THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPRÌNOKÌE1J). i \ a NE COUNTY. OKKOON. T U I K S I ) \V , J I X K ? rWRNTY-NINTII YEAH STUART 10 RUN TWD.TEACHERS H ill FOR SCHOOL JOB RESIGN POSES Graduation Held LIKE RISES UP i at 10 AID U. OF 0. Pleasant Rose Exhibit Is Set Tor June 8 No. 21 Shopping Days SENIORS 10 END To Be June 11-12 ARE ANNOUNCED WORK ON FRIDAY Detail« for Annual Exhibition County Chamber of Com­ Fourteen Receive Diplomas Announced; Mr«. Carl Olaon Kindergarten Group Take» merce to Meet in Springfield Victor P. Morris of University Resignations of Lucile Hol­ Wednesday; Baccalaureate Petition Being Prepared To­ Entire County Represented at ia General Chairman at Dinner on June 17 Gold Ribbon with Most Faculty to Deliver Com­ man and Leone Elliott An­ Services Held Sunday day by Friends; Election to Maes Meeting to Learn of Outstanding Entry mencement Address nounced; Plan Marriage Be Held on June 20 Merger Proposal Effects _______ Hprlngfleld’s annual rose show Hprlngfleld shopping days will be Fourteen students received their June 11 and 12 this month. It waa H e.lgn.tlon of two teacher. I * * “ la .t week will NlIltMlI lllplulllHM ttl I ’ll'BHUnl Petitions nominating Enoch Htu- NINE DIVISIONS ENTERED yoted a, thp meetlllg the rhani. FIFTY - EIGHT IN CLASS H ill Wednesday evening when an­ «rt as candidate for director of from the Hprln«field high school | * b* W , l •<»« im m u n it y hall on Wednesday, June 8. la waa definite­ , , l»«r of Commerce Wednesday even- nual coninieiiieiiieni exercises lor faculty was announced this week Attempt to Consolidate the the school were held with Dr. Vic­ school district I# were being pre­ by W. E Buell, principal. They are ly announced thia week by Mrs. President of Civic Club Issues ¡ng Merchants present expressed Donald Anderson is Saluta- pared this morning and will be d r Thanks to People Who satisfaction with the results of the : torian, and Winston Bacus Schools Carries False lm> ie r I’ Morrla. of the school of eco­ diluted by his friends this week Miss Leone Klllott and Hiss Lucile Carl Oh on. general chairman. All arrangements for the show to Give Valedictory Participated in Parade community cooperative enterprise nomics ai the university, as speak­ Mr. Stuart has consented Io lie a Holman, both of whom plan to be plication of Economy will remain the same as were pre­ ------------- and voted to hold the days early In ! er at the high school gymnasium. candidate for the position utily married during the summer. viously announced Everybody is Thanks to all those who partlcl- -a c t month. , Annual commencement exerciaea Hesldniita of Kugetie and lame Itev H Karl Childers, pastor of after considerable persuasion by bis Miss Holman will teach school at Plans were made at the meeting for 68 graduating seniors at Spring requested to enter their rose ot pated In and who worked for the county will have widespread s' th« Christian church of Eugene, friends. Elkton next year she baa an­ other floral diaplaya. Receptacles success of the annual children’s to entertain the next Lane County Geld high school will be held at the port lu all parts of the aU '(reached the bucraluiireute sermon Miss Klllott has not an­ To (lute he Is the first and only nounced their campaign to precenl the the Pleasant H ill Christian person to announce his candidacy. nounced any plans beyond her m ar will be furnished for all flowers ex­ parade held here last Thursday Chamber of Commerce meeting In Methodist church Friday evening, cepting tbe basket arrangements. afternoon was voiced this week by Hprlngfleld June 18. John Henderer June 3, at 8 o’clock. olldatlon of the University id 0 <, rch Sunday evening ( ’. A Hwarts. retiring director, la a rlage. Victor Morris, professor ot eco- Mrs. L. K. Page and Mra. C. E Mrs. David Bailsman, president of and M. B. Huntly were appointed goii anil the Oregon Stale Oellag S milers or the class ure Wins , ahd|(|a| p f„r *berlff of l-ane coun- No successors to these teachers, the Ladle- Civic club, sponsors of the committee tn charge of the din- nomlca at the University of Oregon, Wkeatou will be In charge of regis­ on the Corvallis campus as la pro- '•£ g Veldu Huley, Hlanebe >nd ()llt )>f runn|ng for the or to John Knox, who also submit­ tbe parade and Rose Show which Is ner to be given. will deliver tbe commencement ad posed In a measure which will soon I \ Lucille Jordan. Althea „.