THURSDAY, MAY IH. H>32 THE HPRINOFIELD NEWS U. OF 0. PLANS SUMMER SESSION Crut«*« to Alaska and Hawaii Included; Cam pus Session S ta rts in Eugene June 20 Sangra Man Hara — Haymond III at Homo— I'. N Lusby I» re drub« of Penerà was a business I ported to I»« Hl at hi» home thin visitor In Springfield on Tu« day. I week. Resident la III— Mr«. Ko»u Mont Jasper Man H ero — Morris Hili» of Ja»p«r was a buslnea visitor In gomery, proprietor of the Spring PAO» THIUK CHARin STORY PEOPLE ARRIVE Objection to National Newt Release from Chicago Made Kthetda Leach of the Harpole dis­ trict Scholarship winners In dem onstratlooa at the Junction City At Daerborn Thursday evening fair, Eldon and Vernon Johnson, the P.-T A. la holding a sale of and Elizabeth Holcomb and Dorio« Boys attending summer popcorn, candy, cake and sand Bailey wtebes. following their regular P. [ »‘ bool on scholarships awarded for T. A. program. A play Is Included outstanding exhibits in corn lit on tbJa program which will close ••>« Bank Corn Shows, Include Bra- tw o years' activity of the P.-T. A *’•* Conley, Camp Creek; Carson here, where It has proved very Adams. Noraton; Glenn Jennings, popular. Dorena. Doris Hanson of River Mrs John McNutt entertained K,>art wH1 at,,,n. W. White of from Philadelphia to Springfield la .inf:, i n Drives to Portland—-Glenn Mar pot such a bud venture even If one _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rnaay fluid» will i»« ottered at th« Marcolh underwent a major oper CALL FOR WARRANTS » l i m i t i e r s e s a lt u t s o f III« Unlvwrslty atlon at the Pacific Christian hos­ tin, profesaor at the Springfield does not have any money, thinks 8 < high school drove Io Portland on I*. Ware, who haa arrived here with Nolle« I» hereby given l h s l j ,’f <,r*«',n ,h l" >**r- according Io pital In Kugene on Monday. Tue»duy evening ».I1..0I lilairlei No I». In Lan» ,h * »»r,,« r“n' announced by Alfred his wife and six children after an Doctor at Medford— Dr. and Mr» eounly. Oregon. will pay al lha of director. Th« two regular It P. Morten»en returned Wedne Spend Day at Spring» Mr. anil eventful two weeks’ Journey across II. « of clerk of »aid ill strict, all w®rka' »•■».Ion« will be held In day from a bualneaa trip to Med Mra. Otto Morton of West Spring he continent: warrnnl, lo end Includine 2171J ,,,,r*land und Eugen» from June 20 ford They drove aoulh on Sunday Held, and Mr and Mra. George An Mr and Mrs. Ware became na­ son, Rosalee Fountain. Emma God ard, Mae Godard are Included in du.ed Mun ii ». 1932 lutere»! . «»»«. ««• J ,,l> followed by a four week«1 deraon of Kugene »peril Sunday at tionally known figure, recently pimi session al Eugen« Tli«»« ur« Ja.par People Here — Mr. and K)lllob when they stopped for three days those taking part. Mis» Hazel De after Muy 21, 1932 In addition Io the crulae» Io Hawaii Mr». L. H. Morehouse of Jasper In Chicago In search of work I-ong Is leader of tbe troop f . F MAKIIKK. Clerk. and Ala«ka. were visitors In »prlugfleld Tue» Go to Monroe— Mrs. II. E G erber with which they might purchaae Mrs. W. C. Thlenes entertained a and daughter. Mi»» Eunice, left on food and gasoline to continue their group of her frlenda at cards on i S. P. RAILROAD OFFERS Th« ari center, where t«ach«r» day. Monday for Monroe where Mia» trip to this city where they would Tuesday afternoon. Three tables MEMORIAL DAY RATES of uri (raining will uauln be a part A l Triangle Lake— Mr au.l Mr» Gerber 1» taking < are of a baby With the Ihrew-day Memorial Hay of Ihe Eugene prog rum. owing to were In play. Mrs. Thlenes served be greeted by relatives. J M l.arson and relative» from which waa very III. holiday period offurlng die Incen­ another special grant from the Car dainty refreshments to her guests **f do not like the kind of public­ Junction City »pent Sunduy after- tive for trip» by Ihouauinlu of Per­ negle Corporation of New York Pur The Cedar Flat school closed last Returns from School— Mlaa Eliza ity we received In Chicago," stated noon at Triangle Ijiko. uun», . ent ä mil« round trip tran», Ih e pa»t Iwo year« Ihe University FYlday. Miss Veda Gray was teach Imth Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mi Ware while discussing his trip. p o rta tim i fa re » will lie placed In of Oregon has been refected a« one N e w p o rt P aop l» H » ro — T h e John Mrs. Win. G. Hughes returned Sat "That's too much like charity. J was, er the past two year». Miss Mar effect for Dial occasion by Houthvrn of the two centers for tiiinmitr work Sweeney family of Newport spent orday from California where she arid still am willing to work and Jorle Grant ot Cedar Flat will teach I'm Iflc company, Il wus announced In art. the other being at Harvard Sunday It. Sprtngflsld visiting wMh | h„ be«ri attending achool for the need to work to support my tbe achool the coming year while her brother. Jay. has been elected today. family.” university. An International author- past term Hut«» of the offer were an ||y mi art. Hr Eugene Gustav Stein We stopped a total of nine days to teach Thurston high school. W alt.rv lll. Psopls Visit— Mrs Portland People V lalt-M r and n the trip In cities to rest the Vida school will close Thursday nounced by Carl Olaon, local agent hot, director of Ihe National School ,.ortland were for Ihe railroad, as May i7.2X.2P . I of Hecorallve Art. Vienna, will give Clinton Trotter and daughter. Mary Mr M ,,rauje, family and to look for some kind of of next week. s pr„1KfMd on M<„,day Blue River school completes ID and 30. with the return limit uu all a course on the psychology of art. ot Weiidllng were visitors In Spring i y|N| | urH work In most of the places where field on Saturday. H. e p n, umonl_ Mra R Cole of stop» were made we did aucceed year Friday tuis week licket» aet at midnight of Monday. Child Clinic Planned June 6 Aa In previous Instane«» Deerhorn school will end with | P.ah Sunday— W K Barnell. II ’»•••>“'•« *• 111 a‘ her home this in finding »ome small Job», be said. The clinical school tor atyplral the low fares will upply on South children, headed by Ur. H. W. D« K Mazey and H. O. IMbblee »pen! w**k w,lb ", u , k of Pneumonia The Journey to the coast was the annual picnic May 24. The forest service is beginning ero Pm lfle s lines In ull parts of Husk, of Oregon, and Hr Grace Per Sunday fl-hlng on the upper WII L, . v„ for O allaa-M Isa Goldie >ade in a large automobile on the weal. e ¡nald. nf University of California at lam ette river. • Smith, teacher of the Wee-day which the only cash outlay during tbe summer’s active work In the I ms Angelea, which haa gained Mie entire trip for repairs amount­ McKenzie Bridge section of the _ . . . ... ’ .. Bible school classes In Springfield ed to lo cents for a burned out light Cascade forest. Fire season began . left Monday for Dalian where ahe held for Ihe fourth time thia sum phy and Marlon Adams drove to -lull) The car la still valuable, but May lfi this year. »III conduct classes. Mlaa Smith mar at Eugene llurlng Ihe flrat two Corvallis Tuesduy evening to at­ I has been staying at the M. J. Mc- Mr. Ware now wants to trade it fo» tend a manager's meeting of the weeks at Kugene there will be a a cow and a borse so the family GENERAL PLUMBING Klln home In Springfield. school of athletic coaching nf the Irish cash stores. can have plenty of milk and a large AND REPAIRING major »porta Attractive programa Flnsl Recitsl Set—The last red ­ garden. 