PAGE FOUR W B — 1 "» MATMEN DISLIKE If NEW PETE HOLD I SUMMER TERM HI 111 STARTS Thurston courses to he given by Kugene U. Stelnhoff. architect from Zentral Verelengung. Austria, who will teach "The Psychology of Art Teaching* Enrollment In the school of art will be swelled thi summer by a number of educators who have been granted scholar ships by the Carnegie Corporation These scholarships provide the stu dents with funds for tuition and materials while here. The Culver Ity is the only school In the West to he selected for this work, while in the East It centers at llarvurd. Noted Faculty Members Other noted faculty members on , bfl v UMelle _ and Portland staffs In- „ k||wof (>f hi*■ . - s • daughter. Shirley Mae, from Me will equal that of last summer, tt Kenxie bridge spent the past week It Isn't that Aehiu does not care was Staled here today by Hr. Han to meet the traveling mat artist, for end with Mrs. Bonney's parents, E. Clark, dire,!,., for the Kugene he sought last week to have himself Mr. and Mrs. J. Edmi ton. camp,. Laat summer the enroll- Mrs. Arch Shough aud daughter went here was nearly 800. placed ahead of Pal Reagan as the first competitor for Pete on his re­ I’attv and Miss Mildred Price, are I ..usual ...teres, ts being shown turn from the East and South, but, spending several days this week In the clinical school for atypical Chicago; Krnest Sutherland he became a little wary last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Felix Sparks at children, to be conducted in con- Bates, writer and lecturer of New nection with the school of educa­ York; Wilkie Nelson Collins, writer night when he saw a new hold McKenzie bridge. which Pete Introduced and which Loren Kdmiston spent the past tion. and in art courses to be offer­ and world-traveler; Sadie Grr-Dut, looked very much like a strangle week-end in Roseburg. ed here. The law school Is also of bar. executive secretary of the Ore affair to the Oriental. Mrs. Grant Hendrick of Califor­ fering for the first time this year gon Tuberculosis association; Alex an unusually complete schedule of antler Goldenwelser. professor of He had been billed to meet the nia visited her brother. Fred Rus­ courses. sell. here last Saturday. thought and culture; Bernard Hin- "Wildest,“ hut protested the use of Child Clinic Started The grade school annual school shaw. artist of Chicago; C. R Hol­ the questionable hold and held back The clinical school will be in loway. assistant superintendent of meeting was held la-I Monday. Wil­ until the middle of the week before liam Barnett, was elected director charge of Hr. Grave M. Fernald. schools. Portland; and Charles N. he agreed to wrestle with the new and Mrs. Fred Russell clerk. The specialist from Los Angeles, and Reynolds, associate professor of hold being permitted. Pete used the high school meeting will be held Hr. E. W. DeBusk and Miss Lillian sociology. Stanford. hold several limes last week inflict­ Raynor of (he university staff. Hia- Courses In practically all schools ing a whole lot of punishment on next Monday afternoon. gnostic examinations will be given >nd «e Visits Brother—Mrs Fred Haley el >»e cooperation with the survey Mra M J Wearlli and Mrs Frauk Han Ntckuni of Los Angeles arc and son. Teddy, of Vancouver, It stiift aud organize community cam Page nere for a short visit at the home C. left Tuesday evening to continue pelgns u ing the methods of con A friendship shower compliment of his sister. Mrs. Cecil Mulligan a trip to lawdon, Ontario. from trol trol worked workist out out hy hy the the federal federal ex- eg- tug Mrs Carey Thomson. Jr., was held nt the home of Mrs Dayton Attend Rose Show— Ed Smock which they made a side trip. Hun , perlmenla. Sixteen small animal pests are | Thomson Thursday afternoon, spoB- • pent Friday In Portland where he i day to visit with Mrs. Haley' attended the Portland Rose Festi brother and sister-in-law. Hr. and ; considered in the revised bulletin sored hy Mrs Milo Thomson and Mrs Milt, mi V Walker. ' Just issued These are ground squlr Mrs Haltou Thomson. val. Marriage Licenses Granted The county clerk during the past i week has Issued marriage llcen.