PAOE FOUR THURSDAY, JUNK I«. 1932 THE SPRINGFIELD NEW8 Ease 4n aflet ot Coburg ure Ihe pareilla ut u baby turning. that our grandchildren may look the present day. They know how to noon at the monthly meeting at tin are now shown In a Ing of lite high I her home nt Pori Ortord ihls week daughter born to llielil al 764 Weal CANCEL SUMMER MEETS That direction is very strongly back with commiseration upon the make full use of leisure time; but Community all. Mrs. C. K Wheaton way released by the slate highway | y,,. a|ld Mra j.< -n„ki.r wm 12 street In Eugene ou Thursday, toward the commercialisation ot primitive people of thia generation, and Mrs D 0 . Fisher were named department: po» ibly full use does not mean Summer educational meeting of leave Friday for San Francisco. June ». 1932 proper use. Methods advocated re Eugene Poultry Producers' associa­ products of the chemical labors who used such fragile things as on a committee to make neressar» .00 Junction at Springfield bridge tory. (o provide new materials and china and glass on their dining fer to quality rather than quantity tion. composed of leading laute arrangements The place Is Io l,< 1.8 East Springfield city limits of leisure. Time spent seeing sen county poultry producers, have new forms of finished products, bet tables 3.38 Maple school announced later I asked Mr Swann whether he satloral movies, reading decadent been cancelled until September it ter and cheaper Ihan the materials A permanent program commit­ 3.38 Wendling It R. literature, motoring madly through ha. been announced by K H Nel­ and products whose place they will agreed with Henry Ford that the tee for the next year wus name«l 4 84 Thurston road. the country or attending uight son, president. The first meeting take. And the most interesting solution of our industrial economic Tuesday and has the followin', 8 73 Cedar Flats Road. Not in Ilntcrh'ItR. poclry or gong tl<»i»n Violet Hay dubs, is less advantageously spent of the group will be held on the phase of this chemical revolution, problems is io be found In provid- members; Mrs. J Fulop. Mrs. Mel 10.21 West end Hendricks bridge gasoline excel, but In ac tu a l perfo rm an ce In your which is now well under way. is Ing every industrial worker with an than in more wholesome directions second Tuesday in September, he Rice, Mrs. A It Van Valz-h sn I 10 50 East end of Hendricks bridge m otor. Il goes fu rth e r and given g re a te r Matlgfuctlon that it promises to give a wider and opportunity to obtain his living di —direction which will form a foun has announced. 10 90 Rond to Easton place Mrs. Wheaton th an any ord in ary gngoline yet It com* no m ore red from the land. more profitable market for the pro­ dalion for future old age which is Reports of the Rose Show- and 1123 Waltervllle. T his statio n In prepared to m ake any repair* your ducts of the land than the (armei "I think that is the soundest pro­ Children’s parade were heard at I8 60 Deerhorn Sanitarium in the offing and develop interests ca r m ay need an well iih furnlnh you com plete nervlee. gram possible." said Mr Swann. the meeting, and the dub voted to 18.09 Power Plant. has ever had. that will not lose their zest. Drive In. "Few people have any Idea of the "The nun who has nothing to fall send a letter of thanks to Ihe 18.91 School. back on in times of economic dis­ Young persons f r e q u e n t l y extensive part which chemistry- Chamber of Commerce for the use I 18.23 Johnson Creek through lack of time or inclination plays In modern industry." said Mr tress Is in a bad position, whether of the Community hall rooms for 21.42 Ward bridge at power canal do not know what It is to have Swann. "But if we look around us he is a farmer or a factory worker. the floral display. 5th and A Streets Springfield 31.64 Montgomery creek. spare time on their hands. Leisure we see many familiar things which The lesson that farmers are learn­ Luncheon was served during the i 23.17 Fish Hatchery, Is left out of their lives. Some of came originally out of the chemist's ing la that they cannot depend upon social hour by Mrs. Edward Privai 33 39 llatcery creek them may be able to work eleven laboratory and which illustrate a single cash crop, but must di­ and Mrs Meda Catching. 23 71 Finn creek. hours a day with no vacation ex Surfboard Hold Specialist Re- «hat I mean. Take for example the versity their farming operations so 24.83 Indian creek cept an occasional day off and still turns From Tour of Country chemical compound known as bake­ that they can at least get a com­ 25.38 Gale creek fortable living off the soil, whethei reach a hale and hearty old age lite. Perhaps the average person 30 17 Bear creek to Liven Interest in Lane Remember this is the exception; doesn't know It by that name, but they sell any o6 their product for 33 96 N I III r,si road the majority of them are irritable George Wildcat' Pete is back In it is a chemical product which has rash or not. It teems certain that 38.44 Elk creek and overwrought husbands and Lane county and will be one rt the almost entirely supplanted the use the industrial worker who lias 39 93 Blue river. fathers who get little pleasure out main eventers in a wrestling of hard rubber and of celluloid for enough land on which to keep