vm camping trip up to liclkmip S p illi la CHURCH PLANS SPECIAL nevi week They wlll he chaper PENTECOSTAL SERVICE e ned hy the teaclier« of i he itigli school I'enleeoat (Sunday. the atllllver Miss Cora John» wlio la leu ih ln g aary of Hie birth of the church wlll at Heotlshnrg spelli Inai xveek end lie ohaerved at the Methudlat Kpla other angle we ee I hat the aalelx wllh ber pi, le n i» at l'Ics ani H ill Savings Would Create Sizable copal church Hundav II *«» an Beneficial and Harmful Uses of aiM'lety Is ellilaugeli-xl b> the liuttuced Hila week In Rev. Dean C Republican for Sheriff Makes Fund for Further Highway Holds Regulated Production of Liquor Contraltari bv drinker, for ll makea people do FOOTBALL FANS TO SEE Poindexter, pastor Construction Work Will Restore Confidence. Statement of Qualifications Junior High Student in things that are wrou„. ami 11 may NIGHT GAME FRIDAY "When the Spirit that wa In cause them io commit crimes. The Stability and Business and Proposed Policies Seven sound reasons why many Here Is a new way to arrange a Winning Essay on “Alco­ Society for Prevention of Cruelty Jeaua ol Nasurelh became Imam Tlioae arileul foni Itali lana III of the Oregon highway bridges scarf and it ia suck a imple trick hol and Its Effects." Mel hod« by which ('. A. (Tom I Io Children found that 9u per cent Springfield xvIlo egli bardi) xxall ate to Ills followers the church Note The following ar- should be liuilt of wood rather than dial w e w o n d e r why no one e v e . , lv Editor'- came Into being. It peralata now k w„ w m te n , i r of the cases which came Io Ils al Swart». rsndidal« (or (hr Repuhll etui« ret«1 are given In a letter which thought of It before It has appeared field News by Jeaae K Bond pro Not. This es ax was wrl'ten by tentlou were due to alcohol Manx uniII uexl fall lo see xxli.il thè Itili where Unit "H| hit of l.lfe la" says run nomination for sherltf of I.ane T J Starker, formerly of Corvalli*. on a number of new dreaaea and la feasor of Huatneaa Admlnlatratlon Hubert Knox In competition with Iroah team wlll meati lo thè tire tlmea liiaaulty is the result of habit gnu varalty llpeup wlien Ilo x he Itev Poindexter. county propone« to reduce the coat and now on the staff of the Penn likely Io appear on a go.nl many *’ ’*”* ’ "■**r»lty of Oregon .oilier students at the Junior high ual drinking The meaaute for Hie II o'clock come n pali of limi group (or lilla worship hour la "The Life of the school for prise« offer.si by Ih, W of the offl. e amt to Increasa the Slate college forestry school, gives m„re hefo.e many week« have pass- Laatly, we must consider the xeur'a team wlll have an oppnrinn in a letter recently addressed to the Hui it (s M,q ne.es ary for von Trust and he saved Surely Ih, T ,. i>gg.lv W(>|) Mri|t (n). Rplrlt In the Modern World." Ilia efficiency of the same office It Oregonian to buy a or. a with this carf ar- * • > ’<»*•« bigger and better eco ||( Springfield all<| B, , , rUl. ¡„ fax;! that drinking can e* provert) lly lo wutrh lite Bellona ami ubllllx text will Io- "The Hplrll Will Guide elected were outlined III!« week by because men and women buy alco­ of Ihelr Individuai lavorile» Fililax Ilia reasons follow rangement when It is such a simple leaders does not c.msiat In eouiity hol with money which may he need itig li! xv beli two plrkeil team» wlll You," John 16 13. the Springfield candidate. "Wood a> a material for such thing to add a scarf in this way to deaylug to those we already have a The evening meaaage Io he pre ed for food, and other necessities alage a regalar football game un ■structures as bridges has so many a dress that you already posse as chance to plan and achieve con By ROBERT KNOX enled al 7:30 will he "Meeting Hie “Aa a candidate for the Repuhll- Because people whit drink cannot ccrted action. llaywurd ritriti ut 8 o'clock under < an nomination for sheriff of Lane valuable properties that it should »ud that stands in need of a new be trusted to do their work well Ticket» wlll he Crlaes of Life." Tile paalor will Confidence and credit are based We may well say that mo t makes it difficult for the drinker the flood Ughi county. I submit the following not be necessary to make any touch of trimming aold ut the gate (or the game There show how chrlatlanlly In tlmna al claims that cannot be thoroughly The scarf does not have to be on prices and human character. Our everything in the world of science statement: to secure nr hold a steady position wlll he no xvrealllng match Frtilay great alreaa aliuxva Io the grealeal substantiated by scientific expert- coma a permanent part of the dress, business leaders are already suf­ serves two purposes: One heneft night aa many of the followera of utlvulitugea aa a “Llghl In the Thus we see that alcohol, which "I was born at Marseilles. 111$- mentation. The continued and in- either, because it is attached mere- ficiently chastened, but with prices rial, and the other harmful This Is has many beneflclul uses, may. If j thta sport wlll la- III the grandataiida World for Ila people are Invin­ nola, February 22, 1887. moving to creased use of wood, especially in unstable or declining most leaders, true of the autoinohlle, which cible. (or thè tool I mi II gam e used wrongly bring about harmful, Ooodland. Kansas, with my parents such slates as Oregon, should be owners and borrowers remain frigh »Feeds up transportation, and yet biological, social and economic ef the same year. Attended public called to the attention or even im tened. Like scared bank depositor! takes a heavy toll of human lives Haa M inor Operation feels. M a r th fie ld Peopl» H s r» school there and at Lexington. Mis- pressed upon the minds of all road they seek salvation In cash. and II is true of airplanes, tuns and lllenu Walker underwent a minor Mra Joe Slyinan ami Mra Itoy souri. where I graduated from building agencies. Would Hie drink hi-blt help me to; fire It Is equally true of alcohol Banks L im it W ithd raw als 'laxilen of Marahflehl are'vlaltora operation at Ihe I'aclfh Chrlallan Wentworth Military academy In become a good doctor? From the; Alcohol serves mankind In many “(11 The fact that there are Recently Urbana and Aurora. Ill­ • I the l.ee Putman home Hits week hoapllal In Eugene Tuesday. 