The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 30, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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    T im USDA Y. .IRNE 30 1032
PubllHhed Ever)' Thursday at
Springfield. I-ane County, Oregon, by
H. E. MAXEY. Editor
Entered aa second clam matter, February 24. 1903. at the postofftce,
Springfield. Oregon
One Year In Advance ___ 11.76
Three .Months
8lz Months ............. ............. >10«
Single Copy
.............. -
Count) Official Newspaper
T he governm ent does not owe every m an a living but it
does owe him an opportunity to m ake a living. T he govern­
m ent is you and 1 and the o th e r fellow. If you and 1 play
th e gam e so as th e o th er fellow is ruled ou t w hen he is will­
ing th en we are not alto g eth er fair with him.
This is th e problem th at governm ent and capitalism
m ust face or else w hen the o th er fellow is continually ruled
out he will tu rn to socialism in o rd e r to ch an g e the rules so
he m ay also tak e part in the gam e. G overnm ent is com plex
because we m ake it so and th e federal loans th a t have been
placed so far to help unem ploym ent have m ore th a n half
ru n into blind alleys of horders.
Money is loaned to the railroad o r o th e r large indus­
tries on th e th eory operations will be increased and m ore
will be paid to labor. T he industries pay past bills with the
federal money to cred ito rs who do not need th e m oney and
are afraid to invest it hence it is horded. In effect the
governm ent has done nothing for unem ploym ent but has
m erely secured the claim s of th e creditors. T he law is only
half right. When the governm ent loans m oney to an in d u s­
try to insure o peration and em ploym ent it should say to the
creditors you m ust agri** to w ait fo r your m oney until 'h e
industry ea rn s it out of fu tu re operations. T h e governm ent
is under no obligations to m ake creditors bills good but it is
under obligation to keep th e w heels of industry m oving th a t
all m ay have em ploym ent.
■ --
... ..... —
S cores of paid initiative petition circ u lato rs are sc o u r­
ing th e state, under the direction of a high salaried prom o­
ter, securing sig n atu res to th e so-called higher education
consolidation bill. O ther prom oters and circ u lato rs who
have worked w ith the school consolidators on o th e r political
ra ck ets apply for jobs, as high pow ered pro p ag an d ists
ag ain st the school bill, to the com m ittee defending th e in­
stitu tio n s of h ig her learning. It is like s ta rtin g a forest fire
so a s to get a governm ent job fighting the blaze.
This practice is not only tru e of the school bill but also
of th e bus and tru ck bill and o th er initiative m easu res being
proposed. The whole th in g is dem ocracy gone wild with
chislers on every side try in g to s ta rt a racket.
Paid circu lators of petitions should be prohibited by law
and the initiative resorted to only in m easu res w here volun­
te e r sig n atu res can be gotten. No g reat harm could com e
from such a law', because a fte r all it m ust be rem em bered
we have a legislature elected by the people and paid to m ake
the law s th e m ajority of people w ant. L et's give them
so m ething to do.
T he federal tax on checks, to o u r m ind, will do m ore
h arm th an good tow ard balancing th e national budget. In
th e first place it will m ean a decrease in th e num ber of
checks w ritten. Already som e large banking houses a re
reporting th at they are cashing from o n e-fo u rth to one-
third less checks. T his m eans th a t tra n sa c tio n s are being
carried on with m oney w ith th e re su lta n t sh o rten in g of
credit. C ongress has been ap p ropriating m illions of dollars
for loans to broaden credit yet it p asses a law th a t sh o rten s
the service of a dollar m aterially. It is evident th a t w hen
business firm s deposit a g reat m any checks daily and then
draw s on them perhaps before the day is out th a t a hundred
dollars will do several hundred dollars business. W hen
th e m oney is passed a dollar does a dollars business and it
circulates very slowly, with th e re su lta n t cu rta ilm en t of
trade. We all know th a t from p ractical experience, yet
congress seem s not to have found it out.