^00! place be announced this ted his resignation recently, have trations They will be at tbe Com to be held Wednesday. June 8, at The Springfield Chamber discus dress to the class. The complete be submitted to the voters of the ||u -y a. Winfred Honey. Kuth m()rn,n i been discussed by the school hoard niuulty hall at 8 o’clock to receive , *ed a sign or better marker for the program for the evening will be as flowers and will accept entries up the Community hall. stale (or their signatures to have I || ra , Karl McLeod. Harold M r Clayton F. Harber, present clerk, at the present time. The parade whlcb formed on Junction of tbe McKenzie highway I follows: the Initiative measure appear o n , |,eod. Mae Pederson. Noble |b l.Blld(da(e for re-election He Miss Klllott and Mr. Knox are anti) noon when tbe doors will be Dorothy Mae Potter Fifth and A streets was Judged by across the river. Two member- re- March h 'em an Akers. Henry ,ia>i riled his petition. the ballot In the November electionj Wheel) completing their first year In the Closed for one hoar while tbe Invocation Rev. D. C. Poindexter the committee before It moved ported relatives coming here from Judges make their decisions and Telegrams from Aahlaud. Uma I Olson, ai irvltig Kerrn In Putman county. Missouri. An overflowing crowd attended meeting and approved a resolution Benediction. the annual high school baccalaur­ Mrs. Carl Olaon wlOfl tbe ahow will t»ch, second. Bobby and Patay on October 2«. 1240. moving to Ark * Club Serve« Ten which condemned the attempt of to Merger Opposition ansaa In Crawford county when she eate services held at the Methodist be Mrs. D. O. Fisher, Mrs. Frank Cabe, third; baby cabs; Elmo and; Members of the graduating claas unknown people to consolidate the Logan. Mra. A. J. Cowart, and Mrs. Ethelyn Hchlewe. two-months-old Annual achievement day exer-1 waa jj years old church Hunday evening All other are: Donald Douglas Anderson. Del­ schools at a great expense to the The advantages of living in th is « She was married to John B. churches of the city cooperatled Clara Taylor. bert Winston Bacus, Velda Mae twins, first; kiddie car— Karl Lewis taxpayers. The resolution also con­ Is e s for Kour ii club workers In part of Oregon in preference to first. B division: Airplanes—Chll-j Bartholomew. Angela Brattain. demned the measure which carries Bprlngfteld were held at the Com- Smith oo December 21. 125«. at In the service which was led by other parts of the United States „ „ „ .. inunlty hall Wednesday afternoon Van Buren. Arkansas, and lived Hev. Dean C. Poind xeter. pastor of . , .. „ __. Claude D. Campbell, Ellen Velda dren under six years: Betty Louise a ballot title purporting to lie an was told members of the Spring- It C. Kuehner. county club leader J mere until she was 21 years of age, the church. Rev. Poindexter also Carson, Ralph Clark. June Jean Lyon, first; Adeline Oram, second; economy measure which It Is not. field Lions club Friday noon by E. and Miss Gertrude Hkow. home de (hen moving to Kansas In 1882 Mr preached the sermon this year, nette Dank . Blane N. Fisher, Car- Bobby Dow. third. Speakers Esplaln Effects G. Harlan, secretary of the Eugene monstration leader, attended and Smith was In the Union army from choosing as his subject. "Riderless rol Fountain, Lloyd F. Frese. El­ (' ■Bvlston: Airplanes — Donald After an explanation of the pur­ Chamber of Commerce. Mr. H ar­ made short talks Miss Hkow gradetjj |ggg t<) jggR The family then lived Horses. ” dred L. Glaspey, Gene Hamblen, Lee Hanna, first; tricycles— Betty pose of the meeting which was lan devoted considerable time to an Rev. Vettle Pruitt, pastor of the Augusta Hanson. Evelyn E. Harris. Qulney, first; Graydeon Lewis, and given by Tom Hussell, chairman Ihe work of the clubs and save sug­ In Kansas .or 27 years before com­ explanation of the