The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 30, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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P ete’s Belt Is
Faber III—Robert Sear waa call­
ed to lilllaboro Monday morning by
the Illness of his father
Upper WillametteJ
A t Stake triday
Achiu and 'Wildcat' Get Main j
Evant Positions; Reagan
and Lowe Also on Card
The diamond studded Junior Wel­
terweight wreatllug championship
belt will be put up as a stake tor
the winner in the wrestling card at
the Eugene Armory Friday evening
betweeu George 'Wildcat' Pete, and .
Walter 'Soeeie' Achiu. Pete Is the
present holder of the belt and title
having been tu possession of it for
almost a year.
The posting of the belt In this
Mary Virginia Lotus, Omaha.
match was demanded by wrestling Neb. u now in Paris, sent bv Gov
to assist in dedication of
fans after Achiu had won the con­
test between the two men at the 1 ¿bribing Memorial this month.
Armory last week. The victory
came in the> third fall when Achiu
was fouled by the 'Wildcat'. Some
of the fans think that the China
man was not entitled to the victory
and that he could not overcome
pete in another match. Other think
Achiu had the best of the contest
and is entitled to a chance at the
bell if he is the better mac. To
satisfy both groups it has been de-
< ded to post the belt which was
done reluctantly.
The match will be for the best
two out of three falls without any­
time limit.
As a special attraction Pat Rea-
gan of Wyoming will meet Prank
Lowe. Montana university student I
before the main attraction. Lowe
had a place on the card last Friday
U r. Charles W Kerr. Tulsa, Okie.
ard when he became dissatisfied « ho
succeeds D r L S Mudge. Phils
made a speech to the spectators.
delphia. as head of the Pre»hytenan
in the U. S
Large numbers of people were
delayed in seeing the matches last
Another Candidate
week because they did not have
their reservations in advance. Peo­
ple who are going to see the
matches should try to secure their
tickets in advance for their own
convenience says Herb Owen, pro­
C. E. Jordan was elected to serve
oil the
chiMil board for I uhlli
school district No. I at Pleasant i
H ill for a term of three years. J A.
Phelps was chosen dark.
At the annual election of dtrec
tors of the school board of high
school unior district No. I. K. V.
’ '--t lie will serve
(n r 5 y ta r s and r. t r. tits ih
Pleasant llill district.
The young folk of 'he Interm d
ate Christian Endeavor held c.n <
nil v parly at Rlv.-rsid • i n k !.> :
Fr day night. Sw intning ;.nd boat­
ing were vrjo'ed during the "ve
ing They w ill h ive an lee cream
ft I a' the home of Mr and Mrs
A'lm Wheeler n xt Frtdny night
The Pleasant llill Chris: ii.i
i l i i ' c h q u a rte t -oiiii. ov
Aboie is the interior ol the
M nda; night F K K ipatrlek and
Chicago Stadium, scene of the
Bruce wheeler sant tenor, Alla-
Republican and Democratic par­
Wh eier, barPone, nd W 'V. Frank
ties national coni entions Insert,
right, is ol Janies K Garfield,
Cook. bass. Mildred Sw ft ace mi
son of the former president, and
¡an'ed them on the piano.
chairman of the powerful Re­
Mr. and Mrs E B Ti tk r last
publican Platform Committee;
and left Senator Dickinson of
Thursday returned from a trip by
Iowa, "keynoter” who opened
vto to Sacramento on business.
the G O. F. convention.
They found California very hot
with temperature at 103 to 105
degrees. They called on the family
of D. G. Linton at Orland, former
residents of Pleasant Hill. Mrs. F.
B. Godbolt and two children. Sally
and Jimmy, of Red Bluff. Calif., ac­
companied the Tinkers to Oregon
going oti to Salem Friday morning.
Visits at Corvalll*— Mrs. Rose
Mrs. Godbolt is a sister of Mr.
Montgomery spent Sunday visiting
T in ker.
with her son at Corvallis.
