T IH ’ltSIiAY. JUNE 3», 11132 NOTIC« TO CREDITORS NOTH E IH IlhHKIIY GIVEN that ,b . untl.rslgt.ed has boon up pointed Ad in I n 1.1 rat rlx of Hin ««i.t*. of II O. Wilson. deceased, by the County Court of Lana County. All Persons haring claims agalnat .aid - .tali* urn required to praaanl them with Un- proper voucher, to the un d erlg n ed at the law o ffice, of Potter ft Halley. 621 Miner Hulld Ina. Eugene, Oregon within ala month, from the date of thia notice 0 . >.(|ht»r Born—*Mr nn.l Mr» N thia 2nd day of June A. k Mat,.field of Mai'colu urn pur I) DATED 1932 »IltH of u bull) ilHUghtci bin'll ti. I.OUIHA O. WILSON, Adtnlnla Ihoni ut ili.' Pacific Christ tin ho. tratrli of the Relate nf IL O Wllaon. Deceaaad lillui mi Thur.d.-f. lune 2.1. 1832 I Drive to Fiorone»— Mr and 1rs I W (*. H rlglit spent H iiiii I mv oh ttoe Ibouchw at Flora,.... I ___ iirury * Mrury »*s l l ; u, W allace H. Davi« »4M ; B B 92 89; l>«vl Berkshire »6 7«; F «B Rarp I R K Vara Calltaan »24.M; | E. Woodxm 9211; Drury A Drury Doane »626; W J Holland 9536; »3000; Safeway Store J. C. 929.97; J. J McCulloch »6.25; H. O. Relck Taylor 16 76: Avola Marpla »6.7»; J. E. Murphy. J. P. (M 99; C. ■. J U N E , ,992 E. A A Market 94.66, Frank Hau- «6 26; F C. Petxold »6 25; Ivan H Marlon P Wheeler »679; Andrew Wheaton J. P «30 90; Bari L. Me* liert 96 06; Umpbrey A Mai kin G ENERAL FUND W Graham »6 79; Cheater Ayres Nutt 94.00; ft. A Babb Hardwara N O T IC E ADVERTISING Guard Pobllah »3197; Mrs. Geo. Deffenbacber Ware 94 12; CorneMus Buchanan »7 12; C A Schooling »7 11; James Co 9«e; White Mariatt» Co. 91.79; O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T •4 13; Mrs Jessie f^w, »4.12: Flor Printing Co 92 M ; Itynny Notice la hereby given that the '»,-** Co 9136.66; Sprlnvfteld News • 2 10; H O. Penland »2 00; Clay- •wee Jeubtea «4 12 Gertrude Bauer McMullen 97.12; Gordon Kelso Eugene Eugene Momlng News ton’s (Irwery »3 20; Williams Bel, «7 12: I R Howard »7.13; N. W . Leabo » » 0 0; J. N. McNeil (19 00; undersigned Executor and Ex cu t6S 80: Service Store 910 00; Economy I o »4.12: N ellie McClure Juhl «4 97- | White »3 75; France. Patten »S.7E: Main River Grange »5 00; E. A trlx of the Estate of Mary E Jew •2 10 D ay,. «4 87 Vera Holland Tlllle Dugan »3 75: Ina M Godard Rrhwerlng »6 50; J ft Nolan »4 50 ett, deceased, have filed their Final ASSESSOR Roy Foeter 936 00; ; Feed Store A Grocery »3 8.1; Halen I *4 Msrv B Estes «4 87 Renta •2 78 fn u lse Mi-Dole »3 76: Mrs Ranny t^eabo 94.40; Irma Ggrata Report and An-oun, aa such with D F Yoran IIO « 6 H F K -eney «• Struckmeler »3 33; Irish S elf I vw 4 F .tee Jr |« g 7 ; Harrv L tlie County Clerk of Lane County, «188 Stell» C Wilkinson «130 00 »Service »tore »28 38; Dunham's ElrV «7 12 J B Mo hv 17 12 C I F. M Chapman «4 50: Mrs Geo M «4 50: Sarah Smith 94 60; C. B «6.38; H E McCollum 17 20; J F Kebelbeck 94.50; Myra Counts Southworth »7.12; ft ft Brattaln Oregon, and thal Suturiluy, the 30th *gnes O'Brlen 9130 00; B'-rretta Bem l. »6 75; J D Clark »8 76; R -henow »7 60; Jasper ft Allen »38 71; Kremmel Bakery »106; J. C. U «am arli. Judge of said Court, BOUNTY: E. Cadwallailer 94.00; C H srcer 84 50; Annie O Calev T. C. Bryant »7 67; Rose i’F the lim e and place for hearing T L. T ilin 92 00; Thomas Clark 8 Powell Dairy »4 88; Safeway •4 6«: E E Orton »4 5« Rosa M Emma O Kelley »6 75; J W Mas » »7.87; SUM M ONS In gley »767; Hazel Smith »717; "ey »6 76, Lillie Sutherland »6.75: SUMMONS 8 ,-re No. 16» 8112 53: Sharps Gro­ earn«; and for Hie final settlem ent •2 60. M Helin,irenberg 94 00; Avon l.ajole »450; Helen S ylveste' E L Edward. »7.13; W H Hunt Flele Brvan, »7.87; Abbie P Whea IN Till-: CIRCUIT CIHIHT OF THE Dibble 94 00; Raymond Murphy I cery 94 55; C F Hyde Realty Co. «7 28- Sylvia L. Haggart 97 1»; byl I 87 STATE OI' OREGON Fill» THE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of said e-talc 12- Nell Purkerson »7 12; Isaac ton »4 87; Elma Halsey »4.87; Leos »30 00 Lamb. Grocery 97 39; R. C. N SCOTT JEWETT. Executor •4000; William M, Mahon 910 00; I COUNTY OF LANE HTATB OF OREGON F o il LANE Stink, homli 91.40; City Water via Slckafooae «7 12; Maude Walk lones »7.12; H C. Bushnell »7 12; Fraederlch »4 87; Elisabeth Olton CLARA A. MORROW. Ex-. u ls-e Lewis 9900; H ml Klntaiey GRACE II M il.I.Ell. Plaintiff V« Insh.w 97.12; Irva L Dick »7 12 84 87; F H. Gordon »».»7; Wm. COUNTY trig 914 00 W H. Jo.tm eler 94 00; H. W -rks »150; William« A Ottman Norah Starr »4 50; John M Sm ‘v- Dale R Winn »6 75; Mabel Cog Mnddaugh »»80; Clarke Electric FRANK I. MII.LEIt Defandont, Clarinda Rather W l'te, Plaintiff, W ELL» « WELLS. Attorneys. C K. i-nev 94.00, Clarenee Main »6168: Eugene Farmer'« Creamery ley »4 50; Mary E. B u rge., 94 50 •6.75; Robert A Cox 3» 75; John L. Co »1.60: Cottage Orove Sentinel Til FltANK L. MILLE«. Ihr above) va. Vent. M White, Defendant. M alle,te »6 75; W H