THURSDAY. APRII, 2K. 1932 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ___ __________ PAO» — — N O T IC K TO C R E D IT O R « LANE COUNTY COURT — — ews II Parks »23 33; H K. Thomas Appleman «1196, H M. Bloom Conley «6 36; Nell Buchanan »30 46; McCausland »1198 Earl tMfford »17.41; W M «2 38; Jess Barger »2 39 «4 78; Eugene Hand £ Gravel Co. Frank Moore »12.99, L Truesdale (Continued from I'uge 2) OILING; Shell Oil Co «542.70. gher (14.14; H H. Dickey | i | M~ Noth'« lu hereby given that tli» »8 40 DIST. No. 13: Inter City Hand £ «3 28; John Dyer «10 39; Equipment W H. Moyer »16*3; Rd r. 4 » ^ M A R K 1 T ROAOS undersigned haa been appointed Ex Equipment DIST No 55: It. A Babb Hard »230 01; A. E. Davla »3.72; Ray MAINTENANCE: C. T. Beach »10 6»; Stance Burkett (t» < » ; u. editor of lh« Estate of Mary E Tel £ Telg Co. 110 95; Roger I'faff Gravel Co. »10.87; ware Co. »2 12; Mrs F E. Clayton George »1.1»; Ted George «2 39; «14 00; Hills Creak Lumber Co ¡E Phillip. »10.4»; John Brl.-I McPherson, flw ninitl, by the couli- (6.00; Oregon St. College «4 10; W »1« .36 DIST No 13: Gerald B Conner »7 34; Ray Dlkeman «2 76 G W O. Harwood »1(73; Frank Jarvla «2 21; Inter City Sand * Oravel Co. ty Court of Lane County, Oregon. E Finger £ Co (37 06; J M Caua T M Woods »10.4»; Wal­ All persona having claim« agalnat land |8.00; Koke-Chapman Co. »26 32; Chas. C, Conner »41.30; Millican »3 70; H H. Payne 62c; *8 97; Roy Johnson »7 99; Curtla (62 55; Eugene Concrete Pipe Co. lace Bradley »10.4»; Percy Harrlae Wilson »3 19 J K Mlnney »34 66; S J Godard (88 36; Claude Arne »11»; Harry Vero Keahey »2 39; Ixiwell Bens ualil E lute are hereby notified to «8.25. 1 u>n V’ î* ' 1 W Jack* ”> »10 4»; prevent the earn«, properly verified, EMERGENCY: Ralph Calllaon Williams «11»; Chaa. C. Conner Randolph Allen «10 69; W. Coiteli SHERIFF Lola Hmllh «4800; ton »3 68; I a rrence Fisher »2 39; »59 87; Virgil Clover »13.14; F B to the unilvrutgned at the office ol Ktmu Gilbert «54 00; Agnes »hl J D Fountain »1039; M L Filch Roberta »3.98; Alden Burdlek »199; »39 76; Van Svarverud »16 92; Chaa »2»»; Ed Davie ( I t »7; Frank Spen I 710.4»; Louis W a lfo rd «14,4», E. H F. Mlnney »62 82 Uee (9 »6; Paul Grosse «10 4»; Well« £ Welle, MO Wlllumette S t, well «48.00; Howard Kull «5400; »1039: M A. Hom «89 00 Knnea «5 97 Clifford Van Sx-holack sr «10.77; Bill Spencer «23 »0; BUI DIST. No. 14 Graber-Uettya I- DIST. No. 56: Elbe L. Signor »5 97; Chaa. Me Cue »5 97; Claude Beck (» 6«; John Dicks »» 5«; Louis Jo"»Pl> Humphrey< »6 71; J R Eugene, Oregon, within alg inontha S M lluasell (3 9 0 0 . Douglas liar »13.47; Harry Gerlach »4 24; WII Abercrombie »6 97; Rolla Bush Wheeler »14.34; J M Beck »41 »4; «'Untie »18 45; F A Westfall «1« «» WANTED Single, healthy woman from the date of the flrat publica­ rla «58 50; Ellu M Swanson «57 00; Hardware Co. «4068 DIST, No. 18: George Wataon Ham Gerlach »3 49; Horace Turner »5 97; Clyde Hastings »3 98; Hugh C, M Darling »44 7»; W H Maloy Harry Whealdon »10 6», Geo I g e tion of thia notice. (Henna Stephens (42.00, I-eater A tur gt-norul housework In modern Dale of flrat publication, April Patrick (88 00; drace Allen (48(H) »44 91; G. F Heb men »28 33; Peter »2 99- Earl Roberts »852; Ralph Doolittle »4 78; Franklin Fish «7 96: »5 38; J L. Mallette »1.1»; F. J. »»" »18 45; J E Hood »»»6; Joan rumi hiiiiir Two in luinlly. Boaril, fa. 1932 Joe Garclau Lymli »13 43; J W King »4 78; C. L McAlister »7 96; H H. Fits DamewtMMl »7 18; Henderson Stew Jorgenson »8.79; I E Heflin 1995 Frieda Kester «51 