THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-NINTH YEAH MPRI C H E L I). LANE COI \T V OREGON Library Starts l[ NEW STREET LIGHT Eugene Absorbs Woodman Lodge Summer Hours CONTRACT READY CONIES TONIGHT I III l(S I).\Y II NE Ib. 1932 Herbert Clark Hoover No 23 □ Membership of Springfield Monthly Report Heard by Five Year Agreement Call« Camp Transferred to Eu- Dr. Edwin T. Hodge. U. of O. Roa-d Members Monday P. ¿nne Following Meet Here for $1360.92 Per Year for M.; To Close Mondays Geologist to Talk on New System a* Now Operatod Oregon Coast Highway String! leld'a Woodmen of the Hummer hour» for th« city library 1 World uamp number t i l . with uboul ORNAMENTAL CUT MADE ino members guve up 11» charter al LARGE C R O W D E X P E C T E D will lie effective during July and August II wa decided Monday a meeting held la, t Thursday even Property Owners Want Side­ In» and the entire menilierslilp of Eugene Active Club, Westfir afternoon al a meeting of the Lib­ rary hoard at the home or Mrs. N walk nnd Manhole Changes; lb local organization waa tranafei Croup to Present Enter­ W Emery. The library will be Repair Shop Site Wanted red Io the Eugene camp number closed all day Monday during these tainment for Evening « T e r n e /« , « S O N E Opened 7 uesday BOARD N « S Roadbed Not in Best Condi­ tion and Use of Tire Chains Quiet Election Expected Mon­ Advocated for Motorists day; Polls Open at Noon The McKenzie p ss. I. open. The * a "d C ‘0M a t 8 ° ' O,OCk rotary snow plow from the East _ vide of the f'secade mountains ate CAMPAIGNS VERY QUIET its way through the final barrier at one o'clock Tuesday afternoon and Stuart and Richardson Seek orders Immediately went out from Swarts’ Place ae Director; the highway maintenance office In! Barber Out for Clerk lit . All duea and a»»oa»meiila will, two months. but will be open Wed­ ; Eugene to remove all road side! A ne« lighting contract calllii* be paid to the clerk of I he Eugene Springfield’» Chamber of Com nesday and Saturday each week i vlgns which said the pass w as, Irdlcations at this time arc that fur reduced schedule uii attest • amp hereafter, Il wua announced in* rce will be boat tonight for tbe from 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 o'clock There closed. Springfield will hare one of th* Halil wan presented in lb» city The addition of the Hprlngflelil monthly meeting of tbe luine Cuun will In- no further meetings of the Extensive traffic over the p ass! QuArtest school hoard elections on council Monday «»»nine by the member» 10 the Eugene camp ly Chamber of Commerce at tbe board during the summer unless is not deelrable Immediately by the Monday than has been held hare Mountain 8tales Power compear j rlnga tbe enrollment of that or Community ball. Uetwoen 76 and special sessions are called. highway officials, who warn those for »•’ «'»I years past. Two reul- The contract and empowering nutation to 660. j too vlellors from all porta of the The monthly report of the Libr-J 1 attempting the trip to equip th»lr ■ den,a 8**a the position as director illnariri* wan read for tin* flral llm ' tendering of the charter of county are expected to attend the arlan, Mrs. David Saltsman, showed i ■ automobiles with ttre chains. There for three years, and only one per­ ami will be acted upon al 111« seat ■al camp marka tbe end of meeting. that 666 adult and 68 Juvenile books is a great deal of snow at the top 8on* Clayton F. Barber, hat filed a meellug A letter waa also read . •a once one of Springfield'» I The new Oregon Couat Highway hud been read Also 28 volumes ol of the mountains and thia will con- Petition as candidate for school In till' council and accepted allow | n, •Ive organizations The will receive major eonalderallon al nonfiction and 86 magazines. Six tlnue to melt and be absorbed by d,atrlct clerk, a