PAGE F O U R THE 8PR1NOFWLD NEWS THUKH1ÜX JUNK », 1982 ¡day afternoon At 5 30 the classes visiting at Hie home of her »laugh wifi hold reunion dinner . followed 1er. Alice. Mis-» Mortensen remain by the beautiful flower and fern ed in }iew York procession. which thia year will I renter around the Pioneer Mother By Caleb Johnson measure is absolutely essential Io 'Ntutue In the Woman’* quadrangle. I think it I* as certain as any­ balance the state's budget and put tConcluded on Page 81 John Hobart Wiloon of Spritig- thing la the ruture can he that us on our financial feel again, will Two M«ln Event* Announoad l.oulsa Cowden. Sadie (loll. Ethel eventually the United States will Degree*to Be Granted at Uni- r''1*1 **“ •«‘"'•“-»J' The grade *t bool i losisl Inst Fri for Curd nt Armory Friday _.. , _ , Ing iu cainpuM a c 'lv ltie e while hr adopt a general sales tax. as a pay his cheerfully. Golt. Ilssel Nesbitt. Bernice Smith varsity of Oregon June 10 1 ' has been at the university He ser- "Mis isalppl la merely leading Jennnlue Withers. Florence Roh »lay with s »oiumuitlty píenle hehl Evening By Herb Owens means of raising national revenue the way. I believe other state are to 13; Dedicate Museum • ved on committees for both the I am sure that will come about ---- - erta, Lillian Putnam. Ulin Weight. »tl Hentirh ks litìtlge Mrs. Hubert going to find that the retail sales' j Freshman Glee and the Sophomore J«n«’ W ils o n . Law rence Ch.i «■ Gray ami Miss Dorothy Travis liatta Although Herb Owen. Eugeim University of Oregon. Eugene Informal and was a member of th e ’ as soon as the majority of people tax la the only way out and thati Is Second Member of Family Charles Clemen). Barbara Bariteli tuiight the past year and are en wrestling promoter, has unnoiniced understand exactly what is meant to Win Coveted Honor at H. June 9—tSpeciai)—There will be Fre hm an debate team ard of the „„ . H int cliff Reuxun <>r Wyoming, and when , b(,y b>y experience will prove it la In reality Florence May. Lloyd Harris. La gagctl for the coming year also five Springfield tudenla among the Varsity debate team for the last S. Name to Be on Cup the only suitable form of taxation I The high ehool held Its com Waller Achltt will niewt at the Arm Moyne Black. I.Ullan Gregory. had an opportunity to nbaerve the many candidates for degree* nt th two years. In 1930-31 he was gen­ “Our stale was forced Io adopt ’ meneement exercises ut the hall ■try Filo ay evening In the main Frances Keeler Impreaalve ceremonies of com eral forensic manager and during operation of the sales tax in the it as an emergency measure. W e• The higlieat honor which a girl last Friday evening Mi Tugtnau. event, many sport* fans are tlu All Year Attendance John Krn state of Mississippi. have but two thlugs to tax in this ’*“"**"• school mencement at the University editor of Eugeni' Raglsler Guard, lilous when they i ontlnue reading his senior year was president of his paa. Marjorie Johnson. Brucile Mississippi ha gone boldly atale. property and business T he)' a" *’b,a*n- tbl’* °t being voled the Oregon, to be held this year from class. He also served as as-istant Ogilvie. Jolmpa Pulinan. Bernice was the speaker of the evening the announcement which alao savs June 10 to 13. Those from Spring circulai ion manager of the Ore- ahead and adopted a sales tax. property tax system has broken most oulalaudlng girl in the school, Barnea. Elisabeth Johnson. Lola Th»- hall was beautifully decorated lliul Art (I Reilly and Chet Hart* was given to Eunice McFarland Fri field who will receive degree*, pro gana. student year book, for 1930-31. which went Into effect on the first I down because of economic condl- June Wilson. Verner Jean Daniela, and a large crowd «as In allenii of Tueoniu. will meet' In a one hour vldlng they complete all their re He is a member nt Delta Sigma day of May this year. After a tlons among the farmers, and we day morning at the annual Girls' Elva Lucile Boyles, Ada Johnson, unie. Professor Andrew and Miss mutch with no holds barred l.eague breakfast held al the Metho quirenieiits, are Virginia Mary Rho. honorary fraternity, and Phi month’s experience everybody In had to take the sales lax. whether Il has been Jit I about two weeks llaael II NeshlH. ||N Louise Pul Eileen Palmer were I he leachers dlat church. Frans. Evan Eugene Hughes. It Sicilia Kappa, living organisation. Mississippi—at least everybody we wanted It or not.” Mr. Andrews