Maloy »6.75; 92 48; Sawyer”- Grocery »7 00; Kol- Nellie Emery »4 50; John R (J. 30- Ju 7 14 21 28, 915 00 IlltlllOll llvfl'lllluil I Well E S Addison »7.87; E E Farman 63 65 ; J. S Woodard »2.00; Carl 3. In the name of the Htute of Ore ker'a Grocery »5 1»; M J. Arnel CARE OE POOR Mrs. J C. K„n born »4 50: Edna L. Allison Johnson »1.00; Orvto Snnkey »6.00; IN Till-, NAME OF THE STATE gon vou are hereby required Io up 96 93; 97.87; N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE ni-dy 92 00; Mrs. M M »ta 95(H); Meat Market »1.00; Safeway Store Mamie 8 Casey »6 83; Mamie E i Lynch Martin Foster »7 87; Ethel J. C. Ponsler Motor Co. »1.19; J P OF OREGON. (HlEETINtl l-i-iir and an.w er the Complaint »7.87; N ettle Moore »7.87: Notice la hereby given that by c 94 16; Haskell’. »21 67. f»prlng You e ie hereby required to uppoor filed aguln.t you In the above eo virtue of an execution and order Mrs M J Beckett 96 00; J e.se C. J field Stauffer »6 93; Marie Eaton 96.93; tsa E Tilton 96 37, Hosea M Par- McFi.rland »24.24; C. ft M. Trans­ Creamery »3184; Richters H. F Baldwin »6 93 Jeaae Inman mid answer the complaint filed titled ault on or before four week» of sale la.ued out of the Circuit Jone« 96 00, Mr. K A WhRe »48 33 vln »6 37; Ernest Mooney »6 37; R. fer Co. »15.00; Railway Express Co. •6 00; C. I! Leep 9600; W H. »4 60; Hattie M Gray »4 60 Emma A. Maltxan »6.37; Robert Mauny 47c; Howard Auto Co. »4.41; Craa* ugiilnal you In the above entitled fr o « the date of the fire, public Court of the » ta le of Oregon for Devan 96 00; CIRCUIT COURT: Am Law Mntirw »4 50; Eunice L Brerhtel W W Lyon. 98 00; MUlt on or before four w eek, from Hon nf thin aummniiH. or for wan, Lam- County, June 28, 1932, upon «637; Frank E Blair »7.50; R C. seys »29.16; Koke-Chapman Co the date of the flrat publication of (hereof the Plaintiff will take Judg and pursuant to a decree duly given Saral­ Wlgle 98 00; J e.se Tuylor Book Co »8 00; Lawyer’s Coop Pub 94.50; Perchral 1 Rust «4.50: Ira Edwards »7 50; E F Edwards »6075; T F W rlgh, »2.90; Eugene Erunk Mason 9800; Mr* Co »32 60; W es, Publishing Co. Sawyer »580; Frank Needham »7.50; Grace 8 Walker »7.50; Fay Water Board »1.00; Franklin Print thia aummona; or for wan, thereof men, again.! you and will apply to ami made by said Court June 27. ta 00 F em e Henderson »5 80 N. Neet »7 50; Charles A Rigg« 'ng Co (5.01; McMorran ft Waah- Hie plaintiff will take judgment th ... e fo u r , for the relief prayed for 1932. In a ault pending therein In lla ltle Bower. 98 00; Mr. Mary »6 00, C. C Pollock »60.00- M E •5*0; McDermott »1500; H. M Sklpworth Forre.t El icher Whllma Bond »5 80: Lydia E. Wel- 96.00; Wm R Dicker, »6 00 Her­ fcurne »1.00; Ray Walker »1.00; ugulnai you and will apply to the . I in ... the Complaint and of a decree which W I,. Ehlen and Harriett Wilbur 98 00; Court for the relief prayed for In I of abanlute divorce from you. Thia M Ehlen were plaintiffs and Ma 98 00; Ruth Hawk 98.00; Mr- E C •6 00; Pacific Tel A Telg Co. »8 08; Inltx »5.80: H H Wood »4 87: SI man Clum »600; J. W Klnman Marios P Wheeler »3.00; Elmirs Bar crof, Whitney Co. »13 26; Eu­ lb«.......... and for a decree ofiKummona la publlahed once each 11,-lle lialxhlaer and others were Kull 98 00. Mrs Nettle Haling M.ar<,r e t Ri*PP 36.00, W F Jam e. »6 00; Joe Mor- lanlg« No. 207 I. O. O. F »5.00; P Applewhite aliaolute divorce from you. I w eek for four conaeeutlve weeka In defendants, which execution and 98 00 Nell McDonald 98 00; Isaac gene Steam laundry »9 50; May bei 94 87: Hulda Burr »4 87; Hattie rls Jr »4.87; J. C. Beck »4 87; An­ P. t olgaard (1.00; Black »6 00; Bessie Kaufman »6 00- Goff 98(H); Elisabeth P. Chandler Gross »4.87; J. W Working »7 12: drew Jackson »4 87; L. J. Plowman Transfer Co »1000; A. E. Hull, Thia «ummona I. published --nce|T ha Springfield N ew ., a weekly order of sale was to me directed W B. Kyle »6 00; Edith Baker 98 00; Lulu Oauuy 910.00; I. I, Bessie S. Hovey 97.12; R B each week for four con-iecutl /e newspaper publt.hed at Springfield, and commanded me to sell the real »4 87, Wesley Whittaker »4.87; gaard »1.30; George Canaday »2.30. w - .k . In the Springfield Newa. n 1 Lane County. Oregon by order of property described thereto and Mulkey 910 00; Mrs Peter A K ng »6 00; Nettle B. Fleck »7 60; Irvin »eroga »7 12. Vartan Wiikin« »7 11; Geoide H. Johnson »3.00; A E D - JUSTICE COURT: J. E. Young D. Cutter 96 00; Fred Beldler »8.20; 91000; C E. Adams 91000, Adda Nancy B. Christensen »7 12; Lora weekly tiew.paper publl.h. ,1 a ll the Hon G F Sklpworth, Judge of hereinafter described, to satisfy llngson »3 00; Hulda E. Rice »3 00; J P. »7 60; Franklin Printing Co. W W Bristow 82 00; John West Itlernen.chnelder 910.00; George B Perdew »562; 8lgna M Gillen Springfield. Lane County. Oregon .»Id Court, made June 20. 