00, K C. Brans R u m iii iisseti »239; T. E. EDWARDS, Executor. teller «8900; Helen Rutherford »4.78; M. Prince »4.78; Equipment Jim Aldrich »4 78; Ed Kelley «3 68; gerald »7 96; L. E. Gormley »199; art »9 58; Darwin Damewood »7.98; R oy Fostor »106»; Henry Hnonlng room unii uniull wuuvu No grunt John Ulrey »1.79; Sam Snyder James Tedford »99 76; Equipment Grover Walker »9.58; Frank Shultz «10.69; A. O. Ixine »10 6»; E E «48 00; llulh Miller (48.00, John »10 33 «ru. Apply Angler's Ranch above WELLS « WELL». Attorney«. (A 2* May 6-1319 2«> HIST No. 17: Graber Gettya *1.19; H C. Addison 80c; Equip »64 00; O. W Brabham »7179; »2 50; Jotah Caln »1 19; Fred Langs ,,0 W : Roy*' Qulner «80 00; Mildred Wilson Wulturvllle, Ralph Koon »2.99; J. M Peterson ton »22.91; Lowell Tedford »22 72; <17 41; Ernest Collier »17.»6, rrank «38 00; Earl M Jaekaon (1 5 0 0 , Eva Hardware Co. »14 76; L. W Hum mi-nt »39 26. Manaeii , 1SM; „ R Ben Hnbbel »7.17; H O Jackson IN THE JIIHTICK COURT. EU­ I. McCoy «48 00, Hazel E Ituaaell «50.24; Wilbur Pitcher »23 96; II F DIST No. 57: Ralph Lynch »1 79; J E Thompson »3.59; Miller GENE JUSTICE DISTRICT, (54.00; Evelyn Stark «48 00; Ade Pitcher »9 56 It C Glea.ion »27 48, »10 74; J W King «2 39; Jim Aid Sorensen »11.98; F M Brown »1 19; John Trunnelt »77.34; James J6»7: E J Snyder »3.»»; J J. N O T IC K OP P IN A L H K A R IN O LANK COUNTY. OHEOON line Volkatorf (57 00; Evelyn Van Edward Crlsller »9 56; Hoy Dixon rl. h »2.39; B. H (lowing »2 39; W »9 48; Karl Robertson »3 19; W I, Tedford »7 18; Dick Schick »4 78; K-ilght »19»; E C. Pappié (3 98 »3 »8; A. L. Douglas Notice lu hereby given that the J. ( ’. I’ONSLER, Plaintiff. va. h. II Nurden »33.00; Aims Unstick »25 17; W B Patten »15 53, J. F II. Anderson »2 39; Geo C. Sch Akins «4 97; Ralph Philips «4 97; Ben Wilson »58 62; E E Calllson i’-'î'-!’' Wallace »2 39 T J 15 97; U K. Bradford 117.91; M W uuderulgned, Anna Myer«, Aitinln IIKNNINOHKN. Defendant (75.M; Helen Shelton «49 50; Marie Wilson »1196; Tom Parker »22.70; nelder »14 40; Graber-Gettya Hard ('. Jacobson »4 97; H. R L p S»*b*nlhaler lalrulrli of tile ««tale of Hadle I tug <4 97; Jess Drlsklll »4 97; J L F o m in »5.97; Frank P. Briggs V.VÎL lluatluga «30.00; Ann Matychuk Joe Plueard »2 39; II D. Plueard ware Co. «6 00 SUM M ONS luntl. deceased, has filed her filial Mounts »497; W E Williams »23.31; J Hopkins »24.96; F A »1194; H. B Davla »5 97; Virgil To I, II. Ileiinlngaen, defendant »45.00; Business Equipment Co »2 39; Howard Norlln »4 78. DIST. No. 59 Wrn Kyle £ Son i Moore «10.3»; Jess Gates *43.12; Storer »3 98; Frank Krallcek «II »4 DIST N«i. 19 Western Lumber account In the County Court of IN THE NAME OE THE HTATE (27 00; I) O Moody «4.00; D E Co »2.40; Karl Miles »4 79; Walter »4 97; Wm Fuller »4 97; Joe Me l.ane County, Oregon, and the OF OHEOON, You are hereby re Yoratl «378.84; Eugene Wuter Co. »4.25; C. T Bern h »83.78; C. A Scott »2 39; Shell Oil Co. »37.40; Cargar »96 93; Union OH Co »34 19, Frank Gates »14.37; Lennle Haldor Hobert Elliott »11.94; F. M Hob- Court haa a«t Saturday the 20th «Hired to uppi-ur and answer Ihe Board «55.14; Pacific Tel £ Telg Jones »29 21; Haymond Dunning N L. Austin »47 94 Mrs. Ada Cox »35.80; Leslie Mor son (13.16; Milton Fitch »10 39 wood »6 97; Os. ar Anderson (3 98 Homer Austin ford »23.88; Ixrster Spangenburg Lester ' ~ Thomas ............................ »4 78; J. W. Smith ?• «»rwood »2039; W M Edwards day of April. 1932. at the hour nt complaint filed agalnat you lu the Co. (4.105; J K Carlile (149 89; »1910; Chaa. Hebert »7 76 V. A »11.94. ten o'clock lit the forenoon of aald a b o v e <•!. 