THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS twrnty - nint :« year H PRINQ FTLD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON T U I I tH I JA Y, J V N K 30, 1 !»3 2 M'KENZIt PUPILS Poindexter Keeps LIONS HEAR OF Iuka Members Two Posts Here State Officers 70 COME AGAIN PACIFIC BASIN Union High School District Votoe to Continue Trans* portation Plan of Year K. S. FUND IS DIVIDED I ocul District Faces Shortage ui Two-Thirds of Revenue for Educating Students Methodist Bishop Returns Pastor to Local Croups at Dr. J. R. Weath"rbw* End of First Year’s Work cribes Tour Which He Made to Pacific Ports This Year H» v. Dean C. Poindexter waa re­ F rankiin D elano Roosevelt Mrs. Wanda Barnes Named Junior Vice-President. Mr». Eggimann is Secretary ►Hate recognition for fwo Hprlnt: appointed in serve the Hprlngfleld field Ladle» wna given at Corvallis A descriptive travel lecture <■ i sad Coburg Methodist churches a ll some of the Interest I iir thine last Thursday evening when Mia. the -concluding service of tin- un which he saw during the early part Wanda Itarnes waa elected junior no«' Oregon Methodist conference of the year while leading a cruising vice-president, and Mr». Myrtls held nt the Wllhur-t'euterary party to the ports of the Pac.'flc, Eggimann.* department secretary church Io Portland Hunduy even'ng Basin w a. given before the Mon» Of ,b *' Lad‘a" AuMll,ary Ot the G A Itev Polndegter haa just coni , . „ .. . . . . ... It at the clo ln i aeaalon of the an p i t, d hi» tirai ycar of ervlce In / r ‘ "'M”‘ ’y f’r J R Waa nual convention of the two groups. thl» city, und returned Monday wlth ' ’7 . , Mrs. Humes la president of Iuka Ilr, Weatherbee served as educa­ Iti v and Mr». Frank Clamo, troni circle number 37 at Springfield and tional director for a tour organized Portland He alao holda thè posi- also acted a» assistant doorkeeper tlou of Conference treaaurer for lite by the Matson steam ship company. ut the convention. He visited many of the more re­ state. Mrs. Kgglinann Just completed LInaiicea, temporanee and puhllr mote countrle» of the Pacific area her term as department counsellor, anil told tunny Interesting observa­ inorala were thè major problema of and had served as slate president d.sclieslon at thè Conference Ibis tions. during 11*30-31. People In many parts of this vrar whlch wa» prealded over by vest area have demonstrated an Bishop Titus Lowe. The ltlahop waa advancement In certain respects teaintly reassigned to the Oregon far beyond that of thl» country. district at the International gather­ The highly developed agricultural ing held ut Atlantic City In May. life In New Zealand was empha- slzed by the speaker. All of the world Is feeling the ef . feet» uf the economic unrest which | Is causing so much trouble in this! J Autoists Given IS-Day Respite JULY 4IU DFFEBS W HIM EKEIIIS escrutary of State Atka for Opinion on Legality of Short Mountains. Rssorts, Bsachss. Term Selling Now All Lure Residents of VaJIsy for Two-Day Outing Automobile owners of Oregon were assured of immunity from ar rest it they do not have new llc- FIREWORKS SOLD HERE .-n»e plates on their automobiles by July 1. this week by Governor Forest Areas Not to Be Closed Meier who has promised to declare Before Fourth, Campfire a 15 day moratorium on the license Permits Are Required Ice deadline. Hcsld ut» of th è M . R e n i l e h lg lt l'ool districi wlll continue to The strict enforcement of the law Where to go. what to do. and how a c i d Do li Sluilcnt lo high achool at this time would be extremely un­ to get there seem to be the major In H| rlngfield thè negl year II «a» fair and unjust to a large number problem» confronting many Spring- ods at this time. The Secretary of ooU tiuea »re greater tm s year loan country, he declared with the po» Death Claims Mr». Louvina a new school house which the dis • ’ State has asked tbe Attorney Gen­ Heretofore. >.ue can drive lo any slide exception of Australia, there Rhodes, 80. at Daughter’* .. Tbr Governor of New York wa* born in the house in which he still trlct was not financially able to un­ eral for an opinion as to the legality n (ue tavonte reaort» and nau I» no place where I would rather live», at Hyde Park. Dut-lirsi County. New York, on Jan. 30 1882 He is Horne in Springfield dertake ut that time. of selling plates for half a year aod arrtusen in tne malut ut a celehra- live right now than In l.ane county, a graduate of Harvard and Columbia I jiw School He married hi» d i « , - j quarterly, also the legality of re- -.o u , o r one may m e uimaeit away The plan was agreed to only as a .............. the doctor told his audience. Mrs. Miuvlna Blind«». 