S P R IN O riE M ) SHOPPING N gW B Q u a lit y Foods a t . . . SAVE/ LOW ER F ourth and Maln S tre e ts -at- SAVE/ Hoffman’s Variety Dept. Store P R IC E S 50 W hite Y our H om e T o w n M erchant Builds Y our C o m m unity It I h the Home-town Merchant, folks, win. builds the community Who makcsJt a better place In which to live. It I h the man In Business who pays taxes, contributes to charity, supports the Chamber of Com­ merce. who keeps the town going. T he H om e-ow ned. H om e-operated S to re h as your best Interests at h ea rt, because your best Interests are its best Interests. - - - _______________Springfield o n e Dozen Spools Sewing Thread 39c o L nrt . s None sold to dealers. Limit One Dozen While 50 dozen last. 5c Sale of plain w hite Envelopes, 25 in package, 10c value 25 o r tio W att Light Bulbs, retails at 20C Limit of 3 to Customer O ur ,Price 10c i )R k - Ba«’*»- T h e W h ite F ront G rocery I h proud to have been among the Home-owned Institutions Which is a Quality Grocery. The Store o f a Thousand Bargains WE INVITE YOU TO OUR NEW LOCATION — 427 MAIN STREET. a Highest Prices Paid for Your Produce. Pen-Jell for Jams and Jelly I'kgs. 25c OBST True-Jell, assorted flavors, Package ................. 5c WHEATIES I Puckitge 1 P ack ag e 2 FOR * 15c 10 Bars White Wonder Soap 25c Chlorax, Qt. 15c 10 Bars Bob White Soap 25c Bird Seed, Hi oz. 10c Brief Beef, 7 oz. Net. Glass Jars .......................... 1c - 16C Swift A Co. CRESCENT SHORTENING Sunbeam Hard Water Cocoa TOILET SOAP 1 Cake ..................... 10c 1 Cake ....... 1° Cups and Saucers IOC Plates IOC Cooking Ware, Heavy Coated, Colored Enamel 1 5 c . 2 0 c and 2 5 C Small Cans o f P a in t IOC MIRRORS ---- PICTURE FRAMES ---- ART GOODS Quality Candy at Lowest Prices A large and complete stor k of Novelty Goods at the Lowest Prices in Lane county. TURNER’S NOVELTY STORE I. o. O. F. Building BORDENS SLICING AND SPREADING CHEESE PEET’S CRYSTAL W HITE WONDER SOAP 1 Bur Regular Size 25c 1 Hui R e g u la r S i z e 25c lo t al 35c BOTH FOR 23c & Varieties: Brick, Swiss, Ameri­ can, Chateau -- Chateau Pimento. Regular Lb. size, pkg. 20c SPECIAL, 2 pkgB. 29c For your week-end vacation. H. A B. SPANISH OLIVES Look at Our New Line of Pantry Jars of quality merchandise on dis­ play In our windows. 1 Qt. Fluid. 1 lb. ti oz. net SPECIAL 3 9 c Springfield 25c 3 Packages ............ llC 2 FOR 25c S p e c ia l Beautiful Dinner Dishes Bargain Uays special vjniy T h e Springfield N ew s 1 Y ear $1 Save 75c OLD SUBSCRIPTIONS R E N E W E D N E W ONES RECEIVED New Low Prices on Acme Paint OUAtn^ HOUSE PAINT Springfield Bargain Day Specials Friday and Saturday Only COSTS LESS PER JOB PER YfAR HotShots gallon Rapid Dry Enamel Kote $1.50 quart ..........— .......... Large Wash Tubs 69c 50 Ft. of 5a Hose ft2 .4 0 10 Qt. Galvanized Bucket for 1 8 c — 2 - 40 Lbs. Cotton Felted Mattress Interior Gloss Finish ft 1-49 5 4 .9 5 9x12 Duroleum Rug. made by Congoleum 5 2 .9 8 90c quart Unfinished Breakfast Chairs 79c Granite Floor Enamel Two Piece Suite Davenport and Chair in Jacquard Velour Cover. »39® Three Piece <* Bedroom Set, Walnut $24.95 95c quart Regularly $6.95 “Universal” House Paint End Tables $1.95 $1.50 gallon Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT Linseed Oil Springfield, Oregon 90c gallon PLENTY OF PARKING ROOM — NO RESTRICTIONS. 1 8 Tube ATWATER KENT Compact Special at $49.75