111 li-tl , m irl a n d r u n - -ui Geo Canuduy «124 89 Will Klaln Yunik »6.37; Don Klmbal »14 97; *11 94; Roy England »2388; Claude »4 78; Harold Storey »4.78; Austin »9 95; Harry Perry »15 92; Geo. DIST. No. 60; H. W Carson Abercrombie »21.89; Alan Kerr Bechdoldt »4.78; A. C. Lake »62 86; Doughty »11 94, Martin Hack »1.9»; day, In Ihe County Court Hoorn In or before four week« from the date ger (99 89, Lloyd Howe «139 73 Geo A W Dotson »4 78; J W K< hols the Court llouae at Eugene, Lane of the flrat publication of thia aum F Houghton «124 73; Elmer Hoi »1553; It C. Kel-ay »7.17; Wm »718; J J Albro »4 78; Eugene »23 88; P J Bush »1194; Ervin Myron Bailor »27 54; Ed Mabe J L. Scholl »3.98; Jesse Stephen^ Sand £ Gravel Co. «18.18 County, Oregon, ua the time and mona, anil If you fall ao to appear land «124 73; A. E. Hub-guard Hebert »16.13; J B Floi k »14.98; Pai-chelke »19 90- John Pitcher »21.54; A. R Tolman »13.15; C. O »16 92; Andrew Carpenter »16 92- DIST. No. 61: T. C. Bryant «23 88; Henry Rau'»23 88; Don Gar Kemper »4 17; A C Lake »17 95; Roy Burt »17.91; Claude Silk wood place to hear objection« to the and gnawer, for wunt thereof the (124 73. W W Edmlston «124.7«: Claude Hebert »14 34; F. B. Cheno­ name. If any, anil for the final vet plaintiff will apply to the Court for it W Potter (109 73, Ethel Scott weth »16.73; Union Gil Co. »138 11; »10 00; Wallace Keeler »4 18; O. E routte »11.94; Chas Ennis »13.93; T H Parks »14 36; Fred Smigley »3 98; John Briggs »11.94; D. F I lenient of aald ealate. the relief deuiunded In hla Com (90 00; Weltha Trafrer «108.00; Miller Sanford Tractor Co. »19.50; Keeler »4 18; T. R. Keeler »4 18; G ('. Ennis »14 46; Clyde Hastings »2.24; F A. Moore »129; A M Cronin »11.94; Elmer Erickson Dale of flrat publication March plaint on file herein, to-wlt: for the Business Equipment Co. «3 00; The Equipment »296.80. Russell Oakes »4.18; T A. Breeden »40 54; Hugh Doolittle »66 98; Wm Sturtevant »5 97; Waldo W Taylor »1194. Walter Anderson »1194- DIST No 20: Ed L. Eaton »3.58; Harry Keeler »17.06. Hammersly »1194; L. O. Chaffee »27 93; Walter L. Taylor »14 36; Floyil Keene »ll.»4; M. G. Bailey Slat, 1932. aum of Fifty two and 76100 Dol­ O lfle e Appliance Cxi. «12.85; H. L ANNA MYERS. Administratrix lar« together with Internal thereon Bown «59 93 Creaaeys «2.65; O. B <43.68; Elmer Miller »23 96; N. G DIST No. 64: Ralph Lynch »7.13; »1990; Howard Wright »1194; Luther Prtndle »11.94; A. O. Pope »1194; Ralph Cook »1194; D C WKI.I.H £ WKI.I.H, Attya at the rate of alx per cent per an Pitcher ( 5 o 6; Curl Bllrup «11 39, Hyland «23.96; F E Kelaay »23 95; Bill Dempsey «2 39; W. H Ander Art Smith »11.94; John Bander »199; Albert Flnseth »1598; Neal Harrington »1194; E. M. Jackson I.M 31 Ap 7-14 21 28) «1194; N. A. Coblentx »19 90; C. R Bodyfelt »199; C. S McIntire »995; Roy Howard »1194; Riley num from January I, 1932, until J. S Woodard «10.00; Shelton-Torn Ed F Sihm ldt »9 56. Curtla New son »2 39; E. H. (lowing »3 58. DIST No. 65: Lennle Haldorson Raymond »1990; O. L. Chaffee »14 92; J. T Vining »3 98; Wm Ol Gray (1194: A Beresford »995; D. and for costa and dlaburae- bull Fuller Co. «14 75; John Held man »1196; Bert Woods »1196; R — paid, »1194; Ruben Paschalke »1194; sen »1 99; E L. Prindel 99c; Lafe L. Williams »199; Stanley Hale tnenta Incurred In thia action, aa «8 00; Natron Printing Co «3 75, P. Coburn »1196; Nnal McCiure »10 48 DIST No. 6«: Chas. Oold »27 95; Darrell Garroutte »15.92; Melvin Prlndel 99c; Clarence Huffman 99c; 99c: Earl Crawford »7 96; L. Gower prayed for In aald complaint, and J F M. Farland «60 08; Carl Hllrup »2 39; Bill Roads »3 58; Fred Hake »7 96; Elmer Bush H L. Prindel »8.15; Nobel Elliott »7.96; L. Anderson »7.96; Harold for the further orocr of the Court «88 84; Valley Printing Cxi. «7 10; »1196; Robert Hill »11 96; Emmett It A Babb Hardware Co. 36c; Will McKIbben Chase »7 76; W A. Petit »1195; »19 90; Carrol Huff »7 96; W O. »2.39; Ralph Lancaster »1.19; Harry Stuman »7 96: Ernest Larson »7.96- for Ihe aale of the peraonal pro­ J E Carlile «6.75; Wm. Klalncer Blakely »14.37. DIST No. 21: Creswell Garage Harold Luce »4.78; Ira Jeffers Denny »7 96; Roy Garroutte »6 57; Castle »2 99; Claude Arne »3 59; Fred Bolin »7 96; B B Cooper perly of the defendant which haa «6 92, H tevena Typewriter Service CENERAL PLUMBING been attached by the plaintiff «4 50. Hold's Creamery «23.14; Met­ »1128, T H Parks »12.5«; L. F. »4.78; G. W Lambert »6.38; Ar­ Charles McCue »10.94; Guy M Alex Rau »2 39; W. I. Seales »14 36; »7 96; F C. Bwlndall »7.96; Albert Johnson »9.95; Clyde Butler »9 95; Frank Peoples «7 96; Dan Becker Bunt »1.99; C. A. Blodgett »5 97; Thia aummona la puhllahed once ropolitan Ch Store «8 79; M S. Caa- McHugh »1.19: Union Oil Co. »7 28 chie Carpenter »4.78. AND REPAIRING DIST N . 22 Dunhama »6 50; E. DIST No 67: Fred Smlgley Clifford Van Schotack »7 96; E M. »7.96; W. C. Dempsey »5.97; Oeo. T. J. Williams »5.97; Ellis Knouse each week for four consecutive ■111 «4 52; W illiams Bakery «20 50; Bates »1194; Harry Castle »1194; Thorpe »29 94 E. J. Mabe »32.31; »23.88; Floyd Steele «3 98- Henry week« In the Springfield New«, a Mrs. C. E B iism «5 00; H ask ells C. Boardman »14 76; Virgil Mow »3.13; F A Moore »3 89 Ite Ruta and (let My Price« DIST. No. 69 Graber-Gettyi Lyle Little »9.95; Arnold Wright Ed Windbetgler »11.94; Grant Kirk Hicks »52.73: K. Gossler »11 94; H. weekly m-wapuper of general cir­ Grocery «15 70; Mrs L. M Rearlck reader «30.51; Bud Southworth culation puhllahed In lame County, «12.06; L. II. Jeaaen «16 20: Chase »55 96; James Stlenllchner »199; Hardware Co «16.35; Twin Oaks »995; Earl Ballew »9 95; Earl Bal (9 9 5 ; J. L. Wallace »9.95; Ralph Jones »28 85; Chas. Thompson DODD MILLER Ben Bunch »I 99; Walter Burch Lumber Co. «1 20. lew «11.94; Lester Spangenburg Eves »9.95; L. 8. Porter »7.96; »11.94; Gteo. H. Derrick »11.94.; 0 6 C. HI Springfield. Pii 170-J Oregon, by order of Dan Johnaton, Gardena «1000; NW Cities Gas Co »3 98 DIST No. 71: R A Babb Hard­ »11.94; Cecil Young »1194; G M Henry Carlile »7 96; Walt Kuck Raymond Brown »11.94; Sam Lack- Juatlre of the Peace for Eugene «3 22; It A. Babb Hardware Co. DIST No. 23 Chaa. Neet »7.18; ware Co »4 54; C. A. Davla »14 36: McKIbben »11.94; Noble Elliott »7.96; J. H. Wilhelm »7.96; Matt strom »11.94; Clyde Davis »23.88; Jllatlce Dlatrlct, lame County, Ore­ «3 08; Eugene Woolen Mill Co. gon. The date of the flrat publics «32.00; Cari Baker Film Shop «4.14; S M Wicks »11.97; A Metheny Kenneth Terrill »5 97; J D Shoup »199; Orrin Kelly »960; Clifford Dibble »7 96; J. F. Dibble »7 96; W Austin McPherson »23.88; Gordon lion of thia Summon« la April 7. W J Holland »8 00; Vick Castle »4 80; Vern Hu< ka »4 98; N. Chat »6 97; Joe Almasle »597; H B Allen »11.94; C. G Jennings »11 94; R. Boring «17.56; Art Sunderman Lewis »23.88; John Lenhart »23.88; BUY. SELL OR TRADE Griffin »3 98; E E. Vincent »3 98; Philip Mosby »11.94; Rolla Bush (14.34; Ray Stafford «29.15; R E Otis Hornberger »11.94 