The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 02, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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    T H V RS I )AY. JUNK 2. 1982
Smart Boy
Washington Lumber Concern
Cites Razor Blades and Can­
adian Shingles to Senator
A package containing safety
rnmr blade« of a popular American
make and 120 lineal Inches of the
finest Royal grade Western red
cedar shingles was forwarded to
Senator Wesley L. Jones at Wash­
ington. D. C., during the week by
Robert Spencer Whitlow. 17, o
the management of the Cedar-t'rafl Tulsa, Oklahoma, who won a Ire
Products. Inc., Seattle, with a letter trip to Geneva (or knowing m-»r
atattng the raxor blade and the bun­ about the league of Nation- that
wr other of 10.000 high school boy
dle of shingle« were worth exactly
1» .. competed.
the same wholesale—9 cents—yet
the razor blade was protected by a
tariff of one cent on each piece POTATO DISEASES
plua 30 per cent on the value, while
Washington shingles were not
New B ulletin on Virus Troubles
given tariff protection.
cept'bllitv to virus dlsea-es. ai d th »
Irish Cobbler variety *»» found to
possess apparent immunity or high
resistance to the mild mosaic Ex­
periment work i still continuing
on these diseases thrniffctlout the
French President
nounced Wednesday
Grade school sliuleiils a llc n ill ig
classes nt the Lincoln and Hraltali
IniildiiKs completed their year'1
work Wednesday and received their
I...... caials at noon. Students who
cm lied the right Io huve their name
Greek From Middlewest to
Meet Chinese Wrestler at
Eugene Armory on Friday
on the final honor iadl of the year
at the Braltain school are
Albert Ls Brim, elected Prevalent
And still they come!
of Franc* to succeed Paul Dounwr.
Just when we began to think that who was assassiiutcd on May 0
Herb tfweu. matchmaker for the
Eugene wrestling commission had NATIONAL NETWORK TO
imported about all of the foreign
mat artists that he could find, then
along comes an announcement
H istory of Oregon to Be Featured
(hat he has tracked down another.
Monday in W eekly "Parade
Gives Effect of Mosaics
on T to tal Production
This time it is Lonnie Sanders, a
of the States" Broadcast
Greek from Kansa- City who will
he in Eugene Friday to meet
National attention will be focus­
Reduction in potato yields rang­ Walter "Sneexe" Achiu. Chinese, in ed on Oregon on Monday night,
ing as high as 73 per cent as the the main event.
June 6. when a radio panorama in
result of certain mosaic diseases is
Sanders is not making his first music and story of the state's con­
reported on in a new bulletin. "Po­
visit to Eugene although he pro tribution to historical and indus­
tato Virus Diseases." Just published
hably will not be remembered by trial development of America will
by the Oregon Experiment station
many of the present fans. He is far tie broadcast to the country.
Both the heavy duty shingle and The bulletin reports in detail on re­ better known, however, among the
The program will be broadcast
the razor blade, the letter pointed sults of experiments conducted boys who do the toe twisting and
5:30 p. m. Pacific standard time
out. are used by the American pub­ front 1924 to 1929 with some later ether forms of wrestling punish­
over the National Broadcasting
lic, one provides a roof for a family work mentioned.
ment as he has met most of them company's network and will be
lasting from 20 to 40 years, while
This new bulletin is technical in in matches in other cities. They all heard in every section of the coun­
the other furnishes a few shaves to nature but contains much more de­ say that he is rough and tough and
an individual. Yet the long-service tailed information on nine virus dis willing to put up a good scrap any
Bruce Barton W rite s T rib u te
low-cost shingle Is not protected by eases than is found in the more time.