work of tbe Eu­ Clinton A Hartman. Edna Fern Alice Thompson, second; Billy and uud pre-ddent of the Eugene Chain gestions on methods of preparing ing to Oregon 44 years ago when Christian church offered the pray gene Chamber of Commerce in pub- er, and the Murphy-Mosbler quartet Announcement of Winner of Betty Cabe. twins, and Leorane Haverfieid. Helen A. Hulett, Carl her of Commerce, he Introduced their exhibitions for showing at the they made their home In Spring- licixing the entire county and in field where Mr. Hmlth died on provided musical numbers. Norton R. Jessen. Irene Dorothy Jeter, Civic Club Cup to Be Made Peddlcord. honorable mention. Judge !.. T Harris, former member slate fair. bringing new settlers here with Pengra, represented the Baptist Floyd Leroy Koch. Rubina Lawson. D division: Scooters— Flora Ber- March 3. 1903. Tea was served by the "Future of the slate supreme court and a at H. S. Breakfast Friday money to spend for development Ruth Rebecca Le Vee. Vernon P. tsch, first; Jackie Sherman, second, One daughter. Mrs. Tallman, wltb a vocal solo. The processional graduate of the University who ex Homemakers." second year Four-H purposes. Liles, Evelyn Alice Lloyd. Mary plained that approval of the pro | cooking club under Ihe direction of eight grandchildren, and 11 great­ and recessional was played by Miss Announcement of tbe winner of decorated wagons— Donald Thomp­ W. F. Walker, district governor, Ann Louk. Elwina Katherine Mea­ grandchildren survive. The grand­ Dorothy Mae Potter. posed law would mean an unwar : Mrs. L. K. Page, leader, the Women'» Civic club cup for the son, first; Billy Gullley, second. of the Lions clubs of Oregon also cham. W illiam N. Mills, Velma O. ranted loan to the taxpayers ' Club leaders attending were Mrs children are Uatle Tallman. Mrs. E division: Ornamental group— school year Just ending will be attended the noon meeting and III analysing the proposed law i Ellu Lombard, Mrs. Page. Mrs. O. Margaret E. Hayden, Oda Hmlth, made at the annual Girl's League Brattain school, first; Douglas Chil­ urged the club to support Eugene Moskop. Elva ln-ne Moyer. Floyd Judge Harris pointed out that II II. Jarrett, and Mrs W alter Laxton John Hmlth. May Johnson. George breakfast to be held at the Metho­ dren, second; characters— farther organixatlons in their campaign to A McBee, Eunice I. McFarland. ' r- dist church Friday morning at 7:30 group, Charles Poindexter, Lynn block the consolidation of the Unt-i i val J. McPherson. Marquerite t'or- calls for (he moving of the taw There are four club group* In this Smith. Kay McPoy. and Carl Hmlth rlnne Newby. Harold C. Rosmussen. Funeral services were held Wed­ school to Salem. but makes no pro­ city. - .The rap was donated to the high Ketels, Don Apger, Arthur McPher­ versity and state college on the> Beulah Faye Richardson. Loui G. son. Richard Bartholomew, first; Mrs Pratt Holveraon was general nesday al 10 30 with the Rev. Nor­ vision for housing or financing It school organisation to be presented Corvallis campus. Mr. W alker has1 Rodakowski. Kenneth E. Saul. Pant Red Cross Nurse group, third; Am­ after It has been so moved. Normal chairman of the affair Mra. I. Kndl man Workman of Marróla official annually to the girl who is selected been a lifelong resident of this G. acbantol. Hazel C. Shelley. Lela erican Legion Auxiliary, second; -i Iliads at Ashland and Le Grande colt arid Mrs. Parson were In Ing. Interment was made In the by members of the Girl's League vicinity and told of how he had E. Squires, George W. Smith Ro- W ilma Bertsch and Ruth Brooks, would be made Into Junior colleges charge of refreshinenta. and Mrs Marcóla cemetery. Poole-Gray-Bar as the moat outstanding girl In the watched the development of the which are a new venture and which R. L. Burnell was chairman of the tholomew chapel of Hprlngfleld had Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Par­ school. The winner's name Is en­ honorable mention; artistic groups University from a wheat field to I bert A. Stark. Harold F. Stevenson. Ovel R. Stevenson. Reval Sumner, Mrs. W. O. Burch, kindergarten charge. will have