PAGE TWO T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS ™ E SPRINGHELD news l'ubll»hiil Every Thursday at Sprlnrfleld. I-ane County. Oregon. by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS II. K. MAXEY. Editor Ente 24. ISO! md chut matter. Sprlnjtf! th e p o s to n ic i MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE I tie Year In Advan re SIX Mouths ....... ... *1.76 »1 On Three Months Single Copy County Official Newspaper TIU R8DAY, MAY 12. 1332 TICK ETS AND SLATES This is the period of ticket m aking an d every o rg a n ­ ization from th e latlies aid to th e bar asso ciatio n is being asked to endorse this or th at can d id ate It is indetxl a n u n ­ usual can didate th a t has not one o r tw o of th ese en d o rse­ m en ts pinned on his b an n er While freedom of action and speech is one of our sacred rig h ts in th is country th is custom of o rg an izatio n s to en dorse can d id ates from tlog c a tc h e r to president is to our“ m ind a pernicious practice. T he only reason th ere is not m ore h arm done by it is tliat th e o rg a n iz atio n s are not able to deliver th e prom ised support w hich is generally given by a handful of officers. N early all th ese org an izatio n s th a t dabble in politics exist for som e reason of selfish in terest. T h e very fact th ey place th eir lnl»el on a candidate is because th ey think, o r because he h as prom ised he will serve th e ir purpose which too o ften is not the public's in terest. Give us a can d i­ d ate who h as not any strin g s tied to him by th e m oral res­ ponsibility of doing th e right and fair th in g for th e public reg ard less of who it benefits o r harm s individually. V oters should go to the poles and vote for th e m an whom they think is best qualified for th e office and who h as th e m oral stam in a to serve th e jieople— not because of th ese en d o rsem ents but in spite of them . Who is it th a t is so m uch b e tte r to pick a candidate th a n you o r 1. MORE AND MORE FOR LESS AND LESS W ith sh rin k in g industrial [tayrolls the s ta te accident com m ission continues to double and treble th e ra te th e em ­ ployer m ust pay for w orkm an's accident insurance. Like m ost com m issions it has a big overhead w hich m ust be m et. But unlike industry th e s ta te com m ission does not d ecrease prices in h ard tim es but in creases its ra te s. In effect th e s ta te is penalizing th e em ployer who is o p e ra t­ ing th e best he can under difficult conditions. ft would seem th a t w ith less people em ployed th ere would be few er accid en ts and less claim s to pay. But th a t isn 't th e w ay s ta te socialism works. We recom m end to G overnor M eier and T re a s u re r H olm an they learn how to iu n th e s ta te ra th e r th a n so m uch in stru ctio n s to th e people on how to run local governm ents. If n a tu re opens th e McKenzie pass this y ear it probably th e fo u rth of July before we can travel to ea ste rn O regon. W ith little effort the highw ay d ep a rtm en t m ight open it a m o n th earlier. In fact those who have been to th e snow believe th a t a ro tary would be able to plow it out in a week. While the snow is deep th ere is said to be practically no ice. Several hundred ca rs a day would use the pass right now if it w ere open. We believe traffic is sufficient to ju stify th e s ta te opening th e pass im m ediately. F rom th e calibre of som e m en ru n n in g for office we w onder if they are not a c tu a te d m ore by th e salary a tta c h ­ ed to th e office th a n by a g re a t desire to save the country. T h e y o u n g er g en eratio n has tu rn ed the tu n e on th e old folks. T he them e song of this gen eratio n is “ W here are My W andering P a re n ts T o n ig h t." T h ere's one th in g this depression has practically put a stop io— signing on the dotted line. Fam ily life m ay be break in g down. But it isn 't notice­ able around m eal tim e. No one ever m ade any m oney sittin g aro u n d in loafing places and finding fault w ith th e country. PENSIONS T he U nited S ta te s has alw ays been th e m ost liberal c o u n try in the world ir. providing pensions for the m en who have served in its arm y and navy. R ecently, th ere h as been a good deal of discussion of this pension situ atio n , which is costin g tlie tax p ay ers of th e United S ta te s considerably m ore th an a billion dollars a year. •-We have n o q u arrel w h atev er with the principle that a m an who h as been wounded or disabled by illness while risk in g his life for the defense of his co u n try should be tak en ta r e of. so long as he m eds it, at th e expense of his cou n try . But we have no sy m p ath y for tin* able-bodied, self-su p p o rtin g m an who th in k s th a t he is entitled to a pen­ sion m erely because lie was u n d er a rm s for a while in a train in g camp. And we have still less sym pathy for the m an who tries by fraudulent