THE SPRINGFIELD NEW» TIIVItHDAY. MAY 26. 1H32 PA O ! ¡cus Her. Hla 12 62; Gldncy h Hafley Hwlft A Co. ,62 34; Eugene Water I art *0 68; M B. Golden *10 77; Wallace ,11.70; Southern Pacific Price »4.7»; O. B. »laclalr »7.17; Barber Shop Raflnlehod ¡Store *2 10; Haglnaw Cush Store Board ,24.84; Howard Auto Co I ( has. Neel ,7 18; » M. Wicks ,0 68 Co. ,1.30; Walters Bushong Co Joe McCargar (10.7k; Joelah L. The entire Interior of the Whea­ *1.40; Hollier«« (2 47; Krommel *02 46; Postal Telg Co *7 46; J. H 1 DI8T No 34: A. C Miller *1 36; ,6 4 7 ; Eugene Water Board ,104 01; Smith »2.3»; R. L. Jeaklae »t.M; ton and Whitney burher shop haa MAY, 1992 Oakery Me; Ida M Clapper *2 00; Woodard *10 70; C It Wicks ,4 00; B. L. Mathews *21 63; 8eth Hollis Fred Langston M 00; Nw. Frt. Chas. Teeters (7.1k; Art Lawrence been reflnlahed tlila week by Mrs AOVEBTIHING Eugene Morning ¡ Kölkers Groiery S lS .lt; Irish Cash G. Il Pitcher *1103, Donald It *10.74; Leo Tucker »230; Dren Transport Co. ,*.44; Harrell A (10 70; J H Spahr »S.M; W. I. ,14 70; Woodson Bros. Seales »36 90, M. Hlmoaeea «».»•; Ellta Wlnxenrled and Mr. Grace, News *2 70; Guard Publlahlng Co Htore *232 60, Lane Co Chapter A Husband *27 50; Carl Bllrup ,30 00; 1 Carmony ,2 30 John Gilbert *230, Trask R C *78 50; I, Toll *14 25, Hprlng J F McFarland ,35 34; Natron Curl Wnske ,1 1 » ; Geo Waske *11»; »«0 0«: Yellow Fir Lbr Co. ,13.»4; T H Parks »1S.M; W H Lartaser ¡owners. Tim work wu don« by Mr. SI, 40; Springfield News *70 70 Printing t'o. *7.60; Koke-t'hapman | Louis Tucker *1.1»; J. W. Dyer Fred Landston »4 »8; John Trun- »2.3»; Henderson Stewart »7.1»; AHHEHHGR Hiellä C Wilkinson fb-ld Creamery Co. ,30 30; Huskells Muloali (130 00; Agnes O'Brien *130 00; ,30.80; Halls Motor Htore ,81 43; Co »037 88; H. L Hewn, Sheriff.: ,15.68; Equipment *13.16; Union nell »7 48; Lowell Tedford »6 07; C. Grover O Walker «4.7»; l-eoele *00 30; State Ind Acc. Com. *20 70: OR Co *12.82 E Van Osdol ,11*37; Jack Hodges Haldorson »20 36. Elmer Vltue Bertha Neel *80 90; Adelaida I. Car- loin« Co. Chapter A. It C. ,132.10; N O T IC E Union Oil Co *42 34; Pacific llosp (Toe Stationery Co. ,6.26. DIRT No 28: W H Smith 3* 78 «25 54; Curtis Wilson »23 72 Rav 1*3.58; Fred laingston ,3» »2; John liar «65.00; II W Perry *11000; OP P IN A L S E T T L E * 'N T HLACGHTEKED ANIMALS: H ' Truman Smith 3-7. »8; Chas. Poole George »19 28; A E Darla ,2 40; | Trunnell , 5 , 07; Ixiwell Tedford J K McKinney *64 00; L (I Por <504 01; I'urltun Drug Co. *20 76; NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN, ler *00 00- I (). Hlorey (130 00; Pa­ Foshuy A Mason ,30 02 T Watson »0 00; A W. Dery »15 00. «3 »8; Oliver Fosback 3« 00; Wrn Ralph King 32.49; Ben Wilson j ,5 98; O. E Keeler ,1.1»; T It that the (indorsiglieli, administrator cific Tel A Telg Co. »7 26, A tl ,12 4«: Roy Fitch ,13 06; Wood I Keeler »1.19; Ernest Woods »1.1»; CIRCUIT COURT Maybel Black L. G Helterltoe ,84 00; Dr J. A Kyle A Sons »5c. N O T IC I OP H E A R IN G of lb« «alai« of EÌIzabeth L. Ken Pope *108.00; I. B Morris *104 40; *2100; llessle Kauffman ,2100; Flanagan ,22.70. DIHT No. 2»; J. E. Thompson bury A Co. *03 55; Dave McCor­ Fred Brown ,2.38; Wallace Keeler ON P IN A L A C C O U N T nedy, deceased, haa r«nd«r«d and mack »1000; John W Conaway ,2.38; Jess Driscoll »1.1»; W A. SURVEYOR; Pacific Tel A Telg »7 18. NliTICK IH HEREBY GIVEN filed with the County Court of the ii A Mi Muhan *116 20; J I. Ouh Fred Bcldler *23 20; W H Kyle DIHT No. 31: Shell Oil Co «1050; Union OR Co. »883.70; O. McGillls ,2 3»; Harry Keeler »0.7»; That III« undersigned h i ) in I ii 1st ru Hint« of Oregon for the County of lln »108 00, B W Perry »4600; *2100; Edith Baker ,2100 Dvln | c „ »12 66; O B. Rose »7 60; Helen 33300: Oscar Schoubel |7 M ; Chet O. Thorpe »120 74 E. O Palmer W P. Sorensen »26.46; John Hamp­ trig of Hi« ««tut« of Julia H. Lamb, Lane hla final account and that Riley Peity *10000; O. H June D Coaler *21 00, N ettle E fle c k I f Burton »0000 Olive R Cham Southworth |S.#8; ton (13 07; O. R. Co> »16.71; F. M Hugh Price ■I..... used, bai flint her account foi on Huturday the 25th day of June, *104 00; Cresseys (1 3 0 , Jus Lock­ *22.60; A H Herman ,2.00; John herlaln »125 00; Morris Chevrolet 31 »» Bill Kernosky »5 07; E 7. »120 74; Ted George »103.74; O. Brown (16.18: C. O. MrBee »10.96; Harwood ,21 51; C. E Davis *16 73; P Murkusen | B Reid »4 10; Mrs. l-aura Harris Co. »4 15; Bryant Debar *24 73; It 1 tit« final settlem ent of «alti «alale 1032. nt the hour of ten o'clock A erbie *88 00; H ,2 10, Charles Brown *4 10; Dan A' Babb Hardware Co. *1.22; Pew »1 00: Ralph Iw>e ,1.00; Harry Tom Forcum *93 34; Donald Colby Ed Davis ,29 92; Frank Spencer In Ilo County ( ourt for Lane t'oun M. of aald day at the County Court *13000; Thus Hikes *104 80 BOUNTY George Coffin »2 50; Warnock »0 10; Frank H Held Equipment »8 10; McOlntys Serv Hpencer 31.00; Sam Seymour $6 07: •3 59; Frank Jarvis ,111,O’ ; Alvin ,26 92; Chas. M Darling »114«, B. ly. Oregon. und that Katurilay. the l oom In thn Court holla« at Eugene, Archie Parrlah |3.08; John B»ck Wltham ,100.03; C. E. Davis ,20 88; J Mube ,25.12; Rtgeland Dibble 2MI It iluy ol May, 1932. ai I ho Court Oregon, hua been fixed und appoint­ M McMullen *4 00; Albert Hi hues- ,4 10; F G. Havemann ,3 40. Mor­ Stu, ,20 82; Adna II Signor ,4 00; ,4 1 0 4 . Dee MIIL *7 00. Riley Mills A. »24 4«, L. S Porter »3.»