PAO« POUR „„j „„ T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS hoted Picture Io Show Soon "Heroic Effort" W inner Fox-McDonald Theatre An­ nounces Booking “Grand Hotel," for July 14 - 15 "Grand Hotel." which come« to Eugene for two day» Thursday and F*rMay. July 14th and 16th. will be presented it the Fnx-McDonald theatre a« a road-show attraction according to Ray W Jonea. Fox theatre manager of Eugene The picture, titaplc— both from the standpoint of production and cast will be preKented twice daily al M i » V era L Goodrich, N o rth ­ 2:30 and 8:30 p. m. and all «eat« hampton. Ma**-, tcaled in the Tem ple College Cafeteria, to pay her w a y all will be reserved for all perform ihr- ugh school—and as s graduate aacea. The ca t 1« said to be the I ten l*d is rewarded^ m - a y tbs Effort* awarw biggest yet assembled for any pic­ »vied "H ture production and includes seven of the greatest stars on the screen namely, Greta Garbo, John and Lio­ nel Barrymore. Joan Crawfoid Wallace Berry. Lewis Stone and Janies Edmiston spent a couple Jean Hersholt. Prices tor “Grand of days at Bellfountain last week Hotel" showing at the Fox-McDon Mr and Mrs. Arthur B uyers an. aid will be 56c. 83c. 8110 and $1.05 family and Mrs. William e* vel including federal tax. for the even from Portland pent several days ing performances and $65. 83 and at the A. W. Weaver home last 31.10 including ferlerai tax. for tne week Mr and Mrs. Buyers returned matinee performance . ,o Portland last Sunday, but Mrs T h e story is a Metro-Gold wyn Weaver remained (or an m e n > Mayer production and come« front B,ay _ , . the pen of Vicjfi Baum who wrote Mr and Mrs. Linn Endicott from the famous uovel by the «ante Portland arrived last week-end to name spend the Fourth with relatives Thurston “ ’ Mrs LOCAL BOVS Gtl BERTHSM CABDS D em ocrats w h o H elped M ake W heel» G o Around A t C hicago Springfield will contribute her own talent to the weekly wrestling card at the Lane county fairground« in Eugene Fr day evening in the persons of Jerry and Jimmie Lake, son of Mr and Mrs. Mux l.ake. These two lads. Jimmie, 6. and Jerry 4. have developed quite a fol lowing here and in Eugene. They have appeared on several occasion» in Eugene, the last being about six weeks ago Max Lake, father of the two boys, who also serves as their trainer, has had considerable experience as a wrestler. He trained in Portland (or som e time and held a member­ ship card at the Multnomah club fQr geTera, yeara He ha> taught gons most of the fundamental holds and they «eem to be adept pup„ 9 wj|, #t fh<> falr(tround< pr(dave eTen,n|t a( g M Ther„ spec,aj e¥enti a8 unannounced. before the big event between 'Wild- (.a ,. >nd Kangas Admi!)gion pr)r„ for , h(> r. X'- Pt*r X it. Wm. A Barkley. K y , who sounded the I , G’K^ r?., \ - Reyno*i ** lhe Chicago c.Hiwntioo: Upper right I Allred E. Smith. New York, and William G. McAdoo, c ilif . tormer bitter enemies l-owcr left: Jouett Shou»e, K'»..«» .1^7'?’ W chairaun’ Na'-1 < ‘W»m and (next) : Sen Thomas A I W alxh, M o n t, wLo battled for the permanent chairmanship oil I the convention Lower right Roosevelt leader*, left to right ’ Arthur Mullen. Neb. floor leader; John E Mack. N. Y . iwm- linator, and Janies E. Earley, N. Y. campaign manager Star Ready hor Picnic ________ on Sunday Mar* Turel from Port O r *"* n’a,phe« have been reduced to P e r s o n s P | a n n in g t o „ - . . . “ . for rtflgsidc and grandstand seats at this price. A canvas will be erected around the seats to close off the view of non paying specta­ tors. Of considerable interest to local sports fans also Is the announce­ ment made by Herb Owen recently that he hope, to have Innls "Turkev v « —,«n >, » , . . , Red tarn ell scheduled for a main event place on a boxing card In Eu­ gene between now and fall. Owen pr<)moted , hp Yarnell-Steamhoat Jackson affair at Klamath Falls, c(, nvlnced tha( , he Sprjng. fle)d (g of . . . . . . „ ... ing fighter« on the Pacific coast KOAC Operates On State Plan Dean Alfred Powers Takes | Over Control of Station for i Puâtes at Home of Brother- All Schools on July 1 in-L nw nt Thurston Fridny After One Year’s Illness A 12 hour xiln»«luh’ ilnlh Jerry and Jimmie Lake to Open Outdoor Card at Fair­ grounds Friday N i g h t A YOUNG MAN SPEAKS wrs s i r . • “ 40 cents by Herb Owen and are tax ford spent Wednesday at John Ed Reseryed are Qn HIS MIND ABOUT ELDERS miston's Mr and Mr«. Fred Russell cele­ brated the Fourth of July with a home coming of their children and their families. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Belmont Russell and two children from Silverton; Mr. and Mrs Linn Endicott from Port­ land; Ben Russell from near Port- „ _. land; Mr. and Mrs. Carey Thomp- ' . son of Thom psons resort; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gu«tavson from Eu gene; also Mrs. Ellen Needham and Ray Ml‘chpl* Mrs. Needham has sold he place here to some f alifornia people who expect to take possession at once. „ ‘ ,, *7 . . Ben Russell who has been work in near Portland was home for the TH U R SD A Y, JULY 7. 1932 PLANS FOR RELIEF Attend ~ Hominy hnx hv«*n ronumod by KOAC 111»» Oregon Hint«* co II cm ’ null«» xtn lion, widt h mi Julvl bognn it «•»rl«»x of prog mm a which will Include Iff lures, niiiNlt* mill other tuletil from not onh (he coll«*go hut from I’m vmxlty ttf Oregon, Oregon Normnl Muhool Nit well Control of »he nt Mt ton wax re vently placed under the yeiiernl ox tonnlon nervlce hetoted by I taut Alfred Power« of Kuffene Htudlox for thin year at leant will ho main tallied otil\ at ('orvulllx ma lm It of fund« have prevented contemplated remote control connection« with i o th e r until puanx at Haletu I’ntler the new tirgunlanlbui a much broader I txt of program of ferlnn* 1« made pox«lblt* by bring Ing Mpet lallHtH to the Mtiidton from Kugene. Monmouth amt the Port* land extenalon tenter The farm and homemaker featuren mn well an I other offorltiRN from the Utate »’ol lege will be continued ax formerly. W I. Kadderh. program director , for xeveral yearn, contlnuex mx man i ager of operatlonx and program* and head of the radio department of the aeneral extetixlon dlvlxton Mix ltnl| It I'm lor. 41 |» mxhi J Mwn.v ul Thiiixtoii b'rlilnv nft<«rtiii nt tbo Itotito of l»or hiotloo' In luw ('ItMrlox Taylor. Mftor mt or oiio vowr Hho wit b o ra hi Mb til yttn on Moy to tu to r IN, |N |7 but bnx Itvod in tsiuio county moat of hor Itfotinio Coming to Orogon wltb hor yur ontx whan u young girl xbo hvo»| flrxt nt Notl for ono year un<| thou tlio family took uy n boinoxtiMid on I Hunt wood croi’k In Woxtorn l.utio county. Hbo wux ti mombi'r of tho Chrixt Inn c h tir rh m id th e l(«*d (Jritng«* llor niuldon nmno wux K yu I.mnb mid xbo wux tnurrlod to Itulyh I’nv lor on Juno 30. I OOH Tboy mad« tholr homo nt lt«*od for iminy yonrx. having ulxo Itvod nt McKonito Itrldgo ono your. Hbo I oavok bar wldowor. thro« brotborx. Itonton i.nml». Krowtix vlllo; Kirn or l.atub, Hlacbly, and Churlox l.iiuil), Joffor oil; ono xtx tor. Mrx Wnltor ('hnxtnln nt llu n lx burg kuuornl nory Icon wore bold at Itood comotory on Indlnu ('r»«ok Hundity m o rn in g nt II bo T lio l*»H>Ia*Gray llartholotnow cbnyol in Each EARWIG PARASITES TO GO Kugono wnx In ebargo. Reminded to Bring Own Dinners and Utensils Vnried Activities of County Noted In Reports of Extension Service TO 9 OREGON COUNTIES I am eighteen years old I have Members of the Cascade chapter, never -een a saloon in my life. I .. . The offer of the Oregon Kxperl OPERATORS OF TRUCKS O. E. 8. who plan to atteud the an­ have never been inside a "speak That people In all parts of the Portland city SEE DANGER IN ROAD LAW nual picnic of the group at the Bert easy", and 1 don't know the ad state are actively Interested In I'isectsry to supply Oregon Edgell grove next Sunday are re dress of a single bootlegger. Hon­ I’i.ins to eonserve an il p res erv e us " 1' * l,h ' " I ' " 11''" ®f l>«r>' Approval of Initiative Truck Law quested to bring their own