SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPKIN* ¡FIELD. l«ANE COUNTY. OKBOON, THI'ItSDAY. JULY 7 1932 rWENTY-NINTII YEAR NEW EXCHANGE H l Cooperative Produce Ent» prise to B e Launched Here in the Noar Future l.O.O.b. Honors I wo Members A. J. McKliti and M. M. Male ioceive Jeweled Pine at \ Ceremonies Last Night ** » , u . „ ,, , I of , SprlllKfhtlil Bobby Jone. Succeeeor J Director 7 üke School TWO WILL SEEK Offices OFFICES AGAIN No. 3« [ stiow child - Goes North] Need One Block In Earwig Drive Wood Bids Held Up for Fur­ ther Investigation. Flanery Tyson to Seek Re-election as New Board Member Mayor and Peterson as City Attorney and Recorder 05233611 SH0W1SAVIN8S Parasite to Be Brought Here When Eight Blocks Are Receipt« and Expenditure« Signed Up to Pay Greater for Year Due to L a r g e Attendance at H. 8. Seven blocks have been signed Knotli Hiuurt and ('laytou F. Barber wore «worn In as director I up tor earwig parasites In Spring- . THREE COUNCILMEN OUT and clerk respectively of school* field and another one Is needed be­ OUTSIDE STUDENTS COME district number Ik at the monthly _ ■ ■ fore bringing the colony here, ac­ metUna of the board of directors May °r Wants Opportun.ty to cording to 1. M Peterson, secret­ Segregated High School Re­ Carry Out Readjustment held Tuesday evening ary. who made a report to the port Show« That Coat Per Action on wood bids which hao I Program Now Established Chamber of Commerce Wednesday Pupil for Year waa 987.48 been called for July 4. was delayed ’J evenlftg. It Is hoped that another City politics began buzzing here Mr when the members of the board Edward Stafford (P eary)f block can be gotten In the next There has been a gradual parlac C .n e Maraaeii. New York, wllh a ought further Information on two 1,1,8 **’**“ * ,tb ,h ‘‘ «“ nouricement daugbt(.r of Admiral Peary, the fa- few days 10 there will be no delay down of expenditures of School hrllllunt 6«, four strokes under par. bids which were not clear. A spe- by " *’ Tyson, that he would mou< -‘snow baby" born In the Arc- In releasing the parasites. Blocks District 19 for the fiscal year qualh-il Bobby Jones's record of rial meeting of the board will pro- seek re-election aa mayor for an-' tic circle, la now returning to with- -along fifth and -Ixth streets are be which ended June 30 the annual winning both the British snd Amir- oably be held during the uezt week oth*r ,er,n I. M Peterson, city in It degrees of the pole to unveil Ing signed up. The cost Is approx! report of Clayton Barber, district .itlorney and recorder has also de- a ,to n e shaft erected there to her mately »2.50 a block. lean open golf -n have not request of Linn and Lane counties. »46.524 81 for the previous twelve ; declared their Intentions for the «-Mt.'ihlt It m e li t o f n «toruge I ioiih «* 1 However, reports came to the cham­ months This leaves a cash balance ! future. » ltd o ff ic e In H p r ln g ite ld . ber that Linn county had also of »1026.06 on hand at the end of Ile t a lla o f th»« o r K u tiix iilIo n tire started work on the road again and the school year. In making his declaration for re- no t c o m p le te d . b u t th e o u tlin e o f Entire City and Surrounding lection. Mayor Tyson slated that Annual Convention at Klam- have four of the six mile- graded Warrants outstanding and un­ th e p la n la s o m e th in g Ilk«* th l« F o r both he and Mr. Peterson had spent Community to Be Invited ath Falls July 12, 13, 14 °" ,JrU8h treek paid this year amount to »1.038.97 morn i lo continue serving the city along of next w eek- according to W. F. poult <>r mgke payment« ag»ln«t troop of Springfield were changed a|| ,,t the surrounding communities lng p|anil|,lg to be away until after ¡'h e lines which have been mapped " a ik er. district governor, who Verna Manning and Barry deposits The receipts and disbursements Mauney Married Sunday at for the year are greater than last l ‘er!