PAO K FOUR THURSDAY. MAY 1». 1932 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS J Exposition." and from what George PRICES CUT FOR Drama Students PAGEANT PARTS New Education Plan Program Plan Explained TAKEN BY MANY ELECTION CARO -------- xzj J K ....... .. *o he worth kg P " " anybody's lim e to visit One In te ie iiln g feature will he BflflTT I f l n i l P m AT M A l> U la U IlS rll Hr |f|U i l l | I | (lU uLU Ul Í ,a a » axaw v a a l i v i n Ile ( a«s,‘*l over a veto "Aci iirdingly conferencva were held wlth (he presldent and bis cabinet advlsor» I» Kspreasnlallves lluwley. Mlium,l and olliers, and thè oppoaltion lliere slleuced or modi (teli Mi lluwley Intioiluceil Ihe lilll, It wus rrferred tu Hepresrnta live Wiltnotl'a Cominlttee ou Public I.amia Mr. tlawley and Mr. Hlnnotl willi Oregon aitisene internateti lu thè leglslntlon liumediutely contact ed meni ber» of Ilio House to se im i' suppuri of (Ile tneasur» wIteli it carne lo a vote (bere Mr. Sin noli had thè mailer fuvorably re ported by bla commi II e« to thè limine and aa clialrtnan of tlie coiu nillleo vallanti), supporteli bla re­ por, on tlie flnor of (he House and wltli Mr lluwley secured sufflclent suppuri to lai«» Il by ihe House aud «end It to thè Senute, where It wus substltuted for Ibe Stanfleld messore, pnssed thè Sellate, and he caute a law by thè approvai of Presldent Coolldge." a group of Lincoln buildings. dupll vsl'us Ihe Kentucky log cabin In which Lincoln «« born, lit,- hull Class of Mrs. Yarnell and Mu­ State Boatd Outlines O ffer­ i an > cabin In w hich he st ent Ills Wrestling Fan' to Hear Early sicians to Present Program Cast of More That, 50 Towns­ ings at Six Units of System I bovhoial. the store in which he was Hawley Declared Anther of O. on Tuesday Evening for High School Students people Have Roles in W. C. Election Return» Between A C. Land Grant Bill By 1 a partner at New (ktlem, III., Ihe j Roll, d ie Tavern where hia boy T. U. Pageant Tonight Which Counties Profit Falls Friday Evening Expression students of Mrs. Edna Ssdem . May 1» Final allocation, " ■ * I hood sweetheart. Ann Rutledge FPANK DAQKFR Varnell, and other- young people of work In Ihe Oregon s t a l e System Branding primed statement Election night will be bargain live.I and Ihe "Wigwam" III which v r o T K '- n iC K F of the city will he I rc ctit.-d in a MUSIC PROGRAM IS SET of Higher Education has Just been he wus first nomlualed for Ihe made ill behalf of James W Molt, nigh’ for wrest ling («« iim of l.a-e program a, the Methodist church j announced to all of Ihe high schools candidate for congress. us dellher presidency. county announces llerlt Owens, Tuesday evening. May 24. at x Silver Offering to Be Taken of the stale A poster sets on, in THING S ale falsehoods and "Inverted truth." I know a young man who had a I iilwuvs eiijot visiting Chicago. matchmaker for the Eugene Com o’clock under the auspices of the for Work of Temperance (outline form the offerings of the six good j,,b agl Ronald Glover and Claude K In ' whvlhei liter, s celebrating going nil sloner». A thrilling card ha: Missionary society of the church. units of the system at \shland. Cor- He spent money lib, rally while li Organization in District It la the moat anils, uppurlers of Congreeamsn beiti plannsil and arrangement \ silver offering will be taken, pro ----------- valll >, Eugene. I .a Grande. Mon- had it. hut was always unhappy. ion there or not typically Atnericau city we have I \V C llgwley Issued a aluteiiienl More than 6» men. women, and mouth and Portland have been made to announce elec cedis of which go Io the Missiot Now he Is earning barely enough - ret Ihe Impression always lha, italay In regard to the 0, a C. laud body. children of Springfield will unite The poster presents ihe offerings lion returva as they come in be to pat the rent of a cheap room Chicago ,„st know where she a giant, of which thia county receive» The program as prepared by Mrs their efforts this evening a, the of the system In three main dlvls aitd provide a couple of modest goh|g RUrply „„„„ thousands ot dollars In lax money tween (alia during the match. The Yarnell will hc'as follows: Playlet, Methodist church when they pres I Ions—the degree granting school». They point out for the first time meats a -lay, ami he Is happier. w|,,.vt, | don't