THURSDAY, JUNE 2 1932 THE HPRINOFTKLD NEWS NURSE TELLS HOW TO SLEEP SOUND. STOP CAS Nurse V Fletcher says: "Htoin ncli gaa blouleil ma ao bud I could not »leap One apoonful A dlerlka brought out ull gua mnl now I Bleep well and feel fine." Flunery'a Drug Store. T E A C H E R S ' E X A M IN A T IO N S T he semi annual teachers' agami- liattuna w ill he given In the County Court Room commencing at 1:66 o'clock on Wednesday, June 9, and holding for four daya. A achedule of Hie lim e on which aubjects w ill In Hoepltal— Mra. John Akers of be given inay Iw obtained by ad- dreaalng. Jaaper la a putlent at thè Pacific E J. M O O R E, Co. School Supt Ch rial Imi hoapltal Olla week. JUNK 2 6 (J 2-9) Ili at Home— Mra J. C. Caaaldy waa repurted tu he III at her buine thè flr t of thè week. SUM M ONS SUMMONS LO B T A u I oiiiohl I p registration IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E c e ritflculi* Issued to la* 1er STATE OF OREGON FOR LANK IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E COUNTY. iiiinkH, Hpiiiidtri««iti, Cm . Kimici Visiting Daughter— It S. John«, S T A T E O F O RKO O N FO R T H E return In Hprtiigfleid Nswa offlcv. M ilo M Thiiiiinon, Mabel (!. Thom la upending Ike week ut t'beahlre C O U N T Y O F L A N E . ami. W C. Tbomaon, M ary C. J Ï Tlio tn ao n and I York Tbomaon, W II Elileu and H a rrie t M. Kblen, . vlaltlng with hla daughter, Mra. p la ln tlffa , va Ma lle lle Balxblaer I Linn Clunhlre. plaintiffs. and Jullua II. Ilulxhlaer, her bun- vs. New York but u ('lilu i-n o populu hand. Ory 11 Itruw n and M artha Returns from Oakridge— Mra Krneat llleksu n, Eliza H lrkao n Hull uf II.IMiO Musi uf them in i' llier A. Brown and Fred E. Sm ith, De Ellen Front returned Haiurdky to Maybell and Itella E May ben; illiltltfl. alao a ll other peraona o r purtlea | fondant». I her home In Springfield a fte r T o o ry II. Brown and M arth a A. uiiknuwn claim ing any right, title , , »pending Home tim e In Oakridge. Brown, Deleudants. ■■alula Heil or Interval In Hie real Visitors From Tula Lake— Mrs. eatute deacrlbed In the com plaint IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E Haun Nelson mill daughter uf Tula Laavaa Saturday— Harold Oelger. O F O RKO O N: You are hereby re herein. Ilefeiidautu. laiko III Huntlieu turn Oregon urn ■julred tu appear and anawer the form er Springfield resident, left T o Krneat H lrkao n, E llin H ick Complulnt filed agalnat you In the guests ut tin« home uf Mr. mill Mra. Saturday for Kuiitern Oregon where aim Mnybeti, und D elia K. M uyben; ubuvu entitled ault w ithin foui J M. I.u mini alao ull o ther peraona or purtlea weeka from the date of the flrat ; he w ill apend the summer unknown claim ing any right, title , publication of Hila Humuiona, and eatale, lien or Interest In the real If you fa ll to anawer, for w a n t, , Vlaltlng » Slater— Mra F ra n k An- N O T IC E eatate dencrlbod In the com jdulnt thereof, the P la ln tlffa w ill apply to ll*'r"“ n " l »’«H lnnd arrived F riday OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T herein: You are hereby aummon- tin- Court for tbe re lie f aa prayed *n‘* 1,1 »pending aonie tim e vlaltlng i-d l.i answ er Hie com plaint filed vitli her staler. Mr». Thoniun Car NOTICK 18 MKIIKHY GIVEN. ugnlliat you In Hie ubove entitled (or In P la in tiff's Com plaint, to-wlt lor u Judgment against the defend­ ney. Iliu l llu< undernlgiied. u iliiilnlatru tiir rmiae and court w ithin four week« ..I in«- i»in ir ut n t s s k s t t i. K ss from the flra t publication of thia ant Ma Belle Balxblaer for tbe sum of 61666.66 and Interest tbereou at in«dy, deceased. I iuh roudured mid Portland People Hera— M r. and auuituona, mid If you fall ao to an the rate of 7% per annum from fllud with Ihi' Cuunly Court uf tin« awer, for wmit thereof, p la in tiff Sept. 36, 1631. and for a reasonable Mrs. AI ('annon of Portland spent H tiile uf Oregon fur tlm County uf w ill apply to the court for the re ­ Attorneys fee, and for the costa the week-end holidays In Spring-» Ilia final uccounl mid thut lief demanded In aald com plaint, of thia null, and fur a decree