THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-NINTH YEAH HPKIN0F1KL». I«ANK COUNTY. OREGON, TIIÜKHI JAY. JUNE 23. 1932 No. 24 STUART NAMED Hansen-Giles Wedding Held SCHOOL OFFICER SWIM CLASSES Valley Residents Entertain Pastor 10 FORM HERE Mi«« Junnltn L. Demmsr, of Medford, Chosen New Fac­ ulty Member at H. S. Meeting of Civic Croups Held at City Hall Wednesday to Diseuse Arrangements SECRETARY IS NAMED Sids for 200 Corda of Wood Called by Director«; July 3 Set at Final Date Kiioeh C. H iu arl w ill »«rva Springfield school tinani (ui Small Croup Hear« Rev. Dean Poindexter Read Marriage Dr. W. H. Pollard Named on Vow« Monday at Thurston World Service Commission, Meets in Chicago July 7, 8 T h e m arriage of M ia* V irgin ia dau* b,,’r Mr aod Mr «'ríe llaiiHcn, lu K«iiu«th O li«*, ut M e d fo rd , waa »olemulxed at Ilia home of Ilia bride al Thuratun M un­ day iifturnooii. June 2V. before a h iiih II group of Im m ediate fam ily members and close friend» P la n , for a two w eek, .w im m ln « Another high honor, inainbarahlp on Ilia W orld Harvlca Coin in laa Ion «< .. . . «o ie bride waa draaaed In « i |« the duty ut the group to plan a attccaaaor tu ('. A H w a rta , r e tir in g I pow. a chiffon draaa and car Hllll „ „ n in e the a c tiv ities ot th e candidate (or memliar. »ho la rlad w ■d pink aweetpaaa church fur the (our year perioda a h e rlíí of Ionie county. Mr». G a haa bean aecretary at which lap»« between Intern atio nal Htuart polled MM vole* a* again»! | the Springfield high achool (or the conference», auch aa the one Juat 41 (or Em ery Itlchardaon. h l* op . . . . » i P“ "' » "•*» • M r. till« » waa (orm ! completed at A tlan tic C ity, poneul. In t a « e i I on ay on j pr|y chief of (Milica of Springfield Members o f the commlaalon have r l« a ,b a r.u n o p p < ..a d (o r a - .e la c llo n t o iiii|ii( iw 1 1 ¥ |.mii1 =10. E. S. PICNIC PLANS ARE MADE Election of another teacher lo the Springfield high achool faculty, the election of a aecretary for the high achool, and the calling of bid» Annual Affair to Be Held at Edged Grove July 10; Vaca­ for wood for the three schoola for the w inter were all m a tte r, taken J tion Period is Set up at a special m eeting of the board ■ Plana for the annual picnic of the which was held at the C ity H all a fte r the elect Ion al g o'clock Mon t aacade chapter. O. E S , were |b MANY MOTOR TO RESORT FOR PROGRAM WED. P. M. HHinos Large Croup Honors Rev. and Mrs. Hagen at Walterville Party on Tuesday H av and M r» E B H ag en New Soaring Ship at Spring- field Field Kept in Air More Than Eight Minutes of W “ IU’rV ,ll,‘ wen! “ « '‘« h tfu lly .n r priaed Tuesday evening. June 21. at Klng homp wh* n * < rouP °» DALTON SHINN RETURNS W eek, of July were form ulated laat ,n 10 8pMld ,h ® night at a meeting held at the C ity I l" g wltb tbem - Tbla ln ‘ he n»- lia ll al which lim a representatives ,Ur* o i “ ,arw eH p a r,’r U «m *» of th« various civic o rg an izatio n. " nf" 5' ed bX the young people on met with Miss Phyllis Hartzog, the lawn w hile the older onea v is it­ Edwin Markham fomoo« (set, ed around a bonfire. celebrated hi» eightieth binb-tay re­ Had Cross health worker. During the evening a lovely cently by reading from hi. p, *- No final plana were completed. fore an audience which pack* ' * •Mrs. Ernest Uertsch ws< named to hound scrap album waa presented York"« larve«t -or. • Ith Mlaa Hart«««’ In making 10 tbe honor “ >!» year operating on a bud the W illa m e tte river. SIATE FAIR TO BE th e poaltlon o f d la tr lc t d a r k , re- celvad 11« vote.. T h e two new of a " d M r" ■ J - U 7 and M T hey w ill outline field Im m ediately a fte r Ilia cere- 'h e expenditure of approxim ately fleer ut Ibe