THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-NINTH YKAIt BALL TEAM WINS Church to Have GRANGE SEEKS Mother ’s Event THREE CONTESTS COUNH LABEL Crushing Detent of Rosnburg Fritluy is Surprise r. All Bnsebnll Observ» # MEET U. H. S. ON Fl [ He Wag Double-Croseed ] School o í Hying Gets New Many Singers to Participate in Special Mothers’ Day Pomona Croup Names Com­ Music at Christian Church mittee to Work Out Suit­ able Market for Products Hpeclal Mothers' day services will DEEP SNOW IS Chamber Votes P.TA Ship FOUND ON PASS Community Days GIVER FOR BEET Latest Addition Has Small 35 To Sponsor "Trade in Spring- H. P. 2 Cylinder Motor, Harry Wright Measures Mc­ field” Movement With Co- Many Speakers to Discute Wingspread is 34 Feet Kenzie Highway Snows Over Operation of Merchants Educational Problems at A new two-passenger Aronca air 1 Summit During Week-end Annual County Meeting Community bargain daya wil be be halil ut Ihe (hrlullsn church II plane has been added to the fleet! sponsored by the Sprlngfled Cham |j of planes ut the »prlng fleld School ,CE L L J ^ ° VERED of Commerce ELECT OFFICIALS be delivered by the paator. Velile of Flying this week The latest ad of the city will cooperate In the -----------‘ Pleasant Hill and Lowel to Pruitt There will be a mualcal Annual Picnic Planned Near dition was purchased in Portland Many Places Viewed Where pffortg lt wa„ roled at a mee,JnB High School Girls and Girl Fall Before March 3 program medley of Mother Florence on May 21, to Ask J and waa brought to Springfield on the Road it Covered from of the chamber body Wedneaday Scouts to Assist Committees by Mia. Uldine Oartln. Velile 1933 State Convention Springfield Ball Nim j Tuesday by Jim MurManlman, man­ evening Tbe plan la similar to 10 to 13 Feet Deep I'rullt, lb« Murphy Moahler quartet, _____ During All-Day Session ti ager of the flying acbool. ■ hoae used In the middle west to Hprtngfleld hlah school bast | and by the choir, Products grown aud made In The plane Is powered with a two- Dv. Jola« Combwi, coi .iiixioncd by Deep snow from 10 to 13 feet was develop trade. A committee was ap -More Ihan one hundred mothers stock advanced considerably i >* At the evening service the pastor La r county should be so marked I.ul landbeigh to nev »50.08' to kid cylinder motor of 3« her e-power found on the McKenzie pass by pointed by President W Barnell and parents are expected to he tn Ins the past week when the mein will pre ent the second of a aerlea ami a diallnctlve label should be nappera lor tb of •»-- the »..t_ baby vt. _ n -1 |g (iipab|^ „fl „,11^, pPr hour H arry Wright and members of the to act with him In the plan. Mem Springfield Saturday. Muy 7 to st­ hern nf the team defeated Hose' of sermons on "God's Providence.’' worked out and placed on all Items i k I tbe moue) I . I hiiri wai lad and has a cruising rate of 65 miles Obsidian club who made a skli trip her» are H. O Dibblee, J. D. Pyle tend the all-day seaalons of the •rned- burn 71-1 Friday, I’lea-ant Hill 11-3 Hpeclal tnuslc and congregaGiinsI shipped out of the county. This I-arge wings feature the ship or*r the during tbe week- and H. E. Maxey. Lane County District. Parent-Teach- Tuesday, and Lowell 7 1 Wednea singing will feature thia service. wa the sentiment of Lane County whlch la only 19 feet long and has ‘‘nd While the snow la unusually The chamber urged Its members er association to be held at the day. All of the yamea were played Pomona Grange at Its quarterly a wlngspread of 34 feet. The wings de#p 11 '* DOt fro**n aa in former to go to the next county chamber Methodist church starting promptly on the home field at the lira! meeting held ut Marcóla Haturday. are supported with cables from a J'ear* and ,he opening of the pass j of commerce meeting In Florence at 11 o’clock Mrs. O. H Good, dis tain acbool. A committee consisting of II. W. superstructure above the cockpit w,th »now plows could be readily