TIIU R H IIA Y, JUNE 1«. 1932 TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS MYBCME ftÇYOURi Fiaba» on Friday — Ho ard Hughe» flatted on the McK isle ueur Deudnotn' . ferry Inti- F lay aftai noon und « v e iIng PÀGB T U R K I BERNICE NEHER FINDLEY TOWN AND VICINITY GRADUATES FROM U. O. Due to some error on the part of on McKanxIa— Dr. W C. Portland Man H tro D. it. Plow. the parson at the University News and .Mrs. Arthur Ension and Gall K'-bhan und John Anderson spent ' man of Portland spent Sunday bureau which prepared the story Easton of W sllervllle were Visitors ' Sunday fishing on the McKensI« vt Plug at the M It lluntly home last week of (he graduates from the school, the name of Bernice Neher In Springfield Halurday. 1 rtvsr. * Admitted to Hospital— Roy Smith Finley was sot Included among l( you have a garden thia aunt Visit from Portland — Mr and of Oakridge was admitted to the those completing their work for de­ Daughter Born — Mr ami Mra. SUMMONS Mrs. Roy Smith ol Portland spent Eugene hospital on Friday. Wualwy II, Hunaeli ut Leahurg urn mar cut thn lettuce liiatend of pull grees. lite parent« ni a baby ilauahler Ina It up by thn roots. Th« loaves IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT G F T H E Sunday In Springfield visiting with Mra. Finley has completed all of Fish on Fall Creek— M A. Pohl burn lu (boia al III« I'a iiflc Clirlal will grow again, ami again, aaving HTATK OF OREGON FOR T H E friends and relatives. Ihe requirements for the Bachelor and M B. lluntly caught several CO UNTY OF LANE. Ian lioapltal m Eugene on Tliuraday th« labor or replanting and the of Arts degree In Education and for large fish Sunday while fishing on L»sv»e for Idaho— Mrs. M argaret •e' da aa well. Thia la Iru« of »pin I W. It. Ehlen and Harriet M Ehlen. Jut... ». 1932 the high school music teaching eer plulollff», vs Mu Belle, llulxhlser Kenyon left Monday for points In Fall Creek. "'ll, and awla, III aril alao. tlflcate, both of which were award­ und Julius II. Balxhlser, her hue- Idaho where she will visit friends Oallaa People Here Dr. and ed her at commencement exercise« band. Ory B. Brown and Martha und relatives. N O T IC I TO CREDITORS How often th» toaal will burn be A. Brown and Fred E. Hrnlth, De Mrs. H. E I'etersou of Dallas spent Monday of this week NOTICE IM IIE IO -.II. G IVEN tore the toaster can be turned: feudants. Mrs. Finley has been very active Returns from Portland — Mrs. Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. ibat the iinderalguvd baa been up when thia happ«na, rub with a To Ory II Brown and Martha A. In maaie circles both at tba Uni­ Kale llrumette returned Sunday C. F. Kgglmann. pointed A il in In 1st rat rl* ol the ««tale j llrown, Defendant». versity and In Springfield where of It O. Wllaon. dviraaed, by thn iiar»« grater The burn Is removed IN T IIE NA M E OF T H E STATE from Portland where she has spent V isitor from Blue R iver— J O. County Court or l,auv County. All ' neatly and quickly, and the toaat i OF OREGON: You are hereby re the past few days visiting. she directs music at the Methodist MiKInney of Blue Klver was a church. 1'eraona bavlug claims agulnat »aid ionn the worse for the experience qulred (o uppeur und unawer the e • e «alate are required lo preeent tb«tn Complulnt filed against you In (he Visitor» from Oregon City— l-ewl» business visitor in Springfield on with th« proper vouchera to tbe un When making cap stringa for the above entitled suit within fout McBee and family of Oregon City Friday. der Iglied at tb« law oiricea ul Weeks from the date of the first baby's cap, and wuah airing« are publication of this Humiuous, and spoilt the week-end visiting with TWO LOCAL GIRLS I .'IH I k llulli y, U l Miner Build Come from California— Mrs H K. Ing. Eugene, Oregon, within all iioch better than ribbons make j If you full to unawer, for want friends and relatives here. Bock and Mrs. Ed Smith and IN PIANO RECITAL mouth« troni the date ol thia notice the»» string» of uneven length, i thereof, the Plaintiffs will apply to L»av» for California — Mr. and