Barton has written a spe­
a tariff, while the short-service popular and inclusive bulletin. "Po­
The preliminary event for the cial tribute to Oregon for the pro­
steel blade is so protected in spite tato Diseases in Oregon and Their
of its short life in use. Also fully Control." For the man specialixing card Friday has not been an­ gram It recalls her history in the
days of the hunters anil trappers
80 per cent of the selling price in potato production, especially for nounced.
of the American shingle at a Wash­ seed purposes, this new bulletin by
Last Friday Achiu took the first and the Hudson Bay company and
ington mill goes directly to labor. M B. McKay and T. P. Dykstra is and third falls in the main event describes her industries where sal­
mon. flax, apples and lumber are
The 120 lineal Inches of shingles considered valuable.
from Bob Miller. In a short but
for a world market.
shipped to Senator Jones when
Experim ents to S tart
scrappy fight. Art O'Reilly and
An orchestral medley of songs ap­
laid 7H inches to the weather,
Definite experiments to find out i Chet Hart put up a good fight In
would cover 6% square feet of roof. the most practical method of eli­ the preliminary, O'Reilly taking the propriate to the Rose Festival has
been arranged as one of the pro­
minating virus diseases from seed , second and third falls.
gram features and will be played
plots showed that the tuber-unit
by a concert orchestra under the
method of rogulng diseased plants
direction of Krno Rapee.
*--------------------------------------------- •
ive on a large scale. By this means
Tom Dobson, one of Oregon's
Mrs. John Naff and son. Vaughn,
the cut pieces from each tuber are
composers will be represented on
of Seattle after visiting for several
planted consecutively in the row
the program through "cargoes" set
days with Mr. and Mrs. Jameson at
in the private seed plot of the grow­
to the words of John Mansfield's
Pleasant Hill left Monday for their
er. When disease shows up in one which California has had in consoli­ famous poem and sung by Phil
hill, all the hills from that tuber dation of the two schools there and Dewey, baritone soloist. Other mu
Donald and Jerry Kahler who are removed whether they show of their eventual decision to separ. sical numbers will pay tribute to
ate them again. People who know the state's scenery and her indus­
have been teaching school in south­ disease or not at that time.
are not trying to move the school
ern Oregon have returned to their
The tests showed reduction In from Lane connty, and those who tries.
home at Pleasant Hill.
yield amounting to as high as 73
The program is released by the
The annual Pleasant Hill picnic per cent by weight in the case of are doing so are visionaries and General Motors Corporation as an
will be held at the picnic grounds the spindle tuber disease. 50 per
educational feature and is one of
Saturday. June 4th under the aus-1 cent with crinkle mosaic, and 19 said.
a group of weekly broadcasts which
pices of the Sunday school.
will eventually include all state-.
per cent with interveinal mosaic.
stated the effect of the consolida­
Prof, and Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick
The various virus diseases were
plan to move to their new home at found to differ in methods of trans­
declared that he had opposed many
Philomath the last of June.
mission from plant to plant. Some
tax measures always because he
Mrs. E. B. Tinker received word plant aphids will transmit some of
last week that she had won a »25 the disease but not others, while at felt they were not a benefit to the
award in the American Hammered least one kind, rugose mosaic, was majority of the taxpayers and not I
PI-ton Ring national contest. Ap­ found to pass from plant to plant because of personal feelings. The
approval of the present bill would
proximately 42.000 entries were re­ under insect proof cages.
Increase taxes with a disastrous
ceived. One hundred and thirteen
Studies of potato varieties show­
result and would not be of benefit
prizes were awarded.
ed them to vary somewhat in sus- to the taxpayer, he said.
The Royal grade of shingles are
H inch thick and 24 inches long
and are made for the most discri­
minating builders by mills in ('an
aua and in Washington. Practically
the entire production of Royals in
Canada, it was stated, find a mar
ket in the Called States.
! Upper Willamette
L en o x H o te l
Rooms: $1.50 with ba-h; $1.00 without bath
Lynn S. McCready and David
Graham. Eugene business men. ex­
plained what was being done to pre­
vent the securing of the necessary
17.800 signatures on the initiative
petitions. They also explained what
course of action was being planned
in their attempt to win approval
for the state school out over the
state. The petitions must be signed
and filed by July 7, if the measure
is to appear on the ballot in the
fall. Any suggestions on how best
to carry on an educational cam­
paign over the state were invited.
If the measure gets on the ballot
in the fall election it will mean one
of the most disagreeable fights in
years, said McCready. The bill is
an attack on the very homes of
the people of Lane county and per­
sonal feelings, and finance will
be mixed into the struggle, he
We Welcome You to Portland
W. F. WALKER. Mgr.
3rd and Main St.
