Tlll'HHDAY. MAY 5, 1M2 TUE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PYTHIAN SISTERS HOLD CONVENTION TUESDAY | Upper Willamette TOWN AND VICINITY T he tw niity th lril annual I'y th la n Hlnlcr cull »»nt lull fur d is tr ic t lim n J a a p tr HeeHent III—-M r» Emma Imr 3 wan held at Albany Tunailuy, Muy 3. Mr«. II K. M a la y waa mi« W allace ut Ja»p»r la III ut her hum«. ut tin* member« ut Ihn Kugene I im I k < Moves to Portland — Chari«» d rill tuani which uttcudnil I In* g»tl, Hi iitt*baa moved to Portland where •rin g . he expect» tu make III» horn« 1.1 MT A w rl >1 watch rant i>( 10th N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S mi Main «treat, on the m irth uliin. W iilnn ailay. Return tn Am erican N olle» 1« hereby given that th» underalgned ha« been appointed Ex lintel, or p illili» lo i W. Itewurd ■ c uliir ut the R atal» ut M ary R. Mi l'haraiin. deceaaed, by the cuun ty Court ut Lane County. Oregon. N O T IC C O F H E A R IN G All persona having claim« agitlnal ON F IN A L A C C O U N T «aid E -ta lc arc her»by notified to n o t i c i : ih h k k k b y G IV E N ' pr«»»nt th» »am», properly verified T hu l III« uuderslgned adm lnlatra tu lb» underalgned at th« little« nl Irli " I IlM »» lu t» n t Julin * I.m u ll. W ell» « Well«. 840 W illa m e tte St , dei»u«»d, ha» filed hur account fut Rügen«, Oregon, w ithin ala month« the final «»tllcm ent of «ald «alat« troni th» date of lb« tirât publica In lh« County Court fur Lan» I'nun Hun of thl» nolle». ly. Dragon, and that Haturday, th» Dale of flr« l publication, A p ril Hath day ut May,* 1933. at th« Court , 38. 1932 T. E E D W A R D S . Executor. Itniiiii of «uld Cuurt, In th» County Cnurt llnu«». In Kugene at l»n W E I.I.H A W E L L » . Attorney«. IA 28- Muy 6-12 19 26) o*rlouk In th» forenoau. haa be«n by »uld Cnurt flxed a» th» tiine aud place for bearlng objertlona (kare IN T I I K J U S T IC E C O U R T . E l! to. and for Niitti ««ttlninent of aald QENE J U S T IC E D IS T R IC T , •a la t« . LA N E C O U N TY, OREGON F. I.A V E R N E LA M B, Admlnl» J C PO N H I.K H . P la in tiff. va. L. I I Ir a lr lx of th» Katat» of Julia H IIK N N IN O H K N . Defendant b. der»o«eamer from Shedd spent house burned to the ground before the week-end at John Kdmlston's. Chriatma.4 are plauntug to start also attended the play “ Home T ie « “ building In the near future. at the hall F riday evening. E. B. T in k e r aud son. Lym an, I T h e high school Is preparing a went to Brow nsville on business ; Play "A Fool Holiday" to be given last Thursday and brought back on F riday evening. M ay 13. some straw berry plants M r. T in k e r [ Mrs. Harvey Hadley from Hadley lias put several acres to raspber rles. young berries and traw her- i v1" * her » r a . Tay- Give Candy When you give Mother a box of candy as a rem ­ em brance on Mohers’ Day. it becomes more than a mere box of candy to her -It is a symbol of your deep appreciation. And at the same time it recalls much of the traditional glam our that a gift of candy has always had. Especially if it is Eggim ann’s candy. rles this spring l lor Needh®m - several days the past 1 week. T h e H ill Creek baseball team w ilt play Coburg a t Coburg next I Mias Leone Kdmiaton spent the Sunday. Swim m ers Delight team ' week-end at D rain. Miss Helen E y le r entertained on defeated D lnty Moore s team 6 to 3 t » w lm m e rs 'D e lig h t last S u n d ay.1 W w ,De’’day » surprise F G G I M A N N ’S 'W here the 8ervic« in Differeot T he Pleasant H ill high school! p“ r t > at her h01" * here ,n honor baseball lean, w ill play L ow ell next J of h' r ,at1»«»'»- W illia m E y le r. and F riday afternoon. MARQUEE FRONT FOR STORES IS COMPLETED W ork of building a long marquee extending along the e n tire front of the building occupied by the F. A A M arket, the Hprlngfleld E lectric, Springfield Plum bing company, and the Sneed Grocery was com pleted this week. T he marquee serves a dual purpose, keeping the sidewalk dry aud serving as an awning to keep the sun out of the display windows. LEGION GROUPS WILL HAVE POTLUCK SUPPER M embers of both Springfield A m ­ erican Legion post num ber 40 and the A u xilia ry group w ill hold a pot­ luck dinner and meeting at W alter- ville