1922. and the Judgment and decree given In J. U. Goude »3.00; Alberta K Mor­ 16 70; Dan Johnston »1.4690; Man- Savage 9100; Mr. It E Cox »200; H. L McFadden »200; M water »4 60; Catherine Baird »4.50; hy order of the Hon 0 F Skip ! first publl-'hi-d June 23. 1932 aid ault, I will, on Saturday, th«. • 10.00; Andrew Erickson 910.00; Svarveru-I »200; H A Whealdon Ha,tie Gordon »4 50 Clara 8 Curry ris »3.00; Walter Price »4 50; H B. da Rainey »1.60; Clara Romane worth. Judge of thia Court, made .1 I. Norwood, Attorney for 30th day of July. 1932, a, the hour Florence Armstrong 91000; Grace »2 00; W. B. McKelvey »2 00; Frank »4 50; Mildred Cook »5 80; fluids Smith »4.50; Ivan Saunders »4.50; »270; Lillian Romane »2.70; John June 22nd. 1932. and first publlahed Plaintiff, Residence and Poat on one o'clock I*. M at the south­ II, i-i-et, (10 00 Mrs. Susan Huttle Berger »6 00; C P Richards »4.70; M Roberts »5.80; Alice F Man Jam e, B Henderson (4.50; Herman L Marsh »14.10; L. E Clark »1 80; June 23rd. 1832 office, Eugene, Oregon, west door of the County Court 910 00; H.-nry Bolin 910 00, It P. Earl Puderliau.,h »4.80; A C Aik- nel »5 80, Erdlne C. Collins »5 80; Mason »4.5«; F M Mason »5 06; Frank Eberhart »1.10; Bryant De- FltANK II ItEID, Attorney for , J 23 30 Jl .7-14-21) House In Eugene, Lane County, Recker 910 00. Oscar Snow 910 00; Ins »4 70; B A Babb »2 10 M 8 Ruth E Prue,, (5 80; Emma Gran, F. E. Dorsey »5.05; Mary M. Cole Bar »1.10; W H. Schroeder »1.10; Plaintiff. Addre«« Tiffany »5 05; Darwin A. Nell »5 05; Nell O. H. Jones »1.10; C. R. Clark Oregon, offer for sale and sell at Flora Snyder 910.00; Benjamin Par­ Cummins »2.10; Ixiy W Rowling (5.00; II it I Id III g. Eugene. Oregon Presbyterian G Price »5.05; L. C. Akerley »6 00; »1 10 E. B Kingman »1.10; Mrs. public uucllon for cash, subject to rish 910.00; Mrs Richard Cook 92.10; Katie L, Hoaelton 92.10 Church »5 Fairmount SUMMONS 00; F L. Shepard »5 00; H J Earle »6 00; H. N. Huntington Ethel Trask »4.00; E. H. Trask _______ IJ 23 .10 Jl 7 1« 21)_______ redemption a . provided by law. all IN TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of Ihe right, title and interest of the 910 00. E L. Phare. »1000. Della Arvil K. Clarke >2.10; Hopewell H Royal H. Collins »5.00; Mira A «6 00; V. E. Dwyer »6 00 BenJ. S (4.00; Pete Ianivering 93.M; Hane Estate of Hiram F White. Pereaaed STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE lefendanta In said suit and of all K'lnk »10 00; Malin,I-. 54miHi »10 00 FI<- ter »4.20; Green Pitcher »4 20, Calef »7.50; 1 8. Dav »7.50 Della Shirley »6.00; M F. Stafford »7.50; (au.verlng »3.(0; J. E. Young »3.60. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Mr. Jame Gearhart »1000; Beth­ John Schaffer »4 20; H M Van Barger »7.50; Dora V White »7.50; L. B Seavey »7.50; Emma D. Spores COUNTY JUVENILE COURT: John L. Notice la hereby given that Abl FltED «OLIN, Plaintiff, - vs. 8 D parlies claiming by, through or un­ any Withrow »10.00; B. 8. Nichols I Fi.ssen »2 10; Harold De U rm Nina L. Parker »7 50; J W Hobbs »7.50; D T »pores »7.50; J. H. Ken Marsh »74.00; State Ind. Accident der them or any of them In or to »12 00; W T Davis 91" 00: Cen »210; Dr. J E Schofield »6 10; 84.87; A. L. Whipple »4.87; Anne gall E Clark ha. been by the Coun M.GUIRE and WILLIS C. Me- the following described real pro­ nedy »7.50; C. R. Bailey »6.37; G. Com. »1.60 ty Court of the Slate of Oregon. In tral Hotel »1200; Bertha Blais Howard B.. Freeland »1.60; Noble Whiteaker »4.87; Ellen Russell W Allison »6 37; H. G. Suttle OUIRE, Defendants. Kt HOOL SUPT Mrs. Jeannette and for Lane County, appointed To WILLIS C McOUIRE. Defend­ perty. to-wlt: «14 00; Edith McCune »15 00; I Fordham »1 60. «4.87; Margaret W Curtis »4.87; $6.37; Farmer Hale »6.37; Harvey Clnrkc »5.20; 9chool Dlat. No. 4 The east Ninety ,90, feet of Franc-« Shields »15.00; W I). Cal­ Executrli and Dan K Clark ha. CORONER C V Simon »86.15 Earle D. Curtl, »8.05; Elizabeth C. ant : Horn »6.37; E. T. Templeman (4.50; »3 15; Margaret Cutler »85.00; Irma I-<»t One (I) Block Two (2 , In kins »15 00; C E Denney »15.00; been by the aarne court appointed CLERK: S E. Skene »150 00; L. Joerger »8 05; Mabel J Currtn A. C. McClane »4.50; James E. Ro- H Stroud »90 00; E J. Moore IN THE NAME OF THE STATE John Christian' Addition to Eu Malic] Goodman 920.00; I, C. Shep­ M Bryson »1.30 00; Eva L. Duck­ »8 05: Eunice Bloomfield Executor of the laat will and testa­ OF OREGON: Yon are hereby re »8.05; I berta »4.50; Richard D. Castle $22 57, Pacific Tel ft Telg Qo. gene, l,une County, Oregon. ment of Hiram F White, deceased. quin-d In appear and anawer the ard »15 00; M 8 Barke! »15 00; E worth »120 00; 8ybll W estfall Mary R Near »8 05; F. O. Taylor »4.50; Mrs. F B Chenoweth »4.50; <12 35; Laurence C. Moffitt »233.33; Dnted thia 28th day of June, I) Iaiwell »15.00: Julius A. Grow 911000; Grace M. L. Dawson 84.50; Drpha Poindexter »4.50; All per.ona having