Miss Leola Ewoank of l.amore,
California, visited with her slater.
Employed at M cKenaie Bridge—
Mrs. J A. Phelp- last week.
Albert Vic is at McKenaie Bridge
Thomas Tinker, son of Dudley where he Is doing carpenter work
Tinker of San Francisco. Is spend-
Jasper Man Here— F. H Mauney
' ing the summer at the home of his
uncle. E B Tinker, at Pleasant of Jasper was a business visitor In
Springfield Wednesday.
Loganberry picking has begun at
Visitor from Corvallis— H. H
Pleasant Hill and cherries will soon Hill of Corvallis transacted busi
be ripe.
ness In Springfield on Wednesday
Thursday. June 30 at 9:30 a. m
Fall Creek People Here—Mr. and
i’rofessor A. G. B. Bouquet, head of
vegetable Gardening at the Oregon Mrs Dan Williams of Fall Creek
State College will be at the home were visitors in Springfield ifn
of Mrs. E. Giustina at Pleasant Hill Tuesday.
to talk to home gardeners on ''Vs-
Florence People Here— Dr and
i ing garden stuffs to save money
Mrs. Herbert MeCornack of Flor­
throughoul the y ear. " Miss Ger-
ence were visitors in Springfieln
1 trude Skow will demonstrate a
quick method of shelling peas. O.
S. Fletcher will dis- uss pest and
V is its Uncle and Aunt—Kenneth
rodent control.
Harrington has arrived from Port­
land to spend the summer here
I visiting his uncle and aunt. Mr.
and Mrs. W A. Taylor.
Free Gas
Tbs annual high school meeting
was held last Monday aud John
Endicott was re-elected director.
Mrs. Ered Gray la al Signal lak
lug care of her slater-ln-law , Mrs.
Lum Maya, who Is 111.
Mrs. Ralph Taylor from Indian
Creek Isn't su well the p«»l few
days. She Is w,ili Ii ■ sis t in
M,s. (hut les t a., (or, aud io *» r
oust) III.
4 , h
ninu i
who Inis
Attend Gathering— Mi .mil Mrs
A T ay lo r w*r< at Jafferaon
Sunday where thev attend' d a fam
III gathering
T o n s ils
R em oved—
M is .
Johnson of Eugene had her tonsils
removed at the office of a local
phi Irian Saturday.
Attend Stats Pknic— M r and
Mrs. C A laivela, alt tided the
Missouri state piculi .it Salem on
i Sunday.
« III u c ».Hill le a rlo l' Ut the lllgli
Hidiool tin Hi.' la s t i wo years uml
Use li< eli Ini', d Io I. .n II next year,
was married lust Sunday to De .ail
t.arpir of iliMiuium, Vsaah. I'uey
Goss to Roseburq—"I mile Mu
this left Friday for It eli irg where
lie Is employed lie bus been visit
log here at the home of lii.s brother,
' (‘evil, for a few days
Ends Vacation — Miss Maxine
Snodgrass has retuiixd io her du
ll’es at tlie Mountain States Power
I eoinprnv after a week*.-, vacation
Will Fish Salmon C reek— Mr and
i Mr
E d w u rd P rlv a t and f u m lli w ill
si et d the F>urtli of July holld.ys,
Milug and ralupltig on Salmon
. re k above Oakridge
Spei d Sunday in Mountains—Mr
and Mrs W II Adrian and Miss
tunl MetliHikln spent Sunday al
the Adrian cottage on Horse Crook
near McKenaie Bridge
Visit In Portland Dr. and Mrs.
