THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rW K N TY-N IN TH s i - h i m ; i - n : i , i > i . \ . \ k c o i ' n t y . orfxjon LAUDS M’KENZIE Legion Meeting To Cost $85,000 SAIL SEASON 10 0. S. S100ENI CLOSE FOB US. PLAY IS READY Officers Named 15415865 Lor Girls League I SHOW ABE GIVEN Polling Places, Boards Listed VOEEBS10 NAME HW JTLEM 0B Budget for Big Gathering Marjorie Prochnow to Head Voting Places Remain Un- Capt. mid Mr«. Frank Winch Rend to District Meeting in High School Team Goes to Unusually Witty and Humor­ High School Girls' Organi­ Thirteenth Annual Exhibit o f• changed; Few Changes in | Groat Interest in Campaign Springfield Last Night of Loa Angola» Take 400 Roseburg for Final Baseball zation During Next Year ous Presentation Promised Flower» to be at Community Boards; One Counting Body Aroused by Last Minuts Ef­ Foot of McKenzie Pictures Game This Afternoon by Senior Class Players An 5N5.UOO budget (or the national Hall Thursday. May 26 Election of officer« for the Girin forts of Office Sssksrs No changes have been made In I j American Legion convention at League of Springfield high school Springfield high school baseball SPEAKS AT FISH DINNER Portland In September wan read to the polling places in Springfield | JOHN KNOX _ _ _ IS _ _ DIRECTOR for next year wan held at the MANY ENTRIES WANTED for the primary election Friday, but MANY players will end their league season A3K ELECTION the Willamette council at a meet­ I his afternoon when they go to achool last week. Miss Marjorie Residents Urged to Welcome ing In Springfield Wednesday even Roseburg to play a return game Ticket Sales Indicate Packed Prochnow wim named president. Children’s Parade to be Held ihere have been a few changes In ihe personnel of the election boards ^Ow Candidates W ithout Op- Visitors; Many to Tour Pa­ tna. Commander Fromm of Cottage which they expect to win without House on Friday; Popular Bernadlne McFarland, vlce-presl- During Afternoon; Adults The precinct number, voting place, j position for Republican Drove submitted the budget and ex cific Coast This Summer difficulty. The game has been ud- Music Will be Featured I>K,,a Randgathe. aocretory- to Sponsor Floats number of registered voters and the plained the featurea of the big ‘ vanced one day so that the local Nominations in County ----------- | treasurer; Alya Thatcher, nodal ' election board for each precinct in ! gathering which la expected to Before July I, wore I* mil Plan for the thirteenth annual the city are as follows: When Springfield high atudentn (Promoter; and Marian Shipley, re 1 players will be able to be here foi Friday all Oregon cltlaens who lion people living In vm Tie bring Io Oregon over 100,000 ex aei the annual senior class play at] present their annual clan« play l^’rler. Springfield Rose show to be spon Springfield 1. High achool, 203. are interested in their own welfare of Ihe I'nlteil Stale« wilt > vice men and auxiliary members the school tomorrow night. The "The Meanest Man In the World" The selection of the beat all- sored by members of the Women's lion picture! of n iluy« outli C ' Aman Frank of Portland la chair game had originally been scheduled at the high achool auditorium Frl around girl In the high achool thia Civic Improvement club at the Com Cora M Hinson. Elsie C. Stewart, as well as the welfare of tha stats Olive M Nice, Gertrude It Wilson, and nation will take tkelr pencils man of the '(invention t'onteji'.U. mr Friday. on lh>' McKenzie river oi. day evening May 20. at 8 o'clock year will not be announced until munlty hall Thursday. May 2«, were and Nellie G. Carr. and mark crosaes before the names and B«n Dorris. Springfield, execu hear of lh« unusual sdvsnlsg The local nine took their second, their audience will be treated lo 1 the breakfast which lx given for the completed today. The date has been Springfield 2, City Hall, 2S8. | of the candidates which they wont 'vs officer. fercl both the sightseeing tin advanced one day so as not to In­ one of the moat sparkling comedy-! Senior girls Juat before the close defeat In league play Tuesday after Maude T Bryan. F p. Thurman. ■ to see elected to the various offices. noil the niHUlmoaii was the peon t'he meeting In Springfield was noou when they dropped a game to drama productions to be staged In : of achool. New officers will also be terfere with other meetings. Welby Stevens, Ida C. Adams, and The ballots which they receive which Captain Frank Winch, no tided by delegates from Corval Eugene high achool S-2. The gam e.1 thia city for years, according to Installed at that time. The Rose show this year will be Hattie Myera. when they enter the polling places uger of the sports bureau of lh Ibany. Monr<0>. Cottage Grove. flayed on the fairgrounds In Eu John Douglas Knox, director "The Cm| Rehearses." Girl.' Lea similar to that of other years with Springfield 3. Lincoln building, will be unlike those of other prt- Gilmore (III compauy nt l equipment and staging mater- 8S ret Hack. Marjorie Prochnow dl- Mrs. L. K. Page and Mrs. C. E. don. Elma Halsey. Lena Fraederick. his selection. pent the day flslilnx and laklng Reports of committee at the meet and circled the bases for eight i lal* Have b e « stored In the school reded, Wheaton have been named to han-! and Elizabeth Olson. I Persons registered as a Republl motion plcturea on the McKantle Ina here revealed a multitude of ac runs before the game ended. ,■ library for the past week and are — -------------------- die all registration of Qcwers and Precinct 4 also has a counting ran will receive the Republican river from Blue River to one mile tlvltlra the legion la working at In announce that they will receive board which will start work at one ballot and the non-partisan judici­ This game settled the leadership ou* only ,or ,h*' rehearsals below Bear creek Dr W C. Il eh the various rominunllles They In- of the Hlxth district league giving which