THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-NINTH YEAH HPRINGKIKIJ), LANK COUNTY, OltKfiON, I HI KSOAV MAY PUSS OPENING IS V TALKED Bi LIONS “ 8 “” P. I. I. T“ “ NAMES LEADERS ______ Eugene and Univnraity High State Highway Commission Groups Are Guests at Re- University Professor Warns to Consider Request at Next captions and Programs Against Radical Changes in I Session Wednesday. May 18 Maralwr, wf 01r|g. ,^MU„ Educational System tin« Hprlngfleld high school are on-1 NEW COMMIT TEES NAMED leria liilm ui 1*0 tees thia week for TEAPOT WON BY ELMIRA I j , ID3- LINCOLN SCHOOL |» -< -.7 .u . C in EMBARASSED Pageant May 19 PLANS PROGRAM BI LACKOF RINDS Lane County and the University By H. K. MAXKY i'ltyaical cohMulidatioti of the University of Oregon and Oregon btute college on the Corvallis campus and the aban­ donment of the university at Eugene is a tiireat that lame Plans for Presentation of county can not afford to take lightly. To do this very Grade and Junior High Stu­ "The Patriotic Wedding” State Turns Back 82 Warrant thing petitions are now being prepared by the Marion coun­ dents Unite Efforts to Pro­ Made Here at Friday Meet and Other Cash Purchases ty tax league to put an initiative measure on the ballot in duce Play and Other Acts November. Cannot ________ Ba Made Now Member' of the Springfield W. C. T. IJ. unit will present the page­ ant. "The Patriotic Wedding at SALARIES TO COME FIRST I members of the ICugene end Culver the Methodist church on Thursday — Highway Association Seeks .by (slab school league groups. Committees Are Named This evening. May 1». It was decided at MoSS On Roofs Found On 80 Week; Two New Ones Add­ improvement of Triangle at Woducailuy ufleriiiMin 11 «roup of a called meeting or the group at the Buildings That Present a 16 girla from the University high ed by County President West Bridge Approach home of Mrs Ernest Bertsch Fri­ • ere entertained at a lea and pro J Fire Hazard to ba Cleaned day afternoon. The iMMKlblllty of an early open grulli Today u similar number oil The year's work for officers and The pageant was given at the outstanding warrant lode ktad- a from Eugene high will he en j members of the Lane County Par lli( of iho McKonsIt- paaa Io traffic »tale convention at Albany last fail n, „ considerably embarraatag lined. eni Teacher association waa con will lie tukon op at the meeting ot school have been preparing for the and was enthusiastically received the city of Springfield In operating ■gram numbers given at the ‘ hided here Hat ui day with the final the Slate Highway Commission on LoHH of the unlvernity could not help but be destruc- l*at »«■»«ral weeks will be given by a large audience Many local its government, it was ravaaled at dar hy Roy Q n ln ey jd er the direction of Mrs. Edna turned back a |2 warrant for reel*- Theda Rhodes; was the afternoon address on "Eco­ ■Members of the I.Iona club of " H . recitation T h e 'fir st performance Yarnell. (ration on an automobile the city nomic Factors In Modern Educa­ shrinking of tax valuation in the county likely 20 to 40 per pr|“‘ | P»l mid a d ice by Virginia Christie. Hl rlngfleld aturted the agitation cent. I w,tl ke given during the afternoon' ’ , own«. Thp dfatF wants cash but as tion” presented by Dr Victor I’. Mn Hwarta was general chair­ lor the Immediate clearing of snow j for all students at the school, and ; the city Is on a warrant boats It has Morris, professor of economies at from the M< Kenxle highway In the man for the teas. Her uu-lstants If such a condition should come about of course it the evening program to which the \ no rash— not even |2 the University of Oregon. Cascade auuitnlt aeetlon at their are Irene Jeter, program; decora­ would result in taxation rising in the same proportion as the general public is invited will begin Buying stamps and other thing« tions. Angela ilrnttaln, Marjorie In his talk the university profea l u o c l l n g Friday mum. le tte r s were valuation