spoons, estly. I am so intoxicated with Ute Would Compel Many Mills much of their surplus stocks of "«rwlgs has proved so popn- dishes and basket lunches. Trans­ and the baseball team that I'm cap- to Close, It Is Said farm and garden produce ss pos- * , r **IBl ,u •'«ilonles totaling .15,M0 portation will be provided those •ain ol and nty best girl, that I Slide Is evidenced in reports being psrasltlsed earwigs will lie dlstrl who need It If they communicate don’t need anything stronger to pep Imllgiiunl iippnslttun to (iflwsld with Oswald M. Olson. given out each week hy the exten­ hutetl through nine counties No up my Jaded nerves. Richard S Mandelkonrot Peoria. sion service of the Oregon State more orders can he filled this sea Weal’s lull 1stIve niea«ure was un This will be the final meeting But every time I pick up a news­ III., winner ol tbc highest record in aiiitniiiislt voiced ui Salem Friday ° f the Etts,er" Star *r'>“P of ibe grad-utiag cla*s ol the U. S college Activities being tried In son. paper. a magaxine or a modern The parasites previously released by members of the Oregon Mill and three counties are listed below Springfield until next fall. It will Naval A.-adenw at Annapolis. novel I find references to the “dis­ oe . an all-day affair for all mem Grants I’a ss— A traveling can in Portland through the work of the Truck Operators a« oclatlon. In new be sipated. dissolute, degenerate youth twrs of fam ilies of Star members nery to aid In conserving surplus Insectari have proved so effective «Ion here Iniiiiedlslely following a of our land." I don't like to be foodstuffs of the county Is an orl that it is proving difficult this year »pedal hearing before the State Various recreational activities will classed in any such category—and be available. glnal Idea being promoted Jointly to get enough of the male earwigs Highway Com mission I know a hundred fellow« who feel Mill anil logging truck operators by the Josephine county extension "* parasitised colonies _ .... The Edgell grove Is located on the sam e way. Fourth CLEANLINESS IS SAID Boiler. I,"ya K «'•»• college eu ure ulnrmed hecstiae of the threat Quite a number attended the service and the grangers the Mohawk road Just beyond the Just because some boys a thous­ etied destruction of an already seri '•• '" “ I" « '« ' c h a rg e of Ih e P ort Hubert Allen who 1« a radio ESSENTIAL TO H EA LTH twin school houses. meeting conducted by l’rof. A. G. pressure cooker, fin cat............. and miles away break into the operator in the navy at San Fran- ------------ Bouquet of Corvallis. O. 8. Fletcher, and o th e r n«*eded eq u ip m e n t are land work Kcalnentx report the ously crippled lumber Industry In front page of the local daily by cisco, was in Thurston last Satur- Children Lead All Groups in Ill- county agent, und Miss Gertrude L. being assem bled on a fo u r w heel 'wlgx" ax heilig actually acare In a resolution declaring their oppoal C E R T IF IC A T IO N PLAN robbing a bank or participating in day. He Is on his annual vacation nets and Disease; Education Previously heavily tlon to the West bill they assert Skow, home demonstration agent of trailer which will shortly establish m“"y a holdup or staging a drunken riot, of two weeks. TO INCLUDE BERRIES Eugene, at the home of Mr. and a schedule tor visits to various Infested Orders are to be filled for that if Ihe peu| le of Ortqton vote is Held Necessary you old folks sit back and say, communities In Lane, t’lackamus. favorably on the hill It will be lm Mr. and Mrs. Earl Simm from ------------ Mrs. Ehruiaii Olusttna Thursday communities “Young America Is going to the Marshfield spent the past week-end 1’o lk . Benton, Douglas. Washing possible to profitably use trucks In Nearly twenty thousand cases of Strawberry Plants Now Eligible morning. for Inspection and Marking d o g s !” It is expected that a majority of ton. Coos. Tillamook and Hood logging and mill operations and with Mrs. Simm s parents. Mr and communicable disease