SU PPLEM EN T TO TH E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS Springfield Shopping News No. 3 a i ’RINOKIKIJJ, ORBUON. JUNK 30. 1»32 VOLUMB I COMMUNITY BARGAIN DAYS HERE July 1st and 2nd BEFORE THE 4th TO THE PEOPLE O F THIS COMMUNITY: We are offering yon again the Springfield Com­ munity Bargain Days, Bigger and Better than ever right before the Fourth of July that you may stock ’*1'^ for the holidays at these very low prices. Hundreds of our friends have written or told us they upprerluted I these bargain events so we huve arranged the Third Community Sales Hays at this opportune time. Out of the High Rent District We are proud of the fine merchandise our stores sell and the good service they give at such tow prices. Our merchants are fortunately located In a large trad­ ing urea with a city where rents are low. overhead ex­ penses light und no heavy advertising hills to pay Nsturully they are going to give you most for your money day In und day out. While these hurgaln events are special for you. every day In Springfield Is bargain day compared with prices In other parts of the country. Scores of new people were seen in Spring- not have to lug their purchases blocks through heavy traffic. Here, too. they can trade with the store owner field on our previous Shopping Days. and not a representative of Wall street or some other distant place. bargains they found here. Here they know most of their money Out of town people enjoy trading in this city where they cun park In front of the store they trade at and trading center for the Mohawk. McKenzie and to get It again. Upper Willamette river valley sections. Merchants participating In this big bargain event, under the direction of the Springfield Chamber of Commerce, guarantee their goods to give satisfaction, WE WELCOME YOU AND WISH YOU AN ENJOYABLE FOURTH OF JULY HOLIDAY. lame county Is their home and they are Interested like you are to make It the best possible place to live. LET’S ALL CO-OPERATE AND HELP EACH OTHER Springfield Chamber THERE WILL BE NO BRASS BAND OR of Commerce BARGAIN EVENT. BUT HONEST MERCHANDISE By W. K. BARNELL. President. PRICED VERY IZ)W ON EVERY HAND. JULY 1st and 2 nek FRIDAY — SATURDAY ONLY S H O P P IN G D A Y S Fulop’s Department Store at Record Breaking Bargains On hundreds of necessary articles on sale during these Shopping Days. You can’t afford to wait. Merchandise will never be cheaper than at these prices. 89 C 75c Men's Work Shirts, full cut Chambray 39c $1.00 - $1.50 Men's Dress Shirts, fast color. Broadcloth, beauties for 6 9 c $8.50 Men's Leather Suede Coat, $ 3 .9 8 20c Extra heavy Rockford Sox 9c. or 2 pairs for 25c 29c 50c Boys' Work Shirts — Special $3.50 Men's White College Corduroy Pants $1 9 8 75c 25c Men's Rayon Sox. 15c — 6 Pairs for $5.00 Men's Sport or Dress Shoes, your choice $2 98 $1 9 8 $3.50 Men's Heavy Work Shoes 49c $1.00 Table Damask, Yard $4.00 - $5.00 Ladies' Sport or Dress Shoes. Best Makes $1 9 8 19c Men's Shorties Trunk and Lisle Shirt, per garment $1.25 Men's Summer Union Suit. B. V. D. or Knitted, with long legs 4 9 C Boss of the Road Overalls, Bib or Waist ............................. — $1.00 - $1.50 Kayser Pure Silk. Full Fashion Hose. Mesh. Service. Chiffon weights. Special for Springfield Shopping Day 7 9 c ‘ 3 Prs- $ 2 .0 0 Naturally we can list but a few of the many values we are offering. Look through this Advertisement. then visit our store. You'll find many worth­ while savings In every part of our store. NO CHARGES _ CASH ONLY 15c Colored Border Handkerchiefs $1.50 Ladies' Print Pajamas $1.25 Boys’ Wash Suits ......... ...................................... »........................ $1.50 Sheets, full size, fine grade. Special 50c Ladies' Lisle Vest; 60 in the lot. 25c - 50c Children H alf Hose. Small sizes only, to Close, pair 35c Large Cannon Towels 1 5 c — 2 for 10c Muslin, good weight. 10 yards to a customer. Yd. 25c Fast Color, very high grade Broadcloth in all shades. Yd. 25c Large Cannon Towels 1 0 c — 3 f ° r 75c Pure Silk Ladies' Hose, for slim legs. Special $3.50 - $5.00 Corsets e uce FULOP’S DEPT STORE T H E STORE W IT H RELIABLE M ERCHANDISE PLENTY OF PARKING ROOM — NO R E S TR IC TIO N S. * per garment Fast Color House Dresses. Latest Patterns and Designs. Special 51 ' ‘ s re,t •v All good roads lead to Springfield. Why go further? SPRINGFIELD JULY 1st and 2nd FRIDAY — SATURDAY ONLY This is the natural stays at home and perhaps they may have a chance GREETERS TO FOOL YOU IN THIS THIRD BIG Parking Is Easy They were surprised and satisfied with the many