% S P K IN O r iK M ) S H O P P IN G N E W S Let’s Help Each Other Waterman Fountain Pens Now is the tim e more than ever before thut each com m unity should conserve It« resource«. l ’ne latne County B utter and other dairy pro­ ducts and yon help the local farm er and the m erchant aa well. $4.00 to $6.50 PENS TO CLOSE OUT AT HALF PRICE Eastman Kodaks TAX-FREE WHILE OUR STOCK LASTS D A IR Y P R O O U C TS Farmers* Cream Patronage Solicited. Full Weight and Honest Teat. WE — PAY — CASH Mail Orders Solicited Prompt Attention and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone - - 7 Ketels’ Drug Store 508 Main St. Phone 31 Springfield Creamery Co. Springfield The New Home Bakery J. M. LARSON All Kinds of CLEANING AND PRESSING Super Service Carefully and Promptly Done at OUR PRODUCTS Jimmie's Cleaning Shop a re Sold Only BY INDEPENDENT MERCHANTS 309 Main St. Fast Becoming Lane County’s Favorite Phone 75.1 Mall Orders Solicited Corner Springfield Sliced or unsliced Irish-M nrphy Co. — A. R. Sneed Grocery — Ideal Grocery — Checkerboard Lunch New Home Bakery Gasolines Fisk Tires PRESERVING KETTLES Fine heavy G ranite o r Alum inum w are p re serv ­ ing kettles are here for your selection at onlv Tires for Price of l ’/ i TAX FREE — While They Last Fine Kitchen Ware Oil Cloth, fine Merdis Each Patterns, yard. Ladies* Mesh Hose, a pair 79c Get Our Prices on Large Quantities of Oil! TURNER’S NOVELTY STORE Very Low Prices. 2 19c 10 c Washing and Lubrication 25c Irish-Murphy Co. 5th and Main Sts. Shopping Day Specials at a Big Food Store Pen-Jell 2 pkg. 25c A pure Fruit Pectin making better jellies, jams, and preserves. OREGON We have one of the finest grocery stores in Lane county with a com ­ plete, fresh stock of staple and fancy groceries. frultB vegetables and feeds. High grade, first quality groceries only at the lowest prices are always to he found here. The arrangem ent of our store and the m anner of our ser­ vice is so th at every custom er knows exactly what he Is buying, and our personal guarantee goes with every Item we sell. Milk Come Here for Your 4th of July Groceries! Sardines SOAP Crescent Oregon Pure Powdered Soap MODERN MAID For Oregon Folks 4 oz. Package BAKING POWDER 1 lb. Tins 25c Crackers The kind people ask 2 lb. Package 10c PEP FRESH ROASTED Hot Sauce Peanuts FI OUR 49 Lb. SACK Shrimp PICKLED Fine for Salad 5 oz. tins Pigs Feet Pork & Beans pin 5c Milk and Cod Liver Oil 100 p o u n d s s i 55 Ground Salt 95C J/ 2 125 POUNDS 19c 35c With Puree McKENZIE BLEND FLOUR 49 Lb. SACK 89c gal . NO. 2' 2 SIZE Tomatoes $1.05 Dairy Fly Spray 90c 3 lbs. 25c 12c 25C BLUE STEM HARD- WHEAT F eed D ept. Egg Mash 5 c 29c 3 cans for 10c In Cotton Seed Oil — IMPORTED SARDINES In Olive Oil Springfield Oregpn SNOWFLAKE Tall cans 5c 2nd and" Muin RICHFIELD — UNION — GILMORE Quality Bread For Sale a t the following Home Owned Inde­ pendent Stores: C. F. E ggim ann’s — S p rin g fl.ld , O r.. T hird .n d M ain S t.. I00 0c W heat POUNDS 51.15 FINE. PURE CANE 100 lbs. Scratch Feed 51.40 100 POUNDS SPECIAL DEALS ON PICNIC GOODS. COME HERE FOR FOOD FOR YOUR FOURTH OF JULY OUTING. 1 lb. Net MFRCHANTS GUARANTEE TO GIVP SATISFACTION. > Peanut Butter In bulk, lb. 7c