fore- field at the home of M r and Mm. on Huturday the 25lh day of June. via, lh a l p la in tiffs be adjudged the elonlng p la in tiffs ' mortgage for aalu 1932, at the hour of I p ii o'clock A owtiera of the following property, amounts agalnat the following des­ Bert Houne. M uf aald day at the County Cuurt that par) of aei-tlon 2K, Tow nship cribed real property: T he eaat room In the Courthoune at Eugona. School T e a c h tr Home — Mlaa 16 aouth, of range 2 cunt of the N ln ty 166) feet of Lot One (1 ) M aurille Oregon. baa been fixed mid appoint laim hard. teacher In the W illa m e tte M eridian, bounded on Block Tw o (2 ) In John Christ- .. oil by aald Cuurt aa the duy, tim e the east by 'h e eaat line of the Ia n ’s Addition Io Eugene, Lome N o r,h ,,,’" d »«hnol», ban completed mid place fur the hearing of objec­ aimtliweal q uarter of auld auction, County, O regon; and for such I hi r year n work and hu returned tions tu aaltl final account und fur on the northerly aide by G ale other and fu rth e r re lie f an may to Springfield. tile aettleluent tile roof A ll objec- Creek, and on the w eaterly am) he deemed Juat and equitable. tlonn must be In w ritin g and filed southerly aide by the M cKenxIe T h ia Ninninoli» la aerved upon with the C lerk ut aald Cuurt on or Cooking Club Meets— A regular Itiv e r; and that part of lot 3 you by publication by virtue of an before aald day and tim e In ;aald section lying between order of thu Hon O F Hklpw ortb, meeting of the Cooking club of the lla lvd thia 24th duy of May. 11*32 tluti- Creek and the old McKengle C ircu it Judge, dated and filed Muy Christian ctiurch waa held at the I. E H A N K S , iidinlnlatrutnr. highway, a ll lu lame county. O re ­ 14, 1632, directing that thin Sum- ; home of Mra. S tella M cPherson la t F R A N K A DK I't 'E , Attorney gon, and that defendants have no moli» be nerved upon you by pub Thursday evening. fur the Katate. right, title , eatate. lieu or Intereat llcatlnn In the Springfield New »,, IM 26 June 2 9 16 23) In the name. und quieting plalntlffa* once each week for a period of four Visitors from C alifo rn ia— Abbie title frim i ull rlalm a asserted by the week». T he date of flrnt publication Cooley ban arrived In Springfield defendanta M uoy (if them , and In May 26. 1832 N O T IC E for auch other re lie f aa may b e ! from Loa Angelen to speud a few O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T W E L L S A W E L L S , Attorney» ,| y vlaltlng with her nän ni» *"r, M Notice la hereby given that Stacy j jual. Thia auniniona la served up ! for P la in tiff, Realdence and P ' » u n her p a n n i» . M Cm iiniliiga. u dinliilatru tiir hu» filed I on you by publication by virtue A fltl r a t a a h 't lg r a a fia a ( I r u w n l i H I K I MYN. ( O o I f V. ooley () Addreaa, Eugene, Oregun of mi order by G. F Hklpw ortb, C lr-I hla report and account In the ea K" r J'xlgtncnt agalnat defendant. Claim ant .' an w ltn e a a e.: J fltlfl Brown Edw. G. Privat JEWELER ItepnlrltiK a Specialty Springfield, Oregon Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN N aturopathic Physician Phone 91-J O ffice Hour»: 1 to 5 P. M. 406 Fourth Street Universal Mortgage Corp. BONDS W . P. Tyson, Agent 126 E St. Phone M W General Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney w t-Law City H a ll Building 8prlng fle;d, Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE A TTO R N E Y A T LAW N O T A R Y P U B L IC Springfield Oregon Sutton Building POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors F orm erly W alker-Poole EUGENE D ili unit < h a rn e ltu n . Telephone 723 8 P K IN O F IE L I) 228 Main Phone H2-J SMART OCTAGON GLASSES Sm art, inconsplclous frames that blend harmoniously with modern nppitrel. Let us show you these new glasses . . . see how they become your features . . . note th eir com fort. , Our optom etrists w ill advise you about your sight w ithout nhllgu tlon. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 W e s t 8th Eugene ( 'liit o a ^ all of H Ore F f lp g x a tla iv M ra H f'm lka n ILf I^ A ^ .