SU PPLEM EN T TO SPR IN G FIELD NEWS Springfield Shopping News V O LVM K HPHINOPIKLD. OHUXION. THL'RHDA v T m AY 2«. 1>Z2 NO NO. 1 I Community Bargain Days FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAY 27 and 28 hom e w here we m ay use It over and over. Especially To the People of This Community: TI i I h I k u special Invitation from the Springfield C h am ber of C om m erce and m e r c h a n t^ to atten d B argain Day» In o u r city Friday and S atu rd ay . We are holding th e se B argain Days for th e sole purpose do we feel th at it Is wise to do this w hen you can buy such b arg ain s as are offered In thlB circu lar and receive low prices on ev erything you need In Spring- field at all tim es. .M erchants here are not burdened with high trad«- and to get b e tte r acquainted with everybody ren ts, heavy overhead o r excessive advertising ex­ living In th e ea ste rn part of lam e county. pense In o rd e r to do business. It stan d s to reason the q uality of th eir goods and the fair prices they charge. We think If you becom e b e tte r acq u ain ted with us you will ap p reciate m ore and m ore th is ser- e vice and th e ad v a n ta g es of trad in g In Springfield. You will find a very com plete stock of quality $5 LUCKY NUMBER • O cn Mr. S hopping News E ditor: of b ringing m ore c o u n try jieople into o u r city to We a re proud of the service o u r m e rc h a n ts give, FOR THE I trad e a t th e following places in S pring field: th at they are going to give as m uch or m ore for your m oney th an you can secu re anyw here else. T h ere are no parking re stric tio n s In Springfield. You can com e and stay as long as you like. You can Our su ggestion on how th e Springfield M erchants can serve th e c o u n try people b e tte r Is _____ also purk In front of the sto re you a re trad in g a t and load in your m erchandise w ithout lugging It many« blocks th ro u g h congested city traffic. Nam e m erch an d ise In o u r stores. T he ow ner him self will If you ap p reciate these B argain Hays we are wait on you or be present to see th at you get exactly going to hold m ore of them . We w an t you to get what you w ant. He will also g u a ra n te e everything th e habit of stopping In Springfield — MAY WE you buy to give satisfactio n . In these days with WEIX’OME YOU H ER E FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. m oney not so plentiful a s It w as once upon a tim e It helps th e w hole co m m unity If you buy In hom e- ow ned sto res, w here m ore of the m oney rem ain s at Y ours truly, Address The purpose of this contest is to find out who trades in Sprinsfield and how they can be served better. These coupons will lie placed in a hat and the lucky number drawn will get the $5. Clip out this coupon, fill It out and mail it to the , SHOPPING NEWS EDITOR Springfield. Oregon SPR IN G FIELD CHAM BER OF COMMERCE Bv W. K. B arnell, P resident. SPRINGFIELD SHOPPING DAYS At FULOP’S DEPARTMENT STORE You SA \rE As You NEVER Saved Before 39c $1.00 - $1.50 Men' Dress Shirts, fast color. Broadcloth, beauties for 6 9 c $8.50 Men's Leather Suede Coat, 8 only S 3 .9 8 20c Extra heavy Rockford Sox 10c. or 3 pairs for 25c 29c 50c Boys’ Work Shirts — Special 5 1 .9 8 $3.50 Men's White College Corduroy Pants 75c 25c Men's Rayon Sox. 1 5 c — 6 pairs for 5 2 .9 8 $5.00 Men's Sport or Dress Shoes, your choice 5 1 .9 8 $3.50 Men's Heavy Work Shoes 10c 35c Garden Straw Hats 5 1 .9 8 $4.00 - $5.00 Ladies' Sport or Dress Shoes. Best Makes 19c Men's Shorties Trunk and Lisle Shirt, per garment $1.25 Men's Summer Union Suit. B. V. D. or Knitted with Long Legs 4 9 c 75c Men's Work Shirts, full cut Chambray $1.00 - $1.50 Kayser Pure Silk, Full Fashion Hose, Mesh. Service. Ch|W°" weights. Special for Springfield Shopping Day 7 9 c ‘ 3 Prs- 5 2 .0 0 We’re Telling You The Truth 15c Colored Border Handkerchiefs 50c Ladies' Lisle Vest; 60 in the lot, .......................... ......................... 5 c garment ....................... 1 5 c 39c 25c - 50c Children H alf Hose. Small sites only, to Close, pair ........ 5c 35c Large Cannon Towels 1 5 c — 2 for ........................................... 2 5 c 50c 9-4 Wearwell Sheeting, guaranteed for 3 years hard wear, Yd. 2 9 c 10c Muslin, good weight. 10 yds to a customer. Yd. .................... 5c 25c Fast Color, very high grade Broadcloth in all shades. Yd. 12c 25c Large Cannon Towels 1 0 c — 3 f ° r ............................... — 25C 75c Pure Silk Ladies' Hose for slim legs. Special 39c $1.00 Ball Brand Tennis Shoes, Men and Children Sizes 39C $2.50 Wool Auto Robes. 8 only 5 1 .3 9 $5.00 - $6.00 Ladies' Shoes, sizes 3. 3’ 2, 4, 4' 2 only, to close 5 1 .4 8 Fast Color House Dresses. Latest Patterns and Designs, Special All Blankets Greatly Reduced. W p have been In business here for y ea rs and w e’re going to rem ain in business for years to com e am i m ust retain y o u r confidence! T h erefore, you will find every w ord in this ad. is true. No ex ag g eratio n s! No m is­ s ta te m e n ts! COME, see for yourself! Fulop’s Department Store — Springfield, Oregon NO CHARGES — — _ _ _ CASH ONLY SPR IN G FIELD M ER C H A N TS IN V IT E YOU TO T H IS BARGAIN FESTIVA L.