plans to teach In th»' ago since lliese two met In Eugene man. Dorene Larimer. Edith Marcia who can make his voice heard— The general basis of the sales Mias McFarland will have her Scholarship (Bused on final U. of G. next year. Jay Grant und and O'Reilly was victor. Ilurte did R Loren* Larimer is a candidate seems to like the sales tax. That lax in Mississippi is 2 percent, vary- name engraver! on the Civic Club Moore, and John Hobart W'llson. average» for the year) Barbara Miss Palmer are the high schiMik not complain al Ihe time, but later ihelor of arts degree In goes even for those who were moat ing on only a few classes of busl- loving cup in recognition of her j ¿ . r_a7i . ’’J. , Dedication of the beautiful for a teachers for the coming year. leeued a stulemeul that he had ness It includes all business and achievement She is the second girl; , Prince L. Campbell Fine Arts Mu English She served as treasurer bitterly opposed to It. - been the recelpcnt of O'Rellly’a Misses Alice and Vivian Uodatty Mississippi’s sales lax la expect- professions, exempting only Insur *" her family to obtain this recog nicks Frances' krid'er' Fh^'e seam, financed by the cltlxens of of Pan Hellenic council during the from Roseburg were (he weekend knee In hl* stomach several times member of |0 yjeld #b Sadie octavl« n ..„ i v - a«..' two years, will be included on the kind of wrestling was tolerated In at his home Huturdsy evening week-end program to which visitors elor of arts degree in Romance trom former administrations which i *lou*' charitable, acientific and ,l’P ot ’he list on the cup, having Lillian Putnam Florence F "u i Eugene and did not attempt It hint Miss Nellie Mathews left last appropriations in excess of . educational institutions, fraternal been the first to win It in 1939 er„ Bernie«' Smith front all over the state are expect Languages. Evan E Hughes is a L h e be barred Now. how self J esllie Saturday for laet Angeles after a for a bachelor of arts d c - tai reyeuues Something had to b e socle,,es and Myrna Bartholomew was Thirty-eight s tu d e n t* .......... , wws laal Iasi year's ed. Ceremonies and entertainment candidate .r*•*"n**a*tfM. holli men ever, ir c p in X t liiiiiiis t r 'it io u < i^ n i n y t ik iii M i l l t l t * D im i o i i l p l i * t t ,<| Business men are men required winner. to | winner, , helr #f | (# week’s visit with her parents. Mr was generally agreed that Hualnea are to required for the graduating seniors and for gree in Business Administration. done. It .................................. underslund each other anil they atnl Mrs A II Mathew* here. and Virginia Mary Franz is also a rya, eg|ate n<>| g|and any keep accurate books reflecting their Miss McFarland served as prexl the alumni who will return for this will do Ihelr heal coin school laal week and most of candidale for a bachelor of arts de­ Ivan Rickard from lli'lfountuln occasion will fill the time from Fri higher taxes. I dou't know what In «Y°“ Income, preserving all re dent of the Girls’ l.eague during the will enter high school in the The summer admission price* of spent the past weekend III Thurs 50 cents continue telligent member of the Mississippi i cords relative thereto, subject to In I her senior year, and also served a fall. The graduates are: day evening. June 10. fo Monday gree in English legislature It was who first brought "1‘ection at all times noon. June 13. ( secretary of (he student b«idy. She Woodrow Bates. Byron Hoyles, ton He Is director of the orchestra in the idea of a sales tax. but who- Deductions are allowed from Is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. II Bobby Calkins, laiwrence Chase. for the Kiehun) Reunion which will Chester Harvey Rowell. Berkeley. REBEKAHS HONOR ever he was. he ought to have aj grosa sales as follows: M McFarland and lives at 733 C. Charles Clement. Kenneth Cox. Roy be held ut Idlewood purk next Sun California, will be the commence­ MRS. ASA PEDDICORD day, June 13 Several from here medal for getting a new idea 1—Sale price of goods taken in ex-' street. ment speaker. Mr. Rowell is a pro Crandall. Lloyd Harris. Donald Ken piny In the orcheslru and lltey held through «he heads of legislators change for new goods. -------------------- ----- mlnent editorial and feature writer dell. Joe Krupka, John Krupka. Mrs Asa Peddlcord was honor and is a member of the Board of Ftor. after all, the main objection to 8—Credit sales by retailers