MAM M D E E s T O W S S a
Amount ef Bulterfet U*«d Cloiely
Linked With Cases of
Certain Diseases
Thai the amount uf hitllorfat eat
en I» directly related Io the occur­
vi ■ See America
rence of respiratory dlseaaea. »uch
New Yorker» are Ri-nerally eon
ms colti». WH» found In reseurche»
downed (or »tleking to the seaboard
coliducled hv Dr. Amv Daniela of
and never going »<-»! A young wo
the Hlate Clllver» ty of Iowa
man who ha» t.aveled all over Eu­
J away aia) ka«e me 1 « lip p e « il will I try It wuulil L
Dunlela atuilled III« eat Ing habit»
’ hr the « ito all my lilt. 1 wag a fuel tu j rim ing frock once in rr .uni dan«« at rope and er«>»»«‘d the ocean many
Eighth Instalment
of children »ufferlng from reaplrn-
think you wert any different from Ikt 1 the S a v i , r i ir. ’» ; tun to drive times, recently remarked that ha
Diana, in Jove with a martied man, Dennis
tuyy Infection» and dl»coverml that
rest. When you went to Pans you - Ixune in ti e early Iv itr» of (lie m o r n in "H
g i
V aterman has a n rivou» c o tla iw aa a rewah
promised to «ome and see me directly ilu.nigh ! illianlly lit and aim >sl le- hud never passed a night In u Cull
their diet» were low In yltamln A.
1 the
life ot I., ttdon »octet) H e r aunt.
| r * i»U«Jwjrn, take» het •»' a doctor. who y«u got tack.
You never eame I sorted »»ret 1 .union «as .« «under!' man ear.
Butler I» the Helmet fluid (a l « o l i n e
<u »«•» het to the tv tn H n for a reat l>»
Rathhocr has a country hem* nearh* Dennta
Under questioning, she admitted
liti» vitamin.
mall» at the cotaa<e. th«n gtw» » » * ) t*»i a
Hlmllnr Inveallgatlnn* In Den­
t n , H e w rite * from A m erica that hr 1» th«i<
I don't know »hv you’ve come no». 1 S inell'ini: . i tier to I uiidou O r »he had never been more than a
> t t h lan d «. his w ife. Diana htwi* her*e<i hr
slaved out purposely« I thought »as it his idea of happiness al» ivs to J couple of hundrnd miles u »ay from
mark by lllegvud »how thast the eye
ting m oie ami more interested tn D
v u sh uldn't have to see me against keep her down in the « mntry and « allc I 1 ho city. In thl» country; hud nevet
gme. and Queatfame hr» nnree M i*» Slat tn<
tufectltm. xerophathslmla. I» Inver
ut him She atoo question» Jcn M . a farm
' >ur will You don't think I »ant to hand in *-.11:11 with her through tinea
hocu to California or even to ('III
sely proiHirllotiul 1« the con uiup
ov at the? neijititwrlK'mi. about i
»h- |
v<1„ j( vou don't »ant to see me, and woods?
»»» n I ' r R slhtx.n»» hou»« H e r Kara» is i . ,
lion of biitterfut During the World
Diana had tu t seen either of tlicnw «ago. and know next to nothing
IcMwlir The« Diana me.«, Rosalie 1« the "
Neither of them »as a»are that the for mo, e than a week, and she sus­ | about her own country.
W,. sl-e acts straaeety and> Diana
Wur. the Nordic races exported
moment was not without its humorous pected that they »ere deliberately kcep-
large nmounlH of liullerfut. llielr
Soon a lte r the meeting in the woods with
There are millions of New York
e. D t Rathbone calls again at [liana's
chief source of vitamin A The
era like her. even In these days of
cases of eye Infection Increased A
) fust travel, although the condition
few years In'er when Ihe exporta­
"On the contrary, 1 am quite sure
tion of butter waa forbidden. Ih»
writer lived here for seventeen
that y o u will never forget and that
cases ef eye Infection» completely
jro: » ill often think about it. and
year» before he ever got a hundred
perhaps sometimes when you begin
disappeared In Sweden, where even
miles away from the Atlantic
to feel tired and bored to death with
Ihe poorer fam ilies consume appro­
Ocean, although he had vlalted 1
an eternal round of st -called g a iety
Miss L oci lie lefidamith of Lot
ximately two ounce of bullerfat
nearly all the coaat cities
y o n «ill c. me hack—even if onlv
M 1rs, 16 M l o ld high school giri,
dally, there are ne cases of this
©ut o f curiosity—and spend a couple
. >tli the cup which proves her file
of i l a y s with Miss Starling"
vitamin A tleflrletit-y diseases
Gotham la beyond queatlon the [ wuuirr of (i c ninth uatiooal orator­
She made a little grimace.