daughter, Irene, of Merced, Cali­ DATED thia 2nd day ol June A Ihe Court for the relief as prayed hen the longer airing will cross un- M ms Barbara Barnell. (laughter D 1B3B. . fur fu Plaintiff's Complaint, to-wlt: Mr Merle Ca»t«el left Sunday for fornia. arrived Sunday to visit with ler the baliya chin and tie at the for a Judgment against thn defend­ of M r and Mra. W. K. Barnell. and I.O I'IH A 0. W ILSO N, Admllila California where they will spend their father. A. E. Benseny. tratris of the Katat« nt 11 O. Ida. quite out of baby's way Tbe ant Mu Belle Balxhlser for the sum a few days visiting In San Fran­ Miss Margaret Jarrett, daughter of bubv will be happier, und o will l ot »1000.00 and Interest thereon at Wllaon. Deceased Obtain License Saturday— D. L. Mr. and Mra. O. H. Jarrett, appear­ cisco. ihe rale of 7% per annum from (J 2 9-14 23 301 the mother. Burnaon and Evelyn Humphrey ed In public recital In Eugene on Sep». 30, 1931, and for a reasonable Class Holds Picnic— The young both of W estfir obtained a license Thursoay evening. June 9th, in the Attorney« fee, and for the costa N O T IC E When purchualng fowl i, have j ' " I iIlls suit, and for u decree lore- married couples of the Friends to wed at the latne county court­ kali room of the Eugene Hotel. j H i t tn drawn If you wish, hut do not < lie lug plaintiffs' mortgage for solo, class s' the Christian church held a house on Saturday. OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T They were presented by Reuben them to he cut up. It Is fur amounts against the following des picnic at Swimmer's Delight park t'harlyle Goffrelere, Eugene pianist N otice ih iie k e b y g iv e n . I pillow < rllo-d real property: The > aal Drive to Cottage Grove— Mrs. Sunday afternoon. that the undersigned, administrator eusler to remove pin foethers and and teacher, along with fifteen M o t) 190) feet of Ix»t One (1) Hlley Snodgrass and daughter. Max- of tbe estate of Elisabeth L. Ken j dean the fowl If It Is whole. Il I n j other high school and university Block Two (2) In John Christ­ W ashington People H e r* — M r Ine, Ine, drove to Cottage Grove nedy, deceased, has rendered and i not at all difficult to cut up a chick pianists. ian's Addition to Eugene, Lane i filed with the County Court of the ■'ii for after a little study and prac County, Oregon; and for such and Mrs. luon Bowman of Aber Monday evening to visit at the Both young ladles have appeared State of Oregon for the County of home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hill. deen, Washington, ure here visiting other and further relief as may previously In group recital, and lutne his final account and that tlae the Joints are easy to find ‘ he deemed Juat und equitable at the home of Mr Bowman's on Halurday the 26th day of June, ¡The Department ol Agriculture I n j Visit In Portland— M ist. P. J. Bar­ each ha« given a complete, memory 1932. at tbe hour of ten o'clock A sure to have a bulletin Illustrating I ThlM Huiumotia la served upon mother. M rs . Lottie Bowman. tholomew and two children, Mary recital under Mr. Goffrelere« man­ you by publication by virtue ol an M. of said day at the County Court ; how to do It. They seem to have order of Ihe Hon G. F. Hklpwortb. Catch Large Bass— C. F. Kggl- Alice, and Dick, and Miss Jeanette agement. The Thursday recital was room In tbe Courthouse at Eugene, Circuit Judge, dated und filed May iiianu and W. H. Hobbs brought Thompson will return today from the fifth of Mr. Goffrelere'« series Oregon, has been fixed and appoint I tiulletln. for every thing e e e -’4. IMS, directing (hat this Lum­ «d by said Court aa the day, Ume home u lurge bus which they had Portland where they have been of six June recitals. The sixth will and place for the hearing of nbjec- A roll of palter toweta which may inous be served upon you by pub­ taught at liubhurd lake Friday visiting this week. be given on tbe 22nd of June. Ilona to said final account and for he purchaaed In any houa«furnl«h lication In the Springfield News, once each week for a period of four afternoon. the