THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S H. E. M A X E Y . E ditor Entered aa aecond el**> matter. February 14, 1903. at the postofftc 75c 5c County O ffic ia l Newspaper THURSDAY, APRIL IS. IMS NOT TH E ILLNESS BI T T H E CURE T he A m erican people do not need a cam paign to tell them how had off they are. T he can d id ates w ho flail those in |Hiwer for th e depression m ight b e tte r tell ns w hat rem ­ edy they have for econom ic depressions. Loose talk about present conditions and a cam paign to increase discontent is un-A m erican, is harm ful ra th e r th a n helpful and is pure politleal dem agoguery. Any can d id ate for public office at this tim e who has not a co n stru ctiv e and in­ telligent program and the ability to support it should not be considered for office. Any candidate who is elected by sow ing to th e w inds of d iscontent can n o t help but reap th e w hirlw inds w hen in office. A candidate may say th a t he exp ects to cu t co sts and prom ote econom y but th a t is not sufficient. He know s little about th e office he is ru n n in g for usually. He should tell you and I exactly w here he expects to m ake savings o r b e t­ te r conduct th e public business. A good do cto r never tells the p a tie n t how sick he is, or th at he is ab o u t to die before prescribing, but brings fo rth th e best m edicine know n and tries to c re a te an optim istic fram e of mind for the sick person. Every ca n d id a te for office should have a rem edy ra th e r th a n a tale of woe. ------------ «------------ LUMBER AND T H E DEMOCRATS Every D em ocratic m em ber of th e se n a te finance com ­ m ittee voted ag ain st a ta riff on lum ber and logs and it will be necessary for the R epublicans to c a rry th e fight on the floor in o rd er to get fu rth e r consideration. It is evident th at W estern industry can hope fo r little aid from th e D em ocrat­ ic party. T he d em ocrats believe in protection w hen it com es to copper, oil an d coal, p roducts of dem ocratic states, but th e ir free tra d e policy finds full expression w hen it com es to lum ber. R ussian an d C anadian lum ber can com e into th e United S ta te s m ark e t freely w hen our ow n mills are down, th o u san d s are out of em ploym ent, and o p erato rs a re going into bankruptcy. ------------ X------------ B E A U T IF U L S IU S L A W Som e day, we th in k , th e upper regions of th e Siuslaw river valley will be a g reat re creatio n al playground. T his w inding strea m , w ith no habitation along its b an k s for miles an d miles, h as potential g re a tn e ss equal to th e W illam ette an d th e McKenzie. Lane co u n ty has th re e g reat rivers w hich any county o r s ta te would be proud of. We recom m end to th e explorer th e section from th e m outh of Wildcat creek to th e falls in th e upper river. H ere th e Siuslaw is te rrito ry nearly as vir­ gin, except for a road, as w hen C olum bus discovered A m er­ ica. We think th a t th e low est form of hu m an life is th e m an who slinks around settin g fires to payroll industrial p lants in th ese tim es. W hen one of these th in g s is c a u g h t he should be consum ed slowly in a fire like he so anxiously sets. In defense of the gam e dep artm en t for dum ping fish at th e o p ening of th e season, it m ight be said th a t th e s ta te h as not sufficient equipm ent to release these fish at o th e r tim es. One tru ck has to cover nearly all th e state. R em em ber in life th at it is the hom e paper th a t usually speaks well of you a fte r y o u 're dead. ■ ■I. I l . l l WMYON KATtlARINf Springfield. Oregon M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One Year In Advance 11.76 T hree Months Six Months »100 Single Copy *6 66; J N, Chapman »4 00. Emery Dr W II *1.3 nil. Twin ( uka Mt Dei'itiiilt »16011; llimcrofl Whit Insurance Co. *23 10, Eqiilpmenl l in y Co »34 60. Pacific Tel X Telg Co *3 UH; CHy Wilier Co. »1 60. Co »9 20; Sol Worden »17 6*1. Roll *10 86 COURT HOUSE Eugene Waler N. S i'ott J e w e ll *3 .66; I.. D tirngg > . i l II Craddock »226 00; It N. Ap »2 60; I) E. Nebergall Moat Co. I lilig »90 00! Thomas Wells »46 60. Board »172 76, S t u l l lloafeldl Co »19 80; City of Eugene »48 22. »12.78: Willi» II gttiall F o il Co K illwav Express 74c tlslnirn Hotel Bullet Electric Co. »I M l; G e o N '. I Smith x Walking I? SO 4139 40; .1 C Beck »9 20; C I-' M McLean »2100, C C Pollock Mrs E W Shelliv *3 10; Mrs C Rudei »3 30; Loren Edwards »3 10; »49 73. J B Uoherlsou »109 73; Eu II W ith ro w $».75; C b a rlo 'to II Jacob Jager »3 40; J C. Pon-ler g e n e Ito h ertso n (74 7.3. It A llabli Stein *6 00; Northwest 11 - tagilt n I »10 10; Chris x MMrleti Nelson Hardware Co. »7 8«. The Broadway »2 00; Puritan Drug Co *10 114; J. *8.50; K. II. Zimmerman *68.00, W Inc (4 80, Powers Furniture Co. W Quuikoiihu It 41 Son 74e; Jesse I i i.iiii.