T H U R S D A Y . J U N I I . I»82 T H E B PR IN O FTB LD N E W S Returns to Homo — Mlaa lla tty Auderauii raturuail to bar home at Nahalatn. Monday u ftar spani|tng tha weak and hnra visiting frlanda Ml«« Anderson lived In thia vicinity until about a year ago lia r fath er operated a barbar ahop on Main atraat. T K A C H K R S ' K X A M IN A T IO N S The aunil annual teachera' axatnl nations w ill be given In the County Court Room commencing at 9:09 o'clock on Wadnaaduy, June 9, and' holding fur four daya A achmlula or the tim e on which eubjecta will ba given may ba obtained by g d -* Bualneea V ie lte r— J W Plum m er V is it o r T u e s d a y M r s . John E l­ draaalug: of Cedar Fiata « u i g bualnaaa vial- dar o f W e s tfir waa a business vial E. J. M O O R E. Co. School Hupt tor In Hpringf ii-lil Monday, lo r In Springfield on Tuesday. J l'N K 2 9 (J 8-9) Estate of H ira m F. W hite. Dacaaaad Seattle Man Here— I. W Stark Laavaa fo r Portland — Mrs N O T IC K T O C R K O IT O R S of Saul tie waa a bualneea vlaltor Harsh Cox went to Portland the TOWN AND VICINITY PAOB T l TWO SPRINGFIELD GIRLS PLAY IN PIANO RECITAL ! SOIL TESIS LOR FARMS IRE M E D coast d airy Industry. A t M arahDaM •H o rta ara being made te recover agricultural lim e from sea shall da- poalts. “ L im ing at tha experim ent ate Hon has tnersaaed tha activity of beneficial to il bacteria conreraed in the form ation of altratea needed by planta.” Dr. Powers continues It haa improved the structure of heavy soil, Increaasd tbe n utrient value of crops where used. In ­ creased the drouth resistance of the soli and aided In im proving the w ater capacity. Estim ates based on lesta a t the station are that a halt m illion tons of lim a a year could be used to m aintain favorable soil reaction In Western Oregon.” Mlaa Barbara Harnell, daughter of M r. and Mrs. W. K Burnell, and Mlae M argaret J a rre tt, daughter of M r. and Mrs. O. H. J a rre tt, w ill ba proienled by Reuben C h arlyie Oof Many Waatarn Oregon Farm- freli-re, on Thursday evening. June art Saak Lima Tests for 91 h 8 o'clock, tn piano recital In the Son Io Born— M r. mut M i n . II. A Lands; Supply Increased Hall room of the Eugene hotel. Notice la hereby given that Abl flra t of file week for a short visit. In Springfield on Saturday. SUMMONS ( lu r k of Oukrldxu uro Ihw purants In thia re d ia l, fifteen high school I gall K. Clark has bean by tba Coun Increased Interest in lim in g west­ ui u buliy huh burn to Ivin u' 1392 tv Court of tha State of Oregon. In IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E Hare from Dearborn — M r. and ( ,,nd university students w ill play. Albany Man H ara— il. W H unt S T A T E O F O R EG O N FOK T H E ern Oregon soils is indicated by V iilu n i «treat In Kiig»m- un Mun and for l.ana County, appointed M rs Richard Potter and Mlaa Vlo t '•‘hla recital w ill be the fourth of a of Albany waa kn overnight vlaltor C O U N TY OF LA N E more requests for soli tests at the Executrix and Dan K. Clark baa day, Junu 6. 1932. let Pot er of Deerhorn were vlaitora series of alx to be given by M r. hern by tha name court appointed W. II . L ilian and H a rrie t M. Ehleu, *" **•*» < Hy F riday In Springfield on Saturday. |G o ffre le re during June. The fifth Oregon Experim ent station, and p lain tiffs, va Ma Bulk- Halxhlsur Executor of tha laat w ill and taata provision of more sources of agri N O T IC K T O C N R D IT O R 9 and Julius i l . Bulsblaur, her bua 4 hainbow Resldsnt Calls — Mrs. mi nt of illra m F W h ile, docaaaed w ill come on F rid a y evening, June hand, D ry B Brown urol M artha Perry W illiam s of Rainbow was a Returns from Rainbow Mrs ( ’. 