May 21, after an Invitation wa- trlct president from Eugene will be huno. Elmo ( ’base, and M H. Stew­ The overwhelming victory over which is open It ha- the latest air »''■ompllshed believes Mr Wright >ead from the Sluslaw chamber of (he presiding officer. art was appointed to work out some Koaebufa was a great surprise and The Obsidians went to Pole commerce plane tires and equipment. Opening the program will be a distinctive label. many followers of the teams are Bridge cabin during the weekend A report was heard that Linn registration of all visitors and Tbe moat peculiar thing about the A resolution advocating the Coun­ atill wondering why the Ikiuglaa of fh>, Th(|( w|U ship la the fact that the pilot and and expected to climb middle .1.- county was ready to go ahead on ro|, ty Cnlt school plan was voted down. county boys fell down so far here ter where experiments were to be ,he nor,h end of the Mohawk road. be f„||„we Mr„ Ofx> Con, jd, r p|an son, street commissioner began the four feet deep. At mile po»t 70 It territory. Each merchant will of- Thia Victory over Itoaeburg also large task of collecting all rubbish record as favoring the national Girl Scout troop. Tbe tea Is to oe which permlta It to tie flown across was 6 feet 4 Inches and at frog fer special Inducements to bring In The greater part of the morning advanced Hprlngflrld In the dla and waste material- which real Grange bunking legislation which held between tbe hours uf 3 and 6 national boundaries Students can camp, mile poat 71. It waa 7 feet. rural customer, on the bargain seBllI<)n wl|| deroted learn to fly in approximately one- would provide greater protection o’clock. days. A date for the first event will trlct standing They were defeated 1 dents have gathered together and At inlle post 74 In the first cut at by .Mrs. Ralph Crow of tbe Dunn Cooperating with the committee half the number of hours In this by Eugene anti thetr average now placed In boxes and sacks In the for the depositor of banks, and be set later. school on "The Twelve Year Plan, urged that Douglas fir wood be sponsoring National Music week, type of plane and the coat Is also the edge of the lava the snow was stands at 600 Eugene has won two alleys or on the curbings. and a discussion by tbe audience. used whenever possible In bridge the club members will offer a splen­ only about a half of what It la In: f,° und to be 10 feet deep and games, Koceburg won one and loat This plan la one suggested tar the , ,, . ,. . . . . i Those who have not cleaned up work In the state In preference to did mualoal and miscellaneous pro- tbe other ships. , '•rifted. two, und I’nlverslty high has lost . . . . . first twelve years of a child's edu­ . - their premises are asked Io do so steel. gram under the direction of Mrs. The plane will be used tar both 1 At We"‘ Lava ‘amp' ml,e f-osl 75- inis, won none This leaves Hprlng al once Thursday and Friday have cation by Dean Tuttle of the school Jane Ketels. Members of the Scout Hist ruction and passenger flights. | snow was ? feet, mile post 75.4 Efforts will be made at once to flebl and Eugene looming as ima been designated as clean up daya, bring 1923 State Grange meeting troop will also assist under the of education at tbe university. The it was 13 (eet near the Craig monu- stale rivals for the district champ­ plan was first presented to- the hut person* who have not already to Eugene A picnic for Pomona leadership of their leader. Mrs. A | ment. Mil post 77 showed 7 feet ionship MARCOLA RESIDENT DIES six inches, mile poat 7T6 but 5 feet county group and was so favorably gathered up their waste materials Grange will be held on tbe beach K Sneed. With tlietr victories of the pasl ure naked In do so at once aa It will received thet It was sent to the AT HOME WEDNESDAY while at tbe summit at mile post Presentation of a flag to the week Hprlngfleld’a hall team has lake aeveral daya before the street near Florence on May 21. It was state officers and they In turn for­ 77 6 the snow was found to be 9 local troop will be made by Mrs uuw won five ami loat two gauiea, commissioner will be able to cover announced Haturday. Mrs. Alice Schwind. 