«; Henry F Willson *4* 70. Itoom of «ulti Court, In tlia County ed by auld Court ua Ibe day, time elir *2 00; L E Hendrick *4 00; ien Nelson ,3 40; Nellie Frlel *4 50; Elbe L Signor *18 51; V D. Fogle ‘ »3 08; Loui> Wheeler ,6 »7; Ronald MAINTENANCE D. McCormick , I arllle ,«.»«; Walt Kuck (0.M: J. Cuori House, In Eugene at tail und pla< e for Ihe bearing of objec­ W A. Peitit »3 00; J W Webb Boyal W. Wilkinson ,0 10; James ,4 24; Harry Gerlach ,4 24; Wl) Spencer *3 »8; Clarence Sellers *10.00, Equipment ,1600; Jess H. Wilhelm ,5 9 7 ; Matt Dibble 4 00; M Hili nor* n berg *0 00; II Baker »0 10; American I s * llain Gerlach »4.08; M L. High o'clock III 111« forenoon, has been tion« Io auld filial account uml for |( | Jack Cavelt (4 00, Darrell Pilcher Book Co. »10 00; West Pub Co. ,« 3 8 ; J M McCausland *«5 30; I ,5 »7; Ward Bernett ,7 0 « ; Bert Gates ,34.73; Frank Gates ,19.10; . »6 96; J F. Dibble ,6.M ; W. R Bor by aulii Court fixed aa tha time and i Ihe aettlement thereof. All objec-1 Hng ,13 17: Bob Ross (7.H ; Floyd Benedic t Jr. »3 08; Vernon Douglas pisce for bearing objection« there lions must be In writing und filed *000; II F Neu »200; E C. »7 00; Pacific Tel A Telg Co. »7.80; Arthur I.. Roberts *8.0«; P. M ,7 0«; Ross Wheeler ,1 0 0 ; Henry Lawrence Crabtree *7.17; Eel Weg­ I Ross ,7 94; Ray George »13.8»; to, und for final settlem ent of aald with the Clerk of aald Court on or Hlevens (4 00 Arthur Iteed *3 00, M E McDermott »1500; C. ('. Pol .Morse »6,65; Cressey« ,5 50; G. H Tronsen »7 0«; Mr. Barber »7 0«; ner *9 50; Geo. Fisher »23 96, Ro­ ¡Jack Hodges ,13 44; Ralph King bert Stephens *23.90; Geo. Williams M. Sklpworth Waggom-r *7.50; Scott Jackson E H Trunk *2 00. Harvey A. Shin lock ,60 00; II ««tate. E. Davis »103.89; Wllaon *0 06; Clinton »23 9«; L. L Epperson »17.97; Cbf ,102.88; A before -uld day und lime *21.00; Cresseys »2.00; Frank Shep­ *4 75; Frank Hampton ,4.00; State: Harvey F. I.A VERNE I.AMII. Admlnls Duled llila 241b day of May, 1032 glcdccker (4 00 Smith *3.98; Ed Davis *7.98; Frank (orci Crabtree *2.39, Dave Stephens ! Barks »9 98; George T o l CVHE OF POOR: Mrs J C. Ken ard Co. ,10.00 Ind Acc. Com. »15 00; L. M Nick­ Irulrlx of the Kstate of Julia H I. E DANKH. uilmlnlatrator, Spencer »7.1S; Chas M. Darling ,3 60 James Montgomery ,1.49 man »0 98; Kay Worden »3.0»; nedy (200; Mrs M M Hlas *5 00. CORONER; O. O. Vealcli 61.10; e l *12.00; Union Oil Co. ,1000. I.amb. deceased. FRANK A HE PUE. Attorney Albert Schussler ,5 9 « ; J T Vin­ Frank Jarvis »1.7»; K Barrett TAX REBATE Catherine M ,20.31; Cushman A Hill ,16 40 Mrs M J. Beckelt »600; Jesse C. Cha A Beldb-r *1.10; ». V Alli­ I. I,. RAY. Attorney for Estate. for Ibe Katute DIHT. No 32: Mapleton Garage ing ,11.92; W M Patterson ,13.41; »10 3»; Ben Wilson ,32.44; Roy Jene ,5.00; Mrs B A White son *1 10, T O. Short *1 10; A W Furrow ,« 88; J H Lander* *3 IX) (A » —May H 319-M ) Fitch ,81 08; A C. Lake »18.88; (M 2# June 2 0 10 23) ,0 00; C. It Ixiep »8 00; W II Swanson »1.10; A. ('. Spriggs TRAFFIC PATROL: M J »14 05 O H Hawley »14 35; Al Clarence Huffman ,13.41; H. L. John Dyer »4.64; M. L. Fitch N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S rlndel ,13 41; C. Salakle ,2.98 I levar ,0 00; W W Lyons *8 00; *1 10 Jess Lansing *1 00; K K. Thompson ,150 74: Oregon Heed A Wreelér »17 02; Frank Mead »19 12; Ermal Agee »11.96; Amos Wheeler i has. Neet »48.40; R E Hill »25 13; »22.40. Nolle« la b«r«by given that the N O T IC E Bara b W'lgle *8 00; Jesse Tuyloi Mills *100; A B Estock M I) Feed Co »2 50 »5 58; H B £1 Davis i BRIDGE; General Bridge ,33.73; undersigned haa b««n appointed Ex W Harris ,5.58; OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T TREASURER' Pacific Tel A ,5 3 « ; Geo Hawley »997; Ralph Geo w ,8.00; Frank Mason *8 00; Mrs *2 50; J N. Hudspeth ,2.66; Ethel 17.45; W. w. H h I-ogan «eulor of the Eatate of Mary E Isjgan »13.04; Oscar i A C Flnseth »»7.10, J. W. Qgiack- Notice la hereby given that Hlucy Untile Bower *8 00; Mrs. Mury WII- Hudspeth »2.66; C. V. Simon »21 60; Telg Co. »0.70- Koke-Chapman Co. Taylor »3.59; W. L. Phelps »7.9»; . »7.46; 03 i . e n n u r d ' Roush R o u s h enbush A Son ,42.09; A. C. Striker McPherson, deranged, by the muti Cumming«, administrator haa filed hot- *8 00; Forrest Fisher »8.00; Carl R. Baker Film Shop *10.00; *0175; Grace Hchlska *10 00; Ma Lawrence Beers »2.3»; T. R Beers Aiuteeaan Anderson »13 ,13.03; Leonard ,1.85; Eugene Band A Gravel Co. ty Court of l.ane County, Oregon hla report and account In the ca­ It «Ih Hawk *8 00; Mr«. E. C Kull Ardls Hamilton *10.00. bel Palmer *80 00; Valley Printing »4 77; Wm Netz »2 39; H J Mead »2.04; Isaac Ettlnger ,2.04; D L »62.75, Hills Creek Lbr. Co. ,69.60; »2 39; 8 B. Flnegan »2 20; Union Montgomery »2.23; C. R Bailey I All perenna having claims against late of Eugene Cummings, deceaa «8.00: Mrs. N ellie Haling *8 00; CLERK: 8. E Skene ,160.00; L. Co *5 75; Grace