Mike Web­ 1932. man «12.00; II L. Bown »24 32; Cal­ fee »1 19; Equipment »8.08; ('«itu«» In und s«H’ our Board DIST No 24: W I. Seales »21 56; Hurry Kirk »3.98; Warren Surcamp »1194; Louis Dodge »1194; Gil­ Hill »35 90; H Furman »31.17: John er »23.88; E A Farnsworth »28.85; L L, HAY. Attorney for Plain­ lahan's »6.50; Howard Auto Co. »1.49; Roy Spry »5 97 bert Ennis »7 96; Henry Cooper Dyer »3117; Milton Fitch »24 67; Elgin Hebert »28 85; Andrew Mur tiff Itealdeni-e and Poat Of­ »89 76; Coe Stationery Co. «7 85; M Slmonaen »4.79. W« have a lar«« variety DIST. No. 25: William Clark DIST No. 82: R. A. Cox »5 99; »7 96; Jack McKinney »1 99; Henry Neal Buchanan »28.56: Frank Moore rell »26.86; I. A. Irwin »56.73; J. C. fice Addreaa: Eugene, Lane Pioneer Grocery Co. »56 30; Kim- County, Oregon. Lane County Trading Poet liall'a Market »34 23; State Ind Ac­ »100- R. A. Babb Hardware Co. Ben Kokkeler »4 79; R A. Cox L. McKee »3.98; Bernard Stevens (15.58; Roy Johnaton »16.88; Clar­ O'Quinn »22.88; Steve Palanluk »1.63; Fred Smlgley »1.79; Lester «17.96; Equipment »5.00. (A 7 14 21-28 M 5) »3 98; Albert Carpenter »199; A. ence Long »11.94; G. C. Newlln »44.79; 8. E. Roberts »11.94; Ira 713 Willamette— Phone 156 cident Com «26 93 DIST. No. 83: L H. Porter M Griffin »199; H. E. Powers »23.88; Geo Shrull »11.94; Milton Putnam »23.88; H. Bllck »11.94; P. SLAUGHTERED ANIMALS: L 1-ake »3 89 DIST No 26 Inter City Sand £ »3174; J L Carlile »1990; Vern »1 99; C. A Hanna »1 99; W. R. Fltt Ross »11.94; R. Ixmgfellow »11.94; H. Peterson «11.94: Raymond Faw- G llelterllne »137 25; C II Hart C IT A T IO N Gravel Co. »40 48; E. L Mathews Luff »10 94; J. G. Porter »9 95; K »1 99. N. L. Barringer »1.99; Adna Joe Premlxzi «11.94; C. E. Grable Ver »19 90; Joe Cabe »23 88; Albert INTIIE COUNTY COURT OF THE man »82.65. TAX REBATE: Moses I) Evers «30 50; Gren Carinony »2.39; 8eth M. Hooker »8 95; H. L. Luce »2 98 H Signor »7.48; Elbe L. Signor »11.94; A. M. Perini »11.94; N A. Cary »1692; J. H. Matteson »9.96; STATE OF OREGON IN AND PERRY'S DIST. No. 86: Road Dlst No. 36. »21.57; M L. High »3.1»; Earl Ro Dutton »11.94; W. Bacbelder »17 91; Henry Gates »1194; C. F. Tanner FOR THE COUNTY OF I.ANE »7 16; Stanley Stevenson »3 80; City Hollis »12 56; Ralph Gay »3 59 DIST. No 28: Claude Erwin »7 92; Equipment »7 20; G. M De berts »17.46; E N Thompson »5.9»; Guy Johnson (11.94: Rush Duncan »1194; Chas Wilson »19.90; Glen Batteries, Brakes, Ignition and He ESTATE of ANDREW J of Eugeue*«3 90; H. H. Rude «6 45; Putnam »8 00: Wm Kyle £ Sons »3.75; yoe »8 99; Equipment »4.93. Sid Croxdale »15.90; J. L. McGIl- »35.84; E. N. Hooker (9.95; Ralph Emerich »27.86; John Gen. Draper »1 35 SHERIDAN, deceased. M otor W o rk. W heel Aligning G E N E R A L ROADS vrey »21.8»; John Farrier »21 89; N. Greer »11.94; Chester Hosaman »11 94; R J. Smith »9.95; H. N. Mc­ TRAFFIC PATROL: M J Thorny Equipment »18.93. To Beecher I. Hherldan. DIST No 29 J W. Quackenbush FERRY: C. J. Colter »175 00. Chaffee »3184; M. E. Golden »1194; Paul Sullivan »11.94; C. J. Farland »19 90; H. F. Ransdell PERRY'S EUGENE IN THE NAME OF THE STATE -on *169 73 £ Son »7.26; J. E. Thompson BRIIX1E: Roy Foster «14.50; A. »11.94; O. J Neet »21.8»; R C. Nelson »1194; R. L. Cox 911.94; »7.96; Charlie Anderson «18.90; H. TREASURER: First National OF OREGON, you are hereby cited 725 Oak Straat Phone 767 »12 56; W F McCollum »239; C. Striker »157 23; Twin Oaks C L. Kellogg »1194; Earl Land Walters »16 91; Alfred Steele »8 96; mid required In appear within four Hank «121; The W illamette