"To build a health reserve which
cuates! Iwld in Washing«».
"She might not want me."
greateat city In the world for any
you from illaeaae. eat at
"I am sure she will Mi-s Stal­
man to make a fortune—or to lose
ling has a great affection tor you.
least the "protective" amount of
th ugh vou may not believe it."
butterfut every day." »ay» nutrition
nearing 30, Leopold Zimmerman C. M. T. C. BOYS TO HOLD
“That's a change,” Diana said
aulhorltles of ihe Oregon Dairy
sarcastically, "for seme -ne to have
He went broke when 71 and made
MEMORIAL SERVICES Council 'Vitamin A may In- »toreil
a great affection for me."
another fortune and paid off all hl»
Thet were at the cottage gate
In the body Thl» storage, accord
t amii Kurlburt. Wash . June 3u
no« She led the way into the cot­
Ing to Dr II. (' Sherman, nutrition
Zimmerman's »penally waa buy
authority, acta not only a» a res
lennv met them in the narrow
lug exchange.« on foreign money the clear, sweet »traine of "Tapa" erve hut Im-reaae» the vigor and
ountl over the area, huiidred» of 1
"There’s a telegram for you. miss, " W h e n e v e ry b o d y says th a t I have a w o m an liv in g in m y house— is th at
ability of (he body In resist ilia-
enee between the currende» of the .'“ttfha from Oregon and southwest
on the table in the parlour.
w h a t yo u w a n t to say?"
"Thank you”
great nation» and he u»ed Io buy ’ r" Washington at the O tile n ’»
Diana threw her hat down onto a
ing to the other side of the village. « ln
'» N* * Vurk
M«‘fts.rv Training Camp here will
chair and went into the sitting mem. side. He lo ked so much older than
She sighed and made a little grim-’
^ • “'«"'1«
difference II P»rtlrtpgte Munday morning. July 3. PRISCILLA CLUB HOLDS
The yellow envel'pe lav on the pol­ she, and their relationship had been
aounda »Itnple but It really lake» 11
lmpr««a»lve annual memorial
ished table, and sh e took it up. tearing aim, st t nr >f formality, she a sick ace.
open the flap with nervous fingers." child, not kn ttinc «hat she wanted of
the fine»! kind uf brains, which ex -ts-rvlce» for tilo»» of ihclr number
life—perhaps wanting nothing—and
“Both sailing .4 im'taHM tenth.
Member» of the I’rlarllln club
-.hat plaina why Zimmerman enjoyed who have died during the year
he a world-w eary man tv he had merely be missing her just a little, seci
P i s vis.”
, held their annual piotile at Swlin
she missed him so terrildy
»Ince the last ramp
Rath) one had followed her int the
“Be happy " That ».is tht I: - thing |
Death thl» lim e claimed only one m"r '' P e11*1« l,ar,<
room and saw the cable in her hand her wish yr tlesire.
he had said to her and sine then -he his field.
“Not had nev.s. I hope?“ he asked.
Diana went on. her voice raised a l-:t ! ’ een more miserable than ever
of Ihe film hoys during (he twelve afternoon and concluded their work
Diana laughed s little nnee*»ainly. little :
month. The service will be for for thl« season Their next meeting
in her life '-ef ire.
A certain five Tory building on
"No very good news.“ she said
“W e ll, why don't you go? I don't
The t ii-atu e came out of tl house
() Richardson. 19. son of Mr will be the second Thursday III
"That's splendid."
•v wit you to stay As v u say, you've
"I’ll drive v it to the station Diana I lower Lexington Avenue has the and Mrs. Kila 8. Richardson, of Hepleniher when the group will
Diana folded the messaeg asrvsa lone e - ery thing I can p'-ssihlt wishLa-dqu
It »• uh! he someth c to most curious decorations that exist
meet at the home of Mrs. John
and across keeping it -n 1 er hand To- ycu t- do for me—yoii’v« done
•g to belt- pass the lime. on any building in the world The Eleventh and Alder Mlreuta. Ku
®, rmw was the te- - j . u. a week’s your oh is—more than you are paid to 1
I quickly, then," Mita structure Is built of brownstone gt-i e, Oregon, who wus a »Indent in Parker.
t*—» r>,. „!« „ .11 • home.
do. I suntose.”