Portland, Oregon
Irish-Murphy Co.
Cal A. Pryor, successful candi­
date for the Democratic nomina­
tion of sheriff of Lane county, was
in Springfield Friday. He wishes to
thank the Democratic voters here
who supported his candidacy.
Premier Assassinated
Baker Eggplant
F irst Grade
Attendance— Belly Lou Camp
bell. Joyce Church, Richard Ilian
cry. Josephine Chair. Waulda H u r
sard. Hetty Hearn
Second Grade
Betty Cat Aldrich.
Fannie Hicks. Hetty Jean Jacobson.
Ida Johnson. Beulah Martin. Lois
Chair. Pauline Sinnar, Ellis Roberts.
Thorvald Johnson. Frltt Rmitaon
Tommy Thomas, Wayne Wlilpps.
Myrtle t4hull. Margie Severson.
Ethel Fletcher, Tom Williams Mss
well Pohl.
T h ird Grade
Tsuyoshi Inukai. prune minister o l
I McKenzie Valley
The monthly meeting of the
Christian Endeavor al Wullerville
will he held ut the home of Mr
anil Mrs, Frank Page Wednesday.
Mrs W H Thleues Is entertain
lug Thursday. June 2, for members
of the l.eahtirg l adle Aid society lus.
Fifty young pcnpl ■ attended a
ut her inline
Mrs Arthui Easton will entertain Bunday school party held at tin
for the Wullerville Ladles Alii at home of Mr. and Mrs Rennie
Kooser this week
her home OII June 8
Members of llie Ladies Aid of
There Is a department store lu
Wallervllie will entertain fur mem
tiers of the Ladles Aid of the Fair New York which will not hire fat
mount t’lirl linn church al a picnic girls as clerks because. It Is argued,
luncheon at Hendricks bridge park they take up tiai much room he
lilnd the counters.
on June 10,
Japan. murdered by a fanatic ot tla-
lligli water which swelled the
militarist party which is trying t<
M cKi lisle rivet Monday prevented
control Japanese politics
some residents uf the upper Mc­
Kenzie country from using ferries
that the undersigned has been ap­
In crossing the river.
pointed Administratrix of Hie estate
•---------—— — —— — -..... e
All schools of the McKensle val of II O. Wilson, deceased, by the
William Rennie la enjoying a ley have closed for (he summer. County Court of Lane County All
visit with tits sister from Cortland Six hoys graduated from the Vldu Persona havlug claims against said
.•» lu te a r e r e q u ir e d to p r e s e n t th e m
Hev. Ard Hoven from Eugene high achool. Dan K Clark, profes­ with the proper vouchers to the uu
preached the baccalaureate sermon sor of history al the University de derslgtied al the law offices of
for the high achool last Sunday llvered the commencement address Potter « Bailey. 531 Miner Build
lug. Eugene, Oregon, within sis
evening al the church
Exercises were held at Leuburg months from Ihe date of this notice
The hlglit school commencement with the following receiving dip
DATED tills 2nd day ot June A.
exercise will he held al the hall Ionian
Carol laiiiabery, Melvin
next Friday evening There are I ’.li t e r . C lc o t 'u i l c r . G o rd o n F ta s e e , D. 1932
even graduates as follows t'arl James llowen and Henry Carlsiui
tratrls of the Estate of B O
Platt. Emil Fok. Ella llaugh. Beau
Wilson. Deceased
Members of the Deerhorn I'.-T A
luh Meinig. Alton Robison. Edward
(J 2 9 16 2330)
Nolan, and llnrvey Calvert.
Ralph Teeter from Cottage Grove
visited his aunt Mrs Ellen Need
ham. Sunday. Mrs. Needham ac­
companied him to Eugene Monday
tn be with his wife who underwent
a major operation at the Pacific
Christian hospttul Monday
Mr and Mrs William Ruth mo
tored to Cortland Iasi Saturday
where they visited their daughter,
The Ih'Hsert everyone like« and everyone can eat.