think any American's beat part of the whole story how The Opening Address. ' five girls; ent the W. C. T. C. pageant. “A the lower division training and the tells me. than «lien he had plant? , ..dmallon can he considered com that Congressman Hawley waa Ihe ever. Is the announcement that tht eading." Patriotic Wedding" according to Springtime." Roberta prepuration for teaching. "I haven't so many THINGS tolplete without a visit In Chicago author of the O. A C. land grant admission will I»* rut in half for i*u,man; monolog. "Polly’s Sur- the program released yesterday by The degree-granting schools are worry about." he said. "I've more long enough to gel the spirit ot the . hill Instead of Heiiator Winnfield this nigh, only. prise Party.” Bessie Cox; reading. Mrs. Wm. G. Hughes The large located at Corvallis. Eugene, and and that Mott had nothing to do time tq, think, to read, to listen to place. The principals on the mat card "Dc Squegee." June Carr; music, -•as, of characters of this temper­ Portland. At Corvallis will be de­ with II. music, to look at pictures, and I've Next year will be the biggest ance production has been recruited gree curricula In agriculture, en for Friday are Pat Mahoney of by the Baptist Junior Chorus. Their statement lu port follows come to the conclusion that the «ear for Chicago since 1893, and Mnnufaiturers of «word» repor, from all walks of life, characters Reading. Katie Penova. or a Sad Couer d'Alene. Idaho, who will meet gineering, and mechanical arts, for­ principal trouble of most petipl« "Senator Robert N Stanfield waa timi business la pretty goial Prie«« everybody who can ought to plan Waiter “Sneeae" Achiu in the two Mistake." Zelxoe Carrol; reading 1 being chosen for their ability to por- estry, home economies, pharmacy active In the support ot this legts are low and mllltary «chools are in these days Is that they've nevei now lo go there then. hour main even,. Tex Porter and Tea Talk.' Mildred Hatnon: read­ ! trav the various roles. and science. At Eugene will be bust learned to get along withoul la,Ion and there Is no attempt In laklng full ndvuulagu of (he situa Cliff Reagan will wrestle in the ing. "Ka-Choo-oo!" Ila Putman. immediately preceding the page | ness administration, fine arts. Jour­ THINGS." this article In statement of fai l lo tlon middleweight class for 45 minutes >ading. Rheumatism Movement an, will he a mixed musical and nalism. law, the school of literature, deprive hint of any credit to which I think my young friend Is righl ure, l.ucile Davis; reading. "A dramatic program which will in languages and arts, physical aduca for the special event. he Is Justly entitled He Introduced (ittle White Donkey with a Little i elude many more participants in tlon and social sciences The school Things are of value only as they i legislation similar to the Hawley are useful to people, but too much ■ White Tail." Edna June Yarnell. addition to those having parts in of medicine Is located at Portland, Visiters Here—Mrs. C. C Hartley hill In (he Senate, but his hill was use of things makes us dependent' Music, Junior Chorus; reading. . the pageant. This will star, at 8 while approved work for admission upon them; we become slaves ot and son. Joe. were guests at the D. adversely reported upon by Ihe See The Closing Exercises of a Coun­ o'clock. to the medical school is offered at B Murphy home Wednesday. They relent of the Interior and did nol the machine. We give so much try School." June Carr; offering, The program will be given as fol­ both Corvallis and Eugene Curri­ were enroute to their home at Ash­ become a law Representative Haw mu ic by Mrs Fenton; reading. lows: Prelude. Mrs. Clara Tuttle cula in nursing education are also thought to many things which are, land. ley Is deliberate and careful at all after all. only toys or means ot The Lady Hildegrade." Ila Put­ Fenton; song. "America." audience. offered under the supervision of the Distributors Announce Eight times and carefully prepares the gratifying our vanity, thut we don't Republican Candidate man: reading. "The Raggedy Man.” .standing; prayer. Mrs. Elixa Nel­ medical school. have time let, for the enduring val­ Cent Price for Springfield way for legislation of Ihe Import Paint« Store Front—The front of Zelxoe Carol; reading. "Nigger son. president of the