611 Bast cousin, Anna Roosevelt, daughter of President Roosevelt's brother in temporary arrangement and was to Annual Confergnce Of Sunday < _ i rut dlng money to those who have -atu ure mountain» where the nutae .. i r'a ' 1905; they have five children. He served in the New York legislature, was Touching on polltlca h e made on. l»lb Ave . E u g e n e , p a s s ed a w a y assistant secretary of the Navy under President W ils o n . Democratic nominee lie tried for une year. A school Inis S c h o o l R r o . i o s I . paid Io full In the event that the aim iiaau ol me annual ceiebrat.oos law I Thur«da> afternoon at the »or j »ce-President m 1920. and was first elected Governor of New York ! short term purchasing is approved. 1» «ery nni.leu because of the ex- was purchased and more than 3U ocnooi uroupt is neid at Miaterncnt regarding Siam. which Mabel Church Sunday was at that tim e an absolute mon borne Of her daughter. Mr». John ,n r»-«iected in 1931 u em e tire hazards, camping, swim students were transported to and ' j archy. This 1» an absoluate mon- j Nice, at the age of 80 years. She from the ttprlngfleld high school DANGERS OF FIREWORKS miug. nixing, horseback riding, Gordon Vance of M a burg was archy and the king 1» a graduate of I leaves one son, H ank Rhodes Med- mountain ciimoing, and fishing will each >lay The bus also made special elected presldeni of the American oxford He has established com ford; two daughter». Mr». Ben Rus- AND LAWS EXPLAINED oe activity and entertainment trips bringing the students Into Munday Hchool I nlon foF the Wal pulsory education there and hope» I »ell. Eugene, and Mra. John Nice; v iio u g u lor most ot tuea« people. town for various athletic and uther lerv.lle district Sunday afternoon ice in r.ugeue announced tnia She was a life-long member a! _______ , could receive the benefits from a Hams, I pper Camp Creek, secret happen, was hl* statem ent (During the Christian church, having been — . id le r received here by Hugh Jolllff, n , m u .u g tua- tne hootu Fora area /»t i •» — larger faculty and a more estenalve ary. O. L. I lenient and Mr». Claire the week-end the government nt born at Coal City, Indiana. „„ scp , ^ 6 j 'rcle DnH Team Host to Marshfield Delegation Here fire chief, this week from A. H. »n i not oe closed to entry betore choice of studies to pursue proved tn e rourtn ot aUry. Camp fire per­ William» are the retiring officers, the king was beset with a revolu- ember 15, 1851, and lived In Iowa Members of Eugene N. O. Wednesday to Boost Air Cir­ Averill, state fire marshall at mits w.ii oe required as will me no Impular thut some uf the stu Salem. Lealiurg wu» chosen for tbe nest (ton which ended peacefully when (or six years before coming to Ore­ W. Marching Croup dents In the Thurston district, yearly conference cus There This Week-End Many innocent children are either carry lug ol an aze with a 2* in c h the king had forsaken absolute con­ gon on February 12, 1887. They which decided against sending their killed outright, are injured, or die u a u o ie anti z pound made, a »novel Thirteen members of the drill The conference begun with a joint trol and delegated some power to made tbelr home at Thurston and Special exhibition and novelty students to Springfield, made ar- lived on a farm there until 1911 Lam of the Eugene Neighbors of flights with tbelr new soaring glld- of tetanic poisoning, (lockjaw) each v ig n t in c tte s with a 36 men the m asses.) Sunday school service at the Mabel laogem ent- to ride hark and forth He reiterated a statement m a