THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-NINTH YEAR B PH IN dK IELh, LANK COl'N TV . OREGON Tl n l(SI>.\V, ,|I \ E '. 1-3: No. 13 ROSE DISPLAY IS WELL AHENDED ANOTHER ENTEBS GUARD CAMP TO SCHOOL ELECTION START niESMT Quantity, QuiiMty of Blooms Batter Than Usual Despite Poor Weather Conditions Petitions Nominating Emery Springfield to Send 17 Men Richardton Are Circulated; and Two Officers to Annual Lieta Filed for Stuart Encampment at Clateop WINNERS u . A , ARE NAMED Elaborate Basket Displays of Roses, Wild Flow»."' and Other Varieties Shovm petition . '»«mlnaling E m e ry , echo.,I election to be held at the Library J e n . 20. was being clrcu luted thia week and was expected o be filed with the derk ...m e Nineteen Kprlngfleld s ” men wher,. ,'hay w,„ , r. l „ , afcg , hem Iuka Plans tor State Meeting BOARD CHOOSES R. S. TEACHERS Three Candidates Initiated in- to Ladies of C. A. R. Circle ' Twenty-Bix at Lincoln Eet- er* I * * * We#k | ablieh Perfect Attendance Plans for the annual . t a l e c o n - ' Score> of the Ladles of c r k j i n o t ; - A ........... ............ ™ S E N I0R S w in I »•"‘Ion of Circle . ¡ ^ l " 1 the M W STUDENTS SET L0H6 RECORD J“"* ” **” Miss Helen Chaney Named to Succeed Miss Luoile Hoi* man, Resigned, at H. 8. Entire Year le a n IN TWO POSITIONS UNFILLED “ th* D’P,oma» Presented to Who Graduated from Eighth Plane for School Election to Be Held June 20, An­ nounced; Board Named 1 *“ "“ l , 'M'Dthly meeting of members „ragon National Guard aumtner'en', *'f ,uka ‘ ,rcl” '«"« Thursday even Grade in Past Week eampmen, Camp T h t ' In« Rprlngfleld'a umma I roar allow Princes. Elizabeth, daughter of the b* ,<”’e ,or tW° Mr" My''“ « Kgglnm,,,,. advisor to Twenty-.lx students at the Lin­ Woiliivailay waa even batter than Red headed Alice Lee Gratjeert, tMa'mornlng ' b"'' " Ml»» Helen Chaney of Spokane. I hike ot Vork and granddaughter of coln building laat week completed 25, who «cned acting Governor those of the past years despite the Enoch Stuart b a . already go T " ” "’ •» »PHegfield "" «he «"’ a t.te president, and Mr. Edith King ',e»irge V , celebrated her u*th W ashington, was elected to the ,i I lor ten dayi. She i* late ralna and postponement which bounced hta candidacy forThe place * ' ' r"' ¿ h u Clurk IHr.»» lieutenant, Charles A. from the Iuka circle Mr. Alice L,". 7 ‘W° ,amlMea “ " * * « • lug efforts of their nelghbora. Miss Chaney will teach English, , „ V 7 7 ? ’T “ " " ! C," l " H w ar,a’ “ »■' •«•<•»«* lieutenant. Ibmne f also planning to attend «Hgabetb ««4 Ada Johnson, and Hoaea. other gardeu flowers, and taking the place of Miss Lucile Hol­ JoLana, Ilia, and Roberta Putman hta ,‘lm T • ' W“ " - r N wild flowera all vied for the atten man whose resignation waa an­ • h l. time Tomorrow I. the final , hH |u4.a, * ,„ 1 ,,.,,, Th,.lr , Thrae «andldatew, Mm. Nellie are th<* bs Keep Men Busy Child Baptismal Service "^be list which follows contains era aeetned even more perfectly sergeant; Orval A. Cantrell, ser­ unable to l>« present for the inltia- school training In Ashland. -> —........... . Mountain Htatea Power company formed. geant; Freeman ('. Squire», »erg- tlon, bat w^re to be initiated later. **“■ a««*nd“nce and scholarship roll No action on filling of the posi­ T en *z. hta of the new glider itunday, June 12, will be observed for the final six-weeks period and Member» of the l^idlea Civic • a n t; Verrol N McFarland, »erg tions left vacant by the resigna­ attendance and scholarship rolls for as annual C hildrens Day at the tions of Miss Leone Elliott, domes­ -en under construction SENIORS ARE GUESTS AT ♦ «nt; Klrno .M Lone, corporal; club took turne during the after- which Methodist church it waa announced the sem ester and entire year per ml airport by students uoon and evening In eacortlng vial- at the n, CHURCH PARTY TONIGHT lv““ ‘ f* “™n«‘r. corporal; Lloyd today by Rev. Dean C Poindexter, tic science Rhtructor, and John tods lore around the room among the of the H| >4 laid School of Flying - .Mattison, corporal; Hersey Tom- pastor. The church school will meet Knox, science and foreign language The seniors led all other classes tablea of flowera. Mr» Carl Gloon under