an enrollment of less than I decoration cominltt rish to Celebrate Golden graved on tbe cup which remains the present institution and of the Maxine LeVelle Swart», W illiam N. group, first; Irene Bassett and a hundred as predicted the speaker | in the high school Mb« My ma Bar­ development which followed in the Wedding on Friday Sword. George J. Thatcher, W illiam Louise Smith, second. The cost of operating these will he tholomew won the right to have Fairmount section. LARGE GROUP ATTENDS W. Thlenes. Emma A. Trinka. Fred F division: Children over six— prohibitive and they will he dis­ HIGH SCHOOL PICNIC Mr and Mrs Benjamin Parrish her name engraved on It last year. JUNIOR-SENIOR AFFAIR ric Lee Vail. Elmer C. Ware, Oer- banded In a short while, he said. | BEING HELD TODAY Installation of officers of the Lea­ Clive Brooks, first; W inifred Lyon, ot this city will celebrate their aldine M. Wilkinson, Donald R. second; Ethel Fulop. third; Wanda M. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL Plntils at Monmouth would be com gue will also be held as a feature golden wedding anniversary at More than 10« students and fac Wilson. Hazel Dell Wilson, Pandall Burch. Betty Sherman, honorable All students at the Hprlngfleld plctely deserted, and- the number OFFICERS ARE NAMED ulty members attended the annual their home. 306 B street tomorrow of the breakfast. They are Mar- mention. S. Withers. Gordon A. Wright. high school nnil many of their par of students on the Kugene campus, Junior-Senior banquet and program June 3, is also the seventy-seventh Jorte Prochnow. president; Berna- G division: Pets — Pomeranian Miss Elizabeth Hughes was The class has chosen "Build for which would become a Normal ents left the high school building dine McFarland, vice-president; De the Methodist church Friday birthday anniversary for Mrs. Par dog. owned by Mrs. Morris Morton, chosen superintendent of the Sun­ Character. Not for Fame" as their I ruining school, would lie so few Oils morning at 8 o'clock for Swim Etta Sandgathe, secretary; Alys rlab. evening. The group adjourned to a first; pony, owned by Billy Oltch- day school of the Methodist church motto. The rose Is the class flower Dial nn*-t of the four anil one-half np-r's Delight resort where they Sarah Flfields and Benjamin Par­ Thatcher, social promoter: and Kugene theatre where they were ens, second: rabbits, and chickens for the next year, at the meeting of and blue and gold is their colors. uillllon dollar plant would he un­ will hold their annual all-day pic­ rish were married In Michigan 60 Marian Shipley, reported. Miss owned by Junior Scott, third; k it­ the Sunday school teachers and of­ nic. A complete program of out­ entertained until a late hour fol­ Lloyd Frese is president of the used Anna Vogel is the faculty advisor. lowing the banquet and program years ago on June 3. 1882. They tens owned by Glenn Gossler and ficers Tuesday evening. Sam Bar­ class; Clinton Hartman, vlce-presl door activities Including the play­ Donations Lost to City Girls in charge of the breakfast which was held In the social rooms have one daughter. Mrs. Clarence yellow rooster, owner unknown, tholomew is the new assistant sup dent; W illiam Sword, secretary, Private donations to Ihe Univer­ ing of uthlellc games to determine Mason who lives In California She are: M arjorie Prochnow. general of the church. honorable mention. erintendent. and Theo Bartholomew and Gordan W right, treasurer. sity would practically be confis­ class championships has been ar­ Theda Rhodes, Miss Dorothy Mac Potter waa Is the only known living relative arrangements; H division: Comics— Howard Car- is secretary. Other officers named cated tinder the measure, and pri­ ranged. Members of the faculty are: W. food; Eunice McFarland, decora­ of the family. The other brothers chairman of the general committee rolls. first; Thelma Johnson and include Ralph Hughes, assistant E. Buell. Miss Leone Elliott. Miss Friday morning students will vate Investments In housing facili­ for the event. Her assistants were and sisters having died during past tions. and Virginia Christie, musi­ Francis