claim , agalnat complaint filed ag a in ., you In the ■ Alta J B Hills »3.75; Mary M Henson Guard Publishing Co. »1.65; School the eatate of .aid deceased are above entitled «ul, within four (6) 1932 «16 00 Mr. Alice O Allen »15 00; »120.00; Helen Sorensen »100.00; D. Horton »4 50; Matle G Town­ »3.75; Grant Dean »3 75; Minnie B. Dl«t. No. 4 »3.15; Cresseys »11.40; H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. hereby notified to prevent the name w eek. front the date of the flrat Mrs Jennie Barnard »15 00; w’aller Sara Allen »10000; M E. McDer­ send »4.50; Morna D. Eberhart Wright »3.75; S. E Walker »3.75; The W illam ette Press »15.00; Val duly atated and verified, at the real* publication of thia aummona and If WELLS * WELLS. Attorneys. linker «15 00; A W Perkin. »15 00; mott »105 00; Ethel Thompson «4 50 R H. Townsend »7.12; R. L. C. B Wheeler »6.75; F. O. Lemley ley Printing Co. 50c; Jeannette ,J 30— Ju 7 14 21 28» «1* . . . of the .aid executor and ex- vou fall ao to anawer on or before I. Kelly »1500; Minnie O. Smith »85 00; Mabel Henry »100 00; Karl Poindexter »7.12; James C. Parker »6.76; Lawrence Laird »6.75; E. Y Clark »2.60 ecutrlx at 1981 Mo.« atreet In Eu­ the la«, day of the above prescribed »16 00 Chrl. V Tollman »15 00; Klaus Co. »42.00; Pacific Tel ft «7.12; Melford Allen »7 12; Dorri. Swift »6.75; F W Beaver »6.75; SHERIFF: J O. T rasel »5.00; N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA L E gene. Oregon, within alx mouth, and stated time, for wan, thereof NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ed th Hurd »15 00; Mrs H. L An Telg Co. »11.70; Railway Express A Hathaway $7.12; Nellie Brown­ Rupert B. Edwards »4 50; Fred Hor- Loo. D. Sem »84.76; Douglas Harris from thia 2nd day of June, 1932 »2000; Netta Hartman Co 95.29; Cresseys »12.36; Koke- ell »4.50: J W Huff »4 50; Fannie sell $4 50; O. N Peterson »4.50; *73 50; Lloyd Howe »13» 7«; Geo the plaintiff will take Judgment and that by virtue o , an execution and der.on Abigail E Clark. Executrix. «20 00 Jame It Sheasley »20 00; Chapman Co »176.00 McAlister »4.50; A. A. Simmons Richard F. Thom »4.50; J e s.e Har F. Houghton »124.7»; E. A. Holland decree agalnat you aa In h l. com­ Dan E. Clark. Executor of tbr plaint demanded, to-wlt: For Judg- order of sale Issued out o , the Cir­ Good Snmarltnn H o p lta l 925 00; COUNTY COURT: Clinton Hurd 84 50: Mabel J Selover (4.50; Rot- per »4.50; R. W Pitney »4.50; V. »124.76 A. E Hulegaard »124.7»; laat will and Testament nf men, against the defendant. 8 D. cuit Court of the State o , Oregon, Ber'ba E. Peer»- »25 00 ; 8 W in,rev »100; C. P Barnard »4 30; O E Ilia H Etarr »6.55; Bertha E. Han- K Withrow »4 50; C. F M Ruder W W Edmlston »124 76; R W Pot­ for Lane County. Oregon. June lllram F White, Dereased McGuire and W illi. C McGuire In 37th, 1932. pursuant to a decree en­ »25 00; Lane Co Charter A R. C Crowe »11.35; Mrs Martha Pla,he Bon »* 55; Zuda Midglev Balch »4.50; Harold Edwards »4.50; H. J. ter $109 76; Ethel Scott »89 7«: A E Wheeler, Attorney «?92«4: Mr« Zolma Gloom »8.00: »4 00; Pacific Tel ft Telg Co. |M-55; May B. Cherry »6.55; Cleo Ehrman »4.50; Mamie Knox Beld­ W iitha Trafxer $95.76; J. E. Car ,he «uni of Four Hundred ,9400 00, tered by said Court on June 21. (J 2 9 1 6 2 3 3 0 ) Dollar«. together with Interest 1932. In a suit pending wherein J. Mr. I well. Bristow »15 00; J R »15 00; J N. Chapman »4.00; Ped­ E. Lamb $6 66; Agnes M McLean ler »6.00; Thurman E. Dear »6.00; Hie »14969; George Canadav H endrick. 98 00 Mrs John Nokea i thereon at the rale of six (6%) per A Henderson und Jane Henderson erson ft Brown »1.50; George A. »4 50; Geo. W. Kinsey »4.50; Mrs. Mary C. Snauer »6.00; Dorothy C. fl24.C9; Wm Klnslnger »99.69: Pa­ 88.00 John M Durham W O O D BIOS 96 00; E. Terpenlng »4.50; Mrs. Pearl Arnest »6.00; Mary C. Arne »6.00; cific Tel ft Telg Co. »52.7«; J. S , rent per annum from and «Ince were plaintiff, and George H. Ba- Hal,on »4 00; Equipment »14.85. (-'rank Demlr-g »3.00; Dorothea W. February flrat, 1932, and for the COUNTY FAIR: County Treas­ Faust »4.50; Mrs. Pearl Walker Clyde Wright »6 00; Marion Leban Woodard (10.90; Carl J. Johnson Notice la hereby given thal costa nnd disbursem ent. of thi« gate and Lenoru L. E .gate were de­ Ford 910 00: F'nnerv’s Drug 8tore »4 50; O. A. Faust »7 50; Lida Me »6.00; Lester G. Porter »6.00; *1.30; John Quiner »3.00; The Bar- fendants. .aid execution and order 9210; W O Clouse »400: Mlkj urer »500.00. School District 1». uf Springfield. I action Gowan »7.50; Bertha B. Splcet Emma Jones »6.00; A. B Walford Ion Pen Co. (2.00; H. L. Bown of ale being to me directed and COURT HOUSE: W. A, Jellum »750; Henry F Beistel »7.50; F. »6 00; D. C. Howard »4.50: Donald *14 31; Stevens Typewriter Service Oregon, will receive nt the office Smith ,15.00* Ketrl’s Drug Store Thia Summons Is publlahed by of the