d e j" ben Bbe ,,,o’"?d «<» Kugene. Woodcraft lodge were guests of the «r. and passenger hauling ln tbe y< ar as the result of powder burns. n a u u ie , and a water container cap- church at tu o'clock Munday. A to sclioul here on the bus here previously by Roger Pfaff Ku»*ral services were held Sat- p,n‘ Circle of Springfield at a pa Aeronoca powered glider will be I.'ten their eyesight or hearing is auie ot bolding one gallon of water. basket dinner was held at noon, There Is only oue angle of this destroyed, or they are cruelly and < airoia war De operated in tne tor- plan which haa not worked out so and all uf the nine affiliated groups who declared that the trouble with lrd a> • « « ■ « > « at 3 30 from the -‘«ma party held at the !. O. O. F featured at the Municipal airport the Philippines Is that we have edu Yeatch chapel In Eugene. Dr. E. V l,a'> here H iday evening. Games Sunday and Monday, July 3 and 4. permanently crippled by tbe care- cst d unng the holiday s, and rater satisfactory for the ttprlngfleld dis in the Union united In presenting cated them In . our modes _______„ of living I s , , v ‘fr" officiated and interment tnd a burlesque radio program were it was announced today by Jim le«« explosion of fireworks and fire­ -ue area limit tne catst cork creeg a program during the afternoon. ____ _ _ _ ... ... _____ trlct und the local school board. • These group» are Mabel, Yarnell. and now they ull expect to hoi.I waH ma<|c ln ••>« •- O- O. F. cerne features of the evening. Refresh- McMeDiman. manager. crackers. Thousands of dollars in -o r renen Fete creeg will pruuably With only 30 per cent of the high oe io camper» and f.shermeu, 1 Thurston. Eeaburg. Marcóla. Wend down white collar Jobs tery-------------------------------------------------¡t ents were served under the direc­ Great interest is being shown In property valuee are also annually n u t m e y wih be permuted to p--* »chool tuition fund from the 1031 destroyed by fire from this cause. Marcóla Christian, Upper Dr Weatherbee expressed the be . . . » „ Z Z L I Z -------------- ‘¡on ‘s built tax levy paid In a sum of >33.372.30 ting. The state law concerning fire­ tu, ougu m is tire hazard region to lief that the people of this country JUNE BRIDES HAVE DAY b \ 1^ 1La,"n; ““duM1? Ra¿ i* evenK' by students at the schoolunder the Is being distributed thia week to Camp Creek, aud W altervllle. crackers says that it is unlawful m e area oeyond French fete. have received the wrong,, AT BAPTIST CHURCH X < > direction of Mr. McManlman. and district clerks as fast as thetr new 1 nose who do not plan to go tar to sell, barter, exchange, or give MANY CO TO PARK FOR which so far has broken all records lion (Is havg been racelved and ap­ of (he Japanese. He declared that ------------ . . » ’ charge of the decorations. away or In any manner dispose of iroui home win find many program» for endurance and distance ever proved by the County School Sup­ PICNIC DINNER EVENT 1,1 bla own °pln,<,n ,h e Japanese June brides were guests of honor Guests from Eugene drill team established in this part of Oregon. io another, or to explode in the aud ceiehration» close at hand. No --------- - did In Manchuria Juat what any at the Baptist church Sunday morn erintendent The total amount due were Miss Wilma Jacobson, captain, Mr. MacManiman Is anxious to slate of Oregon, any cannon crac­ celebration is being planned la the district for non resident tuition A large number of Springfield , other red-blooded country would If tug when Rev. W. G. Taylor preach- ¡Springfield, although some ,uer- ed a sermon entitled "Wedding R“ ¿ h * Oa' h' have the pilot of the glider be­ ker. giant cracker, or other fife- under the so-called W heeler law, people went to Swimmer's Delight bandits and law less citlsens mole»- Bell " und special wedding mu, lc . « r» ». Ma „ Mrg Mary come more familiar with the oper­ cracker over two and one-half chauts hare purchased stocks ot which Is being used In taine county l>ark last Thursday evening to en- fed the peaceful citizens. ation of the ship and more certain inches in length, exclusive of the