11« Huis and Get My Prices Visit in Corvallis— Mr Mabel ial of piano students of Mrs. Clara have been arranged In many other The family which consists of Mr fields, as well. Including library They and Mrs. Parris left Tuesday Tuttle Fenton, music teacher at the and Mrs. Ware, and their children, DODD MILLER work. bu»lne»s udmlntatration, d ie for Corvallis where they expect to Eugene Bible college, will be given Edith, Tresla. Virginia. Mildred. 415 C St. Springfield. Ph 170 J uilatry. drama, economics. »English, »pend a few days visiting with St the college on Wednesday, even Dorothy and Pete, whoae age» Journalism. Latin, mathematics, mu- friends. j lug, May 25. it was announced to­ rang,- from 10 down to one year are ah', philosophy, physical education, day by Mrs. Fenton. BUY. SELL OR TRADE now living at Firth and "B" streets. State Scholarship Prizes Won physlca. Humane« languages and SHE REDUCED 38 C om e III and see our Hoard Drives to Ashland— Mrs. D. B. Tfley have planted a large garden by Many; O thers Plan to socio logy. Pay Own Way at College We have a targe variety Murphy and her sister. Miss Hattie near the city and Mr. Ware has POUNDS THE SAFE WAY obtained several small Jobs since — - - Mitchell, drove to Ashland Sunday. Birthday P arty H eld— A surprise Lane County Trading Post Many Lane county club members "I have been taking Kruachen Mis» Mitchell will spend some time reaching Springfield. He is a paint­ birthday party and welner roast 713 Willamette— Phon« 156 * nP»nlst wage cut and many more are being premiums at the State Fair, local 728 Oak Street Phone 76/ trix of the «»(ate of Julia » Lamb, s.h en not only cau se, you to lose wbtre ab‘‘ B*‘rV‘‘<1 a" deceased, ha» filed her account foi fat but while you are losing It you Ifor Mta- Douglas of The Oalles. au«l thfown out of employment each (airs, special shows, and scholar­ the final settlem ent of said estate gain In health—In vivaciousneaa— for Mrs. Cooley of Salem In prea- week. ships provided by community or­ In the County Court for l.ane Coun­ you lose fat where fnt la most pro- entation of work in Sundav schools ganizations. and the club members The father of S. P. Ware and ■ z, . . . n •. Security Savings and Loan ty. Oregon, and that Saturday, the mlnent and at the same time keep . u |,aa’- Hoseburg Sam Ware of Springfield are twin them selves. 2Xth day or May. 1»32. at the Court stomach, liver, kidney« and bowels I “ Association Cottage Grove. Hoorn of »aid Court, In the County functioning naturally. brothers. The highest point in a club mem , Court House, In Eugene at ten Any drugstore In Ihe world w ill’ A Local Institution ber’s career is the attendance at Visitors Expected— Mr. and Mrs. o'clock in Ihe forenoon, baa been sell you a Jar of Kruachen for a one of these summer schools, where If, West Broadway by »aid Court fixed as the time and trifling sum—take one-half tea -■ James T. Rlvett of Oakland. Call NEW SWEET CLOVER for two weeks they meet with seven place for hearing objections there spoonful In a glass of hot water fornla. are expected In Springfield EUGENE. OREGON RESISTS STEM ROT to, and for final settlem ent nf said '" a " * ’" ?" P«" "f '»«* month to or eight hundred boys and girls estate meats, potatoes and sw eets. But , . A seven-acre field of sw eet clover from all over the state, studying the horae of bl" "lH,er' Mr" F. LA VERNE LAMB. Admtnls for your health's sake demand and, v,H,t tratrlx of the Estate of Julia S. get Kruschen Salts— Imitations are W. P. Tyson. They will also visit on the Glen Strome farm at Junc­ the projects in which they are in-1 Lamb, deceased. numerous It's the little dally dose J. I. Barbre. Mrs. Rlvett's father. tion City, grown from stem-rot re terested. Definite instruction in al, L. L. HAY, Attorney for Estate. that does It. In Kugene; Mr». Robert Shultz, in slstant seed furnished him last year lines of home economics and agri­ JEW ELER (A 28- May 5 12 19 2«) Springfield, and Mrs. Chas. Dick In by the Oregon Experiment station, culture are given the boys and girls Repairing a Specialty SUMMON8 Kugene. her sisters lutter they ex­ shows an excellent stand, according attending. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Springfield, Oregon Notice 1» hereby given that the IN THE CBUNTY COURT OF THE pect to go to Salem to visit Mr. lo County Agent O. S. Fletcher, who Jasper. Camp Creek Represented STATE OF OREGON. FOR Rlvett's twin brother before re- visited the plant recently. A care­ undersigned ha» been appointed Ex Tho e attending on scholarships LANE COUNTY ecutor of the Estate of Mary E. I turning to California. ful Inspection failed to reveal a from the state fair are Glenn Har­ Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN McPherson, deceased, by the coun­ Creed Lane. Plaintiff. single plant attacked by the stem- wood. Ray Harwood. Junction City; Vs. ! --------------------------- ity Court of Lane County. Oregon. Naturopathie Physician rot disease. Bill Peterson of Junction City; All person» having elnlms against Belle Pattison. Melvin Pattison. ADJUSTMENT BUREAU IS Phono »1-J Frank Pattison. Catherine Patti , ... »aid K»(ale are hereby notified to Russell Harwood. Junction City; •on. Florence Hardy, Waldo i ORGANIZED IN CITY Office Hours: 1 to fi P. M. : pr«aent the »«mr, properly verified. QUICK LUNCH CAFE Folmer Bodtker, Junction City; Hardy. Alice Pattison. Mark |to Ihe undersigned at the office ot «06 Fourth Street Fleming. Edith Fleming. Robert Charter for the Springfield Ad- MOVES TO NEW HOME Cleo Peterson. Junction City; Helen Well» Ar Wells. 840 W illamette St . F I,-tnlng. John Pattison. Unknown Bureau was Issued at Michael. Rt. 2. Eugene; Mabel Eid-: Kugene. Oregon, wllhln six months heirs of Robert Pattison, de I „ , „ ., ... „ from the date of the first publics The Pastime Cafe operated tor son. Eugene; My m a Laird, and c ased, Ella McBee. Hazel McBee , Sal,‘ni Pr,<,aJr ,o W 1 T>"on- lion of this notice. Universal Mortgage Corp. unknown heirs of J. A. McBee, Mabel L. Tyson, and I. M Peterson, many years next door to Fulop's Agnes W allace, Jasper; Blanche Oute of first publication, April E. F McBee. Cora C. Mrlk-e L all of Springfield. The articles of department store has been moved Osborn, River Road; Melba An 128. 1932 M Bartholomew. H B. McBee incorporation were filed Tuesday to the old Elite cafe room and has drews. Bethel; Clara Lund and Mar­ T. K EDWARDS. Executor, Frank Bartholomew. J. W. Me- ... . i u <«» k i WELLS « WELLS, Attorneys. Bee. Ids McBee. Rose McBee. w,,h ,h e <<>un,y *‘lerk Th*‘ com be®n renamed the Quick Lunch, tha Hennigan. River Road; David W . P. Tyson, Agent (A 28- May 5 12 19 2«) John A. Crabtree, also all other'P a "> wil1 <‘»KaKe In a general col-j Mr. a nd Mrs. Cline continue to ba Kyle. Florence. The scholarship 126 E St. Phono 66W persons or parties unknown. - lection and credit business. the proprietors, winner at the Spring Sew Show. C IT A T IO N claiming any right, title, estate INTHE COUNTY COURT OF THE Hen or Interest In the real estate STATE OF OREGON IN AND General 1-aw Practice described In the complaint here FOR THE COUNTY OF LANE. In. Defendants. It,- ESTATE of ANDREW J. I. M. PETERSON To Belle Pattison, Florence Hardy SHERIDAN, deceased. Waldo Hardy, unknown heirs of Ro­ Attorney-at-I-aw To Beecher I. Sheridan. bert Potttson. deceased. Ella Mc­ City Hall Building IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Bee. Hazel McBee, H. B. McBee. Springfield, Oregon OF OltEGON, you ure hereby cited Rose McBee, unknown heirs of J and required to appear within four A. McBee, deceased, also all other week« from this date and show persons or parties unknown claim­ i ause why an order and decree ing any right, title estate Hen or FRANK A. DE PUE ghosM a