«li«ble fruit« will be canned. yesterday afternoon at a meeting will be invited to take tbelr picnic the Fourth. Many of them returned? °ut for the future If the voters ; ,na- trip In make arrangements whereby those gon this year his plenty of water; Evidence of Liquor Party IS tty. - - - - - a motor trip to Crater The wedding march was played year were: District tax »23,406.31; for irrigation from the heavy snows — ~ dud Tedoy mid I’eggy Wright, i who care to dance may do so either Found by Officers; Occu- Lake where they will enjoy a picnic by Mrs. Vera West. Rev. Pruitt county school fund. »5,369.75; stats Receipt« given for produce or Fay, llo lv i- r a o n . F lo re n c e M a y . for the entire evening or for a few of the past winter. pants OU Houses Away dinner and dancing, returning to sang. “At Dawning." A reception •chool fund. »1,222.48; elementary I rnductu delivered ut th«* Kxchaag« Murguret Jarrett, Frances Jean dances at a very nominal coat. Among the celebration gatherings Klamath Falls the same evening. followed the ceremony. will be honored for other Items school fund »2.930.00; tuition for Lloyd. Beth Behantol, Barbara Bar More details will be announced Two homes and property valued u , In the central McKenzie commun!- uh th the holder m»> be In need pupils below high school. »60; , , . . , . . . . . . i . Thursday wkill be taken up with Guests Included Mr. and Mrs nell. Pearl llolterbrund, Doris Bon later about this large picnic to ties were the Neighbor« of Wood- at several thousand dollars were , , . ... . n of. or for labor, «ay« Mr. Ware A , . , everyone will be invited . . . . . _ breakfasts and business m eetings Lewis W est and son, Darle. Ernest W altervllle school district. »646; tie y . C o lh -n e C o rn e ll. Ih i P u tm a n J > whlili hi.-h . v - r ,,.... i.« inuo^a i ,-raft picnic near Emmerich * ferry destroyed here In a late Fourth of . . . . ,, , ' mao having a «urplu« of one com J- • . , ~ .preceding the address by Vincent Mauney. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mau- county high school tuition fund. Hazel Nesblt. lietieva Wycoff, Jean j - - ■ . ... attended by about 75 persons, f i e , July ftrs early Tuesday morning ,, rnoillty may hire «ome person , , . . . .. , . u ( • HascaI*. vice-president of Lions ney and daughter. Zella. Norma and »6.522.20. S tr a t to n a n d B e rn ic e B a rn e a . group of friends at Hendrick » when the homes of Mrs. Charlotte i_ ,_ r_ otl„ . . , -rs„ I r-t a u « a , through the exchange to help him u „ a ,a „ a . international. The afternoon of the Floyd Mauney. all of Trent; POSTOFFICE DROPS TO The major Items of disbursement b r ld a e park, numbering 15; the Barnes and Mrs. Ida Barnard at _ ... ... a _ . < . - n. «. , Tbe per «OH will then be given hl« d o mg day will be devoted to bust- Blanche. Altie, and C. B. Manning, were: Instruction »35.096.22 aa TH IRD CLASS PLACEl family re-unlon of the Farnham j Mill and J streets were completely «alary In the«e receipt« which he EXTRACTS FROM DIARY i , o i. . . . . a .. i a u k . ... v . . . ,leS8 and B° lf tournaments, the of Springfield, and Rev. Pruitt of compared with »35.424.38 for last ¡fanilly. complimenting Mr and Mrs. ¡razed by the blaze which wag . first _ ; _ governor-g wll| __ be _______ given at EugPne < nn exchange at the «upply depot READ AT MISSION MEET „ , ....... ' ________ speech _______ year; operation of plant 84,792.68; _______ Springfield « postoffice dropped .Martin Farnham and Mr. and Mrs. discovered at about 5:15 by neigh- __„ a w a lor f«w»«l or fuel. a . .... a . L. ,h e banquet Thursday evening, and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mauney will general control. »519.36; mainten­ from a ---------------------- second to a third \ elass rat Joseph ” of * Ban Jose, California bora. ... be . followed by the governor ________ .. s . ___ to their friend, after ____ \ niiouticement ha also been Ml- Adi. Porter sister of Mrs I --------- * ~ - '" * ! - 7 ^ " will at home ance and repair (186.68. and capi­ n iiih tills w e e k , I111I the county's Dean 1' Poindexter read excerpt» ”• 0,1 *• »‘ fording to r. B. which was held near the Leaburg The Barnes home was complete bau. j uly 20. at Trent Oregon tal outlay for new equipment, p o r ta b le c a n n e rv 1« nearing coin fr o m the diary of Miss Ciiffrey. for ,,um lln- postmaster. The new rat- dam. the picnic held Sunday at the )v enveloped in the flames which Several Springfield Lions are -------------------------- »600.50. p le ilo n mid w i l l Noon be a v a ila b le ninin years a missionary in India ' 'n* ffovld es the poafofflce with oge h om e o f Mrs. Evelyn Harrlll where had spread to the Barnard home There were 746 boy« and girls for use of those who have large and Africa, at the meeting of the •Inm clerk and one half time IJ relatives and friends gathered before an alarm could be turned In. considering attending the conven- pjJRSE STOLEN IN tion. enrolled in the schools of the dis­ qiiiintltli « of fruits uml vegetables Women'« Foreign Ml »lotinry so- ‘‘tuployee besides the postmaster, including Mrs. Annie O'Brien. Mrs Firemen were helpless in trying to EUGENE FOUND HERE trict during the year. Ninety of which the, wldi lo preserve for clety of the Methodist church meet- 1 I’*l,*re will he very little difference Mary Thompson, I’ercy and Agr.es save any of the personal belongings la te r u«c The cannery, which Is ln g ut the home of Mrs Wm (I 1,1 •b '- s e r v ic e at the p o sto ffk -e, and O Brien of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs from either home, the occupants of “AWARE OF H IM ” IS Many Valuable A rticles Taken from these came from outside of this dis­ trict. tu o li o n n l u . I k Is th y iie d to h o ld H u g h .-« o n T u e s d a y . Mrs W. II there will be no change In the de- Mendenhall and three children o f ’ which were out of the city. They Property of Mrs. W . B. D ill­ TOPIC AT M. E. CHURCH livery of mull on the carrier route Grants Pass. ( concentrated their efforts In an at The segregated high school re­ ard Says O ffic e r The children and grandchildren tempt to prevent the blaze from port shows the various amounts ex­ > r, mid has a hath tank capable of Mr« II I*. Batchelder hnd charge or on the rural routes. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter will I he change In the rating of the of Mrs William Sinned gathered spreading nnd did succeed in sav- preach on the subject. “Aware of hiililliig 9H quarts This cun also In- of the program The mite boxes Lum F. Anderson, city police pended for this purpose. They are: 11« d to cook (he produce. , will he opened nt the August meet- postoffice Is made under the provl- at the family home Sunday. I Ing ‘ I'p , the m r F,ne nion^- The la«t meeting in tiveTVpringfleVd p^iice"7hlZ rL um ,8 ‘ h,,° 1 ,here w"> rae*‘ at 10:30 retUnl ° f P“rW W',h ° Ut 8UC- BAPTIST MISSIONARY TO Total collections for the six months . _ June having been cancelled because Anderson, and H. W Howard of The Springfield congregation will <**>- Approximately 2000 bottles of period were »KO7.O2fi.77. This In- VISIT IN SPRINGFIELD meeting and the ab- h. e r and Pleaded guilty when ar- truck. Ione Rhodes is In charge of for installation ceremonies to be Mrs. W. II. Adrian has more last Thursday afternoon with the evenlng of games and stunts. Re-i ralgned in Justice court. Gay re­ held at Ihe regular Rebekah meet ¡Boston Bulldogs than she knows man Chase and Earl Briggs. Sagi­ refreshments. Bernadtne McFar­ annual picnic held at Willamette Upper Santiam Road Rough freshments were served late In the eelved a 30-day Jail sentence, and land will direct the games, a n d ) Ing next Monday night. I wl,l,l <1“ with. The Adrians have naw. collided at Eighth and C streets evening. park. About 