“ ^ N. ' ' -a S n H n .fi m a p r l," ' n ,‘ ld “T ^^Y e ^ 11014 ^ N O V P IllO F r N M lll,r d 6 th , * * ne<1 ,o f«>r »200 and Intereat from date thereof at 3% P^r annum ; the aura of 156 an at- '<>rney'» fee for p la in tiff» atto rn ey; , the h„ cost» and dlaburnementa of » a lt; also for the foreclosure of SUMMONS IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E the mortgage given to secure said note and sale of the lands described S T A T E O F O R EG O N . F O n therein, to satisfy said Judgment; LA N E COUNTY and fo r such o ther and fu rth e r re ­ Creed Lane, P la in tiff. lie f as shall be by the court deem V». Belle Pattison. Melvin Pattison. ed Just and equitable in the pre­ F rank Pattison. Catherine Pattl- mises. W aldo T his summons Is served upon you son, Florence H ardy. M ark publication thereof once each H ardy. Alice Pattison. Flem ing, Edith Flem ing. Robert week for four successive weeks In Flem ing. John Pattison. Unknown ' I ,H ,Spr" ’ * n ; i d * r W"' by ?rder ° ‘ heirs of Robert Pattison. ' «he «Ion. G. F. Sklpw orth Judge of c. used. Ella M cBee lla x el McH-«' ’ “ ld court n,ad<* a,,d V ’ ««*«! M “ Y unknown heirs of J. A. M cBee. I 23rd. 1932, and the firs t publication E F McBee, Cora C McBee I «hereof was made on the 26th day M Bartholom ew , H. B. McBee, ' I of May. 1932. A. E. W heeler, Eugene. Ore­ F rank Bartholom ew . J. W M e-, gon. A ttorney fo r P la in tiff. Bee. Ida McBee. Rose McBee, (M 26— June 2 9 16-23) John A. Crabtree, also a ll o th e r' persons or parties unknown. ’ claim ing any rig h t, title , estate [ N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S 8 A L E lien or Interest In thy real estate N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N described In the com plaint here that by v irtu e of an execution and In. Defendants. order of sale Issued out of the C ir­ To Belle Pattison, Florence Hardy cuit Court of the State of Oregon, W aldo H ardy, unknown heir» of Ro­ for Lane County. Oregon. May 26th. bert i'ottlaon. deceased, E lla M r 1932, pursuant to a decree entered Bee. Hazel McBee. H. n McBee, by said court M ay 17. 1932. In a suit Rose McBee, unknown heirs of J therein pending w herein Wesley A. McBee, deceased, also a ll other Pennington and Susie Pennington persons or parties unknown claim ­ ing nnv rig ht, title estate lien or were p lain tiffs and Roy V . M axw ell. Mabel M axw ell, D o rilia J. Somers. Interest In the real estate described W . T. Reynolds. B ertha Reynolds, In Ihe com plaint herein. Defend­ F irst N ational Bank of Eugene. ants. ’ Oregon, und Charles Gibson were IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E defendants nnd execution and order O F O R E O O N : Yon are hereby re­ of ale nnd to me directed and com ­ quired to appear an answ er Ihe manded me to sell the h ereinafter com plaint filed ngntnst yon In the above entitled suit w ith in fo u r| described real property to satisfy 7 '; " J 'T i" m L“ '. «he sum of *3000.00 w ith Interest week from the date of the first ,, , .. . . „• publication of this summons and ff I ’" ' " ,8oi i fro ™,.,he L° hnl y ‘ yon fall to so appear or answer, for F ebruary 1931. u n til pa Id and re .- want thereof the p la in tiff w ill «ake I "?n^ " t,o rn ay a fee" ,h * " “ m a decree against von quieting the ° f »80° °® nnd f“ r . coa^ “ nd d l" t i t ...... . the follow ing described r e a l : "1e1n,p" ' " *, i au,t t« xed 822 8B, p ro p e rty 1 wtl 0,1 a “ «ur<,ay «he 25th day of Beginning nt the Intersection «he hour of ten o clock of (he center of County Road No. A. M nt the front iloor of the Coun­ 547 w ith the Enst boundary of ty Court House In Eugene, Lane the Northw est one-fourth of the County, Oregon, o ffe r for sale and N ortheast q uarter of Section sell at public auction for cash to T w e n ty -fiv e (25) In Tow nship i «hf highest bidder subject to re- Seventeen (17) South of Range demptlon as provided by law nil Tw o (2) West of the W illa m e tte j «he right, title and Interest of the M eridian , running thence N orth aforesaid defendants and each of 2.50 chiilns. thence W est 4 chains them and all persons claim