ Thursday evening al the third quar­ Eugene were purchased by nelgh- department finances will not per­ meeting of the Board of Directors lly home at 728 A street. She had Repairs to the Elk creek bridge mond. conductress; Mrs. Edna Yar­ terly conference nr the Baptist i borhood groups, while the Cottage mit any further extension beyond The board purchased a total of 200 been in failing health since the near Sparks ranch and other road nell chaplain, and Mra Eaton. pa«t church. I Grove colony was purchased by August 1." cords of wood from two bidders death of ber husband, the late Lu- maintenanc» work were started noble grand. Under Ihe plan now followed j the Cottage Grove chamber of com­ Joseph Trlnka was given a contract mxj Eiephalet Thompson, which MoB» *“ She was the mother of four guardian. Mrs Wanda Barnes, . I presenting .he three churches The ing forward very rapidly at this deliver 40 cord< of split second CouiltV Schools to Continue! right support Kt noble grand, Mrs llapti»! church will eudcavor to w,'l< h an earwig Is hiding As daughters and two sons, all of growth fir at »2.75 per cord. All whom are survivors. They are Mrs. time according to Clinton Hurd, I Cora lllnson, left support to noble raise most of their portion of the " i ounty Boundary Board comprising | Member of the Board also an live« In Eugene. »orkhas beeiicom lnglnveryklow - She was assisted by Mis- ■ burch uud will lie held In October Its body on Its base and waves to percentage of 90 percent, won the . . . . *y according to Mr. Hurd, members of Die Lane County Court, Dorothy Girard, marshall, M District banner for the past quar- nounced ■ that r s --------------------------*nd ,ro ,f no ho,‘ '* ®n«»*“«ered. some of the rooms a t 1 Alice L. Signor was the daughter, Judge C. F Barnard, U. E. Crowe, ciarlne ihttman. deputy grand sec PROHIBITION SUPPORT I" ,rawl" “ shorty distance and re , **r. at the quarterly conference the Lincoln school were being k*l- of Jonah Signor and Lucina Star« . and Clinton llurd, commissioners, r e la r y . M rs M in n ie G ira rd , d e p u n a c v r r. ov '”' rfo rm a n ,’,‘ *’ f •< Wendlllig S unday Th e somlned and Improved for use next I both of New Yorx state. She was' AbKED BY b r t A K t K .and waving its body in search of an . award is based on attendance. fal1- and K. J Moore, county school sup­ grand warden. Mis. Mary Magill I Pom July 26, 1859 at Plainfield, j ! earwig, and the process Is con- i home study, and Bible study. The erintendent. deputy grand chupluln. and Mra There Is still one vacancy on the s Waushara county, Wisconsin. She Continued support of the Eight tlnued until a host Is found. When banner was held Jointly the past Action of the boundary board Is Grace Lansberry grumi treasurer eenth amendment and Ibose poli­ an earwig la finally encountered.; three mouths by the Cpper and Springfield high school faculty to attended the schools there and wax dependent, however, on the out­ tical < umlldales who are support the maggot attaches Itself to th e . Lower Camp Creek Sunday school - be filled. This is the position as i married to Mr. Thompson on Octo­ come of the lawsuit which Is now ber 12, 1874, at Waupaca, Wiscon- f Ing the Amendment was asked her« host at once. Then the Oregon-; The October meeting of the teacher of domestic science. being tried In which the so called NEW HOME BAKERY -------------------------- ! sin. I Sunday evening by Mrs. Ada Jolley, reared European earwig realises Cnlon will be held at Walterville. big lour districts of the county, Eu­ BUYS LARGE TRUCK slab- priMildent of the W. C. T. U. that Its natural enemy from Eu- Sunday schools of the Mohawk and RAILROAD PAYS LARGE The famiiy came west in 1891 j gouth For|< of M cK.nzi., Fall gene, Springfield. Collage Urove ! from Minnesota where they had for Oregon In speaking before a rope has caught up with It, for the McKenzie valleys are represented uud Junction City seek to have Ihe SHARE