THUKHIUX JUNE », 1 W32 T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S PAOE TWO THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS MAN MADE at TOWN À u la F IR E P R E V E N T IO N T O B EC O M E C LU B PRO JEC T the method mid date on which these conditions are remedied Chliimeya. tlreplacea. flues, mutrliea. sinoklug. hoi aaltea, anil (oaIsll rubbish and Hiller, d ean T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S roofs, lighting equipment, electrle wiring mut equipment, kerosene, oil H. E. MAXEY. Editor unit gasoline, grit s ami brush, mid Entered as second d a * . matter, February 24, 1S03. at the postofflce, spontaneous comliusiloii an* listed Springfield. Oregon us the niiisl common huanrd* In the BY R A O FO AD MOBLCY bulletin, copies of which may be M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E Washington. |>. June !• obtained by addressing the county t nr Year la Advance 11.76 Three Month« ............................ 75c With the political conventions get Th« bullet lu I prepared bv Hie Four 11 dub lamh'i Six Month« .............. 21.tW Single Copy ................ .. 5c J "Oh, indeed We must see what Dr. The noise of the thunder had ting closer and clttaar. the two big j Statu Fire Mursliall's offlee al Fifth Instalment | Kathbone has to sav about that " drowned the little sounds of Rath- . . , ... ........vetyt,.„I, 1« «eking and Salem and the Agricoli mal Engin County Official Newspaper He’s said it already he said I bone's arrival, and when he spoke to A t tw en ty two (be only thin« Dtana realty I N O T IC B OF eering Department mid Extension desired was another woman's husband A * asn t tit for the journey I hate Ain. her she looked up. her taee drenehed nobody knows the answers to are nervous reck fro m the eseitemenf and anyway; peoole there think of nothing A N N U A L S C H O O L K L K C T IO N THURSDAY, Jl'N E 2. IMt iiviT* is o .(.I- •• First, what Is the Republican nn service of the Oregon Slate college strain o f I-ondon's gay life, ahe is taken hv Notice la licrabv given Huti au Oh . . . Dr Kathbone . , . her aunt. M rs G la d w jn . to a famous special but illness We went once; last year, al Corvallis It lists anil Illustrates i t louai convention golug to do alani' ist's s f c e The physKian orders her to the I think it was I was bored to dnith." election will lie held In H c I k h i I ilia- She would have been less plea veil to country for a long rest She rebels, hut the ten of the most common fire has trld number lk on Monday. Juue ee an angel (rom heaven In het ea- prohibition? The Creature smiled. T H E COST OF GOVERNM ENT doctor is handsome and sympathetic She "I have yet to hear you say that you :eri,ess she threw the bed rove-mgs Second, who are the Democrats arils anil gives Instruction III mclb 20. Ik22. al Hie Library (or the pur­ learns that he is iw t the great man himself but an assistant. D r Kathbone “ God made have thoroughly enjoyed yourself any­ from hei and sprang up to grrrt him. We have alw ays felt th at taxpayer« do not object to pose of electing one director for oils of elimination. going to nominate (or president? the country and man made the town.** he where," she said. "Oh. rm so g three years mid one clerk for one paying reasonable taxes, provided they get som ething for tells her. and ahe agrees to go to a rural The (Irat question 1« hnportant, j He l.iuglinfand took her hand. Diana considered the point retreat Each club member Is given a year ihills will be open from 12 th eir money, lattely th ere h as arisen a w idespread o u tcry Before the leave« ahe goes to I>ennls “Well, I don’t know that I ever "Glad1 Do yon alwavs ery when because It la the only question on chart listing the most common tire noon until * 1’ M All candidates' W aterm a n's l«u Almost all of our governm ent u n its have been taxing, Rathbone's home was close by. Miss Starling told ber be renominated fur the vice preal borrow ing and spending beyond th e m eans of th e people to A fte r three weeks Dennis W aterm an call«. deticy. pay. Taxes are lem ain in g unpaid. T h at cau ses forced H e tel la her be w ill have to go away, and his manner, as he leaves her. suggests that bis Therefore, the only thing that It sales of property and destro y s values. N othing but d rastic love is waning N O W GO O N W IT H T H E S T O R Y retren ch m en t can ¡»ossibly re sto re o u r governm ent u n its to seem s possible to atari a quarrel over In the convention la the prohi­ financial health. And one way to re tre n c h — th e best pos­ C H A P T E R V II bition plank In the platform sible way as we see it—it to stop spending m oney on fads, And then Miss Starling came home, 22 These things can be aet down ua on things which benefit only a few. and particu larly upon and. stared half cut of her wits, jenny definite : (he effort to re g u late