and P O LLA R D H O S T E S S Lysle Metcalf, Howard Nesbitt. u rehearsal Sulurilay evening Miss Curs Culvert from Junction guest at a surprise handkerchief (Continued from First Page) 1 the sales tax is that it is something wholesalers may be reported as Regents of the University of Cali Jack Pederson. Charles Uchytll. shower end party Monday evening new. and being new. members of collected. FOR M IS S IO N M E E T IN G fornia. He was secured after Rabbi Holland Farnsworth. Irene Antler City Is spending this wwk visiting following (lie regular meeting of rnent of potted plants were exhibit­ t elai Ives here congress and of legislatures are 3—Taxes collected op gasoline and Stephens . Wise of New York City ed by the Kirkland Floral com Members of the United Christian son. Barbara Barnell. lot Moyne John Plummer went to the vet the Rebekah lodge Mrs Peddlcord afraid of it for fear that in some tobacco. had been prevented by illness from pany. A basket of Salpiglossis. un­ way it might injure them politically 4—Gross receipts from sale of agri . J*la!*1"Mr7 Society of the Christian Black. Dolores Casteel, Colene Cor vrans hospital In Portland Iasi leaves Monday for Walla Walla. accepting the honor He will deliver nell. Fern Fisher. Lillian E Ore usual flower in this vicinity, was to be for it. People, generally, are Washington, to visit hr mother and cultural products when sold in , ur‘ h Ble< ,he ho,1“‘ of Mra N the commencement address Monday gory. Pearl Helterbrand. Caroline week. exhibited by Chas. Paddock Mrs. will go from there Io Chico, Call- the original state or condition of ** Tuesday evening and Mrs. Joe Hart and mother, Mrs conservative. They distrust change morning. June 13, and Dr. Arnold lllcks. Fhy* llolverson. Nellie Ellen Wheaton and Mrs. Olson exhibited fornle. where Mr. Peddlcord Is preparation of sale. elected officers for the next year But they are not nearly as conser­ Bennett Hall, president of the uni Howes. Josephine Jones. Frances Daniels, have returned from a few a dream house and yard which they vative as a good many politicians 5—Sales of ferttlixera. seeds, boxes, Mr" ,da Adam’< uara**d Prewl.lent. Keeler. Florence May, Mar« Alice days' visit In Oregon City her nltu-e, working. versity, will give the Baccalaureate had prepared on a small base. This think they are and crates used in preparing agri- Mr.*». Kolautl Moithier. vlce-preai Neel. Druclle Ogilvie. Jol.ane B Miss Adeline Daniels, returned sermon Sunday morning. Both will consisted of a house with a green dent; Mrs. Luella Brlatow. w e r e FOREIGN MISSION GROUP with them The theory of the sales tax is not cultural products (or market. be given in McArthur court In or­ lawn about it and with a pool and tsry; and Mrs. E E Pyne. tress Putniun. Wllmlna Spriggs. Lillian Frank Rennie motored to Corvul so much that everybody pays it. as 6—Sales of schoolbooks when sold der to accommodate all who wish HAS MEETING TUESDAY Trlnka. Jean Louk. Vivian Scott shrubs and flowers about the ursr. Ils Tuesduy. He took his aunt down that everybody knows that he is under state contract, to come. Memories of the university Ethel IXeveraon grounds. This was awarded a s pe­ Mrs. D B Murphy’s division of Mrs W G. Hughes was In charge as it was fifty years ago will be re paying it. There is no tax. of any ? —Sale of cotton, seed cotton, lint- Clifford Whorton finished In Jan­ who has been visiting them for tal first prize. the society provided the program some time Her home la In Portland I of llie lesson study al Ihe meeting kind imaginable, that is not paid. cotton and baled cotton. called during commencement when uary of this year Attracting special interest among | ¡n tbe ,OBJ. run by tby ultimate 8—Amounts received from life in which Included an address by Miss Anda Calvert And family from of Ihe Women'* Foreign Missionary the three surviving members of the High School the potted plants was one known as ’ lOBSumer. That ls some, hln|< I surance policies and annuity con Ann Whitaker who told of her work Junction City si tended the com I sia-iety which was held at ihe home class of 1S82 gather for a reunion. | Freshmen—Luclle Davis. Mary tracts up to the amount of pre­ as a teacher in a high school for Elkow, Clair Hadley. Irvin Darr. mencement exercises here last Fri- ‘ of Mrs. A B Van Valzab. president, They are Mrs. Harry L. Boardman, aladuim This is a fancy leafed. tk,ian , or somy of ,hem under. girls in China, and a