Dlatrlct Clerk, or through virtue of an order of the Honorable commanded me to sell the herein­ •X55 Dravdon Louis 94 00; Steven »36 00; Clarke Electric Co. »2 20; Dean Beistel »7.50; Geo. W. Norrl- W. Shaffner »4.50; John L. Paden »9 50; G. B. Pitcher »7.70; Crea- after described real property to llte mall, aealed bid. for 200 card, Co , r, 20. , , G Union »5.04; Modern Engraving Minnie M Hall $4 68; Martha E. Mahan »6.37; Hazel M. Russell H Hartman »156.00; J. E. Stout Italley waa defendant. said execu­ *6 37; C. H Taylor $6.37; Ray C. Springfield, Oregon corded In Rook 4. page 79. Lane tion and order of sale being to me esbv *4.13: Irish Ca-h Store Co. »6 86; Geo. T Hall »2 20; The Gulley »4.68; T. E. Stebno »7.50: Bauzh $6.37; William Maddaugh $15.00: J- A. Bertelsen »7.50: H. L. County record, o , Plat,. 5.41 cha. W directed and commanding me to sell •262 76: Dr W. B Lee »3 00 Plon- Brund Saw Shop »2.00: 8. J. Oodard Helen Kerr Maxhan, »7.50; Mary »6 75: Portia G ate, »6 75; Prank W. McFadden »22.50; L. G. Helterlln« 8. 0 deg. 22 Min. W. from the oer Grocery Co. »38.19: Ml State, »125; T N Plank »2500; Ralph Hilburn Jackson »7.50; the hereinafter described real pro­ *20.40 Myrtle Northwpst corner of nald lot No. ” ower Co. 914 59; A. H. Johnson King »9 98; H. O. Warren »24.00; Hack »7.50; Carrie A. Dav »5.05; Marshik »6 76; Wayne E. Elliott erly to aatlafv the «uni of »1750.00 Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN p with 15. and running thence along the «3.50: Allen Tvler «5 00 WIlB-m « B M athew, »10.00; C. A. Horton Byron B Ellis »5.05; Etta C. Hol­ »6.75; Ira M Ward »6.75; Warren SURVEYOR: Helen F. Burton Intere.t thereor, at 7% per an­ Naturopathic Phyalalan West line nt Lot No. 15. 8 O deg. B u rk e »10 00: Jack Rich »3 89 «21 00; Eugene Sand ft Gravel Co. brook $5.05; Ruth Gierhar, »5.05; Surcamp »6.00; Warren Boring <90 00: R. Chamberlain num from the 6th day of April, Olive *6.00; Florence Dunbar »6.00; 22 min. W. 9 91 chains, thence M-deley Planing Mill Co »1 40- «6000: The Siuslaw Oar »13.00; ) Lucy R Jones $6.05; Fern M 1931, until paid and rea.onahle at­ Phone 91-J »126.00; O. E Rose »10.50; L. Henry Carllle »6.00; Ada Hurlbut, 8. 89 deg 39 min E. parallel lo ! '‘urban Drug Co. 99 79: Elvin J D Clark »43 52: Chas Mallette I Thompson »7.68; Elizabeth McFad- torney. fe e . In the sum of 920000 Kamcschroeder $6 90; Pacific Tel Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. utiil for caata and dphuraetnenta of the south line of said lad No 15 ’ ew ls »3 50- Mrs L. E. Roger, »1.360; Henry E Rus, »74 26; gen »7 68: Almeda M Miller »7.68; $6.00; Diana Abrams »8.25; Eliza­ ft Telz Co. »10.35; Keuffel ft Esser beth A. Summers »8.25: Mary A. suit taxes at »22.00, I will on Friday 9 10 cha.. thence N. 0 deg 22 min ♦9 00 406 Fourth Street C. Morgan »4 00; H D George Jones »6 46; Henry Larson Edith Baker »7.68; D. C. Henry Chandler $8.25; Hilda J Savlee Co. »2.30; The A. Lletx Co. »20.22; E parallel to the W es, ltne of the 29th day of July. 1932. a, the f’herrv 810 00: Natron Printing Co. «11 36; P. E. Schrelder »30.24; F »7 68; Jessie L. Adams »4.60; Clara $g 25; Lulu W icks »8.25; A. E. Gerl- R A. Babb Hdwe. Co. »1.89; Cres­ said Lo, No. 16. 10 85 chs. to the hour of ten o’clock A. M at the 25: Kems «8 00- Croner'. Drue D. Petxold »2 80; J. Z. Evans Coleman »4.50; Alice F. George mon,e »7.21; Louise Marie Elder seys »16.65: J C. Ponsler Motor front door of the County Court North line o , said I*o, No. 16; «23 store 83 75 Milton V ’ Walker 830.56 ,»4.50; LeFay D. Packard »4.50; »7.21; Lucy A. Howard $7.21; Ber- Co. »1.60: Ford Nelson Mill Co. Universal M ortgage Corp. House In Eugene. Lane County, Ore thence along the North line of ♦SO 00 Mrs Dora Hubbard 84.00 »8.12: The Frederick Poat Co. »9.59; E P Saunders i Nora G Shinn »4.50; Rose B. S h el-! tha D Rehwal, »7.21; Elizabeth L. gun, offer for sale nnd sell a, public said lx), N. 55 deg 17 min. W Mrs LIH, tions 7. 8. 17 nnd 18. Township 16. C. Csswelt »1.80; J C. Pennev Co I »6.75; C. W Shumaker »6 75; Mav M Svarverud »4.87; D. B. Payne Mogensen »7.87; I. M. PETERSON Archie Jeans *17.70 section lf> Twp. 16 8. of H 5 West South Range 4 W es,. W illamette •1 4 9 - McMorran ft Washhurne I Andrews $6 75; Attorney-at-Law Lizzie Barrell »4.87; Anna Carlson »4 87; Blanche «2.50; 1. O Storey »1.00; O. B. TAX REBATE: J. Ben Hall of the W. M . Lane County, Ore­ Meridian. Oregon, and running «"an Newman's Fish Marke­ $6.76; Josephine Hendrickson »6.76: McCullv $4.87: Mabel Rowling Pitcher »8 00: W. E. Lebow »3.00; C ity H a ll Building gon, also In, 5 of Sec 22: twp. thence W es, 5 00 chs. thence t s 93: Williams Self-Servin- Stor-- Jessie Tavlor »6 75; Robert Slavter $4.87; Dora H am ble»8.62: Van Svar J. H Devor »100; L. L. Leavitt $100.14: Nora E. Wallace »2.03: and range above mentioned; Also North 6.60 chs to the Northwest «1.43- Elliot, Implement ft Seed *7 50; Ro«s Mvers »7.50; C. G. Ab- [ verud »9.32; C. E. Oordineer »8 62; «2.50; Eleanor Hicks »4.50; W E C arre Mav Burden »4.43; Cora E. Springfield. Oregon Fletcher $6.80. beginning at the 8 E. corner of corner of lad 12 o , the Pla, of Store 8135.10; W alters-Bushonc; hey »7 50; ft. J. Norton »7.50; Ar­ Velma M. Openshaw »8.62; Malena Knott »9.00; Chestnut Transfer Co. Section 1« Twp 16 S It 5 W of Noraton ns platted and recorded t hr. Co. 81.00; Erie Merrell »2 60: thur L. Taylor »7.50; G. E. Swag- M. Holm »8 62; W. T. Hibbard $2 00; R E Slavter $6.40; L. L. TRAFFIC PATROL: M. J. the W. M run thence N, on the E In Book 4. page 79 Lane County Jim the Shoe Doctor 83.80; Korr | »art $6.37: Anna B. Orswell $6.37; $4.87; Thomas J Callaway »4.87; I.eavltt $2.20; T. G. Short »100; Thompson $159.75. Sec. line of Said section ten a Records of Plats, thence North hakln-* Co 817 92- D F. Nebergall j B. W. Perrv $6.37: Irene M. Albro Pristine M. Turnbull »4.87; Sadie L. School Dlst. No. 133 »5.00; School FRANK A. DE PUE distance of 98ty rods more or less »long the West boundary of lad «1.58 N. Scot, Jewett »1.85 J W , *6 37: G L Carv »6.37; Chas. Had- Tripp »4.87; N ellie Richmond »4 87; DIsL No. 150 $3.00; School Diet. TREASURER: Thelma Blair A T TO R N E Y A T LAW to a point which Is distant 61ty Mg 14 of said pla, 17.00 chs. Otaekenhush ft Sen »14.25- Eu-j lev »5.62: 9 R. Scot, $5.62; Dexter R. C. Brewer »6.00; Maud H. Grimes No. 12 »5.00: Wlllakenxle Grange »9 60; Grace Schlska »10 00; Guard N O T A R Y P U B h IC rods S of the N. E. corner of the more or less to a point 6 19 chs. gen- Fruit Orowers Assn 81 00 ' Sparks »5.62; Ida M Clapper »5.62; $6.00; Ada K. Palmer »6.00; Belle »5.00: Mrs. Maude Fowler »5.00; Publishing Co. »2.80; Mabel Palmer 54. E. quarter of said section 10, south of the northwest corner Shell Dll Co. «23 00 John Hubbard) Bar, M. Tate »5.62: Albert S Lan Calllson »6.00; Georgia Shultz School Dlst. No 56 »5.00; Goshen »80.00; Pacific Tel ft T elg Co »6.26: Sutton Springfield ,lienee W. parallel with the sec. of said lot 14. thence East 7 86 «4.96; Flanerv's Drug Store 84 45: caster »6.75; Jas. Lebow »6.75; Iris »6.00; Elsworth Prlndel »5.62; Har- Grange No. 561 »5.00; R. C. Brewer D McPherson »2.00; Karl Klaus Co. Oregon Building line running E * W through the chs. to the middle o , the County Chnse Gardens 50c; Eugene Hospl Frazee »6.75- Florence A. Whipple rlette S. Prlndel $5.62; Grace Huff­ »S.OO.Wn, Maddaugh $3.00; Cedar 75c. renter of See, ten. a distance of Road on the Northern bouhdarv tal 8112 80; W aller ft Chapman *6.75; Harrv Castle »6 75; Lawr­ man »5.62; C. S. McIntire »5.62; School D is, No 34 »6 00; Ernest U. S. LABOR: F. L. Armltage 78 rods and 13 feet; thenee N. o , Lo, No. 14 of said Pin, of •12 00: Union Oil Co 84 73; L. Toll | ence Millican »3.37; J. W Fountain I.afe Prlndel »6.62; C. C Behnke Schrenk Clk »5.00; Clayton Barber narallel with the E lino of said Noraton. thence along the n,ld •9 00- Mr- Sweet »5 00; Equipment W hite »3.37; Minnie »4 50; Overton Dowell »4.60; Erma Clk. »5.00; School Dlst. No. 160 »60 00. »3.37; W. R. POOLE - GRAY See. ten, 61 ty rods to the center die of the County Road S. 44 deg «13.73; E. G Odem »50 00: Metro-! Marx »3 37 - Virgie E. Reynolds I Bassford »4.60: Lillian Kyle »4.50; »3.00; School Dlst. No. 91 »2 50; WIDOW PENSION: Grace L. line running through said Sec. 10, 20 min. E. 4.01 chs. thence N. 89 nolPan Chain Stores »12.68: The $3.37; M. J. Wearln $4.50; Mathias G. T. Dudlev »4.50; Marion Morris C. A. Stephens Trustee »5.00; Lo­ BARTHOLOMEW , lienee W. 20 feet, more or less deg. 35 ntln. W. 6.56 chs. to the Men’s Store 85.07: Amos Yoder | Emerlch $4.50; O. L. Stacy »4.50; $8.87; Ono 9 Phelps »4.87: Isa­ rane Grange »5.00; 4-L Hall »3.00; Huffman »10.00; Mrs. E L. Zelwlck Io the East line of I ait 4 and said line between Section 7 and 8 of «2 48: State Ind. Accident Com [ E R. Schwerlng »4.50: H. A. Mor­ belle S. Meyers »4.87; Muriel O. Arthur W Frazee »2.50; Mrs. Min­ »10.00; Lizzie Adney »10.00; Clara »1000; Lillie Owen See. 10, Ihenee south along the E. said Township thence 8. 0 deg 811.18; Harrv M. Stewart Fuel Co. ris *4.50- J. H. Mathews »6.37: Sal- Ponsler »4.87; Berdeen Phoenix nie Plank »3 00 , Geo. L. Mast »5.00; W ahlfeld, »10 00; Margie Bates »10.00; Golda line of anld Lot 4 and 6 of said 26 min. W. along the Section line Formerly Walker-Poole 820.76; M A PolU »1 00; Mrs John lie M Cavlor »6.37: Elsie M Scott »4.87; G W. Millican »5.26; Jas. A. W. C. Hall »2.00; School Dlst No. 15 Viola Reed »10.00; Ida Katherine See. 10 to where anld line Inter 19.42 chs. more or less to the • dalr »3.10: Eugene Farmers «6.37: Ada Buss »6.37; W. L. Baker Resides »5.25; John F. Mlnney «6.00; Horton Lbr. ft Timber Co. sects the renter of the Long Tom place o , beginning, containing Creamery 847.91; Booth-Kelly