SI'RINOFIKI.D SHOPPING NICKS Independent Meat Co. 4th JULY X / •TUB HOME OK GOOD MKAT8" ('or. 4th and Main Sta. Phone «¡3 Springfield Cold Meats for Fourth of July Picnics CV HAMBURGER and SAUSAGE make a nice meat-loaf, pound only 12'^C ROAST PORK, sliced cold, is good for lunches. Also good to find some at home when you return from your outing. _______ $1.50 ALL FIRST QUALITY MEATS Pork Beef Veal Beef LABOR SPECIAL On any make car we will make all adjustments on Stearing Gear Assembly 14c 14c 8c 19c 16c 15c 14c Steak Chops Chops Steak 16c Good Bacon, half or whole, per pound TIG HTEN HOUSING ON FRAMES TIG HTEN DROP ARM ADJUST TIE ROD ADJUST DRAG LINK ALIGN FRONT WHEELS ROAD TEST CAR. Bargain Days Specials A t The Springfield News N e w V -8 Ford Is H ere One-year Subscription to $*! .00 The Springfield News for . . . * Save 75c ______ Come in for Demonstration or Phone 49 FARMERS, ATTENTION! 100 Printed Butter Wrappers Anderson Motors, Inc. (Regularly $1.25) BARGAIN DAYS ONLY Ray W. Nott John Anderson Beef Pork Veal Pork 12M.C Roast Roast Roast Boil S l.O O Save 2f»c at Main The Ideal Grocery 4th St. Springfield’s Only “RED & WHITE STORE” Live and Let Live GINGER ALE RED AND W HITE DRY ALE (A fine mixer in any company.) 2 bottles . . . COFFEE NO FINER, CLEANER, AND BETTER 29c PORK and BEANS STOCK OF .MERCHANDISE, ALWAYS F R E S H , CAN BE FOUND IN OREGON. A STORE WHERE THE OWNER SERVES AND THE BUYER SAVES. . . 15c (FINE FOR PICNIC LUNCHES) FREE! • HIGH GRADE RED DOUBLE LIP accompanied by their parents. I LARGE PACKAGE REGULAR PRICE F irew o rk s! 25c 1 Medium Package Free WASHING MACHINE SOAP W HITE KING POWDER Large package . P. & G. Soap, 5 Bars . 30c RED AND W HITE per pound . Springfield Shine Parlor NEXT TO OUR STORE. 14c 2 for 25c (So Tasty for Picnics or Luncheon) YOLO DILLS. PINT YOLO SWEET PICKLES. PINT 17c 20c MAYONNAISE HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS AT 39c - 23c PICKLES 10c OXYDAL - Free Deal . OLIVES Prize Box of Candy to all the Kiddies, when . . . . . BLUE AND W HITE. RIPE. LARGE CANS JAR RUBBERS 3 for Per pound (None better, for the most particular taste) CAMPBELL'S LARGE 16 OZ. CANS 4 cans foi BLUE AND W HITE (A High Grade Coffee RED AND W HITE. PINT JAR 20c Highest quality approved by Good House- keeping Laboratories. DRESSING GREEN AND WHITE Phone 4 Quart for 29c Much Better than Mother Used to Make 1