THURSDAY. JV N B 28.1083 THE RPIUNOFIELD NEWS PAOB THRBjg g siii ■> N O T IC f TO CREDITO R» D IS T No. 34: A C, Lake »17.97; DIST No. 4$: Lonnie Haldorsen E Q U IP M E N T : Am. Ry Express Lund >22380; M Petersen »59 66; Jack Shrum »79.1»; T. J. Sweaa? NO TIC E IB HEREBY G IVEN W alt Allison >3.38; Martin Perry >20 96 >7 96; Pacific Tel A Telg Co. >9 50; E. Bokke »237 20; H Petersen >13.47; O«o. T e l» a o >44 *1; CMH tliut th« under* nil 'll ho« been up 44.79; Wm Jay >2.14; Fred W art DIHT. No «6: Chas. Gold >26 81; Edwin Tullar >16726; A A. M artin »263.80 JUNE, 1932 Parks >44 91; John " 1llgM pointed Administratrix of lb« estoP bun >1.19 G W Lamljert >26 93; H V J 11 >157.26; K. H Hrnlth >148.26; C. E. M A R K ET ROADS »305.84; Leater Lake »K .l*; C. > oPC C IA L ROADS of II. (I, Wllsor (licensed, by thv DIHT No. 36; Shell CR Co kins >8.66; Stephan Jenkins >389; Van Osdol >134.76; Ray Worden M A IN TEN A N C E: Duckworth »80.77; Albert Flaggth DIST No, 1; Frank I*. Lrlggs County Court of Lane County. All 461.32, Equipment >50 01; Eugl n* Arrhb Carpenter >4.76; Joe Gwen >115.69; Earl Luckey >119.75. R A >583 36. Chas Neet >5.38, Carl (93 51; F, ed Smlgley »78 97. M. L. Persons huvln« claim* against unlit «14.34; J Hopkins »26.21, Lionel Hand ft Gravi I Co >39 26; » C. 59c; Shall Oil Co. >14 85; O W Babb Hdwe Co >11 62; Fred Langs­ Hamilton >11 98; Je * Gates »26 15; Fitch »44.15; Ray George *17 49; n»lnto are riMjuiii’d io present them Stratton 14 79, Ralph Crowe 42 98. Hamden »69.96; Lester Barbel Lainb>-rt >2 40; Millar-Banford Trac­ ton >6 00; Slu law Motor Transport Frank Gates >14 37; John Trunnell Jack Hodges ( l l . ) l ; Ben Wilton DIST No 2 Clyd- Dulley I '8.11; » lib the proper vouchor* to thu un 410 14; Chas Key >1196; A. B W il tor Co. >860 00 Co. >1.00; Wright A Sons >100; >67.36; Frank P Briggs >3 58; J »19 96. V A. Hendrickson >79 7»; I dor l«ued nt the law office« of Maurice Whyte 114 90; It haru ¡coll >23 90. W F Holmes >1 D l» r No 67: John Mo‘ s >4 79 Standard OH Co. >26 63; Ry Ex Hopkins »9.98; M L. Walla Guy Colby >124.75, H H ritxgereld l oiter ft Bulky, 631 Mluoi Build Hines >28.83, J W Rubella 4-5 36; J. M Berkshire >22 09, F E Mach L io T. :.’ o . 59 Lee Dugau >17.61 press Co. >2.17; Shall Oil Co. (2126. N L. Austin »10.77; Ll »7 46; Harry Ensign » 9 4 ; F O. Ing, Eugene. Oregon, within *lg Cecil F ilte r >2.98, Everett black ette >9 26; Harold Wimmer >11.64 >8523; James Tedfor >624 28; Southern Pac. Co. >133; vara Austin »1197; Lloyd Kneap- Swindell »8 94; Chns. H Potter | montbs from Hie date of title notice. ledge >11 92, Peter Bcbulxe >28 22; Oeo L Must >66 12; Chaa Deming it Trunnell >1046; Fre< L Truesdale >19.12; 8 Renshaw er »8.94; Henry Erickson »8 94: »10 43, W H. Meade » 6 83; L. •U M M O N S Frank Sparks >11986; Chas Neal DA TED thle 2nd day of June >2 39, Ueo Danielson >2 39, Mlllei >89«, Ixiwell Ted ford -57.71. Curtis Wilson >20 70, Kay Peat Holesapple »8 94; Homer Aus Gower >13.41; F. C Meyers »20.38. >101.21. D. I »32 Hanford Tractor Co. >1.10; Colon •17 .17. Lyle Little >13 41. Guy Ross George >10 77; Ben Shirley >17 92; tin »149; Gean Moore »4 47; Frank Fred Bolin »4.47; W. H. Moyer IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E LOUISA U W ll.HDN , Ail in I ll I* DIHT, No 3 Shell Oil Co >20 82; Oil Co >12 16; Oeorge A. Halton {13.41; Ralph Welch >8 94. A. E 1 E. Frasier >16.63; W. F. Gregg A. M oore »62.34; Fred Bu»» »16 15; »17.88; Frank Morley (8.94; F J. STATE O F OREGON FOR l.A N I Irn lrlg or thv Estate or II O Standard Oil Co. >16 10; Paul Rub- | >1.68. A. B Walcott >6.56 Hands >8 94; Frank Smith >8 94; >2.09; Roy Fitch >33.91; T J John Dyer »62.34; Ray Stafford Seymour >4.47; H. B. Davie >1»; CO UNTY Wilson. Deceased ley >4.79, Ray Htarford Jll.9 8; R. DIHT. No. 37; Hbell Oil Co Harold Myers >8 94; Rolla Buab Hweany >19 96; Ralph King »23.92; R F. HIH »32 3 |; Art Sun- Roy Bert >17.88; Jack Hanson (J 39 -18-33 80» E >1111 >26.13; Art Hunderman >21.03; Joseph Graham >7.17; Lu >8.94; Ouy Johnson >17.98, Alvy >6 86; A. E Clarinda Esther White, Plalntlfl Davis >6.86; A derman >7.17; Warren Price >6.58; >14 16; L L. W alker >8.94; A. 0 >2 39; N. Bush >4 78; John Dyer eg. Vsnls M White, Defendant ther Prlndel >20 33; Ted Prlndel Tandy >1.12; R L. Leming >8.94 F Willson >49 69; Eugene W ater Roy Johnston >20.78; Neal Buchan- Lane >17.88; Adolph Frankie •U M M O N S >10.39; Equipment >17.00; Union >17.95; Waldo W. Taylor >21.54 J. D. Woodruff >7.45, I. T. Clark >19.02; Oregon Macbin an >7.79; Kenneth Barrett »9 09, 135 76; John Briggs >17.88; R. M. In the name of the Stale of Orc IN T U B C IR C U IT COURT OK T H E Gil Co >20.26, J W. Duvllle >28 21, J.iin-a Mitchell >7 99; Albert *1n >8.94; Don Lunow >8 94, Chestei Board ery Co. >35.51; Tw in Oaks Lum Frank Spencer »4.7»; John Dicks Walker >7 46; C H Johnson >25 33: S TA TE OF OKKOON F o lt T H E gnn you are hereby required to ap­ Chaa Evans >14.90; D. Jecnlng aelh >23.98; Lafe Prlndel >2.39; Hosman >8.94; Chas. Plueard >8.94 her Co. >17.84; Preston A Hales CO UN TY OF LANE. pear and answer the Complaint >2967; A L. McKIllop >14 90; L, Earl Phillip» >2 00; J. T Vining E, N Hooker >8.94; Ed Ludbom >6.80, A C. Haag Co. >71.81; H o >4.78; Chas M Darling >5.69; Kay L. Anderson >7.45; Howard Nelson George >12.56; Jack Hodges >6 38, »7.45; W alter Hardcastle » 9 4 ; (lied against you In the above «n W H. Ehlen and Harriet M. Ehlnn C. Carlwrlght >14.90; Keigb Smith >17.38; W Patterson >13.41; J. C >8.94; Paul Sullivan >8.94; Amos ward Cooper Corporation >27.76; titled ault on or before four week« plaintiffs, va. Mu Belle Halihlser »16,19, J B Lathrop >9 32, A W. Huffman >17.88; C. Salakle >13.41; MiGarvin >11.17; Ward Van Amum Hathaway Motor Co. >1.60; Mark T. J. Swcany >57.40; Roy Fitch Paul Robert* »16.39; W Bradley from the date of the first publics und Julius H. Balxhlaer, her hus Lytle >6.84; D H IJertosh >7.74; H ||. l . Prlndel >19.37; Lester Prln >16.45; Ray Huff >15.45; Ray Har C. Sanderson Co >13.38; A ir Re >16.83; Ralph King >41.77; A E. (8.94; M O Bailey >17.88; Prank lion of ihla summon*, or for want band. Ory B. Brown and Martha C. Garrett >12.68; Homer Mill;. 11.17; Logan Miller >8 94; Rush ductlon Sales Co. >4.46; S. O. 8. Davis >41.76; Roy Johnson >37.66; Mansell >17 88; Floyd Keene » 94; I hereof (he Plaintiff will lake judg A. Brown and Fred E. Smith, Do >6 96. Jack Reynolds >1.49, T J tlon >9 20, Union (III Co. >7.00 Duncan >1117; Karl I«and >12 47, Implement Co. >4.06; Northwest Frank Moore >5.19; Frank Jarvis A L. Douglas >8 94; O. V. Dawson >29.59; Ray Worden >2.612 Joe fondants. monl against you and will upply to Willey >9 00 M iller Hanford Tractor Co «5.90; A H Quimby >12.47; C. R. Atkinson Freight A Transfer Co. >10.29; Geer »2 98; Cecil Geer »2 98; F J >25 33; D F. Cronin »20.86; F. the Court for the relief prayed for To Ory B. Brown and Martha A DIHT No. 4 City of Coburg F MIL hell >2 40. Equipment >46 64 >4.47; Cecil Young >2.98; Bob Hlmp West Side Auto Wreckers >16.00; Damewood >39.48; Dolph Dowdy Krallcck >1788; Darrell Carter In the Complaint and of a decree Browu. Defendants. *'1- 46 I DIST. No. 39: Shell OH Co son >6.51; C. C. W right >4 47; R H J W Quai kenbush A Son >6.06; >8 94; O. W Conklin «8.17; Ernest »5 96; M. P. Hoover >17.88; Stephen Howard Park of absolute divorce from you This IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE DIHT No. 5 Jam«* Montgomery »«.»«; Equipment >116 81; Rollle John on >6.51; Oren Jenkins >6.51; Guy N. Lyons >1.25; Mallory Log­ Thornton >14.88; Wm. Holland Brockway »7 45; «8 94: C P. Moore »8.94; Royal Summon* la published once each I O F OREGON: You are hereby re >11.94; M iller Hanford Tractor Co Syphers >36 12; A. (>. Hopper L. L. Wooley >7 26; A M. Perlnl ging Equipment Co. >60.40; Millet »8.94; Albert Watkins »10.41; Ray Caven »14 90; Wm Gallagher »8.94; week for four consecutive week* In qulred to appear and answer th> .98; Equipment >5 00 >15 00. R. D Pope >12 36; 1. »layter >8.00; Jim Coy >651; Wm. Kam- Hanford Tractor Co. >106.68; Mrs. Vincent >7.45; Robert Howell Maurice Thorson >8 94: A. M. Brad­ The Springfield News, a weekly I Complaint filed afaln al you In th> DIHT. No. 6: Raleigh Crook* { a Hon >10.70 shuw >6.51; Howard Freeman Ada Cox >28.10; Florence Lumber »14.88; Vernon Oeorge »8 92; H E ley »8 94; Dean E Tennant >17.M; newspaper published at Springfield, i above entitled ault within fou (9 56; F. J. Dame wood |17.0!