OF CO. TAXES ' gone after their marriage, and est | Creek, and North Fork of A lurge truck Io use 111 hauling Wheeler law set aside as uucoti- bread to (heir relull dealers was Joint 111) eltng of Ihe churches which earwig commences kicking and at- ■ ic the organization. A total of 12.60 percent of all ,bliahed thelr home ‘n I Willamette Are Affected -------------------------- •DIuDonal. Il 1» mandatory that the purrha ed this week by Ihe N ew was held al the Christian church. tempts to rub the maggot off. These taxes paid In Lane county for 19311 tbeJ ° I,0Wing year' They have >* The apeuker ulso gave un outline of actions of the earwig are to no UNIVERSITY SCIENCE Boundary Board designate al this Home llukery. The volume of our ! Three areas In the Cascade Na­ here slnce that time' Mrs are being paid by the Southern lime which of the two tuition laws delivery business has grown to the - Ihe prohibition movement since Its avail because the maggot Is equip­ tional Forest are now closed be­ PUBLICATION IS OUT Pacific railroad this year accord ; ™ onipsou took a>> aptlve part in j Inception will be used In the county during point where It no longer Is practical .. . , ,, u _ ped with rows of little spines es-, cause of the fire hazard accord­ ing to a stall Deal compilation pre- ' oi lbe Her husband Die next school year so that dis -------------- ■ - - - --------- I M,""c waa Provided by Die Mur pechtUy developed for hanging on The Mu). issue of the Common- , to deliver breud In our small truck I was , ,, a blacksmith for many years1 ing to an announcement made this to European earwigs wea„ h RevJew by {he pared of all counties ot the state. D id boards can be governed by slulcd Carl McKee, lu commenting phy Mushier quartet. The railroad pa.d a total of 2.93 “ “ ” Ved t0 8ee thls ,rade becom‘‘ week by Arthur Moses of the Cas­ Dial lu druwlng up new budgets. on the purchase After Ihe contact of the maggot School of Applied Science at the per cent of all taxes pa.d tn the alm° 8t “»necessary. He also served cade Forest office In Eugene. There was no opposition to the Two of these areas are complete­ A moderate but steady growth In j WEINER ROAST HELD AT with the earwig is made, the para- Cnlverslty of Oregon has Just been state, and 7.07 percent of all taxes 38 JuStUe ° f ,he Peace for several preseut law, tlie Wheeler act, ex Ihe volume of business al the hak < ly closed to entry. They are the CORNELL HOME JULY 9 site bores into the body of the host, mailed out. The publication con * yv&rs paid lu the counties in which they ! prs-ed at the uieellng Monday. Upper Fall creek-Portland Creek ery has been noted for the past Once Inside the body of the earwig, tains three feature articles, "Ore- operate Funeral services were held thi area, and the North Fork ot the T h is law has been used In luine several months according to Mc­ A neigh borhood picnic and the maggot feeds on the flood. In gonlans as Voters." "Inequulilites The total of the ». P. Taxes in > 'nurnln* at ‘«^ 0 at the Springfield Willamette. The third area, located count* for tbe past seven years Kee. nelner roast «.is held by u group a few weeks the maggot kills the In the Oregon System of Element­ since It was passed at the leglsla-' _________________ of young people at the Cornell earwig As the host Is dying the ary and Secondary School Support.” L u r e county for 1931 was »253,- chapel of the Poole-Gray-Bartholo- on the South Fork of the McKenzie mew chapel. Rev J T Moore con lure. It was named after H. C l home on North Fifth street Miss maggot crawls out of the body of anil "History of the Salmon Indus 035.88 on a property valuation ot river between Walker creek and ducted the service and Interment Wheeler, slate senator and author , METHODIST PASTOR AT Marjory Jolllff and Miss Delores the esrwlg The parasite Is then try In Oregon,” as well as other »7.481,028. This is the largest tax French Pete's Is closed to all entry 1 was