94. died at feet 6 Inches. Over the summit at Reduced Salary is Reason warded It on to the national group Alice Doane on the lawn of tbe one with Eugene and one with the the city. which has been «-qually enthusias­ Poindexter bonie if tbe weatber lt her home at Marcóla Wedneaday tbe big cut 10 feet of snow was Given; Has Taken Active Vnlveralty frosh- They have played tic. after a short illness. She hag lived drifted over tbe road. The clean up la free. All the city NUMBER OF VOTERS IN Part in H. S. Activities suitable. Miss Faye Holverson will and won two games from Pleasant _ . . . ... The noon luncheon will be served . ’ saka la that maideilta put things CITY GIVEN IN REPORT respond tar the troop, and a flag at Marcóla for the past 32 years Itili, one from Isiwell and Thurston under the direction of Miss Leone having been born at Saratov. Rus­ John Knox will not teach on the which they no longer have uae tor drill will be held Immediately after and Hoseburg. sia. on November 25. 1838. and com­ BANTAMS ARE URGED Out of a total population of 2369 tbe presentation ceremony. Springfield high school staff next Elliott, domestic science Instructor In boxes or other containers which William 8 wont, left handed pitch- ran be collected eaally. as given In the last census there TO CONTROL EARWIGS year he announced this week. In- at the high school. She will have as Articles of bandicrafe which the ing to the United Btates tn 1892. er. performed nicely fur bla acbool Survivors include one son. Henry are 1017 people who will be permit­ girls have made during the year daequate salary was the only rea­ her assistants. Mrs Pratt Holver­ In the Itoaeburg and Pleasant HUI Schwind, Marcóla; one daughter. Purchase of pairs of bantam tee) to vote at the prftnary election son given by Mr. Knox tar bis ac­ son. Mrs. H. E. Chace. and Mrs. Lee H. S. ORCHESTRA TO will be exhibited during tbe after­ games. Coach May did not uae him Mrs. Louisa Sinnar. Springfield; chickens by a large number of re-1 tion. His decision follows recent Putman Girls of the high school according to a list of voters regia noon. GIVE PROGRAM FRIDAY tered lu the various city precincts. Wcdneaday aa he expects to use and six grandchildren and five dents of Springfield as a means of action of the school board in reduc­ classes will have charge of the din The program will be as tallows: him agnln Friday wheu Hprlng controlling the spread of earwigs ing salaries of faculty members by ing room. great-grandchildren Of the total there are 278 Demo­ Piano solo -Margaret Jarrett A mu-leal program lo be given by field and t'nlveralty high teams Dr. M orris to T alk Funeral services will be held at i * a" advwa“’d •»’ Dr W. C. Rebhan 10 per cent effective next school crats and 739 Kepublli-ans. The Headlug ||a Putman the Springfield high school orches meet The outstanding feature of the the Poolc-ilrav Bartholomew chapel at the weekly luncheon meeting 'ot year. votes were divided as tallows ac­ Vocal aolo Pearl Helterbrand The Hpringflrld girls team waa Ira at the school auditorium Friday cording to precincts: Knox has taught Spanish and afternoon will be an address by Dr. in Springfield Friday afternoon at 2 ,he f-lons club Friday. Plano aolo . Barbara Barnell defeated 7-5 by Pleasant Hill girla, morning at to o’clock was an­ Precinct Hep. Deni science at the high school during Victor P. Morris on "Economic Fac­ r qUar,H A pr°*ra'" of dlrpc,ed ference. were started this week. Dr. two times in succession. Pruitt will take the party on the The Junior clans set May 14 as the Mildred Wakley, Evelyn Benston thirty-two girls enrolled including fjeld games and contests was led by R. P. Mortensen has moved hts