shrunk, Lane county with $2,000,000 in road promptly at 8 o'clock, that require cosh money is a pro- Prochnow. and Eva latuk for the cut to members of the Highway sor declared that there are many bonds, Eugene with a million dollars in water board bonds Tickets for the program are be [ blem the city has a hard tim e aolv- t'oinnilaalon end to others Interest U H H tea; refreshments, Velila elem ents In present day education and another million in schools and city improvements, and ing sold for io cents and i s cents i Ing. It is unlikely that the war- Bartholomew. Beulah Richardson, which need to Ire weeded out, but expensive local governments to maintain would find them­ and funds derived will be used to ed In the opening of thia tna)or ' ranta written now can be cashed •la te thoroughfare expressing the and Ksaell Adams, serving. Blanche he warned against the possibility selves with taxes on real property far beyond the taxpayer's Purchase equipment for the school. 1 | for two years at the rate taxes are bates, Ituth Stratton, Bernadlne of upsetting the vital units of the ability to pay. Drastic shrinking of property valuation and sentiment of the local group. The program is built around a Committee Appointed to Ar- belng paid. The council made an An Investigation of snow condi­ McFarland, and Alice Thatcher for education, without thia the leisure revenue loss from municipal power and water plants can one act play. ''Do You Believe in range Memorial Day Pro- at the meeting to honor sal- necessity for a continued adult mean nothing else but a general obligation on property Luck?” which will be presented by j tions on the M<‘K enile puss made the U II. M. tea. Committees for the K H. H. te s ¡ ed u œ lion . w ithout this leisure or gram; Poppy Sale May 18 " " Jwar^»1,,• “» ^ ty em ployee. recently by Harry Wright and students in the Junior high school | amounting to a financial burden nearly impossible to lift, _______ ahead of everything else and pay members of Hie Kttgene Obsidians are Virginia Christie, Virginia Mai adllllg b«,<.(lBwg „ han ot Hiver Road waa re- schools of higher education and the elimination of courses. named on a committee to moke ar- lleel> on conducting its government Smith; Mrs. Jones. Delores Cas­ next year were unnour.ced at the was la have taken place Wednea •’«•<’*•«* secretary. and Mrs. H R rangements. P*1*1 officer* of the city meat re­ ■ l u l l meeting Friday by Floyd II. teel; Bob Davis. Byron Boyles; 2. The movement to bring about the initiative petition day waa postponed because of the Emerson, Hanta Clara, treasurer plans were also made for observ-1 c*l’ e some money ln order to live. Flnnery. president The commit calling for the physical consolidation of the University and Ned Brown, Lloyd Hughes. an te of Poppy day in this city on Roof» Muat Be Cleaned haseball game during the afternoon Com m ittees are Named tees and the members of each are: Other numbers on the program State college on the Corvallis campus. Com m ittee appointm ents as an ­ May 28. Popples were alloted to the Koois on 60 buildings in Spring- with luiwell. will Include selections by the grade Membership. F barber. I*. J. nounced this week by Mrs. Good 3. The move on the part of state college alumni to : school orchestra under the dlrec- various comm ittees at the m eetin g' r,eld are covered with moss to each Bartholomew, and Dean C. i’oln are a« follows: have ITesidenl Kerr made chancellor over all the schools. tion of Buford Roach, The Magic Thursday by the Ladles' auxiliary an extent that th«X are ,ire •>»«- dexter; attendance, H O. Dlbblee, which handles the poppy sale. arda and mU8t t>® taken care of un- Membership. Mrs Mildred McCul­ M A Pohl, and Outlaid Toouib; 4. The attack on the board of higher education by Whistle." a springtime reverie con- Plans for the district meeting of der ttoe ordinance which the coun- loch. Vaughn: Mrs. Ruth A. Me publicity, Tbeliuer Nelson. H. K. of l. »con u ou s . program