I T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 12, 1932 T H E 8 P R IN O F Œ L D N E W S PAG» TU R I REPORTER FOR EUGENE PAPER WINS HONORS Is employed to teach the Thura-1 H. S. GIRLS SIGN FOR ton high school and Miss Gran* U. O. PLAY DAY M E E T the Cedar Flat school for next year Mlaa Veda Grade who Is now tench Nine Springfield high school Ing at Cedar Flat will teach , ' •Ifla have signified their Intentions Waltervllle echool the coming participating In the annual Play year Day contests to be held at the Wo Mlsa Veda Gray who ta teaching man’s Athletic field at the Unlver- at Cedar Ftat closes her school alty of Oregon on Saiurday. May n el, Friday for the year. 14. starting at lb o'clock Special Miss Hazel Kdmlaton who Is prizes are awarded the school teaching Mt. Vernon school clones which has entrants In the largest her school next Friday with a com number of events. munlty picnic on Saturday. Thurston T O W N A N D VICINITY Two of the outstanding honors of Thera wa< born to Mr. and Mrs. Jilt« University of Oregon were run- Curtla Price al Elk. Wyoming, oo fei i im I during Ihe past week-end up Visits P arent»— Miss Ire a e Jeter V is ito r on Tuesday—Horace Mor­ May 3, a daughter Mr. Price Is the | on Mlaa Hetty Ann Mar,luff. Spring span, the weekend at her home ris of Waltervllle was a business sou of Mr. and Mra. John Price, field reporter for the Fugene Iteg al Mabel. visitor In Springfield on Tuesday and farrnerly resided here. ! later-Guard. Friday afternoon Miss The baseball club team are spon Visits at Oranta Paaa Dr. W. i i Macduff wx, selected for member On Fishing Trip — Frank Gordon soring a dance to be given at the ship on the Morlar Hoard, "Wo­ Behhan spent the week-end ui his and William House are spending Thurston hall Saturday evening i b T A w rl t w s 'ili «<«»1 of lo tti men's Honorary" on the campus, ranch at Grants Puss. several day i on a fishing trip on the proceeds are to be used for mi Muhi u lri'itt, ,,ii tht, north »Id Ihe Upper Willamette river. and Him evening at Ihe Junior new baseball suits. Flah In Bay— ,'. O. Whlthei k Wednesday. K r liir ii to A m erhan prom dance she wan awarded the spent Hunduy fishing i n Winches- Mr and Mrs. Melvin Buell from Visitor Beturday — Mra. It It. be ici, nr I'hiine 101 W Iti-wurd Dertinger cup given each year Io i«r hay. Chase of Camp Creek was a visitor Roseburg motored here a few days Ihe moat out»,ending girl In lb at the home of Mrs. H. H. Myers ago for a v,nl, with Ihelr Aunt FOUR-H MEMBERS WIN FOR HALF. (TIKAP-- Twin bed. Junior elans. Flgharman at Calapoola — Ray Miss Heersma. on Saiurday. IN CLUB SEWING TEST Hprlngflold mullrcsn, cull springs, Nutt spent Munday flshlug on the The Junior and senior classes ol mid firn screen All Ilki* new. In MAN LOST 26 POUNDS Calapoola river. Business Visitor»—Mr. and Mrs the high school are staging a three Miss Faye Holveraon. daughter of quire «I »tom ut Gold blur Aulii C. C. Polley of Waltervllle were act comedy play, "A Fool's Holt LOOKS 100', BETTER Mr. and Mrs Pratt Holveraon of Monrea Visitor»—Mr and Mrs. C camp. MI2 business visitors In HpFlogfleld on day" at the hall next Friday, May Feels Stronger Than g vsr this city won a place In the third A Swart» spent Sunday visiting Just Io prove Io any doubtrul man with Ihelr daughter and son-in-law Friday. 12. division of the annual sewing ex (illtl.H WOMEN. I .ruin I »«litui or woman that Krust-lieu baits Mrs. Clare Hurst who has been hlblt for Four-H club members Sat al Monroe. Spends Week end Here Franklin Nursing nt home. Posit Inns awult the RAFF way to reduce—let Vlles of Creswell spent the week spending some time here, at bet urday at the Eugene Chamber of Visit» In Portland— Mlaa Ann, graduates everywhere. Addreaa take the letter of Mr F J Frit end with his relative» In Spring brother, Charles Taylor's home Commerce. Mias Helen Cowgill, as­ Dentili Nurse, Springfield Newa, of Clin Inna,I. Ohio, recently re MiGookln spent Ihe week-end In field. left for her home In California. sistant club leader for the state, Portlnnd with friends. She left Fri­ Sprlnxtleld. Oregon. Ml2 reived was the Judge. Mr 8. Morgan ha gone to Wash lie writ»-,: "I've tried extreme day and returned Monday, Washington Man Hare— E. It Ington for an extended visit with All awards In the Home Making F on HALF OR TKADF A Oral dieting, setting up exercises with Wright of Freewater, Washington, his daughters and families who contest were won by girls of the Fish on Willamette — Clifford mortgage on 20 acre, of laud ueur very little result»—but the result Creswell and Trent districts. They WII mi. Waller Go. s»er and Clifford was a business visitor in Spring live there. Elmirs, Ore. It Is lung pant due from Kruschen are almost Incred field on Saiurday. are Elisabeth Holcomb. Trent, Ava Bryan fished on Ihe Willamette Mr and Mrs. l>eater Peterson and and they ran,mt pay the taxe» Ible. In 