one year office, IlK III» payment on tbe ornamental. owned the building now the meeting Dr. Edwin T. Hodge, Dames of new patrons have been atreel lighting contract to he »1 I b()Us the uncovered roadbed which will Enoch Stuart, meat dealer, waa • Poolo-Gray Hsrtholo , I rofesaor of geology al the Unlver- added to the Library Hat. | be softened and damaged If used the first to enter tbe race for dl- tended. the city paying «140 P»' mew rltapel and the Ma illy. will be the principal speaker I'urchaae of tbe International The thirty-hrxt President o4 the United States wax born at West Branch, much by heavy cars. rector, being prevailed upon by | hi » i per monili Inalead uf tl SO acinic le illl a few yeara ago'and will bring with him a Urge Encyclopedia Year Book for this low», August 10, 187«, wax reared in Oregon and graduated from Stanford Tbe contrari for lighting tbo city when It . Opening of the pass was accom friends to seek the office after a chased by the Ma collection of aerial and ground ple- y* ar was announced by the board.! Uruvenhg, California, in 189S As a mining engineer he worked in every out Id«- of (he ornamental ayetem nuna 8 ln< pushed in about half the time estl p**t,t,on nominating him had been oat lime they have:lures of the highway Itself and the This hook is Issued each year and ' pan of the world for many years. He organized the Belgian Relief during mated for the work when the an circulated and signed Friends of ha» expired und the new contract I hH,d meeting« at the I. 0 . O F hall. | route traversed by It the war, was U. S. Food Administrator. then Chairman of the Supreme sup! leinent Information In tbe ola- Fkimotnie Council of the Allied nation«. He wax appointed Secretary of will lie for five yeara al the same nouncement was made that It was En>ery Richardson. Mountain This highway which hit» jual re­ er hooks. Cotnmerce tw President H arding in 1921. held that igh the CooL through rate and subjected to any change» to be opened. At that time It was state Power company steam plant cently been opened Io traffic le < ne Receipt of two donations were, ubo. admioutratiML. and wax dieted P r u n if A K Dr. Kerron and Dr. W alker!I church was made to ibe council and 0-3 « . a s , . „ i **I'or,‘‘d b> ' local officers. A total of Board and plans for a two-day _______ Elected officials will be Installed tholomew chapel In Eugene. Kev I rlmonle of that city. t x a m in o xx e CHildrcn ,n > 1» ne* members have u u > referred to a committee The part been taken Four-H display and show were con- Criminal Act Believed Work of at 'he flr,t meetln« °f board Harry It It Neet officiated and In | This Is the first meeting of the Pre-School Clinic June 15 in during the contest which dosed sidered by the board at a meeting lev desire to lease the ground from lr. July. Prt^sent board members ferment was made In laturel Grove Chamber under the new offlcera Group of Petty Thieves Who ju i brings the total mem at the courthouse on Saturday. the city. will continue In office until the cemetery. Operate in Vicinity Twenty-two children were «x-l ,n tbe to elected at Florence last month Earl A I eque»! waa received from pro close of tbe ftecal school year on Premiums will be given for the Mr Walker wua born at Leltoy. Hill of Cushman will preside. «mined here Wedneaday at the an- Offfcers of the local circle believe best displays at the Clubbers' ghow, peil* owner» on the east aide of ■ Illinois on September 3. 