Those attending Ihe picnic were
- her. ytulv.
the basic course.
The cablegram slipped from her
He let the childish insult pass, and She sat with one hand tightly In Id- ¡.uti, over each one of Its sixteen
The service», conducted by Major Mr" William Citrtl«. Mrs Riley
fingers to the floor, and Ratlvbone she broke off for an instant, biting ing the door handle during the hort windows, appears a head of one ol J Hurl .Webster, post chaplain, will
Mrs William Rouse,
stooped and recovr-cd it.
her lip hard to hide its trembling, only drive, and Diana was highly amused. the earlier presidents
b e brief hut noteworthy. With the Ml** Maxine Snodgrass. Mrs Nor
“I suppose he is on his way home,” to rush on again: “Why didn't you let
Diana stood on the little country
The neauK stand out from their j,,,,,, ,|raWB up
formation at at
H‘’*r»rd Mr W H. Htearmer.
he said quietly.
me die? I didn't want to get well.
platioini till the train went pui ng
She looked up, a hard light in her I'm no giod to anyone—there’s no llowlv Loud awards, then she turned different niches and are remark tenllon. Ute roster of the camp w ill1 Mr" J M *-“ rson and sons. Mrs
place in the world »here I seem to be dispiritedly away.
ably lifelike. One curious thing 1» e called. When there Is no
...... -,ohn Tomaeth. C C Stuart, ami
| really wanted.”
"Yes, on the .Iquilm u
The evening lay before her, long and
thul the architect, or sculptor, had
Richardson s name 1» read a """• Mr" «‘’ward I’rlttal. Mrs It
“And so it will really be good-bye?"
And then, as if suddenly realixii
hla choice of about twenty (our wrvM| h wllt
lh(. O Dlhhlee. amt Mr» It It ttchaf
The colour rose quickly in her face how far she had lost her self-control
And the thought came to her:
she hid her face in her hands.
and died down again.
“I f Donald were only here.”
presidents when the building wa» mother, and the. assem blage will *•">»•*«
there's nothing
“I don't know
Rathbone walked over to the win-
Funny she should think of Rathbone put up and he »kipped around In
stund silent for one minute an the
settled . .. anyway , I don't see why you dow. standing with his back to her, as by his Christian name she could not
. he said :
should be interested.
remember that she had ever done so eluding Cleveland hut leaving out bugler blows "Taps
“I am interested because I like you
Y ou seem very determined to rake before. Well, he had more than once a lot of other».
Jack Richard on waa a tiephe
Canal Boatmen
well enough to want you to be happy," up all my sins of omission, but don't called tier Diana.
Rathbone answered. "And because y,iu think you are a little to blame too?
"If Donald were here . . .”
Few visitors In New York ever
Fixture» amt equipment of the
lie died early this nprllig
there is such a conviction in my mind If you had had any—any real regard
Why not? . . She felt her pulses
dental office of Dr N W Emery
that you are making a terrible mis-1 for me, would you have gone pry ing jerking with strange excitement. Why flml one of the ntrange»t colonies
here The colony 1» one of i-anal
j into my private life—hoping to dis- not drive over and see him ?
were Improved ami lirtghtenml up
The colour rose again swiftly to the( cover some »retched secret which you
Diana caught up a woollen jersey host« and tbi-lr Inhabitant» It 1» lo- LOCAL PARTY CLIMBS
thl» week with »«tverul eoata of
could triumphantly broadcast among from the coat rack and slipped it over cadet almo»t ut the foot of the la
very roots of her hair.
CASTLE ROCK SUNDAY white enamel The denial ehalr,
"Well, you should know,” she said your friends »hen you got back to her silk frock before she stole softly t„^ . .. . .. » ,
I‘ n<’ an'1 whole
«" <h"
»tatlnnary item» of equipment, and
town? If that is your idea of friend­ out and through the garden.
Mr. und Mr
Clifford M ll»on, the ile k were among recéptenla of
Rathbcne was silent for a moment; ship, it is not mine.”
