PAOB T H E S P R IN G O TELD N E W S T l l l ’K U A Y . H I . Y 7. 1 M 2 |0 M r Siib.rt Sfti 1 nt F O U R T H O F JU LY I TOWN AND VICINITY B A B Y B O H N IN C O U N T Y L ll ’ le M argaret Jai.e McKeOPiiJt, ) daughter of M r and M r ; Lee li V isits at Tacom a — M l* June i ’lover went to Tarotna *o »pend th • holiday« vlnltlnK with friend». Portland Man Visits Main Bi-n son of Portland pent th • week end with f r h ‘f»rlN. here vl i In uney ut .Man illa la the only child J le p o ilis l to have been born III this 1 county on July ( thia year. She wua ) born at the Pacific Chrlatlan hoa- Go to N n Visit at Fi' M r. »nd Mr« 1 pltal at 1 12 a m Monday morning <111(1, W A N T E D for « c u ira i limi«' work W rite box 2 IK. Eugene Knut« 3. J 14 N O T IC K OP F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Nut lie la hereby given Hint (hr undersigned Executor uml Exe< n (rlM of tln> Kalat« of M ary E .low «■It. deceased, baa« filed th eir Final Report anil Account aa such with Ik e County C lerk of l.une County, Oregon, ami Dial Huturiluy. the 30th tiny of July, 1032, nt the hour of li n o’clock III the forenoon. In III" County Court Room In the Court lliniai' ui Eugene. In lam e County. Oregon, him been act by the Hon c I* l iim a n i Judge of aulil Courl. IV D l l ' lim o unit |||« I ■' for henrlug Hillin', uml for the flpul settlement of Halil i- tale N S C O T T J E W E T T . ExicUKir C I.A R A A M O R R O W . K u t u n it W E L L » A W E L L S , Attorney«, i j 3<( Ju 7 14 21 28) ■IH'C. Otulng at Foley Springs V r it cn Co a«t— Mr and V i «petit th H r Fourth H ie r 1' of :..!y holld tv« oh the L Murphy end M ’ C lara Junes, a u l Rev amt .Mrs V d H e I'ru lH anil u iilly «pen* Hi Em irIh of July ' V rra Dsw eai ol Mars, Pa., it only k end on an iu i H iik at Eoley : 2H, but »be w<«i the degree of Manter | Spr iga In Ih e iip| i-r Mi K e n tle ol Arts m Hie U iu vcn ity of Pitts­ 1 ci u niry burgh. finishing a hair-year Co .1 1 , e « N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S 8A L E -¡I Vacation at New port— nd M is Don M eeklna of N ew port spent II: work-end holiday al New port Hxxiry "Chicken-Stew” Ei< I. er»u while n-ed grower, wh ■ »I p Hum ihe hoi day» a t New- tri H er« from North Bend Mr. »nd Mr». B e rr y < n of North B# nd «uit the w«•♦•k < rid with M r ( ’»a n’» «inter, Mr». B tto Smith. D -ivs to Coast— M r and M rs Jiw D rive Along Coast— M r and Mrs T -In k a motored to the coast S atur­ M Arion .*dann» «p**nt the Fourth of day to spend the week-end holidays July driving alonic th»* < og»t from V is it at Florence— Mr and Mrs FIlorencH to New port. A. R »need spent the holidays on Califcrn.*! Man Here— 4 al Barne» (I ■ bench at Florence. left Saturday for Anderson, C a lifo r­ Drive to Bandon— Mr. and Mrs nia, where he w ill pend the bal W illia m Long spent the holidays a n te of the sum m er months. along the coast sou'h of Bandon L akeview Men Here— Paul B r a t-! Drive to C rate r Lake— M r and tain anil son. Tom . of Lakeview M rs. (,. If. Ja rre tt and fam ily drovi were visitors in Springfield from 10 ('ra te r L ake during the Fourth Thursday u n til Sunday. of July holidays. Salem Folk Here— Mr. and Mrs. Fleh on Fall C reek— W P. Tyson S. It V ail of Salem were guests | and M r Hover of Eugene fished on here a' tho home of Dr and M r» W upper Fall Creek Friday and Mon H. Pollard on Sunday and Monday : day Spend Fourth at Florence— M r Visit« at Cottage Grove — Mi - and M rs. W A. T a y lo r left Saturday : Faye Parsons left Ka’ urday for Cot­ night for Florence where they pent .lie Fourth of July. ta r'- Grove lu ils ll with friend Court of the » fa te of Oregon for \ dal of 20.17h acre« of I I'm County. June 28. 1932, upon icd Ihiul tin« Miroady broil nolle over ami purauant to a decree duly given till» >e«r by rodent control »up«*r uml made by said Court June 27. 