1802 He June 30. These are C. A. Swarta, Using a large wooden club to nual pre-school health clinic con t|lat ,helr orianlaatlon wl„ ghow W K. Barnell. president of the ninth tree, between E and F came to Oregon In 1823 and mar- ducted by the Springfield Unit of 4he ,ar(?e(tt per<.enlage of lncrnth|, h„ Mr al|d Mr,. erer are In rhorge of the dinner of refunded it was decided. old Mill and Grain company on year of his present term. the children will start school In stale department. As a further step towards econ­ Etr.l National hank with the »tule K c Walker, and one brother, which will start nt 6 30. Swaits has announced that be Mill street last night, tied a rope September for the first time in New Organisations Join Several members of the local omy the fair board decided tq meat that If the walk were built j Ha|ph Hr , In„mb,.r of tba dots not want to be considered aa about the dog. and dragged It be­ their lives. Two new organisai Iona, the Créa- circle plan to go to Corvallis for greatly reduce the salaried of- the free mall service could he had <»> I (-hrlatlan thurcb hind their automobile across the a candidate for director. He la now The clinic was held from 9 until the state convention there on June well Civic Club and the Oakridge th is »I re e t. Fair secretary and caretaker. Both Springfield bridge tp West Spring at Camp Clatsop with the Spring- American l-eglnn post will be affi­ 4:30 with Dr. 8 M. Kerron. county j, 22 and : will be retained, however ; field where they abandoned it, evi- field unit of the Oregon National _______________ LAURIST OLSON DIES liated with the County Chamber health officer. In charge during the I POSTMASTER OUTLINES If Is the intention of the Board dently believing it dead. The dog Guard, ami is tbe Republican can­ morning, and Dr. M. V. Walker, dur- for the first time at this mooting. AT HOME WEDNESDAY o hold the annual county fair lx recovered however, and made Its didate for .sheriff of Lane county NEW POSTAGE CHANGES Eugene, Cottage Grove. Junction ■ ng the afternoon. Mrs. Walter I«ax , R A T T L E S N A K E S BECOME 1933. they announced, unless econ- way back to the garages wbere it in tne November election. MORE COMMON IN LANE laiurlxt ('. Olson. 72. died al his j <'lly, Florence. Vida. Blue River, ton and Mrs Rachel Thatcher of omic conditions become worse then j was found In a corner this morn Cffsct of Government Revenus BUI home here Wednesday morning Ooldson. Westfir und Springfield the local Health Unit, and Mrs ! ing by H McKee owner, with one HOME MISSION SOCIETY Discovery of rattlesnakes in varl- than they are now. on Mall Is Explained Here after a lingering Illness Mr Olaon are all represented In the county D»lla Fitzgerald, county health Ju t what disposition will be eye out and the halr and neBh worker, assisted the doctors. < 1 U S Par*s °T the county during the by F. B. Hamlin was born In Norway on September organization. ELECTS NEW OFFICERS This clinic Is sponsored by* the week have been made by peo- made of funds already set aside for scraped off of one side of its face 27. IM60 «ml came Io America In Committees Named the fair has not been decided. and body. I’arent-Teacher association body t*le on outings and residents. The Changes Io be effected In postage 1X80 He married Pauline Hraudoo Mrs. Ida Gantz was re-elected Tentative committees named by rules for various rla«ses of mall on on October 3. 1X84. and the couple the president after meeting with and consists of an examination of f*rst reported was Wednesday of Funds are provided by both the Track-- spattered with blood were president of the Home Missionary- und after July «. when the new fin lived near Madison, Wisconsin, un ! representatives of each organlza the child and the recording of the la,t week when Frank Smitson of state and county. followed from the garages to the society of the Methodist church uni e hill passed by congress takes L || , #0< wh»n they moved to Spring Hon recently will he presented for findings on a specially prepared Springfield killed one near Coburg side road running South near Plum i Tuesday afternoon. Other officers effect, were outlined thl« week by I | | e,d w|,Frp | b)ty | lv„ | ,or , W() consideration and approval Mern- blank The parents of the child whi,e Hshing with H H. Schaffen- PRISCILLA MEMBERS mer's service station in West named at the church meeting are: TALK PICNIC PLANS Springfield. They indicated clear-; Mrs. William Rouse, vice-president; F If. Hamlin, Springfield post-1 y,,arB Thp family then moved to . her» of the»» committees, the com- then are asked to take the child l,erg and H E. Gerber. Thursday Smith. Eugene, found and kill- Iv that (he dog had been dragged Mrs. 9. S. Potter, recording secre- mssler. Central where they lived for 24 munltlee In which they live and to their family physician for the ' I'lans for the annual picnic of the tbin distance and had been left in 1 tary; Mrs. George W. Carson, cor- Of major Importance Io the ma years He wa« s member of the H”* organization which they repres correction of troubles found during *d one «hile hiking^ up the side of the clinic. Spencer butte. Tuesday an unusual- Priscilla club to be held on Thurs- one place alongside the road for responding secretary; Mrs. Wm. Q. Jorlty of the post office patrons' Modern Woodmen of America and cut are as follows: The chief purpose of the clinic ** large one was found and killed day. June 23. were discussed at the some time before reviving and Hughes, treasurer; Mrs. John P. Agricultural committee— Fred E. will be the Increasing of postage1 ,,f Trinity Lutheran church which 11 resident of the Bailey Hill dls- regular meeting of the club last starting Its painful Journey back t o ' Vaughn, supply secretary; Mrs. rales on first rise«» mall from 2 to ( he helped organize In Eugene 20 Chambers, Eugene Chamber of la Io prepare the small child phv Thursday afternoon at the home of tbe garages where it has been kept | Dean C. Poindexter, secretary of Commerce; C E. Stewart. Cottage sically for school life before he or tr’cl- 3 cents for each ounce or fraction | years ago Mrs John Tomseth. Mrs. Riley nightly as a means of protestion evangelistic work; Mrs. Willis Ber- she starts school. A lar*e n* ,8t O I rattlers were un- thereof. He leaves his widow, two daugh j 0roT‘> Chemher of Commerce; W. Former Residents Return 'covered and killed about this time Snodgrass, Mrs. William Stearmer against petty thieves who have tsch. citizenship secretary. Postal cards will continue to be ters. Miss Mabel Olaon. Eugene and *• Taylor. Springfield Chamber of Mr and Mrs Ernest Skinner of near » “iron by George Cox. and Mrs. W illiam Rouse will be in been molesting property in that Mr« David Swenson. Central; o n e! Eommerre; II N. Huntington. Slus Committees named for the year ma liable al the one-cent rate. charge of arrangements. vicinity for some time. Longview. Washington, are moving are: Program. Mrs. Vaughn. Mrs. Airmail postage will advance aon, Carl L. Olson. Central; one *nw • hamber of Commerce; C. A. Prizes in the guessing games Anyone who may have seen the hack to Springfield this week and DRILL TEAM MEMBER Emma Olson, and Mrs. J. T. Moore; from 6 Io X cents for the first ounce brother, P. C. Olaon. lamg Bench. Schooling. Junction City Chamber were won by Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, Commerce; O. A Nichols. Farm will make their home on their HONORED W ITH PARTY and by Mrs. Winthrow of Portland, dog or a car with a police dog be­ and ways and means. Mrs. W H. und 13 cents for each ounce nr frac­ California, and three sisters In WIs hind It are asked to notify Lum An­ Pollard. Mrs. A. B. Van Valsah. consln. er* Union; B. F. Goodpasture. Me- ranch north of this city. They tion over the first ounce. Funeral service« will b«- held Kenzle Valley club; Carl J John formerly lived In Springfield before Members of the Neighbors of a guest at the John Seavy home. derson. chief of police, who Is seek­ Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter, and Mrs. Three-cent stamped envelope« going to Ixmgvlew about seven Woodcraft drill team entertained Members j resent were Mrs. John ing clues of the criminals. Wm. G. Hughes. will he Issued by the government as from the Eugene chapel of th e !M<,n- Westfir Community club; Fred I'ocleOray-Bartholomew runeral dl »h hl.