The big gates oí Rathbone's grounds boat», »ending their children to
then he said in rather an expression­
And thin fir some moments neither were «hut. and she had to stop and get school when they can. and hanging ™ra. Larson Wright, Mr» Walter new coal» of enamel
of them spoke, till at last Rathbone out in order to open one of them.
less voice:
out the family wunhlng on the line» Gossler. Ml « Anuls McOookln. and
"Two blacks do not make a white, turned again.
Diana went up to the big front door.
Spend Sunday on McKensia— M r
“Forgive me for that, Diana. I have It »as o|ien, and bevond she caught an Just like the ordinary dweller doe ' Hfforil Lewis climbed to the (op
o f Castle I t o .k Sunday. The trip and Mrs Harry Whitney ami Mr.
"I know that( but all the same-—it's no earthly right to talk to you like attractive glimpse of a wide hall
and In the backyard
rather—cheap, isn't it?—to preach to this. It's absurd for me to be angry some hits of old furniture and shining
Recently tug boat» have put up
not a difficult one and the wea- unit M r - Wiliam Long «p. ut Hun
me when everyone says that you—that with you—or with anyone. My life is brass.
their charge» »o high that It coats lh,,r
bright and clear affording day on Ihe McK'-utle river above
as I have made i t ; yours » ill be as
So this was «here Rathbone lived.
view from the aummlt. Uhte river.
She stammeied and broke off, and you make i t ; so try and build it out
Diana stepped onto the inside mat
Rathbone took up the words for her. of something solid that will stand (irm­ and knocked with her knuckles on the r “ nnl ’hnn the monev received for
"When everyone says that I have a ly through the bad days as well as the door panel.
freight, so many canal boat» have
woman living in my house—is that good. Good-bye.”
Was everybody dead or asleep?
been tied up for two years at their
what you want to say?"
She felt him come close to her, felt
She knocked again and was con­
She stared at him with eyes that his hand for a moment on her shoulder. scious of a light movement in the pier» here, waiting for lower rate»
Meanwhile the fatnille» feel a»
were pathetic in spite of their aim rt heard him say again, “Good-bye. . . . dimly lit hall.
insolent defiance, but before she could Be happv " And then he was gone.
Somebody at last! She took another though they have become regular
\ lo lo t Rnv and G eneral Ethyl gasoline from o u r
speak he said in a voice of steel :
step forward ready to speak, and at residents
p tlin p B will tak e you to your cainplng upot o r to th e
“It is indeed time you and I said
During the next week quite a lot the same moment Nero, the big Alsa- _
b«-ach fattier and i he.-tpi-r th an any o rdinary gas. T hey
good-bye, Diana.”
tian, came running down the stairs, O n e Big Slash
Everybody knows that price» of
“W h a t do you mean?”
In the first place Diana's car ar­ and then after the barest hesitation,
a re th e scientific fuels for m o to r earn. I«et perform -
“Only that as I have done all I ran rived. and there was the renewed ex­ he moved slowly towards her. walking many thing» have come down hut
an ce prove th e ir w orth. Drive pa«t here before you
do for you—all that I am sure you wish citement of driving it once more; on tiptoe.
the biggest shock we have received
s ta rt on y o u r F o u rth of July Excursion.
me to do for you. there will be no need driving it a! terrific speed with the
Diana spoke his name at once, con­
In month» came the other day when
for me to see you any more."
Creature silent and terrified beside fident that he would recognize h-
She caught her breath. “You mean her
“Nero—good old boy
and lie we noted a truck carrying a big
. . . never?
"You’ll break your neck,” she gasped took another step tow ards him
sign through the Time» Square ills
“Never is a long day. It is quite pos­ ■nee. and Diana laughed recklessly.
She saw him hesitate; saw his trlct saying "Penny-A-Dance."