-is *; 60. itohi I Cram ei »13 17, J W Quut keiilmslt X Son J tio d lo v e *0 46; Eugene FTult *32 40; Edith Itmler *3 40; D K »8 60. Bray Bros »4 60. Ruben Grown m Assn *100; Newman's WlIghl *3 40. W F i'h .iiin lelli Furniture Co »8 40. McMor- F.uli Market »8 00. Elliott Imp X *1160; Jumes II. Powell *6 20; run X Washlmrue »19 98. Pacific got the girl with ine at once.” S e e d S t o n « » 8 30; Williamson X son John Olsen *14 30; Carl lll.rttii "I earned her olf to California. "No. Felix." Motor Transport Co. »I 29; Hl Iitti Eleventh Instalment In the «4 3 5 ; O. C. Caswell »7 67; Williams *3 40; Tlukham Gilbert (14 10; An Com »4 02, W hltelyClark Co. “Yes. I’m afraid that it's neces­ I had a good job there. 8 If Sere Store *2 03. Korn linking Allen C Wmilley *2 10, Henri Turn in. i ram* But that was a rough sary. And in good time, piobahii )• Eiarluwe return« a m Frassch N .w V or coavnnt, II to her «ociaSjri • New Yo rk thanks to Curing, I see that I il u a seu sort o t caiiip life So I kept i o »18 2«; W allers lliislmiig hull *2 10; Can W Rohhlns *2 10; »26.60. UISI' ATTY II. E S la lle ry •Wet mother, a reltftoua. ambitious woman her living in the city. I’d go olf to i o »123; Eugene lldw e Co. 65e; William Haviland *4 10 Z N Age. T h e g irl is b u rne d into an engagement with have some help if I should be driven the mine, alone and come back to 111anst< t ie r Chapel *60 00, William *6 10; K II Rlllgers *6 It); (le o »60 00; Amelia Meisen »10 00, Eu the w aalth j Felix Kent H e r lather. N k k to needing it." Sandal, eurreptioualv the girl's home aurreptiouslv enter« « l'hose week-ends were gor­ llurke *10 00. Earl Holton *3 36; II lllomner (2 10; C. <1 Marquette gt tie V. Slallery »200 00. Gladys F. Hr directed hei gate toward the her her he used to call her one night He tell* hei geous enough Io feed a mail'* l l r a i ' s F e e d X Seed Store ,4 00; *7 30; C. N Johnsteu *2 10. Waldo Price »110 00. Pacific Tel X Telg square hall. It seemed to her scared I-jn d a 5 andai. starved memory for giay years, to .1 V. Rich »7 80, Mrs II F. Miller J Adams *2 10; C. F Bergman Co »14 50; Western Union »102; eyes to be tilled with men At sight lyoJ. Uita her <«ther In hta -Unry of them Nick went hack a little paint even a prison wall. . . ." *30.00; I'loneer (Iroeery Co. »17.76; *6 10; Clair l.araun *6 10; Art Postal Telegraph 72c. I'resseya he Anda (o ar men playing card« So« 60c; Lawyer's Coop Publishing Co. r r i m O ne of them Jock Ayle- toward the shining window. • *U< t arr P a y 'll Takit *00.41; Eugene Farm Muhanev *6 10; Clarence D. Quinn "I had to have more money. I talk er tellg ««ll» hcr. is like a son to nrard. L>r het father But Felix boldly advanced and goi to gambling in earnest. 1 m ade o r » Creamery *32 34; Mrs Rose »6 10; Roy Wilcox »6 10; Irvin Col. »22 (Hl. Alta Klug »3 00. him. b but ut w arn* the (ii ( i l l I m I* * tnA ei a in * tha EMERGENCY A O. Ileymer enough at the tables sometimes al­ Powell ,1 12; Harry M Slewnrt *6 10; Mrs J F Berger *6 10. Her Lynda p a n a aacnnd visit te bar (ether Hung open the glass doors. and to e * t a n s bar home. on the way atop “I am Felix Kent, gentlemen I most to satisfy even ‘Celia. Bui of Fuel Co, »8 25; Mt SI u I oh Power loa Geiger *6 10; P. H Bake, »160 46, Collage Grove Henlluel »12 40, The Springfield News pin * wltb bar at aa u n d frw o rld faba rat, ant in charge here Mr. Catring has course it was uncertain. There wete > |S M l Mrs .1 W Mailman *6 10. II K KIsnnaohn *6 10; Mrs Jeck ta ll* Lamda that F e lix oauaad him to Come other times when 1 waa cleaned 1*6.00; Carl Wilson »2JI0; O. I’rder D. II Heine *6 10. Mrs Agnes liar »1200, Junction City T i l l i e s » 1 1 6 0 ; ba >aal to laH unjustly by Axing up his re ­ sent you? For an arrest? sen 70c; Clarence Alford »2,80, Cot vey »610; W E Thomas ,6 0 0 0 . Guard Publishing Co »12.20, Eu port on • mins. blaraallx And* hay iawala atolau and hiraa tage Grove Water Sya ,3.00; Jlttt II