m eans to obtain a pension by special act of congress. President H oover put his finger one one of the w eak est spots in o u r pension system when be vetoed the O m nibus P ension bill. This is an an n u al a ffa ir which us­ ually h as a g re a t m any m eritorious claim s in it, but fre­ q u en tly also co n tain s claim s of would-be pensioners who are not by any stretch of the im agination entitled to he su p ­ ported by 'lie public. As Mr. Hoover pointed out, the people of the. United S ta te s should not be taxed to pension a m an who w as co u rt-m artialed for d ru n k en n ess and conduct p re­ judicial to good o rd er and was finally discharged w ithout h o n o r fo r th e good of the service, or for a m an w hose in -' ju ries w ere in curred in a tte m p tin g suicide, or for a soldier w hose only injury w as the loss of a leg by being run ovei by a stie e t c a r w hen he was lying on the tra c k intoxicated, rh o s e are only a lew of the fraudulent claim s for pensions which w ere included in this y e a r's O m nibus Pension bill. By all m eans we think, every m an who has ever proved hia »h*llin* “ es,8 to *,k; ,o r 11,8 'o n n tr y has a special claim up­ „„ on th e n a tio n s g ra titu d e. But we feel, also, th at the g re a t­ est care should be tak en at all time», and especially now to p ro tec t th e nation agsjinst frau d u len t pension claim s. ’ THURSDAY. MAY 12. I »32 less,toss, ' Hut I can’t go to lh<> tlcilor (roup of employ«>«-», or bo country I hale It. and »„rely U renti or porimeoI which would cabro! h.< rood to do a ihlng otto, lie affected If Ihl», that. or the hato» very much. ' otlisr llem were cut cff. , to n , in,nil frniu Kirs» P.-,s„, Ini the country.” "IF. liot pus Ihle Io hill, .1 thing Her eyes dilated, ami her hanti you'vv never Died." Ibis si range It means a good deal harder work or on !h in or down in tin gripped the t „shfon on either a lt) ■nun said quietly, aud 111,-n. ' Do Io find way of cutting expenses country. of her you know that Mur which will ilii the least harm poll At twentv-two the only thing In "The country ?—when?" " 'God made (he country tn.l llcallv than It Is to^YInd new sour the world which Diat* re.-lly «1» man mad» the town' ?" “At once. To morrow — If poatglb i es of taxation to balauce the hud sired was another woman's bos I today, unit when I say country "No." get. Anil the tax hill Is presenting hanti. He release,! her hand mean the very heart of the eouiitr. harder problems Ilian Ihe country Diana. a little nervous In »pile of a cottage on Dartmoor or in th "W ell, that'» Just the differ»!,«*. has ever t«,-,>,l The senale commit herself, entered the "top man's" Surrey hill», where there are n he »aid. tee has done a great many things consulting room. (healres or night cluba or pit-tun In the car Mi». Gladwvu wol, to the house hill, and by Ihe lime up sufficiently Io a» question-,. He wa ; hlg and rather clumsy I house . You will go to bed earl the tax hill finally pusses Ihe en- TO BE CONTINUED looking, with grave steady ey, s|st» e n o'clock inti yon will stay ale It won't look very mu,-I, like the and a mouth that looked as it It bed till lunch time every day till one which was passed by the house ■see you again. You will lie allowed rarely smiled The result will he it long and per lisps stormy session of a confer- It did not smile now. hut his eyes no visitors—except your aunt, of e l l , e committee, to whip Ihe new seemed to pierce through all the course,—and you are to do nothing tax legislation Into shape that both bravery of her carefully reddened except read and sleep You’ll not houses will stand for. lipa and make-up. right down write letters or receive any aud through her artificiality to the you will sleep with you window II looks now as If there was llttlu wide open. You will have the vwy trembling weakness of her. chance of the general inanuta,hir­ simplest food and no alcohol at all er's sales tax becoming It w. allho' a Diara said nothing- she felt a« If except what I order. As I said be strong uml vigorous new drive In an ordinary greeting would be tore, if you carry out my Instruc favor of it Is being fell on Capitol wasted on this man. She Just stood B Hill. There are very aerlou, doubts and looked at him with an uncon llons you will gel well again, but scious appeal In her eyes, till he If not—-” He broke off. for Diana arising as io whether the excessive­ Washington. D. ('.