-r. Oakridge American Leg j year- ago Tuesday evening at the home of Seavt-y, Mrs. W'illiam Rouse. Mrs. fast ae present stocks are used up. Miss Melba Mellon for Mrs. Lester E. C. Stuart. Mrs. Starmer. Mrs TIME HERE TO SPRAY Pos'miislera are Instructed In dis­ rectors Friday afternoon at 2 'Ion; Will Ayres. Pomona Orange. ANNUAL PICNIC FOR McFarland. Guest present Included Snodgrass, Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee. and o’clock Rev. E. V. Stivers will of Legislative and Taxation com CONVENTION DELEGATE pose of (heir present stock of 2 Mrs. Tomseth. FOR CODDLING MOTHS TRENT PEOPLE READY G V J Rnmsdell. Oak cent envelopes furnishing one rent Delate and Interment will he In th e' n,|H returns on S aturday ;” '’" ” arbara A dama * * iaa ¡ridge American Ix*glon; Elbert Helterbrand. Mrs. Stella Eaton old I. O. O. F cemetery. slniups Io be placed on each enve Apples and pears should be Final plans for the annual plc- FUNERAL SERVICES FOR Bede. Cottage Grove Chamber of lope at the same price the three, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollard re ; sprayed at once for the coddling nic. Saturday. June 18, for residents MRS. G. WRIDER HELD moth says C. E. Stewart, county I of the Trent area have been cow- <-**nt envelopes will coat. PatraM o f 'COUNTY ORGANIZED FOR ¡Commerce; F. B. Hamlin. Spring- turiit*d to Springfield Saturday I '*rbr»nd- » H « 1 Burnell Mrs Stella ¡field Chamber of Commerce; Tho- from Atlantic City where Dr. Poll- j Uewls, Graydon Lewis. Rae the postoffice who have surplus S C H 0 Q L M E R C E R FIGHT Short funeral services for Mrs. fruit inspector. He recommends pleted according to Mrs Vera , mas Nelson. Junction City Chamber ard has heen attending the confer- S,evena* ^ ra- ' ,ar,n<' Putman, Mrs. quantities of 2 cent envelopes on Gretchen Wrider were held from, the u e of a 28 degr««e lime sulphate 1 West, chairman. The people will of Commerce; H. M. Peterson, Slus- ence ot the Methodist church as one ! ^affile McLagan. Mr May Ernest, hand after July 8, are requested to Appointment of Frank Held of I Inw (*„nmb„r of ,-onimerce; Betty the Poole Grav-Bartholomew chapel solu,lon as the 32 de*ree 8O,utk>D gather at the picnic grove at 10 of four lay delegates from Oregon a,ld bob7 da»K''‘"r. and the honor attach one cent stamps on these en­ Eugene a* chairman of the Unlver in Springfield Wednesday morning ls ,o° s,ro,”t and wl11 lnJure ,ru,t o’clock Saturday morning where The convention delegates made ^*r" McFarland, velopes and use them Instead of atty of Oregon workers In Lane Kappoff. Farmers Union; N. O. with Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pas- and trees. The proper mixture for they will be entertained wtlh a pro­ Isaac on . Low Pass Community bringing them In for redemption. some drastic cuts In church bud j county In opposition to the school tor of the Methmllst church official- ,he 8pray as K,vcn by Mr Stewart gram to be followed by a picnic Tin* new envelopes will carry the merger bill now being Initiated was Club; W. N. Ferrln, Westfir Com­ gets for various departmental work. MISS BROWN-LeROY NICE ing. The body was shipped to Le­ | is 4 pounds of lead arsenate. 