arc reported Last Friday the boys of the in Under State Service the 445 famllle enrolled In the River counties. where county that many additional thousands of Just suppose ww were to turn the Mrs. Ira Gray. i® Oregon annually and of course (erincdiate Endeavor entertained year round garden project will take agents arranged with various dubs people In Oregon will be thrown out tables on you. Yesterday I read on Arch Shough motored down from manT more are not reported. About the girls of that group with a pic­ Just as the development of certlfl advantage of thia portable can and civic organizations for the re of employment and property Invent the front page that a pastor of a W ashington io to spena spend the Fourth half ot ‘he8p ° ‘’cur ln children wa-mingwn me rourxu ------- — t nic and swimming party at Dilley's nery to preserve their garden pro- lease of the colonies ° n of seed J*»" (’reB° n mem« destroyed. fashionable church had skipped to With his familv. He returned to T»1*«' diseases furnish about 15 per Riverside park duce. A charge of a few cents pet , <*“ »>•• I® »ddltion to » profitable outlet in this parts unknown with all of the con­ W ashington Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Cooper have can will oe made to cuver coat of Mrs. Inman from Elmira and Mis« ^ a th « and the economic and “nd o,h " ■, ’ tM *°r **•* P°‘““ " ’ Son Is Born gregation's money. This morning Navy M an on Furlough returned home from Walla Waila, operation and supplies, to be paid Welborn from Portland spent Sun 8< * laI loB9e* from ca«es. one must * ar *h‘‘ ’ ‘™wb<,rn P|a®‘ K™» there is a story about a father who Mr and Mrs A. B. Wood. 344 Wilbur O'Dell is here on a 25- add th® Permanent disabilities re- e" « P * lted P™"« t™n> a new Washington, after having spent in cash or in produce. Directing (bis committed suicide because he dav at John P rices Fifth street Bprlngfleld, are the dav furiough from the United Mr. and Mrs. Robison and family 9®'“ aF from these diseases. From cef * " Ca,,° n ° f nearly a week at the bedside of prog rum are Mrs. Sara Wertx, home couldn't tell his family that his Mr. Cooper's brother. demonstration agent; II. B. Ho­ parents of a baby son born to thorn States navy. He is visiting his par business had crashed. Farther motored to Corvallis Monday and p?r cent *° 75 per cent of our e ry p an ng s oc Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phelp and wells. county agent, and u Pomona at the Eugene tiosplinl on Tuesday. ents anil friends si Deerhorn lie down there is the story of a col­ celebrated the Fourth there with crippled children owe their condl-, e * * ** an r "r ' July 5, 1932 was stationed In Honolulu hut will «on to Infantile paralysis and tuber- < hert f'cat,O(n h‘ " lut“ '» family entertained Prof, and Mrs grange committee composed of lege professor charged with exert­ Mrs. Robison's «!■ ter and familv. E E. Kilpatrick and children at George Wertz. Ernest Calhoun. Ben «ail from Ban Francisco on tugu»t ing "insidious influence” over his Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peterson PU,osfs Damaged hearts and kid- " _ e x n '' « rv 1 • ° To Seattle— Mrs. Geo II Hoff 5. for China lie ha« nerved In the dinner Thursday evening, inviting Coulutit and Pete Dorsay. student«-. They don’t »av to me. and family from Salem spent the ne>'9- increased susceptibility to r‘ »i .u-h *** a* ' ra* ' up titan left Friday for Beattie. in a few friends after dinner navy for five years. • • • these sordid stories, that all min- past week-end at Lawrence Gos- other Infections, arc all found In ' ' ' •,* " The farmers of Pleasant Hill Bend That homemukers of lie isters are crooks, that all fathers »ier'6. They returned to Salem on ’hp wake of communicable diseases ,cu,n,rall‘'* an«> » m Zeller, plant have been very busy harvesting the chute county are actively promot are moral cowards, that all youth Tuesday and Mrs. Peterson - among children. Economic and hu­ pathologist of the experiment sta­ A D V