THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-NINTH YEAH LOCAL MEN WIN AT PRIMARY POLLS ------------- HPHINOFIKLU, LANK COUNTY, OREGON, AJ Looks Happy j I Swarts« Moifitt and Poole Win ' Republican Nomination« by ' Assuring Majorities FOM M STO SHOW ARTICLES Parent-Teacher Association to Sponsor First Annual Achievement Day June 1 ______ Baseball Season A t H.S. Closes THUKHOAY. MAY 26. 1»32 BOSE SHOW DATE SET FOR JURE 8 N o . 20 DIES HERE SUNDAY Large Supply o f Springfield Ball Team Ends Season in Second Position; Annual Parade to Be Held Defeats Roseburg Last This Afternoon at 4:30; Ten Sections Are Listed The I »32 baseball season at the _____ _ ifj J STUDENIS TO HEAR SERMON Three Held in County Jail I ------------- Following Raid Here Tues- 'Rev. Dean Poindexter to De­ day: 960 Bottles Found liver Baccalaureata Sermon at M. E. Church Sunday Nine hundred and twelve hotties Springfield high school wait o fflcl-. Thursday afternoon J U D G E S N O T A N N O U N C E D of beer, fen cases of empty bottles and 4« gallons of mush were found GRADUATES ARE LISTED when the local team defeated the Ion Ihe Zlolkoski farm three miles _ Pryor Defoats Bown for Sher­ New Officers for Parent Body Ro«eb«rg nine in the last encoun- R a ,n a a n d C o ld Weather of) northeast of Springfield Tuesday Paren1® Urged to Attend All- iff and Donald Young Wins Chosen at Final Meeting at 1er of the year by a »core of 14-2 at I Past Week Slows Flowers when state police and county pro- School Picnic at Swimmer'» Itoseburg. I hlbltion officer raided the pre­ Over King as Democrats Intended for Exhibition Lincoln School Friday Delight Park Thursday Springfield ball toaaera under the mises. The beer was found In a pit' Throe Springfield candidates Springfield'« annual Rose Show Plana for an Achievement I Ja y for coaching of Morral May, flniabed j under a hog pen in one part of the Baccalaureate services for tbe 68 were nominated for county office« mem tiers of Pour-H club organlxa the aeaaon In second place Io the to have been held at the Community barn according to one member of »«nlors of Springfield high school In the primary election held Friday. tlona In Springfield to he held at dial rid , being defeated only twice hall thia afternoon and evening, has the raiding party. who will receive diplomas on June They ara P. A. , Torn I Mwarta, re the Communlly hall on Wednesday, both times by Eugene high, winner been po-tpooed until Jane 8, It waa Two cases of beer and nine gal 3. w>ll be held at -the Methodist publican candidate fur »hurlff, announced yesterday by Mrs. Carl June I, were announced yesterday of first position In district play. I Ions of mash were found at the A. church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Laurence (' Moffitt, republican call Cold Games were played with Eugene, Olson, general chairman by Mrs. Pratt Holveraon, chairman | L. Johnson place on Kelly stree t' Etev. Dean C. Poindexter will preach And why ildn t hr gnn, alter dldale for school superintendent; • I winning a lx <* r k i o( drlegatcs in of the I*. T. A. committee, aponxora Itoaeburg, and U. H. 8. In Ibe dis­ weather of the paat week has held Mark M. Peery early day settler ' 1" ’^ U‘* a,ternoon Johnson th *' sermon on the subject. "Rl.t.-i ml lihaa Poole, member of the (hr pinnarin ' Maoschuwtti ----- u —* and I of the event. Derision to hold such trict play. Other games were play­ buck the roses so much that they and businessman of Sprlnqfield ‘° <* t h e j‘« > Horses ' Special musical num 7 lki ,..Snn' ,i “ 2 1“ ’’“ X reuched last Friday after­ rlvw h rrrJ K. Poole dray Bartholomew undertak ed with Lowell, Pleasant Hill, are not ready for exhibition par-, who passed away at hit home " EuKene i “ "Hce court Wed '»c« for the evenlnp's program have 'rntial candidate lit lilt party's . poses. I iir firm, who wax nominated on (he noon at the final meeting of the Thurston and Coburg 1 oesday morning, but denied that h e ’ "ot bo *n announced. I aM~AII> SundayNmornlng. republican ballot for county coro-1 The Ro«e Show parade will be local P.