3 or 3 lunch. An orchestra will play dur­ munity Club; C. S. Calef. Pomona three cent Washington Blrontenn- announced this week, and headquar­ he said, on his return to Spring ARE MARRIED SUNDAY and one-half gallons of 28 degree ing the day. The afternoon will be high. Iowa. Inl lan.q, the current Issue of the ters have been eatabllshed at 61 Grange; T. O. Russell. Eugene field. Some of the Bishop's Diocese ----------- Mrs. Wrider passed away at the lime sulphate, and 200 gallons of given over to contests of vsrlou* Chamber of Commerce; E. A. Mc- Lincoln stamp, and another Wash­ West Broadway. Hobart Wilson of were removed, and the membership Miss Halcyon Brown, daughter of M. A. Pohl home here June 8. at water. Fruit as well as foliage kinds, including a baseball game, ington stamp without the Bicenten­ Springfield has b«*en named to di­ Cornack, county at large. at the next conference was cut to Mr. und Mrs Ray Brown of Eugene, foot races and other sports. the age of 22 years She leaves an should be covered by the spray. Roail Committee— A. E. Geri- nial design and dates. rect the campaign work In Spring monte, Westfir Community club; about two-tuirds of the attendance, and LeRoy Nice, son of Mr. and infant daughter and several rela­ The Increased postage rates are field, ('reswell nnd Cottage Grove. this year. Under the new apportion Mrs. John Nice of Springfield, were CASH. POSTAGE STAMPS GUARDSMEN LEAVE FOR tives in Iowa. Frank E. Mendenhall. Cottage to he effective until July 1. 1934, Tile slate supreme court Wed Orova Chamber of Commerce; H. nient Oregon will be entitled to married at a quiet ceremony Sun TAKEN AT RAINBOW CAMP CLATSOP TUESDAY under Die provisions of the new nesilay ruled that the ballot title three lay and three ministerial dele­ day afternoon at 1:30 at the home E. Maxey. Springfield Chamber of revenue law. of Rev. E. V. Stivers near Goshen. LANE HAS FEW CASES on the measure was misleading and Commerce; Ed Turnbull. Eugene gates to the next conference. Government funds amounting to Twenty-two members o f the Bishop Tltue B. Lowe was return Mr. and Mrs. Nice will make their COMMUNICABLE DISEASE must he changed. This menns Ihnt Chamber of Commerce; Ed F. 860 and private funds of $10 belong- Springfield National Guard unit left MRS. W HITNEY GUEST all petitions must he resigned nfter Bailey, Eugene Chamber of Com­ ed to the Oregon district at the home In Eugene. Only ten cases of communicable Ing to Lou Quimby, postmaster at here at five o'clock Tuesday morn conference. A picnic for the cbuple and guests AT BIRTHDAY PARTY the corrected tide has been affixed merce; J. C. Hlse, Low Pass Com Rainbow, were stolen sometime last Ing for Eugene where they boarded attending the wedding was held at disease were reported to the State to the petitions. tnunlty club Frank Harlow. Po- week-end according to a report re­ a special train for Camp Clatsop Health office during the past week. Riverside park Sunday afternoon. Friends of Mrs. Harry Whitney mona Grange; C. W. Allen. Farm DOCTOR MOVES FAMILY Three of these are influenza, three ceived by state police in Eugene where they will spend two weeks guthered al Swimmers' Delight FISHING NEAR RACKS ers Union; H. F Mlnney, McKenxIe TO HOME AT MEDFORD mumps, three measles, and one Postage stamps amounting to $6 : in Intensive training. Lieutenant* C. WORLD WIDE GUILD HAS park Friday evening for a picnic In Valley club; J. ('. Ponsler, Sulslnw were also reported stolen. A. Swarts and Walter Oossler are chicken-pox. UNLAWFUL SAYS OFFICER honor of her birthday anniversary. Dr. and Mrs R. P. Mortensen left Chamber of Commerce; Chas. Cro­ ' In charge of the local contlgent. PARTY FRIDAY EVENING Six counties of the state reported Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Monday for Medford where they Fishing for salmon within two non Oakridge American Legion. no communicable diseases for thb FAMILY REUNION IS Jack Henderer, Mr. and Mrs. Carl miles of a fish rack Is Illegal and Thirteen members of the World week. They are Curry, Lake, Mor­ Rach organisation Is also 0x4 will make their home for the sum HELD HERE SUNDAY FLORENCE TO ENTERTAIN Olaon. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crites. punishable says Rodney Roach, pected to name their three voting met- months while the doctor inter Wide Guild of the Baptist church row, Polk. Tillamook and Wheeler DISTRICT LEGION MEET Mrs. Lydia McGowan, Mrs. Harry state enforcement officer In charge delegates to the County Chamber osts himself In the development of held a party Friday evening at the Three brothers of Mrs. Mary; Stewart, nnd son, Morris, Mr. and, of gBnle jaw enforcement. Signs meetings at the gathering here to­ the Siskiyou Memorial cemetery home of Mrs. Marvin (’hast* at Magill, sole survivors of their fam-' Dlstrlct meeting ot the American MOTHERS ATTEND GIRL Mrs. W. N. Long, and Mr. and Mrs have been posted two miles below night. Dr. Mortensen will retain his prac-' Chase Gardens. The evening was SCOUT PICNIC MONDAY lly. held a family reunion here Mon- Legion posts In thi district for Whitney nnd daughter. Mary Elisa­ the Hendricks bridge racks on the lice and office In Springfield mak spent with games and refresh­ day at the Magill home. The visit-, June will be held at Florence Sat­ beth Whitney. Ing frequent trips here during the ments. Mrs. Eva Tobias, their lead- McKenxIe river and at Reserve on TW ENTY PRESENT FOR Thirty-five attended the picnic at ors were Mr. und Mrs. Stephen urday and Sunday of this week. summer months. His practice will ur, was In charge. the Willamette. SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY Swimmer’s Delight park Monday Philippi. 9clo; Albert Philippi, Ar- People In that city are planning a Soldier on Furlough bo taken over by Dr. W. H. Pollard evening which members of the llngton; and Wallace Philippi, of I clam bake and seafood dinner tor Glenn Neel, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. during his absence. BERRY POOL CLOSES AT A strawberry feeu wa. enjo >d the visitors who are expected to Springfield Olrl Scout troop held Walla Walla. Washington. Free Hay Offered M A. Neet arrived In Springfield by a group of twenty young people, make a week-end outing of the trip for their mothers. Sports, swim­ EUGENE FRUIT GROWERS Wednesday morning from Fort Anyone who will cut nnd removt members of Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah's Laavaa tor Sum m er M. B. lluntly and F B Hamlin are ming, and a picnic supper were en­ Worden, Washington, where he Is tin- gross from the airport may Sunday school class of the Metho­ Attends Lodge Meeting Evan Hughes left Tuesday for Pools of raspberries, plums, and joyed. planning to attend the meeting serving with the regular United have the same for hay, according to dist church, at her home last Thurs­ Mrs. E. E. Fraedrlck, worthy ma- from Springfield, Stales army. He Is tuklng u 46 day Jim McManlman. who Is In charge day evening. Miss Doris Myers, Southern Oregon where he will re loganberries, were closed at the tron of the Cascade chapter, O. E. ...........— Spokane Resident Here furlough and was accompanied at the city held. Theg rass Is un­ Edna Platt, Faye Parsons. Ilia Bar­ sum» his circulation work for one monthly meeting of the Eugene of the large magaxlne publishing Fruit Growers' association Satur- Mrs. Harry Good of Spokane. S„ Springfield, has been In Port Ill at Hams here by Kenneth Todd, also of Fort usually high this year and will tholomew. and Loudelle William« housos. He graduated from the day. The cannery is now busy with Washington Is visiting at the home land several days this week attend Mark Cole Is reported tc he 111 Worden. make good feed. had charge of tbe party. University on Monday. | the strawberry pack. ¡at his home thM weak. of Mr. and Mrs. John Manwarlng. | ing a Grand Chapter meeting. G.S.WALKER DIES HERE ON TUESDAY IUKA GROUP HAS COUNET FAIR IS MEMBER CAINS OUT TUIS ÏEAU I I HEALTH CLINIC