a tew 42.32 Forest boundary of life. Moreover, when these men match to be sponsored at the Eu­ almost all of the purposes for which hens snd a pig or two and perhaps 46 18 Belknap bridge for Ho Fork a cow. and to grow enough food tor Rev. Cecil F. Ristow Offers retire, they present the pathetic gene Armory Friday evening by- those products were used. 48 21 Cascade Iteaort. them ami garden products for his Four Rules for Living Suc­ 49 61 Road to Foley Springs spectacle of having no capacity for Herb Owen, promoter for the Eu- Everybody- Is more or less fami A fter a h ard day'* work o r a long drive nothing enjoyment and no avocation to gene Wrestling commission His |iar with the new kinds of building family does not need to worry much cessfully in Depression 49 67 McKenzie Bridge. cool* you off and i* Quite *0 rcfrcHhing uh u di*h of turn to. Many interesting and in opponent Friday will be none other materials and wall boards made whether the factory ahuts down for 52.01 Paradise Hanger station K ggiinann’B h e cream . IU« h In rreu n t co n ten t o ur lee Four rules of life (o follow It one I 55.00 Belknap Springs road spiring things of life have passed than Pat Reagan ot Casper. Wyo-ifrom sugar cane fibers, sawdust a while or not. And the time is cream I h pure, atnooth and delichma. T h e kind every w hiie’ B riw h c reek them by. They may have accumu ming They will wrestle, struggle.' and similar bv-productes. All of bound to come when anybody with wants to live successfully through hotly liken lated wealth hut they cannot com­ or call it what yon will, for what i those came out of the chemical a few acres of land can grow some the present depression were given 62 29 Waterfall Camp «'old drink*, too, ulway* on tup. mand intellectual pleasure at will; ever time is necessary for the win laboratories There are. literally, kind of a cash crop which will rind IO members of the Lions club here. Ald„r Sprln|P(1Kant yjlll graduating from the two daughters. Mildred and Shirley, :ty of this paper until It can com sidered a public health problem. | Pleasant Hill high si-hool four ness visitor in Springfield on Satur­ (Hie. Several members of ih e club ex | VPBrM ag(, He now ,aklnK a¥la. Rulers of Lew Prices Stop, look and listen! Make a were week-end guests at her home, pete with paper made from north day. profitable use of your leisure time. The afternoon was -pent with ern spruce. It takes thirty years for pressed their intention of going to uon training and plana to enter the EUGENE 1015 WILLAMETTE needlework and conversation, spruce to grow, while the pine re- Klamath Falls on July 12, 13. and a|| business. Guests were Mrs. N. L. Helterbrand, produces Itself In fifteen years. 14 for the district convention ANNUAL O. N. G. REVIEW the Lions club. Mrs. Bessie Smith. Mrs. E. W. Al-j "That is only one example of Mrs. B. F. Minney is very 111 at WILL BE H E L D JU N E 25 ber8- Mra- G“> Halsey. Mrs. I. A. what I mean by agricultural pro­ I I ----------- Valentine. Mrs. H. H. Bchaffenberg. ducts SB raw material of chemical her home at Vida. MANY PEOPLE ATTEND A surprise party was given for Invitations to attend the annual Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. O. H. industr'es. Cotton, of course, has RICKARD REUNION SUN. review and combat demonstration Smitb. Mrs. W. K Barnell, and Mrs. never been anything but a raw ma­ Rev. Ralph Clark, pastor of the of Oregon National Guard troops W. N. Williams. The Misses Pearl terial for Industry, but we have de­ Presbyterian church of Waltervllle Nearly 200 people attended the at Camp Clatsop. Oregon, on Sat and Jewel Helterbrand assisted the veloped through chemistry new at his home at Santa Clara Wednes­ annual Rickard reunion at Idylwood urday, June 26. have been received hostess in serving the refreshments uses for cotton. In the manufacture day evening by members of the park north of Monroe Sunday. Ar from the commanding general of -------------------------- ot a wide range of products which congregation. nold Tracer, Junction City, was Memers of the Deerhorn P.-T. A the Guard. The demonstration and Portland Man Here—Hal Zerung 1 come under the general head of elected president for the next year will sponsor an Ice-cream and review will start at 2:30 o’clock of Portland was a visitor in Spring- cellulose. That includes such things Other officers chosen Sunday are: as artificial silk and transparent strawberry feed there next Wed­ and Is open to. the general public. Held Saturday afternoon. Irvin Rickard, Bellfountain, vice- films for wrapping all sorts of com nesday evening. president; Mr . Rena Edmiston, modifies. The latest chemical in­ The road along the south side of Thurston, secretary and treasurer. dustry haned on cotton Is the pro­ the McKenzie river from Hendricks The next annual meeting of Ihe duction of xylose, from cottonseed bridge to Emerick's ferry has been clan will be held at Idylwood purk hulls, which have heretofore been a repaired and Is now passable as on the third Sunday In June, 1933 waste product. Xylose is a kind of far as the ferry. T his Is th e tim p of year when one is in th e open enjoy­ The records of the clan tor ihe sugar which is not absorbed into «________________________ ing n atu re . But to enjoy it m ost one c a n ’t