-T. A organisation for the / _ j had the beer for gale. He was sen-! Members of the graduating class aer. ¡held this afternoon at 4:30 o’clock present school year. tenced to 80 days In Jail. I are: aa has been previously announced. Kacb man won over lila nppnii Springfield now baa six Pour-H Mrs. Francis Zlolkoski, her Donald Anderson. Harold Steven­ enta with aubatanllal majorities The classifications for the parade club groups. Their leaders are Mrs. j daughter, Josephine, and two sons, son, Winston Bacus, O rel Steven­ which ahowa considerable strength us outlined by Mra. W O. Burch, I. K Page and Mrs W alter Laxton, i Stanley and Codgel, were all ar- for each over the county. Swarts' I rested and held In connection with son, Claude Campbell, Blane Fisher, cooking clubs: Mrs. (). II Jarrett, | chairman were announced today. I-ela Squires, Carroll Fountain. wllh a total of 3862 volet led hlal Mrs. Kila Lombard and Mias Elinor the larger raid. They pleaded not Participants-In the parade will Maxine Swarts, Lloyd Frese, Emma closest competitor, Julian Htralt, by Smith, sewing clubs, and Mr. guilty In Justice court Wednesday Trlnka. Eldred Glaspey, Geraldine uaaemble on Seventh street at 4 1T m < i votes. Ila ll polled 2084 votes I I morning, but changed their plea Ilolmea, woodcraft. o'clock and be assigned their places Wilkinson, Gene Hamblen, Hasel and Strait 2082 Poole polled 466k' during the afternoon and Mrs. Zio Wilson, Clinton Hartman, Carle Jes- — The Achievement Day la planned Annual Function to be Held In line of march. Judges will view j "The Meanest Man in tha vote, aa compared wllh »783 for the entries and award the ribbons Pioneer Springfield Druggist Iko ki was fined »300, her son, sen, Floyd Koch Vernon Lllea, W il­ World" Draws Record House ua a means of providing townspeo­ at Methodist Church; Com iTarence Hinton, a majority of 873 Stanley, *260, and sentenced to 30 liam Mills. Orval McPherson. Har­ before the parade starts moving Buried at Scio Tuesday; ple an opportunity to see the work plete Program ia Given at H. S. Friday Night Moffitt rerelved a plurality of 69« days In Jail. Mrs. Zlolkoski was « l i ­ old Rasmussen, Louis Rodakowskl, we t on Main street. Judge Rutherford Speaks of the groups and to provide a com votes lie received 3628. Cooper I able to pay the fine and was held Kenneth All traffic on Main street between Saul, Paul Schantol, Graduating seniors at Mprlagfield All available aeullritf npuce wax petitlve exhibition of the work done 3030. and M errill 178(1 votes Mark M. Peery. colorful character in Jail. Seventh and Third streets will be by the club members George Smith stark, Reval high school will be gne«(a Friday Voles polled by each of the oilier I ,ak''" '“ ,d **** “ rrlvals were turned What raiding officers claim to be Sumner, BUI Sword, George That­ routed over other streets during In the early life of Springfield. Is republican candidates for county awa’' «"*»" al 'he Spring All articles made by the groups evening of tbe Junior class at the the parade which will turn north dead He pas-ed away at bis home a cash book was also found at the cher, W illiam Thlenes, Lee Vail. will he shown at Ihe hall and Mlaa annual Junior-senior formal ban offices as are follows: (fie ld high achool auditorium when on Fourth and East on A street to at 506 F street Sunday morning Zlolkoski farm. It records cash re­ Elmer Ware, Randall Withers, Gor­ District attorney W II Brooke I ,h* "«•"•«»r «•»»•‘w presented their Gertrude Skow, Lane eounly bora« quel to I h - held at tbe social rooms ceipts for periods of several days don W rig h t Fifth where the parade will dis­ after a lingering affliction. 