10th, o o'clock, also in the ball­ cultural lim e by state aud private A ll paraona having claim« agalnat N O T IC K IB H K R K B Y G IV E N I ha aatata of aalil dacaaaad are A. Browu sod Fred E. Hm llb, Du bualneaa visitor In Springfield on I. Inm an returned Sunday from Interests. room o f-th e Eugene hotel. T hia re­ I but tha Uliduralgnad bum baau up hereby notified to prevent the aame fnndsnts. Rainbow where afie bud spent the Tuesday. pul n I nd Ail inliilu tr a lrls of (ha ostat» duly atatad and verified, at the real A series of bulletins dealing w ith d ia l w ill feature ih e three children To D ry B Brown aud M arth a A. In the month of A p ril this year past week of II O. Wllsuo. dvraaaud, by tha dance of tha aald executor and ax Brown. Defendanta. of M r and Mrs. Lee Stu art of Eu­ more than 100 samples of soil were lim ing published by tha experim ent Sprains Ankle— C. H. Lam i-rs of County Cuurt nt Luna County. All o ru trlx at 1991 Moua atraat In Ku IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E gene tested for lime requirem ents by the station include "Rationed Use of Returns from W ashington— W H 1‘arauna buying claims against aald gene. Dragon, w ithin alx months O F O R E G O N : You are hereby re M arcola wua In Springfield Mon These recitals are free and open Oregon Experim ent station, aside L im e or Acid Soils,” (1919); "L im ­ I'Btula nru ruqulrnd In prusunl (hum fri in thia 2nd day of June, 1932 qulrnd tu appear and unswer the day to buvq a physician tre a t his Hobbs returned Monday from Yak w ith tha propur vourbaru tu Iba un Com plalol filed agalnat yuu In tbu apralneil ankle Abigail K C lark. Executrix, ima where be lias spent a week to the public, who are cordially in­ iront the tests being made constant­ ing W estern Oregon 8oila," (1928); lia r Ignail at tba law offices of vited to attend. .Dan K C lark, Executor of tha above entitled suit w ithin fuui ly for farm ers by county agents. "Forage Props for the Const Sec­ vlalllug with hla parents. 1‘u lla r A Bailey, 931 M lnar llulld laat w ill and Teatam unt of weeks from the dale of tbu first W sndllng Raaldcnta Hare— M r The Oregon station has pioneered tion” (1924); and "Soils of the W il­ lug. Kugaua, Oregon. w ith in six publication of this Summons, and Illra m F. W hite, Dacaaaad Postal Employee Returns— W alt YEAR ROUND CARDEN In tbe developm ent of evidence lam ette Series and th eir U tilis a ­ mouths from tha data of thia notice. A K. W baalar, Attorney. If you fa ll (o answer, for want and M rs. H a rry W illiam s of Weud e r Gossler, clerk at Ihe Springfield ling were visitors in Springfield I hereof, the P lain tiffs w ill apply to (bat lim ing la fundam ental in a tion," (1928) (J 2 919-33 301 PROVIDES SURPLUS D A T E D this 2nd day of June A. post office returned Im lay from hla Ihe Cuurt for the re lie f as pruyed Monday. /. mong the 200 Lane county co- system of perm anent agriculture I* 1931. for In P la in tiff's Com plaint, to-wlt vacallon. S U M M O N S L O U I8 A 0 W IL S O N . Adiiilulu operators In the year 'round gard­ for the acid soils In tbe humid sec­ (or a Judgment against the defend Back from C alifo rn ia— C lifford FOURTEEN LANE YOUTHS tions of the state. t i u t r l l of tha Rutata of II O. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E aut Ma Belle llalxlnaer for the sum Hlatclii-r returned Monday from Et V isits at Junction C ity— Mrs. J. ening project ia one at Llnslaw I S T A T E O F O R E G O N F D R L A N K o f 81000.00 and Interest thereon at Wllsou. Dacaaaad TO ATTEND C. M. T. C. non, California, where he haa been M. Larson and sons spent Sunday who expects to Improve upon her J COUNTY. “Soil surv e y, and chem ical an (J 9-9-16-83-30) ihe ra le of 7% per annum from ul Junction City where they visited record for 1930-31. Last year her aiysis covering the W illa m e tte val­ * M ilo M. Thomaon, Mabel C. Thom Kept. 30, 1931, and for a reasonable visiting with hla relatives. i ■ ■■ ii ■ • 1«. Lane county w ill be represented garden produced vegetables and ley. backed by 16 years of plat w ith relatives. eon, W. C. Tbnmaon, M ary C, Atlorneya fee, and for the costs N O T IC K by 14 young men at the annual W a lte rv ille People Here — M r Thomaon and I. York Thomaon. of thia suit, and for a decree fore­ fru its valued at 3339 76. O f these records showing conclusively that OF F IN A L S K T T L K M K N T Citizen's M ilita ry T rain in g camp to Returns Home— Miss Bertie ixru I plaintiffs. losing p la in tiffs ' mortgage for said and Mrs. A rth u r Easton of W a lte r he canned 366 40 worth of vege- the red h ill soils are distinctly va. be held at Vancouver barracks amounts against the following des villi- were bualneaa vlaitora In H am lin left Springfield Sunday for (ableB worth f), fru |( |n N O T IC E IB H E R E B Y G IV E N , Rrneat Hlckaon. Kllxa Hickson i-rlbed real property: T he eaat her horn, at Drew . Oregon, »he has | ai|(1Hlon thll( h„m e m aker stored or acid and in need of lime, and that startin g June 17, and continuing for Hpr ngfleld Monday. that tha underalgned, adm inistrator Mayban and D ella E May ban; N ln ty 190) feet or Ix it One (1) lim ing w ill pay its way on older four weeka. Lieutenant Thomas of lha eatate of Kllxabeth I. K- n t>eeii Mp**u(JIOK the wifi 1er and alao all other paraona o r purtlea fresh vegetable« am ounting to cropped soils of the main valley Block T w o (2 ) In John Christ uady, dacaaaad. baa rundrred and Flxh on M cKenzie River— Ray spring in Springfield with her aunt used Cro.is, C. M. T. C. adju tan t, has |7 0 „„ an„ |r u lu va)uf.d unknown claim ing any right, title , Ian's Addition to Eugene, l^ane rn.'.l with the County Court of tha floor," says Dr. W. L. Powers, chief sent out orders to 590 young man ..„ ,1 U . r. . and ....I t, I I ____ I eatate lien or Intereat In the real uncle M Mrs. L> F. B Ham County, Oregon, and for such N o ll and Harold W llliam e spent und State of Dragon for the County of la te T h e state wide trend tow ard llv in soils at the experim ent station. eatate described In the com plaint other and fu rth e r re lie f aa may Sunday Calling on the McKnngle lin. while attending high achool. autborlxin« them tu attend the latne hla final account and that lug at-home or ' homemade liv in g ” hnreln, Defendanta. be deemed Just aud equitable. riv e r and reported a good catch. on Saturday tba 36th day of June. camp thia summer. Coast Uses Much Lime To Rrneat Hlckaon. Rllxa lllc k Is gaining impetus. T h e garden pro­ This Mummona Is served upon 1932. at the hour of ten o'clock A Pastor Returns— Rev and Mrs. aon M aybeii. and Della E May hen; i oast regions are now using lime Of the fourteen Lane representa­ M of aald day at the County Court alao all other paraona or partlea you by publication by virtue of an Goes to Canada — M k Edna W . G. T ay lo r returned F riday from ject Is supervised by G ertrude L. order of the Hon U F. Sklpw orlh, in ever increasing quantities as It tives nine are from Eugene; two room In tha Courthouaa at Kugaue. Skow, home dem onstration agent unknown claim ing any right, title , C ircuit Judge, dated and filed May lis v e rfle ld left Sunday fo r her lx « AnguJes were they were called has been shown to be the key to from W em llin g; tw o from F lo r­ Dragon, baa beau fixed and S M B lM eatate. lien or Intereat In the real 24. 