1932. In II aull pending therein In i visor« who wprrwd im > I non bnrlevi I which W I I Khlen and H a rrie tt w herever they flm l «round d lic ie r* M Lhb ii were p lulntlffs nnd Ma anti h (| u t r r 11 m ur< ordlng to u re lld le Bulxhlaer and other« were ; ort | mmii ««<1 by <> H Fletcher, cotin* ib t. miauls, which execution and SUM M ONS order of sale wan to me directed State Extension Service O f­ ty «Kent. »ml commanded me to sell the rent IN T H E C llt C IT T C O C H T o E T i l l : M F letcher hi»« 10 m«n working property described fers Valuable Suggestions therein and S T A T E O E O R E G O N FOR L A N E n I <0 tract« mid who have «pread le r Inafter described, to satisfy D uring Peak of Season COUNTY the Judgment and decree given In C larin da Kalher W l'T e , P la in tiff.: Jttl pound»« of the polaon In 631 aid suit I w ill, on Saturday, the hotiiH nt a coat lo »lie county of va Vania M W h ile , Defendant. C herries are rip e! And they are lu ll ilav of July. 1932 at the hour I l l (he linilie of the Rtale of Ore $316 H2 T h e bird gone over lx on one o'clock I* M al the south­ p le n tifu l' Thin year, as always, non tou are hereby required to up flint n< xl to < ulhvutt d properly or west door of the County Court they hold a prom inent place among pear and anawer the Complaint House In Eugene I.ane County, Oregon home canned or preserved: (Heil naalimt you In the above en ■low«« enough mo thut the rodent« t regoll, o ffe r for sale and sell at lllle il h ii II on or before four week« i nti m lg iutc to the cultivated field« I uhlle auction for cash, subject to foods, us they are easily canned and i ttnntil Tuesday. from the date of the flr l puhlli » I hiring the month of June Id men redem ption as provided by law . all kept, suys Hie home economics dl- Dr ve to Umpqua— Mr. and Mrs lion of Hila autlinioua. or for want «proud the polmln barley over 6U i f the right, title anil Interest ot the vision of the S tate college i-xten Portland People Here .Mr and F B. H am lin drove to Roseburg to thereof Die P lu ln llff w ill lake Judy defendants In said suit and of all slon service. iiie iil uKalnal you and w ill apply to tra c t! Including 9071 66 acre«. M r- W illia m Foster and children spend th e ir holiday» on the I'm pqua parties claim ing by, through nr tin the Court for the re lie f prated for Undent» on neglected land« are For canning, select fu lly ripe spent Sunday and Monday here at river. der them or any of them In or to In the Com plain' and of a decree polwonint by men (h'MlgnMhsl by tho the follow ing described real pro- cherries, such as are Ideal for Im the home of M 's F oster’s parent» of absolute dlvori'e from you. Thia Leave for T he Dalle»— Mrs. C. F. id lin g court and the expenne I n party, t o w it; mediate table use. A 30 per cent M r and Mrs, F rank A. DePue. Summon« la ptihllahed once each W illia m s it-ft Sunday w ith her son. The east N inety 19 0 1 feet of week for four consecutive weeks In added to the taxes levied axuliiMt •Irup Is preferred for Oregon (h e r I .ol (in.- ( l i Itloi k Tw o 12 1 in Llovd. and hi» fam ily for T h e D al­ Leave for Bandon— M r. and Mrs T he Springfield New«, a weekly : the prop« rty Form al notice having John C h rla tla n 1- Addition to Eu rles. that Is. a sirup made In the le- to visit w ith her m other-in-law newspaper puhll-hed at Sprlngfli Id been Merv«wl on owner» of the pro- proportion of 3 cups of sugar Io 7 M erle Casteel and M r and Mrs. gene Lane County. Oregon. Lim e County. Oregon by order of perlv tlir< mrh the newMpapem aonie Dated thia 28th dav of June. • ups of water, mixed together and W id e Paddock left Monday even. Nurse is Back— Mis» Clara Jones, H ie lion (I E Sklpw orlh Judge ol > brought to a boil Cherries keep Ing for Bandon in Southern Oregon "uld Courl, made June 2(1. 