3347, Frank II Reid 3085, snd Ell >***• "ThB Meanest Man In the demonstration agent, will Judge the of Ihe Methodist church starting Mr. Peery was born at Scio, Ore-i at a time. It showed the best busi- band All winners of ribbons will Velda Bartholomew, Angela Brat- gene Hlatlery 2214. World' under the direction of John entries and award ribbons. She at 8:3(1 p. m. gon, on July 30. 1888. His parents * ness was done on election day. will also make a short talk during The program for the evening will then circle tbe lust block again tain. Velda Carson, June Danks. Clerk: W H Dillard, 5281, and ° ° “alaa KaOk' were early Oregon pioneers having John Carllle. county prohibition Tbe formation of tbe parade and Herbert W alker 3378. : The Ihreeuct comedy drama j (he program which la to start at 2 be as follows: Welcome by Donald the chairman of each group will crossed the plains to Scio In 1852 officer. Jay C. Simpson and Ser- Evelyn Harris. Edna Haverfleld, dfclock. Girls uf tne clubs will ex­ Hawke for the Junior claas and a Helen Hulett. Irene Jeter, Rublna Commlsatoiier Marvin Drury proved lo be very entertaining and be as follows: Band. Boy Scouts. where they established one of the geant Mulkey, both of the state 3343. Clinton Hurd 3802. and Dentils carried an unusually large num plain their work and will serve response by Lloyd Frese for the Girl Scouts, section A, kiddy cars, f lr it sawmills In that section of the police force, and Lum Anderson, Lawson, Ruth LeVee. Augusta Han­ I m ve lace 1286. her of humorous Incidents which luucheou for visitors during the senior group; solo. Virginia Cbrla- doll buggies, and baby cabs. Mrs. >tate- I city police officer made the raids. son, Mary Ann Louk, Evelyn Lloyd, tle; guitar trio Junior boys; and Elwiua Meacham, Velma Moskop, Surveyor: John W Bean 3590.’ were well received. The entire play afternoon. He married Miss Adda Morris al- ----------------------- — W illis Bertsch and Mrs. H. H. 8ch- Elva Moyer, Eunice McFarland, Other members on the committee an address by vr E. Buell, prin­ and P M Morse 47Ok was very well handled. To wlugle so of Scio, and a daughter of par m c i P f i T r c i T T r u n affenberg; section B. single entr­ ents who crossed the plains abou. DELEGATES ATTEND i Marguerite Newby, Beulah Rich- llcpresenlallves: Earl lllll <014. out Individual players for their In charge of Ibe arrangements are cipal. Senior class officers are: Floyd ants under aix years. Mra. Sneed; 1852, on September 18. 1889 and Charles Huntington 8147, Herman parts would be unfair as each was Mrs. Enoch Stuart and Mrs. W alter » • O. O. F. CONVENTION ' ard“‘,n' a2e‘ Shelley, Floyd McBee, Frese. president; Clinton Hartman, section C, tricycles, toy automo­ Don Wilson, Ralph Clark. l.afky 267». El win A. JMrCornack | chosen tor Ihelr parts with great Laxton. operated a drug store there for sev­ vice-president; W illiam Sword, bile-. toy airplanes. Mrs. Donald Elmer Findley and Asa Peddicord I Final examinations at the high 8402. and Kenneth Nielsen 3210. care and each portrayed their parti- The Parent-Teacher aaaoctatlon Toomb; section D. scooters and de­ eral years before moving the are representing the I. O. O. F. school will be held Tuesday and Alta King was defeated fur the «alar role In a knowing manner Is also making plans for a program secretary; Gordon W right, treas­ corated wagons. Mrs. J. M Larson; Springfield. democratic nomination aa district which would have been difficult to be given al the high school on urer, and Geraldine Wilkinson, so­ section E, ornamental, characteris­ The family moved to Springfield lodge of Springfield at the state Wednesday of next week and the attorney by Donald Youug T h e ir: for another person of a dlfflrent Wednesday. June 1 The program cial promoter. In 1903 where Peery established the convention being held in Eugene annual school picnic will be held tic and artistic groups. Mrs. Holver- Junior officers are: Donald voles were: Young 2824. King »28 ■ lemperment. Thursday at Swimmer's Delight. is to include the three plays or drug store now owned by F. B this week. Mrs. Lee Putman. Mr Hawke, president; Dalton Thur­ son; section F. single entrants over Cal Young polled 3259 votes for Flanery. He sold this business in Alice Doane and Mrs. Estelia Find­ Principal Buell requests that as Moat noticeable about the entire skits taken from the three pro­ six years, Mrs. Bennett; section G, the nomination as county commit i ntertalnment was (he smoothness grams presented at regular P.