3 mouths I reduced from Sanders. Myrna Laird, and Phyllis river from Pengrs lo Natron Hun Attend Pension Meeting—Oswald children from Salem are visiting nor luterest liila year Aa I ran 206 to 17» pounds and feel stronger day and reported good catches. Olson and Jacob ftelvcrtson attend relatives here, while here Mr. Pat­ Drury, all of Creswell. not look after the land I wish than evet»- no more wheeslng or eil a meeting In Eugene Monday erson Is having his tonsils removed. to sell or trade the titnrlgsge A. gasping for breath—friends say Plenle Sunday — Mr and Mra. evening of the Railroad Employees' William Rennie went lo Portland MOTHERS TO BE GUESTS T Hit EWER. 71« F St.. Spring- look 100% better." Lum F. Anderson and two children.) National Peuslnn association. A T C H U R C H T O N IG H T , last Friday and consulted a special field. Oregon Hear In mind, you fat man, that and Miss Muriel Tyson, spent Sun­ Warrants Called— All outstand-j ’ 1 ,fcoUt hl" h,p wh,ch h»» there Is danger In too much fa,— day on :.n outing uu the upoer WII Mothers will be special gueats at Ing special road warrants and coun- h,m m,“'h p,ln ,or "*»*•»> Son Born— Mr. and Mra. L. W try the safe way Io reduce—one- lumette river. the weekly social of young people Lewis of Dexter are the parent» of half teaapoonful of Kruschen Salts ly road warrants were called for months. Boy Born—Mr. and Mrs. H. E payment Tuesday by Grace Scblaka. i Ben Russell Jr., has gone to Au at the Christian church tonight at a baby »on b..rtt Io then, at the I “a In a glass of hot water every morn Wilson are the parents of a lb county treasurer. rora where be has work In on onion 8 o’clock It has been announced by rifle t'hnirlatlun hospttnl on Satur­ lu g- rut down on fatty meats and pound boy born at the Pacific Miss Mabel Morritt. leader. The patch. sw eets—one bottle that lasts day. May 7. 1032 Christian hospital Friday morning. committees for the evening have Guests in City— Mra. Elizabeth » — 1 weeks coats but a trifle— get It a, Clifford Weaver and Mrs Mary been named as follows: Program, May «. 1932. Slump of Eugene and Miss Thelma any drugstore In the world. Mi Elroy and mother from Salem Angells Brattaln. and Leis Peter Kent of Medford were guests Mon | Breaks F inger— Tom Jackson of ' spent the week-end at the Weavei son; refreshments, Irving Davis day afternoon at the home of Mrs home here. Springfield broke the first finger N O T IC t O F H E A R IN G Blanche Bates. Evelyn Bac-cus. and Rose Wood ON F IN A L A C C O U N T on his le.'t Hand Saiurday while GENERAL PLUMBING Jay Grant and his sister. Miss l Garnet Carrol; game». John Lynch. NOTICE IK HEREBY GIVEN: working al (he Hills Creek Lumber Teacher» Entertain—Teacher» a' Margaret Oran, are making plans Henry Trinka. and Louise Trotter AND REPAIRING That ihe undersigned administra­ company. the Brattaln school entertained for to attend summer school at the and Invitation». Bruce Squire». Alys trix of the estate of Julia H. Lamb, Ite Suie and Get My Prices deceased, has filed her account foi Returns from Portland — Mrs. the mothers of their students Frl-1 university this summer. Mr. Orant Thatcher and Gaorge Mattel 4. Section 36, Township 17 8. Range 1 W. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before E. O. Imtnel, tl. 8. Commissioner. ) at Eugene. Oregon, on the 16th day j of June, 19.12. j Claimant names as witnesses; I John Cabe. Greeley Cabe, Merton Brown, and Mrs Lee Anna Cabe, nil of R. F. D. No. 2. Springfield. Ore. H A M IL L A. CANADAY, Register. (May 6-13-19-2« — J. 6) 1/ O C T A N E EFFIC IEN C Y ! More for your money— a full 1 128 ouucea of hard-working power in every gallon of Stand­ ard Gasoline! It ’» all “go"! That’» what Standard’s high Octane Effi­ ciency means — more follow- i through — more puth behind your pistons from the top to the bottom of every stroke ! No “ping-ping!"— no power wasted Try “Standard” or Standard Ethyl Gasoline today— and aee. ... D A Y S.. STA N D A B U O IL C O O P AN I S en sation al V alu es T hroughout T h e Store The Golden Rule Ruler« of Low Price« 1015 W ILLAMETTE // You'll fin d U a t STANDARD P U B L IC A T IO N Department of the Interior, Gen­ eral Land Office at Roaeburg, Ore­ SMART OCTAGON CLASSES T h ursday, Friday and What'a NEW in Gtuoline? EUGENE OFC.AUroRNIA C -vi/ R E A L L Y K N E W T H E F A C T S , you would buy an electric refrigerator at once. T he food saving alone will pay for the refrigerator to say nothing about safeguarding your health and that of your family. T he amount of electricity requir­ ed to operate the average electric refrigerator is so small in comparison with the benefits derived that it need scarcely be considered. See your hardware, furniture or electrical dealer today. Moontala States X O TO STANDARD M O K I FOR YOUR M O |« Y - A T IT AMR ARD STATIONS, W C , AMR R IB W W T I A BLUE BBALBR1 Power Company ELÊCTRiClfY IS CHEAP