Call, tailliam; and Mrs. Milton p. Hector McPherson, former professor at the college, and > all,,inK »... il by »... tin ibr, ^ ™ grades. . J... to the W illamette Council to be held cil Pa8aed »ome months ago mak be r»Si,U£.I, presented the 1 lower Maxey, and loir«oii Wright. now a legislator from Linn county. In Springfield on Wednesday, May in< 11 mandatory for owners ot m eh Perkins. Santa Cl&ra. a xylophone solo by Barbara Bar- No-drop, John Hcnderer, John 18, were discussed. This meeting Property to remove this haaard. it Publicity, Mrs. D. C. Ogilvie, Pyle, and N. L. Pollard; civic af­ 5. The political movement to elect state college !nel1 wlth Mrs- Bernice Neher Fin- will be presided over by district waa revealed here Tuesday when Springfield; service shop, Mrs. W, graduates ill many of the counties throughout the state to ,ex. accompanist, harmonica selec- fairs. W K llurneil. It. K Maxey, L. Parker. Eltulra; program. Mrs. the legislature in order to have control of that body. Two tlon* by the junior high school officers and will take the place of Ma>'or W. P. Tyson, and City Ra­ I. M Peterson and F. 11 Ilamlln; the regular meeting the following j corder, I. M. Peterson, made a flower, M c Klrklnnd. Jean Capt. and Mrs. Frank Winch H. A. Hirns. Bunla Clara, and Mrs. s t a l e college graduates are running for the legislature in Harmonica Band, and an accord- check of mossy roofs in the city. day for the local post. Ida Holvrraon, Springfield; bospl Thompson; major activities. Hr. W Lane county. j 'an solo by William Cook. to Be Guests at Fish Dinner Some of the sixty roofs w ar. in lallty. Mrs. J. P. Wray. Dunn school. Each of the grade schools of the 1 (’. Itehhan, John Ketels, and W K at Community Hall a bad condition and others had leas­ There is but one thing the people of this county can do city usually present some feature . . ... Four-H club work. Mrs. Roy Wood- llurneil er amounts of moss on them. Re­ - lo o k after their own vital interests in this matter. They ; iength publk prograni during the 1 Members of the Lions club of ru^- IHver Road. Mortal activities, W. K Buell. D moval of the moss will increase the Htudy circles, Mrs. A. L. Lomax. must meet eat h political movement with a counter political S ch o o l year and this is to be the I It Murphy. R C Stuart; finance. [ Springfield will be boats Frida) value of the property aa well aa Wm G lluglii'«, John Anderson, evening at I SO to Captain and Mrs Eugene; health. Mrs. Dells Fltiger- move to prevent the university being dismembered and f in - ' offering of the faculty and «tu improve the appearance of build- ally moved away. dents of the Lincoln school. and John Pyle; and music. Veltlr Frank Winch at a large fish dinner *M; P. T. A. publications and ex . ings and the city as a whole, say Pruitt. W K lliiell. and D b Mur at the Community hall. Member« j klWtlotta. Mrs Earl Johnson, Vau i city officials. There are but three Republican candidates for the phy. the club will bring their wives Io ghii; parliamentarian. Mrs Warren legislature from Lane county whose position on the vital The city officers plan to call on M C. Klrklnnd reported at the enjoy the dinner and to hear the G. Smith. Eugene; legislative. Mrs o • u «« s z« each property owner to Inform him question arc definitely known to be favorable to the univer­ Springfield Defeats Campus . , . meeting that another of the officers noted sportsman and outdoor en Ralph Crow, Dunn school, r =■ c | or her of the change necessary to sity. They are Earl liill, E. A. McCornack, and C. A. "Shy” o f Ho- Pacific Highway Improve thuslast address the club. There Historian, Mrs. J. W. W orking.1 Huntington. The other two candidates are graduates from Team in First Contest Play- comply with the ordinance. The i n e i i t association hail called on him will be no noon meeting of the club J Eugene; < hnracter education, Mrs. ed Here Monday P. M. ' c ity Council wishes to have the co O. A. C. relative to