A N C E hay crop. Ing the idea of a "homemade living ": leaders are dangerous and harm mother. Mrs. Beulah Harbit. went manitarian motive« alike demand tion. It Is designed as a practical plan whereby any grower desiring The "Oregon I.agon« a small is evidenced hy the gathering of that every known effective means with them for an extended visit. crew of girls who pick berries at 170 women who met to obtain the If we Judged you by the stan d -' Cecil Harbit spent the Fourth of control be fullv utilised and that CPr,ificatlon "prvlce may get It at the E. B. Tinker ranch have organ latest scientific information and further studies to increase our nom,nal C0Bt’ whlle n° npad ards that you are Judging us by. with relatives here. He is employ- S T A R T S T O D A Y knowledge be expedited. U8e “ any more than a P°,a '° Brow- ized for the summer and are plan methods on caunlnr, drying and , you'd be a fairly disreputable lot, ed at Elkton. r,. , , cr has to use certification. ning a few social evenings for the curing of home produced foods. The wouldn't you? Ever think of the j Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hendricks P hysician, can reduce tremen- -strawberry-plant certification Is future. Four of them, Lucfle Jordan. meeting waa conducted by Lucy A. matter from that angle? C ultivate' and son. Norval. from California, dously the possibility of Infection kV - proTlde thP prospective pur- Florence Jordan. Marie Barnum Case, nutrition «peclaliat of the us Individually before you condemn have been visiting at Fred Rus by hospitalization and the proper S H A T T E R IN G ALL E N T E R T A IN M E N T PRECEDENTS . . prvper ha er a source of improved plant- and Nancy Barnum are camping State college extension service, who i us wholesale. And the next time sell sell's. s. care of cases of communicable d is-, .. n e y the berry grounds demonstrated the varfooa methods Mi-s Hazel Edmiston returned eases. There are certain funds- , m i, i .-o e anno<’p<’ern* ‘nt you’re weighted down with worry THURS July PHI Mr. and Mr . Fred B. God bolt anil of cunning strawberrie s peas, rhu-1 * U< ,ha* about the next generation, go to from Port Orford last Saturday mental principles which are essen- '*?■ two children. Sally and Jimmy, of an Allied Youth Council meeting. after spending several weeks on Mai to effective communicable dis- h r h Red Bluff. California, are visiting barb, salmon, meat, vegetable soup and sieved splnaeh for Infant food - the coast. case control. Prompt reporting.' " —“Allied News - at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Models of homemade dryers and Twice Dully AM goat* Loren Edmiston spent the past particularly of the first cases In an , h variety name anrriUhi " rup 2:30—8 30 liiu in f i. . . t , . ine variety name and nax a mini­ Tinker. Mrs. Godbolt is a sister ot sm okehouses were also shown week-end at Bandon. outbreak, fc the greatest imnort- « > M A T IN E E P R IC E S . . . er«. . , t i .1 x. *X> m u m of dentructive xtrawberrv dlx- Mr. Tinker. C o tta g e G ro ve V is ito rs O r t h .lir a , l i t J rows ............................. 7&c There was no preaching services ance. Isolation or the first cases or stg .. E. B. Tinker, his unde Fred W. Orchestra. I r . l 16 row * .............. ,...3 1 .0 0 Mr. and Mrs M. B. Huntly spent here last Sunday as Rev. and Mrs. frequently prevents an epidemic. A '"i?’',.. St. Helens — H o m e m a k e r s WALLA Ci ? Lower Bskony 75c — Upper BeSaoay 50c Tuesday at Cottage Grove visitlna Stiver« attended the meetings at , prompt Investigation makes pos- d \ . '.U ’ \ re " * Smith of Michigan, and brother-in throughout Columbia county are NITE PRICE8 - '"«ble the early discovery of the " ‘“’’V ” ‘ Or° U" law F. B. Godbolt of California left building Inexpensive exnporalors with friends. Orchoetra, let 5 row* ......................00 Turner LlONil * r O rrh e itrs . la it 16 row * .................. .. ,|I .B 0 ______ _ . ... planting stock for use by Oregon Tuesday for the Cascade summit for fruit und vegetable drying Garth Rickard and Miss Veryle source of Infection. A recognition Lower Balcony »1 OO—Upper Batooay 75e Within the pa I three weeks appro­ Spend Fourth at Lake Bain from Bellfountain spent sev- of the cause of the disease and the erower ° r sa e t0 out ol-state to enjoy a few days fishing. Plus 10?