everything by law. told her part of the truth—that there had been a gentleman to see Miss First, there will be a prohibition I As a nation we a re dedicated to th e principles of indi­ “Standard Service protect« Diana, and that ever since he went plank. vidualism and a m inim um of governm ental in terferen ce in away she had been like this, trying my car . . aavea repair«” Second, it will he a plank which j and sobbing and would not be quiet. private affairs, an d yet we have built up th e biggest and will open the door for action I» I "I told you nobody was to be allowed JHlR E V E R Y careful buyer, Mamlard m ost expensive governm ental m achinery ever created. We in." the Creature said in told anger. the next congress looking toward a 1 Products and Standard Scrvic« art a object to governm ent in business, and yet we spend m ore “However, the misthiei is done Stop conatltutlonul amendment super ) money saving combination m oney on governm ental prom otion and regulation of b u si­ how ling and go over to Dr. Rathbone's. -eillng the Eighteenth or I ’ l o h l h l i If lie is not there, and 1 am sure he ness th an any o th er co u n try in the world except R ussia. We giaM v rtn u irrtJ tn«l»Jh Hon amendment. will not be. leave a message and ask talk loudly about the v ast expenditures for a rm a m en ts in Cleaning your windshield . . . Checking him to tome over as so, n as possible. Whether this plank will call for a Europe, and yet we spend m ore on arm a m e n ts th a n any your lights . . . Checking your r«dialnr Stop howling, do you hear?" popular referendum, or will pledge co u n try in peace tim e in the w orld’s history. Likewise, we Jenny fled, w ith the sound of Diana's and o il. . . A ir for your tirea and many the party to the submission of a 1 bitter sobbing singing in her ears like ’’That w as Dr. Rathbona’s car . . . There was a woman in It." spend m ore th an any o th er co u n try in th e a ttem p t to e n ­ other conveniences new constitutional amendment, the cry of a lost soul force th e laws, and a t th e sam e tim e we have m ore crim e Three service« frequently sav« nredlrw re “Dennis . . . Dennis . Dennis .. through the usual . hannela. fur rati of all kinds th an a n y o th e r nation. pair»— and always make motoring more "Half the pleasure of life is in look- a little pool on the floor. It was late before Rathbone came «cation by state legislatures or con ng forward to things." Miss Starling over to the cottage “Get hack to bed and cover yourself pleasant. vendons, whether It will promise a If th e editor of th is palter knew the perfect an sw er to He walked into Diana’s room and said, carefully folding one oi Diana's up." he ordered “Yotill take cold." liken garments. ■TAN DA BO D l l COMFANY OS LA U rO B M iA all th e problem s of governm ent an d finance, he would not stood looking down at her He looked at her whimsically. “And liberalisation of (he Volstead Act. She was lying on her hack, one thin "What do vow look forward to?" what were the tears for?” he asked. or however It will open up the sub be ru n n in g this paper, but m ight be ru n n in g th e g o v ern ­ arm flung onto the pillow above her Diana asked. She brushed them away with her ject of prohibition, la altll undeter m ent. We think th a t th ere is a n answ er, but we th in k head, her eyes staring up at the ceiling "Some day I hope to go to Nor­ bare hands as a child might havr done. minable l*resldeiit Hoover has been also th a t th e an sw e r will only be found w hen everybody who Rathbone spoke her name in a quiet mandy. hut it's more than I can afford ’ I mink I was miserable I thought In conference with dry leudera and co n trib u tes a cen t in tax es to local, county, sta te , or n a ­ voice, and her gaze wandered down to at present ” you were never coming again It the level of his face and rested there so long since I saw you’ wet leaders of all shades of opln tional ad m in istratio n devotes a lot m ore tim e to thinking "How much would it cost?” "Well,” he said with a smile, “and "Yes." he agreed. “It does Ion. Very careful political efforts ab out th ese th in g s and expressing his th o u g h ts th a n m ost Miss Starling hesitated what have vou been doing to your­ long time." Then they were both people do now. self»" ”1 should think every penny of silent for a moment, looking at on* will be made to avoid alienating the ~ = -----------♦ — .— :-------- ‘Nothing.” she said stonily. "It’s twenty pounds,” she said at last. 