5th and A Streets
sible that we may run across one
“That would save a lot of trouble," gleaming eves through the dim light,
The movie» have made 11» all ae
another sometimes: the world is net -he said flippantly.
and then suddenly and utterly without
such a big place. Anyway, I wish you
qua I i«t od with Ihe Dime A-Dance
Then a second cable came from warning he sprang.
all the happiness you can wish vour- Dennis Waterman to say that his de­
Like a panther he was upon her, his establishm ents, where one can grab
parture from America Had been un­ solid « e ig h t hearing her to the ground
“But you don't think I deserve it, avoidably postponed for another fort­ before she could cry our or leap aside u more or le-a charming partner
and amble about the room for a few
or that I shall get it?” she burst out night.
passionately. “And you don’t care,
She could feel his hot breath on her minute» hut we are »till curious a»
“Linda, of course,” Diana told her­
either, in spite of what you said when self, but she did not care much; noth­ face, and she put up both arms wildly to how long a cent will entitle one ,
I was ill. You treat me like an ordi­ ing seemed of great moment just then in a C,.I.
vain effort to ’ shield
before MW| , ng a girl
, , around . a dance
„ floor.
in eiu n herself
e r se ii oeiore
nary patient now you think I’m well
Miss Starling was going up to Lon­ she felt the agony of his great teeth
again You promi-ed to teach me to don that evening to a lecture on some­ tearing into her soft flesh.
•’ " worth more than that In »hoe |
skate but you've never said another thing or other. She had told Diana all
For a moment it was just a lurid leather alone.
word about it.”
— --------------------
about it, hut the girl had only listened nightmare of pain and pandemonium:
\ on 1 an 1
lb«1 F o u rth properly w ithout
“Isn’t there someone else better half-heartedlv, wondering why people the savage snarling of the dog, her own
iie cream
We will he prcpuretl to nerve you In any
qualified for that privilege than T am?” -hould trouble to waste a railway fare frantic and unavailing efforts to beat FOREST SERVICE MEN
She ignored him. She went on with a on anything so dull.
am o u n t from a cone to a large packed freezer for your
him off, and his hot heavy body crush­
breathless rush.
picnic or outing.
She had offered to drive the Crea­ ing her down, before her fear and
“You said you were my friend, and ture up to town in the car hut her agony rose above it ail in a wild scream
now you calmly say V, yourself, 'Thank refusal had been quick and decided.
of blind terror, calling frantically on
A in re. wholeHoine hot w eath er food, thul you can
God there’ll be no need for me to see
“No, thank you; besides, I shall have Rathbone’« na«ne: " D o n a l d . . . plete the pending of road and trail
gel m ore »atlnfactinn for your m oney Ilian an y th in g
her again’ . . *Gor d-bye and good rid- ! to come hark hy train
Donald I"
sign» In June, there will be 4.B32
else you buy.
dance ’ that’s what you really mean,
So it meant an evening alone.
additional metal Information and
it’s always what happens to me when
Diana leaned on the gate and de-
direction xlgn» along the trail» It,
I really fike anybody—they always go cided that after all «he hated the
the 22 national fore»!» of Oregon
where It la taken as an accepted »oil we can ralae excellent crops ) »»d Waahlngton.
"Whare the Servlca 1» DUTarant"
despite dry Hummers, but it I» not | These signs are put up for the
farm practice.
to be wondered at that supplement guidance of th<- traveler In these
“The average rainfall for the
Weather Record. Show Growing whole W illamette valley for the Im al irrigation even in the »recalled , mountainous areas. For those who
wet W illamette valley gives such
roa,|K within the national
Season Lacks Rainfall, So
. portant crop growing month» of
profitable returns."
rangers will have put
Irrigation Pays Big
May, June, July and August 1» only
up some 8.700 additional distance
I 4'/4 inches, baaed on record» at Mc-
nnd direction signs to make travel
Many person» are convinced that Mlnnvllle, Portland. Salem. Corval
easier and safer.
the weather In Oregon 1» changing. ' 11» and Eugene,” sayg King.
Take Violet or Ethyl With You
“ A ” Street Service Station
An unpleasant ru m o r began to circu late about a certain
m an.
Such stories are an unsolved m ystery. How do they
s ta rt? W hat is the m agic which spreads them , m agic m ore
deadly th an lightning, fa ste r than radio.
You h ea r a laic in New York: you clim b into an a ir ­
plane and a you climb down in San F rancisco you h ea r a
voice exclaim : "W hat do you know about So and S o ? ”
If the victim is fam ous and of enviable re p u ta tio n , the
broad castin g is tw ice as rapid. In th e in stan ce referred to
thiB was th e case. H ere are th e com m ents of the first th ree
men who h asten to tell me th e story:
N um ber One: “ It just show s that you never can tell.