tyreworks and are setting mgm despite protests of many of the Joy a picnic dinner and sports j Miss Bobby Kebhan presented •»us provided Mrs. Ella Walker was the oldest June bride present, hav- ".j Goldie Harrie, of j(s possibilities before he invites ¡use. and over five-eights inches In nere. j here Will probably oe a otue T ho-e attending were Mr and Mrs three tap dances for the members larger schools, Is *111.241. noi e making here durm» me erniy ° a‘e8' the National Aeronautical officers diameter.” The funds already collected will Carl Olson. Mrs Russell Olson. Mr of the dub She was accompanied b.,-n married 55 years ago this J ' morning hours aim at mterm.tteni it is also unlawful to sell or give to visit the airport to check the re­ month She received a bridal b o n Io- distributed as follows: Eugene and Mrs. Harry Stewart and son. b>' MIhj Myers. que. Mrs W G Taylor, wife of tbe T‘ >1Or- E‘U McDoW*,L .w a r any firecrackers or device uours during the day. cords being estaoltshed. high school. *11,13* 36; Springfield, Morris, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. C r i t e s . , - --------------------------- fcr celebration purposes which con Resorts to Celebrate pastor was the youngest June T,le * ’,”’tes8e8 were Miss Mehons. Many local people are receiving *3.30620; Creswell. *840.10; Cot­ and daughter. Jean. Mrs. E. E. May The celebration closest to tiprmg- bride. She and Rev Taylor were ca<’'aln- Mr* Burnett, Mrs. Stella new aviation thrills each day at the ta in ; more than ten grains of gun tage Grove. *2,*67.V0; Junction City and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Julius MRS. EMERY HOSTESS powder. neiu thia year will he one at Wil­ F O R AENEAS MEMBERS married one year ago and " ls' Helterbrand. airport riding in the powered glider *116* 26; and ten union high schools Fulop. and children, Ruth. Ethel It is also unlawful to throw away lamette para about one aud one- --------- their first anniversary on Sunday. M'as Jew el Helterbrand. Mrs. Clar- wh'ch has only a 35 hor-e powered to receive the total of *77.173.10. und Kugene, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. , ine Pulman. Mrs. Stella Eaton. Miss motor to propel It. The passenger on the public highways of the state nan miles south of Springfield on Members of the Aeneas club wer--1 Coder the provisions of the Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Kes Edith Eaton. Mrs. Maggie MrLagan. sits along side of the pilot in this t which also includes city streets the racitic higuway. ether» are bo­ Wheeler law the Individual schools soy, Mrs Mary Kessey, Mr and entertained for their m on th )}m eet METHODIST TO HEAR Mrs Ida Lipes. Mrs. Ray Stevens, ship and can watch his every man- end alleys) any lighted materials, ng planned at Riverside aud Swim­ are reimbursed from the fund tor Mrs John Henderor, Mr und Mrs in» Tuesday afternoon at the home GOLDEN RULE SERMON """".i M during the closed season of any mer s Delight paras, near Uosnen, euver. W. N. Long, and Mias Gloria Green < * Mrs. N W. Emery Guests pres -------- — and M rs. Margaret McGuire. dudents from outside of tbe dla A delegation of business men May L to October 15. at Jetterson beach m Kugene, at trlct In the following manner: *60 Many of th same persons attend '"-‘f Included Mrs C E W heaton, "On Earth as It Is in Heaven" in a n g ie iaMe, and at Creswell, ab ed another plculr dinner at the park ’ a:,d M|8H Massee. Members from Marshfield visited the airport MANY PEOPLE ATTEND tor each of the first 20 student»; will be the theme of the morning *60 for each of the second 20 »tu Wednesday evening of this week. ¡rr»»ent included Mr . E. E. H aed- sermon at the Methodist church PEARNE CROWE FUNERAL Wednesday afternoon to Invite lo- MRS. STUART’S BROTHER old-fa hioned piogram with appro­ --y --- I erlck, Mrs. C. E. 9w arts, Mrs. Mar Sunday. The church school meets at cal people and pilots of the -hips tc IS MARRIED AT CANBY priate music aud speechmaklng ig dents; and *36 for each student to be held at cresw ell under tne attend a large air circus being: — garet Kenyon. Mrs. 8. C. Wright, beyond the first 40. A large number of friends of 9:45 every Sunday. Evening service ALASKA HOLDS PRICES auspices of the Civic club aud other staged In that city on July 2. 