district w ill he sworn i lu and begin th e ir dullea at the f i r s t ' mooy for the southern Dragon city lour m illion» ut dollar» each year III m ake Ih a lr h o m e.! for the next four year». meeting of the hoard lo be held In i * b,‘ r* *b,’> --------------------- , 1,r I*«,Hard haa Juat returned July when the new fiscal school, 'fro m the A tlautltt* coast where he year start» F It. Planer» w ill aa 1 Nervod mm one m em ber of the Ore- sume chairm anship of the board gon I »ay delegai Ion at the confer Ibal (line, succeeding M r Swart enee tlr W II Pollard la the other mem her of the board GEIDER PILOTS M aior John S Cohen, owner and editor of th. Atlanta Journal ap- pointed United States Senator iron Georgia to »occeed the late Senator H a rri« ( LANSBERY HOME RAZED B V C l s u r e u u c n a . c e rv a w BY FLAMES WEDNESDAY ! MacManiman Seeks Official Check of Flights; Former Record About 2 Minutes All form er glider records fo r thia I part of Oregon and many of the | Northw est records are being , broken u no fficially by students of ' «be Springfield School of Plying | and others who have aided In the construction of the new Challenger I C-3 type of soaring glider b uilt nt j the flying field under the direction of Jim M acM anlioan. manager. T he new glider la almost tw ice aa large aa the firs t one used In this county. It la designed fo r soar- t e r - 1 “ re,tu,“r Ope“ e° * ‘ plt for ,he P|,ot Kim lia r to an a ir plane lnMead havlDg the perched on a »mall block of wood at lhe very nOBe of the «Mder. Flig hts of 80fl to 1000 faet haTe ^ ome qulte common tfc, , new type of glider here Kenneth T h e eight room home of M r and aid, and N e il M cA rthur. G reta Zeh- I«**" ‘ han one-third the total j Coburn and E a rl McCarty have M rs. Coy l^ansbery east of Spring- ner. Ruth Hucklna, Dorothy Sm ith, receipts for tl,e past year it w a s jb o th flow n the from , he Mrl E g po tte r Vlolet d A1 , decided at a meeting of state off)-1 hangars at the flv ln « field to th e field on the M cK enzie highway wa i CHURCH PLANS SPECIAL com plately destroyed by fire at 2 SERVICES FOR SUN DA« tb, i0„„, Tu. , a„ p. m. Wednesday Most of the fu m l S oeclal service« a re h a ln e ..lan S?me ° f tl>‘* ln’ lted * u e ,t’ w ere T h e fa ir oard was authorized to the Booth-Kelly m ill and then clr- lu re was saved. T he house was par-, ned at the Christian church for "|“ k n L ? ° P^e,,,,n, be ‘ h * atart " Hally covered w ith Insurance. The G am e, are .hough, to have ! a c c o r d i n g to R ev V eltle T he ’ X ^ ^ T h l c X v ^ r p S : ‘“ ^ ‘g ’ Sder I . frequently kept A large delegation of Springfield people motored lo Cascade Resort on the I'p p e r M cK enzie riv e r W ed­ » f r i e d in the hltchem Mr». Lana- ¡.e ^ o r o i The nesday evening to attend the pro- hery was v l.l,lo g »t her m o th e rj, and « ram Presented by the Eugene h o m e .n d Mr L s n .b e ry w . . work- -ab je c t. T he < h ri.tla n Encourage- 11»*»«•* ‘ ha sum mer vacation period Springfield left early and drove lanisbery's attention. ------------- ' ecopnmtea ordered w ill In ju re the i Mr. M acM anim an la now making M urphy-M oahler quartet. The’ even- a rriv in g at th e lr destlna 1 ------------------------------- a . . .. .. ,. , . . . . . . . i of the high school faculty Hha w ill | ‘ he picnic w ill ba held at the Ed- leisurely .Ion before dark H A P P Y H O U R C L U B H E A R « ! '«« ■“ « o'clock f° r tbe “ cKenzle fair, bu, w ill actually make the fa i. a rra n g e m e n t, to have aeronautic Among those from t h l. city who ° UR CLUB H EA R S A Hp, clal pro l* * a“ * <' ,o bring a. 7 o'clock Sunday evening. The ' ° WB: 1 *ng eVeDU' drOPPed ,rom the be' ng m ,d e Wlth ,h e * ,,d e r" Miss