-ee to the following: Stanley Potter Cushman, and Grace Stutz. Veneta; 1 John Wood and Ethel McCready. | both of Eugene: Kenneth Olle. Med-j ford, and Virginia Hansen. Spring field; Archie Wycoff and Carrie Wlssett, Eugene; James Miller and Mary Blair, both of Eugene; Ross Klnnan. Bremerton, and Mary Walker. Creswell; James Hughes, SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Yakima. Wash.; and Rosemary Ber- STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE ton. Canada. COUNTY. FRED BOLIN, Plaintiff, - vs. S D LANE COUNTY COURT McGUIRE and WILLIS C. Mr (Continued from Page 3) GUIRE. Defendants. To WILLIS C. McGUIRE, Defend­ ant: »5-9«: Mr Worley »5 9«: W Brad IN THE NAME OF THE STATE I ley »5.9«; E M Lee »5.9«; Chas OF OREGON: You are hereby re Wilson »5.9«; Wm lx*wis »5 9«: quired to appear and answer the Walter Darr »5.96; Joe Cab«- »5 96; complaint filed against you In th e ' E. M Currence »4.47; Paul Bishop above entitled suit within four 44» »16 39; Isaac Ettinger »8 94; M. H weeks from the date of the first 1 Whittaker »8.94; Jim Haines »17.13; > publication of this summons and if J F. Wright »17.13; D A Wlgham you fall so to answer on or before »8 94; Clarence Tripp »17 13; A. L »16.39; Bryan Moore the last day of the above prescribed Shelton and stated time, for want thereot »20.85; Eugene Eaton »8 94; Jim the plaintiff will take judgment and Fisk »8 94; Chas. Hudson »8 94; decree against you as In his com­ Geo Glase »8.94; E. E. Knglund plaint demanded, to-wit: For Judg­ »8.94; James Tyrrell »8.94; Harve ment against the defendants 8. D. Taylor »8.94; Wm Brown »1.18; McGuire and Willis C. McGuire In Norman George »31.13; L J Phil the sum of Four Hundred (»400 001 pott »11.92; Glen Armstrong »14.90; Dollars, together with interest F. A. Smith »7.45; F. B. McBee thereon at the rate of six (6%) per »«70: Perry Keeler »10.43; Ben cent per annum from and since Harrington »8.19; Frank Deming February first, 1932, and for the »4.79. Wm Kyle * Son Co. »16.90; costs and disbursements of this H. F Brogdon »9.00; S. B Flnegan 1 »9.50; Claud Erwin »17 25; Yellow action. This Summons ts published hy Fir Lumber Co. »«3.13; Walters virtue of an order of the Honorable Bushong Lbr. Co. »2.92; Mary J. »26.25; M. Davenport G. F. Sklpworth. Judge of the Cir­ Taylor cuit Court for the State of Oregon, »138.70; L. R. Tweedle »13591; M In and for Lane County, dated the Davenport »24.47; Arthur L. R-b- erts »68.89; Adna H. Signor »107.28; 22nd day of June, 1932. The date of the first publication Elbe L. Signor »114.90; L. N. Mat­ hews »61.62; Wm Gerlach »5.67; of this summons is June 23. 1932. JAMES K. KING, Attorney for M. L. High »25.52; Earl Roberts Plaintiff, Residence and Post- »28.90; E. N. Thompson »77.66; V. office address, Eugene, Oregon. D. Fogle »70.63; Harry Gerlach »11.12; Morris & Morris »16.17. (J 23 30— Jl. 7-14-21) W e carry a compJaf« NOW ONLY T H U R S D A Y . JU N E 23, 1932 T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS ■ BEARD’S 856 W illamette St. A Eugene Owned Store EVER.Y COAT-EVERY SUIT -EVERY DRESS ON SALE At Big Reductions -* Now Is the Time to Buy At Record Savings! $z-oo $ Reg. $10.95 to $16.75 Dresses Reg. $6.95 to $12.75 Dresses l«arge (¡roup of Sum m er Dreaftes for Every Occasion. In I’ustels P rin ts Every DreBM a Bargain. Sizes 14 to 46 Sizes 14 to 46 $ n .8 5 Dresses $12.75 to $29.50 Dresses Triple Sheers Silk Cantons Jacket Suits Every Su in nier White Washable Silk» Plain Slnulcs Prints Pure Chiffons, Etc. Sport Dresses Occasion all i llnuilreds of lovely Summer Dresses and Silk Suits Select any­ thing from stock; Any Any Any Any $10.95 - »12.95 Dress for $ 8.95 $16.76 Dress for $11.75 $19.75 Dress for $13.75 «29.60 Dress for $17.50 Coats and Wool Suits Your choice of any of our fine “Contie' makes at for Less Than Wholesale. Reg. $16.75 and $19.75 Values, Now Sierling' 'Standard” and other fine Reg. $24.75 and $29.50 Values, Now $ 1 0 .7 5 $ 0 .9 5 (Other Coat, at $5.95 Knitted Suits 'Snyder'«” White and Light Shades Regular $16.75, to close out $5,000 Merchandise $10.95 ALL DARKER SHADES 2 0 % Discount for W hat It Will Bring $1.00 Specials Choice of any Straw H at in Stock Choice of one Group Silk Blouses for Choice of Groups Sweaters, reg. $1.95 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 YOUR CHOICE OF ANY M EN'S $/9.75 Suits Y ardage Swim Suits FOR inc. $ 1 0 95 C.J. Breier Co. Authorized Ford Sales and Service John Anderson Phone 49 Ray Nott FORD TRUCK WEEK JUNE 18 to 25 INCLUSIVE 968 Willamette -I Many Big Bargains in Silks — Voiles — Cottons — Rayons and Wollens Don't Miss This Sale! Columbia Fine All-Wool Fully Guaranteed 8ults. Regular $3.95 Regular $4.96 Regular $5.95 grade grade grade $2.98 $3.98 $4-46 Other line all-wool Swim Huita reduced to $1.59 and $2.19