3, laist year the clerk of the Spring- Cecil H um . brother of Mrs. E. C. IIP n F Q P I T F r n u n i T I f t W Q Mr” J T Moor’> i f ” M J McKlln’ »III he held at 7 30 with the pastor ' earne 1 John Bertsch Crowe attend- U P D E S P IT E C O N D I T I O N S Mrs L. L. May. Mrs. Julius Fulop. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, preachltig preaching ed " funeral services which were held and 4. Stuart, and Miss Ida Anderson of cooperating agencies. field district received a check for Employment Is scarce, but price.I “¿ ’ ¿ I M/ H/ ° hn Purker' ! •>" 'he subject. "Youth and the In- for him at the Poo.e-Gray-Bartholo- Canby were married af”lhe Luther­ Highway Conditions Seed more than *7000 as Springfield's Never has the vast networg of an church at Canby Sunday evening share of the fund. The fiscal year f o r n e e e s s lti« s nr« .m t h( . ; and Mra F,,a Lombard. . stltutess." The service will close '»»w chapel here Tuesday afternoon HEAVY HAY CROP IS at a double wedding ceremony. Miss cregou highways been In better for the school district wlll end to­ in Alaska according to Hugo He.- { “ r'' Lombard wlllI entertain the a, 8:16 anil thw >(luIIg people w„, at 2 -.'clock. Pearne Crowe was the BEING HARVESTED NOW Alice Anderson and Harry Thomp- condition for Fourth of July travel day and the clerk wilt prepare the Unlveraltv of Grenon ntod«nt who ' “ ’ a' ,<>r h"n" f° r ,h e r Jul>' go to some outdoor beauty spot for lhr<*e Vcar ol<1 a«B of Mr. and Mrs. on were the other couple married j l"au 11 ,a thl» year. Hight here annual statem ent before the next Just returned front a six week»' trip °" the M ,h of ,h e m on,h their service W».lch will follow the '’«■me Crowe of Springfield. He One of the heaviest hay crops in at the same tftme. ' our own McKenzie highway 1» cap- ..........i. J --------------------------- Institute theme. i died suddenly at the Pacific Christ- meeting of the board In July at o, n... recent years is now being harvest­ to th» north« rn country. On»? Item. . i p p i i u p Mr. Frum Is a son of Mrs. Ella I “By nearing completion. F.tteen which tlm» K. C. Htuart wlll assume .ravel on the Alaskan railroad has LAGG'NG STUDENTS TO ian hospital In Eugene Friday. ed In most parts of Lane county. Ills place on the board as a direc­ He was born In Eugene on Janu­ The late rain this spring kept the Frum of Junction City at>d is con­ miles of this road between Doyle Increased rather than decreased, TAKE NEW EXAMINATION CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO nected with the S ta ti Highway de D ill and Nimrod Inn have yet to oe tor. ary 28. 1929. and had been ill but the fare now being 16 cents per HEAR EVANGELIST SONGS two days. He was a member of the grass and tame hay crops growing partment. Mrs. Frum has been completed. About half of thi- The shortage In thia fund re­ Students of Lincoln Junior high much later than usual, and the mile. Mr Bee has been spending teaching school at Junction City. stretcli lias beeu surfaced with a presents the money which the dla Ideal weather of the past weeks the paat summer In Alaska with chool who failed to make their | "Has Christianity Failed’ " will Methodist church. They will make their home at For­ water macadam dressing which 1» trlct Is supposed to receive for edu grade the past school year should , h(1 , u b > ct ,,f mornl„ , ser. Rev. Duncan P. Cameron of Cot­ has made conditions very favor­ government engineering partlea, est Grove. as smooth as the oiled highway. eating the students from out of the , hp cfcr, „ , an church Sun. tage Grove officiated at the fu- able. Prices are very low. some hut the decrease In the federal In­ prepare during the summer for Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Stuart and The uncompleted portion» of the ilistrlct, most of whom come from m akeup examinations which will ((lay Merton Ferehee will sing a neral “»«I interment was farmers are trying to sell