A Schwerlug ,2 00; Thomas gene Morning News »9 16; I) K a private detective. who uncover* tha my»- the Shoe Dr »2 60; W A Hall Chapman *3 00, Charily A Keeney Yorau P M »42 00, Chase Gardens tarioua p row ling* ol Lyn d a, w ithout know- »4 00; M argaret E Morris *165; E *73 00; K. Ilolllngsworlh *9 00; Jno »6 40, Crea»eyg »9 46, S M Calkins la g who aha in L yn d a «uapavt* hat father Jocelyn dacidaa to m arry F elt» quickly J lla il Dairy »8.37; Mrs John llunslker *900; Win A Anderson »100 00 ELECTION: Arthur L Roberts and preparation* are m ade lor tha wadding Adali »9.70; Irish t'aah Store *9 00. Guy 8. Wright ,9 0 0 ; F II Sha asks him to ta ll bar tba com bination o l (12.00. Peter P Colgaard »120; »293 94; The Booth Kelly Co Thompson *900; R. K. S te w a rt bis »ala, as a m ark ol bia conbdtnca In her Arm ed w ith tba combination and accom­ '$216.67; Irish Cash Store B1UK.MN; »9 04». Laura Trachael ,72 00. Ida Natron Prlnllug Co (6 36; Frank panied by Jock, Linda enters Faltx’ o ft-e at Irish Self Service Store *33 0(1 II Stocks *83.00; Fred llydorn llu Printing Co »II 74’ C. II Sedg night. »h a tra it* the wanted papers from the wick »3 90. 41. (>. Veatih (10 90; Halls Fruit X Produce Co ,70.10; *73 00; Mrs Margaret Kenyon •ate and throws them down to Jock, who la waiting below Than aba is , a pi o r ad by tba Smith X Short »67.34; Union Dll »74 00; N J llr y a n l »81 00; Velma J T Miller (1162 FRUIT INSPECTOR C E S le w la n ilo r and turned over to the police ! Co. *20 61, Loudon Merc Co. *4 00; M. tlpenshaw »7800. Pearl V. Seo- Felix gets her out of ja il but demand* the \< liesiin At Sons ,3 06; Croswell her! *78 00; flrplia Poindexter art »97 68; E J. l-ouvks »74 6S; aper» »he look *nd that she tell him where ock can ha found Ska decline» to do either. Cash X- Carry »2 24; Creswell Merc *75 00; Dalsle D Warner ,83 00. W sta te Inti Accident Com »1 39 HEALTH SERVICE l-ane Coun­ W han they reach bar home. Jocelyn Co. *6 02; Kremme) Bakery *2 00; | F Thomas *18 00; Josephine II dresses up in I , i ' s clothes and faces Faltx. Janie Chrlallensen ,9 73; Dccum Finn *90 00; II. L. Hilliard ,79 60. ty Health Unit »737 60 telling him »hr 1 . Jock H e r mother cornea INDIGENT SOLDIER Mra. In and falta to recognise Jocelyn, th in kin g paugh Bros Grocery »8.11; D. H I.uwrenre A. Walker *81 00 bar tba g irl who she th in k * stole bar jewels. Thtuuus R Follett »26 00; Mrs Henderson *2.00; Geo. Lohman CORONER C V S l u i o u »6 4 0 ; Celia Messer (25 00, Henrik Peter N O W GO O N W T T H T H B S T O R Y . »4 30. Jasper Store *2.90; Ei-ononty Weatern Union ,1.20. sen »10 00, Henry G Guild »10 00; Feed Store X Grocery *1 00, Rich "My God!* he ejaculated in a ttaye INSANE Dr B F Scalete »10 00 CLERK Pacific Tel X Telg Co ter Bros »17.36; C. E Swarts »5 55; voice which however. Marcella in Nellie Tucker 50c; Saginaw Cash ,1 0 5 5 ; S. E Skene *15000. I. M Bushong X Co. »36 34; Sleeves her frenxy found convincing "Not Store ,0 6 1 ; Drury X Drury *0013; llryson *13000, Eva L. Duckworth llnt-kel Clinic »6 00. McMorran X Jocelyn? This— this woman—she’s J. C. Penney Co. *10 01; R It Mur »120 00; Sibyl Weatfull »110 oo. Washlmrue »94 96. W H Chapman been trading on the likeness then. rlsott »100; John M Durkuin »8 00; Grace M I. Dawson *130 00; Helen (1500; Ore St. Board of Control 1 found her at the police staiton. *100.00, Sara Allen pii:'i, ; Mrs Muy Zachray »2 40; Peder Sorensen Thev sent me word. 1 must take "They're all here," ahe said, fingering their jewela. JUSTICE COl’RT J S Wood I son s Grocery »1« 45; Cush X Carry *100 00 M E McDermott *10600; her back at once. Telephone for the Ethel Thompson *86 00. Pallv Svl , aril »17 99, J T Miller »500; J K lice, Mrs. Harlowe. N o time to right in, please. I may need help.” out and she had to pawn or sell Store »63 83; Arthur 8. tilgen Gro vers ,100.00. Mabel llenry *100 00. Young »2 60. J E Murphy »27 10; ery »32.78; Cushman X lllll »19.00. le. Dangerous to have her here One of them did come in obedi her treasures. That made her physi- Guy M Lyons «5c; F. F. McCul I. E Nathanson *2 66; Burroughs Dau joliualiin (147 30; Remington She’s stolen ray papers and your eally ill. To part with any bright Adding Mach Co. *11 26; Anna Hu Rand Inc. »13 80 jewels She’s been miking use of an ently, displaying a paper and a " g that she had handled—seemed lough »8 00; Earl Thiene» »2 25, herd »18 00; Cresaeys *16 85. T h e JUVENILE