Ina Clenieul was named ssr- 'h e ir lunch baskets, and coffee w ill lo attend were M r aud M rs. Julius V id a— W a lte r M illican, clerk; fa ir this year These attraction s M em b e r, o i the Happy _ _»«« Moet of these flig hts are made PPJ Hour u. club , mu program wj|| be In the nature of > Eulop. M r and Mrs. I-arson W rig h t. re la ry at the school to eaecoed Mlaa be furnished by the ( haptar. have been costing the fa ir fa r more on Sundays, he say«, and are made heard M artan Powell W lld m .n talk a (an ipf(rt. and „ c8)1k1 Ar()Und W illia m Ovlngton, director. M r. and Mrs. C lifford W llsop. M r. V irg in ia Hansen, who »»« m arried j Mrs. W K lla rn e ll Is chairm an Leaburg— Lee Fountain, director; than the receipts. Horse exhibits at irre g u la r Intervals during the on bf “ 'a picnic com mute.- H e r assist and Mrs N I.. I ’ollard. Mrs. W a lte r at their meeting Tuesday at the w ill be held as usual. M any other day a fte r 10 o'clock. H e invites the p,.rkinH „ |pad<.r v ,. Sam Sw afford, clerk. Gossler. Dr. W . N Dow. F. B. Flan Medford to m ake her home Miss a,,,a M r* M argaret Kenyon and Deerhorn-*— E a rl Thienes, dlrec- fairs in the U nited States have ell- public to drive out to the airp ort y«-'|,| , 1| " ,’ rS J" ,' n b etels. Mias d|n < > Qarten w m g|ng HpeCja ) music Clement haa assisted at the high M r»- w E Oswald Olson ery. F. B H a m lin . W . A T a y lo r. H, W lldm an brought w l.h her severs. a, th((( meptlnK tor; Leland Shrode. clerk. minated the horse races and in t e r - 't o see the operation of the glider. achool for soma tin.« and has be have charge of Iranxportatlou O. blbblee, W . K B arnell. John books from the M cM orran and W a lte rv ille — Alvin Stephens, dl- eat in them has lagged and receipts | An autom obile is used to tow the ______ Pyle, John Anderson. 1. M. P eter­ come fa m ilia r w ith her duties A rra n g e m e n t, have been made to , rector; Mrs. Lulu Key. clerk. have not been sufficient to m ake glider startin g It off into the air. W ashburue book departm ent which PRUITT FAMILY HOLDS Rids for »«HI cord o f wood wars h a»e «ho»e without transportation son. T helrn er Nelson, and W . H. she used to illustrate her talk . Cedar F la t— Mrs. W a lte r Easton, up the necessary purses. Losses on T he tall grass on the runways of Adrian. a ..........ailed al the meeting They | register al the Kelels drug store This wa the final m eeting of the REUNION EVENT SUNDAY director; H a rry Endicott, clerk. these two items In Oregon last year the field is being mowed this week specify 2(H) cord, of four fool old Th’ • • • 'h e Iasi one be- 1 to fa c ilita te the take-offs. club u ntil Septem ber when the Thurston— W illia m B arnett, dl- were around »12.000 or s e e n d growth slab, block, or ,ora •« "» » » « recess period dor- RAILROADS NOW OFFER group w ill be entertained by «Mrs ^"be annulJ1 reunion of the P ru ltL re c to r. j j ra Fy-ed Russell, clerk. A new a rriv a l at the flying field T he retrenchm ent program of the fam ily was held at Ashland in L it body fir wmal lo ha delivered a t ! J u l’f a" d Au« u"‘ A » » ", LOWEST JULY 4TH RATES Maude Bryan at her home J fa ir calls for elim ination of free this week Is Dalton Shinn and hl the schools as apedfted by the j « '” » • ' ‘ he m ealing hy M f* Lens hla park Sunday w ith members at- F A M Q U S SPORTSMEN passes; reduction of num ber of em- single-place monoplane. Shinn is tending from various parts of the I board when the bids are opened »Ysedrlck. w orthy m atron, who at- Railroad fares for the July 4th VACATION ON McKENZIE pl° r ee8; reduction of pay for em- well-known here, having purchased j state. N inety-four were p re s e n t' A ll bids must be In by