Lum »6 37: L. E Parks »6 00: J M Lo­ »5.25; Carl J. Swanson »5.26; Day »5 00; Emma A. Horton »5.00; Bartholomew »10.00; Clara Edith Mollie Oordineer River, thence following the center 12 72 ncres of land all In Plat of her Co. 862.12: Smith ft Short wer $6 00: Riley Petty »6 00: E. F ton C. Thomas »5.26; Chester F. Bethel School »1.00; City of Junc­ Vog, »10.00; EUGENE— 11th SPRINGFIELD »10.00; Nora Moran »10.00; Fannie of Long Tom River In a southerly Noraton, latne County. Oregon Flint »5.80; Geo H. Colter »5.80; 228 M ain and Chnrnelton, «47.72: H. S. Mendenhall 84.96: Roberts »6.00; Maggie FDhwood tion City »6.00; Town of Springfield direction ,o the south line of Sec. Beginning nt a point In the Peterson's Grocery 814.92; R II «6.00; Homer O. Payne »4.60; L. F. Elizabeth Ward »5.80; Minnie A *5.00: School D l.t No. 19 »5.00; Slonehocker »10.00; Viva Miller Phone 62-J Telephone 722 10. nnd thence east to place of middle o , the County Road a, the Bavne 81.50; Isaiah Slavter ft Sons Lovelace (4.60: Etta ("handle, Flint »6.80; Ed Jones »5.80; L. Bor­ Elizabeth Fahrenwald »2.50: H. G. »10 00; Lillie Tate »10.00; Jessie beginning containing 194 acre«, Northpa.t corner of Lot No. 16 of «6.54; George Shrull »3.73: E. C. »4.50 Fred T Mendenhall »4 60; ing »5.25; Dena Richardson »5.25; Suttle $2.00, C. C. Beck »5 00; Mrs. W ell, Nesbitt »1000; F lossie Sim­ more or leas, In the county of the Pla, of Noraton as platted Hnr, Dairy 98.37; N. W. Cities Gas Martha Payne »4.50; Ia»ron F Coambs Bolden »5.26; Ethel Sutton Norman Morris »4.00; J. H. Devor mons »10.00; Barbara Stoddard Lane. Ore. except from the above and recorded In Book 4. page 79 Co. »4 93; Cottage Grove Pharmacy Ixmgcov $6.00; R. L. Stoneberg $5 25; Lyda Thomas »5.26; R. B. $5.00: A. R. Christensen $5.00; H. »10 00; Doris Ruth Green »10 00; described premises a right of way Lane County Records of Plats 96c; Ideal Grocery 987.90; Model »6.00; Lillian Jarnagln »6.00: Daisy Oldham »6.00; R. C. Palmer »6.00; J Ehrman $2.50; School Dlst Na. Nora Henderson »16.00: Cora B elk hereto,ere deeded to the Portland, and running thence South along Grocery 93.30; Shields Grocery Pirtle »6.00; Sylvia Deffenbachet Helen Phillips »6.00; Samuel E. 17 $1.00; Clara Coleman »7.50; Orove »15.00; Mary Hay »15.00; Eugene and Eastern Rnllway the East linn of said Lot No. 15. «3.55; Pederson’s Grocery 920.16; $6.00; R. L. Stoneberg. Sch Clk Bettis »6.00; Gertrude E. Palmer Korn Baking Co. »10.00; Cloverdale Erma G. Fuller »15.00; Daisy Llew­ Company. Also exrep,Ing there­ 7.02 chs. thence N. 89 deg. 39 min. F M Cashman Realty Co. 910.00; »5.00; E. R. Spencer »4.90; J. J. »6 00; Geo. Warner $6.18; M. W. Community Club »2.00; Hattie B ellyn »15.00; Mary Papple »16.00; from the following described pre­ W. parallel ,o the South line nf Clarence Alford »5.20; Jeffrv's Baker $4.60: Musette Turner »4.50; Edmunson »6.18; Carl R. Lowry Drurv »5.00; Four Oaks Grange Iowa I-aura Cramp »15.00: Mary Ethel Amanda mises; Lot 15. 6.64 chs. thence N. 0 deg Dairy 92.00: Frank Deming 93.00; Martha L. Fisk »4 60: Luclle Moot »6.18; David J. Calvert »8.18; Oren $5.00; L. H Dery »5.00; M S. Dur­ Phillips (15.00; Thurman »18.00; Metta Barrowcllff Beginning a, the northeast cor­ 22 min E. 10.85 chs to the mid­ I'erllch'-. Market 93.09; James J. Carmony »6.18; J. S. Mechem bin »3.00- C. E Cutler »5.00; Ira «4.60; O. W. Robbins »4 68: 9 N. D o n ’t read w ith the light .bluing ner of the William Wilson Dona dle of the County Rond, thence S. Christensen »9.63; The Groceteria Farwell »4.68; Stena J. Edblom »6.00; Rufus C. Stonefleld »6.00; Orav »5 00; Olenada Grange »4.00; »15.00; Ida Grant »15.00; Alice ft. Inlo your eye.. Hon Land Claim No. 61 In Town­ 56 deg. 17 min. B. 6.57 chs. to the 84.99; Anderson Motors Co. >4.48:- *4 68: Marv J Lord $4.68; Grace Geo. P. Stonefleld »6.00; Viola B W estfir Community Club »5.00; H. Kau »16.00; Faye Elliott »15 09; ship (16, south o , range five (S> place of beginning Containing W alter Price Inc. »11.97; Cushman M Tuttle »4.68; Frances L. Nlch Larsen »6.00: John L. Baker »6.00; H. Ritter »200; J. Ben Hall »7.00: Bertha Benson »17 50; Margaret Don’t rend when recovering front west of thp W illamette Meridian, 5.00 acres of land In the Pla, of ft Hill »18 00 Cottage Gr Water ols »7.50; Susie Garoutte »7.50: W. L. Mead $6.62; Archie Jeans I Slayter ft Sons »6.00; J. S. Hills Safley »20.00; Cora E. Miller »20.00; aerlouH tllneaa — without your Lena Cooley »20.00; Laura Cas­ In Lane County, Oregon. Thence Noraton, Lane County, Oregon. Doctor’a consent. System »3 00; L. D Huff »4 96; 01- Grace Brund »7.50; Anna Swanson »5.62; Ermlld Agee »7.62; John Tay »6.00; E. T. Templeman »3.00; C. A. Beginning at a point on the son's Grocery 944.97; Slim's Eats »7.50; Marguerite Lebow »7.50; lor »6 62; O. H. Hawley »6.62; S. Peterson »5.00; Harry W Kirk 75c; well »20.00; Bertha