COURT John L. accidental resemblance, a remark­ badge. W A. Taylor »64 53; K N. Lucas i i,- u itnrr her. Her own colors would “You are Felix Kent. You're the fade She’d go gray . , . like a steel »6 60. Safeway Store No. 169 »64 24; i Willamette Press *28 36; Kuke- Marsh »6198, St Ind Accident able one.” Into Lynda s ear be whispered man we’re looking for then. A sum kn fe. Safeway Store No. 647 »55 57. Mr C h ap m an Co * 9 1 9 0 , S t e v e n » I , . i uin » I i>;' PREDATORY ANIMALS Hal E writer Co ,16.00. Valley Palm X fiercely, even with a grim sort of mom from Chicago. Thev want to Montree waa a gambler Trumbull J4 96, Farmer's Union Electric Co ,1 10; W B Dillard Huss. Secretary of Stale (300 00 amusement, "Now you can get the see you out there about some—-evi to o "Julian Store »21.34: Perllch's Food Mar­ but not in the sense that I waa. SCHOOL S P IT U. of O. »6 041; *3.69; Natron Printing Co. *10 50 drift, can’t you? Now vou can see dence. An old case. Will you come He . seemed be a gentleman dab­ ket »9 90; Sharp's Cash Grocery COUNTY COURT Mrs M artha L a w r en ce C Mofflil »229 66; Mar- where you've landed? If you can't with us now. and quietlv please " bling in risk le for *4 77; Blair's Cash Store »8 05; Wll his amusement. I garet Cutler »85 00; Irma Stroud In that square entrance hall after persuade your young man to give Hufs Genera I Store »2.03; Win I'lathe ,4 00. Ilawklns X I t o l e i i him home to ‘Celia the way vou back those papers, or if he uses they had closed the tall glass doors brought Maddaugh »18.74; Kolker'a Gro »22 40; Pacific Tel X Telg Co »»000. E J Moore »24 80. Paclfli 1 brought home any other splendid •hem— I'll jail vou both for a theft Jocelyn saw him. Handing among thing for her beguilement. eery »2.70; Page's Food Shop »7.20; *12 76; Pederson X Brown ,6 85; 4* , Concluded on Page 2) I' llarnard »13 06. O E Crowe ■f i.w d . Think. my girl, stand them, turn back as though against "He had an English mother, a The Groceteria »24.27; Johnson X till. Think hard. This is the last his will to look at her. She remrtn .NoffalDger »13.75; Frank Säubert hance you may have for clear calm bered another outline — noble, French father. Both, it would ap­ »2 75; W A Ward »8 00; Mrs. C pear. well connected and both dead. patient, proud -ought.” Sines »1 75; C C Sturtevant »2 35; She stood there In fact quite still,, This outline of her bridegroom had “A French aunt of high nobility A. R Sneed »41.00; The Broadway thinking. And behind her. in the no such quality. Its narrow knave face had. it would also appear, adored him Murket »154 15; L. L. I-a mb »8 80. tag, ____ ____ _ room all filled with her own bridal was shrunken with pa.e hatred, with from his infancy and had recently lur- Irish Murphy Co. »13908; Under flowers and gifts, her mother, wild- frustrated passion, with lost vengeance, lushed him with an enormous sum to wood X Elliott »8 84; Shield's Gro eery »1.39; J S Powell Dairy »5.88; eyed and shaking, sat down as she To escape that last terr.bie look the invest in American enterprise girl fell down before Nick Sandal and "So—" he drew on his familiar Safeway Store J C. »38.96; Mer was bidden to ring for the police. aid, irony. His eyes and mouth be­ win's General Store »21.17; Plggly Mary, who had answered another bid her face. He put his arms about her eager gan to njpek now at the insufferable Wiggly »81.49. Win Kyle X Sons summons at the front door, came »81.78; Sawyer's Grocery ly. And Felix, with the men, went memories. "So my wife and my I Co. in. friend in immemorial fashion be­ 816.86; Springfield Creamery Co. “Mrs. Harlowe, there's a man— ” o u t all the I’anta- came lovers and *36 56; L. It Huff »4 96; Dr. Geo A strange day. A strange sad loons whose an "It’s Catring. Bring him in,” and lave furnished P. Edwards »25.00; A B. Cochran as Mary began to speak again Mar­ evening. Marcella had gone into the the world with .J guffaw mg». 