the direction of Jim Mac- Htudenta who graduated from "•«b. corporal; Wm O. Cog. private at 9:45 for opening class exercises. instructor, waa taken at the meet­ In the high school roll: waa general chairman of the rose Kprlngfleld high school Friday f,r*«< 'l“"’‘; B‘>y V. Severson, prt- Following this everyone will meet ing Monday evening. Manlman. will he held at the air­ F irs t Grade allow and bad ua her aaalxtanta In evenlng will be gueat. cf the young vate N«**-«I*aa; and privates. Le- Marlon Hall will be another new in the auditorium for the Children’s Attendance— Delorta Keeler. Ray making araugementa Mra. I) O port Munday It was announced to­ people of the Christian church thia • la,,<>“ * * * « > The evening service at the church follows: Mra. Charles Myers, Mrs. Mra. Nellie Carr Haveral old qullla gilders. astrologer; Ralph Cole, father friends t rn, i ' re a,1’ *a anrf «’idlvle, Genevieve Robertson. will be turned over to Kenneth To­ L. K. Page, and John C. Ketela. and aume spreads. one of which — ile h ach c 7 ° f sprln«,,32, the largest in the history of All petitions nominating candt- A large wing for a mono-coupe la Roy Inman, cltlxen; Carol Adams. Hold Elections Sunday; All Year— James A. (Jimmlei School Union which he represents. Mra O. It Qulllou. Mra Clarence being completely rebuilt The fuse­ Confucius: Theda Rhodes. Eva the "Chool. with 58 members Is doing in this par, of the Wallara-! da«es must be Med with the district | Smith. installation is Held Chase, aud A. J Manley were the lage of the plane which waa dam­ Louk. and Esther McPherson, three ette valley. clerk on or before June 10, the Professor Victor Morris of the Thlrd Gra««e Judges fur the flower show board decided. aged In an accident In Eugene, has wise men; and Alya Thatcher. Mrs Orguiilxatlon of an Intermediate economics department of the Uni- Attendance—Last six weeks per­ Ribbon Winners Listed been completely rebuilt by Mr Mac- Grundy. . . , , . Epworth le a g u e at the Methodiat versity of Oregon addressed the it>d—John Carrels, Anna Bell Johns, Winners of ribbons In the varl Manlman. “7 * “* • »«“ '‘■•« Sunday even MRS. GRETCHEN WRIDER graduate, and audience on the sub- W1,ma Keeler, Ida Ann Moore. Inez oua divisions were as follows: after the program Mary Hadley. | |ng unj er leadership of Mias Ject. "The World of Tomorrow.” in . Oram. Lorraine Peddlcord. Ione DIES HERE WEDNESDAY Groups of three-white: Mra I) O. Dawn Church, and Mrs. Hubert Elisabeth Hughe and Mr. and Mrs. which he recalled a picture of life pSeverson. Lois Stacey. Sidney Fisher, first and second with Frau Kiss are to charge of refreshm ents., ivim» as It has been In the past, and drew Ward. Leona Ware Resident of M ed-W est Passes Away Ina Prult, and lone Rhodes have' lirnacbkl; pink, Mrs Mary Keaaev I Officers chosen by the new group another picture of what It will be Semester—Wilma Keeler. Sidney Suddenly; Leaves Small first. la d y Peery; Mrs liny Carlton J charge of decorations Ward. for their first year include Barbara In years to come. Daughter of 23 Months second. Imperial I'olentale, aud All high school graduate, of this Uurlle„ pr,.Bld—Mar>' Boyles, W’anda Burch Brattaln first. Hoosier Beauty RESIDENT OF MABEL third vice-president; Ilia Putman, about a radical change in living " ’«Hard House. Warren Ingram, for Edinburgh, Scotland the home of Mr. and Mr». M A. Mra. A. J. Cowart, unknowu varl Pohl, 300 South Second street. She PASSES ON SUNDAY ««’"Oh vice president; IjiMoyne providing greater amounts of leis Alber,a Keeler. Winifred Lvontv. ely. second and Mra. Dirk Johns Honor Pine, Typing Award*, News clippings received here this wag a daughter-in-law of Mrs. Pohl ------------ Itluck, secretary; JoLana I *u I man, IN * tint«. The problem facing the Enlma Ora«e Meakins. Dorothy Baseball Letter*, and Other General Jack, third I Mrs Laura Adams, resident of treasurer; and Florence May. or- world now Is the manner in which Mull|Fan- Merle Nice. Bobby Pugh, week from Phoenix. Arixona, told ot and leaves her widower. Irwin Groups of alg flowers pink, Mra Recognitions Are Given Mabel, died at her home Sunday, i «anls«. the leisure time Is used. Recalling Arda Robertson. Milo Severson, the selection of Dr. Vera Edwards Wrider; a 23 months old baby C E Wheaton. Mudume Butterfly June 6. at the age of 68 years She Senior Epworth League officers the first attempt to regulate labor- Dave Sm i,h- Louise Smith, Violet Kellems. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. daughter. June; her mother and Awards for various student actl first; Mrs Harris. Caroline Teat Is survived by her widower. S «l,r «lie hex, year are Myrna Bar ing hours, Mr. Morris told of the s «e,nm «*«i Emma Lou Stratton, T. E. Edwards. 155 Sixth street father. Mr. and Mrs. John Sturde- vitlea and Installation of new stu out. second; and Mra. L. K. Baa- Springfield, as a delegate repres­ vant at Lehigh. Iowa, her birth­ Adams; five brothers. David Joel tholomew. pre id em ; Evelyn Buell, early English law which limited Prank 9 *uart- Valentine Uchytil ford. Caroline Te-tout, third; while den, body officers for Springfield Scholar hip— Flora Bertsch, Paul enting the American Association of place; two brothers. Ed Sturdevan'. Mra. Marlon Adams, Cherokee high school were major activities and Addison Albro of Eugene, Clar- first vice-president; Velda Carson, the time to twelve hours which vice-president; R a l p h children could work In factories BecknelL Wanda Burch. W’lllard University Women at the biennial Fort Dodge. Iowa, and one brother first, Mrs. Fred Look, Prau Drua of senior class day at the high ence Albro. Notl. and Wade Albro. second Olympia. Washington: and two sis- I Hughes, third vice-president; Doris There was much concern at that House' " ’» " en Ingram. Alberta conference of the International Fed­ In Iowa City; and one sister. Mrs. i hkl. second, no thlral; yellow, Mra school last Friday. tcra. Mrs Alice Davis. Eugene, and Mvers. fourth vice-president; H elen , 'Ime. mnny thinking that the action Keeler- Emma Grace Meakins, eration of University Women to be Fay Nesbett, Lehigh, Iowa. Johns. Mrs. A It Waddell, first Torch honor pins were presented Mrs Frank Stillwell. Seattle. She ('ran. treasurer; Marian Shipley would ruin the manufacturers To held at Edinburgh. Scotland, from Bn. Frank Stuart, Group of three flowers— yellow: Hophontores receiving the pin with moved to Springfield in 1888 going church Sunday evening. been Informed. to Mohawk In 1889 She was mar- ■ ■ — -------------— - back to Lehigh, and came to Spring- few years working hours will be S« ’">«‘s«er Attendance — Wanda ■Mra. N. L. Pollan). Lady Hillingdon, two bars were Evelyn Klckhush. Dr. Kellems has spent the past field on May 15, this year. cut from eight to six hours and Burcb- Warren Ingram. Alberta first; Mra. »ohn Ketels. Edouard Kllxabeth Vail, and De Etta Sand rled In 189! and has lived at Mabe! HENRY GODDARD DIES two years at Phoenix as dean of Funeral arrangements are being from six to ftve days a week. This ’ Kee,er- Winifred Lyons. Emma llerrlot, second, and Mrs David gathe. A gold pin was presented to since moving there In 1889 Funeral services were held at ^®ME SATURDAY he characterised as the World of Grace Meakins, Bobby Pugh. Arda women at the Phoenix Junior col­ made at the Poole-Gray-Bartholo- Haltaman. Mra. A. H. Waddell, third Florence Vail, Marceline Seavey Brethren church at Mabel at 2 . Robertson. Milo Severson. Frank lege. She graduated from the Uni­ mew chapel In Springfield. They Making Leisure Time. Moss Rosea — Harry Stewart and Virginia Christie, Juniors. Don o the ’clock Tuesday afternoon. Rev H , F“n',ral ,or Henry Ood Stuart. Emma Lou Stratton. Val­ versity of Oregon In 1915. and re­ have not been announced. H- first; Eugene Fulop. second, and old Anderson was the only senior W orld More Complex ceived her PhD. at Edinburgh uni­ H. Ritter officiated and Interment (lard, 82. who passed away at his entine Uchytil. Mia Halsey third This brings about a more com­ receiving a pin. The pins remain was made In the Mabel cemetery home at 148 D. street Springfield. versity four years ago. All Year Attendance — Wanda Single specimens— yellow: John properly of the school except In In­ Saturday, were held Monday from plex world he sald.