ing by. thence South 2.50 chains, thence through or under them the follow ­ W ent 4.50 chains more or less to ing described real property, to-w lt: Beginning at the Intersection the center of said road No. 547, of Ihe east line of the Oregon thence W esterly along the cen-J am) C alifo rn ia Railroad rig ht of ter of said Road to Its Intersec­ way (Southern Pacific Company tion w ith the q uarter section line Lessee) w ith the center line of running N orth nnd South the open roadw ay being 1226.5 through said Section T w en ty-five feet South of the North line of (25 ), thence South on said quar­ the JnmeR E. McCabe and w ife ter Section line to the Southwest H. L. C. No 46. Notf. No. 2089 tn corner of the Northw est one- Tow nship 17 South Range 4 West fourth of the Northeast quarter of the YVIllam ette M eridian, and of said Section 25 thence East 20 running thence East along the chains, to the Southeast corner, center of snld open roadway 2188 of the N o rthw est one-fourth of feet to Its Intersection w ith the the Northeast quarter, and thence North to the place of beginning, | center of an open roadway run-! nlng South 11’ W est therefrom , containing 27 acres, more or less,] thence South 11' W est along cen­ In Lane County, State of Oregon, te r of said road 1226.5 feet, thence nnd that yon and each of yon be decreed to have no rig ht, title , es- ( N orth 89 degrees 39 m in. West 1681 feet to the enst line of said tale, lien or Interest tn or to said railroad rig ht of way, nnd thence premises or any p art thereof. North 20 degrees 29 min West The order directing service of nlong said railroad rig h t of wny this summons by the publication 1272 feet more or less to the p la c e ' thereof Is dnted M ay 12th, 1932, and of beginning, all being a part of directs publication once each week Hald D. L. C. No. 46, and in Iatne for four consecutive weeks and County, Oregon, and containing the date of the firs t publication herein Is M ay 12th, 1932, 53.4 acres, more or less. C. A W1NTERMEIER, Attor­ Dnted M ay 26th, 1932. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane ney for P la in tiff. Residence: Eugene, Oregon. County, Oregon. (M 12-19-88—J 2-8) (M 28— June 2-8-18-22) LESS CHICKS ON FARMS; MORE FRUIT EXPORTED H A U II I X n v i n i v „ , . ^ M a , 5 12 i May f. 12 19 24 - J. 6) P. ADOPTS AIR COOLING FOR DINERS Coguilla Folk Hare — .Mr. and Mr» Starting thin week railroad pas­ Few er hen» and chicks than W illa rd Sloan of ('aiguille were usual on farms In the I ’ nlted States senger» rid ing on the Southern Pa Leaves for C ellfo rn ie A»a Ped-i Kiie»t» of M r and Mr». Riley Sr,ml Is Indicated by a report on the agri­ r ' f t r Overland and State Lim ited dlcord left Sunday evening fo ri gran» Monday. cultural situation Just released by trains w ill enjoy the com fort of the Chico, California. finest man-made weather. An­ V is ito r fro m S a le m - Mra. A. J. •he Oregon a gricultural extension Corvallis Raaidant H a ,e — Mr». M ille r of Salem la a visitor here at service. The num ber of hens on nouncement of Installation of the Ella B Goodman uf Corvallis wan a , hF home of M r and M m. J T Hon farms on May 1 was estim ated at 2 most modern a ir cooling and con­ per cent le» than a year prevlou», ditioning equipm ent In the dining visitor In Springfield on Monday. ( aldnon. the nmallent number in eight year«. cars of the two crack trains oper­ D rive to New port— Mr. and Mrs. Picnic Held— The student» of the About the name num ber of chicks ating between the Pacific Coast II. II . Myera spent M em orial day eighth grade at tbe Lincoln school of thin year’» hatching were report and Chicago waa made thia week on the coast at New port. held th e ir annual spring picnic at <>ii In farm flocks on M ay 1 a» a by C arl Olson, local agent for the V laltlng Daughter — James Cow­ S w im m er’ - la-llght park Saturday. vear before, but 16 per cent few er company. During the aum m er month» the than the 5-year average on that den a rrived Sunday from Nevada C alifo rn ia People V isit— M r. and a ir w ill be passed over Ice and w ill date. T he report