the improvement of the Captuln and Mrs Winch are to'R u th Adams. Eugene; child wel- operation of the property owners lame county cannot afford to take chances with any trluuale nt the west approach of arrive In Hprlngfleld early Friday, fore tnaxaxlne. Mrs. N. M. Pengr.i, ________ A seemingly bad start early in i„ this project and it is hoped that hut tried men in the legislature. Regardless of the honesty |u, t h e Hprlngfleld bridge He declared morning and will be taken on a Garden Wav. . tlle season may prove to be the the property owners will not wait that the otflei rs are unit plating fishing trip on the M< Kenxle river The legislative and character edu- of purpose of the other two candidates conditions are such May Z/, set as tentative necessary factor in developing a to be notified, but will give the ..........r«',ir„,„.IllH ar,, ,,ew thJ they could not render Lane county effective service no mat­ Date for Annual Children's til trict championship baseball team necegsary attention to the roofs ter how hard they tried. Each voter should analyze this around the trai l and planting ot and Veltle Pruitt Motion p ictu res' ye|,r and their purpo e was explain Parade and Exhibition al Springfield high school. Of before the hot dry season arrives j situation for himself or herself, especially if they are tax­ sin ubs on the condition that the ¡of the fl hlng trip and of scenes ,.d , h<, Saturday 1 course nothing is certain this early when such roofs are most danger- payers. Since this fight has been placed on a selfish basis illy keep the tract watered and along the river will he taken dur Members of the Springfield Civic in the season, but players and of- mm. Any cooperation shown at this The sliver teupot was awarded to by those without the boundaries of this county, we can cultivated Ing the day. Improvement club will again spon- ficials at the high school are very time will be much appreciated. ___x . , ... . . Expert fishermen In the Lions the Elmira unit for oue year for not wisely do anything else but look after our own interests t sor a Rose show and Children's optimistic. states Mr. Peterson. having established the best mem­ A 9-2 victory over University and vote accordingly. parade it was decided Tuesday PIONEER RESIDENT OF duh have been putting In consld- bership attendance record during i i i 1.1-,.. . . . i. .i— . . — .... . . H I,.. — afternoon at a meeting of the club. High school on Monday advanced DAUGHTERS ENTERTAIN PLEASANT HILL DIES erBbU UTerl“"‘' °" ,h” the recent contest. and McKeiixle rivers this week to SENIOR PLAY TICKET I before the end of next week. Only . The tentative date for the show i the standing of the local team an- MOTHERS AT BANQUET A picnic for all officers and com­ iwovlde the necessary fish for the 100 tickets for children are to be was set for Friday. May 27. but I other notch, having previously de­ T. J. Shelley, HI. resident of SALE IS PROGRESSING void. mittee workers Is being planned for this Is subject to change depending feated Roseburg and losing to Eu- Motherg were guegt, of honor „ PI. « ..n t Hill for the past 80 years. d,,,,“ r' ,h *‘ ,U*' ,n ,h,> n "h' j some time In July. The first fall The play, a three-act comedy j the condition of the blooms at I Rene high by a comparatively small ,he Baptigt church pna.y evening passed sw at at Halen, Friday, May p ,r b rr,«* and haa manX ,hal dm e ti, following un extended Illness enough for the dinner. when members of the Junior World Musical entertainment for Rl»«"' Road school. The return game with U. H. S. Is WMg Ou,Id entertg|ne<, gt fc in the World." which is to be pre. I humorous incidents which will Mrs. Peters will have charge of Mr Hhelley was found alone suffer­ i evening will he furnished by Mrs , hslr h„nor Mrg Kenneth enled at the high school auditor- j br,n* 8n,1,’‘R ,o e v r y o n e In addl t«* C hildrens Parade, and Mrs. to be played here Friday afternoon quet ing from exposure last winter at „ lum on Friday. Mav 20. under the " on ,o ” >«• P'a>' there will be spe- C»rl Olson has been named chair- and the local boys expect to ta k e , Tob,gs wga ,egder for tfce gnjup his home and It Is believed that he W K narn»11' Mr" Neher F (N E CATCH OF FISH IS that one also. The U. H. 9. nine and chgrge o( thg grrangg. ).