Press Mark I-ansberry »2 39; George Hal Lumber Co. »3.36; Hills Creek Lum Adams »31.84; C. Walsh »1194; «11.94; Herb Mason »11.94; Oren Glen W iltse »7.96; John Proclw Carl Hamilton »19.90; H. F. Lovell «1 26; Grace Schtska »10.00; Guard week« from thia date and ahow ladey «7.18; Equipment »17.25. ber Co »147.76; J. H Chambers £ »9 95; Chassie Neet »9.95; Ander­ Jenkins »11.94; Otis Smith »11.94; »16.91; W. C. Darr »16.91; R. E. Rer isu ae why an order and decree Publishing Co. »2 00; Pacific Tel £ DIST No 30: Lloyd Fish »5.97: Son »8.39; Smith £ Watkins »5 81; son Renfro »9.95; Curt Miller »7 96; Logan Miller »11.94; C. W Seger rick »8.95; Ken Mulligan »4.97; Eu­ Telg Co. »700; Mabel Palmer -hould not b made distributing to Security Savings and Loan J Porter »4 97; J D Nichols Pederson £ Brown «31.96; David L. S M Wicks »7.96; Fred Leppart »6 46; Ben Whitten »5.97; Guy Ross gene Bacus »23.29; W. E. Kirk pat M am ie Hherldan Petty her share of »80 00; Creaaeys »2 25 Association U. 8. l-abor: F. L. Armltage »5 96; Chas. Porter «4.97; Geo. Dler 75c; G. W. Lambert »4.58; Joe »7 96; Ellis Edwards »7 96; Hender­ »6.46; Otto Perini »6 46; James rick »8.95; Harvey Bacus »30.46; C, aald eatale aa prayed for In her Linde »5.96; Chas B. Fowler »5.97; Owen »2.98, Walter Sorensen son Stewart »5.97; James Humph­ Graham »6.46; E. G. Quimby (6.46; E. Fletcher »6 96; Wilbur W iltse petition filed herein By order of «50 00. A Local Institution WIDOW PENSION: Kinsey Ixiu W T. Pickens »5 96; J H Fowler »136 24; John Hampton »71.51; C. rey »3.98; Arlo Vaughn »5.97; Leon­ Clayton Robbing »4.47; Chas. Gardi »199; C. E. Archer »11.94; A. P. the above court. «11.94; Dallas Cochran »18.21; Chas. Nichols »4 97; South O. McBee »85.76; W. K. Striker ner »6.46; John Blake »4.47; Amos Freze Flrat Publlahed April 21et. 1932. llurrh »6.00; Grace L. Huffman ern Pac. Co. 76c; Equipment «59 70. »3 99; F M Brown »94.76; Miller ard Roush »11.94; Geo. Mattison McGarvin 46 West Broadway »14.42; Ray Harris »1194; J. C. Barker »11.94; David «11.94; Glen Armstrong «21.39; A. «1000; Mra. E L. Zelwlck «10.00; WITNESS MY HAND, und a.-aI of »14.42; I. T. Clark »11.94; H. Dunn Sfough »1194; Roy Stout »11.94; DIST. No. 31: Yellow Fir Lumber Sorensen »76 35; O. E. Cox »8977, EUGENE, OREGON aald court hereto affixed, thia the Luella Johnson «1000; Llxxie Ad ( I. »2 31; J. M. Beck »69 90; Chas Geo. Thorpe »16.76; Art Sunderman L Shelton »26.10; R. F. Brechtel »11.94; M. D Cochran »11.94; J. Steve Koler »11.94; C. A. Hanna »5.97: L. F Haraar »11.44; Wesley ney »10 00; Lottie Klrkendall »10 00; 20lh, day of April, 1932 Simpson »11.94; E. U. Cochran »7 96; R S. Johns »7.96; Van Peter­ M. Darling »61.49; Allen Ruth »5 97; Ray Stafford »8.97; R E. Hill Attest: W. It. DILLARD, Clerk Lillie Owen »10 00; Clara Wahlfeldl »6 96; Tom I-a Bar »1 99; E. P Row »10.77; H Furman »2597; John Martin »19.89; Clarence Tripp »11.94; Carl Buffington »11.94; E. son »7.96; J. E. Balch »7.96; Harold »16.66; C A Main »27.86; L. Phll- «10.00; Margie Bates »1000; Golds By I.. M BRYSON, Deputy. Viola Reed «10 00; Ida Katherine land »8.96; J. E. Morton »7 96; Dyer »25.97; Equipment »316.87; pott »26.35; F. A. Smith »199; E Flnnen »11.94; J. D. Woodruff McPherson »7.96; W. F. Wilson (A 21-29 - M 4-11-18) Paul Bishop $11.94; T. A. llartholomy »10 00; Clara Edith Ralph Wilson »1 99: BUI Strange Walter L. Taylor »3.59; Charles Pat­ Clint Shelton »3.47; Z. H. Tripp »11.94; Chas Doty »11.94; Frank »11.94; «199; Chas Strange «1.99; Frank terson »3 98; Dale Prlndel »3.98: 99c: Isaac Ettlnger 99c; H. M. Neal Smith »9.95; Roy Graham »11.94; Breeden >11.94; Floyd Mix »11.94; Vogt «10.00; Mollie Gordlneer JEW E l.KR N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S H. D. Myers »13 93; Roy Davis H. A. Whitaker »11.94; Emil Eng Good »3 98; Walter Camp »2 98; J T. Vining »1 99; Clarence Huff­ notice is hereby g iv en : »10.00; Nora Moran »10.00; Viva Claude Camp »9.95; Albert Camp man »199; H. L Prlndel »1077; «7.46; John Canadv »9.93; Geo. H al »7.96; Ralph Welch »7 96; Wm land »12.93; Jam es Tyrell (19.90; R<‘|iiUrinK u S|i<*t-ial(y liday »11.43; W. J. Keith »13.42; Millet »1000; Fannie Slonehocker That L. L. Ray haa been appointed »9 95; Chaa M Darling »27 95; Z C. S McIntire »1.99; J. C. Ponsler E. England »6 71; H O. W ittstruck Denny »7.96; H. C. Rose »7.96; J. W. O. Swafford »28.85; John Cana- Springfield, Oregon administrator of the estate of Jetae »10 00; Lillie Tate »10.00; Jessie B. Maxwell »5 97- Frank Spencer Motor Co. »42.19; Arthur L. Rober’- »6 21; C. E. Hayes »6 71; Brvan A. Wlkoff »7 96; Art Smith »7.96; day »6.96; H. M. Neal »1.99; A. J. Wells Nesbitt »10 00; Barbara Stod­ J Davla, deceased, by the County | Reams (8.95; Chas. Hayes »8.95 ; dard »10 00; Nora Henderson »15.00; »7 18; Ed Davla »7 98; Chas M »3395; V. D Fogle »14 97; Geo A. Moore »6.71; A J. Ream »1.48; W Carol Huff »7 96: Tom Miller »7 96; I D E. Hughes »8.95; Ben Marks Court of Ixtne County. Oregon All Corn lb-lle Grove «16.00; Mary Hay Darling »5.59; Archie Parrish Halton »8.58; Yellow Fir Lumbei O. Swafford »6.71; Clayton Inman Pete Mostachettl »7 96; Glen Allen F. A. Smith »199; F. B. Mc­ Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN persona having claims agalnat said «1500; Erma G Fuller »16 00; »11 94; Harry Spencer »11 94; E E Co. «2.55; S. B. Flnegan »4.31; Geo. »3 98; J. W. Snyder »5.97; Chas »7 96; N. L. Austin »28.77; Homer »6.96; eatale are required to pre ent them, Dal y Lewellvn »15 00; Mary Pap- Pew »13 93; Ralph Lee »13 93; tlai Lohman »2.00; R. A. Babb Hard­ Powell »21.89; Nat Hart »19 90; J Austin »7.17; Harry Hardcastle Bee »6 46; Clint Shelton »8.45; N a tu ro p a th ic P h ys icia n with the proper vouchers, within rle «15.00; Iowa 1-aura Crump vey Wilson «9.95; Bill Kernoskey ware Co. »89 29; Eugene Auto F. Huddleston »1194; Roy Cham­ <7.17; Lloyd Kneaper »2.39; John Isaac Ettlnger »2.98; Bryan Moore Phone 91-J alx months from the 8th day of 31500; Mary Phillips »15.00; Ethel »11.94; Ward Bernett »17 91; Dec Sheet Metal Co. »7.75; Carlson-Hat­ bers »10.94; Joe Huftile »17 91; Tice »2.39; Peat Holesapple »4.78; <1.49; L. Gower »1.99; Ix-onard April. 1932, Io the aald admlnlatrn- Amanda Thurman »15 00; Ida Orant Mills «23 88; Ross Wheeler »11 94; ton £ Hay »2.35: Eugene Auto Top Scott Foster »11.94; A. B. Walcott Southern Pacific Co. »69 35: Eugene Roush $995; W F. Bench »1094; Office Hours: I to 6 P. M tor nt hla law office In the Miner »1500; Faye Elliott »1500; Bertha Hugh Price »5 97; Chet Southworth Co. »5.50; Hathaway Motor Co. »20.89; John Little »15.42; Urthal Sand £ Gravel Co. »172.92; Ray Ben Harrington $9 70; Chas Giles 40« Fourth Street George »8.51; Ted George »4 99; »13 93; Ed Dahlln »6 21; D A. Wig Building. Eugene. Oregon. Benson »17 50; Margaret Safley »7 96: Vernon Douglas «9 95; Clin­ »2.30; State Ind Accident Com Weston «11.94; Robert Stevenson L. L. RAY. Administrator of the «20.00; Cora E Miller »20.00; Lena ton Bason »13 93; Cornelius Fos­ »40.19; Peerce Service Station 78c; »11.44; W. F. Holmes »20 90; Con Jack Hodges »30 