1907. After graduation entered the wooden bridges 45 to 85 years old important ways. It uiay he given reasons which I have given, one inois. saved their bauks by estab can easily see (hat alcohol drink employ of Rock Island railroad, In in this country indicated their llshing effective withdrawal quotas as medicine by a physician; It is Ing will greatly hinder aucceaa In a clerical rapacity where I remain- length of life and durability in ser­ (or depositors. Similarly each of our a good antiseptic, and Is widely this, and other professions, trades, ed until 1910. Resigned that position vice. industries could treat its market used in hospitals; it In used In tine and Jobs to come to Iatne county in June of Cost is Only O ne-Half like a hank and establish (air out­ ture of Iodine; It Is used as a rub the same year. Was married In "(21 The fact that this type of put or sales quotas for all Its pro­ by athletes to tone up tired and Kansas and have a wife and three bridge can be built for approximate ducers. so as not to break the mar­ sore muscle,. Its heneflelal uses daughters. for ly half or less than a concrete; ket In the lumber Industry such are unllratnted. span of equal length should be in Over-Indulgence Cause ot Ban Farm Resident in 1910 action has actually been planned Bui this same alcohol has many A large crowd attended the potluck [ “After coming to Oregon farmed its favor. hut the leaders had to give it up until 1918 when 1 enlisted in the "(31 The tact tnat the Southern (or fear of hostile prosecutors snd disastrous effects The American »upper given Friday night In th e’ people realised this when they high school gy mnasium In honor of army and served with Company C. Pacific Railway company traverses the anti-trust laws. framed the Eighteenth amendment Mr. and Mrs. K E Kilpatrick Mr 210th field signal battalion. the same valleys as the Pacific We. through our laws, refused io our constitution The effects of Kilpatrick who has taught al Pleas “After being discharged front the highway. carrying tremendous these leaders the chance to save alcohol are many and varied, but ant Hill high school Hie lust six i army, returned to farming until loads on wooden trestles, indicates their industry. In this, as In other we may think of them affecting years haa accepted the position of; 1922. then moved to Springfield to the safety of this type of construc­ industries, each producer can re­ people biologically, eoclally. and iiperlnleudent of sellouts In Philo­ engage in the meat business with tion. duce unit costs by capacity opera- economically. math. my father. Have served two three- tlon. Under present ondltions of When alcohol in any form is A tiahy girl waa born to Mr. and year terms on the Board of Educa­ “(41 The fact that Wyoming, a over-equipment and rapid changes taken Internally in small amounts Mrs Morton Bristow at their home tion in Springfield, being present comparatively non-timbered state, in methods, capacity operation la it arts as a stimulant, and when al Trent. Thursday morning. chairman. The districts expenses diverted $2.000,000 to the highway in Silk Crepes not practicable for all. because It used In larger quantities It acts as have been reduced about $4000 for construction program the last bi Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Duley of breaks the market. It is from the a narcotic. At first the heart beats Pleasant Hill received word Satur­ the coming year and the district Is ennium by changing to timber con­ All new styles and color com­ in good financial condition, its old­ struction bridges, should recoin ly by means of buttonholes in the resulting destructive competition mors rapidly and the nerves are day of the death of their nephew binations. Values to $9.90. scarf and buttons on the dress. mend itself to a timbered state such that a group of 122 business leaders excjted. but after a sufficient est warrents being dated February 'larence Ingalls, at Port Orford, as Oregon. You will need a piece of silk recently asked a moratorium It amount has been taken the Indl who was killed In an automobile' Now Special Price 29. 1932. about a yard and a balf loug and was refused because we do not vidual is likely to become uncon­ accident. Mr. and Mrs. Daley ac Wooden Spans Advertise H a » A rm y R ecord nine inches wide to make the scarf, trust them. scious. and the ability to control compunltsl by Ihelr daughter. Veda 1 "(51 The fact that the differ but you may piece it in the center ‘'First lieutenant and command­ his mind and body Is lost. An In­ and Miss Annette Maltxan motored ence between the cost of timber Provide Governm ent Protection ing officer of Headquarters Com­ if you do not want to buy a piece teresting experiment was perform to Port Orford Monday to attend; It is perfectly feasible to grant pany. First Battalion 192nd In­ and other bridges could be used for as long as this. Simply make a ed upon guinea pigs to determine the fuueral. Glen Daley who was; DEPT. STORES fantry, Oregon National Guard for more pavement and thus benefit narrow machine stitched hem along their request and still assure our the effects of drinking alcohol. It riding with Clarence Ingalls at the Eugene, 968 more people, should be considered. the gldeg aDd onK‘,r«us bodily effects Pleasant Hill public school wlll should give the same service as body as well as every workman. Candidate for produced hy liquor drinking. : be out next week on Wednesday. wages and confidence. they would for a business firm. Bv "Larger bridges and those suty ,he,r bela,ed