tonight It waa announced this \ week by I. M. Peterson, adjutant. T h e »upper w ill start at 6 :30. Each persons 1 requested to bring th e ir own knife, fork, plate, spoon, and cup. P relim inary work on the Legion of that group. SHOE SHOP IS MOVED INTO NEW LOCATIOIN T h e J. Nelson Shoe Repair shop was moved from its form er loca­ tion to the Bennett building during the week-end. M ore room for ma -I chinery and supplies and more sun ! light are available in the new loca- j Lowest Prices on Genuine ’ DEUCIOUSk u I * J J r w Choice Meats Choice cuts of m eats are Canvas Footwear For Boys and Men less expensive today than they have been for years. Our Meat M arket m ain­ tains the same high stand­ New Styles ard of quality as it has for : Lowest Prices years. When you buy meat 5 9 c t o $ 1 .9 8 here you get good m eat. Come in today or phone. Independent Meat Co. T h e Golden R ule Rulers of Low Prices 1015 WILLAMETTE E. C. S T U A R T . Prop. 4th and M ain Sta — Phone 63 Springfield, Oregon .. EUGENE THE BIGGEST EVENT OF THE YEAR .. O U R R E C O R D B R E A K IN G tion. says M r. Nelson. W a lte rv ille Folk Here— Mrs. D. C. T ro tte r of W a lte rv llle was a visitor j in Springfield Wednesday. SALE STARTS FRIDAY 9 A. M. DON’T SLEEP ON LEFT SIDE. GAS HURTS HEART If stomach gas makes you re s t-' leaa and unable to sleep on right side, take Adlertka. One dose w ill rid you of gas or nervousness, and bring sound sleep. Flanery's Drug Store. • Beginning To Take Notice Again-------- w,‘ b th e lr brother, F»yloi and fam ily here, Mr. Crocker's birthdays. M r. Croc­ ker was Invited to attend supposing to surprise M r. E yler and on ar rivin g found It was In honor of h im ­ self as well. with hla parents at Pleasant H ill. Happy Davison from Portland Jack Doane son of M r. and Mra. spent the week-end In Thurston Bert Doane of Pleasant H ill went a l'o rendered several solos at the to Salem on 4-H club business M o n -, play “ Home Ties'* F riday evening Lincoln School Notes A uxli|ary p (,» pv da > sale 10 be held May 28. w ill he started by members Kenneth Cox ha» been elected captain of the boys' baseball team at the Lincoln school. T hey have scheduled several games, the first to be played w ith the T re n t school F riday afternoon. T h e Junior high school is busy working on a play which w ill be presented In nbout two weeks. The cast includes: . L illia n T rln k a Jane Bradford Ire n e Anderson Peggy Bobby Calkin« Jim m y Collene Cornell M arigold Alice Roscoe Cole Newsboy Rollnud Farnsw orth Professor A lice Neet Mrs. Crandon L illia n Gregory Penelope Delores Casteel Mrs. Jones Bernice Sm ith Sophy Lloyd Davla Ned Brown Byron Bovlea Bob Davis The low er grades o f the school w ill also present some e n te rta in ­ ment features a t the same tim e the play Is presented It has been an­ nounced. Thurston Ladies' House Dresses Assorted styles Ladies Cum Rubber Tea Aprons while they last 8c East colors While they last By Albert T. Reid A Sale Head and Shoulder» O ver All, w ith no In fla tio n of values. A note w orthy even that is bound to create the greatest buying a c tiv ity of this character heralded in public p rint in many years. Pequot Sheets 81 X 99 Men’s Work PANTS Light and Dark Colors, while they last While they last 59c 29c Men’s Dress Ladies' Fine Rayon Shirts Mesh Hose 89c Ladies' High Grade Pum ps and S trap s, While they last Genuine Broadcloth Fast Color. While they last 17c 39c 69c Good shades. Men’s Sample Shoes V alues to $3.95. While they last Union Suits Short Sleeves and long legs. While they last 39c Men’s Rayon Men’s Heavy Men's Fine Shirts and Shorts Ladies' White Dress Oxfords Beach Sandals All sizes. While they last 16c in black, tan, also Sport Oxfords. Val­ ues to $4.95. While they last T strap, leather sole Plain toe, Heavy sole. While they last While they last 97c 98q 61.89 Ladies’ Undies Work Shoes Ladies Felt House Slippers and Mules While they last 19c Heavy Rayon Panties and Bloomers. While they last Children’s Bare Foot Sandals, $1.00 value. 17c Ladies' Pure Silk Mesh Hose, all good shades. While they last, While they last 69c Boy’s Wash Suits While they last 18c 49c WILLIAM’S SELF SERVICE STORE 77 E. Broadway Eugene, Oregon