1932, directing that this Hum home In Canada She graduated because of the serious illness of anil O. 8. Fletcher, agricultural ad by aald Court aa the day, tim e continued production of legumes ence; and one from Reed. Roger K. agent. aalala deacrlbed In the com plaint mona be eerved upon you by pub from Springfield high school Friday and place for the hearing of objac- Mrs. Taylor's father. Rev T aylo r herein; You are hereby eummon- llcatlon lu the Springfield News, so necessary in the cropping sys­ Pendell and Roy M Morse are the tlona to aald fin a l account and for evening conducted regular services at the ed In anaw er the com plaint filed once each week for a period of four tem needed to support the great W endllng representativea. N O T IC E O F SALE th e a e t t l e ..... n t thereof. A ll objec agalnat you In the above entitled Baptist church Sunday. of Chattel Under Storage Lien week«. The date of first publication Ilo n a m o a t lie In w riting and filed Cuts Finger— Mrs. Goldie Cooper T A K E N O T IC E , that J R C lark, with the C lerk of aald Court on nr cauae and court w ithin four weoka Is May 29. 1932 fr o m Ihe flrat publication of thia Form er Resident Visits— M rs. i*. and D. V. C lark, doing business un­ W E L L S A W E L L S , Attorneys severely cut her Index finger M on­ before aald day and time • uuimona. and If you fall ao to an for P la in tiff, Jtealdence and P day on broken gluas. T he in ju ry W . Lawson and son. Laverne, of der the assumed business name of Dated thia 24th day of May, 1933 awer, for want thereof, p la in tiff O. Address, Eugene, Oregon. waa treated at Ihe office of a local Tillam ook, left for th e ir home M on­ C re -w e ll Garage at Cresw ell, O re­ I. E D A N K H . adm lnlatrator will apply to the court for the re­ gon. claim a lien on the chattel IM 24 June 2 9 14 231 physician. day a fte r spending -om e tim e in EH A N K A DR PU B . A ttorney lief demanded In said com plaint, h ere in a fte r mentioned for storage tor tha Batata Springfield visiting with former from Dec. 3, 1931 to M ay 3, 1932 at vlx. that p laln tlffa be adjudged the SUM M ONS (M 39- June 3 9 1923) Returns to H a lfw a y — J D. Neet neighbors Mr. Lawson operated a 35.00 per month for five months owners of the follow ing property. that part of auction 29, Township IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E who haa been visiting at (he home large dairy east of Springfield be and 32.00 for tow ing charge, a total 19 south. of range 2 eaat of the S T A T E O F O R EO O N. IN A N I) of hla daughter. Mrs. Maude Olaa- of 327.00. N O T IC K fpre moving to the coast. W illam ette M eridian, bounded on and W ife , Defendanta. The property which said lien Is OF F IN A L S K T T L K M K N T pey. left Tueaday for his home at the eaet by the eaat line of the F«IH L A N E C O U N T Y claims is described as follow s: Notice la hereby given that Stacy To Dance Tonight— Miss Maxine H alfw ay. Oregon Mrs. Glaapey's ilalpb G. M arks. P la in tiff, aoulhweat quarts.- of aald auction, One Harley-Davidson. 1928 mo­ Cummlnga. adm lnlatrator haa tiled va. on the northerly aide by Date son. Delniaa. accompanied M r. Neet. Snodgrass w ill appear on the stage del, Motorcycle marked H B M C hla report and account In the ea Creak, and on the w eaterly and George W Starbuck and Mrs. at the McDonald th e a tre ,in Eugene w ith an arrow running through in la te of Eugene Cummlnga deceaa- southerly side by the M cKenxIe George W Starbuck. Husband yellow painted letters. No license Return from T rip — M r and Mrs. tonight as a m em ber of the M e r­ ad. In Ihe County Court of Lane. R iver; and that part of lot 3 To George W Starbuck and Mrs. No. or motor No. apparent. Own County, Oregon, which haa aet Hat In ;aald section lying between George W . Starbuck, Husband and G H. T u rn e r returned Saturday rick dance studio class which ia er unknown. urday. June 36lb. 1932 at 10 o'clock from a week's fishing trip which giving an exhibition of th e ir ac­ Gate Creek and the old McKenxIe W ife, G R E E T1N O : T hat said M otorcycle w ill be sold A M . In Ihe County Court room, at highway, all In loine county, O re­ IN T H E N A M E O F T H E STATft, they api nt on Ih e lower