30 members of the i Carpenter was fined »50 and parol- The upper Santiam road above club together with their families ----------------------- hnd three of these bulldogs for ul 10 o’clock Monday night slightly Melba Harris the transportation. __________________ ed. Cascadia Is very rough according to enjoyed a picnic supper at the park some time nnd on Sunday morning damaging the automobiles, without METHODIST LADIES AID Carl Olson who with Mrs. Olson following an afternoon of games. one of the female dogs gave birth injuring the passengers. Reports or yyyQ INJURED IN CRASH CHURCHES WILL HOLD ELECTS OFFICERS HERE to eleven small puppies, all of troth drivers were filed at the City spent the holidays there with their AT JUDKINS POINT FRI. VALUE OF FERTILIZER PROHIBITION SERVICE Bon and danghterln-law. Mr. and which are getting along nicely. Hall following the accident. PICNIC CROUP HOLDS Mrs Prank Bartholomew was re­ ON PASTURES TOLD Mrs. Russell Olson who are vaca­ elected president of the Ladies' The congregations of the Metho- Miss Evelyn Johnson and M rs.1 OUTING AT RIVERSIDE tioning in that country. They drove IUKA CIRCLE MEETS AT alii of the Methndlnt church at thu AUTOMOBILE PART IS A demonstration to determine j dlst and Christian churches will William Hendricks both received across the Cascades on the McKen­ legular meeting held ill the church EGCIMANN'S TO NIG HT minor Injuries late Friday evening the value of superphosphate o n ! unite Sunday evening for a pro- zie highway and then turned off on­ A group of Springfield people STOLEN FROM GARAGE Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Edward comprising Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Pol­ when the automobile driven by Ladlno clover pnsture, carried out hlbltlon service sponsored by the to the Suntlam at the Sisters. I’rlvat Is the new vlen-pre Ident. Theft of 11 carburetor from a Ford > The semi-monthly meeting of the | Miss Johnson struck a parked truck by H. J. Merz of Ada. shows th a t, W. C. T. IT. at the Christian church lard. Mrs. Alma Pollard, Mr. aed M rs H a ls e y , M rs J Fish, ami M rs . delivery truck last Thursday night Iuka Circle number 37, latdles of at the turn In the highway near Jud the fertilizer stimulated growth on Mr«. Ada Jol.y. president of the Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Vacation at Flab Laks ,1. T, Moore were reelected Ire i n iis s , - ( wan discovered Friday morning by the O. A. R. will he held this even- kin's Point. Clair K. Hamlin, driver poor spots hut gave no material re- Oregon W. C. T. U. will be the Harry Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. C. «. urer, secretary mid chnpluln res W. C. Wright when he went to the ¡Ing at 8 o’clock at the E gglm ann|of the truck, was not In It at the suits where the soil was In good speaker. The Murphy-Moshler Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carlton and Swarts. Miss Edna Swarts, Mr. aed pel-lively Mrs llalsey and Mrs. L. | garage to start the car. Mr. Wright confectionary. Reports of the con- ¡tim e of the accident. The Johnson condition, says County Agent, O. quartet will sing and Veltle Pruitt family spent the Fourth of July Mrs. Dwight Kessey, and Mrs. Mary K. Page wore Ihe hostesses for j had Ills dog poisoned by some un- ventlon held at Corvallis will b e ! car which was traveling towards 8. Fletcher, who cooperated In the will lead the congregational sing-1 holidays camping near Fish lake Kessey held a picnic at the meeting. known person or source last week? given by delegatee. Springfield was also damaged. Ing. on the uper Santiam. park on Monday, Jely toertt. K hxltfv nunihor 70 weri* RECEIPTS WILL BE USED h her«* W«4ii*« hull M M M u I h uih I Almost Ready; Will Vieit M J. Mi-Kiln both rtwolvad v*t< run J i ' wh I m for long m«mtM,r«hlp In the Communities on Request order Mr. Mule one for 26 year* A new organisation to ul