-T. man, vice-president; Velma Sever­ pe's, Mrs. Laxton; section H. com­ 1919 to the present owner and was ley are the delegates to the Rebe-1 many parents of students as poa- engaged in a number of positions, kidl at-88lons also being held In Bn-( slble attend the picnic. It will be au sloner against 130» for H. A. Rust. wllh which the program was car­ A. mi-etlngs by mothers of the Lin­ son. secretary; Bernadlne McFar­ ics and comic groupa. Mrs. Pugh; until 1929 when he purchased a j * ene- ( all-day outing. Interclass rivalry Cal A 1‘ryor rerelved 1877 votes ried forward from the time the or­ coln. Brattaln and high school stu­ land. treasurer, and Dorothy Mae section 1, bicycles. Mrs. Sherman; Potter, social promoter. drug store in Portland and operated j Many of the Springfield lodge games will be settled during the as compared lo 1788 In the race for chestra had stopped playing for the dents. and Section J. floats, Mrs. Fulop. the nomination aa sheriff. this for almost one year before sell members are attending sessions of afternoon. Brat curtain until It was brought A small admission will be A general classification commit­ The countk vote for slate and down for the finis. ing It and moving back to this city. the convention and the groups from ■ barged and proceeds will be used tee named by Mrs. Burch includes federal position« was recorded as He pien spent gome time traveling Music for Ihe Interlude numbers for a tennis court In this city. RESIDENTS SEE M rs Ketels. Mrs. W. P. Tyson. Mrs. follows: with a line of drug store supplies Parad* Wednesday afternoon. The was well chosen an<) well received. Mrs W. O. Burch waa elected W. C. Rebhan. Mrs. W. O. Burch. • Civic and community affairs elo8lnK sessions for both bodies AKRON EARLY TUESDAY Republican Miss Jeunelte Thompson. tup president of the P.-T. A. for the Mrs. Peters. Mrs Carl Olson, and greatly interested Mr. Peery in the wiU * * held this afternoon, United Stales Senator: Alfred E | ,r waa called buck for an next year at the Friday meeting at Mrs. C. E. Wheaton. Only a few residents of Spring- Clark 1998 Robert O Duncan 323., early days of this city. He served The Misses Hazel the Lincoln school. Other officers field saw the Akron, largest dirigi­ Several Springfield organisations Kenneth (J. arlan 440. Robert N. are planning floats to be entered ' °' SPr‘n«flBld - ’ ^a. PASS OPENING WILL I Wilson and Emma Trlnka sang a named are Mrs W. E. Buell, vice- ble in the world. Tuesday morning Stanfield 1X82. and Frederick Stel years about twenty-two years ago. group of three popular song hits, president, Mrs Jack Sherman, sec­ START. JUNE 6, REPORT as It passed over W illam ette street wer 4674 $500 in Prizes Offered to Win­ ia that division of the parade. Surviving' Mr. Peery Is his widow. I and the Jaxt orchestra played many retary; anil Mr«. Fred Ixiuk. Ireas in Eugene at 3:30 a. m. The few Hcpresentallve In Congress: W I numbers. Adda Peery; one son. Dr. Harold ning County for Best Effort Two rotary snow plows will start Springfield people who saw the urer. SAME CORNER SCENE C. Hawley 2883. Emmett Howard ( Peery, Eugene; one daughter, Mrs. in Beautifying Highway work opening the McKenzie pass mammoth airship saw only what Mothers of students In the eighth 161». C. C. Hulet 1482. and James ; A few pauses