1932, and weeks ago. flic e nurse of D r. W . C. Kebhan II 1. S O W N . S heriff. flr«l pilhll-hed June 23 1932 perfectly when canned w llhout 'eturned to her duties this week W E L L S A AVEI.LS. Attorneys Shedd People V is it— M r. and Mrs J L. Norwood. Attorney for H a rrlrb u rg People H ere— M r anil in v a r hut hold th e ir color, flav o r A. M Snodgrass and tw o sons, follow ing an extended absence due IJ 3 i tJ't 7 1 (2 1 2 8 A ( I the County Court House In Eugene each wei'k for four consecutive Return to C alifo rn ia— M r. and rubber and the cover, and seal the : camped near French Pete's Sundae ' I.ane County. Oregon, o ffer for ale weeka In the Springfield New«, a and M r c - il Bliss left Saturday Jar as usual. T urn II upside down ■ ini sell at puhllc auction for cash N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE weekly newapaper publlahed al j ¡and Monday. M r and M m . B. O. | for th eir home at O akland. C a lifo r­ several times. Allow the cherries to to the highest bidder, subject to re ­ Springfield, l.une County, Oregon, N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , Sm ith and Miss Doris Myers were ; nia. T hey have been staying at the by order of the Hon G F Skip that hv virtu e of an execution and demption na provided by law all the -tand for at least two weeks before members o f th e ir party. worth, ju d g e of thia Court, made orilei of sab* Issued nut of the c ir­ right, title and Interest of the afo re­ Adrlnn cabin on Horse C reek near , using them These cherries are not June 22nd. 1931. uml first publlahed cuit court of the » la te of Oregon, said defendants and each of them M cK enzie Bridge. , heated. T hey m ake a firm salt O ff for Vacation— M r. and Mrs. G a ll p erso n - C alm in g bv J...... 23rd. 1932 for Lain County. Oregon. June a m i 11 T u rn e r left Saturday evening fo r ' icklp to be used w ith meats. E ltA N K II R E ID A ttorney for 22ml 1932 pursuant to a decree en­ through or tinder them, the follow Return from Hillsboro— M r. a rd U lulntlff. Address T iffa n y tered hv «aid court May 17th. 1932 Ing described real property, to-wlt Southern Oregon to spend an lnde C herry Cocktail Mrs. T M. Peterson and baby daugh­ Beginning at a point on the Building. Eugene. Oregon. In a suit pending wherein F rank 1 pound ( h errles; cup chopped Tnlte vacation period. They expect­ AVest line of Lot No. 15 of the ter. Doris, returned Tuesday from (J 23 3 0 — Jl 7 I t 211 I 1 Nplson wa p la in tiff and C. E — ---------------------------------------- --------------- I ’lat of Noraton as platted and re­ w alnuts; 3 teaspoons lemon Juice; ed to drive a far south as Medford Hillsboro where they sp“ nt the H a lle r wns defendant, said execu­ 18 tablespoons straw berry Juice; 6 before going towards the coast. corded In Book ( page 79 Lane tion ami o rder of sale being to me Fourth of July holidays vis itin g County records of Plats. 5.(1 chs I tablespoons powdered sugar. Mrs. H a ttie Myers Is in charge of directed and commanding me to sell | w ith relatives. S. ft deg 22 M in AV. from the the h ere in a fte r described real pro-1 I'D the cherries, sprinkle with th e ir store during th e ir absence. Northw est corner of said lot No. pertv to satisfy the sum of $1750 09 Seattle P e -p 'e V is it— Mrs. J. L lft- 15. and running thence along the i hopped ulmonds and pour over w ith Interest thereon nt 7r . per an­ Idaho People H ere— M r and Mrs n it ; and daughter. B etty, and Rod- West line of Lot No. 15. 8 O d"g : them a sirup made by m ixing straw- num from the 5th day of A pril. I 1931. until I', lid am i r e a s o n a b le n t-1 22 min AA' 9 91 chains, thence le rri Juice w ith powdered sugar I. AV. Cunningham of Boise. Idaho, • i Thompson of Seattle were visi­ JEW ELER S 89 (leg 39 min E parallel to ¡and lemon Juice. C h ill and serve are here v ls itirg at the home of tornevs fees In the sum of $200(10 tor at th. N. J. W illia m s home Repairing u Specialty the south line of said Lot No 15. and for costs and dl hursementa of Mr. and Airs I A V alen tin e and here F rid ay. T hey stopped here for 9 1ft chs . thence N ft deg. 22 min i old III cocktail glasses. suit taxes nt $22 00. I w ill on F rldav Springfield, Oregon Mrs. F. M. M itchell Mrs. Cunning­ Cherry Relish E parallel to the AA'est line of a short visit w hile enroute to O ak­ the 28th day of July. ,932. nt the said Lot No. 15. 