settlement thereof All obji •<■ Playa In Eugene — Mrs. C lara Ilona must be In writing and filed Ing department of n department week«. The dale of first publics'Ion So« Bore— Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Drill Team Meets— The monthly Tuttle Fenton bos been playing the with the Clerk of aald Court on or »tore will be found an utd to kltch Is May 26, 1932 Dickenson of Oakridge are tbe par­ W ELLS A W ELLS, Attorneys before said day and time piano at several of tbe evening meeting of the Progressive 22’s, ell work. Place a towel on Ihe table for Plaintiff. Residence and P f d rill learn of the Rebekah lodge services In Eugene being conduct­ ents of a baby son born to them at Dated this 24th day of May, 1932 | when peaa are to be ah»ll« Jerome luiiubert and itutb Llegh. the court for the relief and for Judg­ nual summer encampment of the Percy, received his degree. Mrs. world— but be sure and get Krus­ ment and decree as prayed for In Oregon National Guard. Riddle is a niece of Mrs. Magill. both of Eugene; Norval Artnea und his complaint, to-wlt: chen— your health comes first. Violet Artnea. both of Eugene; Ice For Judgment against defendant. Itoy Nice. Springfield, and Halcyon George W. Starbuck, on his promis­ | Brown. Eugene; Dewey Bust, and. sory note given November 6th. 1929. for »200 to H. N. Millard nnd Rosie Graham, both of Blacbly; assigned to plaintiff, for »200 and Benjamin Sutherland uml Bethany Interest from date thereof at 8% JEWELER Withrow, both of Noli. per annum: the sum of »60 as at­ Kt pulrtuK u Specialty torney's fee for plaintiffs attorney; Estate of Hiram F. White. Deceased ; the costs nnd disbursements of Sprlugfleld, Oregon suit; also for the foreclosure of N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Notice Is hereby given that Ahi the mortgage given to secure said gall E. Clark has been by the Coun note and sale of the Innds described Dr JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN ty Court of the State of Oregon. In i therein, to sutisfv said judgment; ' und for Lane County, appointed i and for such other and further re­ Naturopathic Physician l Executrix and Dan E. Clark has' lief as shall be by the court deem Phone 9 IJ ' been by the iam>< eourt appointed ed just and equitable In the pre­ Office Hours: 1 to 6 I*. M Executor of the last will and testa mises. ment of Hiram F. White, deceased i This summons Is served upon you «0« Fourth Street All persons having claims ugulnsl , by publication thereof once each the estate of hu I« deceased arc week for four successive weeks In hereby notified to present the same the Springfield News, by order ot duly stated and verified, nt the re s ­ the Hon. <1. F. Sklpworth, Judge of U n lv e rta i Mortgage Corp. idence of the said executor und ex said court made and entered May ecutrJg nt 19X1 Moss street In Eu 23rd. 1932, and the first publication gene. Oregon, within six months thereof w»e made on the 26th dav of May. 19il2 from this 2nd day of June. 1932 A. E. Wheeler. Eugene, Ore­ W . P. Tyoon, Agent Abigail E. Clark, Executrix, gon. Attorney for Plaintiff. Dan E. Clark, Executor of the 12« E 8t. Phone M W (M 26— June 2 9 16-23) last will anil Testament of Hiram F. White, Deceased, j A. E. Wheeler. Attorney. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E General Law Practice ! _________ (J 2 9 18 23 30) N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN that by virtue of an execution and I. M. PETERSON SUMMONS ' IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E order of sale issued out of the Cir­ A ltcrn e y at Law S T A T E O F OREGON FOR LANE cuit Court of the State of Oregon, City H a ll Building for Lane County. Oregon, May 26th. CO UNTY. Sprliigfle^d. Oregon Milo M. Thomson. Mabel ( ’. Thom 1932. pursuant to a decree entered son. W C. Thomson, Mary C J by said court May 17, 1932. tn a suit Thomson and I. York Thomson, therein pending wherein Wesley Pennington and Susie Pennington plaintiffs. were plaintiffs and Roy V Maxwell, FRANK A, DE PUE VS. Ernest Hickson, E llin Hickson Mabel