their come has caused u reduction In son and daughter, and Mrs. Frum road are ln very good travel con­ the McKenzie area. The Christian Endeavor will niade «' Laurel Grove cemetery. hay on the ground. They are re­ funds tor this work aud no new or he given In Meplemlmr. The exact attended the wedding and reception dition. It is expected that thl» en­ Marlon Chase or Camp Creek date wlll be announced later. This hoW niev„ ng at 7 o'clock In ------------------------- -- ported to be offering It for varying part lim e employees can be used, ho afterwards, returning to Springfield tire road wlll be completed before wa re-elected director for five eVPI1|ng 3pe<.,al evange|lg„ c SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS sums from *3 per ton up depending says. He Is now helping Ills father applies only to those having defl *111 lah » • a o Sunday school tinues Its organization, despite the NEW TAX LAW CUTS to a s t highway. Roads to beaches he applied as make-up work prpach bo|h aerTlce„ cherries are being harvested In e o c n a n - m f - , r- NUMBER OF CHECKS Methodist church motored to Cot­ most parts of the county. fact that students are sent here. ® R IN G F IE L D B O X E R at Newport, and down the Alsea Those desiring further Infornm tage Grove Friday evening where This is the first time ln m an y! There has been a decided reiluc «hfuld see the school prlndpal, |y||gg PO fT’ER HOSTESS WINS BOUT MONDAY rlver to WaldP°rt ar‘) ln »"« condi­ they attended a birthday party BAPTIST YOUNG FOLK tion. The old road to Florence Is Hon on the number of checks writ " ° y '' « '" npy- a ' <"’<•’ C D I P M n c T IIF Q D A Y "«’"«’ring Miss Agnes Taylor at her months that there has been any | rwtx rn ic ix u a lU to U A Y ,----- .. . Turkey Red' Yarnell, still being used but has been kept real demand for labor on farms. - Innls HOLD PICNIC TUESDAY tion In the number of checks writ home in that city. up in good condition for travel. --------------------------Springfield boy who is making good since the 2 cent tax on each check BROTHERHOOD PICNIC I A group of friends of Miss Doro The seventeen who attended were W A L T E R V I L L E P E O P L E The new W illamette highway 1» “ y ° U n 8 f l 8 h ‘ e^• e a a “ y w o n “ 8 ,x ' Young people of the Baptist became effective las. Tuesday ac- ENJOYABLE AFFAIR thy Mae Potter were Invited to he, Miss Theo Bartholomew. Myrna WML I t K V I L L t r f c U P L t round 9pm|.flnal evpnt from gtpam in good condition and It is possibl* church held a picnic, swimming cording to Hownra H ughe, a. the _______ — — ! home Tueaday PVPnlng for „ go. TO PICNIC ON MONDAY ■ boat Jackson at Klamath Falls on to drive over the new Hell Gate liarty and welner roast on the Will H rs National bank Individuals lm-; Approximately 1.10 persons a. ctnl gatherlng. Games and other Bartholomew, Edna Platt. Eliza Monday night. The paper in that bridge. This Is one of the inoat lainette Tuesday evening. The mediately began reducing the num -: tended the picnic a. Swimmer's D e-, pntPrtR,nmen« was enjoyed and re- beth Hughe», Doris Myers, Faye Many of the residents of Walter | city was warm In Its praise of the scenic drives near here. Tbe season group met nt the church at 6:30 her of checka they have been writ-1 light park lost nigh, which was , rp„hl)lpntH wprp 8prvpd by , hp Parsons. Loudelje Williams, Fred hofore going out to the grounds lug for small amounts and are with- sponsored by the Men s Brother hostess Those attending were Mrs. and Evelyn Buell, Mr. and Mrs. v ’lle and the McKenzJe valley will promising ability of this young ha.