July S. 1S32 | ' • n<*ed the Grand Ixtdge meeting i period this year w ill be the lowest MISS MARY SMITSON IS ployees. Salem has offered fre e po- the firs t sm all ship cons’ ructed at at Puri land last week PARTY GUEST FRIDAY from Ashland G rants Pass. M e d -( CIaren<,e Kolb s(age ^ nd rad,() lice and fire protection, the Cham- the local flying field. H e has had ever offered for that holiday, ac. ford. Eugene. Gold H ill, and Klam- „n, e r l a i o f ... i pam „» Kolh I ber ° f Commerce there has offered his plane stored aw ay in Eugene cording to announcements today by THURSTON COUPLE IS Miss Dorothy H a r, of Thurston ath Falls. Rev. and Mrs. V e ltle to rm blidze the fa ir M any have of during the w in te r months while hp C arl Olson, local agent for South­ „a LIONS HEAR DIXON ON ui L. L -e _ . . „ , „ and D ill, comedians, arrived at his PUDiiiize tne la ir. Many nave or and Miss Echo Tom setl, were host P ru it, and fam ily were present. M r summer home Qn thp M c K e n lle fered th eir services to the fa ir free has been at Madison. Wiscon In. a t­ MARRIED ON JUNE 1b ern Pacific company. HIGHER SCHOOL BILL F r,da Qf , agt wppk „ r fo r expenses. T here w ill be no tending the state university. Shinn T he agent revealed plana of his esses for a -urprlse birthday party P ru itt being the son of M r. and near , p>b H a rry Endicott and Mias France«, ----- --------. ____ J building conipuny for a five-day excursion honoring Miss M ary Smltaon F rl Mrs. D L. P ru it, of G rants Pass. to spend . one week fishing . for red- building improvements improvem ents this this »ear year, Is hauling his plane out to the field Law rence were m arried on Wed i A- ‘ Dixon, vice-president o, the A special service was held at the sides. H e brought as his guests on Lawns, shrubs, flowers, and roofs this week where he expects to have program. June 30 to July 4. Inclu- day evening at the home of Miss nesday evening. June 16. at Itev E ,1<*, AS PREFERRED CLAIMS Pacific ocean beaches at Yachats ton high school and has been em ­ phas«»e o f the proposed measure, ¡van tag e of the three-dar holiday, j , Beach las, summer. Bank funds of the Com m ercial W|SS COFFIN HOSTESS fo r mem bers of the Springfield ployed a , "T h e Blossom F arm " foi and told something of the history w ill avail themselves of Ih e low CIVIC CLUB MEMBERS State bank, now in liquidation.; FOR FORMER RESIDENTS 011"1 Sc° u ‘ troop are to be consider several months Mrs. Endicott has nf the men who are promoting Ihe fares. IUKA MEMBERS ARE AT TO PICNIC NEXT WEEK totalin g *6.363.49 which had been ' ------------- this we* k *»y the scout com m it­ been In Portland tak in g nurse'» campaign to have the measure CONVENTION CITY , (|epogjted |n , be Banb „ ( com m erce J A num ber of form er residents of tee. M em bers of the group are M ra. training. They w ill make Ih a lr placed on the ballot this fall, tellin g Annual picnic fo r m em ber of the , -------------- in Eugene before the institution . Springfield were guests of Miss W . K. B arnell. Mrs. W . C. W rig h t, home In Eugene Guests present at something of the life of both M r AUTO LICENSE PLATES C ivic club and th e ir fam ilies will Five members of Springfield, Zorn, fig u ra tiv e head of the move­ the wedding were M r». 1-awrence MUST BE ON BY JULY 1 be held at the W illa m e tte Park Iuka circle, num ber 28. LadleR Au- closed Its doors were designated as Florence E. Coffin at an inform al Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter, Mrs. a preferred claim and ordered paid entertainm ent at her home in Port- W anda Barnes, and M rs. E. E. May of W a lte rv ille . M r and Mr». John m ent; H ecto r M cPherson, auth or of Unless Governor Julius M eier