said that 7.6 per to spend a few days visiting with Mrs. Oeorge Caffey of San Diego, h«> i lean, wa h free of duat, and his daughter. Mrs. Haas Thatcher. and M r. and M r . Roby Green of cent few er chicks were batched h, com m ercial hatcheries during April kept at a constant tem perature by Portland were guest» during the Bsturna from Portland — Mis thin year than In 1931 In the whole means of a therm ostatic control. N ellie Stu art returned Monday week-end of M r. and M m . W . A. country and that orders booked foi evening from Portland where she Taylor. May delivery and la te r were 8 3 FORMER RESIDENTS spend tbe week end holidays. Pre School C linic Held— Members per cent lens than a year ago. RETURN FROM MISSOURI On the Pacific coa«t. A p ril hatch­ V isit in Portland— M r and Mrs. of the Lane County H ealth unit ing» by com m ercial hatcheries ran Mr.«. Ih-lle W illiam s and fam l'v I I II. Si baffenberg and daughters, held a pre-school clinic Wednesday spent the week-end at Portland morning at tne home of Mr«. M erle 24.6 per cent behind lant year and of G rant City. M issouri, arrived In Chase for children In the Chase bookings for M ay and la te r were Springfield Sunday morning where visiting with relatives. short 29.4 per cent. T h e com mercial they sp.-nt the day w ith Mrs. W il­ Garden district. Roseburg People Here— M r and hatchery chick ha» fallen behind lia m ’s aunt, Mra. Luella Bristow. Leave on Fishing T r ip — M r and 1931 throughout the season In the Mrs. J A. H a rt of Roseburg were Mrs. W illia m s w ill make her home guesta ut tbe John Lenhart home Mrs. O. H . T u rn e r left Sunday for western states, and Is also some­ at 680 East 14 street in Eugene the Sm ith riv e r country for a fish­ what short in the eastern part of where she taught for several years. Sunday. ing trip Mrs. H a ttie M yers 1» tak ­ the country. Info rm ation on the H er eldest daughter w ill enter the Returns to New port— Jhon Swee­ ing care of th e ir store during their volume o f farm hatchings Is Incom­ C n lversity and the other daughters ney and faintly returned to th e ir absence. plete hut some observer» thin k that w ill enter the Eugene high school home at New port Sunday a fte r tough chicks have been produced In the fall. H a rry Keeney of Inde- Vacation in M ountains— M r. aDd »pending some tim e In Springfield. Mr». W . II . A drian and Miss Annis irom this source to offset In part peiiih-nce and A rth u r Keeney of Form er Resident H e re — Mr. and McGookin spent the Decoration day at leant the reduction In commer­ Corvallis, both brothers, met her here and were Sunday dinner Mrs. W . F. W a lk e r »pent the week­ holidays at the Adrian cottage on cial chicks. Exports of boxed apple», pears guests at the Bristow home. end In Springfield. T hey left Tues­ Horse Creek near M cKenzie Bridge. and prunes have tended to Increase day for th e ir booth at Portland. They d ro ve up Saturday evening. during recent years, say a report N O T IC E OF SA L E V isit at Corvallis — M r. and Mrs. of Chattel Under Storage Lien. Vacation on Coast— M r. and Mrs. released by the extension service, T A K E N O T IC E , that J. R. C lark, F. B Flattery and fam ily spent Edward P riv at and sons, James and whereas "the total volume of ex­ Monday visiting relatives at Cor Francis, spent the week-end holi­ ports of farm products declined and D. V. C lark, doing businesp un­ der the assumed business name of trallls. day on the coast. They drove to sharply.” Cresw ell Oarage at Cresw ell. O re­ gon, claim a lien on the chattel Florence and Yachats Sunday and Governm ent data show that only D riv e » to P o rtla n d — M m . W. C. hereinafter mentioned for storage continued on to New port and back 4 per cent of the farm production Rehlian and daughters, Joy and from Dec. 3, 1931 to M ay 3, 1932 at to Springfield Monday. of the United Slates was exported 15.06 per m onth for five month« Bobby, drove to Portlaud Tuesday (luring the 1930-31 year, compared and 12.60 for tow ing charge, a total afternoon. Drive to Portland — Mrs. Riley to 16-2 per cent the previous year of 