«,I had a fall,ting spell F’n,e’'- a,,d Ml " ,,ar,M,ra Ba^ ”'' ' n i e p i t u r n C A T i i D n t v direction of Professor John Knox.' cial Introduction numbers a n d man of ’he flower exhibition to be u i o r u A T t U a s i U K U A T are __ _________ ,_______ has had a very poor-season, having; ments He leuves three daughters, Mrs progressing very . ______Other favorably ac events between the acts of held at the Community hall A special musical program was lost all district games to date. The program Included a welcome tine of the nicest catches of fish > ordln* ,o U‘‘ne Ha"‘b'*"- advertís- ,be P e ­ M. rle Mlghtoii. In California; Mrs. LAW PROFESSOR TO BE ------------------- - held after the business meeting of Roseburg and Eugene teams , he motherg by Mlgg I .iilu Klelnsinlth. Canby, Oregon. ever to be displayed In Bprlllg- ,"lt ,"a,'a*‘>r Eai'h of the «lasses the club Tuesday. Guessing games cause some apprehension here yet. ch M e pre8ldent of the Ouild; a nod Mrs. Gladys Flottolp. Kelso. J BROTHERHOOD SPEAKER field was to be seen at the Wright I has been ®“ caUKl11 nlc» **ab- have every ticket^sold for the play Hodge now lives at Salem. Mrs. Dr. Rozsa. played a Hungar- May 20. to play a return game. Harry Chase Mrs Beulah Cr*w- Funeral services were held on ian selection on the piano. Eugene high school outplayed I ford Mra g yert Griffith Mrs Mar- Monday afternoon at 2 o-cloek. Rev ,'hur«,h hpr’' Mon,,ay Tea was served by Mrs. A. B. Van Springfield here In the first game v)n p base fcfrs Keeler Mias Flor- Hurry Ilenton. officiated and Inter- 6::W "•r” d bX the Valxah and M,a. C. E. Wheaton between the two schools. The local ence Mra. Harold Chase. Mrs. inent was In the Pleasant Hill I Ladle«’ Aid before the program. An Interesting trip to the Lam­ squad under Norval May has shown Uar8„n> Mrg Edward C. Michel, Mr. Hewitt hi n middle-aged man icinelery. Vcatch chapel In Eu­ bert Gardens In Portland was re­ considerable improvement, while Mrg Fanigworth, Mrs. J. M. Mon gene hull charge of arrangement«. and haH ‘«•"v®"' Warner of Wendling are par this afternoon at one o'clock It teacher. Mr». John Slehn, In obtained will be used to pay Instal­ Mr. und Mrs. S. H. Scott of Blue she said vaguely. she said without milch interest. everyone else was away at the sea entB ° f a b‘' by 8‘>" horn to them at hns been announced. A large nura I gene. A large group of other lation expense-' Incurred during the River were business visitors in “Nice!" The girl flashed her a 'Today you weigh—ninety-eight, Is their home on Thursday, May 6, her of Springfield women are plan- students wljl be presented nt (Be preaent membership drive. Springfield Wednesday. contemptuous look. ‘‘Any place la it? At any rate, you have only to nlng to attend. I same time. (Contlnued on Page 2) 1932. 1 The long of the LnlverHity of Oregon with tin more than TWO PERFORMANCES SET «500 Htinh nlx, faculty and oilier peraonnel would be a blow --------- lathe county would take many many yearn to recover from. Small Charge for Tickets to The univertdty bring« into thia county more than >2.600,000 Be Used to Buy Necessary tach year in new money from aiudenta and from tax aup- Supplies for Building jKirt, It providea a local market for farm produce far beyond what conditiona here would otherwiae preaent, it atimulatea Two performances of a program buaiueaa, banking and real eatate with a resultant benefit hlcb students at the Llocoln to the whole county. LEGION IB HIVE DISTRICT MEETING LIONS TO HAVE BIO FISJLOINNER 11 U C T|| DI 1Y II || U III iLRI CIVIC CLOB Ï0 A New Romantic Serial Story Starting This Week! MAN MADE k TOWN ÉwfRUBYM.AYRES BALL ON FRIDAY