—Old time ob had risen shakily to her feel. said quietly: ly high taxes on large lucomes aud “I can't do that. I can I go away servers of governmental activities; “Won’t you sit down?" inheritances will yield anything snv that they have never aeen such He indicated a chair close to his from London vet not Just yet. I n earnest and serious effort on the Itke what they have been esll runted own and facing the window, so that will later on—perhaps next month. I'uii of everybody concerned to do to yield. The extent Io which In I promise Can't you give me some the light fell full on ^ter face. le right thing in this national comes of the supposedly very rich Diana obeyed, her hands clasped medicine Juct to go on with? I rlsls. Evidence of I he strain un­ have been cut down In the past in her lap. and her heart beating promise to take it regularly." couple of years Is Just beginning tu "IFs not medicine you want. It's der which congrega is working I» be reallxed, as Ihe Income lax re in a queer, frightened manner. found in the largo amount of III He seemed to realite this, for he test and deep and quiet. Why t ie s proal ration from over work turns for 1331 are being analysed j can’t you leave London? Surely It's said more gently: ml several deaths among the mom by the treasury. Not only Individu­ ’’Don’t be frightened. I am not n°t such an attractive place In this hers of both houses since thia sea al Incomes but corporate Incomes going to eat you." ' scorching heat ? I only wish I were have fallen off so much that this ion began. She flushed scarlet through all fre‘‘ ,o ,eave 11 1 1,0 for «very mo situation Is furnishing new ammu The public does not realise th, her pallor, and her eyes grew an- 1 can snatch. It s a poisonous nltlon for the advocates of the sale, mount of work that I» done by gry. Speaking to her as if she P|ac* this weather, and to anyon«, tax. members of congress, hecau-e inosi • • • were a silly child with a cut thumb *n your nervous state of the reports are only of the pub “I hate the country." She gave a little high pitched President Hoover III his address sessions. A good deal of time "You hale the country?" laugh. Io Ihe conference of governors call nd energy Is spent on the floor of He moved suddenly, laying a "I'm not really ill. II feel rather ach house in making speeches ed sharp attention not only to the 1 a humbug coming here at all. but hand on her shoulder. hicli convince nobody, but which necessity of culling down govern my aunt insisted I’ve got rather "Be a sensible child," he said have as their ulterior motive pos­ mental expenditures, bill also to the thin, you see—but then. 1 was al­ gently. "Do as I tell you. Go right ible ii e for political purposes The 1 need of finding new and less burd-l ways thin. It's the hot weather. I away for three months, and you'll real work of congress is done In ensome methods of taxation. He think, and I don't sleep very well. come back a different bong. able the committee rooms aud in con­ pointed out that local and slate ex London's always rather trying at to enjoy life and laugh again.'* ferences with officials of the exe­ penses have Increased in far great 1 this time of the year, don't you She raised passionate eyes to his cutive brunches of the government er proportions than federal expen think? W’e generally go away, but face. And in these ilavg the earnest ses. and (hat total expenditures for this summer----- ” "I’d rather die." she said, and he though! and study that I r being ull governmental purposes now re- She broke off. feeling suddenly answered, suddenly grave: given to the problems of govern pre enl probably more than twenty very yonng and foolish and hating "You may even do that if you re ment by everybody. Republicans. ¡ per cent of the jiallonal Income He herself for it. It seemed so long fuse to take ray advice." Democrats and in urgent». Is more fore the war. he pointed out, every j since she had felt either young or Diana picked up her hat. which Intense than it has been at uny! man worked twenty-five days a foolish, and because the experience ha(1 fa|,en to the floor a„d time since the war. It Is no unusual yeur for the national, state and lo­ was strange she also hated this to put it on. by force of habit hunt­ thing for a committee chairman Io cal governments, while today's grave-faced man who was respon- ing In her handbag first for a little work all night, or for an entire com taxes take alxty-oue working days, ' sible for it and who looked at her mirror and the inevitable lipstick. mlttee to sit in earnest discussion out of every worker's year Too - so searchingly. “It’s very kind of you. Dr. Selfe," unlit the late hour-' in the morn much of the local and slate lax After a moment she rattled on. he began with a return of her arti­ lug Roth the house aud senate res­ burden Is carried by real estate and "I thought if you could give me a ficial air—the lipstick was giving taurants are serving more break Its Improvements, he pointed out. tonic. . . 