S P K IN U F lK l.n SHOPPING NMW8 Specials For Friday and Saturday Recondition Your Car.. A 50c TUBE OF MI-31 TOOTH PASTE ANO A 59c, PINT ItOTTl.K OF MI-31 ANTISEPTH’. BOTH FOB 59C $1.25 PKTROLAGAR. 98 C 69c ............ $1.00 1JSTERINE 75c THEATRICAL COLO CREAM Bargain Days Special $1.25 ALARM CLOCK 5 ROLLS C.OOO QUALITY TISSUE TOILET On AH Makes of Cars 48c 89 C PAPER 2 5 c 33c 50c MI-31 SHAVING CREAM BESIDES TH E ABOVE LISTED ARTICLES. WE HAVE MANY OTHER ITEMS REDUCED IN PRICE FOR FRI­ DAY AND SATURDAY. Friday and Saturday Only We are offering this exceptionally low rate for the service you nee«! in the Spring— to prevent unneces­ sary depreciation of the life of your car. FLANERY’S DRUG STORE It includes— Adjust brakes \ A II l o t r Lubricate chassis, spray springs 1 A ll r O I Tune up motor _ _ „ Clean and adjust spark plugs > ffl* ( |( | Clean and adjust carburetor jets I Clean and adjust distributor points ) Check battery and refill ' Including Check and flush radiator Labor and Material Prices For Friday and Saturday MAY 27 AND 28 INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL OFFER. IT MEANS REAL SAVING •’TH E HOME OF GOOD MEATS. Cor. 4th and Main Sta. Phone 03 New V-8 Ford is Here All First Quality Meats Come in for Demonstration or Phone 49 Pork Roast Anderson Motors, Inc. Veal Roast 12c 14c 14c 8c Beef Roast Beef Steak Pork Chops Veal Chops Pork Steak Veal Stew Hamburger and Pork Sausage, 2 Lbs. for Good Bacon, half or whole, per Lb. Ray W. Nott Springfield 19c 16c 15c 1 2 '¿c 25 c 16c Bring in this advertisem ent. It Is good for 10«; dlsc.u n t on all «ash pur­ chases of 50c or over Saturday, May 28. f THE IDEAL GROCERY m L Springfield’s Only RED & WHITE STORE F re e D eliv ery C .O .D . O rd e rs S o lic ite d ’ PH O N E 4 I I For F riday a n d S aturday, May 27-28 IT TAKES QUALITY. PLUS PRICE. TO MAKE VALUE. WE HAVE BOTH. WHY NOT TRY YOUR HOME TOWN FIRST? FOR EXAMPLE THE FOLLOWING SUPER-BARGAIN SPECIALS Ivory Soap RECULAR 3 FOR 25c PER BAR 5c - Free - 10c P riz e Box o f C a n d y FOR ALL THE KIDDIES. WHEN ACCOMPAN­ Camay Toilet Soap 3 BARS FOR 23c 1 - 10c PEET'S GRANULATED SOAP F-R-E-E! Pork & Beans 16 OUNCE CANS 5c RED AND W HITE HIGHEST POSSIBLE QUALITY 16 OUNCE JAR 14c MAKES DELICIOUS SANDWICHES IED BY THEIR PARENTS. SOME OF THESE BOXES CONTAIN SUCH VALUABLE PRIZES AS, SILK HOSE, RAZOR SETS, BILL FOLDS, NECKWEAR. CHILD S SIL­ VER SETS, ETC. COFFEE RED AND W HITE — 1 LB. BAG 30c BLUE AND WHITE — 1 LB. BAG "KIDDIES, BE SURE TO BRING MOTHER CAMPBELL'S Peanut Butter TO THE STORE." * See Our Red & White Ad. for additional Specials in Friday Evening Register-Guard 23c Ripe Olives 9 OUNCE CANS 12c