V Walker and iiilanl child
were visitors In Portland on Friday
Lowell Resident Here— Mrs. K,
M Snider of Lowell was a business and Saturday of Iasi week They
leluriied home on Saturday.
visitor in Springfield oil Saturday
Daughter Injured — The small
Goes to Nebraska— A J. Schuet
iky has gone to Omaha. Nebraska daughter of Mrs Doris Green had
where he will spend some time her arm badly Injured while play
Ing Saturday. She received treat
visiting with friends.
ment at the office of a local physi­
Visits Sister— Miss Ada Porter cian.
of Chicago. Illinois, arrived In
Attends Albany Meeting— Miss
Springfield Monday Io spend the
summer visiting with her sister and I.Ui.i McPherson spent Monday In
brofher-ln-law. Rev. and Mrs. Dean Albunv where she attended u meet­
ing of accountants held at the
C. 1‘ondeater.
Mountain Stales Power company
Here for Summer— Miss Grave ■ffice In that city.
Male has come to Springfield from i
Portland to spend the summer at l To Paulina Lake— Dr. and Mrs
Marriage Licenses Issued
the home of her parents. Mr. and | W. N. Dow and family, and Dr. and
During the past week marriage
Mrs M M Mai«- Mis Male teuehe 1 .Mrs. W C Schaffer and family of
licenses have been granted by the
Eugeni will spend the Fourth ol
school in Portland.
county clerk to the following: Gil­
lull vacation at Paulina lake south
bert Ballentine. Los Angeles, and
Return Home — Mr. and Mrs. sod east of Bend.
Clyde Simpson and daughters. Bet-'
Returns to Corvallis — Mr. and
Franklin Forsythe. Ann Arbor Hills.
ty and Maxine, left Friday for theli
William Darling and daughter,
Michigan and Jesse Winchell, Eu­
home at Hood River after visiting!
Alice, returned to their home al
gene; Ray Sanford, Eugene 3nd
here for several days at the home:
Corvallis Sunday after visiting here
Winona Williams. Salem; Denxll
of Mr and Mrs. D. B Murphy.
ut the home of Mrs Darlings sla­
Harper. Hoquiam, and Eilene Pal
Norman Thomas, forma- m i ni s WT.
mer, Eugene; Homer Worthington nominated by the National Cooveo-
On Entertainment Group— Mrs ter. Mrs. Arthur Peterson.
and Marie Lawrence both of Eu­ tion of the Socialist Party as its (
Aviator is Visitor—Al Adams of C E. Wheaton and Mrs. Frank
Return to Arlaona— Mr. and Mrs.
gene; Albert Manley and Mary- didate for President
Many parties have been held In Silverton was in Springfield on a Knight of Eugene were in charge Leland Hover left Monday for their
Rowland. both of Eugene; William
this section the past week Indud short visit on Saturday. Mr. Adam of the program for the final meet home at Phoenix, Arlaona. They
Seita and Alice Allison, both of SOCIALISTS ORGANIZE
Ing of the season of the Willamette have been visiting here at the home
irg a weiner roast at Walterville manages the airport at Silverton.
Cottage Grove: Walter Steen. Cot­
court of Amurath at the Eugene of Mrs. Hover's parents, Mr and
COUNTY ON MONDAY on the river bank; Tuesday evening
Walterville Resident Here—Mis Masonic temple Monday evening.
tage Grove and Bula Bra-field. Eu
another Jolly out-of-doors party was
Mrs. W I' Tyson. They planned to
Dr. M. L. Hand-huh was named held on the river bank near the Martha Campbell of Walterville
gene; Frank Case. Seattle, and
via the Redwood highway.
was a visitor in Springfield on Sat-
chairman of the County Socialistic Thienes home.
Rose McMullen. Eugene.
party and J. J. Martin, vice-chair­
Returns from Waldport — Mrs.
Members of the Thienes family
Fusan King has returned to Spring
Visiting Sister—Miss Emma Mas- man. at a meeting held at the Eu­ drove to Blue River for a family
Go to Oregon City—Mr. and Mrs.
field from Waldport where she has
ie of Portland arrived Saturday gene Labor nail Monday evening. picnic party Sunday, compliment Jess Cross left Saturday for Ore-
teen visiting for some time She
for an indefinite visit with her sis­ Mrs. Edna Cuppernull was named ng their guests. Dr .and Mrs. Clin­ I gon City where they expect to
ter. Mrs. N. W. Emery.
stays at the home of her daughter.
financial secretary.
ton Thiene and family and Mrs. ; spend a few days visiting with
A mass meeting was held in the Ora Workman of Los Angeles.