Locket, »20.00; West 4.00 chains to the southwest corner of Lot No, 4 In See. fifteen West line of lad No. 15 of the *2.60; Johnson's Grocery »12.66: A W. H. Ostrander »4.60; Pearl A. I. . Bond »6.37; W. L. Zumwalt A. J. Acheson »5.00; London Merc Dora Alice Boggs »20 00; Jes­ Don’t iihi * public tow el, and be care­ of said township and range; Pin, of Noraton 21.66 chs. N. 0 R. Sneed »27.35; E. W Scott's Gro­ Nelson »4.60; Mabel Smith »4.60; $6.37; I*. C. Ross »6.37; J. W. Max Co. »3.00: High School Dlst. No. sie M. Palmer »20.00; Bertha E. ful about rubbing eyea with fin­ thence North 3.83 chains; thence gers. Dangerous Infection may deg. 22 min. E and 19.88 chs. S. cery »15.34: Johnson ft Noffsluger Minnie I, W illits »4 60; Cora E well $6.37; J. E. Coldren $6.37; 6 »6 00: W. A. Cruxan »6.00; Marie Peery »20.00; Karen Marie Hosford North 69 deg. 30 min. East 2.00 follow. 89 deg. 39 min. E. from the quar­ «5.85; Elliott Merc. Co. »16.76; Comp,on »4.50; O. O. Veatch »4.87; Mrs. Mary H ills »6.00; Grace A. Dwver. Clk »5 00; L. C. Akerley »20.00; Cora Lola Mattison »20.00; chains: thence south 65 deg. east ter section corner between sec­ Ralnrock Service Station »6.60; Or R E Walker »4 87; Sylvia Orlggs Jones »6.00; Arlo Jones »6.00; Amy »1 00; Mohawk Lodge No. 200 I. O. Ofa Sanders »20.00; Lulu May Berg­ Don’t fall to vlalt un eye.lgh l spe­ 2.50 chains; Ihenee south 35 deg. tion 17 and 18. Town-hip 16. rtinipaugh Bros. 97.40; William »4.87; Elizabeth H. Mills »4.87; Love »6.00; Neva G. Hills »6.00; O. F. $10.00; J. F Mlnney »4 00; man »20.00; Flossie Christiansen cialist at the slightest sign of ,0 min. east 4.00; chains; thence South Range 4 West. W illam ette Mnddaugh »11.06; Cash ft Carry Nellie E. Pitcher »4.87; Olive L. Jens C. Larson »4.60; Mrs. Lilly M. Mamie Knox Beldler »6.00; Elvy »20.00: Bertha V. Meyer »20 00; eye trouble. south 16 deg. .30 min. east 6.30 Meridian, Oregon, end running »70 98; Acheson ft Sons »5 50; Mer­ Retie »7.60; Grayce S. Cruson Young »4.60; Mrs. Anna Lee »4 50; Prlndel »3.00; Elsworth Prlndel Alma Lucille Bussear »25 00; Lottie Bertha Walker chains; thence south 46 deg 40 thence along the W es, boundary win's General Store »8 72; Broad­ *7.50; Ruhv C. Wynne »7.50; Ethel Mrs. May Gardner »4.50; Mrs. Anna »1 00; Mrs F A. Titus. Treasurer Moore »25 00; Don’t use oye-waabos, oliitmenta, »25 00; Kathryn C. Nolan »26.09; min. 6.00 chain«; thenee south 9 of said Lo, No. 15. N. 0 deg 22 way Market »168.99; Irish Cash M. Mackin »7.50- Jessie Mathews II. Harp »4.60; J. W. Davidson $5 00; Frank ft. Blair »6 00; Roy V. salves or other remedies unless (leg. west 5 60 rhalns; thenee min. E. 13.53 rhalns. tlipnce W- s, Store »113.40; Irish-Murphy Co. »7.50; Louise E. Cone »7.30; Hestei »3.00; Emma A. Horton »3.00; Lena Foster »4.40; W. ft. Slayter »6.90; Ethel Margaret Doran »25.00; Jen­ advised by an eyesight specialist. south 38 deg west 7.11 rha.us 7.39 chains, thence S. 0 deg. 22 1216 98; Pay'n Taklt »161.87; Safe­ L. Reed »7.30; Nevn P. Harvey Fries »3.00; V. L. Spurgeon »3 00; Evelyn Van Nurden »13.75; Mary nie Morgan »25.00; Lucy C. Robbins »26.00; Mary A. Hithbs »25.00; thence North 36 deg. west 4.90 ntln. W. 13.65 chains, thence East way Store No. 547 »106:23; Mrs. »7.80; Mabel E. Chambers »7.30; Goldie O. Orlvey »3.00; Goy W. Mil­ Orlener »17.50; Don’t wear glasses not proscribed Patty Sylvers chains; thence north 17.73 chains, 7.39 chains to the place of begin­ L. L. Epperson »5.00; Halls Motor Jean E. Long »7.30; John Beak ler »4.50; Marie R. Williams »4.60; »100.00; Zellerbach Paper Co. »1.87; Hazel Margaret Allen »26.00; Mel- by an eyesight special,st. via V. Thomason »26.00; Minnie to ti,» place of beginning contain­ ning. containing 10 acres of land Store »75.40; Irish Cash Store »6.00; Llva Miller »6 00; Vern D Abbie Uttlnger »4.60; Bertha Nel­ Valiev Printing Co. »177.50; Claud Wheeler »26.00; Are E. Franklin ing 12.06 acres. In Lane Countv, Oregon. DR. ELLA MEADE »62.61; Farmer's Union Store Gillen water »6.00; Orace B. Sedg­ son »4 50; Carolina E. Swank »4.60; Romaine »28.00; Anna Huherd »26.00; Mabel Gott »30 00: Klnsny Dale,I June 30. 19.72. Dated June 30th, 1932. »17 92- W A. Taylor »73.31; V. E. wick »6.00; Faina Smith »6.00; I. O. C. B. Washhurne »2.62; Oleta Ray »64.00; 8helton-Turnbull-Fuller Co. Lou Burch »36.00; R. K . Optometrist H. L. «OWN. Sheriff. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. Orousbeek »15.79; C. B. Swarta Storey »4.60- Fred Smlgley »4.60; $2.62; C. F. Phillips »2.(2; Kathryn »17.76- C. B. Washhurne »8.50; D. »36.00 Hazel Hay nee 916.00; 41 Wes, 8th Eugtna (J. 30 Ju 7 14 21-28) (J. SO Ju 7-14-21-38) »1.89; Creswell Cash A Corry 3. V. Flack $4J9; O. V. U tos 9*.M; ft. Hlcka 9S.U; Aone Path ft. Y o ro . P. M. $M-M; Margara« nle Mangan IM iM Business Directory Edw. G. Privat BONDS Funeral Directors Guard Your Eyes! Lane County Court