Sm ith compli hmenta during the past at Public Auction on the 16th da? th e C o u r t liouae. Eugene. Oregon, gon. t and that defendanta have no O F O R EG O N of June. 1932, at the C resw ell G ar­ river. T he w ealher wsa cold most year. 14 *3 final IIIIM I 11» a i l l l l H lllc iw v ii, sassxi iij r lm K S ill* is for hearing thereon, and e any objec-Ilona Io «aid Final report and ' * '* • “ •» * You and each of you are hereby age at Cresw ell, Oregon, at 2:00 of the tim e and It rained consider­ account ahould be filled or present ' o ^ f r o m qU," ‘ P f? required to appear and anaw er the P M. Nurse H a t Operation— Mias Clara eil at o r prior to the tim e of aald .“ I" B” c lalm ' • * • ” ■’ •<« by the com plaint of p la in tiff filed agalnat ably said M r T u rn e r on hla return T his notice Is given pursuant to Jones, nurse in the office of Dr. Section b e a r ln e defendanta or any of them , and you In ihe above entitled court anil 51-403 Oregon Annoted Dated and firs t published (h it { * • " ! * t,,h ” r J * 1*"1 * • m , ’r suit, w ithin four weeks from the Teahcer Leaves— M r. and Mrs. W C. Rebhan. underwent a m ajor Code and proceeds of sale w ill be dale of Ihe flra t publication of thia Just. Thia aummona Is served u p COMFORTABLE, CONVENIENT AND John Diiuglax Knox left Springfield operation for append'citls Saturday used 1st to paym ent of expenses of Ihe 26th day of May, 1932 S T A C Y C U M M IN G S , Admlnla on you by publication by virtue summon«, to-w lt: on or before the Tuesday morning for C alifo rn ia morning at the Pacific C hristian sale, 2nd to discharge of lien and ECONOMICAL ) of an order by G F. Skipw orth. C ir­ 24th day or June. 1932. and tr you balance If any paid over to the Irato r. where they w ill pend the Hummer hospital Miss Jones was removed County C lerk of Lane County, Ore­ fall ao Io appear and anawer. for cuit Judge, made and filed May 26. Rooms: $1.50 with ba-h; $1.00 without bath W IIIT T E N S W A F F O R D . A tto r­ | 1922, directing that aummona be want thereof p la in tiff w ill apply to M r Knox linn been a m em ber of to her Springfield home Monday gon. to be used in tru st by him for ney, 303 T iffa n y llldg. the court for the re lie f and for Judg­ served upon you by publishing the any owner thereof. (he high school faculty for the pant and is reported to be getting along |M 29-J-2 9-19-23) We Welcome You to Portland : »«me for four weeks In the Spring ment and decree aa prayed for In Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this year and has renigned to take ad­ very nicely. Miss Nadine M cM urray rs ■ n - A Geld News, and (hat you anawer hla com plaint, to-w lt: 1st day of June, 1932. W. F. WALKER. Mgr. F or Judgment agalnat defendant. vanced s'udlea In C alifornia next is assisting Dr. Rebhan during Miss J O H N M M A R S H . Constable, 3rd and Main St. Portland, Oregon I Ihe flrat publication thereof Thia George W . Starbuck, on hla prom is­ year. J o in s' convalescence. by Van Svarverud, Deputy Con­ aummona la flra t eo published May sory note given Novem ber 9th stable aud agent for Claim ants 29. 1932. 1929 for 3200 to H N. M illa rd and 8. D A L L E N , Attorney for assigned to p la in tiff, for 3200 and Intereat from date thereof at 8% 1‘la ln tlff. Residence and P, O. Ad­ JE W E L E R per annum ; the aum of |6 0 aa a t­ dress. Eugene, Oregon torney's fee for p la ln tlffa attorney; IM 29— June 2 9-16-23) Itepalrlng ■ Specialty the coats and disbursements of Springfield. Oregon suit; also for the foreclosure of SUM M ONS IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E the mortgage given to secure aald 8 T A T E O F O R EG O N . FOR note and sale of the lands deacrlbed LANE COUNTY therein, to satisfy aald Judgment; Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN «'reed Ijin