50; G. G. Thorpe ham »9.70; Clarence Tripp 99c; L. »2 09; Rov Fitch »94.81; Ralph J Philpott »5.47; A. L. Shelton eatale of Jeaae J. Davla, de Cooley »20.00: Laura Caswell back »11.94; Riley Mills »199; Strobel £ Miller »6.16; Vellum £ Rel »23.88; Chas Key »13 93; W King »74.85; A. E. Davis »74.85; »5 47; H. M. Peterson »119.83; M. Oscar Shobal »5 97; John Helgprson Clow Mfg. Co. »7.78; Lundstrom H Beelev »8 95; J W. Tigrett i-ea-ed. »20 00. Bertha Ixickett »20 00; Dora Universal Mortgage Corp. Sam Seymour »1393; Shell Bros. $61 38; Cliff Baird 95c. (A 7 14-21-28— M 51 »18 91; Wm. Marks »5 97; Frank Claire Parks »37 04; Geo Tolman Petersen »224.60: R. Petersen »7.94; Alice Boggs »20 00; Metta Barrow »199: Co. »17.60; Miller-Sanford Trac EQUIPMENT: H E. Warnei Goodman »5.97; R. L. Thaxton $67 36; Milton Fitch »23.37; D D. Cy Fra-ter »26 86; Ben Shirley cliff »20.00; Jessie M. Palmer Oil tor Co. »1 66 »12.00; Eugene Water Board $11.94; F. E. Bodenhelmcr »5 97; Conlev 89c; Nell Buchanan »8 44: «14.92; John Costella »15.92; Oliver »20 00; Bertha B. I’eery »20 00; N O T IC E No 32: K. N Lucas »4 20; »229 41- Edwin Tullar »157.23; A J. M. Dav »3.98; Louis Reynolds Frank Moore »16.88: L. Truesdale Fosback »34 65; W Gregg »11.94; Karen Marie Hosford »20 00; Cora R. DIST L. Mondv »10.94; Ed Tatum »7.96; »3.58; Equipment »1,429.35. A. Rabb Hardware Co. »1.80; O. O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T W. P. Tyson. A gent l-ola Mattison »20 00; Gfa Sanders H. Hawley »25.09; Geo. H. Hawley A. Martin »157.23; R. H. Smith »10.94; E M. Kelso »5.97; Chas BRIDGE: A. C. Striker »1.00; paul Beaunse »7.96; O. H. Howard »148 23; C. E. Van Osdol »134.73; Howell »5.97; James Plnkley »5.97; Phone MW »2000; Lilin May Bergman »iO.OO; I2C E St. The undersigned, Admlnlatralnr »4.78; Amos Wheeler »6.54; Ermal Ray Worden »100 09; Earl Luckey J. M. Day »3.98; Cha-. Haves Miller Sorensen »13.47; F. M »3.98: Elmer Petersen »20.88; Rob of the eatate of Reeae Henry Laird, Bertha V Meyer »2000; Alma Lu Agee «8 35; A1 Wheeler »8 35; »11973; Dave McCormack »9.95; »1194; Lester Meredith »19.90; Brown »10.65; Ralph Peterson Stanton «6.96; Link Lam «27.96; cllle Buaaear »25 00; Ixittte Moore deceaaed, haa filed hla Final Ac­ Frank Mead »10.75; Alva Swearin­ Pacific Tel £ Telg Co »7 45; Har I^onard Waugh »15.92; Chas Mlsh- »7 48; E. M Sanborn »7.48; S. B. Alex Lam »6.96; D. Swearlnger count In the matter of aald eatate »25 00; Bertha Walker »25.00; Ethel gen »2.39; H. J. Mead »3.60; Union rel £ Trask »18.07; Fred I-angston ler »15.92; James Plnkley 49c; Dick Flnegan »1.25; V. D. Fogle »14.97; »4.97: Jay Johnson *1.99; T. Con­ General Practice Mnrgaret Doran »25 00; Lucy C. with the County Clerk of I,ane ners »2.98; Geo Ready »2.98; Paul Oil Co. »14.12; Equipment »177 50 »6.00; Twin Oaks Lumber Co. Murray »11.94; S. M. Rumford R A Babb Hdwe Co. »10.71. County, Oregon, and an order haa Robbins »25 00; Mary A, Hubbs EMERGENCY; P. M Morse Weber »2 98; Chas. Benson »7 96 I. M. PETERSON DIST. No 33: L. 8. Porter »4 39; »2771.37; Bryant DeBar »2 33; Hills »1194; H. Rebham »11.94: G. W »26 00; llaxel Margaret Allen «25.00; been made and entered of record Henry Carllle »199; E. J. Mabe Creek Lumber Co. »5 89; George Walker »11.94; Ralph Crowe »11.94: »199 73; Rose E. 9hank »100.00: 1 Wilson Treadwell »4.97: H. N. Neal Attorney «l-Law by (he County Court of aald County, Melvla V. Thomason »25.00; Minnie »7 18; L. N. Mathews »4.74; M. L Iximas »6.20; Vern Young »2.97; A. Walter Chandler »6 96; Ed Heacock Frank Pope »12 43; Pete Willard