>; C. mo-p u . »» >4.47; Oren Richmond >8,94; M D Co. >1.46; J. E. Haseltlne A Co. Aust >7.45; R T. Potts »7 45; John Joseph Humphreys »8.941 C. A. Lane County. Oregon by order o f ' week« from the datn of the flrai M Dan.ew.MMl >23 73. D arw in . Cochran >4 47; Jess Crawford >21.76; F. W. Scherler >33.76; Con­ Lewis >13.39; Arthur M iller >13.39; Blodgett »8,94; Hobart Campbell lliv lion (I. F. Hklpworth. Judge of publication of thia Summon«, and Dnmewood >6 67; Chas. Ilodds >8.94; Howard W right >8.94; Milton aways Service Station >1.76; Pa Delbert Crist >7.45; E. A. Cowden »17 88; Oeo Crick »8.94; Paul Gros- »aid Court, made June 20. 19.12, and If you fall to answer, for want >5 07; A. E Kraal >5.07, Union OH O«,rge Jones' >5 88 ' * Ross >8.94, Roy Maugh >8.94; John ctfic Machry A Tool Steel Go. >7.43; Scott Lumber Co. 88c; Eu­ e »8.94; Albert Larson »4.47; J. r o w * !i first published June 22. 1932 I thereof, the Plaint Iff» will apply to Co. >29 03. M iller Hanford Tractor Corln >7.45; Art Smith >4.47; Clyde >74.80; Colon Oil Co >436.44; Vel- gene Concrete Pipe Co. >52.76; ' Frederick »8.94; J. R McClIntic w 11 Maloy Bullcr >8 94 J L. Norwood. Attorney f o r 1 Court for the relief as prayed Co. 64r, W illiam Oerla.h >«98. turn A Clow Mfg. Co. >40.27; Carl Frank Bench >2.98. Mallette >7.17. »5 96; D. L. Schmoyer »6.70; Jesaa • « • Plaintiff. Residence and l'uet.i(or >» Plaintiff's Complaint, to-wlt Karl Roberta >9 48; K. N. Tholiii eou DIST. No. 71: C. A. Davis >36.89; son Hatton A Hay >11.67; D. E. DIST. No 42: O. W Brabham BRIDGE Equipment >81.50; Stevens »16.39; A M. Griffin »7.45; i for a Judgment against the defend «12.95; Harry Uerlacb >8.48 Office, Eugene, Oregon. Harvey K irk >3.58; W iley Cox Ohlsen Service Station >30.12; Frank Stafford >13.80; Lawrence M Barton »7 45; Clarence Davie >38.92; Lars Sorensen >22 75; F V ant Ma Belle Balahlser for the aum DIHT No. 7; J. W Baker >16 60; (J 2« JO— Jl. 7-14 21) Greer >11.35; J. Wain >11.36; Ralph >21 56; Warren Surcainp >23.78, H. Nordllng Parts Co. >85.06; Scherer Couch >55.00; Hills Creek Lumber »5 96; A. R. Cox »5 96; Elmer Erick- of 11000.00 and Interest thereon at url Rutherford >4.97, Crls Matson B Griffin >4.78; Joe Almasle >9.oa; Motor Co >1.20; Woodbury A Co. the rate of 7*1 per annum from >6.22, Alfred Evenson >4 22; D. D. Koon >80 98. W. H. Dandy >16 38; Andrew Amasle >9 55; Kennetb >27.33; Simmons Co. >21.41; Mor­ Co. >188.29; Deadwood Lumber Co. son »596; Ernest Collier »14.90; O. ’ Peter Skovbo >3.50. >10.40; Triangle Lumber Co. Harwood »10.43; E. M. Jackson N O T IC I Sept. SO, 1931, and for a reasonable Reeves >3 33, Equipment >8.45. DIHT No. 43: T K Bown >1.49; T errill >9.55; J. D. Shoup >9.55; M ris Chevrolet Co. >3.83; A. E. Ham- »787.28. W. P. Fuller & Co. >126.56; «8 94; Les Tucker »8 94; Chas Sul­ DIST No 8; Inter-City Sand ft Attorney* fee, and for the coeta OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Wheeler >9 56; S D. Clark >13.14; loth >5.00; D D Conley >84.83; Roy Swenson Lumber Co. >110.09; livan »5.96; Riley Gray »8 94; Mike Ueo. Van Grden >1.49. NOTICE IS HEREBY UIVKN, of thia aull, and for a decree fore­ Gravel Co >44 48; C. I. G-irrle A. Rafferty >9.66; Clyde Carter Ben Wilson >43.38; O G. TLorpe R A Babb Hdwe Co. »1172; W. Elledge »8 94- Duane Haley >8.94; DIHT. No. 44: John Kommer Vernon Harper > 97; i >5.99 that the underalgned, administrator closing plaintiffs' mortgage for aalu >34 77; >27.63; Alfred Spry >1916; Lonnie >32 42; Ted George >23.93; E. P. Sorensen >70.38; John Hampton Jack Webb >8 94; J E. HaBln ■if (he «state of Elisabeth I. Ken­ a ini >uiil a against th« following dea Wayne Taliaferro >2.39; Arnold DIHT. No. 46: Ralph Koon >29 00; Brown >2.39; E. E. Vincent >3.58; O. Palmer >22.45; C. E. Davis »36.76; O E Cox »48.26; C. O Mc­ »5 9«; O C. Solelm »5.96; B. E. nedy. deceased, baa rendered and crlbcd real property: The east Scott »4 78. L. Ilausmun >2.39; Ed Toftdahl Bill Carille »3.68; Bert K irk >3.68; >11.05; Tom Forcum >21.53; Yellow Bee >44.88; F M Brown >11.84; Phillips *7 45; H H. Johnson »7.45; Nlnty (90) feet of Ixit One (1) DIST. No. 9 W. D Ub'.poy ; >2 19; C. O. Kemper >2 39. filed with the County Court of Hie H. A. Babb Hardware Co. >2.48. Fir Lumber Co. >28.14- Fred Langs John Dyer >51.95; Ray Stafford W. H. Robinson »8.94; C. P Shirey Block Two (2) In John Christ >34.43, Harve Petit >968; Auldy State of Oregon for the County of DIST. No. 83: J. L. Carlile >25.09; ton >44 90, John Trunnell >4.99; »17 94; K E. H ill >21.54; N. Bush »7.45: Ralph Lyons »8 94; Geo. L ar­ P1ST No. 46: City of Creswell Ian's Addition to Eugene, Ixine McCunber >13.17; Inter-CUy Sind IAne hla final account and that Vern Luff >16.53; J. G. Porter Creswell Garage >3.00; R. A. Babb >2.39; Art Sunderman >2.39; A. C. son »7.46; J. R. Crtizan »8.94; R. M. 1138.09 County. Oregon; and for such ft Gravel Co. >6 26; Equipment un Saturday the 26th day of June. Striker »7.70; Wm. Gerlach »4.79; W alker DIHT No. 47: City of Cottage >16.73; H L. Luce >21.51; H M Hardware Co. >7 26 »8.94; Ferris Andrews other ami further relief as may >6U 00 1922, at thv hour of ten o'clock A Hooker >19.12; L. H. Porter M A IN T E N A N C E : Eugene Sand V D Fogle »37.44; Harry Garlach »8.94; W alter Andenon »7.46; L. Grove >1027.79 be deemed Juat and equitable. DIST. No 10 HUI» Creek Lum­ M of said day at the County Court >79.70; Warren Surcamp >31.13. A Gravel Co. >153.00; Ray George >1.59 DIST. No. 48 City of Springfield E. Gormlev »8.19; John Simmon* Thia Hummona la served upon ber Co. >2.07i M. L. Wallace >7 16; room lu the Courthouse at Eugene. DIST No. 86: District No. 36 >22 87; Jack Hodge» >53 42; T. J EM ERGENCY: Henry Holt «5 96: Frank Case »149; Eldon E lli­ >1104 62. Oregon, baa been (lie d and appoint­ you by publication by virtue of an Equipment >23.10; Tom Forcum >14.00; 8 C. Hamden >4.47; Lester SweaDy >9 98; Roy Fitch >15.96; »17 46; W A. Crispin »15.71; J E son »7.45; Roy Howard »5.96; Ken­ DIHT No 49 Jesse Oates >5 99. ed by said Court as the day, time order of the Hon Cl. F Hklpworth, >1 19; Dick Shirk >1 19 Barber >2 97; A. B Walcott >2 38; Ralph King >26.17; A E. Davis Flock >24 95; Ralph Dickinson neth Randall »8 94; Wm. Edward* Frank Gates >4 79 DIHT. No. I I M M Lower aud place for the hearing of objec­ Circuit Judge, dated and filed May >26 17; O Harwood >16.13; Roy »14.34; A. W Flock »20 91; C. T. »8 94; L. S Wheeler >8.94; W illard III8 T No. 50: City nl Eugene Eugene Concrete Pipe Co. >5.40. 24. 1932, directing that Ihla Hum >1611; W illlum Klvctt >1611. H. tion* to aald filial account uinl for Johnson >37.64; Roy Robertson Beach »32.31; V A. Yunck >9.56; Carpenter >8.94; R. A. Johnson { >14.447 92 GENERAL ROADS Parks >1 19. T H. Parks >14 98 the aetllement thereof. All oMat moua bo served upon you by pub­ >3.63; Curtis Wilson >41.06; L. Claude Hebert >11.96; Arthur L. »7 45; Joe Dolezal »5.96, M. A. Moe DIST. No 61: H W. Carson FERRIES C. J. Colter >87.50. lication In (he Springfield News, DIHT. No. 13 Gerald B Conner Ilona must be lu writing and filed >29 95; Wm. Gerlach «4 47- Glenn Simmons »7.46; Judd ; >40 72; J J Albro >16.73 BRIDGE: Roy Foster >17.60; Trusedale >21.35; Frank Moore Roberts wltb the Clerk of aald Court on or once each week for a period of four >19 16. ( has. C Conner >2194 DIST No. 62: Clly ot Junction Emery Insurance Co. >25.40; A. C. >27 27; E. O. Palmer >7.17; Frank >27.92; Earl Roberts >76.74; Harry Wilson >5.96; Ed Dowdy >6.96; F. week« The date of first publication DIST. No 14; Fred Overton before «aid day and time I'lty >404.74. Striker >157.25, J. W. Quacken- Jarvis >32.73; Ray Worden >7.54; Gerlach »38.16 A. Breeding >8 94; Robert O'Dell la May 2«. 