/. Federal Tax Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick ximately 500 mimeographed direc­ Dr. and M im . w N. D ow and eral days in Thurston during the mode of transmission makes it pos- ri’ar A ‘ Pc p antin* at°ck Is Make ohork* payable to Fax MeOoaald S T O N t « 'H fR S H O U Eeelooe irlf-aOdretied. etaeiped eavelope Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Schaffers ana past week returning home Tuesday, slble to establish suitable control ?r m 7 ' ’^"i T ’ a ’'equlren,ent and children, Betty and Vernon, tions for constructing homemade left Friday for their new home in dryers have been given out at the Mr and Mrs John Edmiston are measures A sound basis of control ^ Id" ° f q"a ,''y fr"" family of Eugene spent the Fourth •’Grand Hotel” will NOT be shown at ANY other theatre Philomath where Mr. Kilpatrick has office of Mrs. Sarah Case, county ........ - - a - visit - — ----------- ",r!,wberr> *re be of July at Paulina lake cast of enjoying with their sister depends upon knowledge of each at lower pi -re thia eeeeon. the Cascades. ¡ - j . - . j ,,», , Much work has recently been accepted the position of city school home demonstration agent. Two of in-law and son from Portland. individual caxp. it« source of in- « * . , t »» .. done in xtudying xtrawberrv dix* superintendent. the dryers recommended were in faction, itx contact« and potential *u . a a. The next meeting of the Tri vented hy Lucy A. Case, extension contacts, as well as the social and knf " 7 '' ” “ J" Laava for Vacation Visits Relatives Community club of Cloverdale will specialist In nutrition. They may environmental factor«. t T 7 " y ° f ’heM Mr. and Mrs. John Uchytll left Jim Ellis spent the Fourth, Tues­ ___ ____ . .. arp- and 11 ls realized how import- be held at the hall on Friday night, be made of fruit crates, galvanized today for Southern California day and Wednesday In Portland The value of personal cleanliness . . , , , . „ an' Kood Plabfiog stock Is In their July 8. A program Is being ar­ wire, a few nails and some hay where they will spend a week or and McMinnville visiting friends must be impressed -i upon all mem- con(ro| ranged under Mrs. K. E. Thomas, wire. ten days visiting with relatives. bers of the community, especially and relative«. chairman. Women are asked to when a communicable disease Is bring cookies and punch for re­ present. The body should be kept ,o , H “f Portland People Visit C H A R T E R No. 8841 RESERVE DISTRICT No. 12 clean by sufficiently frequent soap ™ '"J ” 7 ^ ; ry ?ian' Cer" f'’ freshments. Mr«. W. FI. Nutting und three The Willamette highway Is In and water baths. The hands should e °r e certlflca- always be washed before eating F Ce’ th,> “dvanc* an' K° Od cond,t,on a" far a" ,hp R|Kd(’n hlldren of Portland have been .. i . . . . nounccment. ranch and many vacationists spent visiting at the home of her si -ter, f nclean hand« and articles xhould of 8prlngfleld. In the State of Oregon, at the close of business on Ihe holidays picnicking and fishing M ih . A. B. Malo, this week. be kept away from mouth, nose, June 30, 1932 on the banks of the Willamette eye- and ears. Do not use common KERRON RESIGNS POST , RESOURCES river. Loans and discounts or unclean eating, drinking or toilet __ , . Overdrafts ............. 