'That another. socalled "moderate" dry«. Also, what people do to me.” would be il I stayed a fortnight, of "Why haven't you been all tha there will be pussyfooting tn the BLIND VOTING “Oh. it’s like that, is it ?” course." I week?' C O T O S T A X U A I H > - U i r t to r l o u r M uxmv convention to avoid offending the He sat down beside her and took her Twenty pounds I Not so mute “Few one thug, I've been busy, and A r s T A M I A M I I g I A I I O N S . I N C . , A N I ) M K I> U I I I I ( A I I I t» « I l k A l t M S in itiative petition circ u lato rs m ake e x tra v ag an t i wets. hand—her pulse was terribly weak Diana oiten gave for one of hv X another. I thought you could do prom ises on every hand. M any of them show gross ig n o r­ After a moment he laid it gently down frock*. How Important the prohibition wrvdout me.” an ce of th e petitions they a re peddling. T he O regon law- an the quilt. «"ell Diana said impulsnely. question seem - right now It Indl "Why Normandy?” she asked 'now you know I to»'»—and that'« all i rated by the fact that many leading i “Have you been asleep ?” s ta te s “it is unlaw ful for any person circu latin g an initiative "ItaJv is much more beautiful." "I had a draught. I didn’t want iL "Normandy has associations for about it." petition to m ake an y false sta te m e n t to any person who but she made me." She shot a look ot me," the Creature said quietly. “I have I lieu agam they were silent, looking drys have been trying to organise signs o r inquires concerning its co n ten ts, p u rp o rt or effect." bitter enmity at the Creature never been there, but a great friend steadily at > ne another, while the thun- , a third party, and that so eminent M aking law by an uninform ed elec to rate is poor business to "That was quite right." Rathbone of mine who died is buried there, and der rolled overhead shaking the stout ¡and able a statesman as Senator said. I have always promised myself that *alis of the little house o u r mind even if it is a fine dem ocratic theory. Who w ants (toruh of Idaho has oeen taking part For th e some day I will go and see his grave." He tamed sharply away and stood j In these con'erences. until Wash | He spoke to the Creature. to vote on som ething they know nothing ab o u t or have "Oh—the man you told me about?" 'cr a moment .tiring out at the pour- "I will come down in a moment,” he som eone also ignorant o r irresponsible to do it for him ? Yet "Yes, the man 1 told you about." inK ram. his lug shoulder- almost Ington gossip has It that Borah may | said, dismissing her. at the N ovem ber election the voters will be called upon for "How did he die?" ¡blocking out the window Then he said, run for president on a third purty She went away, and Rathbone stood de< ision on a flock of m easures th a t not one m an in each “He was drowned, saving the life m 4 matter-of-fact voice looking at Diana. ticket. If neither the Republican nor . | “I think you n ght get up to-morrow the Deiniicratln convention adoptai hundred voting will be fam iliar w ith all th e m easu res on th e j He had merely tried to rouse her ° L a little boer.” ^That was brave of him.' land have your lunch downstairs You when he had suggested that perhaps ballot. “He was brave—the bravest man I must be tired of this room A change a prohibition plank which Is satis­ she was not worth saving. He under­ --------------- .---------------- !W'H do y * 1 good if vou don't overdo factory to these dry leuders. stood her well enough to know how There was a little silence lit.” He turned round again. "By the her pride and interest would be stung, Just the bare threat of a third Now th a t county and s ta te officers have been n om in­ That’s the kind of thing Dr. Rath- wav, any visitors this week?” but now, as he looked at her deathly- party In the field sends politicians ated we m ight as well sta rt th in k in g ab o u t school director face and obstinately closed lips, he bone would do," Diana said thought- i “No." In spite of herself, Diana felt and city officials. A director, m ayor an d councilm en a re fully She felt a little surprised that I she was flushing She thought that of both of the old parties into con-( wondered. needed. Men w ho know how to ru n local governm ent w ith ­ He said quietly, "Open your eyes, 'he Creature should prove to be so what he really wished to discover was nlption fils. The Republicans are j please, and listen to what I have to human. “Give his life for somebody. 1 (whether Dennis had been again She afraid that a third party would o u t m oney are in dem and. meaP- i said a trifle impatiently, “I don't think draw voters from Its candidates,. •ay." ----------------- #----------------- Dr. Rathbone won the Military j people are very fond of visiting you To his surprise she obeyed at once. "M « i n t P lA 1A* B r ** K.4 I C C Q f i r l i n n ^ i.l IllR w v s . . Z W . L i l l ** and the Democrats are equally { in the war." Miss Starling a said If all th e ch a rity cases w ere to m arch to W ashington, j “If you are going to lecture me-----" Croas when you’re ill. ahe began, and he interrupted ruth­ unemotionally. "You can have anyone you like now, afraid that a prohibition party with D. C., it would g re atly relieve all th e cities and counties of Diana as silent for a moment; then if they don’t stay too lung,” he told Borah at the head would steal a lessly : th e nation. And since congressm en have not tak en a cu t in "That is exactly what I am going the said. "1 wonder he has never mar­ her "It would cheer you up to see lot of ordinary Democratic states salary th ey m ight well w orry about this problem . to do. If you had obeyed my orders ried.'’ some of your friends.” 