1932. >4 79, Clarence Hears >4 79; Jce Dated tbla 24lh day of May. 1932 DIHT No. 63: City of Florence bush A Son >156.95; Geo. A Halton Neil Buchanan >5.19; Equipment N EW CO NSTRUCTIO N: Giles »8 94; Chas. Smith »8.94; C. M W E L L S ft W ELLS, Attorneys McCargar >3 59 L E DANES, administrator >296.17. U» . Twin Oaks Lumber Co. >163.49; Ben Wilson >2.39; C. R. Fowler >7.20; Equipment >1631.85; Shelton »8.94; Arthur Hyland »8.94; (or P lain tiff Residence and I DIHT. No. 16: (Jverhulater Bros DIHT No. 66: Ulhi Brendell >46.80; Pederson A Brown >19.06; M iller >1004; L. A. UHkinson >708; Dena Richardson »41.00; Shell Oil R L. Hayes »17.88; Clifford Wls- FRANK A DR PUE. Attorney O. Address, Eugene. Oregon. >2.06; James Tedfnrd >3.69; Lowell f o r th e E s t a t e >717; J K Mlnney >5 97; H. C. Lawrence Couch >8.00; Hill» Creek Geo. Crick >2.98; Oscar Anderson Co. »7 43; M iller Sorensen »141.61; earson »5.96; J F H ill »18.24; H. R. IM 2« - June 2 9 IS 231 led ford >2.99 (M M June 39-16 23) Daughenbaugh >5.97; John Doyle umber Co. >11.16; Smith A W at­ »16 39; W. H Logan >14.15; B. H Ralph Peterson »106.07; E. M. San Wright »8.94; Leonard Roush »8.6>- DIHT No. 16 Ueo Watson >6 99. >7.17; Virgil Clover >3.68; J. E kins >57.17; E. E W yatt Inc. >4.85; Davis >7.81; Geo W Harris >5.96; born »106.07; Wm Sanborn »88.10; John Nelson »1229; H M. Neai oe Watson >4.79. •U M M O N S NOTICE Jones >4 78; 8 J Goddard >9 58; Scott Lumber Co. >133.50; Alex T W. Conley <7.08; Duane Haley F. M Brown »95.38; A. G. Pope »4.84; Geo. Mattison (6.32; Sidney DIHT No. 17; L W. Hunt >7.18; IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T ! Leonard Harris ><78; CjK'U M. Garoutte >493.60; Peerce Service >1.49; Paul Stough >1.49. »75.46; Orvas Goulding »25.41; E. Gay »8.33; Frank Bench »4.10; Har­ I. William» >4 78 STA TE OF OREGON. IN AND Notice It hereby given that Stacy Beyerlln >2 39 B. F. Mlnney Station >1.32; Scherer Motor Co EM ERG ENCY; Hobl Airway Co. V. Phillips »6.72; Wm. Summers vey Roush »4.10; R. B. Nichols DIHT No 19 Sullivan A -loa­ and Wife, Defendant*, Cummings, admlnlalrator has filed [>36.90; C. M. H ill >4 47; Nelson >1.20; J. Ponsler Motor Co. »45.00; Mrs. Ada Cox »49 70; J. W. »6 72; R. H Branden »25.79; Jack »107»; Chaa. Guile »930; Harry ning» >34.76; Shell Oil Co. >46 20; FOR LANE CO UNTY. hla report and account In Hie es­ England »7.45; Lester Circle Hodges (5.38: M L. Wallace Lytle »7.08; E (' Kelsay >2 39; John Miller Coffey >4 47; Vance Blanchard >4.77; R. A. Babb Hardware Co. Kennedy »37.50- tate of Eugene Cummlnga. decern Ralph O. Mark*. Plaintiff, va. >2 39, C. T. Beach >62 88; J E. >4.47; W illis Morris >2.98; Clarence >66.24; W. P. Sorensen >79.36; »12.00; E. C. W illiams »13.50; G. H. >53.35; Tom Forcum »2.39; Dick ¡James T errill »7.45 H Hicks »14.00; ed. In the County Court of Ixuie, Singleton >4.47; J. F. Cooper >4 47; John Hampton >47.11; O. E. Cox Waggoner *61.20; Robert Wills Shick »64 69; F A Moore »31.96; Ira Putman »8.94; C. W. Anderson Oeorge W Starbuck and Mrs Flock >69 86; Claude Hebert >8 36; County. Oregon, which ha* set Sat Mr» F E Clayton >2 02. >62.86; C. O McBee >53 86; F. M »126.75; State Ind. Accident Com. Neal Buchanan »79.90; M. L. Fitch »8 94: J C Barker »8.94; W. R. George W Starbuck. Husband Henry Holt >63.63; W A Crispin urday. June 36th, 1932 at 10 o'clock D IST No. 56 Roy Caster >23 95; Brown >4.74; V. C. Mowreader »302.47. »7890; Roy Robertson »63.92; Jess Fitt »8.94; Steve Dutchuk »8.94; W. To Ueorgo W. Starbuck and Mrs Union OH Co. >87.60; W ebern Lum A M In I he County Court room. at Ralph Lvnch >31.74 J W King >42.18; James Stlenllchner >53.89; R IG H T OF W AY: M artin Niel­ Wallace »4.78; E L. Reynolds E. Bradford »8.94; C. F. Tanner the Court house. Eugene. Oregon, George W. Starbuck. Husband