1 fainted last night—not and too many «tale and local taxes fasls than ever before. her hack her poise. "But----- " that that' anything, is it? But my draw from the same sources ns Ihe He Interrupted bluntly. Speaker Garner is at his office auct was nervous." The little high- "I am not Dr. Selfe. I thought the every morning at seven o’clock, al federul government does. • • • pitched laugh came again. "As if secretary had made that plain to though the sessions of congress do fainting is anything important." One reason why a Isle summer you. Dr. Selfe is away 1)1—I am not begin until noon He puts in He spoke then. taking his place for the time being. five hours of hard work before as session (if congress now sweats pro­ "It depends entirely on the cause May name is Rathbone." vending the rostrom. and Is fre­ bable Is lhat our government bud of the faint. Will you take off your "Oh!" So this was not the ‘‘top quently at his office until late In I gel Includes as expected income, hat?" mac”; how annoyed Aunt Florence the evening, after the session Is payments on account of war debts She obeyed, holding it on her lap. due us fr, n, Europe, while the Eu­ ■ would be. and yet Diana herself over. and for a moment there was sil­ ropean hudxets so far udopted do ! was conscious of relief. If he was ence. not make any provision for such 1 not the “top man" it would account It is beginning to he doubtful In Diana's mind she was saying for the nonsense he had talked, of whether congress can actually fin­ payment-. The moratorium on war to herself dully: the wav in which he had almost ish its work and adjourn for the debts expires July 1st. In July Eng-- "I wonder what he is thinking. I | succeeded In frightening her; It had vear by the 10th of June. The major land should pay us about *85,000.. j wish he would tell me what he is been most unprofessional when one appropriation hills v.lll have to he not), and the same amount again In thinking of me. Why doesn't he tell came to think of it. She lookeil at out of the way before June 30. as January, but the British govern me? I hate being looked at like that him with different eyes. the government’s fiscal year ends ment has left this out of Ils esll —as if he were driving gimlets A big clumsy man. not a bit the on that date, and nobody would right through me?” orthodox Harley Street specialist; have authority to spend a cent after He said something then. even I l l s hair was rough, as if he July 1st, unless the appropriation "How old are you?” had forgotten to brush it. . . . she bills were passed. Those are the "Twenty-two.” looked away from him quickly, measures which are giving more His eyes said plainly. “Is that meeting once again his piercing re­ trouble than even the tax bill. all?" and Diana blanched. gard. There is no mistaking the sincere REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Her glass had told her often The country! I'gh! Spiders and deslre of everybody concerned with enough that she looked worn and ill other nasty crawling things, and no the operation of the government to FOR and older than the hated Linda, hot water or soft beds. cut down governmental costs. On who could not be more than twenty- She drew on a glove. many of the items where economie six. seeing that Aunt Florence had Re-election Rathbone said. “I hope very earn­ are proposed there is no serious ben present at her christening. estly, Miss Gladwyn, that you will difference of opinion The differ But Linda was happy and healthy take my advice.” ences occur where, the amount that and care-free and had always enjoy­ Lane Courty “You are very kind.” But she did would be saved by a particular mea­ ed her life, while she. . . . not look up. and it was he who sure is a matter of opinion and not Suddenly the room began to grow held out his hand. of demonstrable fact. It is easy dark and to swim about her. and She took it after the barest hesi­ enough to prove on paper what the though she clenched her teeth and tation; a strong, kind hand—cap­ effect would be of reducing gov­ pressed her feet hard upon the able and secure. One Utile r.lgli es­ ernment salaries. It Is not easy to (Paid Adv. by Clinton Hurd) floor she could not control it or caped her—she had never known prove what would be the effect of herself, and then for a little while what It was to feel really secure, making a charge for government everything was blank. . . . life had alway been such a hectic entices which are now rendered "Lie stiil. You'll be all right in a scramble. free. It is only guess work as to moment. Just drink this. N'o. lie , "If you would care to come and how many people Mould continue still and keep your eyes shut." see me again, later on . . .” he said, to take advantage of those services She was glad enough to obey. She and his voice was kind—the voice if they had to pay for them. And felt as weak as if she had Just of a friend. opposing every specific economy is struggled through a long Illness, Diana said with a sense of help- a strong lobby represent ing the par F R E D E R IC K weaker than she had felt last night when she fainted so suddenly in the middle of a crowded ball room. Even the attempt to raise her head left her so exhausted that she felt ro » almost dead. But the potent drink this man UNITED STATES cave her wa wonderful—It seemed to open fresh life and energy Into n / . her body, and presently