be bothered past year showed nine weddings ) the blood. Hospitals and medical w ith su n b u rn , insect bites and o th er irritatio n s c o n ­ 11 births, and no deaths. There are schools are testing It now Io find 405 members of this early family. trac ted in th e open. out whether it has any possible In­ Thurston people attending the re Mrs. John Price and daughter jurious effect on the human system. We have th e rem edies th at stop th ese h u rts in a union were Carl and Kenneth Platt, Mildred, motored to The Dalles 1 If It has not, then there will be an liiiiry. Ask us, w e're alw ays glad to serve you. Harvey Calvert, Mr. and Mrs. Ray enormous demand for xylose, from last Thursday and met Mrs. Arch Baugh, and family, Mr. and Mrs. The trade does not Shough and daughter. Patricia, who people who are fond of sweets but John Edmiston and family, and Mr. know what you have | who ought not to eat ordinary have been living In Washington and Mrs. Beals and daughter, to offer unleaa you i sugar. Imagine candy that a lad) for some time, they returned home Jessie. tell them . , . day In can eat pounds of every day with with them for an extended visit. Thurston baseball team defeated . . . and day out. out getting fat! One of the most Give your bueineia prevalent diseases in America is Westfir team on the local diamond MRS. ROBERTS HOSTESS a rppututlon for be­ diabetes, which is the effect of too last Sunday. FOR PAST MATRON CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Doolittle and son, ing up and doing by much sugar In the blood. Perhaps keeping the people Members of the Past Matrons xylose, made from cottonseed hulls, Hugh, from Cottage Grove, are I n f o r m e d of the will provide ail the sweets that a visiting Mrs. Needham since Mon club of Cascade chapter, O. E. S. day. many bargains to be were entertained at the home of diabetic patient desires, and even 968 Willamette Street Mr and Mrs A. W Weaver are Mrs. Arthur Roberts Monday after­ had In your store or prevent the spread of this disease. shop. There is char­ "Another new kind of sugar is planning on grdng to California noon at 2:30 This was the regular acter In good print­ levulose, which already has a very next month. Their daughter and hue monthly meeting. Mrs. Margaret Store will be closed all day today preparing for Kasy chair* went out of Rtyle alnioHt tw o year* ing. Let us demon wide use in industry, and chemists hand, Mr and Mrs. Dave Weaver, Kenyon will entertain for Ihe mem ago. G ettin g h,iHiiit‘HH to day require* action. strate that fact. We have found a way of extracting are planning to drive up for them hers at their July meeting. ItiiHhie** Klafl* are too hiiiu .1I and th e hu*lne*R peclatlze on: — levulos from Jerusalem artichokes, from San Francisco. m an does not have hour* enough to personally giving a new vahie to that easily COLORED ENTERTAINERS Booklets , . , grown crop. One of the largest NEW CLUB TO HEAR go out a f te r every piece of buHlncRH to be had. .. HEARD HERE TUESDAY Pam phlets , , , chemical Industries is the manufac­ th ro u g h hiiRtllng. T h a t I* w here th e printed REPORTS ON BOOKS Letter-heads . , , ture of paints and varnishes, and A musical program given for the word work* mo*t effectively for him. And the Catalogues , . , one of the best oils for use in that Members of the Happy Hour benefit of students attending the Broadsides , , , co st of Helling i* ho m uch leu* . . . upon Rtralned industry is Ihe product of the nut of club of Springfield will hear a re­ Piney-Woods school at Piney- Bille . . . the tiing tree, which formerly grew view and talk on some of the new Woods, Mississippi was held at the budget*. P rin tin g price* In o u r *hop are h I ho only in China. Now we have intro­ est books for adults and children Christian church Tuesday evening dow n, but th e re ’* no let down in th e q u ality of Office stationery and duced the lung tree into Ihe United given by Mrs. Marian Powell Wild before an appreciative audience. forme of all kinds . . . th e work. Prom pt service too. We a re geared States and a large Industry has al­ man of the book department of Me Lawrence Jones, leader of the for *peed. No w aitin g here. Phone 2, we w ill C a ll ready developed In the production Morran and Washburne store In school was here with the musicians morning at 8:30. Watch for advertisement in Eugene of tung oil from the product of Am­ Eugene next Tuesday when the erican farm lands.” club is entertained at Ihe home ot Camp Creek Man Here— William morning paper. One ot the big Industrial develop­ Mr\ j„hn F. Ketels. A short busl- tttrunk of Camp Creek was a busi­ ments close st hand, Mr. Swann be- ness meeting will also he held the ness visitor In Springfield Hater | ileves, Is the use of plastic mater-1 same afternoon. day Civic Club Will Picnic June 28 BEST B Y T E S T ‘WILD CAT' PETE WRESTLES FRIDAY “ A ” Street Service S tation — Pure —Sm oothe —Delicious Lions Hear Talk By Eugene Pastor F G G IM A N N ’S Friday and Saturday Upper Willamette 77c Days Two Days of Sensational Values... T h e Golden Rule I McKenzie Valley Business A lways Looks Dark T o He W ho Waits Sunburn, Insect Bites etc. Thurston KETELS DRUG STORE C. J. B reier Co. SALE to Start Friday The Willamette Press - - South 4th St.