< been late and the vegetation 1» Ralph Fullerton. Clayton Kirkland, bold a large Fourth of July plcgic man who will be nineteen In Aug -18tl11 Kfeen in most places affording llev. and Mrs W. O. Taylor. Mr. drawing funds In larger amount», hood of the M ethodl.t church llprl„ cp Npbpr Howar„ a„d some very beautiful eights. Usually and Mrs. Jerry Adams, and Robert many u»lng the withdrawal receipt» Swimming waa enjoyed early In the Ralph Hughe«, Fred and Evelyn Ralph and Howard Hughes. LeRoy at W altervllle Monday In honor of ust. Inman. Mrs. Van Valzah. and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hendricks, resl- Yarnell was In Springfield Wed- lbe * ra8H ba« turned brown and Cook, president of the Baptist which ure tax „ free. , There , „ has , been ‘'Vein"'’t before ,b «‘ ,arK’' P'«-"'«- P«>' Buell. Clayton Kirkland. Loudelle Taylor. dents of the vicinity for a long num ; nesdav visiting with his friends, leaves on the trees begin to turn Young People’s Union were In very little change noted In the luck dinner Baaeball game» aud Williams, an ' Paul Potter Ml a Taylor aud her mother en- her of years who now live at San He will return to Portland where their colors by tbe Fourth of July. charge. Mrs. Adams wus chairman • heck writing of business firm». j h o n e hoe pitching contMta w ere' _____________\ tertnlned for the visitors during the Jose, California. Members of the he doe« his training and spend the of the aortal festivities. i held later In the evening evening. Neighbors of Woodcraft of Walter- summer there says his father. Way­ GUARD BOYS RETURN GAS PRICES CLIMB COUNTY PRESIDENT IS --------------------- v ile are sponsoring the affair. ne Yarnell. FROM CAMP TUESDAY CIVIC CLUB PICNIC GORDON VANCE UNION S.S. HEAD EARLY THURSTON PIONEER PASSES MAN) VISITORS AIRPORT PLANS AI PARTY FRIDAY FLIGHTS ON 470 IS TH IS AFTERNOON Members of tlx- Civic Club, their ramllles, and others who are Inter­ ested wlll hold the annual d u b pic­ nic this afternoon at W illamette park near the overhead railroad crossing. People will start for the camp site at various hours after 4 o'clock and a picnic supper wlll bo served at 6:20. W. C. T. U. SPEAKER SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS HOLDS PICNIC TUESDAY Springfield’» Company C. Oregon Mrs. N. E. Compton of Cottage i National Guard, returned home on Grove, president of th^ Lane county High school student», memb r» Tuesday afternoon from Camp Clat- W. C. T. U. was the principal speak of Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter'» Sun »op where they had concluded their er al the monthly meeting of tho day school class of the Methodist annual summer encampment. The Springfield association held at the church held a picnic nt Swimmer's camp this year was very successful 'hrlstlat: church Tueaday afternoon Delight park Tuesday evening. A ' in every respect declared First nt 2:30. Mr«. Lenthe Rychard read picnic »upper followed by games Lieutenant C A. Swart» and second a paper on Child Welfare. The next was enjoyed. Marian Shipley, El-1 LlentenalH Walter Gossler. In meeting will be held at the Baptist dred Mustee und Jeanette Thotnp- charge of the group on their return hurcl» the latter part of July. | »on were In charge. , hare. FORMER RESIDENTS ARE GUESTS AT LARGE PICNIC FOR VACATION SEASON Leave for Klamath Falls MRS. FENTON TO PLAY Following the example of the Fed- Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgerald of! FOR CAMP M EETING S!eral «overnraent In Increasing the A large number of friends of Mr. Klamath Falls left this morning for ------------ | price of gasoline one cent in all and Mrs. OeCar Gladdlsh, former Klamath Falls to »pend the Fourth Rev. and Mrs. Fenton and daugh-j parts of the United State» recently, t(x, By for Corvalllg! wbo|pgalpr„ resident of Springfield who now re­ of July vacation visiting with rela- j ,„r> Clarlce> on the Pacific ('oast side at Pullman, Washington, were tlves. [where Mrs. Fenton will serve as Monday boosted the retail price of Invited to a picnic dinner Sunday „ _ pianist at the Linn, Lane, and Ben- the motor fuel two and one-half at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pay Telephone Installed ton> Tri-County, camp m eeting, cents. The common ratal! price Horton at Fall Creek. Mr Gladdlsh pay telephone was Installed which wlll be held near that city, here now I» 21 H cent» par gallOB was affiliated with the high school j at the Eggimann confectionery this This Is the fourth successive sea- including four cants »tata tag aad while a resident fit this city. | morning. H<>n Mrs. Fenton has played there. one cent federal tax.