Springfield W. Low er Division S im ilar • for aiice of this measure He had at his ues that come from thought and re Effective on Tuesday the Henderer Electric shop and the Baby." Roberta Putman; Panto­ ' C. T. V.; vocal duet. Wilfred Cook As to lower division, the poster flection. colleague In the Houae from Ore mime. "Rock of Ages." pantomimed Electric Shoe shop was painted and Norton Pengra; reading. Ida states that unspecialised freshman Retail milk prices In Springfield go,i at the time, the late Nicholas white and trimmed In green this by Bessie Cox and Zelxoe Carol: I Cox: song, junior chorus of the and sophomore work Is offered on took a sharp decline Tuesday morn­ J. Slnuott. who was then Chair­ A L IC E sung by Clarice Fenton. week. Baptist church; address. Maximo essentially the same basis at both Mrs. Alice Liddell Hargreaves. 80 ing when one of the smaller dis- man of the Committee on Public ' Pulido, from the Philippine Is­ Eugene and Corvallis, to provide ECONOMY In administration, years old. Ihe original little Alice trlbutors began delivering milk at Lands of the House There was the lands; clarinet solo. Miriam Rice; a broad foundation of general edu­ for whom Lewis Carroll wrote eight cents a quart All other dis finest co-operation at all limes be reading. Edna June Yarnell, and of­ cation needed by any student. Stu "Alive in Wonderland" seventy trlbu'ors In the city soon followed tween Representative Hawley and EFFICIENCY in performance of fertory'. Mrs. Fenton. dents undecided as to their later years ago. found New York so top- the lead and by noon the prevail : Slnnott on matters affecting the In duties, There is no admission charge for j specialty may thus register on sy-turvy, measured by her English Illg prices were eight and five cents 1 terests of Oregon, and particularly the program, bu, a silver offering either campus. though those who standards, that It reminded her of lor quarts and pints respectively : so In this Instance Knowing the COl'RTESY to each patron CANDIDATE FOR T H E is to be taken. The presentation of! have determined on their major ihe mythical adventures of her flc Eugene milk prices are unchanged opposition of the administration lo the pageant will start immediately i curricula are advised to start where tioual namesake. REPUBLICAN Officials of the Springfield the Stanfield measure. Represents Lan«- County Assessor 1919 1923 after the offering the school of their choice is located. live Hawley and Slnnott first set Next to writing a book that lives| Creamery declared yesterday that N O M IN A TIO N FOR Leading Roles Given Lower division, or the first two about to overcome that opposition, Puld adve Herbert E Walker, Leading characters in this will years' work, is offered on essential­ forever, there must be a great satis­ the reduction of milk prices to a knowing that a veto of the meas­ level below pre-war prices w as, faction in having inspired it. "Alice Eugene, Oregon. be Mrs Nelson, representing the ly the same basis at both Eugene ure by ITealdent Coolidge, should W. C. T. I’, and Mr. Moshier. rep­ and Corvallis for the degree schools in Wonderland" and "Through Ihe made nece sary bv competition and It pass Congress, would undouhled resenting the Anti-Saloon league, as of business administration, fine Looking Gia s" have delighted gen was nol an Indication that coats ot j ly mean Its death, as It could not parents of the bride; an uninvited arts, home economics. Journalism erattons of children and their eld producing and distributing the pro duct had dropped to such a low euest. John Barleycorn. Sam Bar physical education, science, social ers as well. The Reverend Charles Lutwidgc level. OF tholomew; officer. William Cox: 1 sciences and literature, language New low prices for Ice cream and Mr.'