made at Laurel Grove ceme­ paid in any one county in the state. except passing through with a spec­ — ,he law SUMMER INSTITUTE Casteel were tile hostesses and had much bigger In slxe and forms a | regular departments. tery. Legal action to restrain the Coun- _______ us their guests Everett Inulole. "reeling case" In which It trans ___________ Klamath county being second with ial permit which is checked at both ty Boundary hoard from operating I ends of the closed area. Rev and Mrs Dean C. Polndex- Ralph Vest. Ihtullnu Cornell. Edna forms to a fly. LEGION CANCELS FUTURE ; »180.870.6« which is 11-87 percent NEEDY GET VENISON under this law was Instituted last ter left Monday for the annual Vest. Francis. Fern and Floyd Cor­ ' of the total tax paid. Some general points about the The Fall Creek area Is closed be MEETINGS FOR SUMMER spring by the four larger districts Methodist Institute which Is being nell. and Ralph Watson. The tax represents an average of earwig parasite: AFTER AUTO ACCIDENT tween Big Fall creek and Portland of the county. Their contention be­ held nn Little River near Roseburg creek. The Willamette area U 1. Each female parasite fly pro­ All meetings of the Springfield »856.31 tax per each mile of main ing that after the number of stu­ They expect to return to Spring LARGE PICNIC PLANNED track operated by the company dur­ The Red Cross in Eugene Tues­ closed from the North Fork down duces about 250 eggs. American Legion post number 40 ing the year. dents from outside the district field on Halurday. Rev, Poindexter day distributed fresh venison to and including a part of the tim­ 2. The adult parasite dies Just will be cancelled from now until AT JASPER ON SUNDAY reaches 4(1 the schools are relm will spend several weeks during the among the needy people of the ber holdings of the Western Lum­ after the eggs have been laid. the first Thursday In September county as a result of a collision the ber company near Oakridge. bwrsed only »35 for educating each summer attending various InstltU The Hills Creek Lumber company It was announced ufter Ihe meeting MRS. VAN VALZAH IS 3. The parasite fly will never be­ evening before of an automobile pupil, whereas those districts who tea of his church. at Jas|« r Is making plans now for come a pest because as the earwigs held at the Community hall last 1 A!1 of the areas will probably be HONORED W ITH PARTY being driven by A. M. Rickman of do not have thia many students kept closed until the fall rains re­ u large picnic at Jasper Sunday for become less In numbers the fly will Thursday. Election of officers for Eugene and a doe deer on the duce the danger of fires. from outside the district receive employees, their families, und the become less In number, because the the state convention at Corvallis Members of Mrs. A. B. Van Val larger varying sums. highway two miles above Fall MISSION CROUP PLANS general public Everyone Is Invited parasite fly gets practically all of will he held at this meeting. xah’a Sunday school class gathered There have een only three small creek. Mr. Rickman ran over the Springfield district number 19 TO STUDY SO. AMERICA to bring their picnic lunches and Ils needed food material from the at her home Saturday evening to fires in the Cascade area uatil this deer and brought It to the state lust year reported 90 students from enjoy the busehall games und other body of the earwig. surprise her on her birthday. A so­ week according to Mr. Moses. These HAYFIELDS NOW OFFER police department who turned It oul-lde of the district und It Is Mission work In South America form; of recreation which will be were caused by campfires which 4. The parasite files will enter EMPLOYMENT FOR SOME cial evening was enjoyed during over to the Red Cross. claimed (hat Ihe cost of educating will be the study subject of the provided. | which the young people presented were not put out. One other small houses only by accident. Their the students cannot he met with Missionary society of Ihe Christian 5 her with a gift. fire in the area was reported on habits are entirely different than this sum. Hayfielda of Eastern Oregon are church for the next six months It MISSION GROUP HEARS Tuesday. the ‘‘house fly.” now offering employment to n.