10.85 chs. to the Ri move pits from cherries. Drain ham is a sister of Mrs. V alentine land. C alifo rn ia, where they plan hour of ten o'clock A M nt the: North line of said Lot No. 15; i berries nnd cover w ith vinegar and Mrs. M itchell. fi < nt door of the Countv Court tu m ake th e ir home. th e m e along the North lin e of D r. J O S E P H IN E C. B R A U N House In Eugene, Lane County. Ore I -olution made In proportion ot Ai said Lot N 55 deg 17 min. W con o ffer for snle and sell at public Camp on Upper Siuslaw— M r. and Naturopathie Phyalelan Portland People V isit — M r. and I 81 chs thence N. fi( deg (5 min ■ up iln e g a r to 1 quart w ater. Let auction for ensh to the highest hid .Mrs. A rchie Davis spent the holi­ Mrs. F Engleson and daught r. V lr I'hone 91-J W (.17 chs. thence » 10 deg 38 stand for 6 hours, drain cherries, der subject to redemption as pro niln AA' 5 07 chs. thence N K( measure them and add an equal days camping on the upper Siuslaw , rin ia . of Portland w er guests tills Office Hours: 1 to 6 1’ . M vlde'l hv law all the right title nnd deg. (5 m in. W . 3 59 chs. to the Interest of the nforeaald defendant measure of sugar. Let cherries riv e r near W olfe creek T h ere were week at the home of her ister, F. (OS Fourth Street place of beginning containing and each of them and all persons very few people there for the holt Ii. F lanery. M r. Flanery took them I ft.Oft acres of land, all In Lot No stand over night. Seal. claim ing l>i through or under them days and the road is In good condi­ d his m other over the M cK enzie 15. Plat of Noraton. Lane County. the follow ing described real pro tion when dry, although it is nar ':v r highway to Bend and return < Tegon. perlv to wit ■ F O U R -H L E A D E R S H A V E Beginning at the corner of Sec row. says M r Davis. on Tuesday. The 8 E q u a rte r of Ihe 8 E lions 7. 8. 17 nnd 18. Tow nship 16. S U M M E R W O R K PLA N S q u a rte r and lot (. 5. 6. 7. 4 8 ol South Range ( W est. AA’ Illam ette ectlon 15 T w p . IK S of It 5 West M eridian . Oregon, nnd running of tho W M Lane County. O re ­ Many A ctivities to Be Listed on thence West 5 Oft chs thence gon. also lot 5 of Sec. 22: twp Schedule tor County Clubs. North 5 5ft chs to the Northwest and range above mentioned: Also Picnic is T alked corner of Lot 12 of the Plat of beginning nl the 8 E corner of Noraton as platted and recorded Soctlon in T w p IK 8 It 5 AA' of tn Book 4, page 79 I.nne County the W M. run thence N. on the E Many vurled plans for summer ltecords of Plats, thence North Sec. line of Said section ten a activity fur Lane county Four-H along Ihe West boundary of Lot distance of 98>4 rods more or less No 1( of said plat 17.00 chs d u ll members were discussed Sat to a oolnt which Is distant 81 more or less Io a point <1.19 chs. u rd ai at u county m eeting of the rods 8 of the N. K corner of th<- south of the northwest corner I.ane Eoui'-H Leaders association » F q u a rte r of snhl section 10. thence AV parallel w ith the sec. : of said lot 14. thence East 7 86 held at the office of R. C. Kuehner. chs to the m iddle of the County lino running E A AV through Hie Road on the N o rthern boundary county club worker. center of Sec. ten. a distance of of Lot No. 1 ( of said Plat of T h e im portance of having each 78 rod and 13 fee l; thence N. Noraton, thence along the mid leader attend the leadership train parallel w ith the K. line of said die of Ihe Countv Rond S. ( ( (leg Sec ten. Kttt. rods to the center 2ft min E. (.01 chs. thence N. 8ft lug course to be offered soon by line running through said Sec. 10. ileg. 35 m ill. AA*. 