e . P la in tiff. and for such other and fu rth e r re­ Naturopathie Physician Vt. lief aa shall be by the court deem Belle Pattison. M elvin Pattison ed Just and equitable In the pre­ Phone ll-J F rank Pso'xon. C atherine P a tti­ mises. O ffice Houre: 1 to 6 P. M. son, Florence H ard y, W aldo Thia aummona la served upon you H ardy, Alice Pattison, M ark by publication thereof once each 409 Fourth Street Flem ing. E illth Flem ing. Robert week for four successive weeks In Flem ing, John Pattison. Unknown Ihe Springfield News, by order o! I heirs of Robert Pattison, de- the Hon. G. F, Sklpw orlh, Judge of I U n iv e rs a l M o r'g a g r C orp ceased, E lla McBee. Haxel McBee, aald court made and entered May ' unknown heirs of J A. McBee. 33rd. 1932, and the flrat publication E. F McBee. Cora C. M cBee, L. thereof woe made on the 24th dsv M Bartholom ew . H. B McBee of M ay lYil2 A. E. W heeler. Eugene, O re­ F rank Bartholom ew . J. W Mo- W . P. Tyson, Agent Bee. Ida McBee. Rose McBee. gon, Attorney fo r P la in tiff. Phene M W 129 K St. John A. Crabtree, alao a ll other (M 39— June 2 9 14-23) persons or partlea unknown, claim ing any rig ht, title , eatate N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE R O SS-BLE N D IN G ” m eans m uch Ben or Interest In the real estate General Law Practice N O T IC E 18 H E R E B Y G IV E N deacrlbed In the com plaint here m ore than just m ixin g tobacco* that by v irtu e of an execution and In, Defendanta. I. M. PETERSON together. order of sale issued out of the C ir­ T o Belle i*attlson, Florence Hardy Attorney at-l-aw W aldo H ardy, unknown heirs of Ro­ cuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, It "welds” together different kinds City H a ll Building bert Pottlaon. deceased. E lla M c­ for Lane County, Oregon. May 26th o f the several varieties o f tobacco. . . 1932, pursuant to a decree entered Bee. Haxel McBee. H . n McBee. Hprlugflc'.d, Oregon Rose McBee, unknown heirs of J by aald court May 17, 1932. in a ault many types o f Bright tobacco, a great A. Ml- Bee. deceased, alao all other therein pending wherein Wealoy many types o f Burley tobacco and Pennington and Suale Pennington persone or partlea unknown claim ­ ing any right, title eatate lien nr were plnlnllffH mid Roy V. M axw ell. numerous grades o f Turkish tobacco. FRANK A. DE PUE Intereat In the real estate described Mabel M axw ell, D orllia J. Somers. A TTO R N E Y A T LAW • • • in the com plain! herein. Defend- W . T Reynolds, Bertha Reynolds. ' First National Bank of Eugene. Í ante. N O T A R Y P U B L IC T his "W elding ™ together — or IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E Oregon, nnd Charles Gibson were S p r in g f ie ld S u tto n Cross-Blending—-permits every kind O F O R E G O N : You are hereby re­ defendanta and execution anil order quired Io appear an anawer the of sale and Io me directed nnd com building Oregon o f tobacco used in the Chesterfield com plaint filed agalnat you In the mandeil me tu aell the h ereinafter blend to partake o f the best qualities above entitled suit w ithin four described real property to satisfy weeks from Ihe date of the first the aum of 33000.00 w ith Intereat o f every other type. Each tobacco ia publication of thia summons and If thereon at 8% from Ihe 10th day of thus made to yield its finest flavors. you fall Io ao appear or answer, for February. 