| The same group of young people j SPRINGFIELD MAN GETS Arguments In this case were was decided nt Ihe meeting held — — 5. The parasite Is now operating small number of men outside of the will hold a social gathering Friday. OF WORK OF CHURCH heard recently by Judge H. D. Nor­ Tuesday evening at Ihe home of evening at the home of Mrs. Ber-1 COUNTERFEIT $20 BILL in nature In Portland and we know valley. Parties visiting the Paisley! ton of Medford. He has not an- Mrs. D. B. Murphy. Mrs. Audrey BAPTIST BOYS HAVE Neher Finlev. They will gather, ,, . . Mission work which Is being con­ that It can survive under western section during the past week-end nice . , . I One nounced his decision In the matter Brown was In change of the les on. at . the v home of , ,, Mrs. „ Van ,, Valzah . . . of the »20 counterfeit bills Oregon conditions. It will probably PICNIC ON TUE8DAY ducted by the Methodist church report that owners of the hay crop; which were being circulated about nt this time. The next meeting of the group will be able to live and Increase In east are employing men every day a t ! at 7:45. was outlined Tuesday afternoon at . in the county during the past week- be held nt the home of Mrs. M. R. Junior and Intermediate boys of the monthly m< eting of the Home ern Oregon wherever the earwig Is the prevailing wage of »1.50 and MONOCOUPE READY SOON , 7 Z ’ X d ' " » Î U H. Shanan Adams In August. Missionary Society of the Metho­ found. GIRLS MISSION GROUP »2 for stackers. The employment when he the Baptist church were taken on a 6. The parasite will never com­ will continue for about two month-; dist church by Miss Ada Porter. FOR NEW TEST FLIGHTS' obliged a stranger by changing a swimming party and welner roast HAS MEETING MONDAY Mr-. A. B. Van Vulzah led the de­ pletely exterminate the earwig The ----------- I bill of that denomination. An In- at Swimmer's Delight park Tuesday GAS SALE INCREASES; best that can be hoped for Is a re­ Miss Esther McPherson was host- votional«. The monocoupe airplane which vestlgation later disclosed the true evening by their teacher», Clarence MRS. EGGIMANN TO AID NEW EQUIPMENT SOLD duction In the earwigs now pres o » for the meeting of the Girl's Jim MarManimiin has been rebuild nature of the bill. Three of these Cuudell and Elmo Chase. Rev. Wil­ IN EUGENE RECEPTION Ing for James Green and Snap counterfeit bills were passed In liam G. Taylor also accompanied ent and for a check on the numbers Mission Circle of the Christian The volume of gas sales for this LOCAL GIRL TO SERVE the group. which might be developed provld church a» her home Monday even­ year are averaging slightly more Ward Is soon ready for test flights AS GIRL SCOUT NURSE Ing the earwigs were left to repro­ Mrs. Myrtle Eggliunun will be In according to Mr MacManlman. The Cottage Grove during the week-end. ing. The girls met al Ihe home of Ilian they were Inst year according Ihe receiving line (his afternoon entire fuselage, motor, and wing Miss Barbara Adums and hiked out Io Fred W. Olson, manager of the duce unchecked. ROYAL NEIGHBORS CLUB Miss Eunice Gerber left Sunday 7. Results from parasite libera at the Eugene Armory when the has been rebuilt and Is being as ( SPRINGFIELD MAN IS to the McPherson home In a group Northwest Cities (Ins company. with the Eugene Girl Scout troops Women's Relief Corps entertains HAS MEET AT ALVADORE at 7:30. Miss Marjorie Waddell was The sale of gas using appliances Dons can not be expected until the sembled. The final coat of dressing INJURED IN LOG JAM for their annual summer camp at for members of all patriotic organi­ lender for Ihe meeting. Including stove anil refrigerators