Oran, second; Eugene Fu secretary; Leota Rodenbough, May Hewes. Mlsa Luctlle Holman, ties which would become uusless guther at nine o’clock fo r-their un cal program. Eva Louk, refreshment«; Mildred years. lop and Chester Schlewe. third; pianist: Mrs. D. C. Poindexter as­ Mr John Douglas Knox. Mr would amount In more than a mil nual senior class day program. Ath­ Divine, transportation to Eugene; The couple came to the Pacific Annabelle John. Chester Jean sistant; Fred Louk, chorister, with L. Martin. Mr Norvllle May, Miss lion dollars. He also predicted the letic awards. the reading of the Jewel Helterbrand. decorations; coast 42 years ago and have lived I. O. O. F. PARADE CUP Thompson. "Three Black Crows." Paul Potter as assistant; Mrs. L. Marguerite Mlllhollen, Miss Anna cla-s W ill. Prophecy, mid History, shrinkage of the population of Eu and Doris Gerber, Invitations. The In Washington and Oregon since K. Page, superintendent of the pri­ F. Vogel, and Miss Clarabelle Wag­ gene from 18.000 to 10.000 should anil other enterlalnment numbers GIVEN TO REBEKAHS honorable mention. girls of the sopnoniore class served. that time. They have been residents I division: Bicycles, no entries. mary department; Mrs. Charles will be Included In the program at the merger be approved. ner. of Hprlngfleld for the past 10 years. J division— Floats— large floats. Cornell, assistant; C. E. Crandall, Heading a delegation of 32 visit If the people of Ihe state are In that time. Mr. l ’arrtsh has been a carpenter Lions club, first: W. C. T. U. sec­ superintendent of the home depart­ ItelNirl cards will be given out formed of the true conditions they CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE and painter until recent years when ors from the Eugene Rebekah DR. AND MRS. POLLARD will defeat the proposal were the Friday. . lodge. John Starr. Monday visited ond; small floats, Kensington club, ment: and Mrs. R. L. Drury, sup­ TO ELECT OFFICERS Injuries and Illness have prevented the Hprlngfleld lodge and presented first; Ergatha class. second: erintendent of the Crade Roll de­ TO RETURN NEXT WEEK concluding remarks of Judge H ar­ his engaging In that trade. W hite partment. the group with the Bristow cup. Needlecraft club, third; ris. 'Grace In Tim e of Need" Is the Mr and Mrs. Parrish are plan­ Dr and Mrs. W H. Pollard who Taking up Ihe story of (he effect FIVE FREE MEALS COST first prixe In the float division of Front Grocery and Turner Novelty mes age for the eleven o'clock wor­ ning to hold open house at their have been in Atlantic City for the store honorable mention. of Ihe measure Homer D. Angell. FIFTY DAYS IN JAIL ship service at the Methodist home Friday afternoon between the the parade held in Eugene during MANY ATTEND EXHIBIT past month are now on their way Purl land, president of Ihe Unlvers the I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge last church. The church school meets at hours of 2 and 4. and Invite their STUDENT HAND CRAFT borne and will arrive here about Five transients are now boarding lly Alumni association, pointed out Wednesday. The float was designed SURPRISE BIRTHDAY 9:46. The two Leagues will meet friends to visit them at that time. June 7. It was announced at the Glut Ihe University was Ihe friend In the county Jail In Kugene at the by a Joint committee of the Spring DINNER HELD SUNDAY Several hundred persons visited doctor's office this week. Dr. Poll­ for election of officers at 7 o'clock The elderly couple were not sure of the poor student and that con­ expense of Lane county taxpayers field I. O. O. F. and Regekah lodges. the high school exhibit of articles ard has served a one of the Ore­ mid the officers will be Installed at today whether or not their daugh­ Relatives of Mrs. Clara Taylor A musical program war presented solidation In a sinnller city, already because they fulled to pn.v for a made by students In the manual gon lay delegates to the Interna­ the 8 o'clock services. The mes­ ter will be here. She has written nimble In provide odd Jobs for their meal which they ordered and ate following the regular lodge session. surprised her with a