PAGE FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS CASH PRIZES OFFERED BY HI-WAY PROTECTORS The Highway I’rotectlve Associa lion of Oregon offers cash prize« amounting to (50 00 1*25.00 first. (15.00 second and (10.00 third) for the best paper* »not over 500 word*I, submitted by high school tludenta of this »late, covering the following subject: ' »low. and why. should the state better regulate the u*e of commer­ cial truck* and busses on out pub­ lic highway«?” Competing student* should hand their paper* to their principal, who la a*ked to aelect and forward the beat mot more than three) to th< association on or before May 31 lia J » I B SEEKS L THURSDAY. APRIL 28. 1982 Engineer Seeks Office al tir a n ts OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR TWO I. O. O. F. MEETINGS I ‘ass. Glenn Hurnden and I P Inman butti of Eugene were ehuaeii predi- ■lent und secretary reapectlvely of (lie Lane County I O. «1. F aaaocla lion for the full ses ion Io lie hehl in Eugene in October. Janie* K*n ueil y anil Mi Cameron both of Junction City were etnisen presi ■leni und secretary reapectlvely of 'lie aaaoclallou for the spring meet­ ing Io be belìi III Junction City in April, 1933 Olio hundred persons atlended Ihe busines* meeting ul iie Saliirilay. and about four liuiidred persons utleuded the pulille eitler laliinieui in the evening Spring field representatives Included John Pyle, John Kelels, Sr . Elmer Pyne, John Guie», Elmer Eltnlley, Bert Hliukey and Kolutut Mushier. futre* Portland Hospital— Wal !ae Achly of Dexter went to ihirl <1 to i lite r lite V« te rä n * ' ho sp ital. (covet f. cm fugrnr—- Mrs Lottie Residents Complain That Un­ certainty of Route Prevents Civic Improvements Bowman moved to M prlugileM from Eligen this week Vilit» at Rosaburg— Jim (lorrie At a meeting of the Westfir Com inunity club, held Tuesday evening a number of candidates for nomina­ tion to county offices were present I ed and called on for short talks. Y Those speaking included Clarence Charles M Schwab celebrated hia. v. Simon. Frank It. Reid. John \V 70th birthday bv uodting at hi» desk B( an. IK mils Lovelace. P. M a s s s r « £ “f a ~ r we I to Rosebarg Monday to spend In few days visiting with relative - Mov* Thl* Week—Mr. ami Mrs. ■ Itov Halverson moved to a real I deuce on A street near Ninth this w ei k Visitor* from Camp Creek—Mar Minnie Maddern Fi»ke America'» I Ion ( base and (t II Hartly of Camp lantou» actre»». died of heart I Creek w ere bualneaa visitors In disease at 57 Site bad been un die Mpringtieid on Tuesday. »tage »inre »be * n till ce since he started working for Came- B a rn a rd ai d Kenneth Nielsen, All papers so received will be uie at 18. driving stakes Poliowing the introduction and promptly Judged by the oflcers of __________ I speaking of these candidates a dis- the association, and the cash prizes eussion. led by Carl John, promi- forwarded to the winners. JUNIOR BASEBALL belli member of the Community Circular* carrying much informa LEAGUE IS SOUGHT I*'1"' pl“c’ \h' ‘U" ,u‘b' tlon on the subject may be had the county court and engineer to- upon request. ' ward the start of work on the A compilation of our motor vehl interested Persons Invited to At market road through Westfir Mr tend Gathering in Eugene cle law* may be had by applying 1 Johnson pointed out the efforts of Saturday Evening to the secretary of state. the people of Westfir toward a pro- Visit Her*— Hr. und Mrs. C. tl Van Vallali of Roseburg spent the weekend In Springfield »I the home of hl* mother. Mrs A II Van Valsati Organisation of a countv-wide. ‘ gram of sidewalk construction, planting of trees and shrubs, etc., amtteur baseball league with play was held up through the lack of an er to be not older than 31 is to he acurate and final location of the attempted in Eugene Saturday eve­ road. He further added that the spe­ ning. J. E. Moore, proprietor of cial tax for the work had been Moore's Cycle store at 120 west voted and that definite asurance Bea“ ' uf Kl«gene, Republican Candidate for Nomi Eighth street asks that all persons had been given that the major por J o h n tlon Of this tax would be paid on nation for County Surveyor of Lane County. interested in this venture attend a Mr. Bean is the son of the late the construction engineer on both meeting at his place of business Ma> 5 Mr * * ’ answered Saturday evening at 7 o'clock to dis- b> bo,h Mr Barn,rd an<1 Hr Morse Lout* E. Bean, former Eugene Al railroad and highway location and » the proposed league Mr J who assure¿ h,m that the survey torney and for many years a rep . construction, power plant erection resentative ot Lane county In the and tunnel excavatiou. HI* expert- Moore Is taking the initiative In would be made before May 20. state legislature, and on the Fish ‘ ettce has then widely diversified junior baseball work and plans to and Game commission of Oregon, and obtained under the supervision sponsor a team himself. He is an­ GROUP OF RECITALS xious to have representatives from PLANNED FOR WEEK and for the •'eara •»««»••dlately of men who are outstanding in the _______ ( prior to his death on the Oregon field of civil engineering. each community in the county pres- A series of piano recitals to be Pub,ic Service commission. Mr , In seeking the nomination and ent Saturday night. given by students of Mrs. Clara Bean WM h01"“ an‘1 ralaeears * •* wi,b ,be Engineer and f. H‘’an “erveri in omy in the handling of the county's | sorship of the Christian Endeavor y>rto“ «»»»ritles «bt> »UW of engineering problems. and inspect our up-to-date stock. Colonel Alfred E Clark, who is seeking the Republican nomination for Cnlted State* senator, is the man who is first vice-president of the Oregon National Convention commission of the American Le­ gion. which is sponsoring the na­ tional convention in Portland from September 12 to 15. this year, and stands high in American Legion ac­ tivities throughout the entire United State. Colonel Clark's acti­ vities on behalf of ex-service men and women should draw to him a large percentage of their votes at the May primaries.