1931, until paid nnd rea want thereof the p la in tiff w ill take Nonnhle attorney's feea In Ihe sum • • • a decree agalnat you quieting the of $300.00 and for coats nnd dla title of the follow ing described real burHemenla of ault taxed nt 322.66. ' C ross -B lending takes all these I w ill on Saturday the 26th day of property: pleasing flavors and aromas and Farmerly Walker-Poole Beginning nt the Intersection June, 1932 at the hour of ten o'clock of the re n te r of County Road No. A M. at the front door of the Coun-1 combines them into one— the Chest­ 647 w ith the East boundary of ty Court House In Eugene. Lane S P R IN G F IE L D E U G E N E - It t h erfield taste. And we think you will the Northw est one-fourth of Ihe County, Oregon, o ffer for sale nnd and Charm -lion. 229 M ain Northeast q uarter o f Section sell nt public auction for rash to agree that it is a far better taste . . . Téléphona 723 Phone 63-J T w en ty-five (26) tn Townahlp the highest bidder subject to re-1 worth all the extra care that Chest­ Seventeen (17) South of Range ilem ptlon aa provided by law nil | erfield takes to get it. Tw o (2) W est of the W illa m e tte Ihe right, title nnd Internal of the M eridian, running thence N orth aforesaid defendants mid each of 2.60 chaina, thence Went 4 chains, them and all persona claim ing by, thence South 2.60 chains, thence through or under them the follow ­ EVERYTHING that money cent buy W est 4.60 chalne more or leas to ing deacrlbed real property, to-w lt: a n d that science knows about is done the re n te r of aald road No. 647. Beginning at the Interaection I (hence W esterly along the cen­ of the eaat line of the Oregon to make CHESTERFIELD milder and and C alifo rn ia Railroad rig ht of ter of anld Road to Its Intersec­ taste better. tion with Ihe q uarter section line way (Seuthern Pacific Company running North and South I.eaaee) w ith Ihe center line of through aald Section Tw en ty-five Ihe open roadway being 1226.6 (36 ). thence South on aald quar­ feet South of the North line of ter Section line Io the Southwest Ihe James E. McCabe and w ife corner of the N o rthw est one- D. L. C. No 46, Notf. No. 208» In , fourth of the N ortheast quarter Tow nship 17 South Range 4 W eal of said Section 26 thence East 20 of the W illa m e tte M eridian, and chains, to ths Southeast corner running thence Rant along the of the Northw est one-fourth of center of anld open roadway 2188 the Northeast quarter, and thence feet to Itn Interaection w ith the SMART OCTAGON North to the place of beginning, center of an open roadway r u n -1 GLAUSES containing 27 acres, more or less. nlng South 11’ W est therefrom , Sm urt. IncunapiclouH fram es In Lsne County, State of Oregon, thence South 11’ W eal along cen­ and that yon and each of you be ter of aald road 1226.6 feet, thence that blond harmoniously with decreed to have no rig ht, title , es­ N orth 89 degrees 39 m in. Went modern apparel. L et uh ahow tate, Hen or Interest In or to said 1681 feet to the east line of aald you then« new r I hshc . . . see premises or any p art thereof. railroad rig h t of way. and thence bow they become your features The order directing service of North 20 degree« 29 min Went this summons by the publication along aald railroad rig h t of way . . . note th e ir comfort. Our thereof It dated M ay 12th, 1932, and 1272 feet more or leas to the place optom etrists w ill advlae you directs publication once each week of beginning, all being a part of ubuut your Right without obllgu for four consecutive weeks and aald D. L. C. No. 46, and In Lane the date of the flra t publication tlon. County, Oregon, and containing Tha Cigarette that’s M ILDER | herein It M ay 12th, 1982, 63.4 acres, more or less. C. A. W IN T K R M E IE R . A tto r­ Dated May 26th. 1932. DR. ELLA MEADE ney for P la in tiff. Residence: The Cigarette that TASTES BETTER H . L. B O W N . S h e riff of Lane Optometrist Eugene, Oregon. County, Oregon. 41 Wear 9th Kugent (M IS-lS-M-nJ 9-9) (M 18— June 2-9-19-23) I «J I4JJ, 1 oxorr a Mvsaa Ti L en o x H o te l Business Directory *?* *'!h,n ,our froni Edw. G. Privat BONDS tls as though the tobaccos were'welded’together. . . C POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Chesterfield