and >47 65. Rulph Dickinson >4.78. C. >7 17; John Ulrey >3i»8, Ed Kelley Johnas Dahllu >26 88; Frank Worth sen »15.00; Virgil t ¡over >4.78; B. »4 78; Lem Drury' »2 39; H. M. Pet­ »7 45; J C. O’Quinn »5.21; Olen June« >2.24; Chaa. Ileberi >1.12, for filial hearing thereon, anil any Wife. G RKETINO : M artin Petersen Emerick »8 94; H. Walters »8 94; IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STA1 r, her Co >4 47 ; Nelson Motor Co. >2.38; Tom Arthur >2.39; Equip­ Ington >1 19; Ben Bunch »2.19; I F Mlnney »7.18; R A Babb Hard­ erson >88.31; objections to «aid Flual report and ment >2.65. Budd Kumpp >51.63; Henry Plron ware Co. »84.38. >309.80; Oliver Fosback >47.80; Cy Ed. Dowdy »8.94; Roy Prlndel I F O R E G O N J7.66; J K. Paddock >3 29; Cruner'a account should be filled or presell' DIST. No. 67 II W llaye» >4 48; >45.88; Roy Foster >23.65; Equip­ O ILIN G : Southern Pacific Co. Frasier »31.84; Oren Hammond »8.94; Wm Edwards »8.94; C. L. You and cadi of you are hereby Drug Hlure >1 40; Miller-Sanford vd at or prior Io the lime of aald Kill Dempsey >4.48 ment >5.13; Simmons Co. >10.44, »101.33; Bltumuls Asphalt Sales Co. »1193; Elmer Peterson »26.29; M. Daniels »8 94; P. H. Peteraon required to appear and answer (he Tructor Co >60.08; J F Neal bearing DIST No 59: Shell OH Co Hathaway Motor Co. >7 81; S. B. »1102.15; Shell Oil Co. »573.56. Peterson »55.93; H. Ervin »10.94; »8.94; Ted Lenhart »8 94; H G Dated and first publlahed thia complaint of plaintiff filed against >7 00. Clark’s Service Oarage 50c >30.10; N. L. Austin >34.10; Lee- Flnegan >27 76, Triangle Lbr. Co. BEACH ROAD: H. M Petersen M Archibald »25.87; V. Shirley Wesley »8 94; Mike Weber »8 94; you In the above entitled court and DIHT. No. 20 Ed L. Eaton >38.62, the 2«Hi day of May. 1932 vani Auslln >37 90. Edd Miller >19.12; W. I Jeans >1900; V D. »61.03; Elmer Peterson »3.98; M. »23.87; B James »5 97; Orvll Ham Harve Bacus »21.51; Rov Irwin STACY CUM M INGS, Admit,I h aull, within four weeks from the llule-rt Hylar.d >36.14; II. P New 61 49; J M M artin >1 49; W alter Fogle >17 46; L. Robinson >32.47; Petersen »92.94; Oliver Fosback mond »2.98; Carl Bowers »10 94; »23 90; Steve Palanfuk »23.90; SI date of the first publication of this mun >10 76; T J Blakely >4 78; Ira lo r Scoli >4 47; Clarence McCullman Richard Hayes >18.52; John Horton »14.34: J Taylor »29.85; George M. Benson »12.95; Wm. Gregg Jones »7.45; Mik.- Smith »5 69: U aummoiM. to-wlt on or before the 'urtla Newman >7.17; F. E. Kel ay W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. Attor­ >2 61; Hom er Austin >2.61; W P. 1>8.36; Ralph Schmitt >8.36. Sam Lewis »29.85; Geo. Ready »31.84; »1.99; W alter L. Taylor »75.39; H Park »5 9«; A. L. Johnson »5 96 24tb day of June. 1932. and If you >4 78. ney, 302 Tlffauy Uhlg H. L. McFarland »5 96; Dallas Cock DIHT. No. 21 Shell 1*11 Co. >6 88; Erhart >8 44, .Miller-Hanford Trac­ Horton >7.17; E. Gulhrie >4.78; I-eonard Ready »31.84; Thomas Joseph Grabaiu >27.48; Luther Prin- ran »5.96; E. J Korn »5 96; Elvin ________ iM 28 J 2 9-18 23)________ fall ao to appear and answer, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to Equipment > 2'48 ; Ralph King tor Co. >6.16; Morris A Morris John Suniich >4.18; Herman Sch­ Conners »11.84; Rob Stanton »29.85; del »43.01; Waldo W. Taylor »52.95. Hebert »5 96; Ralph Smith »5.96; mitt >7.18; W B. Slayter >200; H Oren Hammond »29.85; B Worth Levi Berkshire >30.47; James M it­ (he court for the relief and for Judg >4.99. A E. Davis >4 99; Oraul Dll >13 45 DIST No. 61: Road Disi. No 36 E. Swartx >3.60; C. E. Benninger Ington »3.98- Wm. Harrington chell >1.19; N W Bodyfelt »9.84; Andrew Murrell »5.96; Carl Hansen uienl and decree as prayed for In ley >1 19; (I. G Thurnton >1 19; C. >1.65. [ >17.60; State Industrial Accident »23.88; Donald Burch (15.92; A. G. Albert Berkshire »35.25; Elmah hla complaint, to-wlt: Westrope >1 19; E. H. Smith (C o n c lu d e d on P 1 1 » 4> DIST No. 64: Equipment >2 55 J Com. >38.55. Lund »29 85; L. Colder >232.80; L. Brooks »29 87; Ray George »6.28; For Judgment against defendant. >7 34. T. H Parks >7.18; W H Gll- George W Starbuck, on hla promts lenwuler >6.67; C. L. Weber >2.70. I »ory note given November 8th. DIST. No. 22: V. C. Mowrender 1929. for J300 to H. N Millard and >10.77; Jame» Stlenllchner >9 58; JEWELER assigned (o plalnllff. for J200 and Kite Mercer >2.39; Ben Bunch Ke|»alring a Specialty Interest from dale thereof at 8*6 >11.36; Lloyd Urlmsbaw >2.39; Mar per annum; the aum of >50 as at­ rls A Morris >9 40 Springfield, Oregon torney'« fee for plaintiff's attorney; DIHT No. 23 Chas Neel >10 77; the coat* and disbursements of Clark Adnm» >9.68; A. Mothenv ault; nlao for the foreclosure of >7.17; 8 M Wicks >4 79; Frank mortgage given to secure aald Shullx >1 49 Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN the note and sale of (he land» described DIHT. No. 24 W I Soulea Naturopathic Physician therein, to aatlafy aald Judgment; >4193; M Slmonsen >14.37; Fred Phone 91-J and for such other and further re­ Knox >9.68 lief aa ahall be by the court deem DIST. No. 26: Noria Smith >5 98; Office Hours: 1 to 8 P. M ed Juat and equitable In the pre­ M Sailor >4.79; Fred Smlgley >1 79 mise* 408 Fourth Street D. R Henderson >1.55; Elliott Mer­ Thia auinmons la served upon you cantile Co. 90c by publication thereof once each DIST. No. 26; A. C. M iller >3 48; w<«k for four aucceaalvc weeks In E. L. Mathews >40 37; Seth Hollia Universal Mortgage Corp- the Springfield News, by order ol >19.99. Oren Ciirmony >8.95; Carl the Hon G. F. Hklpworth. Judge of Wu»ke |4.03; Ollhert Hollis >4 03; aald court made and entered May F L. Hughes >4 03, M L. Fitch 23rd, 1932, and the first publication J u i j . J W. Dyer >17.63; General thereof » ue made on the 26th day i * Bridge >3.76; Equipment >72.60; W. F. Tyson, Agsnt of May 1132 Ralph King >8.73; A E Davla Phons M W 128 B Et. A. E. Wheeler. Eugene. Ore­ >8 73; J. Oldham >6.19; Shell OB gon. Attorney for Plaintiff. Co >13.76. 7.18; Joe Elliugaen >4.78; Lon Lane County Court Business Directory Edw. G. Privat No Question About they are M ilder ! BONDS I. M. PETERSON Attorney at-Law City Hall Building Springfield, Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE ATTO R N EY AT LAW NOTARY PUBhIC Sutton B u lld la g Sprlngfiald Oregon POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole EUG ENE— U th S P R IN G FIE LD 228 Main und Cbarnelton, Phone 62 J Telephone 723 Guard Your Eyes! Don't reuil with the light shining Into your eyes. Don't read when recovering from serious Illness — without your Doctor’s consent. Don't use public towel* and be care ful about rubbing eyes with (In gers. Dangerous Infection may follow. Don’t (all to visit an eyesight spe clallat at the slightest sign of eye trouble. Don't use eye washes, ointments, salves or other remedies unless advised by un eyesight - peclallst. Don't wear glasses not prescribed by an eyesight specialist. DR. ELLA MEADE Optomctriat 41 Woet (th Cugans IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E ¡8w««t >C78; Clara Sweet >4.78; STA TE OF OREQON FOR LANE J01" 1 Young >2.39; Charlie Vander- CO UN TY. I burg >2.39 Milo M. Thomson. Mabel C. Thom OIBT. No. 28: Equipment >39.23. son, W C. Thomson. Mary C. DIST. No 29: J. E. Thompson Thomson and I York Thomson i >5 38; Oeo. Halladey >7.18. DIST. No. 30: Ellis Richardson plaintiffs, ,15 92; O. W H ill »398; John Cos­ va. Ernest Hickson, Ellxa IHckaon tello »3.98; Albert Lnke »14 92. W Mnybeu and Della E. May ben; S. Sutherland »11.94; Irving Hig­ also all other persons or parties gins »11.94; Melvin Inman »3.98; unknown claiming any right, title, Combs Holden »11.94; Olle.: Fowler estate lien or Interest in the real »26.13; O. F. Monroe »7 96; W. E. estale described In the complaint Dutcher »13.93; Vernon Hofletn »9 96; Lloyd Fisk »8.96; J J Por­ herein, Defendants. To Ernest Hickson, Ellxa H ick­ ter ,10.94; J I). Nichols *10 94; son Maybell, and Della