5.56 chs. to Hie John Bradfleld. repre entatlve of thence AV. 20 feet, more o r less lir e between Section 7 nnd 8 of the national playground association to the East line of Lot ( and said said Tow nship thence S. 0 di g was stressed. Sec. 10. them e south along the E 28 min AV along the Section line line of said Lot ( and 5 of snhl P relim inary action looking to the 19 (2 chs. more or less to the See 10 to where said line In ter place of beginning, containing holding or Ihe 4 1» fa ir exhib it at sects the ei lile r of Hie I ong Toni 12 72 acres of land all In Plat of Hie fairgrounds this full were also River, thence follow ing the center N oraton. I.ane County. Oregon. considered as was a canning pro of Long Tom R iv e r In a southerly Beginning nt a point In the direction to the south line of Sec middle of the County Road nt the Ject, and a C o untyW Ide Four-H 10, and thence east Io place of N o rllien :t corner of ls>t No 15 of chili picnic. beginning containing 1»( acre y The leaders also dtscu-sed work mere op less. In the county of I the Plat of Noraton as platted nnd recorded in Book (. page 79 : which d u b members could do to aid bane. Ore. except from the above I.ane County Records of PlatH described premises a rig ht of way in Ihe county-wide re lie f program. and running thence South along heretofore deeded to Hie Portland. tho East line of said Lot No. 15. Eugene nnd Eastern R ailw ay pray for vegetables 7.92 ehs. thonco N. 89 deg. 39 min. Company. Also excepting there-) AV. parallel to the South lino of from the follow ing described pre­ G IV E N BY C O U N T Y A G E N T Lot 16. 6.6( ehs. thence N. ft deg mises; 22 min. E 10.85 ehs. to the m id­ Beginning nl Ihe northeast cor­ Don’t read with the light shining dle of the County Rond, thenee S L arvae of diam ond black moth ner of Ihe W illia m W ilson Dona­ Into your eyes. 55 deg. 17 min. E 8 57 chs. to the arc doing great damage to cabbage, tion Land Claim No 51 111 Tow n place of beginning Containing ship ( Id ) south of range fiv e (5) Don't rend when recovering from kale, cauliflow er, turnip, and s im i­ 5 00 acres of land In the Pint of west of the W illa m e tte M eridian. R E A L L Y K N E W T H E FACTS, you would aerloua lllneaa — wllhout your la r plants In all parts of Lane N oraton. I.ane County, Oregon In I.ane County. Oregon. Thence Doctor's consent. buy an electric refrigerator at once. The food Beginning at a point on the county at this lim e, according to O. West ( 111) chnln In Ihe southwest W est line of Lot No. 15 of the S. Fletcher, county agent. These Don't tlsc public towel« and be cure corner of Lot No. ( In Sec. fifteen saving alone will pay for the refrigerator to say Plat of Noraton 21.85 chs, N 0 fill about rubbing eyea w ith lin ­ of said township and range; pests can be ciijitrotled by spraying nothing about safeguarding your health and that deg, 22 min. E. nnd 19.88 chs. S. ger». Dangerous Infection may thence North 3.S3 chains; thence 89 deg. 39 min. E from the quar­ the plants that are being destroyed of your family. The amount of electricity requir­ N orth lift deg. 30 min. East 2.00 follow. ter section corner between sec­ w itlt a lead arsenate spray made chains; thence south 55 deg. east ed to operate the average electric refrigerator is Don't fall to visit an eyesight ape tion 17 nnd 18. Tow nship 15, in cordit's to Ihe follow ing form ula: 2.50 chains; thence south 35 deg clullst at the alighteHl sign of •o small in comparison with the benefits derived Roiilh Range ( W est. W illa m e tte tine ounce (JO level teaspoonfuls I t o min east (.00; chains; thence eye trouble. M erlilinn, Oregon, nnd running south Hi deg 30 min east fi.30 that it need scarcely be considered. See your of lead nr enate to one gallon of thence along the West boundary chains; thotten south (0 deg (0 Don’t use eye-waahea, ointm ents, hardware, furniture or electrical dealer today. of said Lot No. 15. N 0 deg. 22 iVater. One ounce of fish oil soap m l". 