1 THE telephone means so We can’t all marry, and it isn't the and behaved like a sensible girl instead “W hat friends ?” she asked wearily. in the election. Senator Borah un- ; of like a silly, wilful child, by this only thing in life." doubtedly knows thia, and It wuulil I "You must have dozens.” much to modern house­ "It must be lonely for him.” tune you would have been well on the She shrugged her slim shoulders be surprising If he did not use that i “I think he is too busy a man to keeping. It does errands. It road to recovery, but as it is, by your “Nobody I really care about—no knowledge to exprt n very strong folly this afternoon you ha\ e put your­ trouble about loneliness.” girl-, at least." helps get the day’s tasks organized. It bring« , influence in the framing of the Itc | AH the same.” Diana said obstin­ self back considerably, and believe me "A man, then,” he suggested half ately. ‘I wonder some woman hasn’t jokingly. —no man in this world is worth it.” ; publican prohibition plank. in the voices of friends. managed to catch him. She said breathlessly: I 'iana was plucking the quilt to- It almost goes without saying To catch him? What do you gether with nervous fingers. She was "You don’t know- anything about it." E x te n s io n telephones e x te n d this conven­ "And I don’t wish to,” he said. “But mean , ?” . ¡quite sure now that he was trying to that the Democratic party, whose j Marry him I suppose he's quite ' discover something about Dennis, and convention comes two weeks later I give you warning now that unless ience. In bedroom, kitchen, living room they you give me your word that in future rich. with sudden bravado she lifted her than the Republican, will try to h. Hasn't he got a sister, or a niece, head and looked at him you will do exactly as 1 have told you are s t e p - s a v e r s , and that means everything a little more wet than the Republl- j I shall write to Mrs. Gladwyn and tell or anyone who ever stays with hitn?- “He is in America.” IT MAKES T H E WORLD GO ROUND cans, without being so wet as to j Diana persisted. to the wom an who does her ow n work. her I must give up the case I have “He ” It was with chagrin that A young m an b u rst violently into my office. ”1 have never tried to discover It Diana realized that Rathbone had for­ alarm the dry states of the South, dozens of really sick people on my is not my business ” hands without wasting valuable time gotten al, about Waterman and that which happen to be also the nor-1 His face w as som ew hat h ag g ard , and his clothes dis­ I think you must try and get a he was genuinely mystified to know on one who could soon be well and heveled, as though he had been up all night, which, in fact, mally Democratic states. That at strong if she wished. Do you under­ little nap before you have your sup­ to whom she referred. he had. per." Mis- Starling said practically T h e Pacific T elephone and Telegraph Com pany stand?” She said defiantly. "The man who least, would be the natural thing can't sleep to order,” was Diana's came here—before I was so ill again.” for the Democrats to do. In order She said with trembling lip s: But th ere w as electricity in his walk, and su n sh in e in BuHine«« Office: 126 -4th S tr e t T elephone 72 "You are not very kind. I shall die fretful reply “Oh . . . I see. Then perhaps it is as his eyes. You can try,” the Creature insisted well he is in America.” he said signifi­ to gain whatever party advantage if you give me up.” there may be in “wet" support And if Dr. Rathbone comes, wake cantly "Very well, then, there is to be no "H ave you heard th e w onderful n e w s? ” he cried. me—-even if I am asleep,” was Diana’s , Thr ............. , , c her; There Is a suggestion, however, more nonsense.” tone ...... of .... hit voice ... angered 1 told him I had not heard an y w onderful new s since parting shot. Tt would be so like the i he was treating har like a child "No.” she wh pered that leaders of both parties may 1929. “And you will go to sleep and be­ Creature to insist that she was not to I "I shall never love anyone else," she agree upon an Identical plank lieve that everything will come right -aid. her voice taking a higher pitch “ Well, y o u ’re going to h e a r som e now ,” he exclaim ed. “ I in the end It so often does, you But Rathbone did not come, though ¡of excitement "No matter what any- None of the