E Mayhen; Chas Porter »6.9«; Chas. Nichols also ali other persons or parties »10.94; Chus. B Fowler »10 94, W unknown claiming any right, title, T. Pickens »10 94; J 11 Fowler estate, lien or Interest In the real »39.80; Jackie Costello »10.94; W estate described In the complaint 8. Sutherland »3.98; Henry Rust herein: You are hereby summon­ »1.98; Combs Bolden »3.98; W. O. ed to unswer the complaint filed Hill »3.98; Melvin Inman »198; against you In the above entitled livin g Higgins >3.98; R II. Dlhble cause and court within four weeks »24 95; Jack Costello »6 96; Equip from the first publication of this in, in »26.48; Southern Pacific Co. summons, and lr you fall so to an ) »1 68. swer, for want thereof, plaintiff DIST. No. 31: Shell Dll Co. >7.25; will apply to the court for the re- Albert Camp >29.85;' Claude Camp lief demanded In said complaint, »27.86; Rill Strange »27.86; Z E. via, that plaintiffs be n ljudged the Maxwell »25.87; Frank Good »28.85; owners of the following property,, E. P. Roland >27.86; Chas. M. Dari- that part of section 28, Township j ing >73.75; Equipment »27.20; 16 south, of range 2 east of the Mapleton Garage »5.25; Scott Yount W illam ette Meridian, bounded on »15.00; Ed Davl »1197; Frank the east by 'he enst line of the Spencer »14 36; Hugh Price »4.78; southwest quarter of said section,' Morris Ä Morris »2.19. on the northerly side hy Gate DIST, No. 32: Morris ft Son Creek, and on the westerly and »6.16; Al Wheeler »20.31; F. E. southerly side by the McKenile Mead »4.77; Amos Wheeler »14.87; River; and that part of lot 3 Erniald Agee »20.27; W. L I'helps In ;sald section lying between »81.9«; 11. .1 Mend >15.21; O. H. Gale Creek and the old McKenile Ilawlev »25.12; Ralnrock Service highway, all In lame county, Ore­ S tall, ill >3.90; Mapleton Garage gon. and that defendants have no »8.50; Arheson ft Sons »1.25; W II rigid, title, estate, Hen or Interest Mead »13.14; S. F. Mead »5 36; In the same, and quieting plaintiffs' Nelson Beers »2 38; Frank Mead lllle from all claim* asserted by the »1663; Lawrence Beers »22.35; Bill defendants or any of them, and Netx »4.47; Tom Beers »8 94; Alvle for such other relief as may be Swearingen »26 82; Dave W ilkin ­ Juat. This summons Is served up­ son »8 94; H U W hite »17.88; D J. on you by publication by virtue Wilkinson »17.88; G. E B, era of an order by G. F. Sklpworth, Clr- »17.88; Wm Melr. »4.47. vull Judge, made and filed May 26. DIST. No. 33- Equipment »34 11; 1912, directing that summons be E. J. Mabe »44.87; Rav Sure, np served upon you by publishing the »21.50; L S. Porter »66.08; He ry same for four weeks In the Spring Parlile »1912: Virgie Woiden field News, and (hat you answer »19 12; J. H. Wilhelm »16.73; Matt the same within four weeks from Dlhble »59.87; W. II. Boring »47.90; the first publication thereof. This Jack Punniughuni >1.49; Grant Kirk summons Is first so published May »11.95; J. I,. Wallace »14.34; Cliff 20 1932 Knck »16.73; A. C Lake »33.53; S. D. A LLEN, Attorney for Ed Wlnhegler »11.95; Ralph Eves Plaintiff, Residence and P. O. Ad­ » II 96; Rlgeland Dlhble »4.78; Wm. dress, Eugene, Oregon. Gerlach »3.49; Karl Roberts >8.36; (M M— Jane M-lt-SS) Harry Gerlach >4.M. YOU’RE RIGHT. . . there'» one thing that stands out about Chesterfield. That is . . . tbey'rr Mildrr. This means Chesterfields aren't harsh. It means they're not strong or heavy. Early in the day or late at night you'll find that Chesterfields are a/u>ayi pleasing. They are mild and yet they satisfy. What’s more they taste better, too. That’s i t . . . milder and better taste. These are the two out­ standing merits o f Chesterfield. Plus . . . a third important advantage. Chester­ fields are as pure as the water you drink . . . as pure as science can make them. Chesterfield Radio Program MON. »THUS. BOSW Etl TUES »Hit. SiSTEHS G ray c. W t' i Altx NAT SHIlreer and N RU ETTI SMAN »KOKENS At 6 p. m., Pacific Tim© » every night but Sunday 'S k CO IU M B IA NETWORK • 1MJ. I