hav* been held every night j flowers at 8 o’clock and from then o'clock. The members of this board ary ballot. Democrats will receive ban and Veltle Prultl mantled the . elude child welfare. Boy Hcoul. edu- tlrat place lo Eugene with Spring- this week. until noon at which time the doors ar,‘ Marion Maxey. Bernice Van Val- the Democratic ballot and the judi­ Imata and took their aueata out for cation. Americanisation, cleanup. field trailing second Springfield Is wlll be closed for one hour for the “ h. Mrs. Rachel Thatcher, Alice ciary ballot. Swindle Plot to Ploy their first fishing trip on a river and hospitalisation of veterans. judging and awarding of ribbons. Donne and Bertha M. Rouse. expected Io end the seasuu with The play "The Meanest Man In Both Democratic and Republican tu a boat, Negotiating some of the The display will be open with rib- Polls will be opened at 8 a m voters will find Hats of candidates i lour victories and two defeat«. Eu the World" Is a three-act comedy- rapids provided a great deal of bons attached at one o'clock in the 1 and will be closed at 8 p. m. i gene high will probably defeat U. drama written by Augustin Mac for delegates to the national con­ Interest noil some thrills for tin afternoon. I ______________ 1 II. H. In their two games and will Hugh and has a cast of 15. It has vention at the top of the left-hand guests who not Infrequently wer< F lowers Classified : have six victories. had a succesitTul Broadway run In Brattain School to Present column of their ballots. In addition sprayed with water Classifications for the Gower ex­ SUNDAY SERVICES AT Last Friday Hprlngfleld high play­ New York and wa an evep greater Program at Final Meeting. the Republican ballot will carry the Day's Trip la Filmed hibit will be as follows: Baskets of .............. hit on the road. M. E. CHURCH GIVEN name of Joseph Irwin France of ers defeated V. H 8. 12-3 while Eu 08789384 Awards Will Be Made roses; baskets of other flowers, in­ Motion pictures, 4UO feet In all., I gene ran away with Roseburg 20-3 The main part of the story takes — — Maryland as a candidate for Presl- cluding wild flowers; groups of rhe Salt of the Earth will be dant. while the Democratic ballots were taken during the day Every| place In a Pennsylvania town A program by students at the six of one variety groupings of ,he "“Meet of the morning service W|U have the names of both Frank Incident from the time the party: where a larvlng uttorney goes to BAPTIST PASTOR IS Bra'laln school and election of of­ topped In Hprlngfleld to pur< hast Collective Buying to Obtain collect a hill. He discovers that ficers for the next year will be the three of one variety; single buds! at the Methodist church Sunday lin D. Roosevelt aad William H. CALLED TO CALIFORNIA the debtor, his mllllon-dollar I k »««. and blooms, and baby roses. Con-1 morning. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter fishing licenses until they hud' Quantity Discounts; Cus­ major events at the last monthly talners will be furnished for all dis will preach. The church school Murray on them. started down ihe river In the boats, want» him to throw out Into the Voters attention la directed to tomers Will Benefit meeting of the Springfield .Parent- R egular Services to Be Held at meets at 9 45 and the Young Peo­ the fact that the position of the taler dragged the craft from the street a girl, who will he penniless Tea« her association Friday at the plays excepting the baskets. Church Sunday; Rev. D. E. streum and finally staricl for home If h« carries out his order«. He also Lincoln school starting at 3 o'clock. various candidates names will not A quilt exhibition is also being' ple's service Is held at 8:30. Formation of the McKensle River Baker Preaches In M orning was recorded In Ihe film which Is j Retail Ass'xlullon. un organisation finds that Loads. the village mil planned as a part of the flower1 Modern astronomy is a scientific be the same on each ballot. One The program will open with the display. proof of the fact that “The Heavens candidate may find his name at the destined lo become on« of Ihe most of M< Ken tie river valley merchant llonalre. und a great tightwad. In Rev W O. Taylor, pastor of the conjunction with his own employ-j pre-entation of the Brattain school valuable bits of advertising which . for the purpose of purchasing sup Mrs. David Saltsman is general j Declare the Glory of God," says top of the column on one ballot and the McKensle river country has re piles collectively, was organised ' Baptist church here, left Monday ers. is trying to fleece this girl out I ! program "The Little Red School chairman of the day’s activities and Rev. Poindexter. He announces again At the bottom on another. reived for many years A print of Tuesday at a meeting held at the for lx»s Angeles where bis father of a rich oil field. How he fools House" to be given under the dl- is president of the Civic club. Mrs ,hat *’ro,eg8“r J“hn Knox will pres- This rotating of positions la made the film will be senl to llr Kebhan Vida hall. • j In law was reported to be very III. these men. gets the girl's rights for-I rectlon of Mrs. Frank Bennett. This Carl Olson I chairman of the rose ” "' a new ’K'ries ° r agD’°n°“ Pro*ram display find that they have prettier 1 h * answered The offices to be filled and the to take advantage of the discount« ing this year Indicated Dial tourist charge of the evening service this Eunice McFarland; Nellie Clarke/ Vwavdiug of the pennant to the zoses at their own homes candidates for each on the Republt- travel and visitors to the Parlflr which are given for quantity pur METHODISTS TO HAVE can ballot are as follows: • coming Hunday Velda Bartholomew; Frederick« roonl wh,,'b ha*' th‘* lante«t attend C hildren Parade a t 4:30 chases. Thin action, they believe, Coast Dlls summer will be greater The following week Rev. Kenneth, Leggltt. Bud Thlenes; Henry Bill- nn