book review miums paid thereon. Riverside, California. Seymour W. multi-colore«! plant with a cone sUnd bu, wh|ch tbey , b,nk ,be Ina Hargan. Mary Trotter, Alex day evening Ills son. Harry Cal Tuesday afternoon Mrs. P. A vert, was one of the graduates | Wooley was llie aaslstunt hostess Condon. Pasadena. California, and shaped flower. Many people sought aTerage n,an j„ ,^e street does not 9—11.200 each year, to be deducted by Mias Barbara Adams, member ot Briggs front total gross income and or the Junior mission society. Mrs. Hen Mary E McCornack, Eugene. Re­ the name of the plant when they understand. It is one of the most Sophomores — Erma Easton. Hollister was chairman of the pro­ prevalent delusions among law-! gross proceeds of sale. unions will also be held by the viewed it yesterday. Lloyd Ellison. Beatrice Elmer. Mrs Olson and the committee maker8 fbey can m>ke , A feature of the sales tax is that gram committee. classes of 1907, 1912. and 1922. Plans for a silver tea to be held Wayne Kendall. Evelyn Klckbush. Youthful orators, picked from workers wish to thank all those t5,ink tbey are not paying taxes | il makes practically every person Bernice Waite. De Etta Sandgalhe Friday. June 17. were discussed at the best in the senior class, will vie who brought flowers or who^aided wj,en they are. And there is no wav »-''kiKed in business a tax collector Elisabeth Vail, anti Henry Wilson. the meeting. for the Failing and Beekman prizes in other ways to make the show a of cont'ealing from the man who serving for the state without corn- Juniors— Leila Clark. Julia Kick I success. on Friday night. June 10. at the pays a tax of two percent when he P«“»*tion. keeping a record and bush. Eva Louk. Marjorie Proch opening event of the week-end. The buys a radio, or a bicycle, or a Pan making monthly returns without TABLES ARE REVERSED; now, Robert Richardson. August | alumni activities will open Satur­ CALL FOR WARRANTS ama hat. the fact that he himself beinK even allowed postage on the MAN IS SHOWER GUEST Rodakowskl. Marceline Seavey. Flo ) day morning with the annual break­ Notice is hereby given that is paying the tax. Every time one remittance. rence Vail, and Gerald Voytanek fast of the State Association of School District No. 19. in Lane buy a pack of cigarettes or play All ^business collecting more than Seniors Donald Anderson. Velds Showers are frequently held for University of Oregon women, fol­ county. Oregon, will pay at the of- ing cards now he is reminded of ’ UO » month must make monthly girls and ladies, but when th«i> are Bartholomew, Claude Campbell. lowed by the semi-annual alumni five of clerk of said district, all the tax he pays, when he breaks reports. Smaller concerns report held for men that is something dif­ June hanks. Blane Flse'r. Lloyd meeting, with Homer D. Angell. 00. warrants to and including 2220.; the revenue stamps. quarterly. Regular $2.45 to $4.95 Value* Frese. Augusta Hanson. Edna Hav ferent. presiding. dated April 6. 1932. Interest ceases As long as there is any consid-1 Some classes of manufacturing Last night members of the Neigh erfleld, Carl Jessen. Ruth LeVee Special Price* The formal dedication of the Fine after June 11. 1932. erable body of people who think i <’®“cern" are aIso included, soft hors of Woodcraft lodge held a Elwlna Meacham, Louis Rodakow- Arts Museum will be held Satur- C. F BARBER. Clerk. that they do not pay taxes, that the <1rin,‘ establishments being re- handkerchief shower for Sam Swee­ skl. Beulah Richardson. Hazel Shel ------ --------- .... . government’s revenue is derived ‘iuired Io pay 1 per cent, and cot- ney. hslge officer, for the past two ley. Lela Squires. Ovel Stevenson. only from the rich, there will be ,on ae‘‘d °*> mills and ice factories years. Mr. Sweeney and his father George Thatcher. William Thleties. Size* 29 to 36 large bodies and groups of people ’ one-quarter of 1 per cent. will leave soon for Nebraska where and Lee Vail. , trying to get money from the gov- "^he danger in the sales tax as in they will operate a farm. ! ernment on the theory that it anF other new ,orm of taxation ia. Mrs. Olive MeKInnis. former RESIDENT DECLARES comes out of somebody else’s poc- courae. likelihood that it will en- member here, who has been living There's no need to experiment with cheap, inferior SHE FELT EARTHQUAKE Sizes 10 to 16 Gasolines when Violet Ray and General Ethyl give you kets. When any sort of a tax is courage tax spenders to new extra­ in Ashland for several years, was such high quality at such a low cost. Drive up to our Mrs. Emily Peters. 