prac­ N ursery Is Planned the Brownie scouts who range In fishing trip up the McKenxIe river date tar their outing but have not Lillian O’Neil, Maxine Snodgrass, , Miss Moffitt tallowing the program. tice to rooms adjoining Dr. Poll One innovation at the meet this age from seven to nine years. The A flsli dinner will be served at the announced the place. Freshmen Betty Ixiu Hamlin, Doris Gerber Eugene was chosen as the place ; Mr„ D B Ml|rpbv annsored by son, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mof Stearmer. Mrs. House will be host­ ceded the refreshments. children. Mrs. Putman urges that and gasoline. i4wlndell lives In the encampment at 6:46 for mem­ their thoughts now on outdoor acti­ fltt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fandrem ess at her home nt the nest meet­ they attend Saturday. vities nnd will hold many hikes West Springfield. and Mr. and Mrs. Larson Wright. bers and their families. The play, GUESTS INVITED FOR ing on May 12. and picnics during the warm wea This was the first case to come which Is open lo the public nnd tar RELIEF SUPPLIES ARE CARD PARTY SATURDAY DATE FOR SENIOR CLASS before C. E. Wheaton, recently ap­ which a small ad nils-Ion will be ther. CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE MOVED TO RESIDENCE ARMY OFFICER VISITS pointed Justice of the Peace for charged, will begin at 8 o'clock. PLAY IS ANNOUNCED PLAN SOCIAL TONIGHT DOCTORS ASSIST NEEDY; Springfield to succeed W. F. Walk­ Mr and Mrs. Morris Morton en GUARD UNIT LAST NIGHT All of the clothing and other sup tertalned at their home In West er who has moved to Portland. Springfield high school seniors REMOVE BAD TONSILS piles which were left over from the KNOX IS WINNER OF The Live Wire cla»s at the Springfield Friday evening tar a Captain Jnmes F Hyrum, regular will present their annual class play Community Belief depot when It group of their friends who played Christian church will be hosts to­ army Instructor tn the National W. C. T. U. CONTEST "The Meanest Man In the World." Dr. Milton V. Walker and Dr. W. BROTHERHOOD TO HEAR wus closed has been moved to the night at the weekly social gather­ 600. Guests lnrlud«*d Mr. and Mrs Guard for Oregon, was I11 Spring C. Rebhan have coop»>rat»>d With home of Mrs. A. B. Van Valtah W ILLAM ETTE LAW D E A N ' Fred Knox, Mr. and Mrs Ralph ing at the church parlors. Everett Friday evening. May 20. at the high Hubert Knox, student at the Jun the Lane County M»>dical society field from Portland Wednesday school auditorium It was announced I’eraons needing any of the remain lor high school was adjudged win­ Land. Miss Doris Graham, and Gil­ Squires and Merton Ferebee are in evening to visit the guard unit dur- Roy Hewitt, dean of the law bert W. Cox. lug articles can obtain them by call ner of the essay contest which the during the past week In the re­ charge of the program and Leroy this week by John Knox, director. lug tlietr regular practice night. moval of bad tonsils for people who school of Willamette university, lug thore for them. Inman and William Gregory have The students have learned the first local W. C. T. U. organisation spon­ ure unable to pay for the opera­ Promotion of privates William G. will be the speaker at the monthly charge of refreshments. Miss Mabel act of their play and are now busy sored among children of the tion. The work Is done In various Cox and Hoy V. Severson to pri­ Brotherhtaid meeting at the Metho- PRIMARY CHILDREN GET Moffitt will have charge of the with the second of the three groups. schools on the subject "Effects of pnrts of the county by members of vates first-class was nnuounced by SCHOOL BOARD HOLDS dlat church Monday evening. May MAY BASKETS AT PARTY games. C. A. Hwarls, first lieutenant, In QUIET MEETING MONDAY Alcohol,” Jean Lloyd was Judgt-d the Medical society In response to 16. it was announced here today IUKA CIRCLE TO HAVE winner of second place I11 the con­ a