of uncertainty on OF TWO ACCIDENTS PauI B Smith. Portland; two sis­ on Monday. June 6, It was an­ seemed to be a phartom shadow grade hud the best representation I the parts of the players were de­ W Mott, 3076 ters, Mrs. Effie South and Mrs. : nounced yesterday by Raymond ( which passed over Skinner's Butte Eugene, Ore., May 28— (Special) tected from the audience, and most at the mcvtjhg and the class was Secretary of State Hat K H obs Two more acldents were added Wayne Davenport, and three broth­ Walsh, resident maintenance en | on its way to Portland. —State-wlde Interest shown In the of the speakers talked too rapidly. awarded the attendance pennant. 6082 and George A Palmiter 2878 dedication of the monument to Sam to the list already reported at the ers. Robert E.. Rex. and Roy, all of gineer with headquarters In Eu­ This latter was the mo t annoying The large dirigible left its tem­ Stale treasurer: Rufus C. Hoi H ill has also greatly Increased the intersection of North Fifth street Scio; and one grandchild. Jean Cox gene.. Plows will start work on the fault of the cast and wns due pro porary mooring mast at Sunnyvale, man 6796 and Mill Sherplnx 2286 of Portland. and the Mohawk road during the Interest In the Sam H ill contest for , Mount Hood loop drive the same California Monday morning pro­ ! hably to the Individual speeches Attorney General: Earl Bronaugh Graveside funeral services were ,jay the beautification of the Pacific past week. The first was Suturday which were often quite lengthy. ceeding up the coa t to Florence Jr. 2803 and I. H. Van Winkle officials of the state highway Highway, It Is declared here by nlght when E. Durfllng of Eugene held at Franklin Butte cemetery and then turning Inland to visit Eu­ Settings for Ihe final act. a gar­ 6318 Mrs. Jesse M. Honeyman, chairman struck another car belonging to E. near Scio Tuesday afternoon at Î ( dep3rtn pnt es, imate that the COBt gene and other inland citlteR on its den scene, outside Ihe door of the j Democratic of the roadside beautification com­ H Haley while driving south arross o clock. Judge Rutherford of Cor of operating thep lows on both sides way to Portland. Seattle and the I'nlled States Senator: Marshall Clark home was a beautiful piece1 vallis gave the eulogy. mittee of the Oregon Federation of the highway. of the pass will be *100 daily and Puget Sound country where It N. Dana 1070. W alter B. Gleason of work Poole-Gray-Bartholomew Garden Clubs. ■ hapei ,jja( |t wm reqUjre (Wo to Monday afternoon James Perron, turned around and proceeded South 1108 and Ellon Watkins 1220 The players and Ihelr roles were: The monument was dedicated route 2. Eugene, was driving West In Springfield had charge of the cut through the deep drifts. along the coast, reaching the Cali­ Public Invited to Visit Display Bart Nash, played by Reval Sum , Hepresentallve In Congress W il­ May 13 near Crown Point on the on the Mohawk road when his car funeral arrangements. fornia base Wednesday morning. of Industrial and Home liam Delxell 1480 and Harvey G. ner; K ilty Crockett. June Danks: Pacific Highway, and at this time was struck by one driven by Mrs. TRANSIENT HURTS FOOT Starkweather 1880 Richard Clarke, Winston Barus; Arts at 134 Fifth Street tribute to Mr. H ill was paid by G ot Edith M«>ecn attending a convention of Rex- llay from Ihe Pacific Christian hoa­ committee In charge of the arrange­ supper was held at Egglmann’s fol­ In tbe McKInnls block on Main the leadership of Rev. Dean Poin­ day by taking trips to the moun- two-door sedan and is painted all druggists. He had been In Port- green. i land since Sunday. tains or beaches. ments. dexter. pltal. street near Second. lowing tha bnslneaa meeting. CONTINUE BALLOT CHECK M IS S S K O W TO BE JU D G E JUNIOR-SENIOR I BANQUET FRIDAY SENIOR PLAY IS WELL RECEIVED NIUE H U E S IN SCHOOL EXHIBIT TO OPEN TODAY EARLY RESIDENT PASSES SUNDAY