Mrs. Wanda Barne-c
There is a man in New York who city park across from the Court
Thursday night an outdoor party
Spend Day on R ivsr — Dr and
walks about the streets of the city • House Tuesday eveniDg an another was held at Deerhorai by about 20
Goes to Drew—Miss Bertie Lou
Mis. N W. Emery and Mr and Mrs
on very high stilts. On his back is j district organization meeting was Deerhorn boys and girls. Mrs. J. O. Itämiin left Friday for her home
C E. Wheaton spent Sunday drlv
the name of a well-known product. {held at Cottage Grove on Wednes- Gloss and Mrs. Herbert Platt were at I)rt w. Oregon, after having spent
Ing along the Willamette river
Wonder what he talks about when | day. Plans for a picnic to be held chaperones.
several days here visiting at the
started early and stopped foi
he return home at night.
-•t Central on July 10 were made.
About 30 attended the Saturday home of her uncle and aunt. Mr.
lireakfuat along the river, later
night party at the home of Will
driving as far as the new Hell-Gate
White. Music by a local group and
Injures Arm—Lois. Hmall daugh­
dancing provided entertainment.
ter of Mrs. Doris Green, painfully
Mr and Mrs. Grant Hendricks
Return from Toledo N. J. WII-
Injured hrr left elbow Wednesday
lianiM and son. Tommy, returned
d-d son. Normal, of San Jose. Cali­ when she fell while playing. The
Saturday from a ten-day trip to
fornia. are being entertained by child is naturally left-handed and
many of their old friends. The Hen­
Toledo, Washington. They were
exierlences some difficulty without
accompanied here by Mrs Earl
dricks family are making their
the use of this arm.
Knapp who will visit at the Wil­
headquarters at Leaburg until the
liams' home for some time
Vic its Parents — Evan Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Farnham spent the week-end in Springfield
and family also of San Jose, ar­ with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
rived Tuesday evening to visit Mr G. Hughes. He Is traveling with a
Farnham's family and friends here. national publication company this j
Swimming parties have been ! summer.
popular in the McKenaie the past
Creswell Man Here -E. B Tinker
few days. One Sunday didn't turn
out so well. Wister O'dell was ' route 1. Creswell, was a business
rowing a boat when he lost an oar visitor in Springfield on Wednes­
ard jumped overboard after it in day. Mr. Tinker Is getting ready to
¡the middle of the river. Before get- harvest a large crop of loganber­
'ling to shore it required the as­ ries.
sistance of two others, Dale Rich­
Visitors at Cottage Grove— Mr.
ardson and Paul Putnam and a re- and Mrs. E. E. P.vne and small son,
This monument to General George
'-uscltation program afterward.
.accompanied by Mrs. Nellie Jordan
A . Custer, famous Indian fighter
• nil Wallace Jordan, visited friends
whose w h o l; command was killed io
Reedsport Resident Here— Mrs. in Cottage Grove Saturday. The the massacre o f the ,-ittle Big H o m
in 1876, is to be unveiled on June 22
( Hays of Redsport was a party visited Black Butte mine and
at the general’s birthplace, New
truest of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Huntly ! enjoyed a picnic dinner In this
Rumley, Ohio.
! vicinity.
cn Saturday.
McKenzie Valley
M rs David Bruce, daughter ol
Ambassador A ndrew Metlun, w ill tie
the official hostess o f the American
Embassy in IxsnJoo
Returns Homo— Mrs. Doll Slur-
ileiant left Saturday for hor home
ut Lehigh. Iowa, after having been
u guert at Hie M A. Puhi home fur
a short while.
To Visit Daughter—Mr and Mrs.
