SPRINGKIKl.U SHOPPING NEWS Bargain Day PROSPERITY In the dairy Industry Is built upon many things Increased consumption of dairy products is one of the problems. The best beginning toward solution of this problem Is the more generous use upon the farm and city tables of Lane County of Butter, Milk. Cream and Ice Cream. Alarm Clocks NATIONALLY KNOWN MAKE SPECIALS Special Price Nyal Honey and Horehound Cough Syrup. 50c Nyal Laxacold Tablets 25c Nyal Kleer-A-1 led 50c Atnber-O-Latum Chest Ointment 50c $1.75 Value (4 items) Special for 2 days $1.00 Thatchers Blood and Liver Syrup (regular $1.00) 67c Closing out Diamond Dyes. Package 5c Regular $1.25 Alarm Clocks 89c 95c D A IR Y PRODUCTS Farmer»’ Cream Patronage Solicited. Full Weight and Hone»t Test. WE — PAY — CASH We can Save You Money on Repair of Watches. Clocks^ and Jewelry. Phone • - 7 ED PRIVAT, Jeweler Ketel’s DrugStore 508 Main St. Phone 31 1st. N ati Bank Springfield Springfield > F & A Market Ù o u r WORK Bath Units While in Springfield visit the home of QUALITY BREAD— A fine, modem daylight plant, electrically operated. We bake a loaf for every pocketbook. KEYLESS Chain Pull S p rin g fie ld . O re. T h ir d and M a in Sta. L IG H ltN Kitchen and Q uality B read Springfield Creamery Co. Next Door to Irith-Murphy Grocery IOC SI.59 Quality Meats BEEF Springfield Electric C O O K IE S 2 15c PLUMBINC New Home Bakery that DI LA(E< I L C /A /tz D o z e n fo r PORK Pork Chop 16c Rork Steak 14c Pork Roast 13c Hamburger or Pork Sausage 2 Lbs. 2Sc Swifts Premium. Silver Leaf Lard. 3 POUI^ Package 29 C H A M S _ BACON — LARD and COMPOUNDS The Fifth and Main St. ,i. Springfield N1EL POLLARD PLUMBING Irish-Murphy Co. Amazo Golden 39c 10 POUNDS Feed Dept. Hard Wheat Flour SYRUP 5 lbs. BLUE STEM 69c 49 POUND BAG EGG PRODUCER $1.05 W ITH COD LIVER OIL WHOLE WHEAT Bliss Coffee Dutch Toast VACUUM PACKED 2 PKGS. 1 POUND TINS 25c Grape Nut Flakes 15c $1.60 85c 10 POUNDS WHEAT 39c RECLEANED $3.90 100 POUNDS SWEETENED GROUND 15c Lemons Oranges NICE SRE. DOZEN 15C DOZEN OR Honey Made Grahams 2 POUND BOX 25c 25c 100 POUND SACK SWANS DOWN FRESH ROASTED Cake Flour Peanuts 9c POUND 3 POUNDS 25c Kerr Jellies ASSORTED FLAVORS 10c NATIONAL BISCUIT Snowflake Crackers Chocolate 1 POUND CAN 100 POUND SACK 80 POUND SACK Pure Cane Sugar Springfield Oregon AND MILK MILL RUN 3 PACKAGES 25c • 17c 12 Sc 9c All Steaks Pot Roasts Beef Boil Crescent Baking $1.30 Powder FLY SPRAY 1 POUND TINS IN BULK, GALLON 25c 90c Kerr’s Hot Cake FLOUR 9 POUND BAG 39c Try Springfield “Maid-O-Cream Butter” and Springfield “Quality” Bread. We Sell and Recommend Both of Them. ALL MERCHANTS GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION. 23c 10 BARS W HITE WONDER SOAP 25c M c K enzie blend FLOUR 49 POUND SACK 89c Italian Prunes 5 POUNDS 19c