-Adul, education Iturch.' W arren"lngm m . Win?fmd The United States will be repres LIONS CLUB TO HEAR Veatch chapel of Eugene was In Ketels, Lady Hillingdon, first, Mrs stances where they are awarded to the Veatch chapel In Eugene. Rev is vital in such a world. A few ented at the Conference by five charge of arrangements. Lyons, Bobby Pugh. Emma Loa REV. RISTOW FRIDAY Paul Hrattaln. Vllle De Paris, sec seniors. ' Harry Neet. pastor of the Light years ago one was considered train Stratton. Frank Stuart. Valentine delegates and ten alternates with ond; and Mra. Paul Bratlaln. Mabel j house Temple, of which Mr. Ood *'d for life when he or she com­ voting power, and by a large num­ Rev. Cecil F. Rlstow, pastor of Uchytil. Typing awards were presented to CARELESS DRIVING Morse, third dard was a member, officiated and pleted her college work. Today peo­ ber of others who will no, have a the Methodist church In Eugene, Marceline Seavey. Marian Shipley, F ifth Grade Pink— Mrs. Paul Brattaln. Shot BRINGS FINE HERE interment was made In Pleasant ple go on reading and studying even I Attendance— Last six weeks per vote in the deliberations of the will address members of the Spring- Silk, first; Mra. W. A. Taylor. Col Marjorie Proehnow, and De Etta , Hill cemetery. after completing thelr higher edu- i lod" l‘Ahce chage Maxine Cogill. body. The delegates are chosen field Lions club on the subject, Sandgathe. iimbla. second; Mrs. Paul Brattaln. R. M. Ferry of Eugene was fined Mr. Goddard was bom In Jeffer­ cation. The world changes so fast Junior End,cott from among the prominent women "How to Live Through the Depres­ Billy Githens. Hetty Uprlchard, third; Mra. Mar­ Baseball letters were preeented 2100 In Municipal court here Mon­ son county. Illinois, on October 1, that one Is hopeless behind if one educators In all parts of the United sion" at their weekly meeting Fri­ Frank Howes. Billy Nesbitt. Robert by Norvllle May, coach, to the fol­ day on a charge of reckless driving 1850. and lived In Illinois for 30 doesn’t, he said. lon Adams, honorable mention. States. day noon. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter Nice. Anita Pugh. Roberta Patman. Red: Sum Hlrhmond, Red Lettei lowing boy»: Richard A-cher, Rich Ferry was arrested Saturday even years coming to Lane county In and N. L. Pollard are on the enter­ Dream and build air castles o, Junior Seott. Lawrence Thompson, day. first. Mrs. N. L. Pollard. Had­ ard and Gordon Wright, William Ing by A. J. Cowart, night watch­ 1883 where he has lived since. He ley, second; Mra. I). O. Fisher, H. Sword, Vernon Lllea, Bruce Squires. man, after he had become Involved leaves his widow. Mary Goddard: the future, he told the students. Carmel Waddell, Dean Wilson, BOY SCOUTS HOLD JOINT tainment committee. A »eport Is also expected at the Gaunt, third; Mra. John Ketela, Floyd McBee. Rodney Vest. Lloyd in an accident with O. H. McClane three sons. John C., Eugene; Will The woriri needs dreamers and vis- Midge Wilson. MEETING ON TUESDAY meeting from Dallas Murphy and Red le tte r Day, honorable men­ Press. Carroll Fountain. Harry Wil­ nl o of Eugene Ferry was accused H. and Andrew. Springfield, and ionaries who can see far ahead and ! Scholarship— Frank Bennett, Ella who thereby establish goals to i Brooks, Billy Githens. Billy Nesbitt. Between 30 and 40 Boy Scouts of W. E. Buell on the possibility of or­ tion son. anil Woodrow Ware and Paul of having passed the McClane car , nine grandchildren basldes one strive towards. Junior Scott. Lawrence Thompson, Springfield and Creswell held a ganizing a band in Springfield. White Mra. Marlon Adams. Karl Rchantol, managers. and then rutting In too soon, caus- brother. Samuel. Springfield, and Dean Wilson. Midge Wilson. Joint gathering at Swimmer’s De­ Many members of the club express­ Prau Drulachkl, firs,; Mrs. C. I. In ­ Ing McClane to drive Into him. Both , W o sisters. Mrs McBee. Spring Young people should make every New student body officers Instal­ Sem ester Attendance — Maxine light park Tuesday evening and en- ed the belief last Friday that there man, Prau Drulachkl, second. Mra. led by Gene Hamblen are Dalton ears were driving west and were ( f|ei,|. ftn,| Mrs Ruth Kerney of Ett effort to continue their education Cbgill, Billy Nesbitt. Anita Pugh. Joye