Hc hlska ,6 0 0 ; Eu ««lit Eatate are hereby notified to ed. In Ihe County Court of Lane. Nell McDonald *800. Elizabeth P M Bryson *130 00; Eva I. Duck I gene Morning News *1.50; First Oil Co. »24.80 »2.04; Glen Armstrong »2.04; W. H Triangle Lake Garage »4.64; W. P. Sorensen ,4.49; John Hampton DIST No. 33; L S Porter »1« 74; preaenl the earn", properly verified, County, Oregon, which haa set Hai­ Chandler *8 00; Lulu Gaddy *10 00, worth *120.00; Sibyl Westfall | Nat'l Rank »7 00; Donald R. Hus­ E. J. Mabe ,28.17; Henry Carlile Loper »6.89; L. P. Siebent baler »4 35; O E. Coz »5 60; F. M. Brown to the underalgnml at the office ot ti nluy. June 25th, 1032 at 10 o'clock I II Mulkey »10 00; Mr«. Peter A *11000; Grace M L »5.39, Geo. Crick »1 49. A. 8. Pow­ Dawson band *120 56 fr.07; Walt Kuck »5.97; J. H. Wil­ ell ,8.38; C. R Miller ,5.96. Ed. »827; C. O McBee »2.»»; V. D. W i ll" A Well«. 840 W i l l a m e t t e Hl A M Io the County Court room, at K'lig »10 00, C. K Adams ,1000; *12000; Helen Sorensen *100 00, I' 8 LABOR BUREAU; F. I. Ar- helm »11.95, Malt Dibble ,15.55; J. Spores »2 98; C. H Freeby »2.98; Fogle ,14.97 Eugene, Oregon, within alx month« the Court house. Eugene, Oregon, Adds IGemenachnelder ,10.00. Geo­ Ham Allen 810000; M E. McDer­ mltage *50.00 EMERGENCY; Kelly Sullivan froui the date of the flrat public« for final hearing thereon, and any rg - Ravage *10.00; Mrs. It E. Cox mott *106.00; Ethel Thompson WIDOW PENSION: Grace L. F Dibble »5.97; W R Boring C. M. Dempsey ,11.92; Dan Beck­ (Ion of thia notice. objections to »aid Flnul report and *10 00; ..ndrew Erickson *10 00; »85.90; Pally Sylvera ,100.00; Ma Huffman *1000; Mrs E. L Zel- »14.37; Orant Kirk »2.39, Virgie er ,1 1 9 2 ; Frank Peoples »2.98. J. Const. Co »1831.50; D E. Yoran Uute of flrat publication. April account should lie filled or present­ Florence Armstrong »10 00, Grace be| Henry *100 00. Paride Tel A wlck *10 00; Lizzie Adney »10 00; Worden »9 95; Roy Surcamp »7.17; M Allender ,2.98; Leo. Simonsen ,5.00; Harry Gerlach »4.24; Wm. 2h 1032 »1.49; Ermal Agee ,17 88; R P ¡Gerlach ,3 4 » ; Arthur L. Roberta ed at or prior to the time of aald Bennett »10.00; Mrs. Hu-an Hut- T d g So *12 50; Reinke Mfg. Co. Lottie Klrkendall ,1 0 0 0 ; Lillie Rlgenald Dibble »3.49. DIST. No. 36: Eugene Sand A While ,17.88; Alva Swearingen »23 94; Earl Roberts ,12 51; Wm. T E EDWARDS. Executor. hearing. ,10 00; Clara Wahlfeldt tie *10.00; Henry Bolin »10.00; It »I 00, Cr» seys ,11.70; Reming­ Owen WELLS A WELL». Attorney« Dated and flrsl published thia P Becker *10 00; Flora Snyder ton Rand Inc ,7.50; Pacific Coast *1000; Margie Bates *10 00; Golda Gravel Co. »4.05; Peerce Serv Sta. ,17.88; D. J. Wilkinson »17.88; G. E. Wolf ,51.87; C. T Beach »52.06; < A 28 May 6 12 1» 261 Lawrence Beers Henry Holt »64.87; Herman Damon (he 20th duy of May. 1032. «1000; Benjamin Parrish »1000; stam p Wks »4 00; Valley Printing Viola Reed »10.00; Ida Katherln- »6 95; 8. C. Hamden »21 79; Chas. Beers ,17.88; Robert L. Bowers »8 94; STACY CUMMINGS, Admlnls Mrs Hli hard Cook *10.00- E. L -¡ Co. *8 00; Franklin Printing Co Hurtholomy *10 00, Clara Edith Kev »3 28; J M Berkahlre »2 97; ,17.88; H. J Mead »1« 39; Wm Netz »11.54; Ixruls Adems »7.46; Ralph Dickin­ W. F. Holmes ,2 39; A. B. Walcott »8.94; Jesse Barger »1.99; Jack trator Vogt ,10.00; Mollie Gordlneer Phares »10 00; Della Kllnk ,10 0b; »1.82; Koke-Chapman Co. ,40.50; Powell »3.58, Nat Hodges ,32.29; Ralph King »4 98, son »7.45; John Pelxel Jr. »11.1?; WHITTEN SWAFFORD, Attor­ *10.00; Nora Moran »10.00; Viva »3 28; Cha- Mallnda Smith »1000; Mrs James The W illamette Preas »4.76. Hart »3 58; Con Rel ,2.39; Leeter A. B. Davis »4 98; O. Harwood Pete Carter »1.4»; F. J. Damewood ney. 202 Tiffany Bldg Fannie Stnnehocker Gearhart *10 00; Bethany Withrow COUNTY COURT: C P Barnard Miller »10 00; »22.50; H E. Aust »8 »4; R. T. »1000 B 8 Nichols »12 00; Cen­ »2.36. Mrs Martha Plathe »4.00; I »10 00; Lillie Tate »10.00; Jessie Barber »2.39; Geo. L Mast »41.14; ,10.75; Curtis Wilson ,28 31; Frank , Potts »8.94; O W. Conklin »8.94; N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S tral H o ld »12 00; Bertha Blais Pacific Tel A Trig Co »16 70; O. i Well« Nesbitt ,1 0 0 0 ; Flossie Sim- Equipment »73.01; Union Oil Co. Jarvis ,3.59; Ray Worden ,27.81; Ray Vincent »8 94; Ernest Thorn­ Milton Fitch ,55.84; L. Truesdale NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN »14.00; Barbara Stoddard »3983. Edith McKune »1600; E. Crow* »7.45; J. N. Chapman I mona *10 00 DIST. No. 37; Walter Taylor ,17.62; C R Miller »2.3»; J Old­ ton »8.94; Albert Watkins »8.94; lhal the undersigned has been ap­ Frances Shields *15.00; W. I). Calk »4.00; Cresseys »1.60; Equipment | »10 00^ Doris Ruth Green »10.00; ».5.38f; Orrla Golding 99c; Waldo W. ham »19 48; Ben Wilson »10.57; John Lewis »8.94; Delbert Crtat pointed Admlnlatrator of the eatate Ins »15 00; ('. E. Denney »15.00; *12.08; Goodrich Sllvertown Inc Nora Henderson ,15.00; Cora Belle »8 94; Wm. Holland »8.94; Vernon • ■( ( Him.