Lake Cleawox south of Florence on parasite has been able to build up zations. A program has been ar is being applied to tbe wings. The Members of the Needle Club of ship has been repainted red and Frank Apger, 605 E -street Spring- has been good he reports. the coast. Miss Gerber will act 111 In numbers under natural condi­ ranged for the afternoon. the Royal Neighbors of America tions. In the light of our present black with a silver trimming. field received a fractured leg and Ihe capacity of nurse during the were entertained Wednesday after­ STAR PICNIC HELD knowledge the parasitic control of injuries to his head In an accident camp period. GRANGE HEARS LECTURE noon at the home of Mrs. Ina Scrlv- the European earwig appears to be REBEKAH DRILL TEAM INDOORS ON SUNDAY at the Red Fir Lumber company ner at Alvadore. A picnic had been ON OREGON COAST LINE the main solution of control for all plant west of Harrisburg Wednes­ HAS SOCIAL FRIDAY FOREST INSPECTORS planned but was called off because CACTI PLANT HAS Uncertain weather cau ted the time. SPEND TWO DAYS HERE day. Four men who were trying to of the Inclement weather. abandonment of the outdoor picnic Members of the Goshen Grange 9 The parasite will probably be MANY BLOOMS NOW Mrs. Cora Hinson. Mrs. Blanche ----------- clear a log Jam were Injured ana which members of the Eastern Star und their friends last night heard more effective In Oregon than it Is Daniels, and Mrs. Stella Eaton. Howard Hopkins, forest Inapec- were taken to the Eugene hospital. chapter of Hprlngfleld was to have an illustrated lecture on the Oregon One of the cactus plants owned In Europe because It was brought were hostesses for the social fol- tor from Washington, D. C., and E. California People Here—Mr. end sponsored at Edgell's grove on the Coast given by Dr. Warren D. by Mrs. Robert L. Drury now has here minus Its natural enemies. lowing the regular practice of the J. Hanzllck, Inspector of the re- Injures Foot Sunday Mrs. James Hammock of Rlverslda Mohawk road Sunday. The families Smith, professor of geography at 82 blooms. Mrs. Drury has made a Frogresslve 22 drill team which Is gional office st Portland, spent Mrs. Jim MacManlman sustained California, arrived here Monday to gathered at the home of Mrs. E. K. the University of Oregon. A social habit of collecting different kinds To Work In Portland—Miss Doris working on a new drill. Entertain- Tuesday and Wednesday at West- a painful injury to her foot Sunday visit at the home of Mra. Ham­ Frsedrlck. worthy matron for their gathering and refreshments com­ of cactus plants and now has 18 Graham left Wednesday for Fort meat and refreshments were pro- j Dr Inspecting timber conditions In when she slipped while on the fly­ mock's mother, Mrs. Harl McPfcor- pleted the evening. dinner. different varieties In her yard. land where she will be employed. vlded by the committee. | that part of the Cascade forest. ing field. ASK AIRPORT EXTENSION pu t meut Io creditors of the dosed Cottage Grove hunk were being prepared here thl- week and will r a probably I- seul oui tu depositor* al Co* C* rove Ihe first of next vldend represents 211 week. , percent e commercial and saving» 1 1. II totals »10.251 III »ll.CIk on suv 011 coniint lugs accoui liquidation of ’ All affairs Ihe t'ottaite (¡1 ik are now lie-1 lug handled fi Hprlngfleld General Burner Atkiniori, Rich- •Ie llitnklng monil, Va.. ii the new Commander- headquarter» of department In th< ^ ..« r Cummer in duel of die United Confederate dal Hlate Hunk building under (In ­ Veterans He wai a member of the B om r G u a rd i at Peteriburg who direction of F (i lluvermanti and Hood olì the Union force!, June 9, Mrs KUIe Pollard. IIV -I ife 11 alto Commander ol the Uci-aiiriH-nt of Virginia. i a I REBEKAH LODGE BAPTISTS 10 AID INSTALLS MONDAY BIBLE CLASSES WHEELER LAW m WOOD BIOS ARE DEATH CLAIMS LET ON MONDAY EARLY CITIZEN WALTERVILLEGETS T THREE AREAS IN CASCADES CLOSED