. Fenton, pianist. and art. Necessary service courses Dodgson. who wrote these books LANE COUNTY, OREGON The other characters and those In these same fields are provided under the name of "Lewis Carroll." were also announced at the Cream­ taking the parts are: Invited on both campuses for the students was a great mathematician and stu ery recently. Ice cream Is now sell­ Special Low Pricu for the Service Your Ford NEEDS guests; Next Generation. Ethel in the technical and professional dent. He wrote ponderous tomes ing for 29 cents In quart site bricks that nobody hut a mathematician cartons, and for 15 cents lu pints Ruth Fulop and Richard F la n ery sch o o ls. at This Time Been c o n tin u o u s ly in Home. Mrs. KcKlin; Church. Rev I'nder “Preparation for Teach­ can understand and that everybody la,w prices now being offered for W c are tifh -rln g th is e x c e p tio n a lly low rn te fo r th e sch oo l w o rk in O regon Poindexter; School. Ralph Hughes; ing." the poster lists high schpol has forgotten But as long as hu­ cream and a large reduction In the / service you nee,! In tlie S p rin g lo prevent itnneceH- percentage of profit have made the since 1905. Missionary Societies, Mrs Gantz; teacher training as being provided man nature remain what 1, Is. as sa ry d e p re c ia tio n o f th e life o f y o u r Ford. new prices pos Ible A considerable I, has remained from the beginning V M. C. A. Mr. Hollister; Y. W on a parallel basis (or assigned -pe­ T a u g h t in Lane C o u n ty ('. A., lone Rhodes; Mr. and Mrs. d al,ies at both Corvallis and Eu­ of time. ''Alice'1 and her adventures quantity of the Ice cream and local It includes seventeen years, te n years , butter is now being sold In 24 Eu Capital. Mr and Mrs. Tyson; Legis­ gene. At Eugene will be general will be read a t Pleasant H ill and fiv e Adjust four wheel brakes lature. Mr. Potter; Federation of education courses, training for edu- I, seems to me that giving the) gene stores. years a t S a nta C lara. Lubricate chassis, spray springs Low prices for butter are no, only Women' Organixations. Mrs cational administrators, and the world enduring enjoyment Is a Tune up motor Have a lw a y s p ra ctice d econom y. Ketels; Medical Profession. Dr. R training of teachers of literature, greater achievement than solylng local according to the creamery Clean and adjust spark plugs Believe th e C o u n ty U n it S ystem im p ra c tic a l in P- Mortensen; Parent Teacher languages, arts, music, physical the most profound problem In ma- men The condition exists up and Clean and adjust carburetor jets Lane c o u n ty . down the Pacific const and as far Mrs. Lee Putman; Business Man. education, business administration.',hematics. Clean and adjust ignition points W ill supervise th e o ffic e w ith o u t an a ssistan t, east as the Atlantic seaboard. Many Mr Carlton; Peace Relation. Rev the social sciences and approved • • • / Including Check battery and refill people are not able to purchase but ad vertisem en t by F ran k F .C o o p e r. Kenneth Tobias; Labor. Lee Put combination of subjects. At Corval- LAUNDRIES Paid Check and flush radiator Lubor and Material man. lie will be the training ot teachers A friend showed me Ihe other ter now. and In many Middle West­ Philippine Islands. Maximo Pul for the biological and physical set- i day a list of thirty-seven different ern states farmers began feeding DON’T MISS T H IS SPECIAL OFFER. ido; Japan. .Muriel Tyson; China, elites, mateheniatics, agriculture.1 chemicals which are used In the thelr grain to their cows when the IT MEANS REAL SAVING Edna June Yarnell; Holland. Max- home economics, industrial arts, ¡sundry and dry-cleaning Industry grain prices were slashed thinking they would be able to market the ine Valier; Spain. Dorothy Frese; educational and vocational guidance After looking over the list, which This market has been Scotland, Maxine Snodgrass; Tur- and approved combination ot sub-,'an from acetic add to xtnc, 1 biitterfat key. Pearl Nelson; Negros. Roberta Jects. The two-year course In sec-' began to understand why my col- gradually filled and prices have SPR IN G FIELD . OREGON Putman and Ila Ihitman; Red retarial training a, Corvallis com laps, come hack with saw-edges been reduced, says the creamery offlclala. Cross. Edna Haverfield; Girl bined with the usual teacher train- and my shirts full of holes! Scouts, Velma Peddicord and Mar­ Mar-¡¡ng requirements will quality stu­ Another friend showed m,- a new garet Jarrett; Boy Scouts. Lloyd dents for the teaching of secretar­ machine for dry-cleaning which he COUNTY CHAM BER TO Frese and Bobbie Calkins; Navy, ial subjects. believes will revolutionize (hat In- M EET AT FLORENCE Stephen Rice. Elementary teacher training is I dustry. It uses no gasoline or other Nineteenth Amendment. Dorothy provided at Ashland. LaGrande