0.00 d in in ':; thence south ft salvos or other remedies unlesH tnln. E. 13.63 ehalns. thence W eat or pure laundry soap should he deg. west 5 00 chains; thence advised by an eyesight peclallst. 7.39 chains, thence S. 0 deg 22 milled to this m ixture. T h e county south 3S deg. west 7.11 eha.ns tnlp. AV. 13.55 chains, thence East I hence North 3fi deg. west (.90 Don't w ear glasses not prescribed MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY 7 39 chains to the place of begin­ agent stales that this spray is ef­ i luilns; thence north 17.73 chains, h.v an eyesight specialist. In controlling cabbage ning. containing 10 acres of land fective to tin' nlnee of In ginning contain­ In Lane County. Oregon. ing 12.06 acres worms and chewing Insects as well DR. E LLA M E A D E Dnted June 30th, 1932 Dated June 30, 1932. n Ihe larvae of the diamond black O p to m e tris t H. L. B O W N . S h eriff. H . I,. IK IW N , S heriff. moth. 41 W est 8th Rugena (J. 30— Ju 7-14-31-18) (J. 30— Ju 7-14-11 38) EXPERT TELLS CHERRY USES Business Directory Edw. G. Privat À Guard Your Eyes! A Picnic at Benton-Lane— Mr. and V is it a t M y rtle Pelet— Mr sod M r . J. M Larson M r and Mr». A Mrs. Fred Ixiuk and three daugb B .Malo and Mr» W B. Nutting ter». M ary. Eva. and Jean, visited picnicked at Beutnn Lane park on at M yrtle Point over the week end at the home of M r and Mr» A. C, the Fourth. Chase. R etun .a to Portland— Ml»« Emma ,1 . who ha- been visiting here Attend Salem Mateh — M r and at the home of her sister, Mr» N Mr«. W illia m Uoudmaa and Mr. and W Em ery, returned to her home M il. J. D Pyle motored to Salem at Portland Sunday. Monday evening to attend the C alifo rn ia People Here— Mr. and wrestling match which was held at Mrs. Fred H aw ke und M r . Hawko's I ' he fairgrounda. ! other. Mr». Ann McCulloch, all or R ralde. C alifo rn ia, arrived here D riva to W ashington— M r. and s turday to »pend two weeks Mrs. A. E. C srrntbers and M r. and visiting at the home of M r. and Mr«, Mrs. W ayne Clover drove to Camas. W allace H aw ke, parents of M r Washington. Sunday and returned Haw ke T he visitors w ill also »pend hy way of M hlalla Monday to at­ some tim e at Salem visiting with tend the opening day of the round­ relative». up In that city. L electricit T is cheap F L IE S - a re a M enace to H e a lth One fly in your house may be the cause of sick­ ness to some m em ber of your family. Files are a real menace. Insecticides anil sjtrays are ready at our store to protect you against flies. T h ey kill them quickly and easily. KETELS DRUG STORE JU LY 8 - 9 ONLY BARGAIN DAYS -at- Fulop’s Dept, Store Quality Merchandise at Lowest Prices in Lane County 19< 21< 39c 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, good weight, Yd„ 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, Yd. 75c Table Dam ask. 54 inch. Yd. 39 inch Heavy. Unbleached Muslin. Yd. £ ( 1O< 39c 25c English Broadcloth, all shades. Yd. Fast Color House Dresses $3.00 - $5.00 Ladies' Shoes Men's W ork Shoes, Special Lot 49 Fast Color Men's Broadcloth S h irt P R IC E S R E D U C E D IN A L L D E P A R T M E N T S SAVE AT Fulop’s Dept. Store Springfield, Oregon fi» «er 2 r^O P m v i r EACH EJ I G H T “in tune '.'.tth the time»" A are these three Coleman neces­ sities . . . priced so reasonable • tat they quickly p.iy (or themselves in the time and labor-saving service an z to cook “good cats". W in d baSk» pro­ tect cooking flame. Windprool,gray cast iron burner caps, won't tu rn o u t Hot-hlast prr heater quickly generates stove to lull cooking heat O ne quart fuel tank . . two hours' supply lor both burners . easily removed lor filling Everything packed inside for carrying Hand­ somely finished in maroon-brown baked-on enamel TH E C O L E M A N L A M P A N D STO VE C O M P A N Y : hita . kans C hicago , ill philadslfhia , pa los amoslss . ASK Y O U R DEALER