448 D street so distributed that everybody pays vagances. If adopted merely as an taken Into the lodge again as a filling station and let us fill your tank. Our Gasoline claims Io have felt tremors which It and knows that he is paying it, added burden upon the tax paying transfer member. rocked Ihe Pacific Coast In the vlci will send your car humming along the road with everv then there is a much better chance public. It will fail of its purpose Age* 1 to 6 Year* cylinder working at maximum efficiency. ulty of Northern California Iasi that everybody will take an intelli­ If adopted by states as means of COUNTY HEALTH CLINIC reducing the burdensome taxes Sunday night and early Monday gent interest In how the tax money SET FOR WEDNESDAY morning She wai awakened ut 4:45 gress. That is one of the soundest which fall upon owners of real DEPT Eugene, 968 by the shock, she says arguments in favor of the sales tax. estate, it certainly is to be highly A Lane county health clinic for 5th and A Streets Springfield The best argument of alt in favor recommended. And as I pointed Oregon Willamette Returns from N ew York ' of the sales tax. however, is that It out in the beginning, one of the children who will start school next fall will be held at the Community great things to be hoped for from Mrs. Kay Wright has returned is the one tax which is automatical­ ly distributed among the people In the gales tax is, that, by making hall next Wednesday, it was an from New York where she and Miss precise proportion to their ability everybody who spends a dollar tax nounced today by Mrs. Walter Lax Margaret Mortensen have been to pay it. If there were a sales tax conscious, it may In time make ton. The Springfield Health Unit of two percent, let us say, on every everybody who spends money for and nurses from the County Health article of commerce, then the man anything realize that he is a part service will be in charge. who spends $500 a year would pay of the state, and that It 1» his $10 In taxes, and the man who money which the law makers are ’ Upper Willamette ' spends $5000 would pay $100 In appropriating. No m atter how busy you are, you can always take taxes, and so on. The man who spent nothing would pay no sales LARGE CROWD ATTENDS Saturday night the young folk ot “tim e o u t” for a rich, creamy, cooling soda with a gen- tax; the multi-millionaire who PLEASANT HILL PICNIC the Intermediate Christian Endea­ spent half a million dollars a year erous portion of ice cream. Ask for your favorite flavor, Large groups of people congre­ vor gave a marshmallow roast on would pay $10,000 in sales taxes, if gated at the Pleasant Hill school the Pleasant Hill baseball diamond or inquire about our sundaes, parfaits, and other drinks the rate were uniform on all com Saturday for the annual Community at the Woodman Hall grounds hon­ modifies. equally delicious. picnic despite the unfavorable wea­ oring Mrs. Allan Wheeler, their Every scheme of sales taxes ex ther. It did not rain that day. but leader who has recently returned empts fj-om the tax certain classes the weather was too cool for Ice­ from a trip to Southern California. of commodities, however, such as cream and pop. The Misses Helen Carter, Emma necessary food and low-priced The morning was given over to a Olson, and Belle Olson were out Where the Service is Different clothing, so that people of low in­ program presented by the Pleasant from Eugene to attend the Pleasant comes pay proportionately less Hill choir, the grade school pupils Hill picnic. # than those of high incomes. and high school students. Family Douglas Kabler, a former Pleas­ The principal outcry against the basket dinners were held at noon, ant Hill high school student gradu­ sales tax everywhere has come and ball games occupied most of ated from the State Normal school from retail merchants who, in the the afternoon. Pengra defeated the this week. absence of any exact knowledge of local church team 3-2 in a five In- Mr. and Mrs. Millard Cornelius the subject, assume that they will «— —---- —---------------------------------- have moved from their ranch at The Iruiln doss not have to absorb the tax, that It can­ I McKenzie Valley Pleasant Hill to the Hubert ranch know what you have not he passed on to the consumer. and are working In partnership to offer