birthday din training and home economics de­ tional Conference of the Methodist sage will be: "In I-eague with slip would come If possible to do so. iludenl body, would mean Ihe with­ at a Ipcal eating establishment. Charles Poole, newly elected grand ner at her home here Sunday. The partments last week-end. Members church which began May 1. He and Christ for Youth." This will be a Paul King. Jordan Valley; Ron drawal of many students from Ore­ warden made an address and I. P. occasion was moved up one week of the Lions club visited the display Mrs. Pollard went to Connecticut service In which all the young peo TICKET SELLERS GIVE erl Carroll mid Janies lloarlw rlght, so that her son, who was visiting gon schools. Inman, secretary of the Eugene in a body Friday noon after their and Chicago for short visits follow­ pie will particípale. Rev. Dean C. both of St. Louis. Roe McKlrath, Dorm itories Private Investm ents HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM subordinate lodge made a short here from Portland could be pres­ luncheon. Poindexter will have charge of both ing the church meetings. ent. Those attending the dinner Investments liy private persons Spokane; and Herachel Shelley of talk. services. Members of the Junior class, los­ In dormitory buildings and In frater­ Boise, each ordered and ate a meal or calling during the day were Mr. ing group. In the ticket sales con­ nity and sorority houses will be here during the week end without and Mrs. Sam Curdy of Wendllng; OFFICERS, DRILL TEAM PLAY PLANNED FOR JOHN AVITT TO PLAY test held for the senior play. "The economic losses. The Corvallis hnvlng funds with which to pay for PRISCILLA PICNIC DATE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roach of Co­ GUESTS OF MRS. TAYLOR SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP Meunesl Man In the World" pres­ cam pus Is not equipped to care for their meal. Tuesday they each re IN PIANO RECITAL burg. Mr. and Mrs. Verne W ilkin­ CHANGED TO JUNE 23 Mrs. W. A. Taylor entertained at ented a program at the high school celved 10-day Jail sentences when the Increased student enrollment, son, Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. Children in the Sunday school at John Avltt will be presented by Ralph Newman and son. and Mr. her home Tuesday evening for of­ assembly Friday. The program con­ lie declared. As a member of the tried In Eugene Justice court. the Christian church will present a The annual picnic of the Priscilla sisted of the following numbers; Reuben Charlyle Goffreiere, of Eu and Mrs. M J. Skinner of Eugene, ficers and members of the Neigh- play "Grandmother's Spectacles" ways and means committee of the dub and their families will be held Harmonica solo. Garland Atkins; gene, on Friday evening at and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor of bars of Woodcraft drill team. Sunday morning at 9:45. The char­ slate legislature Mr. Angell explain­ MEMORIAL DAY QUIET June 23 Instead of June 9. It was Games and refreshments were en­ guitar solo, Robert Brown. Robert o’clock, June 3, in the ball room of Portland. ed how Corvallis anil Benton county acters are bh follows: FOR SPRINGFIELD FOLK decided at the regular meeting of Richardson, and Thomas W illiams; the Eugene Hotel, In a group of joyed by thirty-five persons. Mrs. leglslutors have continually begged Daisy Pugh Grandmother the group held at the home of Mrs. Taylor is present guardian neigh­ and a dance by the first and second nine pianists. The public is invited UNIFORM PREMIUM LIST for more state appropriations to Gladys Pederson Residents of Hprlngfleld observed John Tomseth last Thursday. Mem Alice .......... - bor of the local organization. This recital will be the first of a period gymnasium classes. care for their over-crowded condi­ Memorial day quietly Monday. No Junior Laxton FOR FAIRS IS PLANNED Kenneth hers present at the meeting Includ­ series of six to be given during tion. Irene Anderson program had been arranged mid ed Mrs. W illiam Rouse. Mra. Enoch Bess June by Mr. Goffreiere’« students. Plan B rin d ed Experim ent A unified list for all community W. C. T. U. HAS