W. E Buell and family will leave
tills week end for Estacada. Oregon,
where they will spend the Fourth
of July visiting with their daughter
and son In law Mr and Mrs. Alley.
Return to Middleweat—Mr. and
Mrs E S Bower leff last weekend
for their home at Ooodland. Kan
as. after having spent a few days
here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C.
E Swarts, former neighbors of
Wall make llndi lioltn in \\ sshl.i»
Mrs. iNoeUhant s.eut several iluvs
the lust week well lor inollier al
i ullage Glove mid other relatives
un h o w river.
I hurt'll sei VaCvs were dismissed
here last S mduy so evtryoue
might attend the Sunday school
rinviiilioii tai Maliel Thurston ws,.
well gey I a Rented, they also gave
two numbers oil Hie program
Mis. Ims Flaniguii from Portluml
spa iil Hie week end al Hie W eaver
home here
Miss Leone Edtulslou spent the
past week end al Drain.
Little Katherine Arm Russell
from Silverton has been visiting
her graudpaieuts. Mr and Mr*
Fred llussell. hare tor several daya
Mr. aud Mrs. Walter Edmlston
(rout Eugene spent Sunday itfter
noon In Thurston
The Yoncalla baaeball team de­
feated the Thurston team un the
local diamond lust Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Plait are
leavlug this week for several days
at Yaeliata and other coaal reaorts
Mrs. Arch Shougli and Mias Mil
dred Price returned Friday after
spending several tlaya at McKenaie
Notice la hereby given that
School Dl lrlci No. 1», in Lane
Countv, Oregon, will pay al the of
fire of clerk of »aid district all
warrants to aud Including 2294
dated Mai 31. 1932
Interest ceases after July 2. 1932
1 1» ' v
N ow is the tim e to get your
New Suit or Dress
for the 4th of July
at Breier’s T hree Big
Bargain Days
Thursday - Friday - Saturday
C om e and com pare our prices
for every article has been
m arked to the bottom
C. J. Breier Co.
SM58 Willamette
Kugene, Oregon
Business Always Looks
Dark To He Who Waits
$10 Worf A o f
Free Gas
Take Advantage of this Rare
Rockefeller Repeal P le i
j Stirs P olitical Camps
It’s a Pity Her Name Isn’t Mary
Before the S&les-Tax F ortes Higher Prices on All
Automatic Refrigeration.
KaHy chairn went out of Htyle alniuHt
I111QK two yearn
ugo. (letting huninenn today require* action.
Iluninenn ntnffn are too nniall and the bueinenn
man doe* not have hour* enough to pernonally
go out a fte r every piece of bunlnean to be h a d ...
through hunt ling. T hat in where the printed
word workn moHt effectively for him. And the
cost of nelling in no m uch lenn . . . upon «trained
budgets. Printing prices In onr nhop are also
down, but there's no let down In the quality of
the work. Prompt service too. We are geared
for speed. No waiting here.
Northwest Cities Gas
John D Rockefeller Jr., long a
Staunch dry, stirred political camps
a , action in announcing that he
‘ favor* repeal . • • prohibition a
e . . . . it* evil* outweighing it*
The lamb'» name is Willie and he doesn't follow her to school unless
he'* dragged And her name isn't Mary, it’s * eciha l.awrcnre ot Atlanta,
Georgia Olherwi«« it’* all ju»l like the old pi cm
The trade does not
know what you have
to offer unlees you
tell them . . . day In
, . . and day out.
Give your business
a reputation for be­
ing up and doing by
keeping the people
I n f o r m e d of the
many bargains to be
had In your store or
ahop. There la char
acter In gixid print
Ing. Let ua demon
strate that fact. We
specialise on; —
Booklets , . ,
Pam phlets . , ,
Lattar-heads , . .
Catalogues . . ,
Broadsides . . ,
■III* . . .
Office stationery and
forme of all klnde . . .
Phono 2, we w ill Cali
The Willamette Press - - South 4th St.