and ! inflammable material, so It can be Florence will be hosts to the Lane Flanery; Columbia. Mrs. Fraed- Monmouth on a comparable basis installed anywhere, and it will County Chamber of Commerce at ricks; Color Bearer. Glen Wood; through two-year curricula leading , | ean a gult o( clothes in fifteen an all day tneetlng Saturday of this REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR i Ushers. Ralph Ericson. Clarence to the state normal school diploma minutes. In London, he told me week. Opening of the coast highway I Caudetl, Ben Adair; Bridesmaids. This entitles graduate to teac h In where he found this machine, you to travel and the Pomona Grange ¡Doris Myers. Miriam Rice. Vernice, elementary schools can drop into a shop, sit In a closed annual picnic are two other events ¡Hawke; Flower Girl. Barbara tp booth while your suit Is being which will bring many visitors to Jane Ketels; Bride, Eighteenth cleaned and pressed, and get nut the coast city. Amendment, Virginia Christie; Several Springfield business men in twenty minutes at a cost of two 27 Years A c tu a l L a w P ra ctice K Yeara lu Ktigene. 'Groom. Loyal Citizen. Richard Pro Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bonney and shillings sixpence (half a crown) have indicated their intention o( chnow. daughter. Shirley Mae. spent Wed- with a fresh, new-looking suit. C o m p e te n t to atlvlm- Ihe c o u n ty in legal n ia tte ra and to attending the County Chamber ot Mrs. Edna Yarnell is directing nesday nigh, at Mrs. Bonney's par p e rs o n a lly c o n d u c t tr ia l o f eases. Considering that cleanliness is Commerce meeting the pageant. j ents home, Mr and Mrs. John quite a modem Idea and soap one Edmiston. They left Thursday fo r |of humanity s most recent In yep A vote fo r a c o m p e te n t m an is a vote fo r econom y. McKenzie Bridge to spend the sum ,,„nB „ |„ aTnazlnK to regttrd th'e mer where Mr. Bonney has employ amount of money WP Hppnd kepp ment In the forest service. , ourRelT„ and our garmenlH cleln The Pleasant Hill grade school Mrs. John Price had her arm land „ a|, Rurprla)nK lhat dosed Wednesday, May 18. with a broken a few days ago by being we are Rt|„ ,.arPlPRR abou, „moktng picnic for the children, parents and Render Lane County Competent Legal Service. struck by a car. chimneys and street dirt and other friends. A program was given in Mrs. Lewis has returned to her th(n|{H whl<.h rlln „p o()r |aunf1rv the morning and a basket dinner at Maintain Respect for Law. Present County School Super­ daughter's. Mrs. George Platt, after b)]|R noon. intendent Issues Statement vlsking several months with rela­ Paid advertisement by Brooke Club, Eunice Hell, ecretary, The annual cleanup day for those 516 Main St. Springfield tives near Portland. in Behalf of Local Man 8OOTH 1737 Walnut Street, Biiftene tnterc ted In the Pleasant HUI cent Mrs. Bertha Herrington from Kin- I saw a letter the other day from etery will be held Thursday, May Support for the candidacy of math Falls Is here visiting her Halllngton Booth, head of the Vol­ 19. The men are to come with tools ¡Laurence C. Moffitt, seeking the daughters, Mrs. William Henson, unteers of America; telling of the to work anil the women will furnish Republican nomination for the coun and Mrs. Hubert Gray. strain under which the people of lunch at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Turel from his organization Is laboring to help ! ty school superintendent position Mrs. Boyd Walker and son of , was increased Wednesday when E. Port Orford spent Monday night the out-of-work and distressed. The Reedsport are visiting with Mr with friends here. J. Moore, present holder of Ihe of­ ' same day I passed by the national and Mrs. C. E. Jordan and family Miss Hazel Edmiston left Tues­ fice issued the followinf statement. Headquarters of the Salvation Mrs. Walker is u niece of Mr. Jor "This is to certify that Laurence day morning for Portland to spend | Army, where his sister, Evangeline dan.t . Moffitt has been Assistant Coun­ a few days with friends and rela- Booth, is leading in the same sort Mr. and Mrs. Adams of Califor­ ty School Superintendent since Nov- tlves there. ; of unselfish effort to help the down- nia visited with the Jamesons this ember, 1930, and has become _ 1 _"1'— ------------------ and out. It struck