Maxwell, Dorllla J. Somers, A T TO R N E Y AT LAW Maybeii and Della E. Mayben; j W. T Reynolds. Rertha Reynolds. N O T A R Y PUBfcIC alao all other persons or parties First National Bank of Eugene, unknown claiming any right, title, Oregon, and Chnrles Gibson were Sutton Springfield estate Hen or Interest In the real defendants and execution and order b u ild in g O regon estate described In Ihe complaint of sale and to me directed nnd com- niauded me to sell the hereinafter herein. Defendants. To Ernest Hickson. Etlaa Hick described real property to satisfy Ison Mayben, and Della E. Mayben; the stint of »3000.00 with Interest POOLE - GRAY alao all other persons or parties th erein st 8% from the tOth day of ' unknown claiming any rig h t title, February. 1931, until paid nnd rea­ B V tT H J L O M E W I estate, lien or Interest In the real sonable attorney's fees In the sunt i estate described In Ihe complaint of »300.00 and for costs nnd dis­ herein: You are hereby summnn- bursements of suit taxed st »22 66. I ed to answer the complaint filed I will on Saturday the 26th day of Formerly Walker-Poole against you In the above entitled June. 1932 nt the hour of ten o'clock cause and court within four weeks A. M at the front door of the Coun­ EUGENE— lltb S P R IN G FIE LD from the first publication of this ty Court House In Eugene, Lane summons, and If you fall so to an­ County, Oregon, offer for sale and 238 Main and Charnelton, swer. for want thereof, plaintiff sell at public auction for cash to Phone 63-J Telephone 723 will apply to the cuurt for the re­ Ihe highest bidder subject to re­ lief demanded In said complaint, demption as provided by law nil vlx, that plaintiffs be adjudged the (he right, title and Interest of Ihe owners of the following property, aforesaid defendants and each ot that part of section 28, Township them and all persons claiming by. 16 south, of range 2 east of the through or under them the follow­ W illamette Meridian, bounded on ing described real property, to-wlt: } Beginning at the Intersection the east by the east line of the of the east line of the Oregon southwest quarter of said section, 119)2, LtacxTT e Mvxu T obacco CO. and California Railroad right of on the northerly side by Gate way (Southern Pacific Company Creek, and on the westerly and Lessee) with the center line of southerly side by the McKenxIe River; and thBt part of lot 3 1 the open roadway being 1226.6 feet South of the North line of In ;sald section lying between the James E. McCabe and wife Gate Creek and the old McKensie D. I,. C. No. 46. Notf. No. 2089 In highway, all In Lane county, Ore­ the right am ount o f fine aromat icTurlush THEY’RE MADE o f ripe, sw eet, m ellow Township 17 South Range 4 West gon, and that defendants have no of the W illam ette Meridian, and I right, title, estate, lien or interest tobacco. N ot too m uch, but juat enough. tobaccos. running thence East along the In the same, and quieting plaintiffs' center of said open roadway 2188 title from all claims asserted by the CHESTERFIELDS are m ade right—tbe Tlieiu* tobacco« ore b len ded and cross* feet to Its Intersection with the SMART OCTAGON defendants or any of them, and center of an open roadway run­ right aise— to give a cool and sm ooth b lended . . ." w e ld e d ” together in such for such other relief as may be GLAUSES ning South 11’ West therefrom, Just. This summons Is served up Smart, Inconsplclous frames am oke.T hey’re m ild —yet not flat.They’re a way as to bring out th e beat in each thence South 11’ West along cen­ on you by publication by virtue that blend harmoniously with ter of said road 1226.5 feet, th< nee of an order by O. F. Sklpworth, Ctr not overawcet—but sw eet enough. kind o f tobacco. North 89 degrees 39 min. West modern apparel. Let us show cult Judge, made and filed May 26. 