political leaders wants have a boy. Yes, sir, seven and a half pounds, born a t five- know.” Diana lay awake for a long time lie one says.” She paused breathlessly but to gel into a prohibition fight. If th irty th is m orning. T hink of it . . . m e . . . a son.” "Not for me ” temng for the sound of his car down he made no comment, and she went on both [artles made exactly the same "Well, we shall see.” He bent over the lane He always sounded the horn in the -ame ivnv • “Aunt Gladwyn says W hereupon he becam e alm ost in articu late , waving his declaration on the subject there her, feeling her pulse once more Her when he turned from the main road it's indecent love a married man; arm s and em ittin g sounds th a t w ere halt lau g h ter and half eyes had closed a- if the lid- were too and -he had grown to know and rec­ she says thr modern girl ii indecent. couldn't be any fight and the cam­ heavy to control and be waited for a ognize it. tears. paign would he devoted entirely to I suppose you think to too." C H A P TE R V III moment, a gleam of anxiety in his eyes, He ignored the last words He said actual Issues of candldlates and eco­ At len g th he gained su fficien t self-control to im p art but she did not stir, and he went quiet­ The doctor came on the Saturday gravely: nomic principles. th e info rm ation th a t the baby had blue eyes. (1 h a d n ’t th e ly from the room afternoon in the middle of a thunder­ The fact that a man is married can­ “My aunt wants to take me to Aix,” storm h e a rt to say th a t all babies have blue eyes. He w ouldn’t have not prevent a woman from loving him, Diana . told Miss Starling the next . ■ Liana had been busy thinking about hut it should prevent her—prevent ’’Al" Smith's strength as a party , . heard me anyw ay.) 'W hen I looked down a t him the first morning, as soon as she had opened Dennis, who had cabled that he had them both—from behaving foolishly." leader is becoming more apparent time, th e little ra scal looked up and smiled. And he reached a letter that had arrived by the early arrived in New York She was torn from day to day. Reports from the o u t and grabbed my linger, and, say . . . well, I d o n 't know­ . . . . 1 w!,h her «motion« at knowing ha was Continued Next Week Tha Creature raised her brows. I with Linda. country at large Indicate that how to express it, but when 1 felt him grip m y finger, so Speaker Garner’s prestige Is not tru stin g an d everything . . . well, say, if 1 w ere w orth five quite so great as It was If and th o u san d dollars to my boss yesterday, I’m w orth ten th o u s­ N E W V -8 F O R D O F F E R S , runs. One has to be careful or he H O W O N E W O M A N L O S T when Governor Roosevelt Is beaten and to d ay .” will find himself walking away T H R IL L T O O P E R A T O R 2 0 P O U N D S O F F A T for the nomination which Is the Did I tre a t his en th u siasm seriously ? You bet 1 did. Any from his car when he baa parked principal Him now of a large but m an who has passed th ro u g h th a t experience and does It without turning off the motor. Driving a new V-8 model Ford scattering group of Democratic poli­ Lost H e r P ro m in e n t H ips— not feel a rev eren t sym pathy for a younger b ro th er in th e along the highway at 30, 40, or 50 John Anderson, local Ford dealer, D ouble C h in — S luggishness ticians. It seem s more and more sam e situ atio n has som e serious lack in his soul. j miles per hour In second speed did that very thing recently, leav­ likely that ex-Oovernor Smith will One night in 1856, T h o m as Huxley, the g re a t scientist, with the motor running so smoothly j ing the car parked against a curb­ G A IN E D P H Y S IC A L V IG O R — name the candidate. In that case sat alone in a quiet room aw aitin g th e birth of his first child. | that the operator is not sure that ing for nearly a half hour. A S H A P E L Y F IG U R E ! It will not be Mr. darner. It will Many Bprlngfleld people have al- His spirit was on fire w ith g re a t new resolves: he has not shifted to the high speed j not be Owen I). Young because he “ In 1860 1 m ay fairly look forw ard to fifteen or tw en ty gear is one of the greatest thrills i ready had their first ride In the If you’re fat—first remove the , has taken him self out of the con­ y ea rs,” he w rote in his diary, ‘ and w ith th e com prehensive one gets when he or she gets be- ■ new Ford. Those who have not will cause! test. It might be Newton D. Baker, Take one half teaspoonful of views my train in g will have given m e, I think it will be pos­ hind the wheel for the first time. ! flnd »«ch an opportunity If they but then again It might he another Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot Then shifting to high gear o n e ! vlsl' 'he Anderson garage or call sible in th a t tim e to give a new and h ealth ier direction to all Ohioan. Governor