MONTHLY Virginia Pohl wet weather kept many home who Stuart. Mrs. Edward Privai, Mrs. BUTTERFAT COSTS CUT Small Child H. C. Wheeler, Lane county farm hail planned trips over the week fairs of the county is being worked Frank Anderson Tom Norman Howard. Mrs. W. H. »tear- MEETING ON TUESDAY USING CLOVER PASTURE IUKA WILL INITIATE er, slute senator from this district, end Members of the American Le out by the Douglas county fair Beryl Robertson Jean ............. nier, Mrs. Riley Hnodgrass, and mid one of the most prominent board, according to a report from M„ nthly of the Spring Japanese Teacher Mrs. Hack ginn visited the cemeteries and Mrs. John Heavey. FIVE MORE CANDIDATES Through the use of Irrigated La workers In the Oregon Orange, J. C. Leedy, county agent, who has w T y waH hp|d Tueg(lay There will also be a group of draped graves of soldiers with the dlno clover pasture, O. F. Daniels pleaded with his hearers not to un­ Five candidates, Bertha Albers, been cooperating with a committee af(prnoon wlth Mrfl E Illa Nei 8on, Chinese, Japanese, and Hindu chil­ American flag. Many other private of Sheridan was able to cut the cost Son Is Born dertake any radical experiments groups niRde pilgrimages to the Mr. and Mrs Glenn Vaughn are per pound of butterfat to 1« cent» a Pearl Sears, Lottie Bowman. Jennie composed of W illard Smith. Glide; lo<,a| prealdent ln charge of th, dren. The Murphy-Moshler quartet at Olla time which will Involve In­ various cemeteries on that day the parents of a 10 pound baby son pound last year. During the sum Edwards and Nellie Helterbrand. A. W Caswell, M yrtle t reek; ( < prograni Assisting her were Mrs. will sing two numbers. creased taxation. During past years ------------------------- born to them at their home In nier when the cows were on the) w ill be Initiated into Iuka circle H ill. Days Creek, and Wesley Mere- Gporgp Van)pr an(, Mrg. Be, chp,der hills providing for the establish number 37. tonight at the regular dlth. Looking Glass. In making up A report on the pageant waa g(ven LEQIQN POST TO HAVE Hprlngfleld Thursday morning, clover the cost was as low as 8 merit of the various schools have MRS. MAY HOSTESS FOR cents a pound. This was raised dur­ semi-monthly meeting of the group 1 during the afternoon. June 3. 1932. been submitted to the voters and ANEAS CLUB MEMBERS MEETING HERE TONIGHT ing the winter when the cows were at the armory. have been approved with large ma­ Aid M eeting Postponed fed In the barn. Odd Fellows Meet Irw in In fa n t Dies Members of the Aneas club were jorities. If we move the University The regular meeting of the The monthly meeting of the i Fined for Poaaasalon The Infant daughter of Mr. and tu Corvallis It will probably only guests nt a no-hoatssa luncheon on The members of Springfield lodge Springfield American Legion poet Ladles Aid of the Methodist church Eugene R. W alker was fined >150 V is it W ith M other Mrs. LeRoy Irwin died at their lie a m atter of time until we will Saturday afternoon at the home of In Eugene Justice court Tuesday which was to have been held Wed ! No. 70, 1. O. O. F. heard a report number 40 will be held at Ihe Com Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor of Port home Wednesdav morning Funeral he moving others elsewhere, he Mrs. L. May near Thurston. Eleven afternoon when he was found guilty nesday was postponed for one week on Grand Lodge front their dele- inunlty hall Thursday evening. A members attended. Mrs. Abbie arrangements are being made by land visited at the home of Mr. said. of possession of 9 pints of beer and because of conflicting meetings In gate. Elmer Findley, at the regular pot luck supper will be served bs- Taylor's mother, Mr«. Clara Taylor, the Poole-Gray Bartholomew chapel He also cited the experience Massie, sister of Mrs. N. W. Emery the city. 1 session of the order lasP night. : fore the business meeting. other liquor equipment. on Memorial day. lu Hprlngfleld. was a guest. Concluded on Page 4) STATEWIDE DRIVE PLAN lllgll F MANY ATTEND H. S. SERVICE NEW SETTLER WORK IS TOLD DISPLAY IS HELD - Girls To Name Best Student LOME PEOPEE WED J O IEIHS