me, as It has week. thoroughly familiar with the dis SQUIRREL POISONING struck me many times, that the The senior:« of the Pleasant Hill FOR LANE CO UNTY trlcts and the work carried on by T IM E IS EXTEN D ED I that «ny great body of peo- high school had their sneak day the County School Superintendent ------------- j pie In this country come to living Thursday, going to Wlnchfuiter Bay in the office. I consider him well The time by which poisoning up to the teaching of Christ, the for a fishing trip. ‘ qualified for the office, having had squirrels on neglected land must be leaching of selflessness and the Douglas Knbler, who Is attend­ Il am forty-two year-, old. about six years experience In coun ! completed by rodent control super- helping hand, is found In those two ing Monmouth spent the week-end try and city schools and he has visors has been extended from May great organizations. with his parents at Pleasant Hill. made a decided success In handling 16 to June 15, according to County Have practiced law in And to me It Is something to The memers of the Intermediate Lane them In this office and is "on to Agent O. 8. Fletcher. The extension think about that the leaders who Endeavor s«x-lety wen, on a picnic County for twenty years. the ropes.’’ I consider him well of time was made on account of the'are carrying on this work are the and hike up Lost Creek Iasi Sun qualified for the duties of County rainy, backward spring that has d son and daughter of a Jew, "Gen­ day. School Superintendent and while I layed squirrel poisoning work, eral" William Booth, founder of the Hills Creek baseball team was Served three years as deputy do not presume to hand down my During the past week three ad- Salvation Army, who started life as leff’Httîd 9 to 4 by the Redsldes in district attorney. office to my successor, as that dltiongl rodent control supervisors a pawnbroker's apprentice. a game held Sunday at Pleasant would he against the principles or have been appointed by the count) It has always been the case that Hill. suffrage, I do consider him well! court. There are now 88 supervls- great men und women rise from the Plans are under way for the |lf elected, ! expect to personally qualified for the position and the ors serving in 87 school districts crowd by the force of their own Pleasant H ill annual picnic to be supervise and attend to the duties office of School Superintendent of the county. courage and belief In themselves. held ttaturday. June 4. under the )f the office, including; the trial could not be left In any better The county agent states that con- And what makes them great Is auspices of the Pleasant Hill Sun­ if case-, giving efficient and hands." siderlng the weather, the campaign : their ability to lead the crowd to day schtml. Mrs. Beulah Carrothers leconomicai administration. against the grey digger ground higher aims and loftier purposes, Is In charge. Hosts at Party — Mr. and Mrs. squirrels Is progressing well In) » • » Frank Bennett were host«- at their most parts of the county. He urges j CHICAGO Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. Rulers of Low Prices home Saturday for two tables of that all people who have not poison My Chicago friends are getting Chet Olendennlng of the Wlllaken- Paid Adv. by Donald Young. 500. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox. Mr. ed squirrels on their property do so enthusiastic over the World’s Fair zle district are the parents of a 10 1015 WILLAMETTE EUGENE and Mrs. Jess Meats. Mr. and Mrs. at once so as to prevent migration they are going to next year. They pound baby daughter born to them Morris Morton were their guests. ot young squirrels. call it the "Century of Progress at their home FrM ay, May U , 1932 TOI RETAIL PRICES ON MILK DROPS Vote 5 5 X Herbert E. Walker County Clerk Frank F. Cooper County School Superintendent TO JUNE 15th ) A ll F o r $2-00 ANDERSON MOTORS, Inc. N e w L o w P r ic e s W . H. BR O O K E On Acme Paint D istr ic t A tto r n e y Acme House Paint - $3.00 gal. Acorn House Paint - $2.25 gal. ■ ■ ■ MofHitt Is Given O.K. By Moore Upper Willamette Vote 50 X H. W. BROOKE W r ig h t & S o n s Donald Young National Cotton Week Candidate For Democratic Nomination D istrict A tto rn ey I I I .. SALE.. ’ IT Exceptional Values Throughout the Store A A'A The Golden R ule