George White. water in the morning. To hasten re­ steps on the throttle and the auto-. Mr Anderson. k ia no longer neceisary to Biological Science. sult» go light on fatty meats, pota­ Governor White will come Into --------------------------- to roast yourself in order to toes, cream and pastries— In 3 the convention with the solid Ohio “To sm ite all hum bugs, how ever big; to give a nobler mobile fairly jumps out from under I weeks get on the scales and note cook the food. W inter or sum­ tone to science; to set an exam ple of abstin en ce from petty the operator as It gains momentum, S U N D A Y S C H O O L C L A S S delegation behind him. He Is not how many pounds of fat have van personal controversies, and of to leratio n fo r everything but j going 50 or 80 miles an hour with­ P A R T Y T O B E T O N IG H T ished. mer the kitchen should be the same temperature as the widely known outside of Ohio, hut out the ordinary vibrations which lying; to be indifferent as to w h eth er the work is recognized Notice also that you have gain ed 1 his record Is good, his ability Is living room and it can b f if you have an electric range. But usually warn one of excessive ' Memers of Mrs. A. B. Van Val- in energy your skin is clearer j „„u a s m ine or not. so long as it is done are these my aim s? he very great, not only as an why stay in the kitchen while the food it cooking? Electri­ speed. you feel younger In body—Krus- . , , . . . . 1860 will show. zah's Sunday school class of the chen will give any fat person a joy l «“Imlnlstrator. but as a vote getter; city will cook and watch your food automatically, perfectly, The car hangs to the road too. Methodist church will be hosts to­ ous surprise. “H alf past ten a t night. he is the Democratic Oovernor of a while you spend most of your time as you please. See your Sudden turning of the wheels from ' But be Bure It’s Kruschen—you r! state which has gone Republican “W aiting for my child. I seem to fancy it th e pledge th a t side to side fails to frighten the night at a party at the home of hardware, furniture or electrical dealer today about an elec­ their teacher at 8 o’clock. The health comes first and SAFETY [ oftener than It has gone Ih-mocra- all th ese th ings shall be. Kruschen promise. . . « u» . , , » ». passengers bec&use the springs and Misses Doris Myers, Edna Platt, rlrst A is the tric range. It will save your money, your health and your L tic, and he nil-ght turn out to he the “ Born five m inutes a fte r twelve. T h an k G od.” Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts . . . . .... shock absorbers take up most of Faye Parsons, Ilia Bartholomew, time. from any leading druggist any. , dark horse at the Chicago, Every night, som ew here in the world, hundreds of the sway and shock. and Loudelle Williams constitute where In America (lasts 4 w eeks) ! thousand's of m en sit w aiting for th eir children. T h o u g h ts There Is no hesitation of the mo­ members of the comm ittee making and the cost Is but a trifle. 1 Nobody knows, but It is all very com e Into th eir young m inds, which never w ere th ere be­ tor when one starts to drive. The arrangements for the party, ' Interesting speculation. fore. New purposes; new earn estn ess. amount of available power exceeds Sing» Sunday— Mrs. Iris Shack MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY Not all of this im pulse is perm anent, of course, but a all expectations and the new car- Corvallis People Her«— Mrs. E V elton of Vancouver, Washington, part at least rem ains of the urge to do som ething and be hurutlon system prevents flooding Lilly and her son, Ralph, of Corval­ sang the vocal solo, "I Cannot Al­ Leave for California — Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rlvett left Saturday for som ething w orthy of these children. the motor and jumpy starting. lis spent Sunday here at the home ways Trace the Way” at the morn­ their home at Oakland, California, It Is a g re a te r force th an personal am bition. It m akes And last but not least, 1« the of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ing services at the Christian church after having spent some time visit­ th e world go round. sm oothness with which the motor and Mrs. F. B. Flanery. Bunday. ing relative« In thia city. l*ubll»h«d Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County, Oregon, by • - J jì- M---' W ASH IN G TO N laiunchliig of a «latu wide vain palan In udii,-ate Foni II club lie in liera In fire prevention 1« being Htarted In lame county this week with the matting of a bulletin. "Fire Hasards of the Fumi and Home, to all Four H ululi workers and mein tier* “Here s one luxury D O E SN ’T C O S T ME A C E N T ! F For high Octane Efficiency STANDARD G A S O L IN E Woman who does her own work —Telephones do stive so many steps a a, bout mer? per mes. ELECTRICITY IS CHEAP