—(Pd. adve.— Clark for U. S. Senator committee. 820 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Oregon.I FREE Visit* at Grant* Paa»— Mis* Ciar­ le. Isabel Centón Is vlsltlnz friends Friday and Saturday J Get the Habit — We Guarantee to Please. HOFFMAN’S - Springfield’s Own Store On the Corner. 4th and Main Springfield Let’s Go Fishin’ There are better fish in the rivers and lakes than has ever been caught, but. it takes gasoline to get you there. Steep grades and muddy roads do not stop Violet Ray and General Ethyl gasolines from doing their duty. These high powered gasolines take you there and bring you back after the old basket is full. “A” Street Service Station 5th and A Streets Springfield Purity Very often the life of a patient depends upon the accurate filling of a prescription! Here you may be a s­ sured that only the purest and best ingredients are consistently used, and compounded with the utm ost skill. Ketels Drug Store In the New Store Springfield Flavor... That's the Test of Good Ice Cream Quality tells in the flavor! Your eyes may deceive you . . . . cream y smoothness may mislead you . . . . but flavor is the unfailing test of delicious ice cream. Eggim ann's ice cream has it. E G G I M A N N ’S "Where the Service is Different” V IC IN IT Y p ' ' McKenzie Valiev Irish-Murphy Co. You Take No Chances Here . . SENATOR Annual Spring Sale of Silk Hosiery HUMMING BIRD and PHOENIX Regular $1.00 Hose 7 9cPair 2 P airs $ 1 .5 0 The Golden Rule Rulers of Lew Priesa 1015 W ILLAMETTE EUGENE F. NEW PRODUCE RATES OFFERED BY RAILROAD Rale cn produce between all pointa in Oregon were reduced ef (ectlve April 35, it was aiinouiu rtl at the local depot this week Rate* on intelaiale ahlpmeiila of produit» are to he reiluceil proportlonateljr on May 16. CAMP CREEK PEOPLE TO PRESENT COMEDY "Lookin' Lively" la Ihe title of (he threeud comedy which people of ihe Camp Creek district will pre *eiil at the Lower Camp Creek _ church Friday. April 39 The pro­ duction la being staged for lb* hetiefll of the McKenzie baseball team. Entertain for Frland* Mr and Mrs. Harry M Stewart entertained ul their home Tuesday evening for a few of their friend* following Ihe regular Masonic meet ing. Cards and refreshments were enjoyed Those present were Mr and Mrs. John llenderer. Mr. and Mr*. Dnti Crites and daughter of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whit ney, Mr. and Mra. N. L. Pollard, and Mr and Mr». (I. II. Jarrett. Special fo r Friday and Saturday FREE! 'j 0 Pair Pure Thread Silk Full Fashion Belding Heneway Hose, with each Dress from S 4 .6 6 up- SCHOOL TERM S T E IW E R Try some today. The I'leasaut Hill choir met at the home of Mrs K. Y. Swift last Drive to California — Mr and Thursday night Mrs Levi Neel left Wednesday E V Swift la suffering very i lor a 10 nay motor trip to Califor­ much from neuritis in the face. nia. They will stop at San Jose The two children of Mr anil Mrs. und other iluces to visit Fred Papenfus are sick with wlusip Ing rough. Visitors from Portland— Mr and Farmers in Pleasant Hill are very Mis. Ru sell Olson of Portland hu y with baby turkey* were Week-end guests at the home The Pleasuut llill high school ef Mi Olson's parents, Mr, and baseball teum ilefesleil the Oak­ Mrs. Carl Olson. ridge team last riday al Oakridge Birthday Observed—A fuuilly re by a gcor* of * to 3. The glrla lost union and dinner was held at the to Oakridge 12 to 10 The isiwell high school baseball home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schnet ikv Sunday in honor of Mr. Hehuetz team defeated the Walker team at ky's seventy-fourth birthday annl Pleasant llill Friday afternoon by a score of 5 Io 1. Thia make* three versary. straight wins for latwell Attend Education Meet — Ito) A number of young folks were Quiuey. principal of the Lincoln I invite») to the home of Nancy Bar­ school and laiurence* Moffitt, as num Iasi Saturday night where they sistant county schisil superintend­ played 50 until a late hour when ent. spent Saturday at Monmouth refreshments were served. where they attended educational The Hills Creek baseball team de­ meeting». feated the Swimmers Delight team last Sunday by a score of 0 to 5. Visitors Here — Mr. and Mrs Frank Terry of Minneapolis are CALL FOR WARRANTS gu< sts at the home of Dr. and Mrs Notice la hereby given that N W. Emery. Dr. Emeey has known School District No 19. In Lane County. Oregon, will pay at the of­ the Terry family for many years fice of clerk of aaid district, all having been neighbors In South warrants to and including 2089, Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Terry have dated January 30. 1932 Interest Spent some time in Portland visit­ ceaaca after April 30, 1932. C BARBER. Clerk ing relatives and are Io return to their home by way of California. .of Walterville will present recital ! at the Walterville church. The class at Junction City will 1 present a recital at the Christian | church there on Monday evening, i and on Tuesday evening the Mon- I roe class will present a recital at Goes to Portland—W. H. Adrian Visits Sister—Miss Geneva Bean HOW ONE MAN the Alpine Methodist church. An- I left Sunday for Portland to receive of Portland spent the week-end In LOST 22 POUNDS other recital to be given by stu ,ne