27 83 article« of any kind, such as towels. AS CO. H EA LTH OFFICER United 8tatcs Government securities owned 31.296.91 ,o 0 ,h brushes, handkerchiefs, halt Other bunds, stocks and securities owned 73.768.07; brushes, drinking cups, pipes and R ' «'»"’I*- former assistant at GOLDFISH ARE STOLEN; Furniture and fixtures 5.520.15 ho forth Avoid close exposure oT T nivpr"lt>' Health service on R ETU R N ED N EXT DAY Real estate owned other than banking house 4.700.00 person to spray from the nose and ,h e <-amP»s of the University of Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 6.187.75 mouth as In coughing, sneezing OrP*on- wa" ,h l" " ppk named Lane When Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Cash and due from banks Business Cards 14.390.24 Redemption fund with V. S Treasurer and laughing or talking. All contacts PO'"” y hfi," ,h ,o "«ppee«1 Adams returned from their outing due from U. 8. T reasurer I-ietter Heads 312.50 should be inspected dally. AH sus Dr Sp,b Kerro" wbo reB,*npd «f»«r to the Coast over the week-end they found fifteen of their goldfish m iss­ pects should be Isolated until a de- , 1 5 year" The r'”’,Knatlon is effect- Total Office Forma 3173,055.85 finite diagnosis Is possible. All re | Ve JuIy 10 Dr Roml* wbo Ih now ing from the pond In their yard. ~ ~ -, LIABILITIES cognized cases should be quaran- W,tb ,bp M"l,nom ah county hos- They notified police officers who Hand Bills Capital stock paid In Burplna .7 . .................................................... . » 26.000.00 tined, preferably by hospitalization pl,al ln Portland w ,,l assume his Investigated and found a small bass Statements Undivided profits— n i t J'2O4 97 until they are certified by compel- nPW d"tle" on Aug’"'1 *' and two goldfish In the pond. At C ircu latin g notes outstanding s « n nA ent authorities that they are safe noon when Mrs. Adams returned Salary ru,H »mounting to 32.260 S E C O N D S — not m iles — Blotters Due to banks. Including certified and to return to the com m unlty.-.State werP madp recent,Y •" ‘he health to her home from Springfield she cashier’s checks outstanding w ill lie b etw een th is fath er Envelopes 286.62 Board of Health. budget hy the County Court. The found that the flali had all been re­ Demand deposits .......................... .................................................. 70,107.30 and his fam ily during the _______ _________ budget by the county court. The turned. Another unsolved mystery. T im e deposits ....................... Menus, etc. 36.106.96 Bills payable and rediscounts i new health officer will receive hours he’s aw a y. 33.100.00 S. P. BRIDGE INSPECTIO N *3 000 "alary w l,h 3750 for travel Tickets T o ta l A big value at a lo w price COUNTY TR A FFIC PATROL 3173,056.85 CREW S TA TIO N ED U HERE He win assist- IVIHC.U t K t ant at |1200 and havp two °ne nurseR at — the useful telephone. OFFICE IS ABOLISHED 8 U U o f Oregon, County of Lane, ss; John McCaffery, San Francisco, 11604 ,'acb wltb a travel allowance pre,ldant- of the above named bank, do solemly SWi At The The office of County Road Pat­ “ ¿-.. V the * b0Te statem ent Is true to the best of my knowledge O. V. Chesney and M. S. Stevens, ° f *720 and bsllaf. rolman. held for many years by M. T iif , P acific T elephone Portland and A. B .Malo of Spring- " “— r«r»n> . A O o , . - WM ° HUGHES, President, AND l E l.k t.H A P H C O M P A N Y J. Thompson, was abolished by t orrect— Attest: A. R. Sneed, L. K. Page, Paul Hadley. Directors. field t f e Inspecting all railroad Daughter B orn -M r. and Mrs H. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of July, 1932 bridges on the Cascade line out of E Wilkes of Wendllng are the par- action of the Lane County Court IB B A L ) FRANK A. DePUB, Notary Public for Oregon. Springfield and on the Wendllng ents of a baby daughter born to Wednesday It has been announced. Offices: 119 E. Broadway, The move wa:, made in the Inter _ My Commission expires January 10. 1936 and Woodburn lines. , heD1 „ th„lr hom, o„ Ha, urd ests of economy. Upper Willamette M A IL 0RDER SA L E ITi ÏW ÎÎ1 ¿'" • •G A R B O « . ,’U» L B arrymore 14 15 crawforp ••B E E R Y *. BARRYMORE ’’ tMItlSALB "And don't forget to telephone!" F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k Test You Forget’ Willamette Press 1 Business Office: 126 -4th S tre e t Telephone 72