W ho’d think th at old X would be up to such tric k s ? ”
N um ber Tw o: “ I was terribly shocked. W hat in th e
world could he have been thin k in g a b o u t? ”
Both th ese b ro ad casters, you see, assum ed at once th at
the m an was guilty.
N um ber T hree «poke with honest indignation. " I’ve
known X for years. You c a n ’t m ake me believe th a t he ever
did an y th in g crooked. I don't care w hat the story is. I
sim ply will not believe it.”
T he full facts cam e out a few w eeks later and proved
X an innocent vi tint. But the dam age had been done.
T h ere was a wise p reacher in my boyhood who would
say to th e S unday school: “Never believe w hat you h ear
and only half of w hat you see.”
Much of w h at o u r eyes tell us is untrue, f see th e sun
move every day around the ea rth but, it does not move. I
see th a t my cane, when I th ru s t it into the w ater Is crooked.
But it is not crooked.
Eyes are no torious deceivers. And as for the ears, they
need to be policed every m inute by to leran ce and sym pathy
and com m on sense.
Mr. X, of whom I have spoken, had lived an up rig h t life
for forty years. Surely, this should have counted in his
favor Surely, the an sw e r of all his a c q u ain tan ce s should
have been: "H e’s all right. He cannot have done it. We deny
th is libel.”
'I he disco u raging thing w as th a t tw o out of th ree seem ­
ed to be secretly pleased th a t a n o th e r good m an had gone
Ice Cream
fo r the fourth
F G G IM A N N ’ S
L en o x H o te l
and that the summers are getting
drier than they used to be. Official
weather figures checked by Arthur
King, soils specialist at the Ore­
gon State college extension service,
do not bear this out however. In
fact he has found that in the 60
years that records have been kept
at Portland only two "wet” sum­
mers occurred in the first 30 years
while there were six In the last 30.
Hlgn posting Is only one of the
"The irrigated Milton-Freewater ANNUAL CAMP EXPENSES
j annual dutle of the forest rangers.
district gets only 1*4 inches less In
Springfield Boy Scouts want odd The jiostlng of legible signs makes
this four months period. Baker
Jobs to do so that they can earn available and usable the many
where Irrigation is an accepted
Ihefr expenses to the annual camp miles of new roads and trails con
practice, gets only three quarters
the first two week In July. P. J. slructed for the use of travelers
of an Inch less summer rain. At La
Bartholomew, chairman of the and campers, and for the admlnls-
Orandp where Irrigation Is common,
troop committee asked members ol ' ration of the national foresta, say
the summer rainfall Is a half Inch
the Lions club Io aid the boys when the U. 8. foreal service
more than the Willamette valley
ever possible at the weekly lunch­
average, while at Joseph in the Ir­
eon Friday. Those who have work
rigated Wallowa valley, summer
to be done, either large or small LARGE SALMON TAKEN
"It seem s that our ‘unusually dry rainfall la 1*4 Inches greater.
Jobs, should notify Howard Hughe», FROM McKENZIE MONDAY
summer ' occurred Just as often In
“It Is Interesting to compare the who will »end a hoy to do the work.
the post as they do now, which
Marlon Adams caught two large
W illamette valley summer rainfall
means about every year, and there
salmon In the McKenzie river Mon­
with that of the great drouth area
Is every reason to believe they will
In the middle weal,’’ King saya. “Ar­ NO SLEEP. NO REST,
day evening while fishing In a
continue that way," says Mr. King.
boat near Deadtnond ferry with
kansas was the driest slate during
Rainfall Records Studied
Frank Fisher. The first one weigh-
the drouth of 1930, records show.
He has been using these rainfall Yet the rainfall there for June.
Mrs. A. Cloud says: "For years I
“bout 20 pounds and the second
records to show that Irrigation In July and August, 1930 was Just i had a bad stomach and gas. Waa one was a little heavier.
the W illam ette valley need to be over five Inches, or a half inch i nervou" “nd COUH n o t.*leeP- A<,ler
W. C. Wright, who waa also fish
considered no more unusual than in
Ing on the river with Levi N e e l,
many other sections of the stale months In Oregon. Because of our Drug Store.
(-aught a salmon.
R ooiiih : «1.50 with hitli: >1.00 without hath
We Welcome You to Portland
W. F. WALKER. Mgr.
3rd nnd Main St.
Portland, Oregon