Mrs Adrian and family. They re­
Our Ice cream la made from the heal ingredients ob­
turned home Monday.
Attendance Peggy Wright. Iris
Klinefelter. Ethel Ruth Fulop
Dorothy Flanery. Donna Gene Ern
est. Donald Cook. John Meek. Billie
Hack, Harrison Hilliiigs. Rayiuon
Bainbridge. Bob Adams. Gloria
Fourth Grade
Scholarship D a lla s Knight. Eu­
gene Fulop. Jimmie Stam. Chester
Attendance- Howard Klinefelter.
Bruce Maxey. Chester Schlewe.
Frank Varnon. Walter laixton. Mar
tan Chair. Eva Mae Severson. Jane
Apger. Ru-sell Ziolkoskl. Bob Coll­
ard, Arthur Prochnow. Billy Brown
Miss Cora Calvert from Junction
Jimmie Stam. Jerald Sletnsam. Hon City Is visiting at Ray Baugh's.
ney Findley.
Smith Taylor and family from
F ifth Grade
McKenzie Bridge culled al Charles
Scholarship — Mildred Hillings
Taylor's Wednesday
Ceter Chase. Juanita Chapman. 1.»
Mr and Mrs. Fells ttparks from
roy Church. Freddie Neet. Caul
Nott, Violet Steele. Ida June Irwin ' McKenzie Bridge spent the week
Attendance—John Avltt. Mildred end at John Price's.
Billings. Peter Chase, Juanita Chap
Miss Nellie Mathews from Isis
man. Leroy Church. Clarence Clark. Angeles arrived lust Saturday for
Marlin Darr. Freddie Neet. Caul a few days visit with her parents.
Nott. Lorraine Squires. Ida June Mr and Mrs. A B. Mathews.
Mr. and Mrs. Linn Endicott from
Sixth Grade
Cortland visited relatives here the
Scholarship—Jnwsel Farnsworth. past week-end.
James Hebert. Eitse Ingram. La
Mrs. Clara Hurst from California
Verne McPherson. Lloyd Seamans.
arrived a few days ago to help care
Wvetta Spriggs. Murile Tyson
Attendance—Gordon Baiwin. Del for her sister-inlaw, Mrs. Ralph
ma- Glaspey. James Hebert. Hasel Taylor, who Is ill at the home of
Hicks. Donald House. Elsie Ingram, | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs Frank Taylor from
Alvin McBee. Wilbur McPherson.
Margie Mulligan, Earl Pedersen. Cortland were In Thurston last
Helen Putman. Lloyd Seamans.' Monday They formerly lived herd"
Muriel Tyson. Henry Uchytll. Emil and now own a home here
Serve Ice Cream
The Dainty Dessert
We have It In every flavor
"W h e re Ihe Service Is DU fereal"
The Golden R ule
Rulerd of Low Pricee
Last T w o D ays o f Our
I'l iivtll. Maxine Vallier.
Sixth Grade
Scholarship—Donna Jean Sever
son. Maxine Smllson. Henry Chase.
Patsy Patmore, Tommie Uchytll.
Selma Clement.
Attendance—Oliver Adams. Erma
Wetsell. Harold Foss, Jane Phalr.
Leroy William-. Valeria Koch.
Donna Jean Severson. Selma Cle­
ment. Patsy Patmore, Henry Chase.
Maxine Smitson. Tommie Uchytll.
Wanetta Neet. Robert Keenan, Isyl
Keeler, Jerome Woodsworth. Teddy
Wright. Billy Burnett. Thelma Wil­
liams, Lulu Johnson.
When painting the window
frames, make a paste of scouring
powder and water and coat the win
dow pane If the paint spatters on
the pane during the work. It Is
readily removed by simply cleaning
the paste from the windows
Gluss dishes which have held I
milk or cream should be rinsed in
cold water before washing, as the
glass will be cloudy If washed be­
fore rinsing
A recipe which has been handed
down in the family suggests that an
eggplant should be peeled, a slice
cut from the top. and the inside re
moved, chopped, seasoned, and
mixed with a bread dressing such
7'here Is a man in New York who
as is used for poultry, and put back
goes to motion picture theatres
into the eggplant. Bake an hour,
without paying anything His stunt
basting with hot water into which
Try stitching sheer material with
a teaspoonful of butter has been a strip of paper under the stitching., is to go bareheaded to the mun on
melted. Baste every fifteen minutes sewing through both material and the door and nay:
"I'm sorry to bother you, but 1
and dredge with flour after each paper, and the usual "pucker" will
left my hat Inside."
be absent.