127.00. Snodgrass, her daughter, M axine, The property which said lien Is V isitor from Cottage Grove— Mrs and 12.2 per cent in 1928-29. During claims is described as follow s: and Lloyd G arrison motored to Thomas Sikes of Cottage Grove the 1919 20 year our exports were One Harley-Davidson, 1928 mo­ Portland Sunday morning returning was an overnight visitor in Spring 17.4 per cent of the farm produc­ del, M otorcycle marked H B M C the same evening. T hey met M r. w ith an arrow running through In field Monday. tion. Snodgrass in Portland where he yellow painted letters. No license Tbe products of four commodities No. or m otor No. apparent. Own Salem People Guesta Here— M r had been v isitin g since Thursday. account for 85 per cent of the farm er unknown. and Mrs. W illia m D arlin g of Salem He returned w ith them. exports from th i country accord­ T h a t said M otorcycle w ill be »old spent the week-end In Springfield at Public Auction on the 16th day Attend F am ily Gathering— Post ing to the report on the agricultural of June. 1932, at the C resw ell G a r­ as gue»ts of M r. and M r». A rth u r m aster and M rs. F. B. H a m lin and situation. These are cottan, hog age at Creswell. Oregon, at 2:60 Peter»on. fam ily and Miss Bertie Lou H am lin products, wheat and flo u r an un­ P. M. T his notice is given pursuant to V isits F ather— M r. and Mrs. Roy spent Monday at Canyonville where manufactured tobacco. ___________________ ’ Section 51 403 Oregon Annoted Smoth of Portland spent Sunday they attended a fam ily reunion din­ - a ... , rriv . e - Mr. ,, . I ! Code and proceeds of sale w ill be C lifo rn ia n . A and “ toPpayment of expen»es of and Monday here visiting at the ner. T h irty of the H am lin fam ily Mrs. James R iv e tt of O akland. Cali , 8ale 2nd to discharge of lien and home of Mrs. Sm ith's father. Al were present. fornia arrived in Springfield Sun-1 balance if any paid over to the Senseny. Visits Parents — Miss L ucille da« to visit w ith friends and rela- County C lerk of Lane County. Ore- ai. t i' i « t ij Ron. to be used in tru st by him for I any R V isit at Junction C ity— M r. and Richmond spent the week-end h oli­ tives in Eugene and Springfield. « OWner thereof. M r . J. M. Larson spent Sunday days in Springfield v isitin g with M r. R ivett is a brother of Mrs. W. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, thia and Monday at Junction City where her parents, M r. and Mrs. Sam P. Tyson, and M rs. R iv e tt is a sis-' 1st day of June, 1932. J O H N M. M A R S H Constable. they w ere guests at the home of Richmond. M rs She arrived Saturday e r o f M rs. Robert Shultz. by Van Svarverud. Deputy Con­ Mrs. Larson's sister, and brother- and returned to Portland Monday R ivett was formerly Misa Y'eda stable and agent for Claim ant». Barbre. in-law , M r. and M rs. Sam M iller. evening. (June 2-9) ■ a------------------------------------- PURE ' ' ‘N o v . m i j r T t o I V 4 11 1919 for ,2 0 ° 1,1 ” Moro Man Here— C B. Belknap of Moro, Oregon, waa a vtaltor In Springfield un Tueaday. om ^ ( u r / io \ 'Î h L)/ l s .. - t —and C B g S i T H E Y ’RE M IL D E R T jk B ia a A THEY TASTE BETTER Auction today I Chesterfie/d buyt the best Chesterfield tobáceos are atjed right • 1911, L ioobtt • Mvnu T obacco Co. OWADAYS, when so many people are talking N I about ripe. The paper is pure—clean, white, the best ciga­ purity . . . pure food, pure milk, pure rette paper that money ran buy. I here is purity in w ater.. . it's worth a minute to tell you something every ingredient and cleanliness in every operation. about the purity of Chesterfield cigarettes. You can know, when you light a Chesterfield, that All the materials that go into the making of it is as pure as science can make a cigarette. And Chesterfield cigarettes are tested again and again your taste will tell you it's milder, it tastes better. by expert research chemists. Just like the things you eat and drink. The tobacco is pure— the right kinds, V .aa< in factories es clean es your kitchen D o m e stic an d T u rk ish b o th , m ild , sw e e t, Q h e s t e r f ie ld