1 »145; L. P Toll »42 50. William- cella bent down again to the phone sanctuary distracted by her mem­ did not suspect them. Lynda, you’ve X Oilman »87.16; Irish Cash Store and set her long index finger into ories; she came out quite serene, a seen those jewels?” »98 03; Haskell’s »55 62; H. G Pen the dial. Her shoulder was turned child whose memory is only of to­ She sat up straight, startled by land »9.70; Victor Hoare »1900; toward the French doors while day and yesterday. She thought that the sharpness of this sudden ques­ Peterson's Grocery »23.03; Umpb- Felix, Lynda in his arms, stood Nick Sandal was her indulgent uncle tion. rey X Mui kln »35.89; E. W. Scott's and . Jocelyn carefully with his back to them; so _— -----. a friend to love. "Yes." no one, not even Mary who had They sent for a psychiatrist who "Your mother loved that man. Grocery »14 85; Dunham's »18 93; withdrawn at once in some offense, I promptly ordered her taken to a But sometimes I've thought that il Mrs. M A. Yarbrough »10 00; Pn saw the man who was supposed to sanitarium it hadn't been for that man's glor­ ! i-lflc Messenger Co. »1.00; Mrs. V She hardly knew that Dr. Bond ious possession— ” (i Moore »150; C O —Eugene Frt be Catring as he came in to the had left until Nick spoke to her: X Transport Co. »15.00; Owl Em LIGHT it & v e ry room. Was that his fortune, Nick?” Come over here. Lynda. Are you He came slowly, painfully, pro­ All of it. Yet; and it wasn't ergency Grocery »8.63; J. C. Penney sm avlI p&rt of it too tired?” Co »1 14; Elliott Merc Co »25 05; gressing from door to sofa and along rightly his. His capital, you see. his He was seated on the small bro­ aunt's advance-legacy he boasted of j A. Lednlrky »4 85; Ketels Drug it, using its back for his support until he came up to Marcella and caded sofa, curled up there painfully —well, it was really all her own Store »555; Mrs. Lillian Van Dar- y o u U S E D T O CALL touched her elbow. And as she as she had seen him on the sofa in fortune, all she had in the world ; ward »22.50. Kuykendall Drug Co. * the m o n th ly statcnwrit looked up he laid a leather box his shabby toom. ' 50c; Kern's »11.65; Flanery's Drug and she had entrusted it to him. He upon her knees. was supposed to bring her treasure Store »6 00; Steveneon's Inc »126; “ I ’m n o t tire d . I ’m a fra id .” from the rlrctnc company your "I have brought a w-edding pres­ “Afraid?” He winced, his swollen to America and to dispose of it. for Puritan Drug Co. »19.35; Tiffany- 'light hili'. I l was a light hill era tor tny daughter " announced fingers paused in their task of filling her. to the best possible advantage. I Davis Drug Co. »20191; Eugene Nick Sandal purringlv. He was, I imagine, to get his com­ Hospital »443.93; Pacific Christian his pipe. "Of me, dear?” then. It represented a few lights It was Marcella's terrible low cry mission on the sale." Hospital (734 25; Isaiah Slayter X O f what you are going to tell that procured Jocelyn her release. here and there about your Painfully he rose. Sons »7 00; Equipment »3 76; Ideal The cry had so littie of the human me, Nick." “This is rotten for you, Lynda. ; Grocery »77.69; Walter Price Inc. home. But now . . . light is a You'd rather I'd be quiet? Let Let’s in it that Felix leaped and wheeled, get it over. Your mother took »36.67; Carlson. Hatton X Hay forgetting everything but some un­ it all go? You’d rather never know lover and thought him a better *4 20; St Ind Accident Com »8 89. small pan o f the total electric canny instinctive fear of beasts. the truth?” man than me And so again in the I'd rather . . . but of course 1 immemorial fashion of Pantaloon, Ideal Bakery »4.20 bill. Today electricity is used Marcella had bent down close over CIRCUIT COURT J D. Hicks the opened box and was looking at must listen. It'« too late now. I’ll some instinct pinched the husband »73.50; Geo F. Garoutte (8 20; Fred fo r c o o k in g , re frig e ra tin g , listen, Nick. Only, do you love me?’ awake and back he came unexpect­ her jewels. Heldler (18.00; Bert W. Hayes T o my regret. It’s because I was washing, iro n in g , sweeping, "They’re all here, she touched edly to his little golden California them with her fingers, "but they’re fool enough to let you trick me with house. Moonlight, I remember. i $89 00; Nettle E Fleck »3150; cleaning and e n tertain m en t. wet.” She trembled and her teeth those confounded eyes and ways of Soft. Summer. But they were in­ Maybell Black »30.00; Bessie Kauf Yes, indeed . . . the light bill chattered. “That's Julian’s blood ” yours—those darling eyes and ways doors. It was night. And everything man »30 00; Fred Beldler »14.20; Jocelyn knelt before that terrible —yes, trick me into loving you that was ready. The jewels lay between Irvin D Custer »3000; W B Kyle disappeared with the pompa­ 1*30.00; Edith Baker *30.00; Walter figure. "Mother, don’t. There's no I’ve done what I have done . . . them on the table. Holland »7.60; Naomi B Shelley and been the blasted fool I have dour and the bustle of 1890! blood. Mother, please look up.” "I said what Pantaloon always *72.00; Frank Hanson *6.00; Howard "Touch them vourself, dear Put been lately. says. Julian was not patient under Lately?” our hand on them. You feel that? insult. I struck him. He was armed. Tracy ,71.00; J. Ray Dawson *72.00; You think it’s not such a recent He would have shot me, Lynda." Edith Danstrom »78 00; Frank J. t’s Julian’s blood. My husband Well it has been. his voice left hint and he began to i Berger »78.00; 8 S Shortrldge killed him. The police will be com­ development? ing W e must hide these. Julian Jock’s been living—lately—with a whisper, “he would have shot me. ¡»83.00; Emily Brooke »75.00; Ethel gave them to me. They were a gift sort of maniac. I’ve been . . jealous. I was no cripple in those daps and Hart *2.50; Jennie Johnson *2 60; We were going away. They are my I’ve wanted you to myself. It was 1 got the pistol away from him and Frank D a v is »2 10; N H Nichols trust. I’ll put them h-bind an altar. you I was trying to steal, when I I killed him.” *2.10; Thomas Nelson »3.40; Olela They will be an offering.” She got came in here on that wet night and "Nick, what did they do to you?” Ray *3.40; Anton Johnson *4.30; V« Go up. holding the box against her took the jewels. There now. "Arrested me of course. After this, Dr. C. E. Frost »4.20; Clarence breast, and went over to her shrine. back to your seat. I’ve got a pen that and the other thing was said Lombard *2 10; I. E Hatfield All three of the sacred watchers ance to go through with now, and done I was tried and convicted »2.10; C. F Bergman »4.10; Tony let her go. Thev watched her fold Lynda. of manslaughter and sent to prison ¡(511 »2.20; Bertha Turner »14.60; "I met your mother in a Cali­ —most of vour lifetime. Lynda The j Fern Miller »4.10; W. P Miller herself in behind the leather doors. It was Felix Kent who took con fornia cafe. San Francisco. She was fact that the gun had been Julian's »4.16; Tom X Clara Lyons »6.00; making the American grand tour. saved me from a more, terminating |.N. M. Anderson »2.10; Geo. Carson tiol. “She’s out of her wits.” he said She got separated from her party sentence ” Jr. »2 40; David l-ane »2.10; I-ester “and must have a doctor.” He lost her chaperon. A man insulted "But, Nick, he was your wife's Hanks »2 10; O. W Henzler »2.10; turned to Nick whose hollow eyes her. I knocked him down She let lover and I read that—” j C. C. Slelon »2.10; Roy Steele had lost their malice a .id were dis­ me take her back to her hotel! "I couldn't work that gag very That’s the way it began. In those well because, you j e t , if once ‘Celia i »2.40; R. L. Cramer »14.30; Jerry tracted with terror and remorse. "I dont know who you are, but days I was a mining engineer. I had been brought into it as Mon- Hoyt »2.10; Elmer Oelger »2.10; I,. V. Snapp »2.10; Waldo J Adams since you brought about this condi­ ambled a little on the side when tree's lover she'd have been involved j ! »2 10; George Stoneflelil »13 00; J felt the luck in my fingers. I went in the jewel theft. They were all tion by a rather ill-advised return of missing pronerty, you’d better be to New York and got myself intro­ this while looking for the je w e ls.” S. Woodard »10 40; l-oy W Rowling ¡»2.10; Alma Morgan »10.20; Grace the one to go for a doctor. Bring duced to the Harlowe crowd. Stts- I Stanton »10.20; Lester Morgan him bark here as quicklv as you picious of me from the start. To »10.20; Mrs. Ira J. Treffrey »10.20; cai Tb-v voting tadv lias at impor- them I smelled like _a rank o u tsid e r Concluded Next Week C. C f>avlH »4.20; Mildred Hart » m e n t a n d m u s t tzo o u t W e l l . I w aa one. B u t lo m r h n w T fan« i man »18 10; Maxine Reck »12.20; nedy »2.00; Mrs. M. M. Stas »5.00; Good Samaritan Hoapltal »25.00; Hvlvla Beck »12.20; Anne G. Dud­ Mrs. M. J. Beckett »5.00; Jesse C. Bertha E. Peery »25.00; S. Winfrey ley »12.20; S Deltrlck »3 40; C. P. Jones »5.00; Mrs. E. A. White »6 00; »25.00; Lane County Chap A. R. C. Anderson »16.50; T. E. Hartman A P R IL T E R M , 1932 C. B. Leep »6.00; W. H. Devan »553.30; Mrn. O. G. McDonald 80c; »16 50; I. D. Bishop »2.10; T. W. goes the cost of cooking. This year— the finest Estates, GENERAL FUND »6.00; W. W. Lyons »6.00; Jesse Cabin City Auto Camp »7.00; Mark Ilornback »4.10; E A. Stratton ADVERTISING: The Springfield Taylor »8.00; Mary Plckart »8.00; F. Fleming »5.00; Mrs. Ellen LaJole »2.10; Sam Sorensen »2.50; Edward with added features, cost less than ever before. ,"twn *236.06; Guard Publiahlng Co. Frank Mason »8.00; Mrs. Hattie »3.00; C. V. Breese »5.65; Mrs. F Bailey »4.20; C. N Johnston »2.10; Frank Jones »10.20; O. F. Helen Bushnell »10.00; Frank Dem­ I *132.25. Im agine, adding a lot of new fe atu res to a gas range Bowers »8.00; Mrs. Mary Wilbur ASSESSOR: Stella C. Wilkinson »8.00; Forrest Fisher »8.00; George ing »3.00; Hall X Johnson »8.00; Reddy »2 10; W. L. Priest »14.50; (lien c u ttin g th e price. T h a t's exactly w hat one of th e *130.00; Agnes O'Brien *130.00; Mason »8.00; Ruth Hawk »8.00; Iaaac Bevel »10.75; J. R. Hendricks Win. Duckworth »2.10; C. C. X P. w orld’s leading m ak ers of fine g as ran g es h as done. Bertha Neet *00.00; Adelaide I. Car- Mrs. E. C. Kull »8.00; Mrs. Nettie »8.00; J. H. Balzhlser »15.00; Ed M Olllenwater »4.70; Paul Bugaard Yes, and you will he surprised wlien you see (he new tier *65.00; Thoa. Hike» »50.00; Baling »8.00; Nell McDonald »8.00; Vaughn »5.00; B. K. Wheeler »15.00; »3 40; Mrs 8. L. Jensen »3 40; J. C. Riley Petty »50.00; J. S. Blanton Elizabeth P. Chandler »8.00; Lulu F. L. Chambers »10.00; John Bow Beck »9.20; Edith Ruder »3.40; P. E state C as lta n g e s and learn how little they cost. Such *102.00; L. R. Burns »79.00; O. H. Gaddy »10.00; L. H. Mulkey »10.00; ers »8.00; Henry Cook »3.54; Mrs. C. 11 Lauradsen »3.50; Sam I-eh- beautiful ranges. Such m odern ranges. Such well-built June »100.00; Pac Tel X Telg Co. Mrs. Peter A. King »10.00; C. E. A. E. Erickson »20.00; A. B. Downes man »10.20; Clifford D. Landson ranges. Fully enam eled hi to d ay 's approved kitchen »7.25; Sanborn Map Co. »21.00; Jas. Adams »10.00; Adda Riemennchnei- »6.00; Tom Luder »2.00; Eugene »14 50; A B. Herman »5.20; Albert colors. Heavily Insulated. You'll w ant one for your Lockerbie »80.00; H. P. Markusen der »10.00; George Savage »10.00; Water Board »19.85; Carl Bllrup C. Rasmussen »2.10; Marian Talom »125.00; H. A. Rust »93.60; Ulla D. Mrs. R. E. Cox »10.00; Andrew »4.00; Mrs. E. W. Shelby »2.90; »8 10 Walter Sevey »9.10; Mary k itchen right aw ay, to save m oney and work for you Brendel »128.00. Erickson *10.00; Florence Arm­ May Gleaser »4.00; Cashman Really S Bailey »3.40; W, A. Wllllar.,„ for m any y ears to com e. And. rem em ber, while th ese BOUNTY; Harley Caln »30.00; strong »10.00; Grace Bennett »10.00; Co. »5.00; Mrs. Luella Bristow »4.10; Mads P. Jensen »3.40; 8. are “ lu x u ry ” ranges, they a re priced rig h t dow n to Prince Helfrich »2.00; Earl Drury Mrs. Susan Suttle »10.00; Henry »15.00; Central Hotel »1.45; Tromp Deltrlck »3.40; Blanche Mangle to d ay ’s dollar. Come In and see! »2.00; Dale Prindel »4.00; S. O. Bolin »10.00; R. P. Becker »10.00; X McKinley »26.55; C. F. Hyde »2.10; Jennie Wade »2.10; Martin »3.00; Archie Williams Flora Snyder »10.00; Benjamin Par­ Realty Co. »15.00; Jeffryes Dairy Simon »2.10; Carl Bllrup »3.40; P. »4.00; George Spencer »2.00; Wil­ rish »10.00; Mrs. Richard Cook »4.20; J. C. Penney Co. »12.06; Mrs. F Peterson »3.40; J. 8. Woodard bur Scott »8.00; Truman Rust »2.00; »10.00; E. L. Chares »10.00; Della H. S. Cox »5.00; W. J. I-lchty »10.00; »10 40; Wm. E. Walsh »20 20; J. W M. E. Coburn »5.00; Frank Stevens Klink »10.00; Mallnda Smith »10.00; Harold J. Wells »10.00; Rotcie Jay M< Inturff »20.20; H. E. Hess »18.00; »6.00; F. C. Petit »2.00; Walter Mrs. James Gearhart »10.00; Beth­ »1.00; Harold Mortensen »1.25; P W. Culver »1800; Jay A. Smith Plaep »2.00; Joe Almasle »3.00; G. any Withrow »10.00; B. S. Nichols Mrs. A. W. Ishmael 75c; The Stern »17 00; John Tanner »12.10; Harry B. Watts »2.00; C. L. Nystrom »12.00; Central Hotel »12.00; Ber­ Shoe Co. »3.06; Mrs. John Wright Balle »4.10; J. W. Harris »16.80, »8.00; James Ferguson »10.00; How­ tha Blais »14.00; Edith McCune »4.00; Mrs, A. A. Campbell »5,80; John Dyer »18.20; B Kramer Deal ard Campbell »19.00; R. O. Carter »15.00; Frances Shields »15.00; W. N. A. Rowe »18.00; V. O. X Lula »4 10; Goldie X William Hughes . . . with the famous Estate Fresh-Air Oven »12 00; Dayton C. Thompson »12.00; D. Calkins »15.00; C. E. Denney Hoare »149.38; Iva X Claire Mur­ »14.60; Annie Daniels »7.30; G. D. Moore »7.30; Allen Moore »7.30; dock »89.38; Mrs. Zelma Groom Everett Small »10.00; K. N. Vaughn »15.00; Mabel flood man »20.00; R. Hold by »40.00; Prince Helfrich »2.00; W. C. Shepard »15.00; M. S. Barker »8.00; Mrs. I. J. Estes »10.00; Mrs. Ed Kunl »7.30; Mary C. Moore J. Yale »12.00; E. C. Stevens »7.00; »15.00; E. II. Lowell »15.00; Julius R. R. Ramsey »31.00; Mrs. John »7 30; Clyde Smith »5.20; John B. ¡O. W. Sttngley »2.00; H. J. Earle A. Grow »15.00; Mrs. Alice (1. Allen Nokes »8.00; C. B. Christensen Reid »4.10; Sherman 1. Renne »15.00; Aif Williams »6.00; Lester »15.00; Mrs. Jennie Barnard »15.00; »15.25; Mrs. O. Huffman »16.25; »7.70; L. P Watrous »10.10; Dave Buss »10.00; Arthur Rutioy »8.00; Walter Baker »16.00; Lydia A. Hun­ Brown Motor Co. »2.85; Mrs. Annie Kyle »10.10; Thomas 8. Wells Ted Watkln.s »2.00; Carl F. Owens ter »15.00; A. W. Perkins »16.00; Walden »4.65; The Brund Haw Shop »56 00; R. N. Appling »183.62; and »26.00; M. McMullin »8.00; E. D. J. L. Kelly »15.00; Minnie O. Smith »7.50; V. E. Gronsheck »13.48; Cres­ Harold M. Rklpworth »30.00; L. O. Phillips »8.00; Harvey Peck »4.00; »15.00; Chris V. Tolman »15.00; sey» »1.15; Wyatts Grocery »16.32; Baird »16.00; Donald Young »15.00; Harry G. Hayes »114.00; W. M. Edith Hurd »15.00; Mrs. H. L. An­ Frank Deming »3.00; Haskells Gro­ Douglas Harris »15.00; W est Pub­ Clark »2.00. derson *20.00; Netta Hartman cery »68.09; Mt. Slates Power Co. lishing Co. »6.00; ft. F. Bailey Kugpne, Springfield 1 CARE OF POOR: Mrs. J. C. Ken- »20.00; Janies B. Hheasley »20.00; »18.75; Mado-Iand Creamery 20c; »10.00; C. C. Pollock »60.00; M. E. + T he battle of the g ard en er is on — with th e bugs and w orm s and weeds. --------------- s,--------------- T em per is usually displayed m ost w hen it is lost. Nt^VLIN BUST T e IT IS NO LONGERA LIG H TB I LL IT WAS IN 1890 f >BRUC WHEN WE COME TO RESTOCK 1 had occasion recently to visit an Ohio city of th irty th o u san d people. Its industries are ru n n in g only half tim e, an d everybody is hard up, but cheerful. F u n d s have been raised to tak e ca re of th o se who m ust h ave financial help. And on the second floor of the city hall 1 saw an exhibit th at gave m e so m eth in g to th in k about. T he w om en of th a t city have ran sack ed its hom es, from cellar to attic. L iterally ' T hey have requisitioned every old su it, ov er-coat, dress, hat and pair of shoes. Not a single g arm e n t h as escaped them . T he second floor of th e city hall looks like the basem ent of a d ep a rtm en t store, and th e piles ol goods a re m elting aw ay very fast. T he closets of th e com ­ m u n ity a re bare. Y esterday my wife received a note from o u r d a u g h te r w ho is in a g irls’ school in New E ngland, say in g : “ Send up all th e old clothes you have. We are g a th e rin g them for the people in th is neighborhood who need th em .” 1 said: “T h a t’s a fine spirit for the y o u n g sters to have. You m ust send up a good big bundle rig h t aw ay .” "B u t I c a n ’t,” she protested. “ Why n o t? ” “ 1 have already sent out every single scrap of used clo th ­ ing we had in the house. As for shoes, you'll find when you look in y o ur closet th at you will have to buy some. I looked over your collection and took them all.” S peaking the o th er day to a group of b an k e rs about the m o to r industry, my friend R. 11. G ra n t of G eneral M otors pointed out th a t few er autom obiles were sold in 1931 th a n w ent to th e scrap heap, and th a t every m onth of subnorm al production is m erely piling higher th e total fu tu re dem and. A leader of the tire industry told me th eir surveys indi­ c a te th a t th ere are m ore badly worn tires on ca rs today than ev er before. T he railroads are having to use m uch equipm ent th a t o u g h t to be junked, o r extensively repaired. All this m eans a type of “co n su m p tio n ” which is very different from that of the years 1924-1929. In th a t period we th o u g h t of a ’co n su m er” as one who used an article u n ­ til it was a little shabby and then trad ed it in. T he d ictionary definition of “consum er" is “one who . . . d estroys, one who uses up an artic le .” We a re destroying th in g s now, using them up com plete­ ly. T h ere certain ly is going to be a w hale of a lot of business in this co u n try som e day— W hen w e co m e to r e s to c k ! Moon tala States Power Company JÍÍ ? Lane County Court down th e n e w 1 9 3 2 E sta te G a s R a n g e s McMorran & Washburne NORTHWEST CITIES GAS Co.