unie** you In Mississippi, retail merchants The Fairmount Presbyterian with Mr. Hubert. tell them , , , day in contended that the measure would (.aides' Aid will be entertained at Mrs. Markham Is visiting her . . . und day oui. drive them into bankruptcy, but the Hendricks bridge park, 2 miles daughter. Mrs. Morton Bristow. Give your business when the tax went Into effect It west of Walterville by the Walter Mrs. Noel, mother of Mrs. C. E a reputation for be­ turned out that the old adage that ville group Friday at a picnic one- Jordan, came from Iowa last week ing up nttil doing by “the consumer always pagq" still o'clock luncheon, June 10. A regu­ to be present at the graduation of keeping the people holds good. lar meeting of the community her granddaughter. Luclle Jordan, I n f o r m e d of the On the second day of May, the church club was held at the home who was graduated at the Pleasant ill any bargains to be day the tax went Into effect, mer of Mrs. A. T. Easton Wednesday Hill high school last week. Luclle bail In your store or chants announced new prices with afternoon. Jordan was valedictorian of her shop. There Is char­ the two percent sales tax added Mr. and Mrs. Zara Potter are class. acter In. good print­ Easy cliairs went out of style ulniottf two yeurn and had no difficulty In passing on visiting relatives In Douglas county The Hills Creek baseball team ing. Let us demon the tax burden. Every mercantile this week. ago. Getting business today requires action. went to Westfir last Sunday where strate that fact. We establishment in the state, from Burial services for the late Henry they defeated the local team by a Huslness staffs arc too small and the business peclallze on: — the smallest soft drink stand to the Godard which were held in Eugene score of 17 to 4, About fifty people man does not have hours enough to personally largest department store, reports Monday were attended by a numbet Booklets . . , partook of a basket dinner and sup­ go out a fter every piece of business to be had. . . after a month's trial the public of his relatives from this section. Pam phlete , , . per before and after the game. The through hustling. T hat Is where the printed has taken kindly to the new tax Mr. Godard until some 25 years Lettar-heade . . , Hills Creek team will play Helllg and is paying it gracefully and ago made his home In the Deer- Catalogua* . , , word works most effectively for him. And the theater next Sunday afternoon at without serious protest. B roadild e* . . . horn district. His former property Pleasant Hill. cost of selling Is so much less . . . upon strained ’’This is eminently proper,” says being the place now owned by Mrs B ill* . . . Mis* Harriet Duer, who has been budgets. Printing prices In our shop ure also Governor Conner. "The measure Floyd Meyer. visiting at the home of Mrs. T. F. Office ita tlo n e ry and down, hut th ere ’s no let down in the quality of was intended as a tax on consum The Emmerich ferry which In Kahler left Monday for her home forme of all klnde . . . Ihe work. Prom pt service too. We are geared ers, and I am confident that the some manner escaped its mooring In »an Francisco. merchants, after giving It a fair about six week* ago, drifting to a for speed. No waiting her«. Phone 2, we w ill Call Mis* Nellie Ixirentz of Trent and trial, will have no complaint to of­ point In the river south of Walter- Miss Harriet Brabham of Coast fer. Rul«r« of Low Price* ville Is being towed back up the Fork both former Pleasant Hill "In the first place. It Is not a tax river by a group of three men sent 1015 WILLAMETTE high school students were gradu­ EUGENE on earnings, but a tax on spend­ out by the county for the purpose, ated from the 8tate Normal at Mon­ ings, and the people, realizing the beginning Tuesday. mouth this week. FIVE SPRINGFIELD STUDENTS FINISH TRYING OUT SALES T A X M ANY STUDENTS SET LONG RECORD t . Mcbarland Winner of Cup Thurston bans K/// Get 7 reat on bridav ROSE DISPLAY IS WELL ATTENDED Very Special Indeed! 200 Pair Genuine Compton Cords A KICK IN EVERY DROP Y oun g M en ’s M odels $ 1 .6 9 Big Boys M odels $ 1 .3 9 Little B oys M odels 89c “ A ” Street Service Station Try O ur D rinks B u sin e ss A lw a y s L o o k s D ark T o H e W h o W a its R G G IM A N N ’S N e w V o ile D resses c - $ 1 .9 5 - $ 2 .9 5 Fine Fabrics, Superior Styling Sizes 14 to 2 0 3 6 to 5 0 The Golden Rule T h e W illa m e tte P ress - - S o u th 4 th St. fr