request made by Dr. Seth Kerron, command of the unit. Thirty-five children of the pri­ upon receipt of a letter of accept­ INITIATIO N TONIGHT The monthly meeting of the test among Springfield students. county health officer. Dr. Kerron Is ance of an invitation extended him mary department classes at the MISSION GROUP MEETS Knox was also adjudged winner taking out several seta nf tonsils school board Monday evening waa a AT VAN VALZAH HOME KENSINGTON CLUB HAS by the delegation at the Lebanon: Methodist church Sunday school Several candidates tar member of second place In the county con- each week, but Is unable to take meeting thle week. His subject has were entertained by their teachers. MEETING ON FRIDAY very quiet affair wlh two board teat. ship In Iuka circle number 37, Mr . A. U. Van Valxah was host­ member.» present. Dr. Pollard, third care of all cases. Mrs. L. K. Page. Miss Ellen Mos- not been announced. Ladies’ auxiliary of the G. A. k . ess at her home Tuesday afternoon member, Is out of the city. Monthly cop. and Miss Ruth Pollard at the Members of the Kensington dub will be initiated tonight at the re­ home of Mrs. W. O. Burch. Friday at 2:30 tar members of the Wo gular meeting of the group at the were entertained Friday afternoon bll’a were allowed al the meeting. MISSION GROUP HEARS BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD LADIES PLAN QUILT men's Foreign missionary society afternoon. Each child present re­ at the home of Mrs. Clarence DISCUSSION ON AFRICA AT HALSEY HOME HERE EXHIBIT SATURDAY ceived a May basket to take home of the Methodist church. Mrs. Ida armory. A supper will be held fol­ Chase. Mrs. A. J. Morgan was the CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE Gantz was the lesson leader and lowing the Initiation. asslatant hostess. Guests Included Membera of the Foreign Mission­ PLAN ALL-DAY PICNIC Mr. and Mrs. J. (’. Halsey enter­ Memhers of the Ladles Aid of Mrs. L. K. Page led the devottonals. Mrs. A. H. Davis, Mrs. Greta Buck­ ary aoclety of the Christian church tained with a birthday party at the Christian church will hold a sil­ GOOD ATTENDANCE IS PYNE LOSES 6TH FLIGHT Intermediate and junior Epworth heard a discussion on Africa and their home last Thursday evening ingham. Mrs. Walter Go sler, Mrs. ver tea In the church parlors on AWARDED W ITH HOLIDAY Plan Potluck Dlnnsr HONORS TO O. HOSELTON Laurence Moffitt, and M I- h Lucille Leaguers of the Methodist church India Tuesday evening when they In honor of Mr. Halsey's birthday. Saturday afternoon between the A potluck dinner tar all members Wiley, besides the members. The will go to Benton-Lane auto park met at the home of Mrs. D. B. Dancing was the entertainment for hours of 2 and 5. The ladies will Students at the Junior high and friends of the Methodist Orville Hoselton defeated 1C B. group will meet again In two weeks Saturday for an all-day picnic. WII- Murphy. Mrs. W. A Taylor was the the evening. Guests Included Mr. hare an exhibition of qullta am) any school at the Lincoln building had church will be held In the church Pyne of this city Friday, to take Ila Hertacli will transport the young at the home of Mrs. W. C. Kali- leader tar the discussion. A social and Mrs. Orville Fandrem, Mr. and person having quilts which they a half holiday Friday as a reward parlors on Friday. May 13, It was the honors of the sixth flight In ban with Mrs. Paul Bastard aa as­ people who plan to leave the church hour and refreahmenta were enjoy­ Mrs. F. O. Bennett, and Mr. and would care to exhibit are invited to for having had a perfect attend­ announced thia week by Rev. Dean the Oakway Golf conrss spring at • a. m. sistant boataaa. ed tallowing tbe business meeting. Mrs. Harold McPherson. bring them. ance record of 20 days. tournament. C. Poindexter. AY Sunday with a special sarinon to SCHOOL CITY CLEAN-UP STARTED TODAY PLAN OPPOSED CLUB SPONSORS I BENEFIT KNOX RESIGNS TEACHING PLACE