1681 feet to the east line of raid 1932, directing that summons bn T h ey’re aa pure aa the water you drink. you these new glussos . . . see CHESI ERFIELDS are aeaaoued with juat railroad right of way, and th- nee served upon you by publishing the how they become your features North 20 degrees 29 min West Ham« for four weeks In the Spring . . . note their comfort. Our along said railroad right of way field News, nnd that you answer 1272 feet more or less to the place optometrists will ndvlse you the same within four weeks from of beginning, all being a pari of the first publication thereof. This about your sight without ohllgu said D. I,. C. No. 46, and In Lane summons Is first so published May Don. County, Oregon, and containing 26. 1932. 63.4 acres, more or less. S. 1). A L L E N , Attorney for DR. ELLA MEADE Plaintiff. Residence and P. O. Ad­ Dated Mny 26th, 1932. Optometrist H. L. BOW N, Sheriff of Lane dress. Eugene, Oregon. 41 W at* tth Bugena County, Oregon. 1 (M 26- June 3-9-16-23) 1 W a lte rv llle People H»ra — Mr Fish óuBEPWA EMON LAY PLANS PREPARED FOB POIfLTRTIRE» Thrg« New Bulletins Give De­ tail» for Constructing Prac­ tical Farm Structures Despite tbe low egg prices, many Oregon poaltrymen are taking ad­ vantage of equally low lumber prloes to Improve their poultry plants and get them In shape for more efficient production for the better time« believed certain to fol­ low. uee for several veese and baa proved «atlsfaclory ae a uiraas of rearing pullets to maturity under sanitary and freah-alr road It logs, aaya l*rofs» or l.snn sod W J. G il­ more who ure tbe author«. "How to Construct an Insulated Egg Btorage Room,*' iu the title of the third buletln. No. 446. by F. E. Price and A. G. I.una. ITena for thia type of building were developed to meet the situation reported by co­ operative and private egg dealers to the effect that producers were losing large sums every summer from off grade egg« because of Im­ proper farm storage after fir«» class eggs were produced by high quality flocks. The plena given In thia bulletin will ennblu a farmer to build a room that will Insure ea- cetlent Mtorage for Ma eggs at a cost of materials of »16 to »40. de­ pending on whether It la built aa a separate building or as a room In an existing one. These bulletins may be had free from county agents or the college direct. To meet tbe demand for approved plans for poultry construction in this state, the Oregon State college extension service has Just Issued a series of three bulletins prepared by the poultry and agricultural en­ gineering departments of the col­ lege which contain descriptions, bills of materials and detailed plans for constructing range hoaxes, brooder booses and Insulated egg Leaves for Tacoma— Fred Buell rooms. left Friday for Tacoma where he "Building Plans and BUI of Mat­ will be employed tor tbe summer erials for O. S. C. Portable Brooder months. House" Is tbe title of extension bul­ letin No. 446 by A. G. Lunn, head N O T IC E OF of the poultry department of the ex­ periment station The house des­ A N N U A L SCHOOL ELECTIO N Notice Is hereby given that an cribed has been used succe «fully election will be held In 8cbool dis­ on the college poultry• farm. It 1» trict number 19 on Monday, June built on runners so It may be moved 20. 1932. at tbe Library for the pur­ at least once for each lot of chicks pose of electing one director for three years and one clerk for one brooded. year. Polls will be open from 12 "O. 8. C. Range House” Is the noon until 8 P. M. All candidates’ petitions must be filed with the dis­ name of the second of the series, trict clerk by June 19. extension bulletin No. 442. This C. F. BARBER. Clerk. range house has seen in general ' L en o x H o te l COMFORTABLE, CONVENIENT AND ECONOMICAL Rooms: $1.50 with ba h; $1.00 without bath We Welcome You to Portland W. F. WALKER. Mgr. 3rd and Main St. Portland, Oregon Business Directory Edw. G. Privât avent you noticed it / BONDS Funeral Directors Th« Cigarette that’s •. • And here9» the Reason Why! lie sterfield (M I « - Jane 2-9-16-23) MILDER . * The C ig a re tte th at TASTES BETTER Chesterfield Radio Program & rnui tuts, a tn wto a mi Boswtu Aitx RUTH S isters G*Ar ETTING NAt S hiik MI a n d t4o«MAN B n jx lN lH il» At 6 p.m., Focifk Tim« m on •v«ry night but Sunday C O IU M B IA N tTW O tK