•> d. i eased, by Mabel Gotalmati »20.00; R. C. B h«F *17 ,0 ; Union (Ml Co »20 00 Grove ,15.00; Mary Hay ,15.00; Tavlor »41.89; Ted Prindel »27 90; Roy Fitch »4.99; A. C. Lake »9.42; Albert Flnseth »35 9«; Luther Prin­ Equipment ,178.75 H Furman O e o w ’^ ’VSTRUCT1ON : Sonta- the County Court of lame County, ard »1500; M H Barker »1500; COURT HOUSE: City of Eugene Erma O Fuller »15 00; Daisy Lew del »33 91; Union Oil Co. »14.33. ,7.79; Geo. Mallatt ,2.98; Leonard Oregon. AII persons having claims E D Lowell »15 00; Julius A Grow : »28 01; C. C. Pollock »49.74; J B ellya ,15.00; Mary Papple »15.00; DIST. No. 38: Kenneth Neilsen Waugh »2.23; Frank Myers »2.98; ern Pacific Co »580 66; Ford Nel­ against said eatate are required to »15 00; Mrs Alice O. Allen »16.00; | Robertson »109 74; Eugene Robert Iowa luiura Crump »15 00; Mary »24 24 Chaa Miahler ,2.98; A. Newby son Mill Co. »5.25; Mrs. Ray present them with the proper Mrs Jennie Barnard »15 00, Walter ; son ,74 74; Karl Wetzel ,2 1 0 0 ; Phillips »15.00; Ethel Amanda Thur­ DIST. No. 39: Ross Myers »52.50; »1.49; Derwin Cheshire »7.45; Lawr Thomas »18 75, Equipment »».- vouchers to the undersigned at the Baker »15 00, Lydia A. Hunter i George Burbach »6.00; J. H. Ken­ man »15.00; Metta Barrowcllff law office /if Potter * Bailey. 631- *15 00; A W l’erklns *15 00; J. L. ] nedy »75 00; While Marlall Co. »J5 00 Oda Grant »15 00; Alice E Triangle Lumber Co. »8.8«; Elmer enee Wood ,7.45; Lawrence Smith 623.21; Horris A Morris »3.30; Eu­ Conrete Pipe Co. ,59.80; Pure 32 33 Miner Building. Eugene. Ore­ Kelly »15 00; Minnie O. Sm ith, ,2 0 0 ; Preston A Hales ,4.05; Eu­ Kau »15 00; Faye Elliott ,16.00; Lamb »4.79; A. O. Hopper »14.97; ¡»7.45; J. F Mathews »7.45; J W. gene Iron Culvert A Mfg. Co. »310.92; K. gon, within alx months from the »15 00; Chris V. Tollman »15 00; j gene Water Board ,89.22; Monroe Bertha Benson »17.50; Margaret John Horton »14 91; Harry Robert Huddleston ,7.45; F V. Greer ,5.9«; V. Barrett »117.84; Oscar F. Monroe date of this notice. Edith Hurd ,15 00; Mrs H L. An Calculating Mach ,18.00; Bray Hafley »20 00; Cora A. Miller son »1.19; Ira Starr »4.78; Georgia Milo McCord ,7.45; Walter Moore' »37 50; R. A. Babb Hdwe. Co. »5.96; Gilbert Fox »5 96; Fred DATED this 28th day of April. A der«on »20 00; Netta Hartman Bros »4 50; R A. Babb Hardware »20.00; I^na Cooley ,20.00; Laura Svphers »3.58; Ray Yoeman »6.97 DIST. No. 40: George Jones Higgs ,5.96; A. G. Huddleston »882.83; H. Furman »20.80; Roy D 1032. *20 00, James B Sheasley »20 00; Co. 45c; J W Quackenbush A Son Caswell »20.00; Bertha Ixx-kett Johnson »58.80; C. 1. Gorrte »103.20. I. N HONEY. Admlnlatrator of flood Samailtan Hospital ,25 00;! »10 90 A. O. Bevmer »26 06; Slate ¡»20 00; Dora Alice Boggs »20.00; ,13.17; Albert Morgan »4.39; Bert »5 96; C. W. Haggard »5 96; Geo. J Oldham »106.80; M. L. Fitch the estate of Raleigh C. Roney. Bertha E. Peery »26 00; 9. Winfrey Ind. Accident Com »3 99; L. Toll Jessie M. Palmer »20.00; Bertha E Doughty »2.19; R. C. Cooley »4 39; W. Smith »5.9«; S. C. Baldwin »63.36; Adna H. Signor »54.8»; Elbe Deceased. ■ Peery »20.00; Karen Marte Hosford O G. McDonald »52.31; C. C. Kubll »1.49; J W Duvllle »28.33; A. W. L. Signor ,107.68; L. N. Mathewa *25.00; Lane Co. Chapter A B C : »36 15; Frank Teal »4 50 Lytle »23.43; Orville Tull »5 94; (A 28—May 6-13 19-26) *100 00; Mrs. E. A Kidwell *12.50, DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Pacific ,»20 00; Cora l^>ls Mattison »20.00; ,11.98. DIST No. 41: W. H. Maloy T. J. Willey »13.58; Lee Savage »42.66; E. N. Thompson ,28.34; V. A B Downes »6 00; Mrs O Huff : Tel A Telg Co »14 25; Eugene V ! Ofa Sanders »20 00; Lulu May Berg­ PERRYS D. Fogle »548»; Harry Gerlach N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N »11.98; J. L. Mallette »4.78. »14.71; Bert Duke »27 81; D Jenn »50.88; Wm Gerlach »46.37; M L. tnan ,22.00; Real Shoe Shop ,2 6 0 ; 1 Slattery »100; Gladys F Price man »20 00; Bertha V. Meyer DIST No. 42: G. W. Brabham Departm ent of tha In terio r, Gen­ Charlotte H Stein »15.00; Mrs Alma Lucille Bussear _ 1 . . . ings ,27.28; Jim Klnman ,8.07; H. High ,25.52; Arthur L. Roberta »110 00; Eugene V Slattery »200 00; j »20 00: Batteries, Brake«, Ignition and eral Land O ffice at Roseburg. Ore­ Marie Lewis »2 80; John Frey L a s . Cium ,8 07; J. F. Jaques ,5.40; Jack Western Union »5 31; Koke-Chap- »25 00; Ixittle Moore »25.00: Bertha »39.51; E. F Brabham »^17. Duran Motor W o rk. W h i l l Aligning ,62.89; Earl Roberts ,104.83; Har- gon, May 2nd, 1932. Reynolds »1.49; J. B. Lathrop old Baughman »6 98; Miller Sor­ Walker »25 00; Kathryn C. Nolan Sorensen »14.37; M E. »2 00; W J Llrhty »10 00; B. K man Co. 75c. »8.98; Equipment »7.15. NOTICE Is hereby given that Sol Wheeler »15 00; Murk F Fleming »17 46; D. H. Bertosh »15.48; M. C. ensen »152.74; Ralph Peterson Ethel Margaret Doran D1STH1CT SEALER: F. D. An ,2500; PERRYS EU G E N E DIST No. 43: Equipment »23.97. Jaques ,8.04; A. L McKIllop ,4.45; V. Cuddeback o f Eugene, Oregon, ,5 00. Mrs H S Co« »5 00. John »25.00; Jennie Morgan »25 00; Lucy trim ,63.20. $110 00; E. M. Sanborn »111.12; DIST No. 45: A. R. Tolman 725 Oak Straat Phon« 707 who on June 13th, 1929, uinde Bowers »8 00; Mrs. C B Christian EMERGENCY: The Brund Saw C. Robbins »25.00; Mary A