And the man Is let in.
This recipe is Just as delicious
now as ft was a generation ago.
• • •
If a new broom isp laced in a pail
Notice Is hereby given that Ahi
f boiling water, allowed to soak gall E. Clark has been by the Coun­
for a few minutes, then hung up. ty Court of the State of Oregon. In
the life of the broom is extended and for Lane County, appointed
far beyond one which has not been Executrix and Dan E. Clark has
been by the same court appointed
Executor of the last will and testa­
• • •
ment of Hiram F White, deceased
AH persons having claims against
A small slate such as children
use. is most helpful to the house­ the estate of said deceased are ■
hereby notified to present the same
keeper, for memorandums. If the duly stated and verified, at the resi­
laundry soap is nearly used up, if dence of the said executor anil ex-1
the guest room blankets must be ecutrlx at 1981 Moss street In Eu-1
sent to the cleaners, if the man of ! gene, Oregon, within six months
I from this 2nd day of June, 1932
the house said "there are several
Abigail E. Clark. Executrix,
buttons off my shirts,” note these
Dan E. Clark, Executor of the I
last will and Testament of
on the slate, and as each one is at­
Hiram F. White, Deceased.
tended to, erase that particular
A. E. Wheeler, Attorney.
(J 2-9-16-23-30)
T h e G reatest Sale o f th e Y ear
Business Always Looks
Dark To He Who Waits
Eusy ('hairs weld out of atyle alm ost two yeara
ago. Getting business today requires action.
Business HtaffH are too hiiih .II and the business
man does not huve hours enough to personally
go out after every piece of business to be h a d ...
through hustling. That Is where the printed
word works most effectively for him. And the
cost of selling is so much less . . . upon strained
budgets. Printing prices in our shop are ulso
down, but there’s no let down In the quality of
the work. Prom pt service too. We are geared
for speed. No waiting here.
And other Canning
49 Lb. SACK
49 Lb. SACK
Ask how to win a month's Grocery Bill (up to $50)
M ap shows where the body ot little C harlie Lindbergh was found, by W illia m A lie n , a N egro, five miles from
his home T h e circle device was signed to the ransom note left by the kidnappers, who said the money should be
given to whoever showed that. D r. J. F. Condon gave $50,000 to a man who produced the baby's sleeping suit,
but the baby had been killed before that. Th e pictures o f "Lin dy" and "A nne" are the last ones made before the
Can more local straw berries and not so much o ut­
side shipped in fruit. Help your neighbor-farm er and
you help yourself. Straw berries are plentiful, of good
quality ami cheap.
Friday and Saturday
Help the B e rry G ro w er
M c K enzie
pure, whole­
some and delicious.
Springfield, Oregon
■— *
get together events during Ihv sum-
mer The first will he a strawberry
and Ice-cream festival In he held
Wednesday evening. June 15
A house warming party was held
al the Al While home May 31. Fifty
were present and enjoyed dancing
Io music furnished hy James ami
Wayne Holmes of Eugene, Okwer
Htacey. It Morris, ami Will Hat k
The trade dues not
know what you have
to offer mi leas you
tell them . . . day In
. . . and day out.
Give your huslnesk
a reputation for be
lug up and doing hy
keeping the people
I n f o r m e d of the
malty bargains to be
had In your store or
shop. There Is char­
acter In good print­
ing. Let us demon
strate that fact. We
pec la Use on: —
Bookleta . . .
Pam phlets . . .
Lettar-heada . . .
Catalogues . . .
Broadsides . . .
Bills . . .
Office stationery and
forme of all kinds . . .
Phone 2. we w ill Call
The Willamette Press - - South 4th St.
- -