she opened her eyes and smiled. He Ignored that. R E P U B L IC A N "Better?" he asked. "Yes. Quite well, thank you. It was silly. I’m sorry. It must have been the heat." She tried to laugh. "Your consulting room was very hot," she said. V ip “That was brandy, I suppose.” Man Made the Town M IN C T O H YPAfiFOftD Moaunr CLINTON HURD Commissioner by a melullle base hi one way nr mates and Europe generally seems to be relying upon Ilia Lausanne conference Io he held In June, to cancel or modify these debt obliga liona. another It seem« likely, however. Dial some means of reflation will be found. C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S Talk of time means of currency Inflation gels stronger. The feeling Is growing here that some measure which will raise commodity prices la essential. It may he Ihe remonel I s « I l o ll of diver, which la more like­ ly Ihsu Ihe Issuing of a large volume of government notes unsupported Notice la hereby given llial No II, In l.aue county. Oregon, will pay at the of lice of clerk of said district, all warrants Io and Including 214!,. dated February J#. 1332 Inters«, lia ses lifter Maq It, 1332 f F IIARBEIt, Clerk. School lllslrlcl D on ald Y o u n g Candidate For Democratic Nomination D is tr ic t A tto r n e y FOR LANE COUNTY ! I am forty twu years oíd llave practicad law In ,'ounty for twvuly years Inervad three I-au» veers as deputy I district attorney. I If elected, I expect to persoually I o lha duties lot the office. Including the trial I of cases, giving efftcleut sud I economical administration i« M |M T V ls e S till a l t e l i d I'slil Adv. by Donald Yniing C. A. ‘Tom’ SWARTS Republican Candidate For Lane County Sheriff MY PLATFORM Economy - Cut Bherlff'a Office coats and ksep wllhln comity budget Efficiency—I’ut personal en­ ergy and capable organ I ««I Ion Into law enforcement and tax collection Hire leas help; do more work. . Cooperate closely with the state and city police Io avoid duplicated effort. Strictly aud Imparllally en- force all laws —Paid Advertisement By C. A. H warts Bpriugfleld 1 Free Ticket ouifottua OH NEW ROUNDTRIPS EAST ---------------..V Nominate - »»■«ly STEIWER SENATOR Fares Lowest in Years! "No.” He kept away from her a mo­ ment, then, seeing that she had raised herself and was half sitting, half leaning against the cushions of the couch where she had placed her. lie came back and looked down at her steadily. "Do you like plain speaking?" he asked abruptly." She raised her eyes, very blue agaln- t the pallor of her face. “Why, of course.” B u t your telephone does more than stand ‘ Very well, then I am going to guard. It “runs errands”. It carries your voice tell you that you are very ill. very to the next block or another state. It rings for III Indeed, and that if you wish Io you and invites you to good times. i get better yon mus* do exactly what - I tell you—and at once.” Your telephone does these and more, all for “Yes. Yes of course.” so little. "Well—for the present I am n o t, going to worry you with anything but Just the simplest prescription, The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company and In a week's time I will see you j BuHlnPHs O ffice: 126 -4th Street Telephone again First of all. you will go away ed Continued Faithful Service for OREGON PRIMARY, M ay 20th 72 i Pfild Adv . Steiwer for-Senator Club, » . i i n ikn'tlinyf, Pt Tt lauti. (Jr egon Beginning May 22 — On sale until October 15 y>-day ‘H o u n dtrifn N r w York . . . . g 119.77 Philadelphia . . , 118.41 Bouon . . . , . , 126.85 Washington, D .C . 116.56 D e t r o i t ................ 9 6 .8 0 a m i many tuore Be back in 50 day« Seaioti ‘HoumJlriftt New York . ,1131.11 W ..h n .D .C . C h icago . . . In dianapolis , r h l lt d a l p h l a . Boston . . . . 9 0 10 9 5 .7 0 155-14 142.20 St l ouia . . . ( D O 11 85.60 D e tro it . . . . C incinnati . . Kanaa« City . l o i ry l o i 54 7 5 60 a n d many m ort— Be back October 31 On May 22, we remove the extra charge for including Cali­ fornia in summer ro u n d trip East. Then from this city and most western Oregon and Washington points you can visit California on your way to and from the East /o r not I f more fare than the lowest roundtrip direct East and back. Here’s what this means in dollars and cents: Last year the roundtrip fare to New York through California was S i69 70 Beginning May 22 this fare w ill be cut to $133.12 for the season roundtrip ($119.77 for a 30-day roundtrip)— and at either fare you can visit California on your way to or from the East. Stopover anywhere in California, then take your choice of Southern Pacific Routes to the East. Return through California or by any northern line— or reverse the order. If your destination is New York, choose Sunset Route via New Orleans, and include the delightful ocean voyag,- to N l w York. Berth and meals on steamer are included in rail fare Southern Pacific C A R L O L S O N . Agent Rhone #6