Hubb» ,52.69; L. Hausman »7.17; C. O. Chas. Evans ,3.34; L. C. Cartwright Wm. Sanborn »111.12; R. A. Yeo­ Homestead entry. Serial No »185*3, son »15 00; Margaret E Morrla 90c; ; Shop ,2.50; J. M. McCausland »25.00; ,3.34; Retgh Smith ,6.24; D. B man »3.49; F M. Brown »30.72: Hazel Margaret Allen for NE% SW \4 and NW Ii 9B%, Mrs E W. Shelby »3.00; N. A. »8.08; G. H. Waggoner »7.00; Ralph »25.00 Melvia V. Thomason »25.00; Kemper »2.39; J. F. W ells »2.39. Warren ,11.64; H. Mills ,12.34. A O Pope »10.40; Giles Fowler DIST. No. 55: Virgil Clover Section 35. Township 17 S, Range Ilowe *18 00; Mrs. Luella Bristow Schultz ,3 00 EMERGENCY: Ore State High­ »25.13; Lloyd Fisk »39.80; J. J. Por­ Minnie Wheelar »25.00; Ara E »11.95; S. J Goddard »28 74; B F. Security Saving» and Loan 1 W. W illamette Meridian, has filed »15 00; Frank Deming »3.00; Mrs. way Co. 30c; Chas. C. Conner ELECTION O. O. Veutch »39 80; Franklin »25.00; Mabel Gott »30.00: notice of Intention to make final A E. Erickson »20 00; Mrs. Zelma Walter Price Inc. ,1 0 2 0 ; Adeline Kinsev Lou Burch »35.00; Rose K. Mlnney »21.54; Virgil Clover »7.17; »15.00; James Tedford »103.74; ter »31.84; J. D. Nichols »38.80; Association < Porter *35 82; throu year Proof, to establish claim Groom »8 00; J. R Hendricks I tla y e ,1 70; C H. Sedgwick ,6 SO; Powell »35.00; Flossie Simmons B F Mlnney »10.77; Equipment Equipment. ,84.00; Lowell Tedford le o i ra j 3g g l . 1 89' D. Sweartnger (12.93; V. DIST. No. 3. Standard Oil Co. Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN | M Mallatl *4 00; Mrs Elaine Lewis Natron Printing Co. »97 00 Va. »2 75; Booth Kelly Lbr Co. »2.40; Will Chase »20.31; W. A. Petit tieer »8.94; Guy Ross »8.94; B J. Shirley »17 90; O. C. Howard John Hubhard »2 40; J. F FIRE PATHOL: Hal E. Haas. Naturopathie Phyalelan Belle Pnltlaon, Melvin Pattison, { f :100; n r W ater W illey »8.94; Clyde Butler »8.94; »12.93; Wm. Gregg »14.92; M. L. Morris Chev, Co »3 40; Ray Staf­ ,19.12: G W Lambert »13.96. Lamaon 96c; ( ottnge ur. w ater Secy of State ,1428.54. DIST No. 69: Graber-Getty» Phono »1-J Frank Pattison, Catherine Patti- System 33.00; A E W heeler 330.00; FRUIT INSPECTOR» C. E. Stew ford »14.95; Art Sunderman »14.34; Hdwe Co. »25.20; A. W. Slemann ¡Otto Perinl »8.94; Earl Land ,15.27; Wallace »93 34; Dick Shick »95.84; Hardy. Waldo «on, Florence Ralph Greer »7.81; James Graham Jack Lemon »31.9«. Lloyd Aw° r*’' Office Hour«: 1 to 6 P. M E. Orouebeck »11.16; R A. Babb art »116.13: State Ind. Acc. Com R. E Hill »28.72; Union Oil Co. »3.00. Mark V Hardy, Alice Pattison. »7.82; C. E. Grable $7.81; Dan Beck $7190- Roy Robertson »11.98; C. 1. »20.26: Fi cher Lumber Co. »47.41. 78c; E J. Loucks »66 14 Hardware Co. »13 10; Williams Sell DIST No. 71: C. A. Davis $6.33; W. C. Neal »7.82; L. L. Woo­ 405 Fourth Street Fleming. Edith Fleming. Robert Serv St »198; Eugene Hardware DIST. No. 6 F. J. Damewood HEALTH OFFICER Mrs. Minnie »23 97: N. E. Buchanan Gorrie »25.33; Bert Kirk »11.95; Warren Fleming. John Pattison. Unknown Co »2.20; Simmons Company »3.27; Scott 75c; Dr. Geo. P Edwards »17 95; W esley Frye »4.78: C. M Surcamp »11.95; H. B. Griffin ley »7.81; Earl Ballew »7.81; Walt »15 98; Jim Dilley »12.9»; F. A. heirs of Robert Pattison, de­ J. McCumber »7.81; Bert Scott Dampwood »14 46; Darwin Dame­ Kathryn Hicks »4 50; Elmer Peterson C. Caswell »3.23; MrMorran A »2 75; Mrs. Moore »15.98; »11.95; Harvey Kirk »11.95; Wiley ceased. Ells McBee. Hazel McBee, O. Washburne 37 60; Lundatrom 32.75; Mrs. Nettle Nell »2 75; Mrs. Grace wood »11.86; Chas. Dodds »2.39; Cox »1195; Bill Carlile »1195; E. $7.82; Elmer Jones »7.81; Clayton $31.07; Bob Stanton »3.98; M. Pet- Universal M ortgage Corp. unknown heirs of J. A McBee. Townsend »8.94; Ward Van Arnam Milton Fitch »34.77; Wm. Brabham $247.84: Oliver Fosback «2.26 E Vincent ,11.95. E. F McBee, Cora C. MrBee. L. Ml Sts Power Co »11.32; N. Scott Dugal $8.94; Carl Buffington »8.19; Hus ersen ---- * Orin Ham- HEALTH SERVICE I,ane Co 59c. DIST No. 76: Lowell Tedford M Bartholomew, II. B. McBee. Jewett »3 40; Mrs Ella Baker Health Unit »737.60 DIST. No. 7. Delbert Cox »3 45; »2.99; Harry Castle »2.39; Fred Fra Frank Bartholomew. J. W Mc­ ,60 00; William Burke *10.00: J. C. INDIGENT SOLDIER: Mr Tho Eugene Sand A- Gravel Co. »19.26; zee »2.39; Roy W. Kennedy »2.39; Penney Co. »1 50; W est Disinfect Bee, Ida McBee. Rose McBee. W . P. Tyson. Agent mas R. Follett »25.00; Mrs. Celia J. W Baker »21.09; Ralph Gilles Equipment $6 00; Rufus Rollins 72c. Ing Co. »10 47; J V. Rich *8 57: John A. Crabtree, also all other Isaac I M- ■sser ,25 00) Hqnrlk Peterson pie »7.18; Foster Harrold »7.18; 12# E 8 t. Phono 5#W DIST. No. 83: Lester Carlile i Huff $8 94. A H Mohr persons or parties unknown, Valley Printing Co. »22 10; »3.00; ¡«10 00; Henry G. Guild »10 00 Rov Comm »7.18; Oscar Hughes Stuman »2.04; M. W Heth »2.04; claiming any right, title, estale Goff *8.00- Clarence Alford INSANE A O Waller »5 00: »718: 8. A Cummins »3.58; Troy «7.96; L. H. Porter »17.97, \ ern $7 45; Clarence Long »7.45; Tom H. L. Johnson »10.43; Geo. Laraon A B. Cochran »2 00; Rev. F. V Hen or Interest In the real estate Luff »7.96: H. L. Luce $ 1.96 ; K. M pogter $8.94; Jesse Crawford «8.94; Dr B. F Scaiefe »5 00; P. J Barlle Mitchell »3 58; Larch Cummins described In the complaint here­ Leipzig *2.75; Amos Yoder »40.00; »500; E L. Zimmerman »5.00; A. »3.58. W H. Spencer »3.58; Clem Hooker $6.97; J. G. Porter »1.99 General Law Practice Whitten »8 94; John Conn «10 98; Ernest Larson »2.04; Fred Branstetter Chapel »150.00; Mrs. in. Defendants. DIST. No. 86: E. P. Saunders $8 94-, o ttis Smith $8.94; Oren Jen Bolin »8.00; H. H. Dickey »10.98; H. Ross »5.00; Harry G Talbot Howell »3.58 ‘. ¡B. B. Cooper »1.49: Geo. Daugherty To Belle Pattison. Florence Hardy John Adair »3 00; E. L. Blood »5.00; E. L. Zimmerman »5.00; Ore I. M. P E T E R S O N kins »8.94; Howard Frleman $8.94; ' »2.04: Earl Stafford »2.04; F. C. DIST. No. 8. C. I. Gorrte »34 77; »4.43. ,10.00; Grays Feed A Seed Store G E N E R A L RO ADS Waldo Hardy, unknown heirs of Ro­ Hugh Doolittle »26 29; N. A. Cob­ Attornsy-at-Law Vernon Harper $8.97. St Bd of Control »784.00. FERRIES: C. J. Colter »175.00. bert l’ottlson. deceased. Ells Mc­ ,4.40; Pioneer Grocery Co »47 54; lenz »2 98; C. R Raymond $2.98;. DIST No 9 Hills Creek Lbr Co JCSTICE COURT: Dan Johnston City Hall Building BRIDGE; A C. Striker »157.24; Darrel Garroutte $2.98; H en ry, ” ,J, Bee. Hazel MrBee. H. B. McBee. Mrs. R. R. Ramsey »1.75; Standard «100 00; Melvin Renfro »3.20; Cllf-1 $(17 86; W D Glaspev »22 14; Auldy OR Co. »18.69; Cottage Gr Fuel Co. Arlo E. Jones »138.60; W. A. Terry' , Rose McBee, unknown heirs of J Springfield. Oregon Twin Oaks Lumber Co. ford Putnam »3 20: Lillie Putnam McCumber $9 58; Sam Vinson »8.76; A E. Janes »22.50; William i A. MrBee. deceased, also all other »12.00 »3 20; Elmer Hutton »3 20; Ethel $2.39; C. A. Townsend $1.19; Eld ,2 7 0;’ L. D. Griggs »2.50; Korn | persons nr parties unknown claim­ Wilkins »3.20; I P Inman »1.10; red Glaspey »1.19: Harley Furman Erhart »2.85; Lewis Lbr. Co. »3.41; Hills Creek Lbr. Co. »156.50; R. A. ing any right, title estate lien or Baking Co. »1954; Puritan Drug Chas. A. Warnock *1.10: Wm. H »12.90; Equipment »22.10. Co »13 90; J W. Qiiackenbush A Interest In the real estate described F R A N K A. DE PUE DIST. No. 10: Equipment $59.80; Babb Hdwe Co. »109.79; George A. »8.94; Chas. McCue »8.94; Reuben $17.88; Dean Tennant »8.94; L. A. Schroeder *1.10- J H. McKinley Son »6.53; Elliott Implement A Halton »13.52; Marshals Body & Paschalke »8.94, In the complaint herein. Defend­ Roy England Gilkison »8.94; M Matteson »8.94; A T TO R N E Y A T LAW Si-ed ,15.63; Cresseys 20c; Farm­ ,1.10; Brvant DeBar »1.10: Sophia H Furman »16.08; Rov Johnson, ants. Fender Wks $6 00; Smith A Wat , »4.47; A. L. Chaffee »2.61; Curt Mil- E. M Jackson »17.88; Albert Lar­ Jaeg »4 00; Dale Winn »3 90; J. T 118 84 M I High $13 64 ers Union Store »17.14; Equipment N O T A R Y P U B L IC IN THE NAME OF THE STATE DIST No 11 Earl Haskell $8.39; M«* »5 72; Scherer Motor Co. 90c I ler »9.68; N. Chaffee »12.66; Carl aon »8 94; T. J. Seymour »14.90; M. Eugene Water Board »1.73; Jnlg »4.00: Richard Hildebrand OF OREGON: You are hereby re »4.27; Peerce Service Station »241; Ped­ Hamilton »11.17; R. C. Adams G. Bailey »16.39; Ferris Anderson Sutton Springfield Booth-Kelly Lbr. Co. »140.06; In­ »4 00; l.illle Neville »3.90; II. M T H. Parks »3.59; Union Oil Co erson A Brown ,53.45; Shell Oil »2.23; 8. M. Wicks »17.79; Fred qutred to appear an answer the »7.43. Llrhty »1 10; W. T Hibbard »1.10; Building Oregon Co. ,22.29; G. H. Gazeley »3 50; Lepport »2.23; Ellis Ed wards »2.23; $8 94; Howard Melson »7.46; Geo. complaint filed ngalnat you In the dependent Meat Co »4.40; The Gro M. Johnson »1.10; George McLean DIST. No. 12: Hill- Creek Lbr. above entitled ault within four ceterlu »11.21; John Prey »1.00; »1.10; Arthur W. Morris *1.10: Co. »22 75- Dick Shick »2.39; Lewis Equipment ,166.50; Mldgley Plan­ Arlo Vaughn »2.23; James Humph Crick »16.39, A. L. Douglas »4.49; weeks from the date of the flrat lrlah-Murphy Co. »147.01; Elliott Raniev Rugh *1.10; Edmund L. Parvln »2 39; W. T Rousch »2 39; ing Mill Co. »3.55; Hathaway Motor rey »2.23: O. J. Neet »8 94; Asa Alvin Copeland »8.94; A. O. Lane Mercflntlle Co »18.62; Safeway i Co. 50c: Frank P. Briggs »14.67; Rtilnevault »17.88; Carl Cook »8 94; »16.39: Stephen Brockway »7.46; publication of this summons and If Store »16.31; Petersons Grocery Cline »160: W. C. Sharon »160; Equipment »212.10; K. V. Barrett POOLE - GRAY yon fall to go appear nr nnswer. for ,9 0 7 ; Walter Price Inc. »15.13; John L. Marsh »11.60; Raymond $31.40: Roy Johnson »34.80: C. I. J. Hopkins »6.57; Ed Heacock H. Lawson »8 94; L. J McOIllvrv E. L. Erickson »16.39; Ralph Cook Dan Scerni »8.94; Paur $5.97; Geo. Mallatt ,5 97; R L. $8.94; Chassle Neet »8.94; Sid Crox- »4.47 thereof the plaintiff will take Knight »1.90 Mrs. Myrtle Knight Gorrle »22.00; F. A. Moore »31.20. BARTHOLOMEW | want Grosse »16 39; Howard Park »8.94; Stoneberg »5.97; H. V. Jenkins a decree ngnlnst you quieting Ihe Merwlns General Store »14.57; El­ »190. Dale Knight »190; W. M I dale »8.94; Anderson Renfro »8.94; DIST. No. 13: Gerald B Conner title of the following described real liotts »1.37; Harkins A Son »5.05: Knight »1.90; C. W Currenee »1.90; $9.58; Chas. C. Conner »11.98; »4 78; Joe Owen »4.78; Chat. Gold ¡Earl Drury »8.94; John Fanrie O Harwood »7.46; D. R. 8chmoyer D. H. Henderson »4 00; Frank Dem $13 41; D. V. Dawson «25.33; L. P. $7.62; G W. Lambert $3.95; Ira property; ¡»7.45; Clark Adams »11.67; W. A. Siebenthaler »8.94; H. B. Davis Ing »3.00; Mrs. Helen Bushnell L. E. Stone »1.90; Lueltis W. Bur­ Equipment »71.69. Beginning at the Interaectlon McCarger j Burgess $2.39; W. P. Sorensen I Carter »11.67; A^ Metheny »,9.72; ilarrin gt;» »1T.M; A. Formerly Walker-Poole DIST. No. 14 Joe kett »1.90: Selton Walklev »1.60; of the center of County Road No. »15 00, Charles Brown »2 50; Jeff- George Millard »1.60; M. K Her »39 49; 9. O. Van Scholack »21.56; $97.33; John Hampton $56.70; O. J Jease McBee *8 »8.94; Guy 9 1: _G uZ J Lundström »5 96; J. L. ard »5.90; 547 with the Eaat boundary of ryes Dairy ,6.10; L. D. Huff »4.80; herger »1.60; Wnvne Adams »1.60; Rov Garroutte »21.55; Equipment E. Cox »59.48; F. M Brown »49.76; $8.94; 1. Johnson $7.45; W H b J. C. Camp »5.96; Geo. F. Scott the Northwest one-fourth of Ihe Eugene Fruit Gr. Assn »17.40; F. E Glenn Adams »1.60: Byron Boyle ,19.81. C. O. McBee »60 84; W. K. Striker j mer $11.67. iUOENK—ltth SPRINGFIELD »5 96 F. H. Krallcek »17.88; Jos­ Lamb ,32 26; Willis H. Small Feed »1197; Ira Hyland »11.97; Emery Northeast quarter of Section DIST. No. 16: Equipment »7.20. and Charnelton, 228 Main RIGHT OF WAY: C. L. Starr eph Humphreys »8.04; P esse Stev- »1 90; Ronald W yeoff »190; Rem- Hvland »5.97; Chas. Neet *1.79; V. »1099.80; Twenty-five (251 In Township Co »3044; A. R Sneed »28 55; tngton-Rand Ine. »2.60; Dan John DIST. No. 17: L. W Hunt »70.00; F Goodpasture I "J"” B Ooodpasture, $17 gg. Harry Rnslgn »8.»4; Telephone 723 Phone 02-J Seventeen (17) South of Range Peter P. Colgaurd »3 00; Isaiah "ton »97.25; C. E. Wheaton »2.50; R. C Gleason »9.56; Raymond Pot­ D. Fogle »29.94; Arthur L. Roberts »150.00; Blanch Smith »100; $1.00; John 1 Wa|ter ju rd castle »8.94; M. Bar- Two (2) West of the W illamette Slavter A Sons »10.15; W. A. Tay­ J. T. Miller »5.20; Van Svarverud ter »6 57; Joe Plueard »8 96; J F »2 99; State Ind. Acc. Com. »28.08. F. Smith »100; Jesse D. Horton 11490- John Jorgensen »4.47; Edwin Tullar »1.00; Fred Leppart »1.00; Chas Maur|ce Thorson »7.46; Roy Burt Meridian, running thenco North lor »9318; Broadway Market Inc »11.90; J S. Woodard »29.72 Conklin »15.53; A. L. W illiams,, EQUIPMENT: »157.24; A A. Martin »157.24; R 2.50 chains, thence W est 4 chains »145.87; State Ind. Accident Com. »20 31; Roy Dixon »16.78; Leonard Elmer Mitchell »103.80; J. M Me- „ 9 4 . chag Lorrt | s , 4 ; J E. Hood JUVENILE COURT: John Marsh thence South 2.60 chains, thence »6 80; Woodsons Auto Camp »4.32; »51.99; State Ind Are Com »1.61. Whitman »2 39; B F Pitcher H. Smith »148.24; Ray Worden Causlattd ,11.98. »7 45 John Briggs »8.94; Alfred Wm. Mnddaugh »18.27; Safeway West 4.50 chain« more or less to SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT »15.53; Wilbur Pitcher »43.11; Ho­ »82.18; D. D. Conley »116.74; Earl OILING: Bltumuls Asphalt Sales g priK'gg »7.45; H L. Williams the renter of s r IO road No. 547, Store No. 159 »80.14; Cash A Carry Margaret Cutler »85.00; E. J. Moore ward Norlln »10.76; W.‘ B. Patten Luckey »119.74; S. Renshaw »15.92; Co. »862.40. »4.47; C. Garrison »».70; W. H . thence W esterly nlong the can J C. »12.00; Irish Cash Store No. »28.68; Fred Largston »14 97; Bureau of Labor »10.00; Vern BEACH ROAD: Yellow Fir Lum Mead »13.41; Floyd Keene »6.90; ter of snld Road to Its Intersec 12 $94.84- Owl Emergency Grocery j «27.02: Irma 11. Stroud $90.00; Equipment »36.00. Young »2.00; W A. Terry »48.67; ber Co. »5.76. John Morefleld »10.43; L. L. Walker tlon with the quarter section line »2 91: James Christensen »9.04; Laurence C. Moffitt (243.76; W. E. DIST. No. 19: Clarks Serv Gar­ Geo. Lomax »1.25; Pacific Tel A ,4 47- A. Beresford »4.47; Louis M A R K E T ROADS running North and South Elliott Mercantile Co. $9 98; Ped-J Flnzer A Co. 75c; Pacific Tel A age »6.10; J E. Paddock »8.74; Cro Telg. Co. »9.85; Nw. Frt. Transport arsons Grocery »19.18; Pay’N Takit Telg Co $14.00; Creaaeys 88.35. MAINTENANCE: Claire Parks Garvin »7.45; Fred Johnson »7.4»; through said Section Twenty-five tiers Drug Store »3 30; Western Co. »2.54; Hendershotts Gun Store »41.60; Equipment »1369.18; Albert Rov Howard »5.96; Jack Hansen $88 30; Ol«ons Grocery $49.92; E. | SHERIFF: J. E. Carlile $149.70; (25). thence South on snld quar Lbr Co. »7.52; Nelson Motor Co. 35c; Standard Oil Co. ,45.26; Fen- ter Section line to the Southwest W. Scotts Grocery »16.28; Johnson George Canadnv »124 70; Wm Kls- $5.00; J. F. Neal »11.50; C. T. aughty Mach Co. »36.56; Mark C. E. Nelson »2.16; Eugene Concrete 1 $5 96; A. R. Cox »1.4»; Randolph H Noffslnger »7.47; Halfway Camp ".Inter $99.70; Lloyd Howe »139.74; Pipe Co. »12.15; Eugene Sand A 1 Allen »7.26, Clyde Ellison »4.47; corner of the Northwest one- Bench »3106; J. E Flock »82 33; Sanderson Co. »15.00; Veltum A fourth of the Northeast quarter $2.16; Eugene Farmers Creamery ] Geo. F. Houghton »124.74; E. A. C T. Beach »14.34- John Miller Clow Mfg Co. »1.75; Hathaway Gravel Co. »319.20; R. A. Babb Lee Tucker »7.46; E. Ellison »7.4»; of said Section 25 thence East 20 »50.79; Ideal Grocery »49 19 Wm. Holland »124.74, A. E Hulegaard »5 36; R. C. Kelsay »119; F B Motor Co. »7.28; J. E. H aseltlne A Hdwe. Co »17.27; K. V. Barrett Ed Dowdy »7.45; Haskell Dowdy chains, to the Southeast corner Kyle A Sons Co. »69 77; Eugene «124.74; W. W Edmiston »124.74: Chenoweth »8.52; Claude Hebert Co. »5.34; General Petroleum Corp. »65.00; H. Furman »16.84; Roy »7 46; D. L. Williams »6.90; Robert of the Northwest one fourth of Hospital »120.64; F A A. Market Il W Potter »109 74; Ethel Scott $25.09; Henry Holt »31.18; V. A. »37.68; Carlson Hatton A Hay Johnson »53.80; C. I. Gorrle »24.60; E Lee »187; Ivan Bryant »6.90; the Northeast quarter, and thence »2 95; Mrs. E. O. Campbell »2.79; «90 00; Weltha Trafzer »104.00; Yttnck »7.76; Win. Orr »3.58; A. W. »7 65; Howard-Cooper Corp. »23.37; J. Oldham »21.60; M. L. Fitch Robert Hayes »5M ; A. M. Griffin Smith »8 04; B. E. North to the place of beginning The Grove Ildtfe Co. »1.20; George Pacific Tel A Telg Co. »52.55; Pac Dodson »2.39; Don Klmhal »1.19; We tern Road Machry Co. »65.66; ,16.40; F. A. Moore »25.60; W. H. »8.94- Raymond Ross S M A R T O C TA G O N Winters »».»4; containing 27 acres, more or less Shrull »1.94; Creswell Cash A Carry Const Stamp Wks »1.65; Business W. A. Crispin »4.49; Equipment Nortlllng Parts Co. »34 87; Western Maloy »3 59; J. L. Mallette »2.39 Phillips »8.94; G LA SSES »7 91; llarrets Meat Market »2 65: EeuPm ent Co. $2.50; Carl J John­ Frank P. Briggs »11.64; J. Hopkins h E. Baird »8.94; Oscar Anderson In Lnne County, State of Oregon Auto Supply Co. »2.60; Slmmone »9.00; Miller Sanford Tractor Co. Smart, Inconspicloua frames son »8.00; Douglas Hnrrls »64.00: »1.49, John Matteson »8.94; F. A. and that you and ench of you be Ralnrock Service Sta »3.65; Irish Co. ,19.39; Morris Chevrolet Co. »17 46 Jes Oates »23.96; Frank: »43.82 Union Oil Co. »6 60. • X I < W estfall »8.94; Ernest Collier »8 »4; hut blend harmoniously with Oates »9 57; Lawrence Crabtree decreed to have no right, title, es Self Serv. No. 14 »38.07: Irish Cash t co D Sem »7100; H. L. Bown »4.68; Twin Oaks Lbr Co. ,211.95; DIS^. No. 21: E. Mahr »7.16; A. »7.60; Northwest Cities Gai Co. Ed Davis 815.96; Prank i Hobart Campbell »6 90; John Cana- late, Hen or Interest In or to said Store »93.20; Smith A Short »46.67; modern apparel. Let us show R. A Babb Hardware Co. »56.68; »4.78; Umphrey A Mackln »32.99; J. M »3.41; Carl R Baker »8.80; The E Tennis »21.45; Donald Tennis The Brund Saw Shop 50c; Austin- Spencer »14.36; John Dicks »7.17; day »5.02; A. J. Reams »11.86; Ben premises or any part thereof. »1195; D. M Perry $9.56; Lewis you these new glasses . . . see Ruth »7.17; Chas. M Harrington »23 0«; A. L. Shelton The order directing service of Holland »3 50; Sharps Cash Gro­ WHlamette Press »12.00; J. E Car M Linder »9.56; A. Veder »9.56; Western Rd. Mchry. Co. »51.50; J. Allen liow they beeom • your features L. Austin »10 60 F B McBee »8.68. Cbna. Darling »33.64; Oils summons by the publication cery »1.56; Cushmnn A Hill »18.00; lie »5.80; Cresseys »4.65; Haskells T. H Parks »25.13. D. Adams A C. »113.68; Peerce Ser- DIST No. 22: V. C. Mowreader | vice Station »2.27- Model Grocery | $30.96; ” ome; , AUBtl" | ° ! ’#; t h .H ^ ' ^ v ^ z ^ r h a s Hnron . . . note their comfort. Our thereof Is dated May 12th, 1932. and A R. Heleman »3.77; E. C. Hart Mint Market ,3 1 0 0 ; Crystal Ice lint 8heRon »7d2. has. Hayes directs publication once each week Dairy Route »8.10; Williams A Ott Co. »4.00; M S. Cassili ,4.02; Reids 814.36 Bud Southworth »41.96; F »6.00; Hills Creek Lbr. Co. »7.27; Reisenhuber »2 3»; Edgar W ard nptumetrlsts will advise you man *7t SB: Ralph A Stanley »3.00; Creamery »17.39: James Gardens about your sight without obllja I for four con ecutlve weeks and Frank Saubert »2.45; Shield Gro­ »9 50: Houts Market »12.18; Krem ” d V s T , ' no * 3 23' Frank E. Blair 36cf M S l î p t a n Î n i MÏnkCoG»aLT9Î HoUsapplV»4“78;UEMl M lles'»».30; Tyreil »10.98 E E j «Snklwjd «UM1; Hlie date of the first publication lion. cery »3.00; Oceutnpaugh Bros. Gro­ mel Bakery »19.44; Haskells Oro Elec. Co. »8.70; I Ray Stafford »20.93; Frank Moore I herein Is Mnv 12th. 1932, C. A WINTERMEIER. Attor­ cery »9.33; Geo. Lohman »2.05; ] cerv »18.17: Pioneer Grocery Co. Oregon Mach. Co. »26.08; Miller »111.69; Roy Johnston »41 56; Neal ,2.04; Ira Hy­ “ »L90; DR. ELLA M EA D E ney for Plaintiff. R-ialdence: Johnsons Grocery »6.58; Blairs $61.57; Coe Stationery Co Sanford Tractor Co. »56.93; A ir, Buchanan »31.17; Kenneth Barrett (Concluded on Page 4) . asl. ?tore »3 00; Morris A S o n , Slgmnn-Fell Insurance Co. »36.62; land »4.79; Emery Hyland »2.39; Reduction Sales Co. »41.22; M. E. ¡»41.66; R. E. Hill »26.1»; Warren j O ptom etrist Eugene, Oregon. Vern Huckn »9.58; Henderson Stew »8.02; ACheaon A Sona »4.06; A4k -I W estern Union Telg C < »4.22; 41 West 8th Eugene (M 13 1»-23—J / Lane County Court Business Directory E d w . G. P r iv a t BONDS Funeral Directors